Friday 18 October 2013


CHAPTER 4 "Here, go to this room. I think he is here!" Dr. Sharma scribbled a room number and handed in to Khushi.

"Thank you once again!"

"Anytime dear!" Dr. Sharma smiled.

Knock knock.

"Come on in!"

Getting the approval to enter in Khushi softly opened the white wooden door and marched into the dimly lightened room. A figure stood at the window.

"Hi," Khushi said softly.

The male figure turned, the sound of his shoes filled the room. Male's face was was still in dark and Khushi couldn't see who it was. The sound of males shoes continued to echo around the room until he stopped moving.

"Hello, Khushi Bitiya!"

Now she recognized whom he was.

"Chacha Ji!" Khushi spoke.

"Chacha Ji was I the suppose to see you today? Actually Dr. Sharma said you could help me."
Then Khushi understood what does initials J.G. Represented. Jagdish Gupta.

"Hmm, I wonder how could I help you?"

Khushi's eyes weld up but she tried not to spill a single tear out of her eyes.

"Chacha ji you know after dad's death everything has changed. Now Aryan is in the hospital. I need money. Before dying dad sold his property so that he could help you with your business. If you don't mind can I burrow some money from you, since your business is doing really well, I promise I will return you back."

Khushi's uncle stayed quite for a while. Like he was in deep thoughts.

"Look, Khushi you are like my daughter and you know how much I have seen loss in my business. And it's true that your father, meaning my own brother sold his business, so that the money that he would get I will use it to pay my debts. And in the mean time I will return it to you. But unfortunately my daughter I have lost my business and all the money too," Khushi's uncle spoke so slowly it was like his voice was deceiving him.

"What do you mean, Uncle?"

"Yeah I lied. I sold whatever I had Khushi Bitiya."

"What? No you can't do that. My dad believed you. He didn't care about his 40 years of hard work and give it to the person, who now claims that he has sold everything. Without even need to let the real owner one's," Khushi screamed.

"I have nothing to give you. So, I have sold to the person from whom I took debt. You want to know whom I sold it too."

"There is no point chachaji!"

"Tell her!" Another male voice echoed the room.

Reel in her mind automatically played swiftly that her head spun the moment she heard the familiar voice. She prayed silently to her DM that let it be just her imagination. But Khushi was just not too lucky.

"Tell her Mr. Jadgish Gupta," again he spoke.

"Mr. Raizada?" Khushi's uncle said.

Khushi reversed around to find Arnav standing at the door, his hands in his pockets. A simple expression of proud spilled from his face. The person she thought she won't even see face of, neither by mistake or in her dreams was standing right in front of her. Fate was playing with her now, and she couldn't do anything. Khushi moved her face in disgust to the other side. From the person she hated the most in the world.

"World is such a small place," Arnav spoke as he started walking into the room. "At least for you isn't? Khushi Kumari Gupta" he added.

Khushi wanted to scream so loud but no voice would come out, she knew that. Her own voice was deceiving her. She prayed again to DM for letting it just be a scariest dream. But unfortunately her luck again was deafened for it to hear her to her pleas.

"It's a reality, Ms. Gupta," Arnav said as he was reading her thoughts.

"Mr. Raizada please come," Khushi's chachaji said to Arnav.

Khushi clutched her dupatta in her hand so tightly to refrain herself from hitting that cruel smirk on his face.

Arnav sat on his chair. It didn't took for Khushi to realize that her uncle was a loyal dog of the tyrant. She would have felt extremely bad for using such words for her uncle before all this drama but now she had no regrets.

"Now you may go Mr. Gupta," Arnav ordered Khushi's uncle.

Khushi's uncle left immediately.

Khushi too decided to leave. There was no point standing at the place where the person whom she hated so much had made his presence.

"Before you leave Ms. Gupta read these papers patiently!" Arnav first said calmly then screamed when Khushi didn't hear him ones.

Khushi shivered at his yelling. And took the papers with absent mind. And started reading them.

"Properly papers?"

"I hereby, Jagdish Gupta, with conscious mind give my power of Attorney that has the value of worth 10 million Indian rupees that includes my house and my business to Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. To pay previously taken debt from his company."

Khushi flipped the papers swiftly to check the validity. Khushi's house property papers, Gupta cloth house property were the proof that all were real.

"No, he couldn't give his whole property to you. No, no!" Khushi stuttered.

"Since, you have read these papers let me tell you, your uncle took 20 million from me...out of which half is paid, half has to be paid yet. But the good thing for him is I will buy you instead," Arnav said as he leaned closer to Khushi.

"Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada you can not just get what ever you want? I am not a doll that you just bought to play with."

Arnav give her the smirk.

"Hell you Mr. Raizada."

Khushi was about to hit Arnav in his chest when he got hold of her almost immediately.

"Do not force me to anything that later on you regret," his voice cold. His eyes blood shot red so red that caused Khushi to stop struggling in his arms. Fury danced in his eyes.

"Ah!" Khushi grumbled in pain and Arnav let go of her arm. But Arnav remained ruthless. He just had broke her glass bangle and injured her wrist so badly that it was now bleeding.

"I am asking you one last time. ARE YOU GOING TO LISTEN TO MY DEMANDS? Think before saying no." Arnav warned her as settled down back on his chair.

"Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada you cannot force me to do anything against my will. And my answer still remains "no," Khushi said as she hit both of her hand so hard on the table that it shook violently.

It looked like Khushi's "no" and her being angry have not an ounce of effect on Arnav as he knew that he was 100% successful. But Khushi was adamant too that she won't give in so easily. He gave her a "okay" look. He took an envelope that was kept on his right side and threw it towards Khushi.

"What's this?" she asked

"Read it yourself, Ms. Gupta!"

It was a letter from the hospital.
From the head Arnav Singh Raizada to  her. Khushi shoot a cold glare at him. Her heart picked up the race against her body. She restlessly opened the envelope.

Dear Ms. Gupta,

Khushi was about to read further when Arnav got up and fetched it from Khushi.

"Well Ms. Gupta. There is no need to read it I summarize it for you," Arnav said as he looked right into Khushi's eyes.

"Because since last month your brother is not showing any sign of improvement we have decided to send him home. With just normal treatment available to him that could help him to live his left days."

Khushi jerked him toward herself and gripped his coat, for what Arnav wasn't ready at all.
"You can not do this Mr. Raizada. You cannot do this."
Arnav held her injured wrist and freed himself.

"I have done already Ms. Gupta. You got only 1 hour to take your brother from here and another hour to empty your house which is now mine," Arnav added as he pushed her back.

Khushi head spun violently. She shut her eyes in defeat.

"What I have to do?"

Arnav's expression told her how proud he felt upon winning his deal.

"That's like an intelligent woman."

Want me to stop here guys!
Okay, I give in and continue.

(Chapter 4b) (Sold to him on His Demands!)

Khushi was stunned that this man is too quick and think one step ahead. Khushi just asked what she has to do, the other moment he had contract papers in front of her.

"Listen carefully Ms. Gupta...I know that I haven't given you any options other than saying yes, later on you could read them before signing other than that remember only 2 hours  if you have decided to say no,"
Arnav instructed Khushi as she was his client. In a way, she was. Wasn't she?

I, Khushi Kumari Gupta, accept all the demands stated below with conscious mind and with my own will.
Arnav started reading the contract paper directly to Khushi bringing her train of thoughts to halt.

"Demand no 1: I, Khushi Kumari Gupta, will marry Arnav Singh Raizada for a year."

"Yes, only for a year," Arnav said as he read expression of shock on her face.

"Demand no 2: I, Khushi Kumari Gupta, will conceive Arnav Singh Raizada's child."

"MY CHILD," Arnav emphasized.

"Demand no 3: When I, Khushi Kumari Gupta, sign the 1 year marriage contract with Arnav Singh Raizada I, will also sign the papers in which I will agree that after giving birth to my child or children (in this case twins) I will have no legal right on Arnav Singh Raizada's new born child either him or her or twins of either gender. Neither during pregnancy nor after that. And I won't do anything that would hurt Arnav Singh Raizada child's or children in any ways."

"Demand no 3: I, Khushi Kumari Gupta, would do nothing against her husband Arnav Singh Raizada's will as long as contract is valid."

"NOTHING," Arnav emphasized.

"Any violation of the above stated demands, would result me, Khushi Kumari Gupta, or my immediate family in case anything happens to me, to pay 100 million Indian Rupees and otherwise it's only Khushi Kumari Gupta would have to pay. Also, strict court actions, that includes, a lifetime of jail could be the possible punishment. And Arnav Singh Raizada keeps the right to sue Khushi anytime in case of any violation of the above demands."

"Just stop it," Khushi screamed and she didn't wait to listen any further when all the dams of her patience were broken. Khushi brought her hand in front of him to indicate him to give her the papers. And Arnav put the papers in her palm.

Khushi was trapped in a brutal beast castle already. Where there were no hopes that she would escape on her own terms. Her blood pressure had skyrocketed. Her head was pounding like someone is hitting it with a giant hammer. Blood was still flowing out of her injured wrist continuously, even though she had wrapped her dupatta around it. Arnav took his seat and waited patiently for her to sign them. When her brain stopped its functioning, no ways to escape came into her mind she signed the papers.

SIGNATURE X: Khushi Kumari Gupta.

"What would I get in return?" Khushi asked.

Arnav smiled a very genuine smile for the first time.

"Good Question. Ms. Gupta! Free treatment in the U.S. for your brother until he gets perfectly better. Your own house back and the business of your father. Sounds reasonable?"

Khushi remained quite.

"Congratulations Ms. Gupta you have finally signed the biggest deal of your life that's also with me," Arnav said formally as he put his hand forward for a quick shake. But Khushi started walking, numbly, in the other direction. Arnav didn't mind. And smirked at her back.

The other moment he knew was Khushi had collapsed on the floor.

1 comment:

  1. so the list of his demands got started. i read this ff a long ago now thoroughly enjoying reading it again. nidhi you ROCK
