Monday 16 February 2015

It has been chapter 7

I was said that I left all of you here you go guys...Read it and do tell me how do you like it? With this I should get back to my study! Love you all!

Chapter 7

Khushi's happiness upon seeing her parents, was all of sudden taken away from her when her parents put a condition in front of her.

"Come with us, leave this drunk useless man, and marry a person of our choice," Mr. Gupta said.

Later ignoring all the pleas of Arnav. Who was literally on his knees in his feet. Khushi's heart stung as he begged in front of her parents to forgive their daughter.

"I am sorry, Mr. Gupta, I know I had been a useless husband for your daughter, but your daughter doesn't deserve this!" he said. "Because of my wife, Lavanya she had lived with the trauma! Believe me I am regretting the way how I treated your daughter."

Mr. Gupta held him by his collar and made him stand on his feet. "If I had wanted, I would have killed you, you useless man!" he said. "But for my daughter I stayed quite. I have no idea what did she see in you. I don't know why didn't I stop her to not to get married to you. I don't know why did I let my daughter to rot in this hell!" Mr. Gupta released his collar and pushed him back. Arnav fell on the floor as he lost balance.

Arnav's hand tightened into a fist, but he just drank his anger. He would have yelled back, or would have asked them to get out of his house for manhandling him, but today, he knew he was at mistake. To get Khushi's happiness back he had to face all this.

"I am sorry, Mr. Gupta. But I am a changed man now. I want to move on in life with my wife, Khushi!" he said as he joined his hand in front of them. "Please don't put this condition in front of her!"

Despite of feeling bad, Khushi didn't say anything. Raizada family were helpless, they knew being parents, if they were in their place they would have done something like this.

"Even if you die, then also I will never forgive you," Mr. Gupta said. "And Khushi, as far is concerned she can listen to my conditions and take a decision!"

"No, Mr. Raizada, please don't do so. I have accepted Khushi as my wife. Because of me or anyone else she will not go through any worst, I will make sure she doesn't even get a little scratch. This is a promise. You can punish me but don't put these conditions, I beg off you. If in any way I tried to hurt Khushi you can take her away, but I promise that time will not ever come!"

"Shut up!" Mr. Gupta yelled.

"Khushi, bitiya, enough of this useless man. I beg you, don't ruin your life being with this man! He will only hurt you. Whatever he is doing is out of guilt and for whole life he will only give you fake love just to make you choice is yours! Daughter, we are your parents and only want your best."

Khushi didn't know what she should decide.

"Mr. Gupta, I beg off you!" Arnav said as he was once again on his knees. "Mrs. Gupta, I promise I will keep your daughter happy. It's not out of guilt. I will always respect her."

Raizada family closed their eyes as they were unable to see Arnav begging. Didn't matter how bad they think Arnav had done but still it hurt them. But somewhere they thought he deserved it. However, if Khushi chose her parents, they will all break. And if she chose Arnav, which was a rare case, Khushi will break.

"Son, you have cleared that you won't give her love!" Mrs. Gupta said.

Arnav was quite for a while, but then said, "Your daughter is someone with whom it is not hard to fall in love with."

Khushi looked at him as his says statement. "Yes, it will not be hard for me to forget, Lavanya, but I am accepting this relation and Khushi as my wife!" he said honestly. It hurt Khushi.

"Didn't I say this man would only hurt you, Khushi, bitiya?! He is experimenting with you, if he will be happy with you, he will accept you otherwise will leave you," Mr. Gupta said. He held Arnav again by his shoulder and pushed him back.

"Stop it, dad!" Khushi shouted, as she couldn't tolerate the way Mr. Gupta was dealing with Arnav.

"Enough is enough, just stop this. You cannot come to my home and deal with my husband like this!"

Arnav looked at Khushi in awe.

"Bitiya, you still consider him your husband?" Mr. Gupta said in disgust.

"Yes, I still consider my husband," she said. "Didn't matter how he treated me but he came and apologized me. He atleast for my happiness tried to move on with me. But what you are doing, dad? Neither a year ago you were on my side, nor today. For my happiness he is begging you, but what you are doing? You are still putting conditions in front of me? How could I choose between you and him?

"Dad, mom you are my parents, and yes, Arnav ji, might not love me, but he is at least being honest and saying he will keep me happy. You say you are parents? For me he is ready to move on but you? Can not you just move on and forgive me? For my happiness?

"If you have asked me, let me tell you both, I won't choose any of you," she shouted.

"I would choose my this family," she said pointing at Raizada family, "who didn't matter what was on my side. My Nani, who gave me love, my mami, mama ji, who were great as my in-laws but more than that as my parents, they were on my side to tell me everything will be alright. My Akaash bhaiya and my Payal bhabi, who considered me as their sister. My Anjali di, who loved her brother, but more than him me, she always stood like a wall to save me whenever Arnav ji, hurt me. What you both did?"

"They were selfish, they wanted to bring their son on track!" Mr. Gupta said.

"No, dad, you are so wrong. I feel bad you had to say that. You know that I was the one who had said that I would marry Arnav ji, till last moment they were telling me to not to marry Arnav ji. But it was me who for my friend wanted to get married to him. It is sad neither than nor now you decided to support me. Then also knowing my condition you broke every relationship with me, and today too you are doing the same. Not then you asked what I want, nor today, you asked me before telling me to choose between the two of you. And you say you want my happiness? My happiness was in marrying Arnav ji, or year ago, today, my happiness is being with this family, but you don't care, dad. And yes, this is my final decision I won't choose any of you. I would choose this family of mine. Who were with me in good and bad.

"Also, you can't come to my home and say anything about my family, and for this I won't be able to forgive you. Please you both can leave!" she said as she kept stone on her heart. Tears swam down her beautiful eyes.

Arnav's heart cringed.

Anjali, Nani, Payal, and mami ji tried not to cry.

"Please, Khushi, don't do this, Mr. Gupta, please forgive both of us!" Arnav begged.

Mr. Gupta was so angry at Khushi's decision that he decided to take all his anger at Arnav. "Next time don't show me your face!" Saying this he was going to slap him, when Khushi held his hand.

Everyone present in the room were shocked.

"Mr. Gupta?" Mrs. Gupta said.

"Dad, right now you are standing in my house, and trying to raise hand on my husband, I don't want to say anything that would make me regret whole my life. Would just say leave my home."

"You will regret this decision, my daughter, you will regret this decision, and know this, one day you will come back to us. This is my promise to you. And the family you are saying is yours they all will not mind if you leave this house. Remember this. But your parents house is always open for you."

Khushi lowered her eyes and joined her hand. "Leave!" she said.

"Let's go, Mrs. Gupta!" Mr. Gupta said. Mrs. Gupta protests. She cries and ask Mr. Gupta to change his decision. But he doesn't listen and simply drag her out of the RM.

Khushi was going to fell when Arnav holds her. "Khushi, bitiya!" Mama, mami ji, runs towards her. Along with Anjali and Nani.


Khushi clench her shirt and cries. Her head on his chest. Arnav was still trying to understand what really just happened.

"Why did you do this?" she yelled at him. "Why did you think you will bring my parents here and make everything right? You ruined everything, Arnav ji! You have ruined everything for me!" And then he pushed him back. Button of his shirt broke and flew in the air and then fell on the marvel floor.

"Everything is ruined!" she wailed as she fell on the floor crying.

"Khushi, bitiya please gather yourself!" Mami ji said as she say beside her.

"We are here bitiya, Mr. Gupta was just mad, but he will change his decision," mama ji said.

"No, he will not do so. I have lost them for forever!"

Arnav sat on the floor and held Khushi by her shoulder. "Khushi, please don't stress yourself. This is my promise I will make everything alright. I will bring them back!"

Khushi held his hand to shove away. "Khushi, please forgive me. These weren't my intentions. Please Khushi, I wanted to give you happiness. I didn't know this will turn out to be like this!"

"Khushi ji, please, don't cry. Everything will be okay. You have just come from the hospital. You should be taking care of yourself!"

Khushi wiped her tears. "I am okay!" she said. "I am fine!"

Anyone who hadn't known the situation would have told she was in shock.

Arnav held her by her shoulders and made her stand. "Khushi, let's go, you need rest. Everyone, please go, I will take care of Khushi."

"I don't want to go anywhere with you," she shouted. "Do you get that?"

Arnav knew that the mess he had created was not going to be cleaned this easily.

"Khushi, I am sorry!" he said.

Khushi clenched his shirt and hugged him, her head on his chest once again. "Why this always happen to me?" she cried. "Why Arnav ji? I haven't done anything wrong, I didn't take anybody's place, I just wanted to fulfil my promise made to my friend, when everything went wrong, when I fell in love with you, I didn't get to know..."

Arnav's eyes widened in shock, his mouth was left half open at her confession.

"When you became my necessity, my priority I didn't know. For you, I left my parents. Why? Even knowing that I will mean nothing to you!"

She leant against him, her sobs made hard for her to say anything. She stammered. Her wails shook her body.

"This is all happening because of you," she said. "You gave the punishment for loving, for caring for you."

Whole family left one by one in anger, but other reason being they knew Arnav had to just end this mess now somehow.

Arnav's heart stopped for couple of seconds as she opened her heart to him.

"I don't know why I was there still with you, knowing that you hate me, knowing that you will never accept me."

Before Arnav could say anything, Khushi ran upstairs to her room.

"She loves me?" he asked himself shocked.

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