Monday 23 December 2013

Because I love You LAST PART 5


There were mixed emotions that he was going through at the moment and neither couldn't able to differentiate between them nor control to express all of them.

Somewhere, he was angry at her for leaving him, but at the same time his happiness was at the ninth cloud and his heart at rest.

The only thing at the end he knew was he would broke down emotionally any moment. The last 36 hours had been a hell for him, but he had to manage himself, he had to gather himself to be her support.

"Khushi you here?" he started the conversation casually, layering his emotions with calmness.

"Arnav ji aap? Aap...yahan kya kar rahe hain?" (Arnav ji you what are you doing here?" she stuttered.

She clenched her saree pallu tightly as the poison had slowly started it work. Her head spun. But she told herself "little more pain then you are free Khushi!"

Arnav didn't answer to her question and in quick few steps he went close to her to embrace her in a tight hug. Eventually even after thousand tries to control himself, he gave up.

"Arnav ji!" she whispered in shock at his sudden, unexpected breakdown.

Arnav immediately pulled away from the hug. "Do you even have any idea how worried I was? Do you even know how every second was getting harder for me since I got your letter. All kinds off negative thoughts were hovering over my mind. And you here? Do you any mere idea? No, how could you even care Khushi? You don't care about anything!"

She simply smiled. "Did anyone tell you how cute you look when you are angry?" she asked.

"Here I was so worried about you and you are smiling? And what did you even mean by it would be too late?"

"Arnav ji, I do care for you!" she answered and her eyes kept on shutting making her harder to focus, as her body had slowly started to demolish slowly and slowly.

"That's why I took this step!  Today, everything would be fine. I will be fine, you will be fine. Our families will be fine. Our lives would be okay."

"What do you mean Khushi?" he asked confused at her weird behaviour and talks.

"It's too late Arnav ji to explain! And a perfect time to say goodbye. I am glad you came. I am happy to see you. I thank Devi Maiyan that he sent you when I needed you the most and today you are here again at the perfect time, so that I could forbid you the last good bye!" She said as she cupped his face and collapsed on the floor, along with her the bottle of the poison too fell from her lifeless hands.

Arnav was too shock to realize what she said, what he heard, and what happened to her?

 Until, a bottle with a rattle sound came rolling towards him the moment it left Khushi's hands and it hit his foot.

He squatted down in shock and took the bottle in his hand. The label on it read POISON.

He threw the bottle from his hand and in seconds she was in his hands.

"Khushi!" he screamed loudly as he held her limp body. 
"Khushi open your eyes!" he literally shook her.

"Khushi you can't do anything such. You can't leave me, Khushi! Damn it please open your eyes...Khushi..." he pleaded again and again.

"Arnav ji!" she mumbled.

Arnav immediately looked at her. She was breathing. Yes, she was breathing.

"Khushi I won't let anything happen to you!" he said more to himself than to her.

Meantime, he took out his phone to call Rohan, and told him everything.

"Khushi if anything happened to you, I won't survive too I promise that Khushi please open your eyes!"

Khushi heard it and got scared. "Please Arnav ji, you won't do anything!"

"Khushi if you could I have to keep your eyes open for me otherwise you are here I am here...I will end my life with you!"

"No, Arnav ji why would you!?" she cried.
"Because I love you damn it!"
Khushi was shocked to hear his love confession for her...
But it indeed was really late!
She took her last breath hearing the 3 words, in his arms.
"Khushi," he shook her  hardly to bring life in her, but there was no response from her side...He tried to initiate her heartbeat but she laid there lifeless.
"Khushi if you left me what's the point of me living?" he said with plain expressions on his face.
He took the poison bottle that he had taken and drank the remaining content kissing her for the last time he too collapsed beside her...
At last he fulfilled the promise he had made to her.
"What the heck you did Nidhi?"
You guys must be thinking right?
I know it's obvious...
Arnav hadn't fulfilled every promise he made...He promised her that there will be an end of Shyam, there will be an end of an evil! He promised they would see the end together and he would be happy more than her...
And Khushi?
She had died in guilt!
She had to come back again!
It was only possible if they both would come again!!!

Because I love you part 4

"Now another 10 hours, Khushi you will get the justice. You will see the end of that evil right in front of your eyes!" Arnav said as he just couldn't able to wait to meet his Khushi and end of that beast.

"Khushi, more than you I will be happy!"

Shyam crept towards her as his body language had made his attentions very clear.

Khushi immediately started flinching the moment he started taking steps froward towards her.

Panic took over her peace, her mind went blank and the brain wasn't suggesting anything.

"Where am I?" she asked in a dizzy state but she was quite conscious to know who was standing in front of her and what was his intentions. She looked around and found herself in very unknown surroundings.

"How did I get here? And you what are you doing here?"

"Khushi this is your house, I mean after today you would be mine and this house would be all your's!"

"What the heck you are talking about?"

"Oh common my innocent sweet s*x doll..."

Khushi shuddered at the mention of the dirtiest words from his dirty mouth.

"Listen I am telling you let me go from here otherwise you would face the worst!" she warned him.

"I haven't gotten you here to let you go before I actually enjoy your sexy body. You know how much I crave for it," he mentioned seriously and continued walking towards her.

"Shut up I said!" Khushi yelled and shut her ears with her hands to block his ugly talks.

Shyam didn't care what she was saying and smirked when Khushi had completely fallen in his trap and she had no where to go.

Khushi thought of some ways to get out of their but she was hell nervous and mind suggesting nothing at the moment blocked every idea coming in her mind. She cried thinking how would she got out from this creep in front of her until, Shyam leant close to her to touch her when she took the vase that was on the table and hit him in his head.

Shyam winced in pain and taking the advantage Khushi ran from there. Shyam ignored the pain and followed her and caught her before she could make her way out of the house.

"Where are you going my sweetheart?" he screeched and held her tightly by her arms.

"I said let go off me!" she shouted and tears were now flowing endlessly down her eyes. 

"Oh baby please don't cry at least now at this moment in front of me, because it won't have any effect on me."

"Please Shyam! Why are you doing this?"

"Oh gosh my name sounds so melodic from your mouth!"

Khushi felt utterly disgust at him and the way he was talking to her. There was a sudden rush of adrenaline in her veins she tried her best and hit him in his chest hard to get away from him but Shyam was too strong to get firm hold of her.

He picked her up and took her to his room. Khushi kept on struggling, but he didn't by a mere chance let her dominate. He pushed the door open and furiously tossed her on the bed. Khushi quickly got up and slapped her.

"This is the another mistake you have made, you have any idea? Tonight I would take revenge of every little thing that I lost, my job, my respect, because of you. And today nobody would be able to save you from me. Just to get on the good books of Arnav sir, you saved that bitch shalini from me. What would have happened to you if I had spent few good times with her. At least you wouldn't have in this situation. Tell me now how would you save yourself from me huh? If you are in this situation that's only because of you. Well doesn't really matter I lost what I had to, but today I would gain. You know in the fire of revenge that I am burning in would just add another extra fuel to my cravings for you. And I guess playing with you would be just awesome than it would have 

been with your friend."

[I]"Arnav sir...Arnav sir!" Shalini came shouting in the meeting room ignoring group of delegates sitting.

"Shalini?" Arnav immediately got up from his seat and rushed towards her.

"Arnav sir, please come with me it's important!"

"But what's wrong?" Arnav asked looking at her disturbed form.

"Arnav sir I tell you but please come with me outside!"

Arnav immediately excused himself from his meeting and left form there with shalini. 

"Shyam, Shalini. What did he do?" Arnav asked as he himself was worried

"Sir, that Shyam has taken Khushi somewhere with him...Sir, I don't know what he would do with him! Sir he is a psycho. Please sir save her!"

Arnav clenched his hand into a tight fist hearing Shalini.

"Aman," Arnav shouted.  

"Yes, Sir!" Aman immediately came running after hearing Arnav's call.

"Terminate the meeting!"

"But sir!"

"Do as I said!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Sir he must have taken her in her house!" Shalini told him.

"Don't worry shalini today he is definitely gone!"

"Yes, sir he should get the punishment for what he was going to do with me and to get his revenge he will hurt Khushi!" Shalini spoke as she practically ran to meet Arnav's pace.

"You come with me!" Arnav said and they both made its way towards Shyam's house.

Arnav drove as fast as he could...The distance that would usually take 30 minutes he covered in mere 10 minutes...

***At Shyam's House***

Arnav ran towards the door and broke it and the door flew 10 meters awayin the air before breaking into pieces.

Khushi's screams, cries had been echoing in the whole house.

Arnav took off the running and Shalini followed him...breaking Shyam's room door he pushed him off Khushi's body, before he could actually take Khushi's virginity, but he had already bruised her soul.

"Arnav sir?" Shyam spoke up his tone was filled with pure shock.

By mistake the moment he pulled Shyam away from her he looked at her but suddenly moved his gaze away and covered her with the bed sheet. His heart scrunched. He literally felt the earth shattering pain in his heart, Khushi's whole body was bruised, blood was oozing out her skin through the torn pieces of her clothes,where that dog Shyam had scratched her.

Whereas Shalini immediately went to Khushi. Khushi let out a bitter cry in pain and shame, and tightly wrapped the sheet around herself.

Taking the advantage Shyam was about to run from there when Arnav held by his shoulder.

Khushi's cries shuddered Arnav's whole form. Every muscle of his body shook at the intensity of his anger. He looked at Khushi one more time before he brutally punched Shyam's stomach.

Shyam literally flew in the air and his back hit the wall and fell down on the floor. Before he could even move an inch, Arnav in one step walked to him again making him stand on his feet, he punched him didn't matter where it hit him.

His nose, his cheeks, his chest, his stomach.

Arnav raised his arm half in the air and hit at the angle enough to break it. He didn't care about anything, even it means today he had to go to jail for killing Shyam he would happily go but he won't be leaving him alive, that was the only thing on his mind.

Arnav lifted him in the air with his two hands and dropped him. Shyam's almost broken body fell on the floor with the loud thud. Khushi's cries grew even more, and that fuelled his anger to the dangerous levels.

Still not satisfied Arnav kicked his stomach, blood came oozing out of his mouth and he screamed as his every part of the body ached with pain, but it was nothing compare to Khushi's and the pain that he had given Arnav.

Arnav clenched his hair and made him stand and hit that part of the body that he was going to use to ruin the life of his lady.

"Please sir, listen me!"

"Sir, what you are thinking is wrong she herself came to me!"

Shyam had no idea he had raised that beast in ASR, that he had kept hidden, and until today nobody had never dared to arose or had ever experienced it.

He kicked him in his ribs and his rib cage bones broke.

But Arnav still wasn't satisfied. Khushi's pale face was the only thing that was coming in front of his eyes and that trigger his anger even more.

Police sirens wailed.

"Shalini take Khushi to the washroom!" Arnav growled. And shalini did as he said.

Police forces came running inside the house before Arnav could end him.

"Mr. Raizada, please let go of him!" one of the police man shouted as he came and pulled him away from Shyam, who lied almost dead.

"No, leave me. I am not just gonna leave this bas***d!" Arnav growled as he kept on kicking him didn't matter it hit him.

It took five of the police officers to actually pull him away from him.

"Mr. Raizada, we would take good care him, please leave him!" police officer assured him.

Arnav wasn't going to listen, but he did when Shalini shouted his name he immediately ran towards the washroom.

"Sir, look I don't know what has happened to Khushi!" Shalini weeped as she held Khushi's limped body.

Arnav immediately fell near Khushi. He raised his hands to touch her what was just too scared to hold her in his hands, just looking in how delicate situation she was in. He had no idea what to do, how would she manage everything.


"Sir, there is a problem ahead!" driver said to Arnav as he brought his train of memories to hault.

"Just go and see what's the problem!"

"Yes, sir!" Driver said and climbed out of the car to check. He asked few people and they told him that there is an accident. He came back and told Arnav.

Arnav got scared he was already running late and he didn't even have idea that if Khushi is at her residence or not. If she is in what condition she would be. His worries were consuming, things instead of getting better were getting worst.

"Just ask if there is any other way to get to orphanage home!"

"Yes, sir!" driver obeyed and left.

When he came back with the information he told him that was the only route and it would take an hour at least to clear the road. "Sir there is a short cut, the person told me. That's through the forest. But sir it's quite risky!"

Arnav didn't wait to reply and immediately rushed after getting the proper directions from the native people. Right now it didn't matter how risky the road was, what it mattered was Khushi's life which is more in risk.

***Khushi's residence***

Shyam's said words echoed in Khushi's mind, and drove her insane. She shut her ears to block his frightening voices that threatened her.

Every second was getting harder for her to live.

From her purse she took the bottle out that would free her from all her pains.

Wanted to waste no time, and instead end it for herself forever she gulped the bottle content down her throat.


Khushi's eyes widened in shock when the door of her room suddenly opened and she heard the familiar voice. She instantly clenched the little bottle in her hands and hid it behind her sari pallu.

She then slowly turned around and squinted her eyes to adjust to the bright light that her eyes was having hard time getting used too after remaining in dark for don't know how many hours.

Arnav inhaled sharply to bring his breath to normal as it was out of his control.

Right at the moment, it was only his God knew how relieved he was seeing her fine, right in front of his eyes. His soul danced in happiness.

There was a mixed emotions that he couldn't able to differentiate between. He was angry at her for leaving him, but at the same time his happiness was at the ninth cloud and his heart at rest. The only thing he knew was he would broke down emotionally any moment. But he had to manage himself.


TEASER: "Arnav got startled when Khushi fell down on the floor. Along with her the bottle from her hand, with a loud noise, that rolled down towards him and eventually came to hault as it hit his foot.

Printing on it read "POISON."

How was it?
Did I put water on your expectations?
Yes! I am glad!
No! What the?


Edited by InLuvWithASR - 25 November 2013 at 5:58pm


Because I love you PART 3

1st October

"Khushi only once I found you I will not dare let you leave me, I promise!"
Arnav determinedly promised himself.

There was a new sense of hope, a life in him. Even though Khushi wasn't exactly with him, but the news of her being in Mt. Abu had brought a ray of hope that eased him to some extent. He was not fully, but was at peace.

He drove his SUV at the fastest pace possible and dialled the number of his agent to book his ticket to Mt. Abu.

Meanwhile, he kept on thinking where he had read about Mt. Abu. After dugging well into his memory lane his mind actually clicked.

***Khushi's personal diary entry***

Diary Entry: Oct 1st, 1987

1st Oct: The most important and memorable date of my life.

Today I have turned 23 and my dad 54.

Happy birthday papa! :)

Me and dad share the same birthday!

It's the day that has the most beautiful memories that I could recall, cherish and make me feel like, I am still that 8 year old Khushi, that spent precious days of her life with her dad in...

Mt. Abu!

A place where I was born, at that place now there is an orphanage home beside my home, after my dad's and mom's name.

The place where I had spent 8 years of my life with my dad. The picture of those days is still in my mind, but the picture is blurred.

The days I still remember are the memories that I could keep in my heart forever.

The moments that I don't remember are always refreshed by the pictures and the video tapes that my dad always used to click and shoot of me and himself.

The most important first step of me. Whether it was when the first I learnt to said pa, instead of Ma or the first time I started walking by holding dad's finger, and the first time when I took the first step on my own. 

The memory that I still remember on top of my head is the day I went to school for the first.
I remember how much I cried that day, and dad too broke down seeing me crying. And believe me I hated myself for that I couldn't see the tears in my dad's eyes, just like he couldn't in my eyes.

That day I learnt to be strong, to fight with my fears, for my dad, who was my mom and my dad. I wanted to be like him. In all this, dad was always on my side and just like that I wanted to be his support.

After my mom's death he was living for me, but life didn't had decided something else for him, for me. He left me too the same day as today. 1st October.

I am sad, but no I won't cry because I am my papa's daughter. Wherever he is? For him I will always be strong!

Happy birthday and R.I.P papa!

Your daughter will always love you!

"What was the day today? 30 September and tomorrow is 1st October," Arnav immediately came out of his trance.

He felt his heart in his throat. His nerves were twisting making him uneasy with worries.

"No, Khushi please I beg you don't take any such step that would do no good to anyone!" Arnav begged.

He was restless as he waited for his flight to take off. "Just few hours, God please keep my Khushi safe!"

He clenched his hair in frustration and anger. Fresh tears had formed in his eyes, that wasn't taking name to stop.

***Mt. Abu Khushi's former home town***

She sat in one of the darkest room, in the corner, where not by a mere chance a single ray of light could enter.

She was trembling in fear, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees protectively as someone was going to kill her.

There wasn't anyone but she could feel the monster present everywhere. Laughing seeing her in that condition.

Today, she was in her own house, where she had spent the important days of her life, and exact 1st October, her birthday, her fathers's birthday, her father's death anniversary. Being in this house after so many years she was feeling there is nothing that she really needs, except a peaceful sleep. 

For forever.

"I am sorry Arnav ji, I am sorry ma, babu ji, bhua ji, payal jiji, for the step that I would take," she said as her voice quivered and her whole body shook with her sobs. She was broken from inside and she was adamant.

"I can't live any more, I am sorry Arnav ji, please do forgive me, I can't be strong, I can't be the person you wanted me to be. I can't be the one again that I was."

"Karan I am here in Mt. Abu where you guys are?"

"Arnav unfortunately we are still stuck at the Mumbai airport. There is a some major problem. But don't worry there is a detective officer Rohan Kapoor, he is there investigating. I text you his number just call him and he will be there with you."

"Karan you know it's getting too late."

"I know Arnav but I apologize for that, but believe me police and Rohan would definitely help you!"

"But I think there will be no need of anything. I have got to know about Mt. Abu. It's Khushi's birth place, the only possible place she would come."

"That's an amazing news."

"Only if Khushi is here. Now I am going there and will hopefully reach Khushi in just few minutes."

"I would pray that you find Khushi. And Arnav please gather yourself, if Khushi is there then everything is fine! You take care and tell me as soon as you get to know about her."

"Yes!" Arnav answered.

Her whole form quivered when the loud noise of clock that struck sharp 1:00 AM startled her. It was the time Khushi was born.

Khushi absentmindedly got up from the dark corner where she had hidden herself, so that nobody knew that she was there, the orphanage was next to it, even they didn't know of her presence.

Because she knew if anyone there got to know about her presence the very first person to know about it would be Arnav, who would be looking for her like crazy. She had decided to take the step that would end all her pains, it would end the worst memories that would haunt her until the day till her death. Now she had no determination, no reasons to live.

More she would try to keep herself alive more It would remind of that monster who took her 

self-respect from her.

"Shyam Manohar Jha," the name that twist her nerves until her each part of her brain, her mind, her whole body is totally wrecked. His face still haunts her in her dreams, her days, her nights.

The person who used her to quench his inner thirst for her body.

The reason why Arnav married to her, so that world doesn't point finger at her.

It wasn't like he was scared, and it wasn't also not the case that Khushi was wrong.

If it wasn't Khushi who had asked to swear on her, Arnav would have taught every jerk of this world who dared to play with innocent lives.

Even though he promised Khushi that just for her family's respect he won't tell anything to anyone. But he had put his own wish in front of her that he had to marry him. Khushi was already going through the worst but he wanted to help her, the only possible way was by her side all the time.

However, if he had promised that no matter what he won't tell anything to her family but it didn't mean that he could just let go of the person who didn't once thought, before taking her dignity, her Khushi's dignity, had to face the worst.

Shyam had just not ruined Khushi's life, but Arnav's too. He had injured the soul with whom Arnav's soul had connected to. 

To give Khushi justice he could have fought for the whole world.

He had given justice to Khushi when Supreme Court had ruled their decision on Khushi's side.

The decision to "Hang till death!"

"Now another 10 hours, Khushi you will get the justice. You will see the end of that evil right in front of your eyes!" Arnav said as he just couldn't able to wait to meet his Khushi and end of that beast.

"Khushi, more than you I will be happy!"

Because I love you PART 2

"Please God keep Khushi safe, wherever she is!" Arnav silently prayed.

The emotions had build inside his chest at such a dangerous levels, that he was almost at the verge of crying.

The most surprising thing was that he never believed in God, but today for the very first time he had prayed. He had hoped for the first time for the person that somehow kept so much importance to him.

Khushi kept on asking why her happiness, her well being, mattered to him? But he always managed to escape to answer the question because at that time he himself wasn't sure what was the answer to that why? He himself was confused what was it that made him care for her.

She was in pain what it was his soul all the time that was feeling the ache.

Until now he was striving with the hope that he would able to bring the old khushi back that he knew of.

Khushi who use to live every moment of her life, like there was no tomorrow. Khushi whom he was acquainted of, knew to make everything impossible thing possible.

Didn't matter how successful he was in his life, but at the present moment he was feeling he was the one of the looser who just couldn't able to make anything better for her. He couldn't able to do anything for the person who had brought a smile on his face for the very first time, the girl who had taught him how to actually live the life and enjoy the life, when he had just buried himself under the work, was in fact was the one who had forgotten whom she herself was?

Khushi then was completely different from the one who had being seen. He was trying best of his abilities, to get her out her trauma and he hoped he would succeed too, but he was wrong.

Since, he had got to know she was missing, he was driving like crazy to every possible place, in search of her, with the hope before she takes any wrong step he could find her. The police was doing its job but him doing nothing wasn't going to give his heart peace.

He was in touch with CID officer Karan through phone, who was giving him updates every 5 minutes.

Just like nowhere was an another call from his side after exact 5 minutes. Arnav's heart filled with the hope, but at the same time there was a fear somewhere floating raw in his mind, what if he heard something from Karan or any other person that would totally wreck him.

But at the same time he tried to convince himself that he would find her safe and sound.

With fear and the hope he immediately switched on his bluetooth.

"Hello," he wished in his broken voice."Yes, Karan you find anything!"

"Hi, Arnav I have found very important news about Khushi that I believe would help us to get to Khushi," Karan immediately spoke to end his worries to some extent. We haven't yet found Khushi, but I guess we now would definitely find her.

"Yes, please ask whatever you have to. I want Khushi right in front of me as soon as possible!"

"Arnav, we have inquired, Khushi is not in the city anymore and when we checked all the public transit places we get to know that she had left for Mt. Abu!"

"Mt. Abu?"

"Yes, we have sent the pictures of her to Mt. Abu police stations and they would display it at the public places. Even our Mumbai team is leaving soon. Now the most important question I want to know is, Is there anybody of her who lives there?"

"Mt. Abu? No, I am pretty sure the only family she has is Gupta family. But I don't know why but I have heard this town name, probably read it somewhere and I did recently. Karan I can't recall where and when!?" he worriedly exclaimed.

"Arnav just relax I know you are too worried but I promise you that Khushi will be perfectly fine...If you remember please call me and anyways we are leaving!"

"Are you sure she is there?"

"Yes, Arnav I am sure at least that's what's the information that I got is saying."

"Okay, you guys leave I will see you guys in Mr. Abu!"

"Yes, sure Arnav you take care."

"Khushi only once I found you I will not dare let you leave me, I promise!"


Because I love you PART 1


Was it the real reason they gave for their marriage or there was any underlined truth that both Arnav and Khushi had kept from everyone?


"Khushi, where are you?" Arnav asked as he came into the room. But she didn't respond. He again asked when he didn't get response from her.

"HP!" he shouted to enquire where was she.

On hearing Arnav's call HP came rushing into his room.

"HP did you see Khushi?" he immediately asked as he appeared at the door.

"No, bhaiya. I actually haven't seen her since afternoon. But I heard her telling Anjali di that she was going somewhere for an important work. She might get late and asked not to wait for her either for the lunch or the dinner!"

"Important work? And she didn't tell me about it!" Arnav thought.

"Bhaiya may I go? And you need something else."

"Yeah can you get me my black tea?"

"Ji Arnav bhaiya give me five minutes!"

Arnav nodded as he loosened his red tie.

Today it was quite a busy day for him. Three meetings in a day and continued for straight 12 hours he just didn't even get time to talk to Khushi. Even in the morning he left at sharp 7:00 AM when she was fast asleep. He stretched his tired muscles a bit and sat on the bed as he ran his hand in his hair.

"Chote, you have come where is Khushi?" Anjali asked as she came into the room.

"What Khushi with me?"

"Common Chote it's not time to joke. She told me that you have called her for an important work so you and her will be home late!"

"What? But I didn't call her and what important work? I didn't even talk to her, since I was too busy."



"Chote do you have her friends numbers just call and ask if she was with them!"

"No, di I don't have but she has a diary in that she might have."

"Okay, you check them. Call and ask since then I call Gupta family she might have gone there!"

"But you know she can't go there."

"I know Chote there is nothing wrong in asking."

"Okay, di you ask and I call her friends numbers!"

Anjali went down stairs and Arnav walked to the night table to get Khushi's diary, that she had kept her diary in.

But all of sudden his eyes fell on the note that was tucked under the vase. He suspiciously picked it up, to read it. His name written on it especially, caught his attention.

He quickly unfold it to read it...

Arnav ji,

I don't know how to start, what should to say, except thanking you for what you did for me. Arnav ji, I know how much you have gone through due to me, how much you have suffered because of me. Despite knowing everything about me, you married me to save my self-respect. But what I did for you? Nothing. Except being an unwanted life partner. ("No" Arnav's mind screamed. His heart fluttered giving him a heart ache as he continued to read Khushi's note.) I am seriously shameful that just because of me so many lives have been ruined. Your's; because of me every dream of you to get a good life partner was shattered; your family's, who accepted me even when I wasn't their choice, I wasn't your first choice; my family's, who gave me their name, unconditional love. In the end, I proved that I wasn't their blood, Bhua ji was right. I wish only once I had the chance to apologize, but I am not that strong Arnav Ji as you. Since, childhood I have been a burden on everyone. First for my mom, who died right giving me birth, then on my family and since now on you and your family. But I won't do one more mistake Arnav ji. Today I will make everything right. I will free you, my family from the guilt that they carried for raising me. By the time you read this letter it might be really late. If you could please forgive me please do so. I know you have a heart of gold and you will. Arnav ji, in the end just want to say marry a girl who really deserves you. I wish I had the courage to talk to you before leaving you but I couldn't that's why I penned down everything in this note that I couldn't have able to tell you directly.
I will always be grateful to you. Thank you once again for doing so much for me.

The letter fell from Arnav's hands the moment he read the very last line and Khushi's name written under it.

***End of the flashback***

"by the time you read this letter it might be really late!" buzzed in his head.

"No, Khushi you won't do anything such!" Arnav again shouted, as he angrily hit the steering wheel. He was getting agitated by the fact that he isn't able to find her. And top of everything he was scared what if Khushi took a wrong step.

Every time his phone rang he thought that he would get some news about Khushi but every time he was left hopeless.

His heart was sinking every second that was going by. For the first time he was helpless.

"Khushi if anything happened I won't be able to forgive myself."

"Please God keep Khushi safe wherever she was!" Arnav said. The most surprising thing was that he never believed in God, but today for the very first time he had prayed. He hoped for the first time for the person that somehow kept so much importance to him.
See you guys soon!
Till then stay safe!!!


Edited by InLuvWithASR - 25 November 2013 at 6:54pm

Do not sugar coat your words to impress me. The chances are I will find out the reason...I am that good!