Monday 16 February 2015

It has all been about you, Mr. Raizada Chapter 1

What it is about? 
This story is of Arnav who loved lavanya, but when she dies just after the one week of their marriage, Arnav thinks he has no life left...He starts drinking to make his life miserable...But then khushi comes in his life as his better half...Arnav marries to her for his family, and Khushi marries him for the sake of her best friend, so that she could fulfil her promise made to her best friend and her family, thats Raizada family.

In a one year period of marriage Khushi doesnt get a wife's status. Arnav doesn't care if she is his wife...He calls her a "second woman." He hates her for taking La's space, but somehow khushi is in love with Arnav...And this she would never tell him, because he doesnt't care what she feels about him.

His family is really tired, and so does Khushi as all she sees is Arnav killing himself...She had to take the stand...And when she does what happens?

Do read, also to know...

What twist and turns their life would take? Would Arnav accept her? Or Khushi has to leave him once he would be standing on his feet.

Do leave your comments and hit like if you somehow liked the story...

Thank you in advance!


"No, Mr. Raizada, today, I shall be doing the talking, not you, " Khushi shouted and dominated Arnav's shout.

Arnav was shocked at the same time angry that how dared she raised her voice in front of him.

"Your pain, your hurt, your sadness. Me a7nd only me. Is that it, Mr. Raizada, for you?" Khushi asked angrily.

"Since the day I have come into your life as your wife all I see is a drunk man. After your own pain, you don't see nothing. Your first wife, Lavanya died, yes it's painful, but is that it all about?

"Mr. Raizada, I never ever raised my voice in front of you, because you were my husband. I respected you as my life partner. But you, you don't consider me as your life partner, but a woman who has come into your life and took Lavanya's place. Really? Okay; I believe that I took your first wife's place...Tell me if today I get out of your life would Lavanya come back to you?" she asked. "If yes is your answer I would leave right now!"

"Just shut up...And you know what I am not interested in listening what you have to say!" Yes, yiu mean nothing to me. I married you only becausemy family wanted. I can never accept as my wife. Yiu mean nothung to me," Arnav retorted.

"But I am pretty much interested in telling you what has been utterly wrong in your life.

"Okay, let me be a second woman, what your family? Huh!"

"Would you just shut up?" he stuttered.

"No, I won't!" Khushi shouted and in no way she was going to stop until she was done saying what she had to say.

"I won't shut up, because you gotta listen me what I have to say!" Khushi literally shouted. "...Mr. Raizada, no power in this world would stop to say what I want to say."

Anjali, Nani, Mami, Mama ji, Akaash, Payal stood mum. Every single of them were worried what if anything wrong happened. Arnav's anger they all knew. However, they had been quite tired of Aranv's drinking habits as well.

"I am not interested!" he yelled.

"You have to listen me!" she shouted and tossed his beer bottle on the floor.

The sound of his bottle cracking into pieces shocked everyone. Arnav was angry way more than ever before now. He was going to raise his hand on Khushi, but something stopped him.

"Look, Khushi, just go away from my sight."

"No!" she stayed unmoved. "Why did you stop, Arnav ji? Come on, slap me. Do this too what you haven't done ever!"

"Khushi ji, leave him, he is not gonna listen you!" Anjali said afraid.

"This is the problem, di. He thinks he can drink until this thing kills him because his so called anger will stop anyone of us."

"Why do you care if I drink? Who are you to me?"

"I am your wife," she said.

"No, you aren't my wife I have said that to you  many a times, get that in your head."

"You said it, and it's going to mean nothing? It doesn't work this way, Mr. Raizada, it doesn't!"

"If you consider me your husband then why don't you just do as I say?"

"Oh really as your wife, I should allow you to drink this poison?"

"Yes, you can set yourself free from me this way!"

"That's really true, Mr. Raizada. Exactly! Me and your family should leave you in this condition.

"Because with your death no body would be affected right? No one. I should salute you for keeping this thought in your head, Arnav ji!!"

"It wouldn't affect Anjali di, your elder sister, who had been your mother and a father after mom, dad passed away. She is just crazy when she keeps fast just so that her brother stops drinking and lead a happy life.

"I think you are absolutely right, Mr. Raizada. It doesn't affect Nani either, the lady who had always been a support to you and Anjali di.

"Of course; then who mami and mama ji are you too? Just a relatives, who love you more than their own son, Akaash. They did everything to support you. They gave you education and helped you become a successful business man, just to see you like this in the drunk state 24 hour."

"Akaash, bhaiya. Right now he is the one who is looking after this whole business of yours. He works 24 hours, he spends sleepless nights just so that your business keeps on going just the way you always kept it.

"Payal, bhabi. She considers you as your little brother. She is 8 months pregnant, she would be giving a child to this house, do you even know that? I  don't think so. Akaash bhaiya should be with her in this condition, but he can't even spend a little time with his wife and with his unborn.

"And if you say, all this doesn't matter to you, what wrong you say, Mr. Raizada? You are to the point right. Because the great business man, no, this drunk man is always right. Always."

"You know what, Mr. Raizada, you aren't killing yourself, you are killing each one of your family members. You might forget your pain for a few moments, but these people, who are your family and they love you, are killed every moment when they see you in this condition. Their every night, their every morning has become a bad dream. So what, right? It's not your mistake at all, Mr. Raizada, because all you see is your own pain. Your family is foolish who cares for you. You think they aren't in pain over their daughter-in-law's death who died just after a week of your marriage?

"They are, Mr. Raizada. They are! They just don't show it. You know why? Because they know every single tear that will be shed from their eyes on the loss of their daughter-in-law will effect you. They already lost the most important part of their life Arnav ji, but now they won't afford to see you in pain."

Every word that Khushi said hit Arnav's ear and created a havoc in his mind. And the good thing he was listening.

"It affects them to a great deal when they hear everyone says their son is nothing but a drunk man. They actually not feel proud at all when they find you fallen somewhere on the streets and the next day the news comes in the newspaper. So that whole world see or knows your condition.

"Do you know what? Not a single person sympathize with you, other than your own family, they laugh at you. Its them who has to listen what world has to say, not you.

"Why am I really saying this at first place, nothing will matter to you. And yes; from now on wards no one in this family will say anything to you.

Arnav saw tears in everybody's eyes as he looked around. All of sudden he felt he was the biggest fool on the earth. He realized deliberately how much he was hurting everyone, the people who actually loved him and cared for him.

Khushi's words took all his intoxication out of his mind.

"Why not only this? You want a freedom right? We all give you the freedom, you stay here in this house alone, drink as much as you want and
we all leave. Because you hate everyone single of us since we all stop you to drink. From now on wards, no one will stop you. Drink as much as you can. Because all you care is about your pain."

Khushi leaves from there to get a bottle of whiskey.

"Here you go, Mr. Raizada!" she said. "Drink as much as you can. When this will finish call any of your servant they will give it to you. Happy drinking."

"Now we all leave! Let's go, Nani ji!" Khushi said.

As they all were about to leave Arnav threw the bottle on the floor.

"Please, stop everyone!" he said. "Please, I beg all of you! I am sorry to every one of you. I won't drink again! I swear on Lavanya that I won't even touch the bottle of alcohol again in my life. Starting from now. Please don't leave me. I know I had been an asshole, and yes, Khushi, you were right, I just only thought of myself and none about others. I apologize!"

"Why we believe you, Arnav ji?"

"Please, give me one chance, I will prove that I actually mean what I said."

Everyone took a sigh of relief as for the first time in a one and a half year someone took a stand and decided to change his perceptions. Family was glad.
Whether Arnav, Khushi's was a compromise but they all knew Khushi would be the first and the last person on the earth to change Arnav's mind on his life style. It did take an one and a half year but it was never too late.

Yes, it might have been too early to believe it, but they had a hope now that they will be successful in getting their old Arnav back that they never got in the past one and a half year.

Everyone stood but, Khushi. She was way too hurt...She had told how everyone felt about his condition but hers.

She couldn't tell she loved him...

"Khushi ji!" Anjali said.

"Khushi bitiya please stop!" Nani, mami, mama ji said.

"Chote, to tell you the truth more than hurting us, you have hurt Khushi bitiya. In no way, she deserved your this treatment," Mami ji said.

Arnav looked at Khushi as she ran upstairs to her room in tears.

"Chote, do you realize that?" Anjali asked. "By calling her second woman, when you were the one who married to her yes, even when it was for us, but you did marry her with proper rituals. You took vows that you consider her as your wife spiritually, and then all of sudden for you she was a second woman? In what way, chote, I exactly ask," Anjali said. "If we feel so bad, what about her, who is your wife.

"You know, if anybody else would have been in place of her, she would have left you and this house long time ago, seeing just your condition, may be she wouldn't even have married to you at first place. But Khushi ji not only she married you, but for the past one year she has been listening to your taunts that she took a place of Lavanya. She didn't, chote. Because you never let her other than just being called a wife of yours, she has no identity. Whenever she tried to come near you, you distanced yourself more from her. Do you think it doesn't hurt her? She has the heart that feels the pain, chote. Just like you, and us.

"But the thing is she is hurt and she doesn't show to anyone. She is from a rich and a respectable family, she could have married to anyone in this world, who would have loved you but she married you just because we said. She has nothing to do with your money, she is a respectable woman, but you always say something to her that hurt her self respect.

" If you don't want to give her the position that she deserves it is fine, but she does deserves respect from you, Chote. She shouldn't be a part of your pain, but still she made it. Even knowing your condition, for whom? For us. And her friend La. She mentioned everyone of us, but the fact that she was La's best friend and for her she did it. Because she knew it, wherever Lavanya was she wouldn't have able to see you in this condition.

"Do you even know for the past one year she hasn't even met her family?

Arnav looked at her shocked. "She didn't?"

"Yes, you heard it right!

"She broke every relation with her family just so that she could bring you once again on a right track. That she could have only done if you were her husband. But her family wasn't ready to give their daughter to a drunk man.

"For you she spent so many nights without sleeping. Without eating too because she used to wait for you. Sometimes you won't even come back. She used to wait for you for dinners but you would always come late home drunk. Do you think she would have liked it?

"If you are smart enough you would realize more than just being la her friend she had so many reasons why she was doing it, and what they were, if you try to understand it can make a whole lot of difference.

"Chote, what I believe is everything happens for are own good! Our time with Lavanya was only that much. But now she is gone. In no way we can bring her back. Chote, life is the name of moving forward. If we will dwell in our past we will never learn to live. Lavanya was your past, Khushi ji is your present. I know you loved Lavanya and still do, but it's Khushi ji who is in your life at the moment. I know no one will take place of Lavanya in your heart but I know you have a big heart, chote, it can definitely fit a person in it who deserves it. And Khushi ji is the right person. She deserves so much better.

"I would say, you have enough hurt yourself, us, La's soul, and Khushi ji.

"Still there is nothing wrong, make a decision that will be not only good for us, but for you and Khushi ji.

"Go chote!"

"I am really sorry, everyone!" he said and his eyes were watery.

Anjali hugged her brother.

Nani, mami, mama ji, Akaash, and Payal smiled with their whole heart.

"I go and see if Khushi is fine!" Arnav said as he pulled away from the hug.

"Go, chote!" Anjali said with a smile that was ear to ear. And for the first time after a long time she felt a true happiness.

"Hey, Thakur ji, I hope this boy realizes he has Khushi's heart," Anjali prayed.

"Akaash, take Payal inside the room and you guys rest. Nani, mami, mama ji, let's sleep."

"Today, I won't be able to sleep, because I am so happy and I can finally see some hope!" Nani said.

"I surely need to get to the temple and get a veneration done at home so that everything gets fine now!"

"Yes, sasu ma, I would accompany to you tomorrow in the morning to the temple."

"It's definitely gonna be a good night today; Akaash!" Payal muttered.

"It would be, after all, we have gotten our brother back. Let's go and get you some sleep."

"Take care of Payal bitiya!" Mami ji said.

"Yes, mom!"

Arnav wiped his tears dry with his shirt sleeves. And sniffed so that it doesn't look or sound he was crying. He set his hair and his clothes. Before he decided to go inside his and Khushi's room.

He opened the door and there he saw Khushi half laid on the bed, her back leant against the headboard. Her eyes were closed and she had hugged the photo frame. Arnav could tell it was Lavanya's picture.

Fresh new tears formed in his eyes but he resisted to spill them out of his eyes.

"Khushi!" he said softly. As he went close to her only to realize she had fallen asleep.

He tried to unfold her arms around Lavanya's photo frame, but she had held it strong. He didn't force further just so that he doesn't disturb her sleep. Because he didn't want once again to repeat the mistake of keeping her awake. He carefully sat on the floor with his knees knelt.

He sniffed his sobs and he looked down.

"I know I have been a very bad person, Khushi. I always have been so consumed in my own pain that I didn't see anything beyond it. I had always been selfish. I always thought of myself but forgot that others feel they same as I do. It's not that I never felt anybody's pain actually,  but I ignored it. When Lavanya died I thought everything ended for me. But that was so wrong. I had my family who still needed me, and you...

"You?..." he was lost of words. "You left your family, surely they wouldn't have allowed you to marry a dumb a** like me.
Anjali di was right you deserved so much better than me. I am sorry, Khushi, for not giving you the right you deserved. I am sorry for hurting you for the past one year. I am sorry I tried to cross every limit of mine by almost raising my hand on you. You don't deserve this animal behaviour of me. But I promise I would not drink again. I would be the person everyone wants me to be. I promise I will prove myself that I am not useless. Khushi, I apologize for every mistake, for every pain I gave you!" he said.

Then he got up and picked Khushi and laid her on the bed properly. Afterwards he put a blanket on top of her. She held the frame closed to her chest and he didn't try to move it.

Before leaving to the washroom he glared at her for quite a lot of time.

He didn't know if he would ever be able to love her back, but surely he would gave her the respect that she needed.

A smile was tugged on his face automatically and he didn't know. 


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