Sunday 3 November 2013


After a long time, they both have slept peacefully, free from the burdens they carried. Finally, happiness had filled their worlds, moreover their hearts. For past month, they were husband and wife, but not more than the complete strangers that lived in the same house, shared the same room, same bed, but has nothing to do with each other. Finally their hardships that they had gone through had ripen up the fruits and they were together. After all the misunderstandings they were with each other. Their love had bloomed like a flower in a very hopeless place. At a place, where there was no ray of lights to lighten up their worlds. Today, both of them had proved that love could conquer the world and for each other they were they worlds.
"The hatred pulled them apart and love always brought them together."
The question was what the future hold for both them and the answer was they both were meant to be together. And what will future would bring for them was the question again, but whatever would be written in their destiny's they would face it together as long as their fate be with them. And the fate would always be together as long as they would be together. 
2nd phase!!!
In the morning, Khushi woke up when the first rays of sun made their ways into the room. First of all, she thought whatever happened last night was just a dream, but when she saw Arnav on her side she immediately knew it indeed was a beautiful dream. 
Her cheeks immediately got red and warmed at the thought about the last night encounter. Butterflies fluttered their wings in her stomach and heart beat went wild. 
She turned to her side to look at him. "Greek god!" the same words came into her mind when she saw Arnav at his office for the first time. His strands of the hair danced as the air passed through them, and a calmness had spread on his face. For the first time she had seen him sleeping with serenity. Then her eyes moved to his lips that had curved into a very small smile but she wasn't sure whether it was her imagination or it was really there. Anyways, he looked breathtaking gorgeous and his calm, serene face made Khushi lost in him. She could stare at him for ages and never get tired of it. Her hands slowly went through his black, soft hair, lightly ruffling it and then she really saw a smile on his face as he knew it was his wife's touch. 
He was still in deep sleep to make whether it was for real. It was soft, delicate touch that only soothe his mind. 
"Good Morning!" he wished in a sleepy state and Khushi's own lips curled into a bright grin "Good Morning," she replied shyly and that's when he opened his eyes and saw her flushed face. The first person he always wanted to see in front of his eyes when he woke up was her and he was used it.
Arnav raised his arm to pull her towards himself and Khushi without wasting any time snuggled close to him. 
"How are you and my baby?"
"I am really good and babies dad should ask him, how he is?"
Arnav smiled and went to kiss her tummy. 
"Good Morning, baby!"
"What how do I know he has heard me?" he asked confused.
"You try to listen him, when I wished good morning he wished me back!"
Khushi couldn't help, but giggle at his innocence. 
"So mom, and the baby has already teamed up?" he asked.
"Kind off yes!"
"That's awesome!" he replied with sadness, but shortly laughed out and Khushi joined him.
"Don't you have to go to the gym today?"
"Nah, I will spend time with my family," he replied as he hugged her. 
"Common don't be lazy, and get's already 6:00 AM! Dhruv guys must be waiting!"
"They could wait!" he had just said that when NK shouted from outside.
"Nanav bhai, aren't you coming to the gym today, we are waiting!"
Arnav covered his ears with the pillow, to muffle his calls. 
"Bhai, should I come inside?"
That's when both of their eyes widened. And they looked at each other's state and the room, their clothes were every where on the floor and they hadn't their clothes on.
"No!" Was his instant reply.
"I mean I am coming. I will join you guys in 2 minutes."
"Alright!" he answered back. 
NK left and they both sighed. "Now go!" Khushi said laughing. 
"I don't want to go!"
"I am not going anywhere just go and I will see you in half an hour at the breakfast table!"
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that you have an appointment with Dr. Sharma at 10:00 PM!"
"For what?" Khushi asked. 
"It's just normal check up, to see if everything is alright!" he replied. 
"Oh okay. I get ready, first you go!"
"Go then!" he said playfully.
"No, you go first!"
"Why is anything wrong?"
"No, just go!"
"Well I have decided that I won't go to the gym as I am not interested!"
"Please, Arnav ji!"
"Give me a kiss then I will see!"
"Are you sure?"
She leaned and kissed her cheek.
"What was that?" he asked.
"A kiss!"
"That's not what called a kiss!"
"Arnav ji, please!"
"Please, don't say please!" he said with a pain in his voice.
Khushi immediately got alarmed. "I am..."
"When you say please, I feel like make you beg!" he chuckled.
"Arnav ji!" She said in disbelief.
"You were kidding? How could you even do that?" she now said as tears came in her eyes.
"No, Khushi. I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!"
"Go, I am not gonna talk to you!" She said as she turned her face away from him.
"I am sorry, Khushi I was just kidding," he said as he tried to turn her face towards himself but she resisted. 
He then himself carefully moved to her side available space he didn't say anything, but just kissed her. 
"I am sorry!" he said before kissing him.
Her anger immediately melted away. 
"Please, don't be sorry!" she replied in between the heated kiss. 
He smiled.
"Okay, you get ready and I will see you soon!"
Khushi nodded in response. 
"Khushi are you ready?" Arnav asked as he came inside the room as he was busy typing something on his phone. 
"Almost!" she replied.
When he looked at her standing in front of himself dressed in peach coloured net sari, her beauty took his every breath away. She had just came out of the shower, the sweet smell of her body shower hit his olfactory senses that only pulled him towards her. 
He tossed the phone on the bed, and walked towards her. He took bindi from her and stuck it on her forehead as he looked deep down in her chocolaty brown eyes and then he took the vermillion and applied that. 
"Now you are completely ready!" he said and that rewarded a smile from her side. "You look beautiful as always!"
"Just for you!" she answered back.
He was going to kiss her again when NK came in.
"Oh, opps sorry!" he said as he immediately covered his eyes and faced away from them.
"What the can't you knock on the door?"
"Can't you just close the door before romancing?"
Khushi's cheeks immediately turned crimson red at his statement.
"Come downstairs breakfast is ready!" he said and walked out of the room. "but you could finish whatever you were doing?" he said impishly as he again showed up at the door and before Arnav throw something at him he ran away from there. 
"I don't know when he would grow up!" Arnav complained.
"It's okay Arnav ji, he was just kidding!"
"Arnav ji, do you think we should tell the family about...?" she said but didn't finish her sentence.
"About what?" he asked.
"Our child!" she said shyly.
Arnav felt a pang of pain with the shyness she replied. Although he was happy that Khushi had forgiven him for what he did, but it was the truth doesn't matter how much she try to convince him that whatever he did was just not in his senses, however, it was the guilt that he had to live for all his life, until his death and there was no way out of it. Because it was like a disease that had no cure. It was just her big heart that she had forgiven him, but deep down he knew he was wrong and no body could ever change the fact. And he could only possibly do was give her every happiness she had lost because of him and the one she deserved. 
"What happen Arnav ji?" she asked when he didn't respond.
"Nothing, yeah sure it's the right time. First let's go for the check up and see everything is fine and will tell. Is that okay with you?"
"Perfect!" she replied.
After a breakfast both of them left for the check up. Arnav was nervous, he was worried about Khushi and the baby. He just wished that both of them are good. He himself is a diabetic patient and in any ways he just didn't want himself we the cause of the problems for his child and Khushi. 
Whereas on the other hand, Khushi was happy, much more relaxed as she knew everything will turned out to he good. It had to be good, she believed. 
It was only 9:30 and they have arrived at the hospital half an hour early as they both waited patiently in Dr. Sharma's room.
That half an hour was the longest half an hour Arnav, it was like he had come  for an interview. He was sweating in nervousness. 
"Arnav ji are you okay?" Khushi asked as she saw him wiping his sweat with his handkerchief.
"Are you hot?" she further asked as she kept the magazine on the table.
"Yeah, it's pretty hot today!"
"Here have some water!" Khushi said as she handed him the water bottle.
"Thanks!" he replied.
"Are you okay?" he asked. 
"Yeah, I am fine!"
But Khushi knew that he wasn't okay, since she had asked him to tell about her pregnancy he was little off, he didn't talk much in the car and now.
"Didn't he want to tell the family?" she guessed. "Arnav ji are you nervous?"
"Nervous? No, why would I?"
"I don't know. You tell me! Are you nervous to tell about the pregnancy to the family?" She didn't want to ask but she couldn't stop herself otherwise, she knew the question would keep on bugging her.
Arnav's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief "Not at all Khushi. How did this thought even come into your mind?"
"No, I just asked. you seemed to be little worried since I asked you to tell the family."
"No, Khushi. I am sorry I didn't have any attentions to make you feel like that way," Khushi hated herself for asking the question. But they were close enough that if one had concerns they were free to ask.
 "Khushi, I am not at all nervous to tell the family. You are my proud and this child is my breath! Actually I was just worried about you and the child. You know check up and all that!"
"Oh, common Arnav Ji, everything will be fine! I am fine and our baby is fine too!" she told him with a smile but give herself a mental slap for even asking that stupid question to him.
Arnav nodded.
Exactly at 10:00 AM Dr. Sharma entered in her clinic.
"Good Morning, Mr. Raizada. Good Morning Khushi!" 
"Good morning," they both replied in unison.
"I hope you guys didn't have to wait for long."
"No, not at all in fact we both came early," Arnav replied. 
"Oh, okay. Now you tell me soon going to be a mother how are you feeling?" Dr. Sharma asked.
"I am great!" Khushi replied cheerfully.
"That's awesome to know."
"Well, I must congratulate you both guys that you guys are going to be parents soon!"
"Thank you!" they both said in chorus with little blush on their faces.
"Okay, basically I just called you guys in for some questions that we basically ask all the parents. And to discuss the reports on the blood test an during test we did on her last week and few other important tests that are left to done. Khushi, you are roughly 3 week pregnant you don't really need routine check until for next 3 month. But if you have any concerns you are always welcome to come. Let's start with your family history. Khushi from your side does anybody have any kind off health issues, that I don't know or I should know!"
"No, nothing that I know off!" she replied.
"Mr. Raizada I know you are a diabetic patient. I am your family doctor so I know none of your family members have any problem and rest I had asked Dr. Chopra and he gave me the rest information that I needed to know. And I know you are concerned about that you being diabetic patient, would affect your child in anyways, so let me clear that the good news is, it won't, for all those years you have kept yourself fit and it would be of no worries. And that's the sole reason that you guys had conceived without any troubles. Otherwise, I know off patients that try like for years and years."
Arnav knew that how relieved he was. Finally he could breath properly. This is what was bothering for all this time he felt as tonnes of weight had lifted off his shoulder. He swallowed the lump that had previously formed in his throat. He was at the ninth cloud when Dr. Sharma told him that nothing to be worried about.  He felt like getting up and scream in happiness, but he maintained his posture and Khushi felt his happiness. His expressions told that he was relieved. She now knew why he was nervous at first place. 
"Thank you so much, Dr. Sharma!" he mumbled. 
"Not a problem! And Ayesha!" Dr. Sharma called her nurse in. "Khushi if you could go with Ayesha she will get you ready for tests."
"Yes, sure!" Khushi said. "I will be back soon," then she told Arnav. Arnav nodded in reply.
When Khushi leaves, Arnav spoke. "Dr. Sharma is Khushi fine? There is nothing to worry about right?"
"No, nothing to worry about. I am her doctor for quite long and I know about her health but it's always good to just to take all the doubts and it follows those check ups that are important. Even if there is a problem we could treat them at the early stage. But there could be a problem for you!"
"Yeah!" Dr. Sharma replied laughing. "It will be quite normal for moods to swing. She is pregnant and her hormones would take toll on her, she would be happy, then other moment she would feel like crying. She would crave for the foods that she might have hated before, at anytime of the days. Moreover, don't panic if she feel nauseous, dizzy as I said they are normal signs. But if it concerns you guys, you could always come here and clear your doubts.
"It would never be a problem!" Arnav replied. "I would always be on her side whenever she would need me!" he said to himself.
It nearly took about another hour for the checks and Arnav meanwhile, cleared all the doubts he had.
"Dr. Sharma how is Aryan doing?"
"Mr. Raizada as I told you he is still in coma. His major body organs has been transplanted and we are still looking for kidneys, and liver let's see if we can get them!"
"Please, Dr. Sharma make the appeal and do whatever it takes to get him well as soon as possible."
"Yes, Mr. Raizada we are doing our best and hopefully when we will get the rest of the organs his body will start responding. We hope that he would recover soon!"
@ Raizada Mansion
"Hey," everyone said as they saw both Arnav and Khushi coming.
"Chote, you guys back. How was the check up?" Nani asked as she saw Arnav and Khushi coming. 
"Here have a seat!" NK and Dhruv said as they sat down on the floor next to Arnav and Khushi. 
"It was good!" he replied.
They both had told that they were going for the check up and family assumed that it was of Arnav's.
"Yes," she said.
"Uh I...I mean me and Khushi have to tell you guys something!" he stuttered. And on the other Khushi held his hand in nervousness.
"Yeah, what Arnav bitwa? Is everything alright?" Mama ji spoke.
"Bhai what's the matter?" Akaash asked. "Was the check up okay?" Dhruv asked worried. 
"No, it's nothing like that. Actually we didn't go for my check up, but Khushi's!"
"What...what happen to Khushi?" Payal asked as she walked towards her and sat beside her. "Khushi are you fine?" 
Khushi was just too shy to say anything but nod.
"Bhai tell what happen to bhabi?" NK spoke. 
"Guys calm down nothing has happened to her," finally Arnav said. "Then check up for what?" Mami Ji asked.
"Uh...Khushi is?"
"Khushi what?" Mami ji further asked.
All of them were too worried to even guess what might has happened to her.
"Uh...Khushi is pregnant!" he finally let out. 
"Oh okay!" everyone said together so casually and sat in their seats, but later they realized what he has said they all jumped in their seats.
"What what what?" NK said as he sat in front of Khushi down on the floor.
"Khushi bhabi are you pregnant?" he asked.
Khushi nodded.
"Really? You mean our Nanav bhai going to be a father! Wow!!!" NK said excitedly.
Then he stood up and picked Khushi in his arms and swirled her around. Khushi covered her face as she felt extremely shy. Arnav couldn't help but laugh. 
"NK put her down!" Payal said as she playfully hit his shoulder. 
"Congratulations bhabi!" he said as he put her down. 
"Congrats bhai!" Dhruv said and hugged him so did Akaash, Mama ji!"
"Congratulation Khushi bitiya!" Nani said as she came close to her and hugged her. Her eyes had watered. 
"After so long there is a happiness in this house. Thank you so much Khushi bitiya!" Nani said as she pulled away from the hug and Khushi touched her feet.
"No, bitiya now you are not suppose to bend!"
"Yes, Khushi bitiya!" Mami ji came forward and she hugged her. "Thank you for such a good news!"
Today, Khushi knew that how lucky she was to have such a beautiful family. 
A family where she had loving Nani, who consider her as her own grand daughter. For mama, mami ji, more than a daughter-in-law she was their own daughter. For her bhabi, Payal she was more than her sister, Lavanya. Even though she knew that she had taken her sister's place. For Dhruv and NK she was like their mother and Akaash was like her older brother. And two little kids, the heart of the house, loved her more than their mother.  More than that she had gotten a beautiful life partner that loved her most in the world. 
She was proud to have such a beautiful family.
"Thank you Arnav Ji!" she said as she looked at him and he too looked at her and smiled at her as he had read her thought.

My writing corner: 

1 comment:

  1. loved the update. the essence of this ff and also the serial can be termed as follows
    "The hatred pulled them apart and love always brought them together."
