Friday 18 October 2013


AR Groups was hell not a mere company. Khushi knew that fact. It was not one of the, but the TOP best world (fashion World) company in the world. And the owner was the great Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. A person known for his arrogance, strictness yet very respectable person in the business world. He surely was the most eligible bachelor up to date. The most handsome eligible bachelor to be precise.

"Why such a person would send his own manager to my house just to let me know that I will be interviewed tomorrow?" Khushi thought. Aman did tell her that her phone wasn't reachable so  he decided to personally come and inform her about the timing and few other instructions but Khushi being skeptical, it didn't convince her.

"Khushi you are just thinking too much, obviously you are not a wizard like Harry potter who is chosen to be a student at Hogwarts school. Ofcourse, you applied and that's why they called you in for the interview that is it," Khushi give herself a mental note. When she was finally convinced she put cover on top of her and switched off the light of the lamp that was kept on the side night stand near her bed and closed her eyes to sleep.

@2:30 AM in the morning.

Khushi was completely stressed out. The moment she went to sleep up until now she just turned and tossed. She too called at the hospital to know how is brother doing or if they needed anything but still nothing helped her. The sound of the clock ticks deafened the silence in her room. However, the screams in her mind were loud enough to not to let her sleep.
She took the black marbled picture frame. It was her and her father in the picture. It was the picture when she was 10 years old and the location was at the circus, she remembered. She was still too short in her height. She was standing to the left and on her right her father, he had to squat down to meet the height of his daughter, his arms around her. They both smiling at the camera.
Tears pricked Khushi's eyes. She sat up on the bed and leaned her back against the headboard. She weep as she clutched the frame to her chest.

"Why did you leave me dad? You promised me that you won't leave me alone, under any circumstances, no matter what! Why at this moment when I needed you the most dad? Why?" Khushi asked.

After few minutes she finally dozed off.
It was common for Khushi since her father death to cry to sleep.


Khushi's alarm go off. She immediately turned her head in a sleepy state to face the little wooden, circular shaped clock. Little needles indicated that it was 7:30AM in the morning. She gets up from her bed, made her bed before taking a quick shower.

Khushi's Bhuaji had already left to the hospital where her nephew was under observation. Khushi's mom had left her whole family without any explanations when she was only 6 years old. After that Khushi's Bhuaji and her father looked after her and her brother Aryan.

 After getting ready she prepared her breakfast. And @exactly 8:30 AM she left her home.

Auto-rickshaw stopped exactly in front of the AR Groups. Khushi was amazed looking at the, sky touching building, that stood tall in front of her. She slowly moved her gaze back at the big board rectangular shape sign AR GROUPS written in bold letters on it. She said something to the security at the entrance and the security guard let her go in. Khushi climbed up 20 black marbled stairs that led to the first floor. Two security guards greeted her and one of them opened the door for her. A cold breeze of the air conditioners blew in her face, it was such a relief for her. Even it was morning but still it felt like 30 degrees outside. At the very first floor they had a lavish cafe and a canteen. It was not less then any five star restaurants. Smell of a fresh Brazilian coffee filled the air. But the cafe and the canteen was almost empty with just few people. She grabbed the portfolio that was available at the map board, to look at the map drawn on it to find out where actually the ASR's office was. A little description included at the front side read as:

Welcome to the AR Groups.

           Serving you since 2007.

AR Groups is one of the youngest fashion world company. Although our establishment is only 5 years old but we are well known amongst the top companies. We have more than 30 locations worldwide that includes 5 in the U.S., 5 in Canada, 2 in Italy, 7 in London but  among them India has more than 15 establishments...(Khushi skipped the rest of the information and jumped to next page and heading said Co-Founder)

AR Groups also known as ASR Group is after the name of the founder Arnav Singh Raizada...

To read more about our company please visit @ are website company.
Or you call @ toll free number. 1-800-ASR-0000.




And at back side of the portfolio there was a
Big map.

Khushi was bewildered to know that the huge building had a modelling school of its own. That belonged to whom? Of course, Mr. Raizada. Not to mention 2 huge showrooms that covered the bottom 10 storeys plus a shopping mall with latest ASR designed clothing. She stood in the elevator waiting patiently to reach at 36th floor where ASR's office was. It was 9:45AM at her wrist watch and her meeting was @ exact 10:30AM. She also remembered that she had to be 30 minutes early. Well, Khushi was always punctual.

After 10 minutes of waiting, lift finally reached at the top 36th floor. Khushi got out quickly and in another second she was standing at the 36th floor.

She was left quite astonished, it was the best place she ever saw. Even beautiful, lavish then the bottom 35 floors she saw through the glass elevator. She stepped on the white marvel shinning marvellously under her feet. Only two colours were the main schemes used to paint the walls around, red and white. The infrastructure was modern with modern furnishing, that also mix of white and red colour. A receptionist area was right in front with 4 to 6 girls sitting at their respective places behind a huge wooden table, talking utterly quietly. It was the first  busy place she ever visited that had more than 100 people yet with a pin drop silence.

The moment she stepped into this building her heart lurched. It was like her heart wasn't in her chest but in throat. She had the weirdest feeling which she couldn't able to hide or ignore. The feeling so unhealthy. For the first time she was scared. Scared for a reason that already her life had changed, but, in deep in her heart she kind of knew that now it was going to change in a way she would never has expected.

"What future had hold for her?" Was a big question.

Khushi brought her glance at the people around her. Girls dressed in a shortest dress possible, with 6 inch heel pumps. And some even looked back at her. She swallowed hard.
She walked to talk to one of the receptionist.

"Excuse me? Hi, I am Khushi Kumari Gupta," Khushi politely said "and I have a job interview at 10:30AM."

The receptionist looked at Khushi like most of the people around were looking at her as she was an alien, few minutes ago. Receptionist especially was looking at her clothes. Khushi followed the glance of the receptionist. She was dressed fine Khushi thought. A maroon pajami suit. Her hair tied in a braid. Okay, she agreed that she didn't really belonged in the world in which she was standing in. But she knew that if people around her won't change then why should she?"

"Have you come for an interview in these clothes?" Receptionist finally spoke.

"What?" Khushi asked "Is there any problem with that?"

"God knows in what world people like her lives in," receptionist muttered to herself.

Khushi had no idea what she said.

"Anyways Ms. Gupta your number is 20, here is the slip," receptionist said handing her a small white slip with "20" imprinted on it "you can go straight to the right then turn left. There you wait in a lounge area."

"Thanks," Khushi said as politely as she could.

It was not in Khushi's nature to react to such little things. Khushi followed the directions the receptionist gave her and sat on the brown leather sofa in the lounge area. Even here girls were literally staring at her. She shifted uneasily in her seat instead of paying attention to their stares and the mummers that has started the moment she sat there. She checked her file to make sure she had all the necessary documents that she needed for the interview and they were. She patiently waited for her turn and surprisingly it didn't take for all those girls to come out the interview room than she has anticipated. Most of them had disappointing looks on their faces than they entered with a huge confidence and fake smiles plastered on their faces before they went for their interviews. She got even more scared.

"Ms. Khushi Kumari Gupta!" a man called and Khushi recognized his voice instantly. It was Aman. But it was other person before Khushi thought.
Khushi smiled when Aman stood outside the room and Aman returned her smile with same intensity. Khushi was less stressed out now knowing that atleast there is someone whom she knows in this unknown world.

"How are you doing Khushi?" he asked.

"Very well and yourself?"

"I am good too...Now you go in, with confident. No worries okay? Give your best and Good luck," Aman gave her a few words of advice  and wished her good with a thumbs up.

Aman opened the door and let Khushi in. There was another door that led to Arnav's office. Before entering in Khushi put her hand on her furiously beating heart and she breathed few times to calm herself.

"Hey DM please help me...please be on my side."

When she thought she was ready to go she opened the opaque blue coloured mirror door.

"Good Morning, Sir!" Khushi said as she stood behind a huge table. The person was sitting in a chair, the chair had a back against her. The person swirled his chair to face her now in one go. But still not looking at her as he was reading a file. This world (AR Group) didn't leave any chance to leave her absolutely stunned not even by a mere chance. Building, design was left apart but this creature, a male specimen who sat in front of her on a chair left everything dull. Now she knew that saying "If the creator can create such a beautiful things or people in this world how beautiful he/she would be?" was so true.

"Greek God!" her mind screamed.

His face, the most handsome face she ever saw. His eyes, chocolaty boring its stare, pricking holes in her body even though she knew that he wasn't looking at her. His hair thick, cut in a regular tape cut. His jaw, perfectly manly shaped, that no girl would want to miss a chance to run their hand once in them to feel the softness. And any man would be jealous of him. His perfect black 3 piece suit and dark blue tie defining his broad muscular shoulders, his steel chest, biceps. He must be a gym person she thought.

When Khushi was busy checking him out Arnav cleared his throat.

1 comment:

  1. so both of them are checking each other. liked it.
