Saturday 14 February 2015

It is all about us: Sangam (Prologue)

 MUMBAI at 9:00 AM

Security men rushed as the black Audi entered the AR groups and stopped right in front of the main entry.

The driver of the car quickly hopped out of the driver seat and opened the car door for his owner.

"Good Morning, sir!" the security officer said.

"A very good Morning!" he replied.

His manager, Aman Malhotra stood waiting for him already at the main entry. "Good morning Arnav sir!" he said. "Mr. Mehta is waiting for you!" he told.

"A very good morning," he wished and nodded.

The gait keeper opened the door for Arnav Singh Raizada and bowed. ASR took off his Armani glasses as he looked at the gait keeper and faintly nodded in response to his bow.

Mr. Mehta came rushing towards him the moment he saw ASR entering at the lavishing office. "Hello sir," Mr. Mehta said formally I am here regarding the property that you wanted to buy. I have found the other one which is as good as the one that you need."

Arnav Singh Raizada listened to him as he walked to his grand cabin. Aman looked at Mr. Mehta as he said something that ASR would never ever like to listen.

"Mr. Mehta, I am sure that I had made my intentions clear."

Mr. Mehta knew it will not be an easy task to convince ASR regarding the deal, but he didn't know that it would be useless too.

"Sir, what's there in that land!? There are other beautiful landscapes that will be amazing for your hotel."

Arnav immediately came to an abrupt stop.

"I am not sure if I ever mentioned you that what purpose I wanted to buy that land,!" he said maintaining the cool in his voice. Mr. Mehta swallowed the lump in his throat. Good for him Arnav had resumed his walk without looking at him.

Mr. Mehta walked faster to meet ASR's pace. "Sir, what then!?"

"Too many questions Mr. Mehta. As far as I know, you are a contractor. You should be interested in buying that land for me. If you can't get that work done. Tell me. I will higher someone else!"

"Good Morning, sir!" the workers wished ASR as he walked passed them. He responded with a light nod of his head.

Another one comes (the clerk) and Arnav stops as the clerk ask him to sign the papers. "Sir, I need your sign on these papers!"

"Aman please take these papers to my office!"

"Yes, sir!" Aman said and takes the papers from the clerk.
Mr. Mehta resumes his walk with Arnav, so does Aman.

"Sir please if you can ask me to buy another piece of land I will buy it. Even cheaper..."

"Money doesn't matter to me," Arnav said as there was a little hint of anger in his voice.

"Anyways you may leave. Looks like you won't be able to do it!"

"Yes, sir. But the only reason is that land cannot be yours because it belongs to the thakur's of the village."

There was a sudden change in Arnav's body posture. As he was angry. "And there they cultivate their crops!" Mr. Mehra continued.

"I don't care," Arnav snapped and jerked his head to the door, gesturing Mr. Mehta to get out of his cabin.

"But sir please try to listen me. The crops that are grown on that land feeds the poor villagers!"

Arnav's jaws muscles tickled as he had a scorned look on his face. "Mr. Mehta I am sure you really don't want to spend rest of your life in jail!"

"Please Mr. Mehta go!" Aman said as he got the hint in Arnav's voice.

"And yes before leaving send me Mr. Sharma your owner to my office!" Arnav said as he settled himself in the seat.

Mr. Mehta swallowed the lump in his throat. "Please sir!"

"You may leave!" Arnav said and Mr. Mehta muttered, "Yes, sir," and left.

"I am sorry sir, but may I know why that land is so important for you to buy!? Any land will work!"

"Not really Aman!" he answered. And Aman didn't ask another question. He very well knew if Arnav Singh Raizada needed that land there must be something really important.

JAGATPUR: The village located in the heart of Rajasthan.

"Princess, get up!" her bhabi, Anjali said as she came into her room and opened the net curtains of the room.

A small smile crept on her beautiful face. As rays of the early morning sun, shone on her face.

Getting acquainted to the bright light she opened her eyes. "Good morning, bhabi!"

Her bhabi settled beside her on the bed and ran her hand in her hair. "Good morning, Khushi!"

"How is munna?" she asks still in sleepy state.

"Munna is waiting for his bhua to get up!" she replied cheerfully. Khushi lean on her arms and kiss Anjali's tummy.

"Good morning, munna!"

Anjali place her hand on her stomach and smiles back. "Common get up all your brothers and bhabi's are waiting for you, downstairs. You know that there day doesn't start if they don't see you!"

Khushi smilingly nods and get up. "I will be at the breakfast table in 10 minutes!"

"Alright, jaan come soon everyone is waiting!"

Khushi quickly gets up and rush to the washroom.


"Please sit, Mr. Sharma Arnav sir must be coming!" Aman told the real estate owner.

"Thank you!" he said and sit in his seat.

"Yes, thank you I am looking forward to this deal!" Arnav said on his phone as he entered his cabin.

"Yes, bye!"

"Hello, Mr. Sharma I was waiting for you. Thank you for coming!" Arnav said and Mr. Sharma gets up from his seat to shake hand with him.

"It's always a pleasure, Mr. Raizada!"

"Please sit!" Arnav said before himself settling on his seat.

"Aman please you may sit too!" Arnav said.

"Thank you sir!"

All three men settle in their respective seats. "I am so very sorry, Mr. Raizada that Mr. Mehta wasn't a big help to you!"

"The point is if you can be a help!" he said formally.

"Sir, definitely. But it's not an easy task."

Arnav had his both hands finger intertwined as he rested them close to his chin.

"I know Mr. Sharma!"

"Sir, you might also know that the land you want is used for..."

"Illegal purposes!"
Aman looked at him in shock.

"Yes, sir. And I apologize that Mr. Mehta was corrupted."

Arnav took a long sigh. "But sir why would you want that the land which is used illegally!?" Aman asked.

"And the people who own it belongs to the world of gang!?" Mr. Sharma added.

Arnav was in deep thought. Today he had to take a big decision.

"Sir, it will not be easy at all to deal with such people!" Aman warned.

"I will deal with them!" Arnav said after the long silence and taking the major decision of his life.

Aman and Mr. Sharma both jumped in their seats in shock and swallowed the lump in their throats.

"What's so important about that land that Arnav sir want it so badly!? That he doesn't even care about his life!" Aman thought.

"Aman book the ticket to Jagatpur!"

Aman didn't argue but stated his opinion anyways, "Sir, I am going too with you!"

"This village is beautiful!" Arnav remarked as he looked outside the glass window of his black BMW.

"Yes, sir, it is believed that this village has kept it's natural beautiful for thousand years. Here citizens have their own laws and they don't let anyone to play with their lands...Here not a single tree is cut. Water is not wasted...And the government interference is very less," Aman told.

"I wished if it was possible for big cities like Mumbai and Delhi to maintain the natural beauty..."

"Sir, despite of having the population of 100,000 people have managed to fulfil their own needs by preserving the natural elements. And it is one of the most peaceful place present in India because of it's remote location. And even by now you won't find much vehicles, just bicycles, and few buses that's also outside the village."

"Hmm...what about our car?"

" Don't worry sir, I have talked to the head of the village and he had allowed our car to enter the village."

"That's wonderful!"

"Aye Khushi, ja ee aao pani lane apni saheleo ke saath kooye se!" Khushi's bhua ji madhubati said. (Hey, Khushi, go and get water from the well along with your friends.) "phir kaho ge ki kahin jaane nahin dete!" (Otherwise, you would complain we don't let you go anywhere!"

"Thank you bhua ji, it's only you in this house who think of me!" Khushi said sarcastically as she knew her bhua ji wanted her to go to get water from the well.

"Mention not," bhua ji said and handed Khushi two empty pots.

"Bhua ji, don't you think this would be too much?"

"When I was your age, I used to get 4 pots of water at once. Here you are complaining of just 2. I told your father and your ama (mother) to teach you something. But no, nobody would listen me...It's your marriage age. What we would say to your in laws?"

"Enough bhua ji, bhabi has taught me everything. Now I know how to cook food and do household work."

"Oh thank you Nand Kishor...Thank you! Now could you please go..."

"Yes, I am going. All the time, bas taane maarte raha karo aap (Keep on taunting me all the time.)

As Khushi left, bhua ji laughed. "Why you irritate her, jiji?"

"Just for fun..." Bhua ji answered.
"After all she is my niece. One day she will married off and I would miss her."

"That is so!" Sashi Gupta said.

"Okay, jiji, I leave, have to go out of the village for some work," SG said and touched bhua ji's feet to get her blessings.

"Stay blessed, babua! And come back soon!"

"Hey, Khushi, what happened? New clothes today?" Khushi's friend Savitri said.

"Why can't I wear new clothes?" Khushi asked.

"No, I didn't mean that. I thought there was a special occasion. Is somebody is coming to see you?"

"Oh...shut's not like that...Bhua ji gave me...She sew it for me and she wanted me to wear it."


"Don't I look good?"

"You look perfect! If today somebody saw you in this new lehanga he would defiantly fall in love with you..."

"So you want to say I am looking beautiful just in the lehanga?" Khushi asked sadly.

"Stop it drama queen...You know what I meant!"

Khushi giggled and sighed.

"Well, surely it wouldn't be of this village...All are scared of me."

"Except one...that sarpanch's son, Rudra...who always keeps on following you..."

"You just don't take his name in front me...I promise I would just kill him...He is a rascal...Eyes me as I am candy of his eyes..."

"Why don't you tell your brothers?"

"No, baba...If they will get to know about it...They would kill him right there. But don't worry I can alone handle him."


"What's wrong?" Arnav yelled.

"Sir, I am not being able to stop the car..."

"Holy crap!"

"Sir, it looks like the brake of the car had failed."

"What shall we do now?" Aman said.

"Jump!" Arnav said.

"Kaka, Aman jump out of the car...Otherwise, we all three will be killed..."

On the count of three, Arnav, Aman, and Kaka (the driver) jumped out off the car...Aman and Kaka were
stopped by the rocks but Arnav fell down the hill!

"Oh no, Khushi, see a car coming down the hill!" Savitri said.
But Khushi was looking somewhere else...At a man who was falling down the cliff and then in the water.

Khushi kept the pots aside and jumped into the water...

"Khushi!" Savitri and Khushi's other friends screamed.

"Just go and get warm blankets!" Khushi screamed as she dived in the water towards Arnav.

"Yes!" Khushi's friends said.

"Hey, Devi Maiyan, please keep him safe!" Khushi prayed silently as she still swam towards Arnav.

She dived into the water to find Arnav who must have been unconscious as he fell down the hill and would have gotten injuries, some serious some minor.

Khushi was frightened now as even 20 minutes later she didn't able to find a man who fell in the water in front of her eyes...And it was almost was getting colder.

"Oh mister where are you?" a hint of fear was in her voice. "What if he is dead?"

"Khushi have you found him?" Savitri shoutedz

"No!" Khushi was about to answer Savitri when she actually screamed as she felt something.

"What happened, Khushi?"


"Khushi, look carefully, it must be that person who fell off the cliff."

Khushi was too scared to look but as Arnav gained little senses he tried to come out of the water...

Khushi was again going to scream but when she saw Arnav her breaths hitched in her throat...Her heartbeat walked then raced against her chest...Something she felt...Butterflies in her stomach? She was lost...

But as she heard her friends screaming to help Arnav and then she saw Arnav fighting for breathe...She came out of her unknown world and feelings that she felt seeing the stranger and held him before he was again in the water drowning...

"I am there to help you!" She assured him...As soon as she held him in her arms he was unconscious again...

Before that he held his waist...Khushi felt shivers running up her spine...

"Khushi, get him out of the water!"

"Yes, bringing him!" Khushi said.
It was hard for her to hold Arnav's huge body in her little arms but she somehow managed.

Khushi's friends helped Khushi to get Arnav out of the water when they were at the bank as they didn't know swimming.

"Hello!" Khushi patted Arnav's cheek.

"Khushi, his forehead is bleeding looks like he has gotten head injury...We have to call the doctor...And I call the emergency vehicle."

"We have to take him to haveli! It's just impossible us to take him to the hospital...He needs immediate care..."

"What did ved ji said?" Savitri asked.

"He is fine now...He has got little head injury but it would be fine soon."

"And who is he?" Savitri asked.

"How would I know? But looks like he is new in this village."

"Okay, my parents would be waiting for me!"

"Savitri, how could you be so mean? You are leaving me here alone with him?"

"Madam, your family probably would have no problem as they trust you, but my ma, babu ji would ask me thousand questions. And by the way he is not going to bite you. Also, he needs you as you can take good of him until, nurse gets here from hospital. Bye good night!" Savitri said and rushed out of the room where Arnav was resting...

Before Khushi could stop Savitri Manu came.
"Khushi di, it's a phone from your home."

"Okay, Manu, you stay here. I will be just back."

"Okay di!"

"Hello...Yes, bhabi...There is an emergency at Haveli...I will tell you everything...But I am needed here...Please tell everyone at home...Do not wait for me for dinner, I will eat here...Yes! Good night bhabi...You take care of yourself and munna...And say his/her, bhua would be back home soon...Yes, I shall call...Bye!"

"Manu, go to the dispensary and get these medicines for him..."

"Okay, di."

"Aaahh!" Arnav moaned in pain as he opened his eyes.

Khushi immediately brought her pallu forward and covered her face.

"Water..." Arnav said in desperation.

Khushi immediately ran to get a glass of water...

As she came with glass of water she simply brought it in front of Arnav.
But Arnav was in state to drink water with his own hands. However, he tried to get up. His vision was blurred.

"Can you help me drink water?" he pleaded.

Khushi's eyes widened in shock but when she studied his condition and agreed to help him.

She sat down beside him and kept her face hidden from him and slowly brought the glass of water to his lips. Arnav gulped down the glass of water down his throat as he was so thirsty. He kept his hand on Khushi's and drank water and he needed more.

"Wait up, I get more water for you!" Khushi said softly and rushed to get more water.

When she returned back she made him drink it.

"Are you hungry?" then she asked.

Arnav nodded weakly.

"Please, aap intezaar kijeye, (you wait) I get food for you."

Arnav nodded weakly once again.

Khushi hurriedly came back and she had no idea how long he hadn't eaten and also to eat medicine he needed to eat his food.

"I help you to eat food," Khushi said again when she saw Arnav won't be able to eat himself.

She put a morsel of chapati in his mouth and occasionally wiped his face. Khushi was finding difficult to keep her face covered but Arnav had his eyes closed and his head was leaned against the headboard of his bed and that got little easier for her.

Khushi was about to put the last morsel in Arnav's mouth when he held her hand and refused to eat more.

"Are you full?"

"Yes!" he spoke.

"Okay, now you may lay down...Until, Raman get your medicines from dispensary..."

"Aman, Kaka!" Arnav muttered.


"They were with me!" he said in his unconscious state. His head was hurting badly.

"Please, you rest..." Khushi said and helped lay on the bed. As soon as Arnav's head hit the pillow, Arnav was fast asleep.

"Aman, and kaka? Looks like they must be his fellow men...I ask my brothers they will find them both out. They must be around that cliff and I hope they are fine too," Khushi said to herself. It has already been late and she wouldn't have gotten back home. She simply decided she would stay back and look after Arnav but she was tired too. And slept beside Arnav's bed without knowing...