Friday 18 October 2013


Chapter 1.
"Hey, Khushi is he Arnav Singh Raizada?" Khushi's friend Anya asked elbowing her and pointing at Arnav who was standing with bunch of his friends. Arnav was standing sideways so Anya couldn't able to figure out whether it was him.

"I don't know!" Khushi replied annoyed but she does know that it was Arnav. When Anya actually saw his full face, she jumped in excitement.

"OMG he is Arnav Singh Raizada!" Anya said putting both her hands on her cheek. Khushi looked at her as she thought of Anya's action completely ridiculous.

"So what Anya is it a big deal? He is just like any other normal guy."

"What the khushi don't you know him?"

"No, neither I want to."

Anya was continuously looking at him and Arnav too looked at their side. There both eyes met. Arnav waved at them. Khushi ignored it but her already excited friend again screamed.

"OMG Khushi I am hyperventilating he just waved at me."

"Not you stupid, but at me," Khushi mumbled.

"What did you say?" Anya asked Khushi to repeat what she said. Because it was hard for her to hear over the loud music. It was Khushi's sister Payal's sangeet. So, both Gupta and Raizada family had gathered to celebrate at Sheesh Mahal.

"Khushi you are damn boring. If you are not interested that's great because I am."
Khushi who was not interested in her friends talk just let her go. Anya went to Arnav who was now standing alone.

"Hey, Mr. Raizada!" Anya greeted Arnav with a huge smile.
"Hello," Arnav replied.
"You are looking so handsome in this brown suit and this dark red tie looks amazing," Anya went close to Arnav and started playing with his shirt button.

Arnav tried to move her hands away but when he saw Khushi finally looking at him and angry expression on her face he let Anya play with his button.
"Oh, really if you like it I will get you a same coloured tie."
"What?" Anya asked slightly confused.
"Oh what I meant was I would buy you one so that it could remind you of me."
"Oh! Sure why not?"
On the other hand Khushi did her best to stay neutral and shoot him whatever look. Moving her strand of hair away, she walked away from there. Arnav's face was pulled in a sweet puppy look.

"Now if you just excuse me I gotta go," Arnav said.
"Oh no worries."

"Hey khushi what is Anya doing with ASR?" lavanaya said as she patted Khushi's shoulder to get her attention.
"Look yourself," Khushi snapped.
"lavanaya sensed that there is something wrong between them."
"Khushi turn around," lavanaya requested.
Khushi didn't listen her and continued setting plates on the dinning table.
"Khushi!" lavanaya said now herself turning her around so that she could face her.
"What happen khushi you guys fought over something?"
"Lavanaya, he sent you here right? Khushi asked.
lavanaya shook her head. "Oh, how would he, because he is just too busy flirting with Anya."
"No, Khushi your mood tells that something is wrong."
"lavanaya he forgot my birthday."
"What?" lavanaya asked as it was unbelievable for her.
"Yeah, he did," Khushi said and turned around to carry on with her work.
"No. Khushi, ASR never forgets anything. His memory is so sharp that he even know who was his first PA, her number even her..." lavanaya stopped midway regretting for saying wrong thing, at wrong time.
"Her birthday," Khushi asked facing her.
"No, Khushi what I meant was. Arnav might have forgotten in between all this function.

"And moment ago you said he has sharp memory," Khushi counter asked her.
Now unable to find any valid reason to explain her lavanaya kept quite.

"lavanaya you are just saying because you are his best friend."

"Of course I am khushi but you...You are his love," lavanaya said a matter of fact "His first love," she added. Khushi looked at her as she knew whatever lavanaya is saying was right. "Yes, Khushi you are. He is just little dumbo too caught up in work all the time. He doesn't know how to pamper a girl. And you are the first person whom he has laid his eyes on."
Khushi looked at Lavanaya and then at Arnav and slightly fumed.

"Oh, yeah like he is flirting with Anya now."
Lavanaya followed her gaze and looked at Arnav and Anya talking as they are couples.
"He is just making you jealous. As I just said he is little Dumbo."
And they both giggled.
"As far as your birthday is concerned I go and remind him," Lavanaya turned on her heels to leave but Khushi stops her.
"Yes, dear."
"I go and remind him."
"Ha ha okay but do pull his ear for me."
Khushi nods.
Lavanaya leaves.

"Oh, Mr. Raizada you are so cute!" Anya said pulling his cheek.
"Thank you," Arnav said.
Arnav was going to eat a piece of a cake from his plate when Anya stopped him by holding his spoon. Arnav choked.

"Oh, Mr. Raizada here have some water," Anya handed him the glass of water.
Khushi was standing at the door looking at them.

"See how lovey dovish they are," Khushi said sarcastically. "I will see you Anya later on but you Mr. Raizada this is the time to cover for all the loses."
Anya was again going to put cake in Arnav's mouth when Khushi took the spoon from Anya's hand and pushed in Arnav's mouth. Half of the cake went in his mouth and other fell on his suit.

"Khushi what the?" Arnav yelled as he pushed the spoon out his mouth.

"Why you didn't like it. Here have some more," Khushi took the whole piece from his plate and smashed in his mouth.

"Khushi what the heck you are doing?" Anya pulled her chair back and screamed at Khushi.
"Can't you see? And by the way what the heck what are you doing with MY BOYFRIEND here?"

"Yes, you wanted to know if I know him? Yes, I know him okay. Now get away from my Arnav."

Arnav stared at both of them his gaze moving back and forth as they both argued with each other but was glad hearing the words "My Boyfriend and My Arnav."

"Khushi calm down," Payal said as both Lavanaya and payal both came running.

"You guys stay out of this matter. Okay? I am warning you." Payal and Lavanaya both flinched when Arnav gestured them implying that he would manage.

"Khushi listen!" Arnav said and was about to put her hand on Khushi's shoulder when she jerked his hand.

"You Mr. Raizada don't dare to talk to me unless you have valid reason for all this you did today." Khushi said crying and leaves from there.

"Khushi!" Arnav, Payal, Lavanya even Anya screamed in Unison. But Khushi didn't listen and ran from there.

"I think it was too much," Anya said in a apologetic tone.

"Don't worry I know what to do?" Arnav said. "It's time for a real deal."

CHAPTER 2 (Last part)

"I think it was too much," Anya said in a apologetic tone.

"Don't worry I know what to do?" Arnav said. "It's time for a real deal."

"Mom have you seen Khushi somewhere?" Arnav asked.
"No, Beta I was here in the hallway."
"Is anything serious?"
"No, mom just asking."


Khushi went straight into her room crying. P.S. Sheesh Mahal was owned by Gupta family. She switched off the lights and fell straight on her bed. After few minute something fell in her room she immediately got startled.
"Who's there?" she asked quite terrified.
"I said who is there?" she repeated upon getting no response.
She got up from her bed, then stood on her two feet and started walking to switch on the lights. She successfully got near the switch and was about to switch on the light when a figure made its way towards her in quick steps and swirled her in one go and covered her mouth from making any noise.
She struggled in the figures arms. But it was too strong. Khushi concluded that it might be a man.
"Who could he be?"
The man put a cloth to tie her mouth first to shut her mouth, keeping her from making any kind of sound or noise, he even tied her hands and then blindfolded her.
Khushi continued to struggle in his arms but he didn't let her dominate him.
Khushi had no idea Who the man was? Where did he was going to take her? And what he would with her?
"I am sure I am going to be killed on my Birthday!" Khushi thought "and I would not know the reason why?"
Man slowly opened the knot of the cloth to free her mouth so that now she could scream and he knew that she must have lot to say.

"Aaahhh," Khushi screamed as loudly as she could and stomped her feet like a child.

"Khushiii just relax!" Khushi was screaming loud enough to not even know who was talking to her...Then again getting hold of her he tried try to open the knot of her blindfold but she hit the man's foot.

Now it was man who screamed. That is when khushi came to know it was Arnav. Arnav got up and opened the knot to remove the cloth from her eyes and Khushi turned around to see Arnav moaning in pain his right foot where Khushi hit him.

"Arnav You?"

"What the Khushi you hit me with your bare so badly but if you were wearing your high heels?"

"It would have been better. And what the heck you think was really thinking by literally kidnapping me and bring me to this place. Khushi stopped immediately. "where she actually was?" she thought. She looked all around herself and was thrilled. All around her was decorated with flowers, with colourful lights. And to add the beauty there was a gazebo in that a table for two. Beautifully lit with candles.

"Happy Birthday, my Khushi!" Arnav said from her back, getting deadly close to her right ear. A warm air that hit her ear caused a fresh waves of shrills down her spine. She shivered.

"Its means you never forgot my birthday," Khushi said slowly moving, to face him.
He shook his head.

"Its means everything just happened at the sangeet and all this was all part of your drama?"

Arnav nodded his head single time.

Khushi started hitting his chest playfully but Arnav got hold of her. And pushed further towards himself.

"Khushi the only thing I ever forget since I got you is, to breathe and the world around me when you are with me."

Khushi's eyes weld up. "And where birthday is concern, never! In my life I have loved only three ladies: my mom, my sister Anjali and You, Khushi. These three people keep the most important place. And if anyone will ask me too choose one of them I will choose my death. Because there is no point choosing one as all three of you have keep unique place in my heart. And I am nothing without all of you."

"Why did you do all this then?"

"I am extremely sorry for that Khushi please "GUSTAKHI MAAF KARDO!" Arnav said holding both of his ears and got on his knees.

"I am sorry too Arnav for not letting you to say what you wanted to say and smashing the cake in your face," she too held her ears.

"Okay forgiven," they both said in unison and they both laugh.

"Now can we cut the cake now?" Arnav said as he forwarded his hand.
"First open my hands Mr. Raizada," Khushi said as she turned around to show him her tied hand.
"Oh," Arnav fleetingly got on his feet and opened her knot.

"Ouch!" Khushi moaned in pain. Her wrist was all red.
"I am so very sorry Khushi!" Arnav without delay took khushi's both of her hands and rubbed them gently, and then kissed them. Khushi blushed. Arnav carried her in her arma in one go and Khushi smilingly let him carry her to the gazebo that was decorated with white curtains. Gently putting back on her two feet Arnav give her the knife and she cut the cake. Arnav sang Happy Birthday song for her. They both feed each other. Arnav opened the champagne bottle and before serving her he asked khushi to close her eyes. And after a second he asked her to open her eyes.

"What was that for?" Khushi asked.

Arnav shook his head obediently. He handed her the champagne glass and she started sipping it, while drinking she caught something in her mouth before she could swallow the round circular thing. She took the thing out and found that it was a ring. A diamond ring. Arnav got off his seat and took the ring from her hand. And immediately get on his one knee pulling his right hand in front of her and he asks "Will you marry me Khushi?"
Khushi was left totally bewildered. First of all she had no idea what was going on, and second of all she didn't even know whether it was her imagination or reality?" She pinched herself to know whether it was for real or a dream and when she was convinced. She immediately nodded her head.
"I will. Mr. Raizada I, Khushi Kumari Gupta, will take you, Arnav Singh Raizada, as my wedded husband."
There was no point of Arnav's happiness. He got back on his feet and picked khushi in her arms and swirled her in the air. And khushi hid her face in his chest to hide her blush. When Arnav stopped he put her back on the floor. They both looked at each other lovingly. Arnav leaned in to kiss on her cheeks. Painfully slow. Khushi held her breath tight. Her eyes closed feeling the moment, feeling his lips that felt surprisingly soft against her cheeks. Arnav then slowly lifted his head. His eyes fell on Khushi's face. Her cheeks slightly moist with his kiss. Her nose red. Her eyes closed.
"This girl make me fall me in love with her every time I look at her," Arnav said to herself. Khushi slowly opened her eyes when Arnav cupped her face and brought her face to kiss her forehead. Then her red nose then his eyes looked at her light pink lips that begged his lips attention.
"Shall I?" Arnav asked in his husky voice.
Without hesitation khushi nodded and Arnav without any further delay placed his lips on her. There first kiss. Arnav's hand moved down to her shoulder and then back to her back to get a strong grip of her making sure that she doesn't fall. And Khushi's one hand snaked around his neck and other stroked his hair. Both of their bodies were so joined as not only soulfully but also physically. Butterflies fluttered in Khushi's stomach and Arnav's heart beat furiously against his chest. They felt each others heart beating in a perfect sync. Heat of their bodies transfused creating a waves of pleasuring sensation in each others body.

After a passionate kiss they pulled apart. There eyes not ready to break the contact.

"I love you, Khushi to such an extent that I don't think I would be ever able to put into words. You are my Princess."

"Thank you for making me feel like one, cupping his cheek.


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