Friday 18 October 2013


Khushi quickly got up and walked him to the bed and helped him to lay back.
"Tum ajeeb ho, Khushi!" he said. 
Khushi didn't say anything but she turned around and smiled and so did Arnav at her weirdness. 
He continued to study his file as he waited until Khushi finished her food and took her medicine and when he couldn't able to keep his eyes open he drifted to sleep. 
Khushi carefully took the file, that he had still in his hands, and put it away on the side table. She then put the blanket on top of him. She sat on the stool beside him and stayed awake as long as she could but she also had dozed off right there beside Arnav.
The following morning at the hospital.
Khushi heard Payal calling her.
"Huh!" she replied in a half sleep.
Payal gently patted her head.
"Khushi, wake up and let's go home!"
Khushi suddenly woke up and rubbed her eyes. Her eyes first fell at Arnav, who was still sleeping and then at Payal.
"Oh, I am sorry bhabi! I didn't realize when I dozed off."
"It's okay Khushi, you are really tired just let's go home and Dhruv will be here!"
"No, bhabi I am fine! I had enough of sleep."
"Hey, bhabi!" Dhruv greeted as he entered the ward.
"What did doctor say?" Payal asked.
"He said bhai will be discharged by tomorrow!"
"It's awesome!"
"Yes, I am done with all the formalities! Payal bhabi take Khushi bhabi home. Please, Khushi bhabi don't say no. I will be here with bhai all the time and you don't worry.  You just go home and take rest if bhai will see you in this condition he will be more worried. For bhai sake please bhabi!"
Khushi looked at Arnav and not at all wanted to leave from there Dhruv insisted her and she agreed upon. 
"Thank you bhabi!"
Khushi sadly smiled and left from there with payal.
Whereas Dhruv took the seat beside Arnav. Seeing his brother in the hospital bed made his heart lurched. He took his hand in his. He had never thought that he would ever see his brother in such a weak condition. His eyes had weld up.
"Dhruv!" Arnav said as he woke up from his sleep and saw Dhruv.
"Bhai!" he said as he quickly wiped his tears. "Are you up? I just came. How are you feeling?" he asked with a smile on his face.
"I am okay. Are you okay?" he asked as he sat up and Dhruv helped him. 
Dhruv nodded.
"What happen champ were you crying?" Arnav asked him as he looked in his eyes.
"Crying? No, why would I?" he replied cheerfully hiding any sign of pain. But Arnav was his brother he knew him so very well.
"Bhai I am sorry!"
"Sorry, for what?" Arnav asked in confusion.
"I am sorry that I couldn't able to protect you just the way you protected me, Anjali di, Akaash bhai, NK and everyone else in the family. After mom and dad you were the one who never ever made me feel the need of them. What you didn't do for me but in return I couldn't even save you from getting hurt! I am sorry bhai!" 
He said between cries as he got up and hugged his brother and Arnav hugged him back. 
"Nothing will happen to me as long as I have reason to live, and I didn't know that my champ could cry like a girl!" Arnav joked to cheer his depressed mood.
Dhruv laughed between his cries. "Now stop crying!" he said as he wiped his tears. "My champ is really strong!"
 "Not more than you, bhai!" he replied.
Then he looked around the first thing he asked was about Khushi.
"Where is Khushi?"
"Bhai, I sent her home. She was tired just wanted her to have some rest."
Arnav just nodded in reply.
The very next day Arnav was discharged from the hospital. The day he got home Khushi made sure she took care of him but she hadn't had told anything to Arnav yet. His health was her priority. Day and night were spent in taking care of him. She always checked that he ate his food properly, took his medicine on time.  Due to the pain in his shoulder she helped him change his clothes and took him to the physiotherapists.
She was giving him, her full time and beside that she was taking care of her baby too.
After the accident, her life yet had taken another turn. The person whom she would hate to see the face of, now had a soft corner for him. Every behaviour of him was crystal clear to her.
But now she had another new problem that she couldn't distinguish between her feelings whether it was just that she cared about him or it was beyond that?
And most of the time she would fight with her inner turmoil like today.
"Khushi!" someone called out. She turned around at the source and got scared.
"Who are you?" she asked. "And how do you look exactly like me?"
"Hey, I am an angel, Khushi!"
"Angel?" She asked confused.
"Yeah, I am an angel in you. Who guide you through the right path! Well what happen why are you so nervous?"
"I am not nervous but confused!"
"Confused about what? That why Arnav matters to you?"
Khushi sighed in shock and opened her mouth, but angel spoke up.
"Khushi, no need to explain me. I know each and everything about you! Do you want to know what has happened to you?"
Khushi stayed quite for a while and was scared to hear as she knew what angel in her had to tell her.
"Admit that you are in love with him!" was a reply from the angel.
"What the?" She hollered.
An angel glanced at Khushi and laughed. "See you even say his signature remark!"
"No, I mean how come I am in love with him? It's just that I care for him?"
"Khushi at least be honest with yourself!"
"I am!" she retorted.
"So, you don't feel anything for him?" Angel questioned her.
"Of course not!" Khushi answered with enthusiasm but she somewhere knew, it was a lie.
"Oh that's great!" Angel replied.
"Yeah, I am glad that you don't love him because you know after a year he would leave you and you will be free. And don't even fall in love with him. Okay? It will be less painful for you and for Arnav I don't know. But it's okay Lavanya will be there for him. She will take care of her and he will take care of her."
"No!" She screamed in her mind and shut her eyes.The very thought caused a sick feeling in her stomach. Her throat tightened. Hurt flooded over her at the simple mention of Arnav and Lavanya together. She wasn't ready to accept what angel in her had told her. And when she opened her eyes to look around, the angel was nowhere to be seen. 
"Khushi, tu pagal hain! (Khushi, you are insane!)," Khushi said as she mentally slapped herself. 
But the very feeling that she had grown for him was not at all ignorable. Every time she would see Arnav her heartbeat would go out of her body control, every time he would come in front of her eyes, she would just forget about every other thing but him. Nowadays, she would feel his presence every where.
His simple touch would leave her crave for more,  and whenever he looked at her, her stomach would do weird somersaults and thousands of butterflies immediately come out of their chambers leaving her breathless and if by chance her name left his mouth or she heard his name, she felt her mood bloom like a flower. 
And sometimes she would find herself smiling, whenever thought of Arnav would cross her mind.
And the other moment, she would feel like a very part of her missing when she won't find him near her. And yes she was in love with him. And the genuine truth that she was acquainted with but wasn't ready to accept.
Because the very next thought always twisted her nerves. The thought that Arnav wouldn't accept her love. She was afraid of being rejected. He did love her but now he hated her. She was so lost in her thoughts she didn't even realize that Arnav was calling her from past 15 minutes. 
"Khushi!" Arnav summoned.
Khushi still didn't reply. In her head she thought that it's just her imagination that she is hearing her.
Arnav again lightly shook her and once again called her name. "Khushi!"
"Yes, Arnav ji! What happen?" She said as she suddenly came out of her dazed state.  
Arnav took a sigh of relief when she finally responded.
"Your clothes are on the bed!" she spoke.
"What?" he questioned. He had just came from the office but he had never asked for clothes.
"Yeah, you needed clothes right?"
Arnav furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Khushi, what clothes? Are you okay? What has happened to you?"
"I am sorry Arnav ji, nothing!"
"Are you sure?"
Recently, Khushi's behaviour had alarmed Arnav. Often he would find her lost somewhere deep in her thoughts. And sometimes he had to actually shake her when she won't reply him just like today. But he knew that there is something that was bothering her. Because most of the times she would get up in the middle of the night and scream his name as she had a bad dream.
"Okay, come downstairs Nani want to talk to all of us!" he said as he give her skeptical look.
She nodded and followed him to the downstairs and shook her head at her own stupidity. 
"Hey bhabi!" NK greeted.
"Come Khushi bitiya and Chote!"
"Yes, Nani!" Arnav said as he sat on the sofa and Khushi sat beside him. 
"What did you want to talk about?"
"Chote, I was just wondering that since you are better now we should really go out somewhere. In this way, kids too can enjoy and it will be..."
"It's a really good idea! You should really all go out," Arnav replied in between before she could complete her sentence. 
"I meant all of us Chote!"
"I am sorry Nani but since last week I haven't gone to work and there is like almost half of the work pending."
"Bhai don't worry we will manage everything like we did before coming here," Akaash spoke.
"Yes, Arnav bitwa. Akaash bitwa is right. And don't you think Khushi bitiya need an outing too?"
"Exactly, what say bhabi?" NK asked.
"Uh...I don't know just as Arnav ji would say!" she nervously replied looking at Arnav.
"See bhai Khushi bhabi won't go either if you decided not to go!"
"I think I am clear I just don't want to go anywhere! You guys should really go out and enjoy. I would finish my work. If she doesn't want to go either it's her decision," Arnav remarked and left from there.
"Arnav bitwa!" Mama ji called but he was long gone.
"Mama ji, I talk to him!"
"Please, bhabi. Try to convince him."
Khushi assured Dhruv that she will try her best and left from there. Arnav was trying to change his T-Shirt but couldn't due to the pain in his shoulder. Khushi came rushing and helped him.
"Didn't I say if you need help call me?"
"I can help myself now!" he snapped and stopped her from helping him.
"Arnav ji please!" 
"I said I can help myself!"
"What has happened to you why are you angry, today?" she asked.
"Nothing!" he said as tried to wear his t-shirt but failed. Khushi forcefully stopped him and helped him.
"Why can't you say yes? You know how much the whole family was stressed out after your accident! They didn't sleep well, they didn't eat well just because of you. And it's not that they want to go out and enjoy. They want you to see happy!" Khushi said as a matter of fact and Arnav just listened to her.
"Arnav ji you love your family and just like that they equally love you back! If you have decided not to go because of me and if you don't want me to go with you guys it's fine I won't go. I would stay back," Khushi said as she was really hurt. She couldn't able to control her emotions and her eyes had welled up. When she was done helping him change his t-shirt, she turned around to wipe her tears. That's when Arnav realized that what he has done. "Khushi, no I didn't mean that...I just can't go that's why...Look I am sorry! It's not that I don't want you to go. Actually it's nothing like that. Why would I want you to not to go with all of us?"
He walked around so that he could face her. "Seriously, I just didn't mean that. Okay, we all can go!" he said without any further thought. 
"It's okay Arnav ji. I don't want to force you!"
"No, Khushi you haven't forced me. I am sorry. I was stressed over all the work! Please, Khushi!" Arnav apologized and he really meant it. "Okay, let's go we can tell this to family!"
*** The living Room***
The whole family rejoiced when Arnav told them that he is ready to go with them.
"Thank you bhabi!" NK said happily.
Khushi gave him a smile.
"Okay, Chote we have decided that we all are going to our farmhouse!"
"Yeah, that's a good idea," Arnav answered back and looked at Khushi and she smiled at him. "So, when we have decided to go?" he further enquired. 
"You say when you want to go?" Mami ji asked.
"Uh-today is Monday we can go this Wednesday!" 
"Yeah we all need to pack our stuff too!" Payal spoke.
"Awesome, you know bhabi you will seriously love our farmhouse. It's away from the hustle and the bustle of the city, in a calm place. The landscape is amazing," Dhruv told her.
And Khushi was already excited. "Yes, bhabi. Should I tell you something exciting?" NK asked. 
"We were like little at that time when we all went together at dadi's farmhouse. You know what all of us did?"
"How would she know crazy?" Dhruv asked.
"Oh yeah. How would she know?" NK laughed. "Okay, I tell you. Bhabi me,  Dhruv bhai and Akaah bhai sat on the back of donkeys and rode on them in the whole village," NK said laughing out loud. "And Nanav bhai..."
Arnav who was just first busy talking to Mama Ji about work his ear stood up as he immediately looked at NK angrily. "Shut up NK!"
"Common bhai! Bhabi Nanav bhai sat on the back of a cow!" NK revealed and Arnav's face turned red in embarrassment. 
"You want to see that picture? Wait I show you! I have that saved on my phone!"
"NK one last time I am warning you!" Arnav said furiously. NK ignored his warning and he was going to show his pic, in which he was sitting on the back of cow and riding on it, Arnav snatched the phone.
"Dad see he is not returning my phone!"
NK complained. 
"NK stop it why are disturbing him?"
"Dad I want to show bhabi our childhood pictures!"
"Arnav bitwa let him show them!"
"Mama Ji those pictures are stupid!"
"Common bitwa! It's okay! Just give me the phone!"
"But mama ji!" he protested. But he was too late NK snatched it back from him and showed it too Khushi. The moment Khushi saw his picture she just couldn't stop her laugh. Her stomach hurt laughing. And everyone broke out laughing too when they saw the picture.
"Khushi bitiya you have no idea how naughty these all kids were!" Nani said.
"Yes, Khushi bitiya one day they opened all the chains of cows that we kept and ran from there! After complete 12 hours Ramu kaka, the care taker of our farmhouse, searched for all of them and got them back to the farm," mama Ji told.
This time even Arnav couldn't hold back and even he laughed out loud like nobody has seen him laughing ever. Almost everyone's eyes filled with tears and joy. And Khushi just couldn't help but just see him laughing. It was one of the best moment for her to see a beautiful laugh on his face. 
"Arnav ji I hope that you always keep laughing like this!" Khushi wished. "And I hope that I could give you reasons to smile! But before than that I have to tell you about Rahul. Because I don't want any problems in my relationship!"
"Okay, today we are going out for dinner!" Mami Ji said. "Let's go kids get ready we are leaving in an hour!"
"Bhai!" Dhruv spoke. 
"Bhai can we talk?"
"Of course, what's the matter?"
"NK, Akaash bhai!" Dhruv said and all four of them excused themselves from there.
***Security Room***
"What happen is everything alright?
"Bhai, I think this is the right time to talk about the last week incident!"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Bhai did Shoan has anything to do with Khushi bhabi? I mean any conflicts?"
Arnav's blood boiled by just hearing his name.
"Bhai I am sorry we didn't tell you anything about the last week incident!" Dhruv told him.
"And before talking to Khushi bhai we wanted to talk to you. Last week Shoan  had made Khushi and someone else you his target!"
"What?" Arnav asked in shock.
"Yes, bhai. Shoan was the one who targeted Khushi. He was the one who shot at the chandelier," Akaash said. 
"Bhai Karan believes that there were two people who tried to make you and bhabi their target! He is sure about Shoan that he attacked Khushi bhabi. 
"How dare he do that? Didn't you catch that b**tard?"
"Bhai he was killed on the same day of the incident!" Akaash answered.
"But bhai there was another person present who made you, his target! Unfortunately, he just ran away before police could get hold of him!"
"Rahul!" The very first name came into Arnav's mind. The very next question he asked to himself was "Did Khushi new about it? And for all this time she didn't say anything!" 
It was him, who knew how much he was controlling himself.
"Do you know who that person could be?" Akaash asked. 
"No!" was Arnav's answer.
Everyone left for the dinner. Arnav told the family that he and Khushi will come in their car, since Khushi was still getting ready. But he had something else in his mind.
Khushi was in her room, although she had said agreed to go outside but she wasn't feeling well. In the last hour, she had vomited four times. She had just come out of the washroom when Arnav furiously opened the door. 
Khushi got scared. "Arnav ji, are you alright? You scared me!" she said sounding as normal as she could but her sickness was taking toll on her. She couldn't even stand properly. 
Arnav slowly walked into the room, storing his anger inside the back of his mind. His phone rang and when he looked at the screen it was Akaash's, he picks up and answer it. "Hello, Akaash. Actually me and Khushi won't be able to come. I am not feeling nothing to worry about I have pain in my it's guys enjoy!" and he switched off the phone and threw it on the bed.
Khushi was concerned about Arnav's health now. "Arnav ji what happen are you okay? Do you want to see the doctor?"
Arnav just looked at her. "No, Khushi I am fine. Just didn't feel like going!"
"Then you should have told Akaash bhaiya the whole family will be worried."
"It's my family you shouldn't be worrying about that," he snapped but still he maintained the calmness in his voice.
"What are you saying Arnav Ji?"
"What you just heard? You act so innocent like you don't know anything!" 
Arnav's way of talking was so terrifying, that it made Khushi tremble. 
"I didn't get you, Arnav ji!"
"You didn't know your bhua ji knew Rahul was married, you didn't know that he was married!" Arnav said as he circled around Khushi. And when he was standing right behind her he stopped. He leaned closed to her. He slide his hand around her stomach and in one swift motion, pulled her towards himelf. She gasped at his sudden action. He further dangerously leaned closed to her ear and whispered "you didn't even knew about the night I got shot Rahul was present at the party. In fact, he tried to kill me. Was it your and his plan?"
Khushi's eyes were left wide open, fear had dissolved like a solute in her blood and it rushed violently in her veins, shaking her every sense. She took no time and turned around to face him. "No, Arnav ji! I swear that I didn't know Rahul was married but I did know that Rahul was here at the night of the reception party," she said not looking at him.
Her statement to his question was enough to raise his anger but instead he stilled, it was like the world around him had suddenly doesn't even exist. 
"Arnav ji, I was going to tell you about him. But was just waiting!"
"Waiting for what?" his loud growl echoed in the room.
Khushi trembled at his ferocity.
"Waiting for me to die and could tell my dead body? So that you could get free?"
"No!" Khushi replied. "No, Arnav Ji! I was going to tell you everything at the hospital only!"
"Stop lying Khushi!"
"I am not lying Arnav Ji!" she clutched his t-shirt. "I am not lying you! I swear Arnav Ji!" she said as she weeped. "Arnav ji your anger is justified and I know it's my mistake I should I have told you. But Arnav ji I was scared to tell you."
Arnav freed his t-shirt from Khushi's hand and moved away from her.
"Khushi, don't make up these stories why don't you just say that it was your plan? Or you wanted to save your..."
"Please, Arnav ji!" she said in disgust.
"I can't save the person who could stoop so low. I can't save the person who had lied me. I can't save the person because of whom Anjali di's life lost her child. At the night of our reception party, Rahul was here. He told me that you wanted to kill him and he wanted me to go with him."
"If I haven't told you would have you gone with him?" he asked in a plain voice. 
"No, never!" Khushi replied without any doubt. "Arnav ji! If I would have done that and come to know about him I would have died Arnav Ji. Seriously believe me Arnav ji I am telling you the truth. Before I could tell you he was he had done what he had have come for. And when you were in the hospital I knew that he was here in the basement. I don't blame you for thinking that I was the one who ruined Anjali di's life because my own bhua ji was part of it. She kept me in the dark too," Khushi said panting as again she felt dizzy. But still she did try to gather herself.
One after another Khushi had told him everything now. And he attentively listened her. "Arnav ji I was going to call the police but he was too quick he hit me and ran from there!"
Arnav stood like a pillar in front of her and that's what she was afraid of. She was afraid how would he react. 
"Arnav ji please say something," she said as she came closed to him. But he took one step back from her and turned on his heels to leave from there. 
Beads of sweat had formed on Khushi's forehead. Until, now she had managed herself but she no longer able to keep pace with her body. She saw Arnav's back but it got blurred as he slowly continued to walk weakly. Nausea again hit her and the cramps in her stomach were unbearable. 
Before Arnav could leave from there he heard loud thud. "Arnav ji...Ahhh!"  Khushi cried in pain.
He came out of his trance and immediately turned around to see what has happened to her. The moment he turned he saw her lying on the floor, her hands were tightly clenching her stomach, and her body curled into a ball.
"Khushi!" he shouted back and bolted towards her. Seeing her like that on the floor made his heart felt a jerk.
"Khushi...Khushi what happened?" he asked as he put her head in his lap. 
She was of no state to speak and kept on wincing. 
"Arnav ji, our baby!" she choked on her words.
Arnav once again went into numb mode. 
"Baby?" Arnav asked in confusion. "Khushi you are pregnant," more than a question, it was a statement in itself.
Khushi's cramps had not yet subsided that she quickly got up and kept her hand on her mouth as she felt strongest urge to throw up. Arnav immediately fetched a glass of water that was kept on the table and went to the washroom. "Khushi!" he said when he saw her crazily throwing up in the toilet seat. Arnav had no idea what he should do. He stood beside her and rubbed her back to make her comfortable. He wrapped his arm around her and Khushi did need that because she felt that her knees would give out. When she was done, she held Arnav's shoulder for support as she felt dizzy. "How are you feeling? Are you okay?" he asked and made her drink water.
She nodded weakly in response. He quickly picked her up and took inside the room and laid her on the bed. He ran here and there as he had no idea what to do. 
Tears in Khushi's eyes were making it hard for her to see his shocked face. He finally sat beside Khushi. He stayed quite for a while as he was thinking what to say then he slowly turned to her. "Khushi, my child!" he innocently asked. Khushi's heart filled with happiness the moment she heard him saying "my child!" She felt unweight able load she carried on her shoulders suddenly lightened. And she did feel guilty of hiding it from him.
But again there was a change in his behaviour. 
"Khushi you knew you were pregnant?" 
This time Khushi's sickness seriously drowned her. 
"Arnav ji, I was going to tell you but!"
"But what Khushi? You knew since last 2 weeks didn't you when you fainted at the temple?"
"Arnav ji, I was angry at that time and just couldn't able to tell you," she felt the pang of guilt rising in her throat.
He was broken, disheartened. He stood up and walked backwards until he hit the bed and again lazily sat on it. "Arnav ji, I am telling you the truth!" Arnav didn't say a word and moreover he was no state to say anything. 
When he dug back in the memory lane he associated the present situation with the past. His sister had done the same mistake as Khushi. They both tried to take the situation in their hands without telling anyone.  
He believed Khushi that she was telling him the truth. He believed her but why did she hide it from him? His sister hide the truth from him. What did she get? She lost her child. And Khushi? 
Arnav stood up and the very thought had made him drown in panic. He absentmindedly walked out of the room. Khushi got out of the bed and ran after him.
"Arnav ji where are you going? Please listen me Arnav ji, I didn't hide anything from you on purpose. I didn't want to tell you because I feared that you won't believe me. I couldn't gather the courage to tell you. I didn't want to loose you Arnav ji because I love you. I have lost my family but I didn't want to loose one that I was left with. I didn't want to loose you. I don't know when and how but you have become my need," Khushi wailed as she opened her heart in front of him. When no longer her legs able to held her weight she fell on her knees crying. Arnav couldn't register that she had confessed her love for him she just had called him his family. And he too fell on his knees in shock in front of her.
And he just stared at her as she wept.
"I love you!" that Khushi just said to him buzzed like music in his head. But he believed that he doesn't deserve it. He felt disgust at himself!!


  1. hey.. I love ur story all ur updates on IF...commenting for d first tym...

  2. its good to read here from start :)
    IF name: shah.123

  3. congrats on ur new blog....waiting for ur next update....

  4. Don deny her arnav, plsss... she aredy suffered enough n both of you deserved to b happy w each other...

  5. awsum,,,,,,,,,,,,,gr8 update...........continue soon

  6. lovely update.couldnt finish it properly. will read it again on monday. had to go to my native place tomorrow there is no network there. a happy weekend to you too
