Friday 18 October 2013

OS: Her heart

14 August 2008.

Yes, I know the exact date and I don't think that I would ever be able to forget it.

It was the day, I saw him for the very first time.

Sitting here, at the bank of the beautiful lake.

His arms crossed resting on his knees and his bare feet in the cold water.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in the world of a complete silence. Except flowing water of the lake and the birds chirping.

His black hair was glowing in the orange rays of the setting sun.
I walked as slowly as I could towards the lake. Without interrupting his view of the calm, serene environment.

I myself settled just few meters away from him, on the slightly wet grass which I never mind. His side face shone in the sunlight peaking at his perfect features of his face. I  glanced around at the surrounding. However, in the end my eyes caught him. My whole body shivered as I planted my left foot into the cold water then cautiously my right foot. And I hissed. That is when he looked to my side with a blank look on his face. His intense brown eyes glared at me. Believe me when I say it was the most beautiful eyes I ever saw before in my life. His lips slightly curved into a small almost not there smile, but it didn't go unnoticed by me. My heart beat increased, butterflies in my stomach fluttered wildly and soon made their ways into my whole body as I continued to leer at him. Truly his smile was contagious. In return, I could only do was smile back as bright as I could.
My cheeks warmed as I blushed looking straight into his eyes.

"Hi," I heard myself saying.

He answered me with a smile slightly wider than before and soon after he turned his gaze back to the water. But what I saw in his eyes were unbelievable even though he smiled but the pain I saw in his eyes that I failed to see for the first time, shattered my heart.

He was completely like a book that I judged by its cover and I so wanted to peep into. I leered blankly at the lake, the sun that was almost set behind the buildings that stood tall high, a clump of birds flying in the sky returning to their homes. I sat there for God knows how long, but completely was at the most comfortable place. The place I won't mind spending my whole life. Since, that day I never dared to miss a single day of coming here. More than I fell in love with this place I was in love with him.

Yes, I know it was too soon to conclude that but I admit that I was in love with him.

As Days passed the distance slowly lessened between us. It was more like a dream and as we were meant to be together. From complete strangers we started getting to know each other.

As months passed we became friends.

As year passed we become the best friends.

Then one day everything changed.
27th November 2010.

It was his birthday.

"Hey Arnav!" I said kissing his freshly shaved cheek that felt awesomely smooth. I leaned closer to inhale the smell of his aftershave and felt his lips widen into a smile. As always I couldn't able to stop myself but smile back.

"Many many returns of the day!" I added.

"Hopefully!" he replied.

My smile weakened and my heart felt a tug as the pain in his eyes grew every moment I stared into them.

"Where is my gift?" Arnav said changing the topic.

"Later!" I said mischievously and hit his shoulder playfully.

"It's 12:05 AM already Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada!" he complained.

"I know Mr. Raizada have some patience. Get ready, your surprise is waiting," I said as I winked at him and he laughed.

"Khushi you are the best thing that has happened to me and the day I got you I never asked for anything," he said cupping my face and I hugged him tighter as my life dependent on it. And his grip fixed securely around my waist. After few moment of spending ourselves into each other arms we broke the hug. I brushed the tears with my knuckles as fast as I could and walked to the closet. I took out the black Raymond suit that I got for him.

"Here you go Mr. Raizada your first gift!" I said as I walked back to him and pass him the suit. Arnav took it from me.

"Wow khushi it's amazing!"

"You like it!"

"100% Khushi!"

"Now you go and get ready meanwhile, I get ready too!"

"Can't we get ready together?" Arnav said a playful smile brightening his brown eyes.

"What the?" I shouted at the same time laugh. "Don't you think you are getting more and more naughty now a days?"

"Don't you like it?" he asked pulling me towards himself as he snaked his arms around my waist. "Do you know when you blush your cheeks get tomato red?" I smiled and he added "also tomato size?" my eyes wide open and mouth made an awesome "O" shape.

"Really?" I hit his chest playfully. And he grasped in pain.


I immediately got startled.

"Are you okay Arnav?" I asked and my voice trembled.

"Why are asking me this question?" he sounded even more terrified.

"Of course you grasped in pain that's why?"
He laughed open heartily.

"You were kidding? You like too see me worried?" I asked tears forming in my eyes.

"Obviously no Khushi..." and he again pulled me into a hug. And Mrs. Raizada your hands are not hammer," he joked.

And I took a sigh of relief.

"Go I am not going to talk to you!" I said turning around angrily and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

He held me by my upper arms and turned around so that I could face him.
"Hey hey hey look I am sorry!" he said holding his ears and his expression clearly showing that he was actually sorry.
I couldn't able to maintain my anger anyways especially, when he pull that puppy face of his.

"You are forgiven!"

"Thank God!" Arnav mocked.

Then we both laughed.

"Okay go and get ready. We are getting late!" I turned him around and pushed him towards the washroom.

"Think about it again! Mrs. Raizada!"

"About what?" I asked confused.

"Me and you getting ready together!" he smirked.

I snorted in a unladylike manner. And he laughingly got into the washroom.
We drove to this same lake where I had planned a candle light dinner for Arnav. He absolutely love this place.

"Okay Arnav I am going to blindfold you okay...and absolutely no cheating!" I instructed Arnav. He nodded.

I took out the red synthetic handkerchief from my purse and blindfolded him.

"Where are we going Khushi?" Arnav asked.

"You seriously don't have patience!" I complained. "Now hold my hand and walk with me," I said as I put my hand on his and we walked to the gazebo that I especially installed for Arnav.

"Here you go Mr. Raizada!" I said when we finally reached there. And I removed the handkerchief that was tied to his eyes.

I could tell everything was blurry in front of his eyes so he had to rub his eyes for few second before everything fall in place, in front of him.

Almost everything was decorated in Arnav's favourite colour red.
Red curtains to decorate the gazebo.

Thousands of red coloured lamps lightening the surroundings. The coloured water fountain in the midst was enhancing the beauty of the park. Arnav's expression were the proof that he loved it.

"Khushi I am seriously dumbstruck. Believe me. You did all this!" he asked surprised.

"Only for you Arnav!" I assured.

A tear escaped his eye and I immediately rubbed if with my finger. I just can't bare to see tears in his eyes no matter what!

We sat at the lake bank for hours after finishing our dinner and we also had a couple dance. After so long, I saw Arnav really happy. Finally he was living his life. Finally he was getting over past and was accepting the reality. But he was still battling with his own life. I wish I could end that anyhow. My heart felt a hard blow every time I think of it. I was looking at him but he was glancing at the lake. Like he was finding an answer to something.

"Let's go home khushi!"

"Are you tired?" I asked.

He shook his head. "But it's 6:00 AMalready," he added.

"Really?" I asked as I took his wrist in my hands and looked at his Rolex watch to look at the time.

"Thank you so much for making my birthday ever so special Khushi. This would ever be my best birthday."

I couldn't help but smile. He stood up first and my eyes followed him. Before I could get up Arnav bend and slipped his one arm under my knees and another under my back and took me in his lap.

"May I walk you to the car Mrs. Raizada?"

"Yes, you may Mr. Raizada!" I said giggling as I nestled my head against his shoulder.

He slowly took me too the car and with the hand under my knees he opened my side of the door. And gently placed me in the seat. Giving me a small peck on my lips and closed the door. Then he got to the driver seat.

The drive back to home was quite. I looked out and it had started raining. There was nothing too surprising because we were just too used to this kind of weather. In Vancouver it rains most of the time. And it absolutely was my favourite weather. I opened the window and poked my head out to feel the rain.

"Khushi what are you doing? You will fall sick!" Arnav shouted as it was hard for me to hear.

"Don't worry. I will be fine Arnav," I assured. But anyways I sit back in my seat because I was just too tired to argue. I took my hand out instead and sprinkled water on Arnav's face.

"What the Khushi? Stop it okay! I am driving!"
I grinned and I immediately stopped.

We were gone only few blocks away when we found an escalade tailgating our car. Arnav increased the speed of his car to increase the distance. Meanwhile, he pulled his car to his right to give the space to the driver behind us. The driver drove past us at high speed at the same guys opened their windows and started hooting. My heart pounded so hard in fear. And I immediately closed the remainder of window my side.

"What the heck?" Arnav shouted furiously.

"Arnav leave it...They might be drunk! You focus on driving."

I was terribly trembling but I calmed myself. Otherwise, I knew that it would further freak out Arnav.

"Bloody bas***ds!" Arnav cursed them under his breath.

I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him.

Again after few minutes the same escalade came into view and my heart started throbbing. Fresh sensation of panic started growing in my body. Escalade was at the high speed so Arnav lowered the speed maintaining the safest gap as possible. But the escalade stopped immediately and took a sharp U-Turn. There was no other car at the highway at that time other than ours and the escalade. So it was easy for them to turn but escalade lost its track and Arnav too couldn't able to figure out their sudden action.

"Arnaaav!" I screamed as I held Arnav's shoulder.

The escalade hit the front of our BMW with such a force that are car flew in an air. Even air bag was of no use.

Panic took over me. My whole body was trembling. My gripped on Arnav's shoulder tightened. As our car continued to roll down the road as someone has kicked a can. And in return he held me back. But it was too late. The car came to a halt.
My head slammed against the window so hard that the glass shattered. My vision was blurred. But I still could see Arnav. His forehead hit steering his whole head was covered in blood as mine...Blood was dripping like a running faucet from my head and was soon mixing with the rain water. A loud earth shattering sound hit my ears and I saw the escalade hit the large truck coming from the opposite side and exploded.
I wanted to shout Arnav's name but words choked in my throat and all of sudden everything blacked out in front of my eyes. Every moment played in front of my eyes that I had spent with Arnav...I so wished that it was a dream but deep in my heart I knew that it was the end.

@ The Memorial Hospital

Arnav slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a completely different place. Interrogating his environment he found that he was at the hospital. Probably in the I.C.U.

"Hello Mr. Raizada!" Doctor said.

Arnav squint his eyes to look at a blurry figure standing in front of him. From her clothes and telescope hanging around her neck concluded that she was a doctor.
"How are you feeling?" Doctor added.
Arnav popped open his eyes. "Khu...Khushi," Arnav said as he tried sitting up on the hospital bed but stopped as he felt a sharp pain in his head. Doctor helped him lay back in the bed.
Arnav struggled in her arms "I am asking you something...Tell me where is my khushi?" Arnav shouted sitting back up on the bed.

"Mr. Raizada!" Doctor stopped.

"Mr.Raizada your wife!"

"What happen to my wife?" Arnav shouted. Every moment panic grew.

"We couldn't able to save your wife's life!" she declared.

Arnav froze.

His brain froze.

He stopped struggling.

He blinked and fell on the bed ignoring the physical pain, however, it was merely nothing in front of the mental pain he felt.

"Mr. Raizada but she gave you HER HEART!" Doctor mumbled.

Arnav swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. He couldn't able to believe what he heard. He was already too shocked about khushi's death but hearing Khushi gave him her heart totally wrenched him.
He brought his hand to touch his chest where now instead of his own weak heart was replaced by Khushi's strong heart.
Arnav was a heart patient for past years. He had totally lost the hope to live but the day Khushi came in his life everything had changed...He has started living his life again.

"Mr. Raizada it was her last wish," Doctor managed to say.

Arnav wished that he would have died instead of her. He did have died the same time he heard about his Khushi has left her. Completely alone. But he had to live his life for his 2 year old daughter, Dhani.
Present 3 year later.
Yes, it's me Khushi's heart that today beat in Arnav's chest.

And it's my story.

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