Monday 16 February 2015

It has been chapter 3


"Khushi, listen me!" Arnav said as he followed Khushi to the kitchen, but she didn't want to answer him.

"Khushi, I am talking to you!" he repeated, as he thought she didn't listen him at first."

"Kalki, is prasad ready?" Khushi asked the maid. Ignoring Aranv completely.

"Yes, didi, it's ready to serve!"

"Kalki, do one more thing, bring all the new silver plates and glasses, set in the puja room for the pandit ji."

Arnav let Khushi finish her instructions.

"Khushi, shall we talk now?" he asked.

Arnav held her hand when she again refused to talk to him and swirled her.
"I am trying to talk to you here, and you are keep on ignoring me."

"Leave my hand!" she simply said.

"No, I won't. You have to listen me!" he held her hand tightly.

"Arnav ji, you are hurting me!" she said painfully. "Please leave me!"

Arnav closed his eyes, and let go off her hand. "I am sorry!" he said.

"It's okay if you don't mean it!" she said and got back to what she was supposed to do.

"Khushi, please."

Khushi left everything she was doing and said, "Yes, you tell me what you want to say? I have left everything now tell me what?"

"Khushi, you are sick! You need to see the doctor. Least you should be taking rest. You kept fast that is it now you can sit and eat something!"

"Are you done?" she asked casually, as his concern had no affect on her. "Have you said everything you wanted to say?"

"Yes!" he said innocently.

Khushi bit her lips to resist the laugh that she genuinely felt. But she was serious again.

"Now can I do my work!"

Arnav slammed his hand on the kitchen countertop hard. Khushi trembled and her eyelashes fluttered.

"Here I am saying something and you are ignoring it!"

"Why do you think I should listen to you, Arnav ji? Why such a concern?"

"Okay, fine do the hell you want to do!" he said coldly and left.

Khushi wiped her tears away from her cheeks.

"Khushi ji, you have worked enough please now go and eat something please!"

"Di, Arnav ji, hasn't eaten anything!" she said.

Anjali had no words to describe what she felt like at the moment. "Khushi ji, you are way to nice to people who doesn't deserve it."

Khushi was shaking her head.

"Anjali di, it is not his mistake. He doesn't hate me. He is irked. His body is craving for alcohol and he can't get it, that is affecting his mental ability. He is confused and he doesn't know what he should be doing. For La's sake he said he won't drink but for him to leave this habit is not easy. But he is fighting."

"Khushi ji, he is rude to you!"

"Least I could do to divert his mind, Anjali di."

"Why only you? We are here too! It's not like he was never rude to us."

"It's because I am his easy target. He is not hurting me, but himself. He knows he is doing wrong, it's not like he doesn't know he is hurting me."

"How do you know, Khushi ji?"

"I know di! Let me go and see if Pandit ji needs something. Please make sure Arnav ji, eats too."

"Khushi ji, I go and see!" Khushi said and cupped her face.

"Oh my goodness, Khushi ji, you are running down with fever."

"Di, it's nothing. It's just a little bit. Nothing to worry about!" Khushi said denying that she wasn't okay.

"Have you gone crazy, Khushi ji? How can you be so ignorant?"

"Di, please don't worry. I am okay. Please let at least Pandit ji leave."

"Not at all, Khushi ji. Health comes first."

"Chote!" Anjali called. "Chote, please come soon."

Arnav got scared as he heard Anjali's worried calls. He ran out of his room to the hall.

"Di, what happened?" Akaash said as he came running.

"Anjali, bitiya, what happened?" Mami, mama ji, and Nani asked.

"Chote, Khushi ji, is running down with the fever and you don't even know," Anjali said as she saw Arnav running down the stairs.

"Di, I..."

"Shut up, chote!" Anjali immediately stopped him from saying anything.

"Anjali di, please listen. I am okay!" Khushi said.

"You stay quite too, Khushi ji, enough of being good to people who don't even care."

"Chote, now take her to the doctor!"

"I am not going anywhere!" Arnav said.

Anjali was so furious that she didn't think either or, or; she slapped him.

No one was shocked except Khushi.

"Since how long I have been saying bohat hogaya, bas bohat ho gaya! ( enough is enough!), and you are just crossing your every limit!"

"Di, what you have done?" Khushi said.

"Something that I would have done before. Is he blind, that he can not see what you are doing for him? Take the car keys and take her to the doctor now!" Anjali ordered. She then took the key from the key shelf and shoved the keys in his hands. Arnav muttered not a single word and said, "Let's go, Khushi!" his voice was ice cold.

"Arnav ji, please listen!"

"Di, what you have done. He wasn't at fault. He came to me and told me to go to the doctor. But I refused di! The reason he said no to you now was because I told him off before."

Anjali realized what mistake she had done.

"Di, he was going to say the same thing but you didn't give him a chance."

"No matter what, he deserved if anyways," Anjali said. "He had made fun of every single of us."

Khushi walked as fast as her body allowed her. Arnav was already in the car as he had started off the engine. She went to the driver side and opened the door.

"Arnav ji, please we need to talk."

"Get into the car, Khushi!" he said coldly.

"Arnav ji, please!" she pleaded.

"Get into the car, before I do or say anything that I will regret."

Khushi at this point of time didn't want to argue at all. Initially because she had no energy left; secondly, she wasn't ready to make Arnav more angry than he already was. She closed the door and herself went to sit in front of the seat.

"Arnav ji, I know it was all my mistake, because of me you had to face Anjali di's anger."

Arnav pressed the gas pedal, Khushi grew increasingly scared at the speed Arnav was going. "Arnav ji, please, slow down the car, I am scared of speed."

Arnav was too furious that he didn't bother to pay attention to Khushi's pleas.

Khushi held on to her seat, her head banged to the side glass. As Arnav swayed the car side to side as he passed other cars.

"Arnav ji, please slow down!" she screamed and pleaded. But Arnav only increased the speed.

As he looked at Khushi, her tears, her fears, he took his foot off the pedal and decreased the speed.

As the car came to an abrupt stop, she dug her face in her hands and cried, but she had no idea Arnav had stopped the car.

"I am sorry," she screamed. "Please slow down the car. Please!"

"Khushi, what's wrong?" he asked.

Khushi was still yelling, pleading Arnav to stop the car. He was completely unsure of Khushi's sudden outburst to unknown situation. He was no at all over speeding in fact, he was driving normally.

When he saw Khushi struggling, he unfastened his seatbelt, and came out of the car as he was unable to calm khushi.

"Khushi, car is stopped!" he said.

Khushi looked around, car was stopped and Arnav was looking anxiously at her.

"What are you saying? I was driving at the normal speed 60 Km/hr, Khushi. I didn't over speed it," he said.

"You were driving fast!" she said.

"No, Khushi!" he said. "How can I over speed when cars can't even exceed 60 Km/hr. Khushi fisted his shirt and hid her face in his chest. She was unable to speak as her sobs chocked her voice. She was hiccuping.

"Khushi, you want water?"

"" she stuttered.

Arnav rubbed her back to calm her. He got even more worried when he found her clothes wet. She was shaking with fear.

Khushi realized it was just an imaginative thing inside her head. Arnav tried to hug her, but he stopped himself first.

"Khushi, everything is alright. I wasn't over speeding. You just imagined all of it in your head!" he told her.

He could finally hear her sobs subsiding.

"I am sorry," she muttered.

"Sorry for what?" he asked. "Khushi, forget about this. Just let's go. You need to see the doctor, you aren't well," he said and wrapped his arms around her.

"Khushi, we are getting late," he repeated. When she didn't respond, he was afraid she had collapsed. He made her head lift and he now felt his shirt wet. Her nose was bleeding mercilessly.

"Oh no!" Arnav screamed.

"Khushi!" he patted his cheeks. "Khushi, open your eyes! For god sake!" he pleaded. When after two three minutes she didn't respond him, he called the ambulance.

He even tried to give her CPR.

"Khushi, wake up, wake up, wake up!"

No response.

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