Tuesday 17 February 2015

Cursed Love Part 9


Khushi woke up in the morning, and with a relaxed mind and body. The pain in her head was gone as she didn't go through any accident. But when and how did she sleep, she didn't know. She looked at the clock and it struck 8:30 AM.

She got up from the bed in a jolt. She was scared. She had to do her presentation but she slept for all these hours. She rushed to the washroom to freshened up and later quickly changed to a light blue frock suit. Not bothered to take a shower at the moment.

In a quite haste she made her way out of the room to downstairs. She didn't find anyone but the servants and Mary.

"Mary, have you seen Anjali di?" she asked.

"Anjali baby has already gone to Bangalore for her meeting."

"Arnav, sir?"

"He must be in the gym."

"Where is the gym?"

"Gym is in the basement. But first tell me how are you feeling? Anjali baby has asked me to take care of you."

"I am fine," she said.

"Okay, you sit I bring breakfast for you."

"Mary, I will have it later. I have to see Arnav, sir."

"Yes, sure go ahead."

Khushi went to the basement and right in the entrance of the basement was the huge gym. Arnav was alone.

"NK, can you please add more disk weight to the barbell?" Arnav said as he laid on the bench and was doing the barbell exercise. So he couldn't see Khushi and mistook her for NK.

"Don't you listen I am telling you to add more weight to barbell."

Khushi didn't dare to tell him she wasn't NK. She looked around and NK was nowhere to be seen. She slowly went to pick up one of them from the rack.

"40 Lb one please!" he said. As she was about to pick Arnav kept the barbell on the stand and got up, "What's taking you this long?"

When he looked at Khushi he immediately asked to leave the disk. "I thought you were NK!"

"I am sorry...I...I came to...ask..."

Arnav waited for her to finish her sentence. He wiped off the sweat with his towel. "Ask about the meeting?" he asked.

"Yes, and Anjali di."

"She has already gone to Bangalore. She will handle some of the work before we reach there for the evening meeting."

"I should go and prepare the presentation then," she said.

"No, don't worry," he told her. "I have finished it. Anjali di had given me the papers from your bag. Now you may go and eat your breakfast."

She nodded and turned to leave when he stopped her to ask, "By the way, how are you?"

"Good, thank you for asking," she said and rushed from there in quite a haste.

Arnav didn't know what was wrong with her.

On her way back to upstairs she had tears in her eyes. She was scolding herself for being not responsible. The presentation that she was suppose to do was done by her boss. The first very task she was unable to do properly.

She immediately went to her room and didn't listen Mary calling her for the breakfast.

"What must he be thinking of you, Khushi?" she asked herself. "Because of you they have to delay everything."

"I don't know why baba think I can manage all this? I am just too dumb. And a coward."

@ The breakfast table.

Arnav along with his cousins had been all ready and was at the breakfast table.

"Where is Khushi, did she eat?" Akaash asked.

"Here she is!" NK said.

"Hi, Khushi ji, how are you?"


"That's good, come and have a breakfast," NK said.

Khushi looked at Arnav. She didn't know if she should be sitting with we boss and his brothers.

Akaash sensed her nervousness. "Come on, Khushi, don't worry. He won't mind."

"Right bhai!?" Akaash said.

"Huh, yes sure!" he said, and pretended to by busy on his phone. Probably it was something that he wouldn't have said with all his heart. But, of course, he didn't mind her sitting with them and having her breakfast. In fact, he so wanted her to sit and have her breakfast so he makes sure she eats her food properly.

Khushi smiled nervously. Her heartbeat was wild and she was sweating in nervousness.

"Khushi ji, you okay?" NK asked. "You are sweating. Are you feeling hot?"

Khushi wiped her sweat. "No, NK ji, I am fine!" she said.

"Anyways, we are leaving in two hours. I expect your bag packs are ready, we have to stay for a night there, and tomorrow we shall be back," Arnav said to his cousins and indirectly to Khushi.

"But bhai we thought we were leaving in an hour," NK said.

"I know. But I guess Khushi needs some time to pack her bag."

Khushi who was chewing on her bread, choked on it. "Khushi ji, you okay!" NK asked.

Arnav had almost jumped in his seat to help her but Mary came forward and helped her to drink water and rubbed her back.

He was furious at her for her carelessness. "You are not a baby, learn to eat properly!" his voice was cold.

Khushi couldn't look in his eyes and was embarrassed. But more than that scared.

He couldn't see the tears in her eyes that had formed in them. Although, she was trying to hide them.

He cursed himself. Out of nowhere, he was concerned about this lady. And he hated it. But at the same time it so matter to him that it hurt him.

"I think we should go and pack our bag packs," Akaash said and he himself and NK were about to get up.

"No one will get up until, you are done with your breakfast" Arnav made clear.

Both of them sat back on their as they had stood up.

Khushi tried hard to keep her tears at the back of her eyes. Arnav was aware of it.

"May I know who had kept that pills on my desk in the study!?" Arnav asked.

"I did," NK said.

Arnav looked at him. "I had asked you for bills!"

"Bhai I thought you said you have a headache. And you said me to go and get pills."

"Stupid, he actually meant you are giving him headache. Because you were talking about every random things but work. So he sent you to get the bills."

"Oh, I thought you said pills."

"Pills and bills sounds so similar," NK said innocently.

Arnav looked at Khushi now she was trying hard to suppress her laugh and his try to make her feel better was somewhere successful. But all thanks to NK and his stupidness.

"Two hours, you guys better be outside. I won't wait for anyone."

"Bhai we are ready. And Khushi you can go and get ready too," Akaash said.

She nodded and left.

"Bhai, is it important for Khushi to go with is!?" Akaash asked. "I mean she might not be really fit to travel."

"It is important for her to go with us," Arnav said. He wouldn't have taken a risk and left Khushi alone. After what happened last night.

He had called Nani after he made Khushi sleep at around 4:30 AM knowing that she must have been up at that time. However, she didn't pick up her phone. Even in the morning at 7:00 when he was trying to call her she didn't answer to any of his calls.

He wondered what was the reason. It was so important for Nani to be back because he really wanted to to know who really Khushi was. And why he experiences strange vibes when she is there with him? And the reasons his he could tell she is in trouble?

May be he thought it was because he was not an ordinary person but belong to the world which is far from the world of reality. And he has such abilities. However, he knew it go beyond all his understands.

His train of thoughts were broken when he saw Khushi. He was trying to find the real her. She was innocent that was for sure. Quite reserved, always scared. Mostly in front of him. Surely he had that aura. He was tough. But that has more to do with the overwhelming emotions that he feels all the time not only her around him but in general all the time. Yes, Khushi didn't know about that...But not in front of him even in front of Anjali she is scared. The day she has come in his life he was trying hard to find a valid reason of knowing what's going on, he end up getting more and more confused.

He had to ask her more. But looked like she herself wasn't sure whom she is really scared of all the time. Who daunts her. He is hoping for Nani to be some help to him. Otherwise, he had to find all by himself. By the looks it wasn't going to be pleasant in anyways.

***At bangalore AR's headquarter***

"I must say, chote the way Khushi presented the presentation was marvellous. I have had no doubts on her abilities. But you know how shy is!"

"I think we should go to the hotel. I have to get some paper work done," he said ignoring Anjali's praise for Khushi completely.

Anjali knew words of compliment wouldn't come from her brother. "Let's go," she said as she followed him.


When they reached AR hotels there was a problem at the A wing of the hotel.

"NK what's the problem!!?" Anjali asked.

"Hi, di. There is a short circuit. Electricians are here they are working on it.

"Where is Khushi? Her room is also in the A wing right?"

"Di she has just gone to her room."

Arnav heard NK saying. Terror rushed in his veins. He had asked them not to leave her alone, but despite of that they had.

He rushed as fast as he could.

Khushi was in her room, the time lights went off she got scared. With trembling hands she turned on the torch and made her out of the room. As she made her way outside there is a complete dark. She chorused Devi Maiya's name.

She locked the room and make her way to the dinner room where Akaash and NK had asked her to be. Fear shook her body as she saw a man.

"Excuse me...Do you work here?" Khushi said and expected a help from him.

But the man didn't bother turning around. He continued to walk in his direction. He was covered from head to toe in black clothes. It was strange because she was totally ignored by that man. But she took a sigh of relief when the man luckily left from there.

She starts to walk in a hurry. But she immediately stops when she look at the white envelope dropped by the man and to her surprise she read her name imprinted on it. She picked it from the ground.

She opened it up and read-

"I AM BACK! Ms. Khushi Kumari Gupta!"

Khushi was all shocked. Land under her feet slipped. It was typed up letter.

"Don't be scared Ms. Gupta"... I am just here to fulfil the promise I made to you...I hope that you haven't forgotten anything!"

Her mind reeled back and it was something that she did have seen before. She recollected her memory and it was something that she had seen in her dream.

Khushi vigorously shook her head... "No it can't be true..." She thought. It was indeed impossible for such a dream to be real..."Somebody is just joking around with me," she said.

Khushi rips the paper into numerous pieces and throw it in the garbage can that was near her.

The room where she was standing creak opens...Hearing the hard foot steps on the marble floor, Khushi quickly hide herself behind the curtain in the hall...she kept her hand on her mouth, to be careful not to make any noise. The man continued to walk towards her she could tell as the footsteps approached her. It was the same man she saw few minutes ago in the hallway. Her eyes were wide opened. The man held her by her arm and made her come out from her hiding place.

Khushi's heart jumped out of we chest. Khushi was going to scream, but he covered her mouth before she could make any noise...Khushi was suffocated...She struggled to free herself from his grip, but he was strong enough to fail her every try. She looked around for something with which she could hit the man. But couldn't reach for anything. Gathering the energy she pulled the man hair hard enough to loosen his grip on her mouth, the man groaned in pain and she kicked him hard on his knees as she grasped for air. Then she runs from there without even bothering turning back and looking at the man if he followed her not.

Khushi ran as fast she could.
It was when she bumped into someone. The man after her just quickly vanished.

"Khushi?" Arnav said.

Hearing the familiar voice khushi hugs Arnav tightly. Arnav embraced her even tighter.

"Arnav ji," Khushi let out a sacred cry.

"Khushi, what happened? Are you okay?" Arnav asked concerned.

"He...he..." Her voice shooked.
But before she could say anything more, Arnav felt her whole weight on him. There she was her pale, limp body in his arms.

She collapsed.

"Oh, shit!

"Khushi!" he called her...He pats her face softly to revive her... But no success... So he takes her in his room.

"Hello Room service?"... This is ASR here...Send Dr. Chopra to my room soon!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Hello Dr. Chopra!... This is the patient... Arnav said pointing towards khushi..

"Who is she, Mr. Raizada?"

"Can you please do her checkup first!?" he sounded angry.

"Yes, sure..."

Dr. Chopra examined her completely.

"What happened to her, Doctor?"

"Mr. Raizada her B.P. has skyrocketed. It could be due to Panic Attack. I wonder what could be the reason."

"Anything to worry about it now?" he asked.

"I have given her the injection...Now she is sleeping make sure she does get complete rest and also there should be someone alongside with her so that she does not feel the anxiety. And call me if you need to."

"Thank you Dr. Chopra!"

"Not a Problem!"

The first thing Arnav noticed was as he looked at Khushi was her locket was missing.

It was getting more and more clear to him that someone was after Khushi's life.

But who? he thought.


"Hi, Di!"

"Chote...What happened to her?"

"I think she is scared to darkness."

"Oh lord, I hope she is fine."

"Dr. Chopra said she needs rest."

"Chote, I will stay with her tonight."

"Di she will be fine. Just go and sleep."

"But Chote we can't leave her alone..."

"Di nobody is leaving her alone. You go and sleep I am with her!"

(Surprised) "Huh!?"

"What di?"

"Should I call the doctor?... I think you are surely sick... Or may be I heard something which you really meant," she said clearing her ear.

"Di please! Only because of you okay...Remember you met with an accident?"

"Okay, I go and rest...But I will come back to check on her."

"Di GO!"

Anjali pouts and leaves.
Time was 1:00 o'clock in the Morning... Arnav goes to the washroom to change into his night suit.

Khushi found herself in the very unfamiliar place, her head throbbing with pain...she tries to get up but fails and fell back on the floor...After a while, a man enter into the room followed by other three men behind him...There faces are hard to see, because of the dark...But the man in the front was quite familiar yet she was having hard time recalling. Thinking deeply she recognized him it was him. Her lips quivered, her brain froze completely even thinking of his name. Gathering the courage she tries to run through the open door...But one of the man brutally grab handful of her hair and yank her back into the room...And khushi starts to cry...

First Man: Chief, what we should do with this girl?

Man does not say anything...Just gesture all three to get out of the room...All three nods and make an exist...

"What do you want? Why did you get me here!?"
The man still does not say anything...Before squatting down he grabs something from the table...

"No... please No...I beg you please... let me go..." Then everything blacks out...

Khushi is in still half sleep...Screaming "no...no..."
Arnav spring out of the washroom hearing her pleas...In quick five steps he dashed towards khushi...

"Khushi, what happen?"
Khushi was half drenched in sweat...Her breathing was laboured...


"Please no... No... Leave me...

"Khushi!... Open your eyes...It's just a dream..."

Khushi slowly open her eyes...She find herself in a different place than she saw found herself before she woke up...The image in front of her eyes was still blurred..."Please save me..." Khushi whispered...

"Khushi...you are just dreaming."

Hearing Arnav's voice she opened her eyes. She looks at him finally everything fall in place. She was in Arnav's room.

"He was there. Please Arnav ji!" Khushi said clenching Arnav's orange Rugby T shirt.

"Whom you are talking about Khushi?"

"He had come in my dreams. Arnav ji, today he was here. He was going to kill me. If you...if you hadn't come."

Whatever she was saying made no sense to him. "Khushi, you just need to relax," he said.

"I am with you. Nothing going to happen to you. Alright, listen. We need to talk. I think I can help you. If you tell me whatever you know."

"No, you can't help me. No one can!" she said.

"Khushi, I can," he made her look at him. "I can help you."

Her hands loosened the grip on her shoulder and looked at him. "Calm down," he repeated.

He laid her on the bed, and helped her to sleep.

He moved the strand of the hair on the back of her ear, wiped the tears, and comforted her until she was completely sleeping and the grip of her hand holding his hand loosened but she never let go. He felt a slight pain in his ring finger, when he gave it a look it was slightly bleeding, and it was due to Khushi's nail mark...He made no effort to release his hand from Khushi's grip. He found a comfortable position to he sit on the floor with her hand still in his hand...

                             To be continued...

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