Monday 16 February 2015

It has been chapter 10

                             ~~~Conclusion of their fates!~~~

"Nani, we should plan a little welcome party for bhabi and for our little baby girl. We could surprise bhabi by calling her family and friends!" Khushi suggested.

Arnav was glad that she was busying herself, even she was pretending. This way she would think about something else, and gradually will be used to it.

"Hope I can be of some help!" he said chiming in and looking at both of them as he turned his neck backwards.

"Yes, chote, stay away from all this!" Nani said. "That would be helpful, lately you have only been messing up with everything!"

Khushi felt Nani's words knifing her heart, she looked down to hide the pain that was evident in her eyes.

"Don't you think, Nani, you guys are overreacting?" he finally said.

"You deserve it!"

"Never knew, Nani!" he said. He was going to say more when he looked down at Khushi through the side rear view mirror. Instantly he knew she was trying to hide her emotions. Was she feeling bad for him? he thought.

He knew she cared for him, but wasn't showing, and divorce? On what basis? He had to work hard to know if she really wanted it.

"Nani, I don't think I have to prove myself," he said. "If you think I deserve your indifferences, then let it be. But don't hate this much that one day you all will regret!"

Khushi's eyelids fluttered up at the speed of light up to him, "what did he mean by that?" her mind forced her to ask him. But she didn't.

"Are you trying to blackmail us?" Nani said.

"No, Nani. As I said I don't need to state or prove myself. You can try to hate me with all your heart content, but you won't be able to that I know."

Khushi's heart beat wasn't ready to settle down at his said words. What exactly he meant? she thought. Certain fears arouse in her mind. She kept her gaze fixed at him. He was not looking at her now but straight ahead.

She didn't see before, but she guessed he was sick. He wasn't drunk in the afternoon as she had excused him, he was at the hospital just when they reached there. How he was so spontaneous? She thought. For whole day he was away. Because he knew his family wanted him to not to ruin their Diwali. Even in the morning she had made herself clear.

She felt her heart in her chest shrinking in size in fear. She felt awful for behaving badly with him lately. He hadn't ever crossed his limits when he was used to angry with her? He never said such hurtful things except he won't accept her as his wife. Yes, that's what hurt her.

Her worries didn't divert her thoughts much, but his statement bothered her to the point where all she could feel inside her soul was fear.

Driver stopped the car in the driveway, so that three of them can get off before he can go to park the car in a garage.

Arnav didn't wait for both of them and went inside. Khushi couldn't tell if he was hurt, angry, or what?!

How would she figure out when she has distanced herself away from him? And why did she care? She had taken a decision of a divorce from him after many thoughts, family was with her, and this point she didn't want herself to fall weak.

She just prayed he was fine.

"This is what I don't like in him, instead of amending his mistakes he shows his attitude!" Nani said. Khushi didn't say anything. She had nothing to say regarding him.

She had not afford to take more tension. Lately, she has gone through enough, with time her wounds would fade away, or the least she will be able to live with it. She just had learnt to respect herself enough that she won't let anyone come and hurt her, not anymore.

Arnav shut the door of his room and walked to the bed. He sat on it, and covered his face in exasperation. His mind was filled with anxiety now, he wanted to go away from the pain. But that was out of his reach.

He took his medicine box and took three antidepressant tablets all in once, when he knew one wasn't working at all. Even though his doctor strongly forbid him to do so.

Sensations in his body was killing him, slowly and gradually. He was sweating. He turned the AC on and to the minimum temperature possible.

He stood up the bed and walked back and forth. He later removed his shirt off as the cooling of the AC wasn't helpful.

He punched his hand in the wall, to let out the anger out of his mind. When that didn't help, he went to the washroom and stood under the shower and turned the knob to the ice cold water.

He felt nothing, even though water was freezing. And then when his antidepressants started working, he gained his senses back, nervous system kicked in, he felt the cold water on his skin freezing his skin. He immediately turned it off; his lungs begged for oxygen. He fell on his knees as he took sharp intake of breaths.

He was huffing and puffing, breathing didn't come easy to him at all. He clenched his hair, it was like he had run a marathon.

As slowly, his lungs were filled with oxygen, his brain was getting enough of it, he started calming down. He stood back up, with the help of the wall and the shower door, he wiped himself with the towel. Dug his face in the towel, until he was normal himself.

He just wanted to go out and fall on the bed. He had just left the washroom when he saw Khushi standing, her face towards the poolside. It seemed she was waiting for him, he was so happy to see her, but he just wished she hadn't any clue he was struggling inside.

He had to send her out, against his all wishes, before his body had given any hint that he was ill.

"What are you doing here?" he asked surprised as normally he could manage to. And busied himself. He dug in his wardrobe for his track pants and a shirt. He realized he had the AC on, he went on and turned it off for Khushi.

She hadn't answered him. And he was afraid to ask more, he was unsure if his voice can be on his side.

"Just came to say that we are leaving back to the hospital!" she said.

Arnav looked at her. She still had her arms crossed against her chest, she was looking outside, somewhere straight in a distance.

"Should have sent HP, for this. You didn't have to bother yourself. Anyways, thank you!"

"Aren't you happy? Your elder brother has just become a father?" she asked angry, looking at him now. But he was immediately looking away.

"You guys decide first what you want me to do," he said, again he pretended he was busy.

"I was just there and you guys told me to not to ruin your mood. I wonder why you want to spoil your happy moments now?"

"Nani, was right!" she said. "You just know to hurt people!"

He took a deep breath, as his sensations inside him had once again started. Then he turned, with a smirk on his face. He went to her. Knowing he would feel lot better if she was close to him.

Khushi stood firm in her place. "Why don't you admit you need me?"

She laughed softly, "I wish I could tell you were right! You will be the last person whom I would want now!"

"At least, you will!" he said and was leaning to kiss her on her cheeks. Before she could step back, he had trapped her in his arms. And kissed her. He closely perceived her. He wasn't sure if she realized it or he did notice it, she was...he doesn't know what? She was okay with it.

He had hurt her enough, hadn't he? He wanted to move back and he slowly did. Then his heart was enclosed in a tight box, as he saw she had closed her eyes. When she no longer feel his touch, except his hands on her waist, like a flower bloom her eyes slowly opened.

His hands were slipping away, but then he was holding it for a while, she still wasn't looking into his eyes, but at his chest.

Whatever emotions she held, she didn't show. Too bad, he was unable to read them either.

"You do not own me," she said as she looked at him than the other moment she was looking down again.
"Stay away from me, as I said sign the divorce papers, and free me of this relationship!"

He slipped his hand away from her waist completely, and stepped back. He angrily walked to the cupboard and took out the divorce papers.

"Was he going to sign them?" she thought.

"You want divorce?" he said.

"You can't keep me bound in this unwanted relationship!" she said. "And yes!"

"Guess what?! I am not going to do anything such, keep these papers with yourself but I am not going to sign them! Listen, Khushi, I don't want this!"

"But I want it!" her voice was calm.

"Would you able to live without me?" he asked.

"Who do you think you are and I won't be able to live without you?" she asked.

"Khushi, try all forces in the world, I won't give you divorce!"

"Even I see how you won't!" she said and was about to leave. When he swirled her around, and twisted her arm, they both were looking into each other's eyes. Pain and anger both danced in their eyes.

"Why you are you doing this, Khushi?" he asked, pain in his voice so evident.

"You must forget the pain you have given me in the past one year, but I feel numb," she said, tears had formed in her eyes. That she could no longer hold back.

"Khushi, it is never too late! We can start fresh!"

"I do not want too. Even yesterday, you were doing what you wanted, today too you are doing what you want. Why do you think it is always about you, Mr. Raizada. Yesterday, you didn't want me, today, you want me. It just depends on your mood. But if third person came in between us, you will leave me?"

"Khushi, test me any times, I promise I won't."

"Arnav ji, I have stopped trusting. You were right you don't have to prove me anything!"

"Then why don't you understand that I need you, Khushi?" he finally said.

"You need me, since when? Since, you realized Lavanya is gone from your life? And it's only me now?"

He wondered what was wrong with her and the whole family, this much hatred his whole family had in stored in themselves for him?

What crime he had done that he was said anything that was coming in their mind? He realized he had really hurt all of them, and yes to bits he deserved it.

He thought Khushi was right, he just wanted people by his side, forcing them to be with him.

"I need sometime!" he said. "If you want to be free from me!" His mind was numb.

He repeated the words he thought he had said in his dream.

"Khushi, if possible, do forgive me. Choose the person wisely this time. Although, I am grateful that you did for your friend, but don't do it. If one day you will be leaving the person once again to die! Promise me you will put yourself first."

She was quite, her mind wasn't processing. He went to take the pen and then took papers from her hand.

And he signed the papers.

"I promised myself, that I will not stop until I succeed, I guess you are right, I can't force you to stay with me when you really don't want to. I am ashamed that I couldn't give you anything, but pain. Now all I can give you is your freedom! Possibly my family."

He signed all the papers and give it to her.

"Khushi, go!" he said. "More you will be in front of me, more I will realize how..." Words didn't come out of his mouth.

He kept himself composed, begged his body to stay upright.

"I am sorry, that I can't give you an another chance," she said.

"It's okay, Khushi," he muttered. "You don't have to be sorry, I am happy you decided to move on, that's what I wanted, it's okay if it is not with me!"

"Khushi, bitiya, we are getting late!" Nani called from downstairs.

"Coming Nani!" she said in a broken voice as she ran out.

As she went, his heart felt the worst pain and he fell on his knees.

"Khushi, I didn't want to leave you, I was not doing anything out of guilt. I really wanted to start fresh with you, I ..." he said, but stopped thinking that it would mean nothing now and he too had taken his decisions.


By the time you will read this note, I will be gone away from you, from my family. I hope this way, I can keep you all happy.

I won't say anything much, but just take care of my family, sorry, your family. And of yourself.

I do not know if we ever be able to meet ever in life now. I will regret it. I guess, things were just meant to happen like this.

Khushi, stay happy. I am sure your family will accept you now.

I only wish good for you, Khushi.

Goodbye :)


Letter from Khushi's hand fell from her hand, and with it she fell on the floor.

He was gone for forever.

It's not the end, its a beginning...A full picture yet to come!

Follow up the next part of this series here >> SERIES 2 Hopefully I will have encouragement to start the new thread! 

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