Saturday 14 February 2015

It is all about us: Sangam Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Khushi, but I don't have good clothes to wear!" he said as he looked up at her. Khushi looked back at him and smiled, "Why do you care?" she asked. She went out of the room, Arnav wondered what she had in her mind and watch her go. He carefully looked at her as she grabbed something in her hand, a moment later he was looking at his suitcase. "Where did you get this suitcase from?" he asked.

"Arnav ji, I wanted to give you the surprise. The day you met with an accident I had already asked people get your car out of water, and my friends had gotten your every single stuff that was in your car before it got ruined."

Arnav looked shocked and scared. "Did you open all my suitcases?" he sounded rather angry now.

Smile on her face faded and was replaced by a fear. "No, just this one and I only took your clothes out. Only this one was wet that might be because it was in the front seat. And in the trunk not much water got in, so other suitcases were dry and untouched.

Khushi saw a sudden relief swept on his face. "But you shouldn't have opened my brief case, I had my boxers in them," he suddenly made it sound not serious. 

"Oh! That was what you worried of?" she asked, relieved. 

He looked away. She laughed looking at his embarrassed face till her stomach hurt to the point it was hard for her to control. Arnav looked at her and smiled to himself.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Arnav ji, you are too cute!"

Khushi didn't get to know when he only stood an inch away from her and his arms wrapped around her waist.

Rudra's friend stood outside the room and clicked picture of both of them on his phone to show it to Rudra as he had asked him to keep an eye on them.

Sound of her laugh slowly died in the air, when she was all of sudden confronting his dark black eyes full of passion. She once again found herself in desperate need to breathe.

"I...washed your clothes...and...and now they are back in your suitcase...just the way they were, that's took me sometime to give it you...back. them ironed just the way you might like your clothes!" she spoke, as she was kept on a gun point. Her body all stiff in fear. "And rest of your suitcases are perfect and kept at my home in your room."

"I didn't ask for any explanations," his voice heavy and husky, merely audible to Khushi even when she was standing only an inch away from him.

"Please let me go and you get ready too. My father is waiting for you!" she said in a low, fearful tone. Dead closeness made her hard to find right words to say.

Merely he was listening her either, as he was busy looking at her perfect round eyes, and innocence in them.

"Do you even know you must have killed so many guys!"

"Huh?" She demanded clarification, when she didn't understand what he meant.

"Go and get ready I am coming to your house!" he said.

She smiled but was still confused at his statement. 

His hands clenched around the phone seeing the picture of Arnav and Khushi together, he could no longer control his anger, he asked his men to get ready to kill Arnav.

"Even I see how you get her, shehre babu!" he gritted the words under his teeth.

"Bhai, you don't worry, even his soul will not able to recognise his own body."

"Bhabi, today, he is coming to talk to babu ji," Khushi said, as she could not help smiling to herself. 

"Khushi, I still don't get why did you ask me to say yes to Rudra?"

"Bhabi, you don't know that Rudra. He can go to any extent. If I had said no to him he would do anything to harm Arnav ji."

Anjali nodded as she understood the reason behind her yes.

"But, Khushi, what if Babu ji, said no to Arnav?"

Khushi's heart beat raised in fear. "Please, bhabi, don't say so. It's not a  joke that I love Arnav ji."

"Khushi, if you and Arnav are meant to be together you will both meet regardless of what happen."

"Bhabi, please pray that babu ji say yes to Arnav ji."

"Khushi, for that you have to get Arnav to come home today otherwise, by tomorrow babu ji will say yes to Rudra's family."

"Bhabi, he is coming tonight."

Khushi looked worried. "Hey, Devi Maiyan, let everything happen in a normal way."

"Khushi, don't worry, my heart says that even Kanha (Lord Krishna) wants this."

Anjali stopped massaging her hair, as she turned around. "Bhabi, you think so?"

"Yes, Khushi," Anjali smiled and cupped her face. "Don't worry. To release the tension go and see your new lehanga."

"New lehanga?"

"Yes, I got it made for you and even your bridal lehanga will be ready In few days."

Khushi blushed.

"Bhabi, where is my lehanga?"

"It's in your room."

Khushi got up immediately, "bhabi, I am going to try it on me and will defiantly wear it tonight."

"Go ahead and show it to me too if it looks good on you."

"Sure, bhabi."

"Thank you, ved ji, for helping me get better in no time," Arnav gave his warm thankful words.

"Son, you are welcome. I am glad that my medicine worked for you, also happy that you are fit and fine."

"Ved ji, since you have not asked for any money in return I hope I will be helpful if you will be in need."

Ved ji smiled. "If I will need any help I will surely  tell you, son. Now you should go to haveli. It's almost dark and Thakur ji will be waiting for you."

Arnav joined his hands and wished him good night. "God bless you, son."

Arnav smiled and left the dispensary. He recollected the directions that Khushi had given him to her haveli and once he set on the right path he distracted his dark thoughts by concentrating on the nature instead, he looked at fireflies flying, and smelt the smell of Cestrum nocturnum, and the fresh air helped him not to think of anything that he did not want to think of. Admiring the nature and walking down the edge of water, he couldn't get to know he had covered half a miles of distance. His peaceful mind slowly started getting alert when he felt someone's presence. For sometime he kept walking to get clue if there was really someone behind him. He slowed down his walking pace and stopped altogether as now he could hear footsteps approaching towards him. He stood alert, and concentrated on every single noise. Just when he knew he was going to be attacked, he turned around in no time and held the rod in his hand before it hit his shoulder.

"Who are you?"

"We tell you, who we are!"

Arnav heard the other man say as he came out in his focus. There were six of them.

"What do you guys want?" he asked.

"Your life!" one of them said, before Arnav could react four men held him from behind.

He shut his eyes, before he used his whole force to free himself from their grips. He was in no mood to fight. But he knew these people were here for some reason. This was the second attack on him. His car accident for him was not just accident, but planned. And this attack, he guessed no differ. And for now he wouldn't have afford to die before his mission was complete. He elbowed one man in his face, fisted other's stomach, and kicked the third one.

And hit the others as they came in his way, he was unprepared when one of the gang member stabbed in his shoulder with a knife. He didn't cry in pain, but with the other hand pushed his attacker away. Then he took the knife out that still clung to his shoulder. 

He walked to the man fallen on the floor and picked him up by his collar. He punched him in his stomach. The other five men ran out of his sight when they knew they would not have able to harm him. "Too bad they left too early, but you tell me who sent you here?" he asked, "before I kill you."

"Rudra. He sent us here to get rid of you. Please, sir ji, don't kill me. I was doing what I was asked to."

Anger from Arnav's face escaped. "Would you have left me alive if I had asked you to do so?" he asked.

"But, sir ji, I was doing what I was asked to!"

Arnav let go of his collar. "Go and tell your boss that Khushi is mine and right in front of his eyes I will marry her and he will not be able to do anything."

He nodded in fear and ran from there. Arnav shook his head. "I didn't know I already has competitors!" he laughed, and looked at the blood on his hand. In this condition he wouldn't have gone to Haveli, he thought it was better if he returned to Dispensary and get his wound treated. "Khushi and her family will be worried if I will go like this, also it's quite late now," he thought, and made his way back to the dispensary.

"Khushi, why he hasn't come yet?" Anjali asked.

Khushi looked at her worried, "I don't know, bhabi. I am afraid he has lost his way."

"Didn't you give him clear directions?"

"I did, bhabi. I don't know if he got it right. He is quite new here. And I should have sent someone to get him. I hope he is fine."

"Why don't you call him?"

"I did bhabi. Ved ji said he left dispensary an hour ago. Bhabi I am really worried."

"Khushi, he would be fine. Don't worry."

"Bhabi, my heart is restless. I go and see if he is fine."

Anjali looked at her in disbelief. "Khushi, are you insane. You know that babu ji, will never allow you to go out this late."

"But bhabi..."

"Khushi, at this time even I won't allow you. I am sorry."

"Khushi," bhua ji called. "Come outside."

Khushi looked at Anjali. "Why she is calling?"

Anjali shrugged her shoulders. "Let's go and see."

Khushi did walk out of the kitchen, but her mind kept on thinking about Arnav.
"Bhua ji, you called."

"Your babu ji did!" Bhua ji said. 

"Yes, babu ji," Khushi said as she gulped a lump in her throat.

"Jiji, can't believe our Khushi is going to be married off in no time."

Khushi looked at her father in confusion. "Khushi bitiya, we are happy that you have said yes to Rudra. Even I have told my decision to Rudra's family. Since you both are ready to get married we are thinking why to wait, right? We elder has decided that you and Rudra will be engaged after our pandit ji suggest a lucky day."

Khushi looked at Anjali in shock. She had no idea her father will take such a quick decision. But she cursed herself, as she was the one to say yes.


"Bhabi, this is all my mistake, I shouldn't have said yes in a hurry without thinking."

"Khushi, it happened what it was suppose to be, but now think what to do to tell babu ji that you don't want to get married to Rudra."

"But before that I want to know why Arnav ji didn't come!" she said, and knew this night was going to be the longest night of her life as she had to wait at least for morning to know about Arnav's whereabouts. 

"Arnav babu," Khushi said, huffing, as she rushed inside the dispensary room.

Arnav suddenly looked at her as he was wearing his socks.

"Khushi, you here, this early?"

"Arnav ji, you tell me are you okay? Why didn't you come last night at haveli?"

"Khushi, I...I am sorry. I had some work to do, so couldn't."

"You know how worried I was. You didn't even call to tell you won't be able to come."

"Actually, I told your father, Khushi. I talked to him over the phone. Didn't he tell you?"

"He won't talk to me about such things, Arnav ji," she said.

"Khushi, I am sorry. But I will defiantly talk to your father today about mine and yours alliance."

"Arnav ji, it's too late."

"What do you mean, Khushi?"

"Arnav ji, I had already said yes to Rudra. I thought you will come home and talk to my dad, but last night he made his decision."


Khushi looked down and was unable to look into his eyes.

He went to her and held her by her shoulders. "Khushi, what do you want?"

"Arnav ji, you. I won't be able to live without you. I want to marry you, not Rudra. I said yes, so that he doesn't harm you in anyway. But I didn't know decisions will be taken overnight."

"Khushi, don't worry. Even I have decided that I will make you my bride."

"I am sorry, Arnav ji, for complicating this matter."

She hugged him.

"Khushi, you promise that you will always believe me, if like yesterday I couldn't able to make you will wait for me."

Khushi pulled away from a hug, wondering what and why he was saying this. "Why are you saying this, Arnav ji?"

"See you are worrying already. Just simply saying it."

"Arnav ji, I completely trust you. Even if you ask me to give my life I will give it without questioning."

"Khushi, not life, only I want is your trust on me."

"I do believe you, Arnav ji!" 
Arnav stared in her eyes, guilt formed in his own eyes. He didn't know if he should tell her the truth of his life to her. And if he won't that would be a problem as well, he thought. But he was not sure either if it was the right time.