Thursday 29 May 2014

On his Demand CH 32

And finally took the sigh of relief. His eyes had weld up.

He smoothed his hand over her hair and stayed up after wards. To check if she had a peaceful sleep.

It was second time a day that Khushi had such a nightmare and in both she mentioned someone wants to take him away from her.

Technically, it was just a dream. And dreams are not meant to be true in most of the cases. It's just the plays of unconscious mind.

However, he feared it wasn't a positive sign. But why would she have such dreams. Whom did she fear of!? Did anyone had
said anything to her!?

If she feared it was about Anjali, he would make sure his di understands she was the victim just like her.

And it was enough of Rahul, he had done what he had to, without knowing the consequences. But now Arnav would make sure that his security agents were doing hard job enough to hunt him down. Doesn't matter what part of the world he had hidden himself. And he promised the day they found him, he will tear him apart. That day no law, no court, no God in the world would able to save him from him.

He will face the worst as he had never ever imagined even in his dream.

He had hurt those two women who came first before his own life and he had played with the innocent lives.

He picked up his phone and went outside to the sun deck, immediately to talk to Karan. He knew Karan would be in England at the moment.

"Karan what's the progress!?" he asked without even saying hello.

"Hello, Arnav!" Karan wished recognizing Arnav's voice over the wailing sirens of the police cars in the background. He vacated himself away so that he could hear Arnav clearly.

"Arnav search is still on. His phones are untraceable. Recently, we had made to his Scotland home, but his family claims that they don't know about his whereabouts. But we are sure he is in England," Karan assured.

"Karan di has just recovered from her accident..."

Karan's heart palpitated in happiness. "Really!? When!? You didn't tell me earlier!" he said slightly disappointed.

"Yeah. I was just too occupied so couldn't tell you!"And finally took the sigh of relief. His eyes had weld up.

He smoothed his hand over her hair and stayed up after wards. To check if she had a peaceful sleep.

It was second time a day that Khushi had such a nightmare and in both she mentioned someone wants to take him away from her.

Technically, it was just a dream. And dreams are not meant to be true in most of the cases. It's just the plays of unconscious mind.

However, he feared it wasn't a positive sign. But why would she have such dreams. Whom did she fear of!? Did anyone had
said anything to her!?

If she feared it was about Anjali, he would make sure his di understands she was the victim just like her.

And it was enough of Rahul, he had done what he had to, without knowing the consequences. But now Arnav would make sure that his security agents were doing hard job enough to hunt him down. Doesn't matter what part of the world he had hidden himself. And he promised the day they found him, he will tear him apart. That day no law, no court, no God in the world would able to save him from him.

He will face the worst as he had never ever imagined even in his dream.

He had hurt those two women who came first before his own life and he had played with the innocent lives.

He picked up his phone and went outside to the sun deck, immediately to talk to Karan. He knew Karan would be in England at the moment.

"Karan what's the progress!?" he asked without even saying hello.

"Hello, Arnav!" Karan wished recognizing Arnav's voice over the wailing sirens of the police cars in the background. He vacated himself away so that he could hear Arnav clearly.

"Arnav search is still on. His phones are untraceable. Recently, we had made to his Scotland home, but his family claims that they don't know about his whereabouts. But we are sure he is in England," Karan assured.

"Karan di has just recovered from her accident..."

Karan's heart palpitated in happiness. "Really!? When!? You didn't tell me earlier!" he said slightly disappointed.

"Yeah. I was just too occupied so couldn't tell you!"

"It's okay, but I am happy that my best friend is recovering!" he said happily. "I will definitely go and see her!"

"Yes sure. But that is why it's important for us to trace that bas***d Rahul as soon as possible," he said lowering his voice considerably slow, but dangerously dark. "I don't want him to get to di."

"Yes, yes, Arnav security is quite high around her. Without permission not even a mosquito could get around her!" he reassured.

"Yes. Karan last time he had escaped from RM, but this time he shouldn't!"

"Yes, Arnav. Please you don't worry. This is my promise that we won't let anything to Anjali as well as Khushi or any member of the house!"

He kept the phone on the side table before hanging up. All of sudden, it had started pouring it wasn't as they weren't expected. Whether had already warned of the rainy whether.

If Khushi had been up, she surely would have loved it, but even that wasn't even sure as for now.

He planted both his hands on the railing, the coldness of the iron railing seeping into his hands, sending careful chills in his body.

He closed his eyes. Feeling the drowsy chatter of the rain and the chill that caused goosebumps to rose on his arms. Today, not even nature provided no help to calm his infuriating nerves.

He could feel the clouds of tension hovering over again in their lives. He was worried about Khushi and his baby's health. Recently, Khushi had been too tensed. And he isn't able to do anything.

He wasn't able to keep her happy. Why did he made Khushi his target at first place he thought!? Why didn't he deal with that bas***d!? he said and hit the railing.

But he can't afford to sit around, hand on hand, and regret what he should have done and what not!? Sometimes, things doesn't go the way we want them to be, Khushi had told him.

And Anjali would be back soon to India. Was he worried about that!? He had assured himself that he will convince Anjali, but what if she didn't understand!?

He clenched his hair in his hands tightly. His eyes tightly scrunched, and once again his grip on the iron cold railing getting strong.

If he would think about hard enough he would go insane, he knew it.

Why things had to be this way at first place!? He was tired of it and totally worn out.

Then shoving his all thoughts he went back into the room, and gently sat to Khushi's side.

"I will not let anything happen to you!" he whispered. "Nothing!"

"Hey, di!" La said. For a moment Anjali thought it would Arnav as the door opened, but she was left disappointed.

But she looked at her and smiled.

"Hey, La!" she said. Her voice was energetic, yet weak.

"Di, how are you!? Just came to know about your health. Nobody told me anything that you have come out of the coma!" she whimpered. "But forget about it! How are you feeling!?" she then asked cheerfully. Making sure she didn't bring any sadness into her tone. That will hurt her.

"I don't know what has happened to my family!?" she said. "It looks like they aren't happy!" she complained.

"Di, it's nothing like that!" La assured.

"Then what is it like!?" she snapped. "Chote, he hasn't come yet to meet me. Just called me! And Akaash and Payal, what has happened up them!?"

La didn't say anything for a moment. "What has happened to you!? Why you look so sad now!?"

Lavanya shook her head. "Nothing, di. Nowadays, they don't have time for anyone, but..." she said in an inaudible tone and immediately stopped but Anjali heard her.

"But what La!? Nobody is telling me anything why didn't he come!? There is something that really kept hidden from me!"

Lavanya wondered if Anjali knew about Arnav has married to Khushi. Does she really tell her about him!? she thought.

But wouldn't it be fun, if she would come to know about Khushi's and Arnav's marriage on her own!? she thought and smiled devilishly.

"It would be fun, when Anjali di would come to know that her chote has married to a woman who is responsible for the havoc in her life," she said to herself.

There was a sense of victory for her. "What I couldn't able to do alone, Anjali di will help me and even family!?" she excitedly thought.

"When even my own sister had decided to help that Khushi," she gritted her teeth angrily.

"Now, what my sweet sister would do when Anjali di herself will throw her out of my Arnav's life. Finally, I will sit back an relax and watch the drama!" she laughed inwardly. Already so happy and confident.

Anjali was waiting for the answer to her question.

"What has happened to you now!?" Anjali asked as she lightly shook her.

"No...Nothing di...You know he is always busy with his work!"

"Yes, you are right! Why he is always like this!? He doesn't care about me anymore!" she added sadly.

"No, di..." she said. "It's not at all the way you think. He loves you more than anything."

"It's just that b***h, Khushi has done black magic on him!" she swore under her breath.

Anjali didn't bother asking what she said.

"Okay, because of me you guys couldn't get married!" Anjali stated. And Lavanya's eyes, almost shot up.

"Now, I will get you both married!" she added.

Lavanya was going to jump in excitement, but she got control on her excited nerves. But maintained a sad face.

"Di, you aren't well yet. You should focus on your health. You take care I will be back soon!"

"Okay, you take care of yourself too!" Anjali said and Lavanya left.
"So, Anjali doesn't know anything about Khushi!?" she said.

"Nah," he replied. "My wife knows nothing about Khushi. But it's you whom has to make sure she knows each and everything!"

Lavanya triumphantly flaunted around the room. "That I will. Jiju, you just wait and watch."

"And one thing more you better not try to contact me. Police is looking for me everywhere since, I have escaped. So, it's better we don't meet. I have to just go from here. Somewhere not even God could find me!" he said.

"But where you will go!? As I told you Karan is looking for you! And he is in Scotland. Probably the Scottish police is well spread every where!"

Rahul got irritated and asked her to keep quite.

"Ssshhh!" he hissed. The only voice that prevailed in the air. "No one would able to get to me!"
His tone dangerous that made Lavanya scared to some extent.

"I will get what I want!" he snapped as he made clear each and every word he said.

"I want my Khushi, the whole property...I swear I will get it...I will do anything for it!"

"And I want my Arnav back to me!" she declared.

"You will and welcome my partner in this game!" he laughed and shook his hand with her.
1 month later!

Where happiness had stepped in the world of Arnav Khushi with the well being of Anjali, lot of things did happen that had not left anyone in the good mood, especially Khushi.

Per convenience, Anjali was shifted to the hospital in India a week later she came out of the coma. And that's when Arnav had gone to meet his sister. And of course, Anjali wasn't really happy for him being the last person to go and meet her. But she wasn't angry at him, knowing how broken he was. That's how well she knew him. She knew the fears behind him of not coming and visit her. She knew he wasn't ready to face her.

***A month ago at the hospital!***

Arnav took a deep long breath of air, that filled his lung, other than that did no good. He was emotionally broken, trying hard to be strong enough to go and see his sister.

He held the knob of the door of Anjali's ward, tightly in his hand, still not opening it.

His mind encouraging him to go inside with courage so that he could able to give Anjali the support she could only get from him.

But his heart had the different story to tell. He had admitted that when it came to Anjali or Khushi, he was nothing, but a weak person who easily get caught in the pain of their.

"Arnav ji, she needs you," Khushi said who stood right behind him to be his strength. "You promise you won't breakdown in front of her!" Khushi demanded.

Arnav just listened her and turned around to looked into her dark brown eyes filled with sympathy for him.

"Arnav ji, Anjali di is fine! And now everything will be fine. We all will help her forget her daunting past!" she continued.

Arnav had nodded his head in sincere acceptance that he would held himself strong.

But he could feel all his weaknesses engulfing his heart.

"Arnav ji, you will make everything okay!" words whispered in his ear that Khushi said with hopefulness, regardless of her sad, grieving tone.

Once again taking a long deep breath he decided to go inside.

Anjali's eyes flew at the opening door and then her heart stopped when she saw Arnav coming more into a view.

She sat up on the bed, unmoved. Pool of tears forming in her eyes and they streaming down her cheeks. Pain in his heart could be seen in his eyes.

He had stood there as his hands left the door and it closed behind him as he started walking towards her.

"Chote!" left from her mouth. But it was lost before it could reach Arnav's ear. But he was sure she had called him.

Their eyes had never left each other. Anjali hadn't seen her brother this broken. And neither Arnav had ever seen her like this pre-accident. His sister was always strong, despite what they had gone through in their lives.

As long as, Anjali had remembered Arnav had never cried. She had made sure she never saw those tears in his eyes. But today, the both siblings could feel each other's pain that were crystal clear and no barriers could stop those damn of tears in any possible ways.

In one long stride, Arnav closed the distance between her and himself as he sat on the bed and hugged her.

"Di!" he murmured with difficult, he has opened his mouth to form words, but they had hardly formed in his mouth and he decided to not to say anything.

At the moment, none of them wanted to say anything. But just be in each other's arms that they needed the most more than anything.

They had cried until, they both had no more tears to shed.

"Chote, please tell them to give my baby back!" Anjali said. Arnav's eyes widened in shock.

He pulled away from the hug. "Please, chote. Ask them. I know it's only you, who could ask them to give my baby back. You are the only one I could trust. I know, if I have asked mama, mami, nani, Payal, Akaash to give my baby back they would have denied, but you!" she said with the hope in her eyes.

Khushi stood outside as she listened to Anjali's cries. She wanted to go to her and comfort her and Arnav who really had no strength to tell her that the truth was he couldn't bring her baby back. She herself was going to be a mother and she was aware of the every inch and not just as a mother, but in general a fear of losing the very part of her body or life.

Their was a silence inside the room, she looked through the slightly opened blinds.

Khushi could tell from Arnav's body language he had no positive answer to tell her that she wanted to hear.

"Anjali di, everything will be fine!" he said not ready to tell her the straightforward answer that; in fact, she really didn't want to hear.

Of course, Khushi couldn't hear that, but she could study the emotions that were playing on Anjali's face.

Anjali had understood the meaning behind his improper answer to her demands.

She brought her legs closed to her body as she hugged them tightly, before breaking down.

Arnav kept her hand on her shoulders.

"Nobody can get my baby back!" Arnav heard her muttering in complete disappointment.

Khushi who stood outside got worried at her behaviour. Anjali had started shaking her head in disbelief.

Arnav's grip got more comfy around her, making her believe that steadily everything will fall into place.

Khushi was crying, muffling her sobs with her hands. The bitterness of Anjali's condition was she was in this state because of her indirectly, if not directly.

She was guilty. So was Arnav whereas the reasons of being guilt were different. He was afraid he couldn't make every situation turn out to be positive. But he can't afford to make it more negative either, the thought stroke his mind.

"Di, please don't cry!" Anjali moved his hands away weakly, denying to accept any support. She was angry and yet not to accept the very fact she had lost her baby.

"Di, please!" he tried again.

"Why it happened with me!?" she had finally accepted. "Chote why it had has been happening with us!?" she moaned. "Why god has always been angry with us!? Why why why!?"

Arnav's wrapped his arms around her. "Di not anymore. Everything will be alright!" he managed to blurt. "Not anymore!" he reassured.

As after hours of spending time with her chote, Anjali was feeling better. And all the fears that Arnav had were washed away when Anjali had smiled as they both chatted.

Anjali did have her complains, why did Arnav didn't come!? But they had let go off that matter when Arnav held his ear and did sit ups.

"Di I love you!" he said.

"I love you too my chote!" she replied back.

Khushi too was relieved as she felt the ease in the air. But the very next thing made her heart jump in her throat.

"Chote, I know because of my accident you and la couldn't get married!" she said and Arnav's muscles tensed.

"The day I will come back home all fine, that day you and la will tie knot with each other!" she claimed. "Let's just start our new life with happiness.

The colour of Khushi's face had drained away. She knew this issue will be raised.

Khushi had asked Arnav not to say anything about his and her marriage yet, to her. And until, Anjali wasn't completely okay, he had promised he will stay mum. But for how long!?

Right now, he simply said, "Di we will discuss about it later!" and Anjali had smilingly accepted it. Indeed, "I know you aren't in hurry, my chote!" she laughed off.

Arnav simply gave her a sad smile. And Khushi knew yet, there were no end to her worries. But she was relieved for at least, for now, the issue had been suppressed.

Arnav was in a good mood, knowing she was out of the shock of loosing her baby. And the other reason being, she had erased Rahul completely from her mind.

Arnav went to Khushi who was waiting for him outside. She looked distraught.

"Khushi what happen!?" he asked. His tone worried.

"Arnav ji, she will not forgive me!" she said disturbed. "I'm afraid, she will not be happy with you either when she will know who am I!?"

Arnav quickly made her sit in the nearby seat. "No," he said.
"Khushi, I have told you before and I telling you this again. I know her. The day she will know what happened with you, she will not hold you responsible for anything!" he said clearly. To make things clear for her in her mind.

"She has to understand you have lost as much she had had!"

She looked back into his confident, yet painful eyes. He couldn't see those tears in her eyes. He quickly wiped them, as soon as they slipped down her eyes.

And hugged her. That's what she needed. In his arms, she felt safe, comfortable, all her worries, disappearing in the air as they never ever existed.

"Khushi you are my responsibility. You are bringing one more member to this family of our and that addition will help all of us to start a new beginning!" he whispered close to her ears.

He could still hear her hiccups and sobs.

He rubbed her back. "Do you believe me!?"

"More than my life!" she said sincerely. Even if he would call a day a night, she would believe.

"Than give me all your worries!" he said before fetching the bottle of mineral water that Khushi had kept on the side chair. And made her drink it.

***Present at RM mansion!"

Today, Anjali was coming back from the hospital. The whole family was busy decorating the whole house...And a small gathering kept in her welcome.

Dhruv lightly slapped NK's head. "Mr. NK Raizada shall we please get something done!?"

"Hallo, I am tired. I have been doing everything since..." NK said in his defence.

Dhruv crossed his arms, waiting for him to continue with his unfinished sentence.

NK scratched his head trying to figure what to say next.

"Yes, could you please tell me!?" Dhruv asked.

"From last five minutes!" NK completed his sentence.

Khushi who was strictly asked to just sit on the sofa and don't dare to move an inch, giggled.

"See bhabi how hard your brother-in-law had been working!" Dhruv mocked.

Khushi giggled even harder.

"It's okay baba you tell me, I help you!"

"No, no, no!" NK immediate spoke. "Bhabi you take rest...Dhruv will do everything!"

"Just look at him!" Dhruv snapped. NK laughed and ran from there.

"You just wait and watch!" Dhruv said as he ran after him.

Khushi laughed but she stood almost immediately in shock as she saw the figure that stood right in front of her eyes.
The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

Thank you to every lovely reader of mine who has been loyal readers! Love everyone of you!
Hope you liked this instalment!

Drop your comments if possible and hit like if you think it was worth it!
See you guys soon with the next part!


Edited by InLuvWithASR - 03 February 2014 at 12:58am


"It's okay, but I am happy that my best friend is recovering!" he said happily. "I will definitely go and see her!"

"Yes sure. But that is why it's important for us to trace that bas***d Rahul as soon as possible," he said lowering his voice considerably slow, but dangerously dark. "I don't want him to get to di."

"Yes, yes, Arnav security is quite high around her. Without permission not even a mosquito could get around her!" he reassured.

"Yes. Karan last time he had escaped from RM, but this time he shouldn't!"

"Yes, Arnav. Please you don't worry. This is my promise that we won't let anything to Anjali as well as Khushi or any member of the house!"

He kept the phone on the side table before hanging up. All of sudden, it had started pouring it wasn't as they weren't expected. Whether had already warned of the rainy whether.

If Khushi had been up, she surely would have loved it, but even that wasn't even sure as for now.

He planted both his hands on the railing, the coldness of the iron railing seeping into his hands, sending careful chills in his body.

He closed his eyes. Feeling the drowsy chatter of the rain and the chill that caused goosebumps to rose on his arms. Today, not even nature provided no help to calm his infuriating nerves.

He could feel the clouds of tension hovering over again in their lives. He was worried about Khushi and his baby's health. Recently, Khushi had been too tensed. And he isn't able to do anything.

He wasn't able to keep her happy. Why did he made Khushi his target at first place he thought!? Why didn't he deal with that bas***d!? he said and hit the railing.

But he can't afford to sit around, hand on hand, and regret what he should have done and what not!? Sometimes, things doesn't go the way we want them to be, Khushi had told him.

And Anjali would be back soon to India. Was he worried about that!? He had assured himself that he will convince Anjali, but what if she didn't understand!?

He clenched his hair in his hands tightly. His eyes tightly scrunched, and once again his grip on the iron cold railing getting strong.

If he would think about hard enough he would go insane, he knew it.

Why things had to be this way at first place!? He was tired of it and totally worn out.

Then shoving his all thoughts he went back into the room, and gently sat to Khushi's side.

"I will not let anything happen to you!" he whispered. "Nothing!"


"Hey, di!" La said. For a moment Anjali thought it would Arnav as the door opened, but she was left disappointed.

But she looked at her and smiled.

"Hey, La!" she said. Her voice was energetic, yet weak.

"Di, how are you!? Just came to know about your health. Nobody told me anything that you have come out of the coma!" she whimpered. "But forget about it! How are you feeling!?" she then asked cheerfully. Making sure she didn't bring any sadness into her tone. That will hurt her.

"I don't know what has happened to my family!?" she said. "It looks like they aren't happy!" she complained.

"Di, it's nothing like that!" La assured.

"Then what is it like!?" she snapped. "Chote, he hasn't come yet to meet me. Just called me! And Akaash and Payal, what has happened up them!?"

La didn't say anything for a moment. "What has happened to you!? Why you look so sad now!?"

Lavanya shook her head. "Nothing, di. Nowadays, they don't have time for anyone, but..." she said in an inaudible tone and immediately stopped but Anjali heard her.

"But what La!? Nobody is telling me anything why didn't he come!? There is something that really 

kept hidden from me!"

Lavanya wondered if Anjali knew about Arnav has married to Khushi. Does she really tell her about him!? she thought.

But wouldn't it be fun, if she would come to know about Khushi's and Arnav's marriage on her own!? she thought and smiled devilishly.

"It would be fun, when Anjali di would come to know that her chote has married to a woman who is responsible for the havoc in her life," she said to herself.

There was a sense of victory for her. "What I couldn't able to do alone, Anjali di will help me and even family!?" she excitedly thought.

"When even my own sister had decided to help that Khushi," she gritted her teeth angrily.

"Now, what my sweet sister would do when Anjali di herself will throw her out of my Arnav's life. Finally, I will sit back an relax and watch the drama!" she laughed inwardly. Already so happy and confident.

Anjali was waiting for the answer to her question.

"What has happened to you now!?" Anjali asked as she lightly shook her.

"No...Nothing di...You know he is always busy with his work!"

"Yes, you are right! Why he is always like this!? He doesn't care about me anymore!" she added sadly.

"No, di..." she said. "It's not at all the way you think. He loves you more than anything."

"It's just that b***h, Khushi has done black magic on him!" she swore under her breath.

Anjali didn't bother asking what she said.

"Okay, because of me you guys couldn't get married!" Anjali stated. And Lavanya's eyes, almost shot up.

"Now, I will get you both married!" she added.

Lavanya was going to jump in excitement, but she got control on her excited nerves. But maintained a sad face.

"Di, you aren't well yet. You should focus on your health. You take care I will be back soon!"

"Okay, you take care of yourself too!" Anjali said and Lavanya left.
"So, Anjali doesn't know anything about Khushi!?" she said.

"Nah," he replied. "My wife knows nothing about Khushi. But it's you whom has to make sure she knows each and everything!"

Lavanya triumphantly flaunted around the room. "That I will. Jiju, you just wait and watch."

"And one thing more you better not try to contact me. Police is looking for me everywhere since, I have escaped. So, it's better we don't meet. I have to just go from here. Somewhere not even God could find me!" he said.

"But where you will go!? As I told you Karan is looking for you! And he is in Scotland. Probably the Scottish police is well spread every where!"

Rahul got irritated and asked her to keep quite.

"Ssshhh!" he hissed. The only voice that prevailed in the air. "No one would able to get to me!"
His tone dangerous that made Lavanya scared to some extent.

"I will get what I want!" he snapped as he made clear each and every word he said.

"I want my Khushi, the whole property...I swear I will get it...I will do anything for it!"

"And I want my Arnav back to me!" she declared.

"You will and welcome my partner in this game!" he laughed and shook his hand with her.
1 month later!

Where happiness had stepped in the world of Arnav Khushi with the well being of Anjali, lot of things did happen that had not left anyone in the good mood, especially Khushi.

Per convenience, Anjali was shifted to the hospital in India a week later she came out of the coma. And that's when Arnav had gone to meet his sister. And of course, Anjali wasn't really happy for him being the last person to go and meet her. But she wasn't angry at him, knowing how broken he was. That's how well she knew him. She knew the fears behind him of not coming and visit her. She knew he wasn't ready to face her.

***A month ago at the hospital!***

Arnav took a deep long breath of air, that filled his lung, other than that did no good. He was emotionally broken, trying hard to be strong enough to go and see his sister.

He held the knob of the door of Anjali's ward, tightly in his hand, still not opening it.

His mind encouraging him to go inside with courage so that he could able to give Anjali the support she could only get from him.

But his heart had the different story to tell. He had admitted that when it came to Anjali or Khushi, he was nothing, but a weak person who easily get caught in the pain of their.

"Arnav ji, she needs you," Khushi said who stood right behind him to be his strength. "You promise you won't breakdown in front of her!" Khushi demanded.

Arnav just listened her and turned around to looked into her dark brown eyes filled with sympathy for him.

"Arnav ji, Anjali di is fine! And now everything will be fine. We all will help her forget her daunting past!" she continued.

Arnav had nodded his head in sincere acceptance that he would held himself strong.

But he could feel all his weaknesses engulfing his heart.

"Arnav ji, you will make everything okay!" words whispered in his ear that Khushi said with hopefulness, regardless of her sad, grieving tone.

Once again taking a long deep breath he decided to go inside.

Anjali's eyes flew at the opening door and then her heart stopped when she saw Arnav coming more into a view.

She sat up on the bed, unmoved. Pool of tears forming in her eyes and they streaming down her cheeks. Pain in his heart could be seen in his eyes.

He had stood there as his hands left the door and it closed behind him as he started walking towards her.

"Chote!" left from her mouth. But it was lost before it could reach Arnav's ear. But he was sure she had called him.

Their eyes had never left each other. Anjali hadn't seen her brother this broken. And neither Arnav had ever seen her like this pre-accident. His sister was always strong, despite what they had gone through in their lives.

As long as, Anjali had remembered Arnav had never cried. She had made sure she never saw those tears in his eyes. But today, the both siblings could feel each other's pain that were crystal clear and no barriers could stop those damn of tears in any possible ways.

In one long stride, Arnav closed the distance between her and himself as he sat on the bed and hugged her.

"Di!" he murmured with difficult, he has opened his mouth to form words, but they had hardly formed in his mouth and he decided to not to say anything.

At the moment, none of them wanted to say anything. But just be in each other's arms that they needed the most more than anything.

They had cried until, they both had no more tears to shed.

"Chote, please tell them to give my baby back!" Anjali said. Arnav's eyes widened in shock.

He pulled away from the hug. "Please, chote. Ask them. I know it's only you, who could ask them to give my baby back. You are the only one I could trust. I know, if I have asked mama, mami, nani, Payal, Akaash to give my baby back they would have denied, but you!" she said with the hope in her eyes.

Khushi stood outside as she listened to Anjali's cries. She wanted to go to her and comfort her and Arnav who really had no strength to tell her that the truth was he couldn't bring her baby back. She herself was going to be a mother and she was aware of the every inch and not just as a mother, but in general a fear of losing the very part of her body or life.

Their was a silence inside the room, she looked through the slightly opened blinds.

Khushi could tell from Arnav's body language he had no positive answer to tell her that she wanted to hear.

"Anjali di, everything will be fine!" he said not ready to tell her the straightforward answer that; in fact, she really didn't want to hear.

Of course, Khushi couldn't hear that, but she could study the emotions that were playing on Anjali's face.

Anjali had understood the meaning behind his improper answer to her demands.

She brought her legs closed to her body as she hugged them tightly, before breaking down.

Arnav kept her hand on her shoulders. 

"Nobody can get my baby back!" Arnav heard her muttering in complete disappointment.

Khushi who stood outside got worried at her behaviour. Anjali had started shaking her head in disbelief.

Arnav's grip got more comfy around her, making her believe that steadily everything will fall into place.

Khushi was crying, muffling her sobs with her hands. The bitterness of Anjali's condition was she was in this state because of her indirectly, if not directly.

She was guilty. So was Arnav whereas the reasons of being guilt were different. He was afraid he couldn't make every situation turn out to be positive. But he can't afford to make it more negative either, the thought stroke his mind.

"Di, please don't cry!" Anjali moved his hands away weakly, denying to accept any support. She was angry and yet not to accept the very fact she had lost her baby.

"Di, please!" he tried again.

"Why it happened with me!?" she had finally accepted. "Chote why it had has been happening with us!?" she moaned. "Why god has always been angry with us!? Why why why!?"

Arnav's wrapped his arms around her. "Di not anymore. Everything will be alright!" he managed to blurt. "Not anymore!" he reassured.

As after hours of spending time with her chote, Anjali was feeling better. And all the fears that Arnav had were washed away when Anjali had smiled as they both chatted.

Anjali did have her complains, why did Arnav didn't come!? But they had let go off that matter when Arnav held his ear and did sit ups.

"Di I love you!" he said.

"I love you too my chote!" she replied back.

Khushi too was relieved as she felt the ease in the air. But the very next thing made her heart jump in her throat.

"Chote, I know because of my accident you and la couldn't get married!" she said and Arnav's muscles tensed.

"The day I will come back home all fine, that day you and la will tie knot with each other!" she claimed. "Let's just start our new life with happiness.

The colour of Khushi's face had drained away. She knew this issue will be raised. 

Khushi had asked Arnav not to say anything about his and her marriage yet, to her. And until, Anjali wasn't completely okay, he had promised he will stay mum. But for how long!?

Right now, he simply said, "Di we will discuss about it later!" and Anjali had smilingly accepted it. Indeed, "I know you aren't in hurry, my chote!" she laughed off.

Arnav simply gave her a sad smile. And Khushi knew yet, there were no end to her worries. But she was relieved for at least, for now, the issue had been suppressed.

Arnav was in a good mood, knowing she was out of the shock of loosing her baby. And the other reason being, she had erased Rahul completely from her mind.

Arnav went to Khushi who was waiting for him outside. She looked distraught.

"Khushi what happen!?" he asked. His tone worried.

"Arnav ji, she will not forgive me!" she said disturbed. "I'm afraid, she will not be happy with you either when she will know who am I!?"

Arnav quickly made her sit in the nearby seat. "No," he said.
"Khushi, I have told you before and I telling you this again. I know her. The day she will know what happened with you, she will not hold you responsible for anything!" he said clearly. To make things clear for her in her mind. 

"She has to understand you have lost as much she had had!"

She looked back into his confident, yet painful eyes. He couldn't see those tears in her eyes. He quickly wiped them, as soon as they slipped down her eyes.

And hugged her. That's what she needed. In his arms, she felt safe, comfortable, all her worries, disappearing in the air as they never ever existed.

"Khushi you are my responsibility. You are bringing one more member to this family of our and that addition will help all of us to start a new beginning!" he whispered close to her ears.

He could still hear her hiccups and sobs.

He rubbed her back. "Do you believe me!?"

"More than my life!" she said sincerely. Even if he would call a day a night, she would believe.

"Than give me all your worries!" he said before fetching the bottle of mineral water that Khushi had kept on the side chair. And made her drink it.

***Present at RM mansion!"

Today, Anjali was coming back from the hospital. The whole family was busy decorating the whole house...And a small gathering kept in her welcome.

Dhruv lightly slapped NK's head. "Mr. NK Raizada shall we please get something done!?"

"Hallo, I am tired. I have been doing everything since..." NK said in his defence.

Dhruv crossed his arms, waiting for him to continue with his unfinished sentence.

NK scratched his head trying to figure what to say next.

"Yes, could you please tell me!?" Dhruv asked.

"From last five minutes!" NK completed his sentence.

Khushi who was strictly asked to just sit on the sofa and don't dare to move an inch, giggled.

"See bhabi how hard your brother-in-law had been working!" Dhruv mocked.

Khushi giggled even harder.

"It's okay baba you tell me, I help you!"

"No, no, no!" NK immediate spoke. "Bhabi you take rest...Dhruv will do everything!"

"Just look at him!" Dhruv snapped. NK laughed and ran from there. 

"You just wait and watch!" Dhruv said as he ran after him.

Khushi laughed but she stood almost immediately in shock as she saw the figure that stood right in front of her eyes.

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

Thank you to every lovely reader of mine who has been loyal readers! Love everyone of you!
Hope you liked this instalment!

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See you guys soon with the next part!


Edited by InLuvWithASR - 03 Febru


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