Monday 16 February 2015

It has been chapter 10

                             ~~~Conclusion of their fates!~~~

"Nani, we should plan a little welcome party for bhabi and for our little baby girl. We could surprise bhabi by calling her family and friends!" Khushi suggested.

Arnav was glad that she was busying herself, even she was pretending. This way she would think about something else, and gradually will be used to it.

"Hope I can be of some help!" he said chiming in and looking at both of them as he turned his neck backwards.

"Yes, chote, stay away from all this!" Nani said. "That would be helpful, lately you have only been messing up with everything!"

Khushi felt Nani's words knifing her heart, she looked down to hide the pain that was evident in her eyes.

"Don't you think, Nani, you guys are overreacting?" he finally said.

"You deserve it!"

"Never knew, Nani!" he said. He was going to say more when he looked down at Khushi through the side rear view mirror. Instantly he knew she was trying to hide her emotions. Was she feeling bad for him? he thought.

He knew she cared for him, but wasn't showing, and divorce? On what basis? He had to work hard to know if she really wanted it.

"Nani, I don't think I have to prove myself," he said. "If you think I deserve your indifferences, then let it be. But don't hate this much that one day you all will regret!"

Khushi's eyelids fluttered up at the speed of light up to him, "what did he mean by that?" her mind forced her to ask him. But she didn't.

"Are you trying to blackmail us?" Nani said.

"No, Nani. As I said I don't need to state or prove myself. You can try to hate me with all your heart content, but you won't be able to that I know."

Khushi's heart beat wasn't ready to settle down at his said words. What exactly he meant? she thought. Certain fears arouse in her mind. She kept her gaze fixed at him. He was not looking at her now but straight ahead.

She didn't see before, but she guessed he was sick. He wasn't drunk in the afternoon as she had excused him, he was at the hospital just when they reached there. How he was so spontaneous? She thought. For whole day he was away. Because he knew his family wanted him to not to ruin their Diwali. Even in the morning she had made herself clear.

She felt her heart in her chest shrinking in size in fear. She felt awful for behaving badly with him lately. He hadn't ever crossed his limits when he was used to angry with her? He never said such hurtful things except he won't accept her as his wife. Yes, that's what hurt her.

Her worries didn't divert her thoughts much, but his statement bothered her to the point where all she could feel inside her soul was fear.

Driver stopped the car in the driveway, so that three of them can get off before he can go to park the car in a garage.

Arnav didn't wait for both of them and went inside. Khushi couldn't tell if he was hurt, angry, or what?!

How would she figure out when she has distanced herself away from him? And why did she care? She had taken a decision of a divorce from him after many thoughts, family was with her, and this point she didn't want herself to fall weak.

She just prayed he was fine.

"This is what I don't like in him, instead of amending his mistakes he shows his attitude!" Nani said. Khushi didn't say anything. She had nothing to say regarding him.

She had not afford to take more tension. Lately, she has gone through enough, with time her wounds would fade away, or the least she will be able to live with it. She just had learnt to respect herself enough that she won't let anyone come and hurt her, not anymore.

Arnav shut the door of his room and walked to the bed. He sat on it, and covered his face in exasperation. His mind was filled with anxiety now, he wanted to go away from the pain. But that was out of his reach.

He took his medicine box and took three antidepressant tablets all in once, when he knew one wasn't working at all. Even though his doctor strongly forbid him to do so.

Sensations in his body was killing him, slowly and gradually. He was sweating. He turned the AC on and to the minimum temperature possible.

He stood up the bed and walked back and forth. He later removed his shirt off as the cooling of the AC wasn't helpful.

He punched his hand in the wall, to let out the anger out of his mind. When that didn't help, he went to the washroom and stood under the shower and turned the knob to the ice cold water.

He felt nothing, even though water was freezing. And then when his antidepressants started working, he gained his senses back, nervous system kicked in, he felt the cold water on his skin freezing his skin. He immediately turned it off; his lungs begged for oxygen. He fell on his knees as he took sharp intake of breaths.

He was huffing and puffing, breathing didn't come easy to him at all. He clenched his hair, it was like he had run a marathon.

As slowly, his lungs were filled with oxygen, his brain was getting enough of it, he started calming down. He stood back up, with the help of the wall and the shower door, he wiped himself with the towel. Dug his face in the towel, until he was normal himself.

He just wanted to go out and fall on the bed. He had just left the washroom when he saw Khushi standing, her face towards the poolside. It seemed she was waiting for him, he was so happy to see her, but he just wished she hadn't any clue he was struggling inside.

He had to send her out, against his all wishes, before his body had given any hint that he was ill.

"What are you doing here?" he asked surprised as normally he could manage to. And busied himself. He dug in his wardrobe for his track pants and a shirt. He realized he had the AC on, he went on and turned it off for Khushi.

She hadn't answered him. And he was afraid to ask more, he was unsure if his voice can be on his side.

"Just came to say that we are leaving back to the hospital!" she said.

Arnav looked at her. She still had her arms crossed against her chest, she was looking outside, somewhere straight in a distance.

"Should have sent HP, for this. You didn't have to bother yourself. Anyways, thank you!"

"Aren't you happy? Your elder brother has just become a father?" she asked angry, looking at him now. But he was immediately looking away.

"You guys decide first what you want me to do," he said, again he pretended he was busy.

"I was just there and you guys told me to not to ruin your mood. I wonder why you want to spoil your happy moments now?"

"Nani, was right!" she said. "You just know to hurt people!"

He took a deep breath, as his sensations inside him had once again started. Then he turned, with a smirk on his face. He went to her. Knowing he would feel lot better if she was close to him.

Khushi stood firm in her place. "Why don't you admit you need me?"

She laughed softly, "I wish I could tell you were right! You will be the last person whom I would want now!"

"At least, you will!" he said and was leaning to kiss her on her cheeks. Before she could step back, he had trapped her in his arms. And kissed her. He closely perceived her. He wasn't sure if she realized it or he did notice it, she was...he doesn't know what? She was okay with it.

He had hurt her enough, hadn't he? He wanted to move back and he slowly did. Then his heart was enclosed in a tight box, as he saw she had closed her eyes. When she no longer feel his touch, except his hands on her waist, like a flower bloom her eyes slowly opened.

His hands were slipping away, but then he was holding it for a while, she still wasn't looking into his eyes, but at his chest.

Whatever emotions she held, she didn't show. Too bad, he was unable to read them either.

"You do not own me," she said as she looked at him than the other moment she was looking down again.
"Stay away from me, as I said sign the divorce papers, and free me of this relationship!"

He slipped his hand away from her waist completely, and stepped back. He angrily walked to the cupboard and took out the divorce papers.

"Was he going to sign them?" she thought.

"You want divorce?" he said.

"You can't keep me bound in this unwanted relationship!" she said. "And yes!"

"Guess what?! I am not going to do anything such, keep these papers with yourself but I am not going to sign them! Listen, Khushi, I don't want this!"

"But I want it!" her voice was calm.

"Would you able to live without me?" he asked.

"Who do you think you are and I won't be able to live without you?" she asked.

"Khushi, try all forces in the world, I won't give you divorce!"

"Even I see how you won't!" she said and was about to leave. When he swirled her around, and twisted her arm, they both were looking into each other's eyes. Pain and anger both danced in their eyes.

"Why you are you doing this, Khushi?" he asked, pain in his voice so evident.

"You must forget the pain you have given me in the past one year, but I feel numb," she said, tears had formed in her eyes. That she could no longer hold back.

"Khushi, it is never too late! We can start fresh!"

"I do not want too. Even yesterday, you were doing what you wanted, today too you are doing what you want. Why do you think it is always about you, Mr. Raizada. Yesterday, you didn't want me, today, you want me. It just depends on your mood. But if third person came in between us, you will leave me?"

"Khushi, test me any times, I promise I won't."

"Arnav ji, I have stopped trusting. You were right you don't have to prove me anything!"

"Then why don't you understand that I need you, Khushi?" he finally said.

"You need me, since when? Since, you realized Lavanya is gone from your life? And it's only me now?"

He wondered what was wrong with her and the whole family, this much hatred his whole family had in stored in themselves for him?

What crime he had done that he was said anything that was coming in their mind? He realized he had really hurt all of them, and yes to bits he deserved it.

He thought Khushi was right, he just wanted people by his side, forcing them to be with him.

"I need sometime!" he said. "If you want to be free from me!" His mind was numb.

He repeated the words he thought he had said in his dream.

"Khushi, if possible, do forgive me. Choose the person wisely this time. Although, I am grateful that you did for your friend, but don't do it. If one day you will be leaving the person once again to die! Promise me you will put yourself first."

She was quite, her mind wasn't processing. He went to take the pen and then took papers from her hand.

And he signed the papers.

"I promised myself, that I will not stop until I succeed, I guess you are right, I can't force you to stay with me when you really don't want to. I am ashamed that I couldn't give you anything, but pain. Now all I can give you is your freedom! Possibly my family."

He signed all the papers and give it to her.

"Khushi, go!" he said. "More you will be in front of me, more I will realize how..." Words didn't come out of his mouth.

He kept himself composed, begged his body to stay upright.

"I am sorry, that I can't give you an another chance," she said.

"It's okay, Khushi," he muttered. "You don't have to be sorry, I am happy you decided to move on, that's what I wanted, it's okay if it is not with me!"

"Khushi, bitiya, we are getting late!" Nani called from downstairs.

"Coming Nani!" she said in a broken voice as she ran out.

As she went, his heart felt the worst pain and he fell on his knees.

"Khushi, I didn't want to leave you, I was not doing anything out of guilt. I really wanted to start fresh with you, I ..." he said, but stopped thinking that it would mean nothing now and he too had taken his decisions.


By the time you will read this note, I will be gone away from you, from my family. I hope this way, I can keep you all happy.

I won't say anything much, but just take care of my family, sorry, your family. And of yourself.

I do not know if we ever be able to meet ever in life now. I will regret it. I guess, things were just meant to happen like this.

Khushi, stay happy. I am sure your family will accept you now.

I only wish good for you, Khushi.

Goodbye :)


Letter from Khushi's hand fell from her hand, and with it she fell on the floor.

He was gone for forever.

It's not the end, its a beginning...A full picture yet to come!

Follow up the next part of this series here >> SERIES 2 Hopefully I will have encouragement to start the new thread! 

It has been chapter 9

Chapter 9

At around 2:00 PM, he woke up, his body was burning with fever. He moaned, tried to get up, but only to fall back on the bed, his throat was dry. Looked like still nobody was at home.

When he knew his health was not something he can he was okay with, he called his doctor and asked him to come home for his checkup.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Raizada!" Doctor said.

Other than muttering, "Hello!" to him he couldn't say anything else.

"Mr. Raizada, what's wrong?" Doctor asked. As he saw his eyes were shutting.

He shook his head, "I don't know!" he said.

"Let me check!" Doctor said. "Please, Mr. Raizada, lay down."

Doctor helped him. "Mr. Raizada, your burning with fever."

"I checked my sugar in the morning, I think it's low!"

"I am afraid, Mr. Raizada!" Doctor said as he tugged thermometer under his tongue. And took his blood sample.

"Mr. Raizada, I think you have not eaten anything. Where is your family? I don't see them!"

"They had gone out for a while!" he said. "They just left!" he lied.

"Mr. Raizada, you have a high fever and blood pressure is too low. You were right the sugar levels are low as well."

Doctor had to hurriedly inject glucose inside his body. "How long you have not eaten anything?"

"I drank coffee in the morning and a fever tablet."

"Mr. Raizada, without eating anything?"

"I..." he was unable to speak. Instead he shook his head.

"If in few hours it didn't go well you need to admit yourself in the hospital. Also, the concern is you have left alcohol all of sudden. You are running the risk of getting heart attack and the diabetes. If you really want to leave do it slowly!"

"It won't be needed," he said.
"I have warned you, Mr. Raizada. Rest I think fever, is because of the low sugar and blood pressure. It will be okay with the glucose dose I have given you. Please eat on time!"

"Thank you doctor for coming. And please don't tell this to anyone in the family. They will all be worried."

"Mr. Raizada, you need someone to take care of you!"

"I am fine!" he told him.

"As you say, here are the medicines!"

"Thank you, doctor!"

"Take care, Mr. Raizada!"

"Where are you taking this food?" Anjali said as they finally were home.

"To Arnav bhaiya's room, didi."

"Keep it back, if he needs it, he can take on his own!"

"But, Didi he has not eaten anything properly since morning!" HP was going to say, when Mami too asked him to listen to what Anjali said.

HP didn't protest and went to keep the food back in the kitchen.

"Khushi, bitiya. Just go and freshen up, your mama ji, and Akaash bhaiya will be coming home soon. It's dinner time!"

Khushi nodded and left.
Arnav was happy to see Khushi home, he was waiting for her since morning. He thanked god, his health was little better then before.

"Khushi, you home. Where you guys were? I had been waiting for you!"

"Here, sign these!" she said as she threw papers on the bed.

Arnav's face colour went pale, his feet went cold. His fears came true when he saw they were divorce papers.

"Khushi, please don't do this!" he said, as his heart beat in his throat.

"I have signed the papers, Arnav ji! You can sign them too!"

Arnav clumsily walked to her. Khushi thought he was drunk.

"Khushi, why are you doing this? Why don't you just give me one chance?"

Khushi pushed his hand away that held her arm. "I don't want to!" she said. "I can't take the burden of the marriage anymore! And are you drunk?"

"What no?" he said.

"Don't lie, from your eyes, I can tell!"

Arnav knew due to the sickness he might look he was drunk.

"Khushi, you said you love me!"

"I did. But not now, now I simply hate you. Next time don't even dare to touch me!" she said.

Arnav held her once again by her arm and pulled her towards himself, "really, Khushi? I think you gave me that right long time ago as me being your husband!" he said.

"That was just my mistake!" she said. She freed her hand and tossed the divorce papers in his hands. Arnav watched her go and then the papers in his hands.

He had made his mind up, he wasn't going to give divorce. He would not stop trying until his last breath or until she accepted him.

He went after Khushi. As she sat in the chair, in the dinning room, he said, "What has happened to all of you? Khushi, you are my wife, never I wanted to end this relationship. Never I said I do not want in my life!"

Khushi got up her chair, "but you did said you will not be able to give the place of a wife! And look at you, you look drunk. You even promised me that you will not drink!"

"Shame on you!" Anjali said in disgust.

"Can't believe even after drinking he is denying, look at yourself in the mirror!"

Arnav simply ignored them, HP wanted to jump in, but he knew he wasn't the right person to tell them they are misunderstanding him. Being a servant he thought he will be able to have that courage to tell them Arnav was sick.

"Khushi, there is a difference between saying and doing!"

"Arnav, for the past one year you have made her and our life hell, at least now please give us the sigh of relief!" Akaash said. "If you can allow us to eat!" he added.

"Khushi, you tell me what do you want?" Arnav once again ignored what others were saying.

"I told you, Arnav ji, that I want to be free from this marriage. You sign the papers all I want!"

Arnav stood numb, that's what she wanted was clearly written on her face.

"No chance to mend this relationship?" he asked.

"It never existed!" she said.

He fell on the bed with divorce papers in his hands. Tears rivered down his cheeks. He blankly stared at the ceiling.

How would he mend this broken relationships, when nobody was giving him one chance.

He cursed himself for being so foolish. He felt pain in his chest. His eyes stung, with his tears and fever. He laid back on the bed. Physically he was broken, emotionally, he was totally wrecked. He had just closed his eyes when Khushi came back after dinner. He opened his eyes and sat up.

"Khushi, shall we talk?!" he said.

Khushi didn't bother to listen him. She took all her clothes out of the cupboard and put in the briefcase.

"Khushi, where are you going? Please, Khushi, don't leave!"

"I cannot stay in this room of yours!"

Arnav was relieved that she wasn't leaving the house.

"Khushi, why are you so stubborn? Look you don't have to leave. You can stay in this room too, this is your house, I will move out to one of the guest rooms!"

Khushi stopped taking her clothes out. Arnav was thankful that at least she listened to him.

He put her clothes back and instead took his own out. Started putting them in the briefcase.

"Give me some time. Let me move my stuff out!" he said. He had a hope that she will stop him, but in the end all his hopes came out shattering. When in the next three hours he had moved his stuff to the guest room ignoring his health with the help of HP.

HP tried god best to put more effort so that he could help Arnav.

Arnav came back to say good night to her, Khushi gave him back the saree that he had brought for her tonight's anniversary party.

"I don't want to keep anything that is related to you!" she said and turned her back on him.

"This saree I had given to you. So you shall keep the right to do whatever you want to do with it, keep it, throw it, burn it, it is all your choice!"

"You are so shameless," she said angrily. "Just remember that your these sweet talks not going to change the fact that I hate you! And I would prefer it to throw it!" she said as she threw the box out the window.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"To the least you think something of me," he said. "and I am happy you did something of the gift that I gave you," he said with a smile on his face but his heart ached. "Also, I will try until I will be able to change this hatred of yours once again into love!"

He could tell Khushi wasn't at all interested in listening him.

"Good night, Khushi!" he said and leant in kiss her cheek softly. Khushi's eyes widened in shock but then she closed it as she felt his warm cheeks and his lips on her soft skin. She just stood and let him kiss her. "If you need anything from me, tell me!" he said as he looked at her lovingly, and left even though he didn't want to.

Arnav just wanted to fell on the bed, but HP came.

"HP, is there anything that has left to give?" he asked.

"Bhaiya, you haven't eaten anything since morning. And I know you are not feeling well, please eat something!"

"Just keep this in mind, if you think by doing this I will increase your pay it won't happen!" he said but shortly laughed.

"Bhaiya, I won't mind if you don't give me the salary, but please eat something! I know you have to still eat your medicine!"

"Why are you doing this?" he asked.

"Because I know you are not bad at heart, bhaiya. When I needed something you were always there to help me. Other than giving you, your food, I can't do anything. Please, bhaiya, eat it and your medicine!"

"Don't worry, HP. Keep it and I will eat it later!"

"Bhaiya, I have to take these plates back!"

"Okay, mere bhai. First sir down and tell me, have you ever broken anybody's heart like me?" he said as he sat down on the chair to eat. HP quickly put the table in front of him so that he could eat properly.

"No, bhaiya. You cannot hurt anyone. Not intentionally!"

"Look, I am warning you, don't dare to tell me things thinking I will feel good!"

"Bhaiya, I won't say anything like that. But just think have your heart Khushi bhabi, intentionally? You will get every answer!"

Arnav was in deep thoughts, didn't know if he ever did so. "Alright, just go and get my medicine. And remember you don't have to tell anyone that I had called doctor in!"

"Bhaiya, please take care of yourself!"

"By the way, you can really make up good things!"

HP was smiling.

"Here, thank you for the food!" Arnav said and passed the empty plate to HP.

"Good night, bhaiya!"

Arnav was done setting his room, as he had nothing else to do, and sleep wasn't on his mind, he stood by the pool side of the guest room. Divorce papers were in his hands, every time he looked at them, it gave him heartaches. The worst pain he could ever imagine. The same pain he was given when Lavanya left him. The same pain when he saw Khushi in the worst condition ever.

He felt someone patting his shoulder.
"Lavanya!" he said as he looked around in shock. "You back!" he said happily.
Lavanya was quite, but she took divorce papers from his hands. "Do you really think these divorce papers can end the marriage?" she asked as she stood beside him.
"It doesn't end the relations, but marriage, yes!"
"Why don't you just rip these papers?" she said. "Are you really thinking of giving her divorce?"
"Not even in my dreams..." he wished he could say so. "No!" he said instead.
"Why this stupid crap of papers are in your hands then?" she asked.
"You know what, Lavanya?! I am struggling. I don't want to end this relationship, I know if I lost Khushi, I will have no one after her. And if this ended it means I am finished."
"You really want this easy way out of this problem?"
"No, I know Khushi is worth it. And not easy to get. When she needs me the most, with the need to give her respect, her every right, I can't back out."
"You know that this was the reason I loved you the most, Arnav! But lost you because of the silly mistake. I know you will win her back! Why don't you do me a favour? Go and sleep! The only reason I had to come back was to tell you don't punish yourself like this. Neither me, nor Khushi can see you in this condition. Although, she says she hates you. Doesn't matter how much she tries to hide it!"
"I feel alone!" he said, as with his words, his tears came out. There was a despair in he tone.
"No; you are not alone. I am always there with you. Your family, Khushi, is with you, they are hurt but they haven't outcast you."
"I wish I could feel that!" he said. He was sitting in the chair, thinking he was in la's lap.
"Arnav, sleep. You need it!" But then he thought of Khushi.
"La, I have to go to Khushi, she needs me!" he said raising his head up, but there was no Lavanya.
"Why he was imagining, Lavanya?" he thought.

He went to Khushi's room. As he was going to enter in the room, Anjali came as she too was going to her room to sleep.

"Where are you going?" she said without acknowledging him.
"To see my wife!"
Anjali was laughing as he had said a joke. "Atleast, let her sleep peacefully!" she said. "Why can't you just let her even do so? Why you have made your habit to hurt everyone who comes into your way? God knows, Lavanya would have died because of you!"

Arnav was looking at her in shock, as her last sentence knifed his heart into pieces.

Anjali all of sudden realized the harm that her words had done already.

"Cho...te, I didn't mean to say..." she stammered.

Arnav was walking backwards. He assured himself not to take her words to his heart. He didn't kill Lavanya.

"Chote, I didn't mean to say it. I am sorry, chote!" she covered her mouth.

She tried to move towards him and but he stopped her. Without any word, with his heart wounded, he was leaving.

Arnav closed and locked the door behind him as soon as he was in the room.

"Chote, please listen me, I am sorry, I didn't mean to say..." Anjali said.

"Di, I am fine...Just go!" he managed to say. Before he collapsed on the bed, as his body completely gave up on him.

In the morning, when HP came back with his morning coffee, he knocked on the door of Arnav's room. "Arnav, bhaiya!" After five minutes of knocking when Arnav didn't open the door, he knew he had to call the family. But then he stopped, when he heard the door open.

"HP, what's wrong?" he asked, he tried to sound fit.

"Bhaiya, I came to give you coffee! I was scared when you didn't opening the door!"

"Come here, stop worrying about every little thing, okay?! Now give me the coffee and do rest of your work. If I will need anything I will take it on my own!"

"Bhaiya; you look sick!"

"Haha...not drunk right?!" he joked.
"I am okay, yaar. Just go and get something to eat. I will eat my medicine and will be okay! And don't dare to tell anyone about this, I am warning you."

"I will try, bhaiya!"

"I will cut your salary," he said at his back and laughed.

As he was just going to turn back, he saw Khushi, he immediately turned. "Khushi, good morning! How are you feeling?"

"I am very well!" she said as she stopped. "Now please excuse me, I have to do preparations for Diwali."

He totally forgot today was Diwali, although he remembered until last night. "Happy Diwali, Khushi!"

"If you hadn't come in front of me, my Diwali would not have been ruined!" she remarked.

To the least, she was saying something to him, he thought. "I am sorry, to ruin your Diwali, Khushi. But hopefully, I won't ruin your rest of the day!"

"Hopefully, life too!" she muttered. He leant against the wall and smiled. He wondered if she was really mad, why she was even bothering herself to hear him.

"If you cannot be angry, why you pretend to?" he said.

"Would you be convinced if I throw something at you, to tell you that I am angry?"

He giggled, and forgot he was sick.
"Khushi, I forgot that today was Diwali, but I had bought a gift for you beforehand!!"

"Yes, give it to me, so that today, instead of throwing it, I burn it!"

His smile faded.

"Hmm...Why are you venting your anger on the gifts?"

"Because I wish just like your gifts, I could throw you or..." she controlled her tongue.

He smiled, "... burn me?" she completed her sentence. "In the condition you are stress and anger doesn't suits you. You know that you have just returned from the hospital! By the way, if you feel that could really end your anger towards me, try it any time!" he said.

Khushi was looking at him with a blank look on her face, and then she simply walked out of there.

Arnav was shaking his head. When she left, HP came with food so that Arnav could eat his medicine.

For whole day, Arnav made sure he indeed was out of the house. Later in the day when his health was detrimental he had to go to the hospital.

"Mr. Raizada, you did a mistake of coming so late!...Why isn't you family members here yet?"

"Doctor, I am telling you, my family members shouldn't know I was sick. I can deal with it, it's not a big deal, if you can't keep it secret, I can go somewhere else!"

"Mr. Raizada, I don't know why are you punishing yourself? You weren't just sick? You would have killed yourself, if you had not decided to get medical attention," Doctor said and he was on him, as he was ignoring his warnings.

"You tell me, you are a doctor, it's your job to treat me, what my family would do in this?"

"As you say, Mr. Raizada!" Doctor said as he finally gave up.

"Tell me when can I go home?"

"Mr. Raizada, for god sake, stop being stubborn. You are not leaving until you are feeling well!"

"What if I am saying I am perfectly fine? You doctors just want to make bills!" he said as he took out the cords out of his arms and hands that provided him glucose.

"Mr. Raizada, where are you going?"

"I am going home. Give me strong medicines, I know I will be fine!"

"Mr. Raizada, out of helplessness I have to call your family!"

"What the?" he growled.

"Mr. Raizada, you can call your family and tell them you are out of town, they won't know. This way you will be getting enough treatment. But please listen to me!"

Arnav didn't protest, well it was just 9:00 pm. And his family must have started celebrating Diwali.

He laid down. But then he heard Akaash's yelling and Payal's painful scream. He got up the bed. He saw them passing by his room. He saw his whole family was at the hospital. Seemed like Payal's baby was due. He was smiling, finally there would be some happiness at his home. He was happy that he was going to become a chacha.

He forgot he had to be resting, he rushed out of the room. Doctor tried to stop him but he didn't hear him.

"Khushi, mami ji, what happened?" Arnav asked.

The whole family was surprised to see him, and wondered how did he get here, but they didn't ask anything to him.

"Why do you worry?" Nani said instead. "Where were you whole day?"

"I was just trying to make everyone's Diwali perfect!" he said.

Khushi looked at him.

"Now, you could please tell me, what has happened?"

"Chote, Payal's water broke, and she felt contractions as we were celebrating Diwali," Anjali said as she was sorry for her said words.

"It's a good news," he said.
"I am sure it will be a girl!" he added. looking at Khushi. As he ever wishes he could give this happiness to Khushi, she loved kids. Khushi was afraid as why he was looking at her.

"Why do you think it will always happen in what you believe in?" she asked.

"Are you talking to me?" he asked.

"Yes, I am talking to you, why are you here? Why didn't you let us celebrate this little bundle of happiness without ruining our moods?!"

Anjali wanted to say something to soothe his pain as that they now were deliberately giving him. And her last night words did have done lot of harm.

Arnav kept looking at Khushi. "I am sorry, that I ruined your and your family's mood!" he said. "Happy Diwali to everyone. And also, congratulations for the baby girl, Akaash bhai. I know she must be like her mother and you!" he said as he was so assured that it will be a girl.

Everyone looked at him as he left from their, he wiped his tears, and put his shade on. So that nobody could see his broken state.

"Mr. Raizada, please rest!" Doctor said as he was finally in the room, but only to grab his wallet and phone.

"Doctor, my ill health's cure is not your tablets," saying this he left.

He wasn't incorrect regarding the baby girl. Doctor came out of the maternity ward and told them, Payal had given birth to a baby girl. Everyone was surprised at Arnav's prediction as Akaash and Payal had kept the gender of the baby a surprise.

Arnav had stayed at the hospital, but refused to get any medical attention. Even when doctor forced him. As he thought he would pull himself out of his illness seeing his family happy, and for the new addition in their family. He stood outside the room from where no one could see him, but he could see them clearly.

He saw Khushi picking Payal's baby girl in her hands. First she was scared to hold it, he could clearly tell, but once she had the baby girl in her arms, she was looking at the little life in awe.

"Bhabi, she indeed looks like you and her nose and her eyes are like Akaash bhaiya!"

"I can't really tell," Payal said. "But we always wanted our first child to be a baby girl!"

Anjali and Khushi were looking at each other.

Arnav wanted to go in and hold the baby girl in his hands, but he was resisting. They were happy and looked perfect and it clearly convinced him that he was not needed.

Khushi passed the baby girl to Anjali.

"Bhabi, indeed you are very lucky that you have a baby girl! Congratulations to both of you!"

"Didn't Arnav come?" Payal asked.

"He came but we asked him to leave!" Mami ji said.

"Khushi, bitiya, we have to prepare for Payal's and her baby girl welcome!" Mami ji said before they could spoil their moods.

They were making sure they were doing everything to keep Khushi happy, and busy.

"Don't worry, Mami ji! I will do it."

"Khushi ji, I come with you!"

"No, di, Payal bhabi needs you. I am okay!"

"Khushi, bitiya, then I come with you," Nani said.

Khushi nodded.

As they both left the maternity ward, Arnav was standing in front of them.

"Nani, where are you going?" he asked.

Although, they both have decided to not to say anything, he went after them.

He opened the door for Nani and Khushi so that they could make their way out of the hospital.

As they were at the parking lot, Arnav felt his head spinning. He just prayed that he is okay atleast he was in front of Nani and Khushi.

He sat in the front seat and Khushi and Nani in the back as their driver drove the car.

He adjusted the rear view mirror so that he could see Khushi. She was trying hard to pretend she wasn't aware he was looking at her through the rear view mirror.

Instead she busied herself to talk to Nani. And he simply watched her. Having no idea it was so hard for him to take his eyes off her. A pleasant smile was on his face. Then he saw even she was looking at him, but only for a while.

He smiled to himself when Khushi looked away.

It has been chapter 8

Hi beautiful sweethearts,

Have a read of this chapter, thank you for the comments and the likes!


Arnav watched Khushi, running away from him, he didn't know she ran because she didn't want to show her weakness, or she regretted that she had confessed her love for him? In either way it was his loss, he considered.

Hadn't I ever guessed that why she was doing all this, beside fulfilling her promise made to Lavanya? he thought. No, he couldn't have. He never understood her helplessness, he didn't pay attention to what she was going through, what she felt, he wasn't aware her life was put in danger due to the same friend. More than he loved Lavanya, he was hating her for making his life stand where it was now.

His mind wasn't working. Whatever happened in the last two hours was unexpected. It had turned the clocks in the wrong directions. Khushi, had confessed her love for him. She indirectly chose him?! Didn't she?

"When I fell in love with you, I couldn't get to know, she had said to him as her head had leant against his chest. He was once again defeated.

Her words gave him an unusual relief. He felt...he didn't know if he felt good, but he didn't notice himself feeling bad either.

But behind all this there was a relief, he admitted. Unknown happiness of a some kind. To which he wasn't acquainted to yet.

He ran after Khushi. Today, the way situations changed he never thought it would happen so. He wanted to give one happiness to her, it all turned out to be uncleared mess.

As Arnav entered the room Khushi wasn't in the room, but he could hear shower running in the washroom.

"Khushi, what are you doing? Please come out, I want to talk to you!" he shouted.

Khushi had stood under the cold shower. All she wanted to feel was the coldness, shiver, to forget the pain of yesterday.

"Just go from here!" she shouted. "I don't want to talk to you!"

"Khushi, please do not give yourself this punishment, if you want you can punish me, you can do anything to take out the anger, the pain, but don't punish yourself by giving pain to yourself. Khushi, I didn't know circumstances will turn out to be like this!" he had to talk loud to make himself hear over the sound of the shower and the rain.

Khushi was crying in a low tone, but not this low that he wouldn't have heard if he made an effort to hear her sobs.

He knocked on the door. "Khushi, please. Khushi, I swear I will make everything alright. If I couldn't, I will give my life."

Hearing this Khushi looked at the closed door.

"Khushi, I swear, I will up my life if I failed to give you happiness. Khushi, give me one chance to prove myself. Please one chance all I ask for."

She tuned the shower off. Drenched in cold water she opened the door.

"Khushi, what is this?" he asked. He walked to get towel and he wrapped it around her shoulders, she was shivering.

He then went to the cupboard and pulled out her night suit and asked her to change her wet clothes. She refused to listen him.

"Khushi, go, and change now!" More than an anger in his tone there was a possessiveness, and a concern. "I don't want to listen to no, if I am saying go and change it means go and change!"

Her head swirled and she was going to loose her balance when she held the wall. Arnav held her by her shoulders too.

"Khushi, you will catch cold, just go, it's really cold and raining outside as well!"

She looked up to him slowly as she had her eyelids lowered first. Arnav's soul felt a jerk when he saw her red eyes.

"I want to be free!" she said.

"What did she mean by free?" his heart literally jumped to his throat.

"I am tired and I can't take it anymore!"

Arnav closed his eyes, he hated how helpless she had become and it was only because of him. This is not how he wanted her to be.

He stepped back, until he was standing outside the bathroom. Khushi closed the door and sunk on the floor crying.

One thing was clear to him that he didn't want to shut himself or would let Khushi to go away from his life.

She wanted to be free, this statement killed him.

Did he really wanted her to go away from him? No.

When Khushi's parents had put condition in front of her, one thing he knew if Khushi left him he would die there. He was afraid she would not choose him and when she had, he felt he got his life back. Somewhere down deep in his heart he did want Khushi.

He stood their until Khushi didn't come out of the bathroom. He had done enough mistakes not any more.

He was looking at her. Then he picked her up in his arms, she showed no emotion as she was expecting him to do something like this. He carefully made her sit on the bed, and pulled blanket up to her waist.

There was a long silence, wind howled, and the splattering of the rain, did nothing to broke the deadening silence that prevailed in between them.

For heaven he didn't know what this night will bring for them.

"I have really ruined everything, right?! I know you are mad at me..."he said finally, slowly as he played with his hands.

"You shouldn't have done this!" she said.

"My intensions weren't wrong. I know your parents are mad at me, but with time and appeals they will understand it. I will go again to them..."

"You won't do anything like this." She was angry. "They are my parents, I will convince them if I want to."

"Khushi, they are my in-laws too!" he said. "And this all had happened all because of me!"

"Then you are their son-in-law, they shouldn't forget this, they have no right to talk to you like this."

Arnav was once again carried away with her words, was she talking on his side? He was just too confused to give attention to it.

"What were you trying to do when you were begging in front of them? Do you have any self-respect or not? I am not mad at you because you brought them here I am mad at them because they said whatever came into their about my family. You didn't do any wrong by bringing them. But they did wrong as in the past one year they didn't even bother themselves to enquire how I was doing? And they say love me. I know they do, but they don't trust me. They didn't care when I begged them and today too they were adamant, did you ask me before you did this? Mr. Raizada, you don't have to do anything for me.

"And whatever I said to them was according to their conditions. And if you say I am regretting it, no, I don't regret!"

He was bewildered. He was so ashamed to look into her eyes. He sat down on his knees. He held her hand in his, "Khushi, please give me one chance."

"You don't have to sympathize with me, just out of guilt! I don't want to be a burden on you!"

"For god sake stop saying these things, Khushi, please. You are not a burden on me. You have never been. Until now only I thought that you just simply married to me. But you came here for me, despite of me always hurting you with my words and with my drinking habits, you said you love me. Khushi, I am not doing this out of guilt. I swear on myself I am not. These past four days have changed me. The night you decided to tell me everything that really affected me, then I thought I don't deserve you if in case I will hurt you it will be easier for you to leave me. You should get someone better, I thought. But it killed me, then seeing you in a terrible condition, Khushi, I can't tell you how did I feel. I realized that if anything happened to you I won't be able to live. There would have been a guilt then. I didn't want to loose you, Khushi. And when doctor came and told me that you were out of danger, I could breathe, Khushi, if I can pay for my deeds with my life I would have done so..."

"Please, Arnav ji, stop mentioning death. Why don't you understand that it hurts me?" she shouted. "This is the third time you are mentioning it, and you are kept on saying the same thing again and again. Why are you hurting me actually and purposefully?"

He was shaking his head and a smile was tugged on the side of his lips. "I won't mention it, Khushi. I am sorry!" he said and hugged her.

"I am sorry, Khushi! Give me any punishment I will happily accept it."

Khushi choked on her sobs. "I love you, Arnav ji, I don't regret saying this. But you have only hurt me! With your words, with your actions!" she said at the same time she tried to pull him back. But Arnav refused to let go off her.

He was relieved, it was an understatement. Now she had said what was in her mind she was free. She had to tell him, because by not doing so she didn't want to insult her love for him. Because there was no boundaries between them except for the fact they never gave their marriage a proper name.

"Khushi, please don't ever leave me!" he said. "I don't want to loose you, these past four days have made me realized what I have missed in my life and what I had lost if you had chosen your parents over me."

"I didn't choose you over my parents! I chose my family!" she said.
Arnav pulled back from the hug as all of sudden there was a different talk between them.

"Will you give me if I ask you for something?" she asked.

Arnav was quite.

She had hopeful look in her eyes. When he didn't say anything, she went on and said, "I want divorce from you!"

Arnav felt someone has punched him hard in his stomach and has pulled heart from his body.

He felt blood in his veins, stop.

"I want to be free of this unwanted relationship...I have forgiven you, but I don't want to be with you."

Whatever she said echoed in his ear that burst his eardrums.

"Would you be able to do so, Arnav ji?"

"Khushi, I beg off you. Please don't do this. Don't push me to the edge, where if I moved in any direction I will die. Khushi, all I am asking is for a one chance."

"I am giving you one chance!" she said. "Leave me!"


"Would you be able to do so?" she repeated again.

"Khushi, please, don't do this."

"You said you can do anything for me, I do love you, but I don't want to be with you!" she said confidently as she had made her mind that she was done with him.

"Who I am to separate you from your this family then?" he said.

"I know all I have given is you pain, Khushi. You don't have to leave from this house. I will!" His voice was shaky.

He flicked his eyes to unclog the vision that was unclear due to the tears. Tried to bring smile on his face as he spoke.

"Its really too late, isn't?" he asked with a smile on his face. "If possible, do forgive me. If possible, do ask your parents, to accept you, I am sure once they know that I have freed you, they will accept you. If possible..." Words weren't coming to him easily. He stopped, he gulped his sobs down. "If possible, do find a man who love you, and will respect you, Khushi. This time choose it wisely, Khushi. And let me tell you really changed me! I wish you hadn't taken a promise, I wish you had left me to die. I am sorry I am repeating this again...but yes, it is going to be hard. Since, you want this I will give it to you," he said.

"For the last time, can I hug you?"

Khushi welcomed it with all her heart. Arnav didn't wait and hugged her. It was the last hug of his life, a very close time he will be looking at her.

He lost her!

Arnav screamed, "no," as he woke up from his bad dream. As he opened his yes he found Khushi in front of himself.

His heart that had jumped in his throat finally made it's way to his chest.

He took a sigh of relief. But he wasn't able to control his rigorous beating heart. What he was thinking? When did he go to sleep? What part of the conversation was the truth and which one was his actual dream?"

"Arnav ji?" Khushi's sleep was broke when he heard his sudden scream. She called him in a worry as she saw him drenched in sweat.

"What happened, Arnav ji?" she again asked as Arnav looked at her in teary eyes. He got up the floor and hugged Khushi.

"Khushi..." he said nothing afte her name. Khushi, had no idea what he has happened to him.

"Arnav ji, did you see a bad dream?" she asked worried.

"A very bad dream, Khushi, please punish me for everything. But please don't ask me to go away from you," he muttered.

"Arnav ji, it was just your bad dream!" she assured him.

"When did I sleep?" he asked confused.

"You made me laid on the bed last night as soon as that happened I was sleeping, later I don't know..." she said. " did you end up sleeping on the floor?"

"Khushi, please forgive me...I didn't know that bringing your parents here will create more problems!"

"Arnav ji, gather yourself!" she said.

As much Arnav was relieved that it was just his dream, more dread he was to think what if it was for sure?! What if Khushi really wanted to be free from him by giving him a divorce?

"No, this can't happen," he muttered.

"What? What can't happen, Arnav ji?!"

He was once again hugging her. It must be a really bad dream, she thought.

He was angry at himself, how could he even say in his dream that he was ready to give her what she wanted. Divorce? No, not at all. She was his wife, and he didn't want to go away from her.

"Arnav ji, you want water?"

As he realized that he was literally on top of her. He slowly loosened his clutch on her and moved back.

Khushi saw tears in his eyes. "What was wrong?" she thought.

"Arnav ji?" she held his hand that was warm against her hold. "Arnav ji, do you have fever?"

"Huh? No, I am fine!"

"Arnav ji, just show me!"

"I am fine, Khushi. Don't worry about it. Get ready, you have to go for a check up!" he said, he was still in hysteria.

She got up the bed and started making up the bed. She watched him
closely. Something fell from the cupboard as he pulled towel in a hurry, he didn't pay attention to it and marched in a hurry to the washroom.

It was a gift box. Blue in colour. Her name written on it, caught her attention.

She walked to it and bend to pick it up. Along with it there was an attached note.

To Khushi,

I don't know what to say, where to start, Khushi. But I guess I have to start from somewhere.

The day you have come to my life, all I have given you is pain and only pain. But...Today, I want to say is I really want to give our marriage a chance. This is not out of guilt, I really want to do so. I hope you think I am capable of it.

I have realized is without you I will be incomplete. It just take a single second for god to turn this whole world upside down. And by the way, I am still a human.

Khushi, you can test me anytime. I will prove that I am not just making promises in the air.

Today, is our first year of marriage.

Can we start fresh?!

I know you are hurt and I won't pressurize you, decision is all your, Khushi.

For today's function I want you to wear this dress. If you want to give me a chance, wear this dress. I will be waiting for it, Khushi.


Khushi set the note aside and opened the gift wrap and then the box to reveal the dress.

Today, it had been complete one year of their marriage! Really?! She always wanted to celebrate this day, she didn't know, today she will not even give it a thought.

Because today, she was going to tell him to give him divorce. Arnav must have imagined his early morning dream was going to come true.

"Bless you!" she muttered, when Arnav sneezed three times in a row.

She thought of going to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

Arnav came out of the shower, his head hurt, and he was unable to stand properly. He managed to walk to the cupboard and fetch glucose meter to check his sugar. He had to force his eyes open to read the reading of his blood sugar. It was low.

Somehow he managed to walk to the bed to lay. His eyes were shutting. But he hadn't afford to sleep. He had to take Khushi for her checkup. In this condition, he doubted if he will be able to accompany her.

He sat properly when he heard footsteps. He was expecting Khushi, but it was Anjali.

"Good morning, di!" he wished as he composed himself.

Anjali didn't wish him back and kept coffee on the table. She was going to leave when Arnav stopped her.

"Di, can you please take Khushi to the hospital for her checkup...I...think I won't be able to go..."

"Nobody is expecting you to go. And don't worry, her family is their to worry about her."

"No, di, it's not like that..." he said.
Before he could say anything else, Anjali was gone. He let out a sigh of defeat.

He took tablet from his medicine box and ate it. He had whole day in front of himself, lot many preparations were left to do for the party. He wasn't even sure if after yesterday night, Khushi will be in mood to celebrate their anniversary. He had to least try.
He just wished his health didn't come in between him and his plans.

"Good morning, bhai!" Arnav said to Akaash.
"Everyone, see you in the evening."
"Akaash, please come home early!" Payal said as she too got up the dinning table.
As far as Arnav knew they all did their breakfast at 9:30 am. And now they were all getting up when it was 9:15 am.
"HP, clear the table!" Nani said. When Arnav had not even sat to eat.
"Khushi ji, let's go for your check up!" Anjali said.
"Di, I will be back. Just have to get my purse and the reports."
"Sure, I am waiting here!"
"Di, thank you," Arnav said.
"Nani, Mami ji, Payal, come with me, I will drop you three at the mall!"

Arnav guessed that everyone were mad at him as they refused to talk to him. He got up the table without eating as HP cleared the table.

He ignored his stomach churning due to hunger. He decided to go to room to talk to Khushi. He had just made his way up one ladder up, when he saw Khushi was already coming downstairs.

Khushi knew he was looking at her, but she simply watched where she was going and ignored him. He was going to say something when Anjali asked her to hurry.

"Khushi ji, please come fast, you are getting late for your check up!"

"Anjali, bitiya, do call the people to take off all this decoration!"

This irked Arnav.

"Why? This decoration is for mine and Khushi's anniversary party!" he said.

"I am pretty sure, Anniversary parties are celebrated among loving couples, not when husband doesn't care about the marriage and his wife. Especially, when they soon will be divorced!" Anjali said to Arnav but looking at Mami ji. "Please, ladies, let's go! We all are getting late!"

"Divorce?" he only able to say, before he could protest all the ladies were gone.

His whole house was empty. He saw he was the one standing alone today.

Wasn't he always alone?! By the way, he thought. Yesterday, they said they were with him to bring Khushi close to him, and today, it seemed like they didn't even care.

His body gave up on him. Not an ounce of energy he was left with, so that he could even make his way to the room. He was going to fall, when HP came running to help him.

"Arnav, bhaiya, aap theek ho?" he asked.

Arnav patted his shoulder and nodded. "I am fine, HP."

"Bhaiya, you don't look fine. Let me call the doctor and the family!"

"You will not do anything like this," he tried to sound angry, but he couldn't. "If you really want to help me, just drop me to my room."

"Okay, bhaiya!" he said and helped him to get to his room.

"Arnav!" he heard her say. Arnav immediately opened his eyes.
"Lavanya!" his tone was overjoyed.
"Yes, it's me!" she said.
"Lavanya, you back?"
"When did I leave you, Arnav?" she asked lovingly.
Arnav fluttered his eyes to clear his vision that was clogged by tears.
Lavanya walked to him and he sat up to see her.
"Where did you go, Lavanya?" he asked. "Why did you leave me like this?"
"It's just because I had to. My time was near, Arnav, and it was just meant to happen!"
"Do you even know how alone I feel? How could you leave me standing at that phase of life where I can't even go back and it forward."
"Arnav, it has been really hard for me to leave. However, I have left Khushi for you."
"I have pushed her away," he said as he cried. "I hurt her so much that she doesn't even like to talk to me!" he said.
"She is hurt, Arnav. But she has a big heart if you will try, she will come back to you!"
"Lavanya, can't you come back to make everything alright once again?" he asked in pain.
"I wish I could do that, but nature wanted it to be this way. But I will come back, Arnav. May be in the form of your child!"
Arnav laughed in between his cries.
"You gotta be kidding me!" he said.
"No, I am not!" he said. "But now I have to leave!"
"Please, Lavanya don't leave. Please stay!"
"Arnav, please take care of yourself. Do not punish yourself like this. Do not make me regret more. I have separated myself from you, but you do not let Khushi get away from yourself!"
"She doesn't deserve me!" he said.
"She deserves you, Arnav. She loves you, she needs you. Promise you won't ever leave her!"
"I promise," he said. But then realized the gravity of his words. He won't break his promise, but Khushi hates him. She won't even allow him get close to her. As he looked up, Lavanya was gone.
"Lavanya!" he shouted seeing her not in front of him. Like a mad man he looked everywhere in the room.

Once he realized it was just his imagination, Lavanya was long gone from his life, never to come back, he let his sufferings flow in the form of his tears, and the pain that his heart felt.

His back once again hit the mattress. On one side it was Khushi's words, that she wanted to be free, and on the other hand it was Lavanya's words that don't let go off her, and on the third end his own fears and his own wishes, of not letting go off Khushi. He wanted to make everything right in between them.

His mind was going crazy, first it was simple to get away from the pain by drinking, but now when his body threat him to shut down, on the other hand their was a need to keep up his promises, there was nothing much he could have done.

He just simply closed his eyes and in few seconds every activity of havoc inside his mind was shut down and he had no idea where he was.


It has been chapter 7

I was said that I left all of you here you go guys...Read it and do tell me how do you like it? With this I should get back to my study! Love you all!

Chapter 7

Khushi's happiness upon seeing her parents, was all of sudden taken away from her when her parents put a condition in front of her.

"Come with us, leave this drunk useless man, and marry a person of our choice," Mr. Gupta said.

Later ignoring all the pleas of Arnav. Who was literally on his knees in his feet. Khushi's heart stung as he begged in front of her parents to forgive their daughter.

"I am sorry, Mr. Gupta, I know I had been a useless husband for your daughter, but your daughter doesn't deserve this!" he said. "Because of my wife, Lavanya she had lived with the trauma! Believe me I am regretting the way how I treated your daughter."

Mr. Gupta held him by his collar and made him stand on his feet. "If I had wanted, I would have killed you, you useless man!" he said. "But for my daughter I stayed quite. I have no idea what did she see in you. I don't know why didn't I stop her to not to get married to you. I don't know why did I let my daughter to rot in this hell!" Mr. Gupta released his collar and pushed him back. Arnav fell on the floor as he lost balance.

Arnav's hand tightened into a fist, but he just drank his anger. He would have yelled back, or would have asked them to get out of his house for manhandling him, but today, he knew he was at mistake. To get Khushi's happiness back he had to face all this.

"I am sorry, Mr. Gupta. But I am a changed man now. I want to move on in life with my wife, Khushi!" he said as he joined his hand in front of them. "Please don't put this condition in front of her!"

Despite of feeling bad, Khushi didn't say anything. Raizada family were helpless, they knew being parents, if they were in their place they would have done something like this.

"Even if you die, then also I will never forgive you," Mr. Gupta said. "And Khushi, as far is concerned she can listen to my conditions and take a decision!"

"No, Mr. Raizada, please don't do so. I have accepted Khushi as my wife. Because of me or anyone else she will not go through any worst, I will make sure she doesn't even get a little scratch. This is a promise. You can punish me but don't put these conditions, I beg off you. If in any way I tried to hurt Khushi you can take her away, but I promise that time will not ever come!"

"Shut up!" Mr. Gupta yelled.

"Khushi, bitiya, enough of this useless man. I beg you, don't ruin your life being with this man! He will only hurt you. Whatever he is doing is out of guilt and for whole life he will only give you fake love just to make you choice is yours! Daughter, we are your parents and only want your best."

Khushi didn't know what she should decide.

"Mr. Gupta, I beg off you!" Arnav said as he was once again on his knees. "Mrs. Gupta, I promise I will keep your daughter happy. It's not out of guilt. I will always respect her."

Raizada family closed their eyes as they were unable to see Arnav begging. Didn't matter how bad they think Arnav had done but still it hurt them. But somewhere they thought he deserved it. However, if Khushi chose her parents, they will all break. And if she chose Arnav, which was a rare case, Khushi will break.

"Son, you have cleared that you won't give her love!" Mrs. Gupta said.

Arnav was quite for a while, but then said, "Your daughter is someone with whom it is not hard to fall in love with."

Khushi looked at him as his says statement. "Yes, it will not be hard for me to forget, Lavanya, but I am accepting this relation and Khushi as my wife!" he said honestly. It hurt Khushi.

"Didn't I say this man would only hurt you, Khushi, bitiya?! He is experimenting with you, if he will be happy with you, he will accept you otherwise will leave you," Mr. Gupta said. He held Arnav again by his shoulder and pushed him back.

"Stop it, dad!" Khushi shouted, as she couldn't tolerate the way Mr. Gupta was dealing with Arnav.

"Enough is enough, just stop this. You cannot come to my home and deal with my husband like this!"

Arnav looked at Khushi in awe.

"Bitiya, you still consider him your husband?" Mr. Gupta said in disgust.

"Yes, I still consider my husband," she said. "Didn't matter how he treated me but he came and apologized me. He atleast for my happiness tried to move on with me. But what you are doing, dad? Neither a year ago you were on my side, nor today. For my happiness he is begging you, but what you are doing? You are still putting conditions in front of me? How could I choose between you and him?

"Dad, mom you are my parents, and yes, Arnav ji, might not love me, but he is at least being honest and saying he will keep me happy. You say you are parents? For me he is ready to move on but you? Can not you just move on and forgive me? For my happiness?

"If you have asked me, let me tell you both, I won't choose any of you," she shouted.

"I would choose my this family," she said pointing at Raizada family, "who didn't matter what was on my side. My Nani, who gave me love, my mami, mama ji, who were great as my in-laws but more than that as my parents, they were on my side to tell me everything will be alright. My Akaash bhaiya and my Payal bhabi, who considered me as their sister. My Anjali di, who loved her brother, but more than him me, she always stood like a wall to save me whenever Arnav ji, hurt me. What you both did?"

"They were selfish, they wanted to bring their son on track!" Mr. Gupta said.

"No, dad, you are so wrong. I feel bad you had to say that. You know that I was the one who had said that I would marry Arnav ji, till last moment they were telling me to not to marry Arnav ji. But it was me who for my friend wanted to get married to him. It is sad neither than nor now you decided to support me. Then also knowing my condition you broke every relationship with me, and today too you are doing the same. Not then you asked what I want, nor today, you asked me before telling me to choose between the two of you. And you say you want my happiness? My happiness was in marrying Arnav ji, or year ago, today, my happiness is being with this family, but you don't care, dad. And yes, this is my final decision I won't choose any of you. I would choose this family of mine. Who were with me in good and bad.

"Also, you can't come to my home and say anything about my family, and for this I won't be able to forgive you. Please you both can leave!" she said as she kept stone on her heart. Tears swam down her beautiful eyes.

Arnav's heart cringed.

Anjali, Nani, Payal, and mami ji tried not to cry.

"Please, Khushi, don't do this, Mr. Gupta, please forgive both of us!" Arnav begged.

Mr. Gupta was so angry at Khushi's decision that he decided to take all his anger at Arnav. "Next time don't show me your face!" Saying this he was going to slap him, when Khushi held his hand.

Everyone present in the room were shocked.

"Mr. Gupta?" Mrs. Gupta said.

"Dad, right now you are standing in my house, and trying to raise hand on my husband, I don't want to say anything that would make me regret whole my life. Would just say leave my home."

"You will regret this decision, my daughter, you will regret this decision, and know this, one day you will come back to us. This is my promise to you. And the family you are saying is yours they all will not mind if you leave this house. Remember this. But your parents house is always open for you."

Khushi lowered her eyes and joined her hand. "Leave!" she said.

"Let's go, Mrs. Gupta!" Mr. Gupta said. Mrs. Gupta protests. She cries and ask Mr. Gupta to change his decision. But he doesn't listen and simply drag her out of the RM.

Khushi was going to fell when Arnav holds her. "Khushi, bitiya!" Mama, mami ji, runs towards her. Along with Anjali and Nani.


Khushi clench her shirt and cries. Her head on his chest. Arnav was still trying to understand what really just happened.

"Why did you do this?" she yelled at him. "Why did you think you will bring my parents here and make everything right? You ruined everything, Arnav ji! You have ruined everything for me!" And then he pushed him back. Button of his shirt broke and flew in the air and then fell on the marvel floor.

"Everything is ruined!" she wailed as she fell on the floor crying.

"Khushi, bitiya please gather yourself!" Mami ji said as she say beside her.

"We are here bitiya, Mr. Gupta was just mad, but he will change his decision," mama ji said.

"No, he will not do so. I have lost them for forever!"

Arnav sat on the floor and held Khushi by her shoulder. "Khushi, please don't stress yourself. This is my promise I will make everything alright. I will bring them back!"

Khushi held his hand to shove away. "Khushi, please forgive me. These weren't my intentions. Please Khushi, I wanted to give you happiness. I didn't know this will turn out to be like this!"

"Khushi ji, please, don't cry. Everything will be okay. You have just come from the hospital. You should be taking care of yourself!"

Khushi wiped her tears. "I am okay!" she said. "I am fine!"

Anyone who hadn't known the situation would have told she was in shock.

Arnav held her by her shoulders and made her stand. "Khushi, let's go, you need rest. Everyone, please go, I will take care of Khushi."

"I don't want to go anywhere with you," she shouted. "Do you get that?"

Arnav knew that the mess he had created was not going to be cleaned this easily.

"Khushi, I am sorry!" he said.

Khushi clenched his shirt and hugged him, her head on his chest once again. "Why this always happen to me?" she cried. "Why Arnav ji? I haven't done anything wrong, I didn't take anybody's place, I just wanted to fulfil my promise made to my friend, when everything went wrong, when I fell in love with you, I didn't get to know..."

Arnav's eyes widened in shock, his mouth was left half open at her confession.

"When you became my necessity, my priority I didn't know. For you, I left my parents. Why? Even knowing that I will mean nothing to you!"

She leant against him, her sobs made hard for her to say anything. She stammered. Her wails shook her body.

"This is all happening because of you," she said. "You gave the punishment for loving, for caring for you."

Whole family left one by one in anger, but other reason being they knew Arnav had to just end this mess now somehow.

Arnav's heart stopped for couple of seconds as she opened her heart to him.

"I don't know why I was there still with you, knowing that you hate me, knowing that you will never accept me."

Before Arnav could say anything, Khushi ran upstairs to her room.

"She loves me?" he asked himself shocked.

It has been chapter 6


"Khushi, please forgive me for what I did to you. I feel really ashame!" Arnav said as he still couldn't meet his eyes with Khushi.

"Arnav ji, you shouldn't have done what you did!" she said.

Arnav looked at her in disconsolate. "I...I didn't get you, Khushi," he said.

"Arnav ji, what I mean is you do not have to do anything for me!"

"No, Khushi, you deserve it. After what I have done to you, I truly want to make up for my mistakes."

"You don't have to it is not needed, you don't have to take any burden of me," her replies were simply said.

"It's not a burden, Khushi. You have never been a burden on me or anyone," he told her. He felt doleful. The same dejection he had given her today he was feeling it.

"Khushi, I know I have had been stupid, I was just too much into my own pain, never saw yours, I kept on hurting you!"

"Arnav ji, I did not need because my pain can not ever be anybody else's, what I did was just because of the promise made to my friend, I am sorry, this relation of ours cannot go further," she said and was going to wipe her sindoor off when he stopped her as he held her hand.

"Khushi, you might have done for your friend but I am doing for my wife, that's you, Khushi. I never ever hurt anyone in my life, but you are the person whom I gave the biggest pain deliberately. I...I lost Lavanya, but didn't know that it was her mistake. And you was in the car with her too. Today, I nearly lost you."

His words seemed to be an illusions to her.

She looked away.

"Khushi!" he said. She looked back at him.

"I don't have any regrets, Arnav ji. I have no problem with you. And the fact is that in your life I would always be a second woman in your life."

Her words told her pain. Arnav could feel her.

"Was it really just for your friend, Khushi?" he asked. "Nothing else!"
"What should I name your silence? What should I interpret out of it?"

"You know what? Some scars never fade away, not even with time. Yes, it was just for the sake of promise!" she said. "Nothing else!"

Even though Arnav should not feel bad, but he did.

"You are nothing but a second woman to me, do you get that? You are not my wife?" 

"I am not a thing if you didn't like you throw it. Or you come back to own it."

"It is not the case, Khushi, you know that. You were never thrown at first when you were not even accepted."

"You don't even have to accept me now as well, Arnav ji."

"For god sake, you are my wife!"

"I wasn't a day before!" she said him. "All of sudden you have realized I am your wife?!"

"Khushi, I know, I am regretting my actions, I will do as you would say but least give me one chance."

"I am no one to give you the chance, Arnav ji, I have realized that you have really taken a swear on to change."

"Khushi, you were never my counsellor."

"Neither, I was your wi...!" she said.

He was silent. She scared him as she took a sharp breath of air and coughed. "Khushi, you fine!" he asked startled.

"Doctor!" he shouted.

"Khushi, relax, I call the doctor!" he said and rushed. Dr. Kapoor came running.

"Khushi, what happen?" she asked. She checked her chest. As she saw her back coming to normal she seemed to settle back to sleep.

"Doctor, what happened to her?"

"Mr. Raizada, it was the effect of the procedure we ran on her!"

"Is anything to worry about?"

"It will take her time to adjust back to normal fully, her body is pacing with it. She will be fine, Mr. Raizada, I am just warning you for the last time do not give any tension," saying this she just left.

Was that mean if he would set her free she will be tension free? he considered.

How could he just let go off her, like this without helping her get out of the trauma? I understand the pain I have given her not going to let her forgive me easily, but I will try.

"Khushi, if you need time, I will give it to you!" he said. "A woman like you should respect herself enough that she just doesn't let any jerk like me to hurt her again."

"Hello, chote. You called at this point?"

"I am sorry, di, were you asleep?"

"No, chote, I was just woke up. What happened?"

"Di, can you come to hospital?"

"Chote, what...what happened is Khushi ji okay?"

"She is fine, just recently got little complications, but doctor said nothing to worry about."

"Hope she gets fine soon! Okay, you come home and get fresh!"

"No, di, it is not for that reason. I need to go somewhere. I wanted someone to be with Khushi. I will be back by the time she will be up!"

"At sharp 5:00 AM you want to go somewhere?"


"Okay, in fifteen minutes I shall be there."

Yes, it is 5:30 AM now but which shop will be open this early. He had never been to shopping and which market opens 24 Hrs he had no idea. May be he should ask Anjali di, he wondered. But that will only make her skeptical.

He decided he will himself surf around the places and see what shop might be opened early in the morning. Even his office mall would be closed. Was that a problem, no? He immediately called Aman. Aman yawned as his phone bell rang. He thought it was his alarm that did go off. But it turned out to be his boss, Arnav's phone.

"Arnav sir's phone this early?" he said. And he took it.

"Good morning, Arnav, sir!"

"Aman, tell every shopkeeper of our office mall to open their shops."

"But sir, this early?"

"Aman, would you like to do it, or I make you sit home for the rest of your life?"

"Yes, I mean no sir. I just want to say yes, sir, I ask them to open the shops," he said.

"Soon! I will be at the mall in 5 minutes."

"Sir, you want me to come as well."


"Sir, please give me half an hour I will be there in no time!"

"Listen, you don't need to hurry up, take your time and don't drive fast. I don't want you put others life in danger."

"Yes, sir!" he answered surprised.

Arnav roamed in the shops as he had no idea what he should give Khushi. He didn't even know her likes and dislikes. But he knew what Lavanya liked. He was sure Khushi's like were be quite the same if not exactly same.

Everyone was shocked seeing Arnav Singh Raizada, out for a shopping himself.

Arnav went to the gifts shops first.

"Mr. Raizada, please come in!" shopkeeper greeted as he knew his day was definitely going to be great as Arnav Singh Raizada, a rich business man had come to his shop, that simply meant a lot of early morning business.

"Please sir, tell how can I help you?"

"Pack all the soft toys that you have in your shop specifically that's for a girl. Also, do you have cards?"

"All?" he said with his mouth opened.

"Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, sir, not at all. And sir, card section is in the left corner. Come I show you!" he said.

Arnav could see there was a tonne of varieties to choose from. But it was for different audience. Baby girl, baby boy, birthday cards, graduation cards, cards for girlfriends.

"Khushi, would definitely hit me with a chappal if I would get her a girlfriend card."

Instead he went for a safe choice, a best friend card. Why not just start their new relationship with a friendship, he thought.

"Okay, pack that big pink friendship card!"

"Sure, sir. What else?"

"Do you have flowers?"

"Sir, we have artificial ones, but if you want real ones there is a florist shop down one level."

"Okay, what's the bill?"

"Sir, including all the soft toys and the card, your bill is 51,000 rupees only."

Arnav took his check book and cut the cheque of 100,000 rupees instead. As the shopkeeper was quite old man so he was sorry he had to wake him early.

"Sir, it is 51,000 rupees!" Shopkeeper said.

"Deliver all this in an hour in half an hour to this address," he said as he passed him a note with a address of the hospital written on it. "And this card I shall keep!"

"Thank you so much, sir and sure!"

Arnav went to the florist shop straight after he left the gift shop, here too he had no idea what to buy.

He asked the florist to parcel all the flowers to Khushi's hospital ward. Even here florists was surprised.

Aman had looked for his boss every where but he couldn't see him. Until, he asked few people around, and they told his boss was thinking of buying whole shopping mall for a special person.

As Aman finally able to track him, he ran towards him.

"Sir, shopping done?"

"Yes, have bought few toys and flowers!"

Aman coughed "few?" he said to himself.

"Aman, looks like your throat is dry like a flower, give it a water."

"Yes, sir, it has got quite cold," Aman said as he stuck his tongue and bit it.

"Sir, anything else you want to buy?"

"Yes, some jewellery!"

Aman resisted to cough, last thing he knew was he would buy the whole jewellery shop as well! And he wasn't wrong. He bought necklaces, chains, anklets and Mangalsutra. The last one he kept with himself along with a card, and a flower for Khushi for him to give it.

As he was finally done, he was back to the hospital.

"Chote, you back? And what those soft toys for? Flowers? I see few men going to Khushi ji's room!"
"Uh...Di...I didn't know which one she would like so I bought all of them."
"Awww...I didn't know my brother would be so cute. She would love it!"

"Yes, di. Is Khushi up?"
"No, not yet. She is sleeping! What is in the bag?"

Arnav immediately moved back. "'s my personal stuff."
"Personal stuff or a gift for Khushi ji?" she said as she wiggled her eyebrows.
"No, di, it's really my stuff!" he said in return.
"Stop lying, I know. Don't forget that I am also married."
"I went for a shopping, I thought of buying few things for Khushi. Also, I have decided that we will celebrate our anniversary that's in less four days."
"Chote, is that you saying?" she asked.

Arnav kept the bag on the chair and
sat in the chair himself, and told Anjali to sit as well.

"Di, I want to give our relationship one chance," he said. "Because it's only one chance it needs. I always hated her for no good reason, I don't know exactly if I should call it a hate, I never wanted to give anyone La's space. Yes, I had said I will marry her, but then never did anything that would really keep her happy. Di, I don't know how to mend her broken soul."

Anjali listened to her brother and didn't say anything until he was done.

"That's true, that she is really hurt, Chote. In the past one and a half year, she had gone through a lot because of you, top of La's death fear in her mind. I would say it was your mistake, if you had married her, even for us you should have given her the right that she well deserved. Chote, she left her family. She had nothing to gain. She is a very strong girl, Chote, touch wood, if I was in her place I would have given up on everything. In the end, chote, all I want to say is that she needs you in every other way. You are his life partner. If you are going to start a new life, try it with maintaining your lifestyle and your relationship with Khushi. Chote, don't let go off her. If she is mad let her be, let her take it out. Until now, she didn't vent her anger on anyone. She had just shoved it inside herself. The trust that she has lost in you, you have to gain it back, it took her 1 year to make you a sensible man and in this 1 year she took very wrath of yours without complain, I am pretty sure, Khushi ji, is not that stone hearted, once you get that trust of her back to you, she will always be yours. Also, let me tell you, she has always considered you your husband, doesn't matter what she says if it was Lavanya or whatever, Chote, she has done everything that one wife would do. Being modern in her lifestyle, in her thinking, she has always been a lady of good values. Don't let her loose herself, if this time you managed to break her, she will die. The regret you face now would be nothing in front of the one that you might face because of your one mistake. The only reason we chose not to tell you about Lavanya was because you truly loved her. You would have shattered knowing because of her carelessness she lost her life. This thing Khushi knew, for this reason she kept it stoned in her heart. But there is a limit to everything, Chote, I see she has become helpless. And I can't see her like this."

"Di, if she wants to scream, yell, want to hit me, she can do all of it, I won't mind. After what I said to her, it would be nothing. I really want to give her the support and the respect. Di, I promise I won't let her break again, I will stand for her, with her. If she has considered me her husband, I do have considered her my wife."

"This is what I wanted to hear, chote. The whole family is with of you," Anjali said and give a kiss on his forehead.

"You sit, I get a tea for you."

"Di, don't worry I will have breakfast after Khushi is up. She hasn't eaten since yesterday."

"Okay, you go and see Khushi ji, I will wait for you."

"Di, you go home please. I have asked some decorators to come; even I have finalized the design, can you please check and supervise them?"

"My chote, wants his eldest sister to do something and dare she deny it," Anjali said and gigged. "Okay, I am happy that you are taking initiative to give happiness to the woman who always thought of you. Such person are hard to find."

"It would be shameful of me if I won't do it."

"Did Dr. Kapoor said when we can take Khushi ji home?"

"No, I think she needs proper care and rest , if she will be at home, she will only think of work!"

"Alright, as you say!"

"Okay, di, go home and I see Khushi."


Arnav had just entered in when he saw Khushi looking around in awe at the hundreds of toys, and flower bouquets in her ward.

"Who could do this?" she thought as she looked at Arnav she understood it was him who did it.

"Good morning, Khushi!" he said.

"Arnav ji, these many toys? And bouquets?"

"Uhhmm...Kids left it from the orphanage home," he lied. Khushi could tell he was lying as his tone wasn't had confidence that was suppose to be in it. Also, they all looked expensive, surely, kids wouldn't have afford them.

"One shouldn't do anything if they aren't comfortable telling it was for whom!"

"No, I wasn't uncomfortable. I mean, why would I be? However, Khushi, how are you feeling?"

"I guess I am doing fine!"

"Did you like these toys? And the flowers?"

"I don't like soft toys, I am a grown up woman," she said. "And flowers you just ruined!"

"Arnav ji, I bought this kurta pajama for you, I will like if you wear it!"

"I don't care what your like and dislikes are, Khushi, but please just take this out of sight I don't wear this sh*t!" 

"Rather than giving it to me, if you would have given it to the orphanage home children they would have loved it and appreciated it," she said and got out of the bed.

"Khushi, where are you?"

"Washroom, do I need a permission for this as well?"

"Come I help you!"

"I am strong enough to help myself to walk to to the washroom if I would need help I will call the nurse," she said and pressed the buzzer.

Nurse came rushing to the room. "Yes, sir!"

"She needs to go to washroom, can you please help her?" Arnav said.

"Yes, sir!"

"Please carefully!"

"Khushi, I know the damage that I have done is not going to be mend easily. But I want to start our relationship with a friendship. This is a little gift for you!"

"It's funny, Arnav ji, because I don't see anything that has really changed, it's just old me and old you."

"Khushi, you were the one who had said if me denying the fact that you are not my wife, would end our relationship, in this world no relations had ever existed."

"That's because I was wrong, Arnav ji. I was wrong, I repeat. Because as you there is nothing in between us."

"Why do you think so, Khushi?"

"Why did you think there was nothing in between me and you? Arnav ji, look, please focus on your family and business. Please let everything change but the fact I was always a second woman in your life. Arnav ji, please leave!"

"Khushi, we can talk."

"I don't want to, please just leave!"

"Khushi, are you feeling okay?!"

"No, I am not okay, as long as you are in front of me I will never feel okay. Just leave now. Please!" she cried and shouted.

Arnav looked at her as she denied to talk to him.

Nafrat ho gaye hain pyar se ab... 

It has been chapter 5


Khushi all of sudden woke up from a bad dream, in a terrible condition. Thankfully Arnav was there. He stood on his feet from his stool.

"La!" she yelled as her body quivered.

"Khushi," Arnav said and held her by her shoulders to get control of her.

"Please save her, she...she!" she said in quick short breaths getting impatient in Arnav's arms. She was desperate, uneasy, she wanted to run to save her best friend.

"Khushi, no, it was just your bad dream," he told her.

However, every scene was vivid and fresh in her mind that stopped her mental ability to make any difference between the reality and the imagination just like when she got panic attack.

"No, Arnav ji, there," she pointed in the corner. "Train...La!" she could even see the train scratching the side of Lavanya's SUV, until it was shredded into little pieces.

The sound of the train from the nearby railway station nothing did good but only made her certain everything was happening right in front of her. And this was not the first time, first six months she had spent in a trauma. It got okay, in between but once again to get only worst just as it was right now.

Arnav held her strongly. Khushi clenched his shirt collar as she was scared to look anywhere else. She was relaxed with the fact that Arnav was there by her side she felt protective, but seeing La struggling in an accident it shook her peace of mind.

"Sssh...Khushi...No body is there."

"Arnav ji, she is going to die!" she shouted at him.

"She needs help!" she said faintly the other moment.

As she had calmed down hearing Aranv's furious tone asking her to look around and see she was day dreaming, she looked around and then at Arnav.

He was shaking his head. "Khushi, everything will be okay!" he said.

Khushi hugged him even tighter and let her hurt, her pain, her fear, flow in the form of the tears.

Arnav hugged her and caressed her back. His chin rested on her head.

"Everything will be fine!" he mumbled.

"I...I...could not save her," her voice was weak and it reflected her helplessness. "I tried to, but she pushed me out of the car, and then...and she..."

She was once again disturbed. Her nervous system was giving wrong messages to her brain. But Arnav talking to her telling her there is not like what she is thinking of.

"Relax. Just calm yourself down," he said and rubbed her side arms.

He stood in the same pose until she had dozed back off.

He laid her and himself fell on the stool broken seeing her condition. Tears still came out of her eyes. Lines of worry, fear was still formed on her forehead. He had been just so stupid to have no idea what she was going through.

He had tears in his eyes not due to his own pain but Khushi's, as today he came to know how exactly did his La had died. And Khushi, his wife till now had been the victim of no mistake of her own.

Which he didn't know being her husband. But still she carried herself strong. And him being an utter fool left no stone unturned and making sure it hit her hard at the same time.

She was fighting alone. For whom? For him, for her best friend who had lost her life because of her own mistake and for her husband who never did anything good but bad by hurting an innocent soul.

Why hadn't the family hid the truth if he himself never gave them a chance? Nobody was at fault as everyone stayed mum because they didn't want him to hurt, Khushi didn't want to hurt him. She had herself seen her best friend loosing her life.

What a joke had a life played with him, anyways. Never anyone told the reason exact reason of his La's death. Never anyone told him it was Khushi as well fighting with the most dangerous scenario of her life until today. That had moved her only for worst.

"What have I done?" he asked himself anyways, he couldn't have blamed everything on others to hide the truth from him.

"Why did I act so stupid? Why only I saw my own pain, but not Khushi's? Why was she doing everything? Why she took a decision that destroyed her completely? She broke every relation only to find that for whom she had put everything on stake had nothing to offer her.

"If anything happened to her, would I ever be able to forgive myself? No, never."

His body begged him for an alcohol. He wanted it badly. But no, not again. Today, not for Lavanya. But for Khushi, he was not going to even think that he needed alcohol to free himself from pain.

No, he had to face the circumstances. They were harsh, but he himself had been the reason behind it. He had to learn to accept the pain.

"How will I mend her broken soul?" he winced.

"Please let Khushi be safe! She doesn't deserve any more pain. I promise I will give every right she deserves. The pain that I have given her for the past 1 year, the worst incident that she has been going through for the past 1 and a half year, with best of my abilities I would try to make her forget, I will give her enough happiness that she forgets everything over time!"

"Mr. Raizada!" Dr. Kapoor said, "Please come in!"

"Hi, Dr. Kapoor!" he said and took a seat. "I came to talk to you about Khushi. She woke up from a bad dream."

"Mr. Raizada, it has happened before many a times. Your family would tell me every time they called in after every trauma she had. There is nothing we can do, the fear, the incident has sit in her mind. We are afraid she will loose her mental imbalance least she could die too. As today, her heart stopped literally for few minutes if it wasn't you to give her the CPR," Arnav was shocked to learn the fact.

"And the only way is to keep her happy. She needs it. It has become so important to bring Khushi out of this whole incident, to delete the hard copy that her brain has created and whenever she is stressed out it just plays naturally.

"Mr. Raizada, we can give her every medicines, that's what we are doing, but medication alone doesn't play an important role. Khushi should be stress free which I don't feel she is. What I see in her is stress, stress, and only stress!"

Arnav was quite because he knew he had nothing to say since he was at the major fault.

"This is not the worst thing I could say it is, but the worst would be if you as her husband didn't take any precaution, you are her life partner, what if you guys would try to start a family tomorrow? With this much stress she won't ever be able to conceive."

"Please, don't say so!" Arnav said as he jumped in his seat.

"That's the worst truth, Mr. Raizada. As a doctor, I am just acquainting you with what the reality is. Better take precaution now. Also, it is the high time to change your lifestyle as well. Mr. Raizada, she is your wife. Treat her like one, I am sorry I am being personal, but for a good I am saying it."

He was nodding his head.

Arnav entered in Khushi's ward, although he took a step forward, but his mind was forcing to go only back. He had no courage to face her. He felt so low in front of person like Khushi.

Khushi was afraid seeing Arnav. Afraid because she never wanted him to get to know this that how did his wife died. She could already tell looking at him that he was troubled. It was an underestimation.

How much she wished to keep her trauma to herself, not even to give Arnav a hint of her pain, but it just came in front of him like this.

Somehow, she herself had been managing, for Arnav it wouldn't have been any easier. Who had truly loved his wife.

He had taken the seat close to her but nothing he had said so far.

The silence between them was making her nervous. He had covered his face, as he silently cried.

"Arnav ji, are you okay?" she asked.

He laughed softly, between his cries, more at himself. He wiped off his tears. "It's funny, this question I should be asking you!" he answered her.

A long pause.

"Khushi, I want to apologize for everything. Apologize for Lavanya's mistake and mine own. Because of La, you had been living in trauma and because of me you went through every day hurt and pain. You shouldn't have kept this truth, you shouldn't have asked family to not to tell me anything. I feel so small. I have started hating myself."

"It was important, Arnav ji," she said.

"You should have lost your life, and the condition that I saw you in toady; I would have lost you," he said and without knowing what he really meant, Khushi was looking at him surprised at his said words.

"Why were you doing this?" he asked her. "You were right it had always been about only me. I only thought only about myself."

"That's not so, Arnav ji. I and you lost the person whom we both loved. La, made a mistake, if she hadn't decided that it was safe for her to cross the railway track just on time, everything would have been different," Arnav could tell she was intimidated to talk about La.

He shook his head to stop her from saying anything. He held her hand in his. "Khushi, no more. We have to move further, in life. Together!"

"Together?!" she said.

He took a scissors from the near table and made a cut on his thumb. Khushi waited for him to explain why did he do so.

"Khushi, today, I apologize for every mistake of mine and I want to honour myself by making you my wife. Completely," with that said he filled the partition of her forehead. "Khushi, in full senses and conscious mind, I consider you my wife."

Khushi has her eyes wide opened as not even in her dreams she had expected Arnav to do so.

"Khushi, this is the promise, I will fulfil the 7 vows we both had took together. I want to not only apologize for my mistakes, but with my actions I really want to tell you that I meant what I claiming to do."

Rabba Ve, Rabba Ve, Rabba Ve 

The music in their head played as they leered in each other's eyes.