Thursday 29 May 2014

On his demand part 33

||CHAPTER 33||

"Just look at him!" Dhruv snapped. NK laughed and ran from there.

"You just wait and watch!" Dhruv warned him and he too ran after him.

Khushi laughed, but it completely drained away as she stood almost immediately in shock when she saw the figure that stood right in front of her eyes at the door. Dare to not to look at someone else, but her.

"NK stop running around and...!" Payal said but she too was stopped to say anything further as she looked at the door.

NK bumped into mami. She was going to scold him when her eyes too caught the sight at the door.

Nani was coming, "what happened Manorama!?" she asked and followed Mami's sight.

"Anjali bitiya!" Mama ji said in happiness.

Dhruv and NK stopped as they first looked at mama ji and then where Anjali stood.

Arnav looked at all of them one by one as he came downstairs; his view of Anjali was blocked with the huge pink curtains in the hallway.

"What has happened to all of them!?" he said to Akaash.

Akaash shrugged his shoulder in response implying that he had no real idea why they stood as they something unusual? Both brothers climbed little quickly and found Anjali.

It was a surprise visit. Arnav and Akaash were suppose to go and get Anjali from the hospital. But she had come alone!? However, it seemed like it was a big surprise for Anjali itself. Everyone stood at their place so happy that they forgot that they had to welcome Anjali. But to Anjali no one mattered, at the moment, as she looked at one and only person khushi who stood at the distance of few meters. Her (Anjali's) expressions hard to read at once.

Pure shock, Khushi guessed it, as well as pain, and anger written on her face. Then all of sudden, everyone had started moving towards Anjali in happiness.

"Mary go and get the plate of puja!" Mami ji said in a tone of happiness.

Finally, their daughter was home.

"Anjali bitiya please stand there!" Nani said with tears in her eyes.

"Bhua!" both Gavy and Adi came running and hugged her.

However, Anjali hadn't paid attention to any of them. She moved the kids in a friendly way, and didn't dare to move her eyes away from Khushi's.

Khushi's heart was racing against her chest. Tight congestion forming in her chest and slowly rising to her throat, choking her. Her mind came to an abrupt stop. The phantom clench of terror formed in her stomach. Her heart pulsated at the dangerous level. Despite of that, she forced a smile on her face.

For Anjali nobody existed, but the only person that she knew of, for not a very good reasons.

"Come in!" Nani said after doing her welcome puja.

Anjali came forward walking straight towards Khushi.

Arnav looked between shocked Anjali and terrified Khushi.

Everyone stood perplexed as they saw Anjali walking towards Khushi.

Anjali's expression told Khushi as she was abominated by her presence. Her legs were shaking in fear that she could stand on longer on feet, but surprisingly, she still managed to stand.

"Anjali di, how did you come!? Me and Akaash were coming to get you from the hospital!" Arnav said her to divert Anjali's mind.

"I got her here!" someone said behind.

Payal looked in dismay at her sister. "La!" she said. Akaash looked at La. As far as, he remembered, Payal had said that she won't come back to RM, but how come she was back!?

"What she is doing here!?" the very question asked by Anjali wasn't at all surprising to anyone in general, but it flipped Khushi's whole world upside down.

And Arnav shot a glance of anxiety and fear. Khushi looked at him terrified and then at Anjali. Khushi pretty much was depending on Arnav that he would manage it. With the hope, but right now she must be fooling herself by thinking everything will turn out to be good. Especially, when Anjali knew her. For this encounter, she wasn't at all ready, even though she was aware that Anjali was coming.

She had clenched her the loose end of her sari.

"I asked what is she doing here!?" she shouted.

Khushi eyes quivered.

"Anjali bitiya what's wrong!?" Nani asked as she came forward.

"Anjali bitiya we tell you who she is!? But first let's sit!" Mami ji spoke.

But none of them weren't really sure why Anjali had shouted!? And why did she reacted negatively at Khushi's presence.

"Can anyone tell what is she doing here!?" she repeated herself emphasizing her previously asked question even more clearly.

"She is my wife!" Arnav confessed confidently. Concluding that it was the right time to let Anjali know; whether it was for good or bad.

"Yes, Anjali bitiya she is chote's wife. We were going to tell you at the hospital only but couldn't tell!"

Anjali stood perplexed; she felt her heart came to an abrupt stop for a while! She felt the whole family stood against her.

There was a complete silence in the whole mansion. Even kids who were excitedly jumping around got scared at Anjali's previous screams.

"So you are telling me that chote that you have married a woman who has ruined my life!? Distanced me from my baby!?" she asked in disbelief.

There were couple of puzzled looks shot at each other and most of them showed no other sign but complete shock.

"What are you saying di!?" Akaash asked when nobody able to mutter anything as they all stood as struck by a hard blow.

"Oh, I guess you guys don't know anything how cheap this woman is!?"

"Di please!" Arnav said with pain and anger in his voice. But he wasn't looking into her eyes, but floor.

He was afraid he would communicate that emotion through his eyes that would leave everything shattered completely.

"Anjali bitiya you must be mistaken!" Nani came forward. "Khushi bitiya isn't like that!" she added.

"Would you tell everyone your true colours or shall I disclose them!?" Anjali said.

Khushi just stood scared; words and the breath was hitched in her throat, making her hard to breath and stand at the same time.

"Di, you don't know anything about her!" Arnav said.

"Oh really, what kind off magic you have done on my brother and my family!?" Anjali said to Khushi fuming and held her by her arm tightly.

Khushi didn't dare to wince and threw her hand to her side to stop Arnav from proceeding as she lightly shook her head without looking at him.

"How could you marry a woman who was responsible for my miserable condition and what our family has gone through!?" she further asked releasing Khushi's arm in a careless manner and she started walking towards Arnav now.

Payal immediately came forward and stood on Khushi's side, to support her.

"Chote, can you tell what's really happening here!?" Mami ji interrupted.

Dhruv and NK looking at each other in utter disbelief whether it was really happening in front of their eyes. Then he looked at the kids who were quite shaken.

"Mary please take the kids inside!" NK said.

"Di Khushi has done nothing as you think!" Arnav told her now looking right in her eyes.

Anjali shook her head in disbelief. She really didn't care, but Arnav had said or had to say and just blamed Khushi. "What kind off woman you are!?" Anjali said gesturing her hand towards her in abomination.

She was crying, but trying hard to muffle her tears and sobs.

"I tell you Mami ji," Anjali said as she turned to her to answer her question.

"She is the lady because of whom that scoundrel Rahul left me. Because of her he didn't really think once killing his own baby. He didn't give second thought before trying to kill me! This is the same lady..." she told the whole family who were unaware of the truth till date.

Everyone stood shock struck, but none of them ready to believe that Khushi could be wrong.

In just little more than of a two month of period, they had known her that much that they could conclude that Khushi couldn't be part of Anjali's past. At least, not in a way Anjali had mentioned.

"Chote, is it the truth!?" Mama ji asked still in shock as he started walking towards Arnav.

"Anjali di, Khushi bhabi can't do anything such!" Dhruv said.

"Yes, Anji angel!" NK agreed.

"So, my family believes this girl of tomorrow more than me. What shall I think of it now!? I was better dead!"

"No," Khushi said her first word. "Please don't say so di!"

"Don't!" Anjali immediately said. "Don't dare to call me di!" she warned. "From your mouth it sounds like an abuse."

"Di, you can't blame Khushi without knowing the whole truth!" Arnav said.

"Yes, please tell me the truth of your so called wife!" Anjali asked.

"Prove me wrong that she isn't the same lady whom I saw with that Rahul, shamelessly walking in the mall shopping for their wedding!? Prove me wrong that she was going to marry him! Chote you have no idea what kind off woman she is!"

"Di, you are not wrong!" Arnav stated.

Everyone present in the hall were once again shocked. Only one person was happy. La. Her dreams were coming true and hence, she was enjoying this drama. She didn't have an ounce of idea that Anjali knew everything about Khushi. She had no idea that she could be of this much help to her. But she could see that for Anjali he has to throw Khushi out of his life.

"What are you saying chote!?" Nani asked faintly.

"It's the truth that Khushi is the one because of whom that b***ard..." Arnav said but stopped in between not able to continue.

"But the truth is also that Khushi wasn't at all fault in all this!"

"Here you go!" Anjali said and laughed as she was told the most funniest joke of her life.

"That's it there is nothing more to state or say when my brother thinks that this so called Khushi was innocent," she said in an utter disgust.

"Weren't you just happy just with that Rahul that you trapped my innocent brother in your trap of fake love for money!?"

"Couldn't just Rahul satisfied with you money?"

"Enough di!" Arnav growled taking no more of her talks, said just in anger and that had no acquaintance with the truth. He was afraid when Anjali will come to know the truth she will be really sorry. But only if she was ready to listen him.

"Don't yell at me, chote!" she retorted. "I can't believe me my brother shouted at me!"

"Di, I am sorry about that, but please listen me first than say whatever you have to!"

"No, there is nothing more to say...I won't really ask you to choose between me and her because I know you have chosen her over me, the day you didn't come to see me the very day you knew I was out of the coma!"

"No, di it's nothing like that!" Khushi said as a matter of fact. "It was only because of me he couldn't..."

"Yes!" she snapped. "That's what I am saying my dear chote's wife. I can't really blame him if you are that cheap woman. Going to one man to the other just to quench your inner thirst..."

Arnav's hand balled in a tight fist and his jaws tightly clenched together.

"Di, talk to me. You have no right to say anything about her!" he said. "I respect you as well as her," he told her straightforward.

"If you really don't want to listen the real truth than I won't force you either. But she is my wife. And that is why I do expect from you to give her the respect that she deserves," he retorted maintaining his cool. But making the point he wanted too.

"And whatever you said about her just few seconds ago doesn't suit you! It sounds cheap!" he went on.

"Because she is a cheap woman and she deserves to listen this!" she said right in his face.

"Di just not force me to say that will do no good to anyone! If you aren't happy with her it's fine. Me and Khushi will go away from here!"

"Chote what has happened to you both of you!?" Nani said who was listening to their quarrel for all this time. Their happy mood was left in an utter biitterness.

"I can't believe it's both of you guys that we knew of!" Mami ji said.

"Yes, this is what needed to be talked about!" Anjali said. "Now are you happy!?" she asked Khushi.

Who now felt so disgust at herself that she wished she was dead in place of her father or Anjali's baby. The surge of guilt in her was even more now and what wrong Anjali had said, she was the reason of all this havoc.

"Di," Khushi walked towards her.

"I said don't call me di! You and I can't be related to each other in anyways. To me you were a w**re and will always remain!"

Arnav felt his peace of mind long gone...

"Enough!" he growled. His eyes as dark as night.
"Anjali bitiya please what has happened to you!?" Nani ji said. Even she felt Anjali's words were unsuitable to say anyone.

"What has happened to me!? I have lost my 7 month baby because of her! Because of her my husband cheated on me!"

"And this is my curse that she will go through the same...I curse her that she will never become a..."
Before Anjali could finish her sentence Khushi was on the floor.

"Khushi!" Arnav shouted.

The whole family clustered around her. Arnav literally moved Anjali away from his way. He fell down by her side and her limp body in his shaky hands.

"Akaash please call the ambulance immediately!" he said his voice trembled in fear.

Anjali moved her head for her Khushi was just doing a drama. Lavanya came forward at kept her hand on her shoulder.

Akaash nodded and frantically dialled the hospital.

"I go and get the water!" Payal said.

"Khushi, please open your eyes!" Arnav pleaded. His voice was sinking in fear. "No, nothing will happened to my baby!" he tried to convince himself.

Anjali looked at him and unconscious Khushi in shock.

"Bhai ambulance is here!" Akaash told her.

Arnav nodded his head and picked Khushi in his arms and made their towards the ambulance.
"Ma you stay here with Anjali bitiya!" Mama ji said.

"Please see nothing should happen to Khushi bitiya and her baby!" Nani said between her tears.

"Sasu ma you don't worry. We won't let anything happen to her!" Mami ji assured.

At the moment, nobody wanted to jump on to conclusion after whatever they heard about Khushi. And in any ways, they didn't want to do or say that will make them regret later.

They all had lost too much in their lives. They all ready had lost one life, but by taking untaken decision they didn't want to put the other life in danger.

Somewhere, they all were afraid that what if Khushi was the reason after everything. However, that was the least of the concern.

||At the Hospital||

"Mr. Raizada what happened to her!?" Dr. Sharma asked as they took Khushi out of the ambulance and put her on the stretcher.

"She fainted!" he answered.

"Please, Dr. Sharma nothing should happen to her and our baby! Please I beg you!"

"Mr. Raizada you are such a careless husband. I must tell you. I know I shouldn't be saying this, but I don't think you really care about her. How many times I have told you to keep her away from all the stresses. I don't know what you want!"

"I am sorry, Dr. Sharma. Please, I beg please save my Khushi and my baby!"

"Mr. Raizada have faith she and her baby will be fine if god wanted!" Dr. Sharma said and took Khushi inside the intensive care unit.

"Please god I beg you don't let anything happen...If you want to take my life go ahead and do so!...Please, god don't let anything happen to my baby and Khushi...Please!" he muttered and was completely disturbed and shaken at the moment.

"Please!" he was praying. Pacing back and forth outside the I.C.U. Drenched in sweat. Clot of pure fear in his chest that it ached.

"Please God! Please!" he continued to mumble.

"I won't be able to live please!"

Little shortly, the whole family joined him.

"Bhai what did the doctor say!?" Akaash asked.

"Nothing yet. I don't know what has happened to her! Akaash I can't afford to loose her and my baby!" he was telling him with an utter breathless state.

"Yes, bhai nothing will happen to Khushi. Let's just hope for the best," he soothe him.

"Chote first just come and relax here. Akaash beta make him sit!" Mama ji said.

Akaash nodded and asked him to sit, but he denied. He can't rest when he was restless. "No...nothing could happen," he was telling himself!

And others were in similar situation.

"I should have never let Khushi come in front of Anjali di. Khushi was right!" he told himself. "It's all my f***ing mistake. Please god once let Khushi and our baby fine."

But this time Dr. Sharma was having hard time. Khushi's sugar level were too low and blood pressure was too high. She was afraid that this time Khushi might loose her baby...

"No," Arnav screamed in his mind. "Please god keep my Khushi safe. Tears were flowing down his eyes drenching his t-shirt. Mami had taken a seat beside him and he immediately hugged her. She consoled him. He let out a long cry.

"Ssh chote, nothing will happen to our Khushi and our little one!"

"Bhai, please relax!" Akaash said.

Would god listen to Arnav's pleas!? Or would it be Anjali's curse get worst of Khushi!?
Stay tuned for the next updates!!!

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

Take care everyone!
With love,


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