Friday 18 October 2013


(Face to Face)
"Then why don't you just take me to him?" she protested.

"Okay, we can go!" Dhruv replied. "But doctor is she fine?"

"Yes!" Dr. Sharma replied with a smile.


@ The Hospital (Doctor's office)

"Hi, Dr. Chopra!"

"Hi, Mr. Raizada please come in!" Dr. Chopra said and offered mama ji a seat.

"I am here to know how Arnav son is doing!"

"Mr. Raizada I can't say much at this stage and I won't lie either. Due to the gun injury Arnav has gone into hypovolemic shock, that is the failure of oxygen delivery to the body parts and in Mr. Arnav's case there has been an excessive blood loss in such a little time. The bullet that went into his body went into his body like a drill, but you see when the drill goes into something for say into the concrete wall it goes straight but in case of firing it's not the way how it works. The bullet gets straight into the body and it go back and forth tearing nearby tissues and organs until it has lost all the kinetic energy. It has same thing with Mr. Arnav. We have transfused blood and currently is is on mechanical ventilation but the concerns doesn't just end here, as you know he is a diabetic patient which makes his present condition worst. And for next 24 we have to keep him under observation and he has to show some kind off movement otherwise he could into coma too."

Mama ji's heart clenched as he felt literal ache. He was at the urge of crying but he managed himself.

"He will perfectly fine, right?"

"We hope so, Mr. Raizada."

"Thank you doctor!" Mama Ji said sadly and left the room. 
And he goes straight to Mami ji.

"What did doctor say?"

Mama ji remained silent for few seconds and when Mami asked the same question as she herself got startled mama ji spoke up.

"They can't say much at this stage!" Mama Ji replied as he sat up on the chair and mami ji too sat beside him. "I don't know how would Khushi bitiya would respond to this."

"I have called home and told to tell her that he is fine," Mami ji replied.

"Where is ma?"

"She has gone to DM temple with NK!"

"Okay, call NK and say to take her home it's quite late and you may go too!"

"It's okay, I am fine!"

"I know you are fine, but listen I am here to look after Arnav bitwa and you take care of ma and Khushi."

"Are you sure?" mami ji enquired. 

"Yes, I have called your driver he is waiting for you outside!"

"Okay, do let me know if you need something!"


Mami ji walked out of their and on her way she saw Akaash coming.

"Akaash beta(son) I am going home," Mami ji said.

"No, problem ma even I have asked NK to take dadi home!"

"That's good. You take care, if anything will be needed just give us the call otherwise, see you in the morning then!"

"Good Night, mom!"

After saying goodbye to his mom he went straight to his dad.

"Dad, here are the medicines that Dr. Chopra had asked me to fetch!"

"Thank you, son!"

"Did you hear anything from the security officer?" Akaash asked.

"No, investigation is still going on!"

"But who could even do all this?"

"I have no idea son, but I won't let that person to just run away. That person has to face the worst."

"Yes, dad! What did doctor's say about bhai's situation?"

"He is still in critical condition but he is responding better to the treatment then before."

"One moment!" Mama ji said as he excused himself to pick up the call on his phone.

"It's from home!" Mama Ji said to Akaash before pressing answer button.


"Mama Ji, it's me!"

"Hey, Dhruv bitwa how is Khushi bitiya now?" 

"Mama ji doctor said she is fine but she really wants to see Arnav bhai!"

"Bitwa just make her sleep somehow. Manorama and ma are coming to home they will manage. Arnav bitwa is still not well and if she would see him in this situation she would depress herself."

"What has happened to bhai? Is he alright?"

"Yes, nothing to worry about!"

"Okay, mama ji! I will myself come there in two three hours. Investigators are here."

"No, son don't worry you look after matters at home, me and Akaash will be at the hospital."

"Sure, mama ji!"

"Take care son!" mama ji said and hung up the phone.

"Dad, I am going to the U.K. tomorrow!"


"Dad, bhai had told me that he had to go to the U.K. Anjali di's doctors has to discuss her reports. So, since bhai won't be able to go I have to."

"It's not a problem son you should go! Have you booked the tickets?"

"Yes. And yes we have to finalize the deal with Mr. William's!"

"Yeah, don't worry about that I have talked to Mr. Williams and told him about the incident and he said they can postpone it until next week. Okay, you give the medicine to Arnav's nurse!"

"Okay dad!"
@Raizada Mansion

Payal had left the room when gavy's nanny told her that he has gotten a fever. And Dhruv was summoned by the investigators. Thus, Khushi was alone and her mind suddenly clicked. "Rahul," a name popped in his mind. 

She thought if he was still in the basement. She immediately hopped down the bed and went to the basement to see if Rahul was still in there.

It was probable that he could be still there as far she knew police had arrived and they were investigating almost every guest present at home plus tight security outside won't let him leave in anyways and basement was one of the places where nobody could go as it was always locked and without keys it was impossible.

"Keys?" another thing had come in her mind. But the foremost question how come even Rahul knew that RM had an underground basement and where did he get the keys from? 

And to her surprise when she reached the basement and saw Rahul. He was still there he has slouched on the chair. His body language told her that he was angry and was mumbling something under his breath, that Khushi couldn't able to make up. Until she heard him revealing the jaw dropping truth. 

"Whosoever will come in my and my Khushi's way I will kill that person,"Rahul spoke up in anger. 

"Just like that jerk shashi Gupta came in my way. When he came to know about me (that he was married)," Rahul revealed.

Khushi's eyes opened wide in shock, colours drained from her face, and she froze. As everything around her had stopped.

 But she slowly gained her senses back when Rahul continued speaking.

"What if Khushi know my truth now, but she would always stay in misunderstanding that Arnav is the one who has killed his father and he is the person behind her brother's critical condition. And I will make sure she doesn't know the truth that I, Rahul Manohar Jha, had failed his dad's car's brake to just side track him and it was just Arnav's bad luck that it was his car with whom Khushi's dad car with an accident," Rahul said and he laughed. "And he died!"

"You killed my are nothing but a will rot in hell, Mr. Raizada!" Khushi's head revolved as her own words said to her played in her mind.

"I am sure by now the game of Mr. Raizada would have ended. I am just dying to hear the news of his death!"

Khushi again froze in her tracks. She felt as everything around her now revolving at faster pace as Rahul's words buzzed like a shriek noises in her mind and knifed her heart.

And she gazed somewhere in the distance before her hands closed into a tight fist, anger consumed her peace of mind.

And she volt opened the door of the basement. And Rahul's laugh was replaced into a pure, raw shock. His chest thudded at such a faster rate as he had ran a marathon. He instantly turned around to look who was at the door, as his back was towards the door first.

"Khushi!" he nervously said as he opened his mouth to say something, but not a single word came out.

Khushi walked into the basement, her footsteps killed the silence in the basement.

On the other hand, Rahul's expression mimicked as he was struck by a lightening. 

He swallowed a lump in his throat as Khushi continued to walk towards him.

"Khushi you? I knew that you would come!" Rahul said trying to sound normal and plastered a fake smile but it was full of pure panic.

"I had to come Rahul!" Khushi said returning a reply, with a smile on her face.

"So, it means Khushi didn't hear anything?" he thought. Self-confidence returned in him as he took a sigh of relief.

"Khushi let's go from here!" he said confidently now.

But before his happiness long last Khushi gave him a tight slap in his face. 

"Khushi?" he asked shockingly.

"What happen, Rahul got 100 watt shock?"

"Why did you slap Khu...?"

He hadn't finished his sentence when Khushi slapped him for the second time.

"The first one was for keeping me in the dark!"

"The second one for playing with the lives of people whom you have no idea how much I loved!"

"What the f*** Khushi? What's wrong with you?"

"For killing my dad, for my brother, for ruining Anjali di's life, for killing her baby, in the attempt to kill my husband, you deserve even worst than that!"

"Your husband? Khushi are you in your senses the person you are saying your husband don't forget is the one who has killed your dad and you know Aryan's situation!"

"Shut-up!" Khushi replied. "Stop lying at least now, I have heard whatever you have said!"

Khushi took out her phone and dial the number. Rahul stood their numb for few seconds. But before Khushi could press the call button Rahul snatched it away from her.

"No, Khushi not this mistake. I love you, this is the fact. I just can't even bare to if anybody would say your name from their mouth."

"Don't even say that you love me, Mr. Jha. It irritates me, make me feel dirty. And do you even know the meaning of love," Khushi shouted. "A person like you could never love but hate. How cruel you are that you killed my dad? That's a far thing you killed your own child?" she yelled as she held his collar tightly but shortly pushed him away.

"You planted the seed of misunderstandings in my husband's head, do you even have idea how much he has been suffered because of you? Until, today he was carrying weight on his shoulders. I know how he was living despite having misunderstanding that I am the other woman in his brother-in-laws life he bare to see me, despite hurting me he cared for me. I have seen him dying every moment of his life, and today he is fighting for his every breath. You ruined his life. I hate myself for the fact that I was also indirectly part of it. If I was suffering till today I deserved that but my family didn't, my husband who loved me didn't deserve either and nor Anjali di. I promise I will do anything to return the happiness to my loved ones even if it means that I have to give my own life. She snatched her phone back from him.

"No, Khushi you won't do anything."

"Who would stop me?"

"Payal bhabi where is Khushi bhabi?"

"She is in her room, I came to see gavy he is little sick!"

"I did see her she is no in her room."


"Yeah, even I went to talk to the officer!"

"Check she must he somewhere here. I hope she hasn't gone to the hospital."

"No, I called mama ji and said she isn't there. And I told her that nobody is allowed to see him so she agreed to meet bhai in the morning!"

"Oh gosh, check with the security! And check in the rooms. Mom and dadi has come see I see if she is with them."

"Okay, bhabi!"

Dhruv went downstairs to check and saw H.P and he asked him if he has seen her.

"Hari have you seen Khushi bhabi?"

"No, bhaiya!"

"Look for her!"

"Yes, bhaiya!"

"Are the CCTV cameras working?" the security officer asked as he stood in the RM control room.

"One more second sir, I am almost done!" technician replied.

@ The Basement

"I will!" Rahul snapped. "As he took the gun out from his pocket.

 "Khushi if I could kill my own child, your dad, for you I could kill you too who could never be mine. Just get out of my way if you want to survive!"

***Control Room***
"Yes, here I have checked the system it will be working in few seconds."

"What was the main problem?" security officer asked.

"Sir, it looks like it was the work of a mastermind. The main points had been completely destroyed.

"Dhruv have you found her?

"No, bhabi!" 

"Did you check in the basement?"

"No, why would she go there?"

"Just to double check!"

"The security said they didn't see her going anywhere."

***In the basement***

Khushi was flabbergast and panic grew in every nerve of her mind...

She had only two ways: either she would just let him go or could take risk and think of tricking him. 

But if it was just about her own life she wouldn't have mind, but now it was her baby that she had to take care of.

"Rahul just surrender yourself!" 

"Never Khushi!" he said as he shook his head to emphasize his reply and with his gun he hit her head.

It was a blow that took her by surprise, it didn't give her time to think, scream or even react. She just collapsed on the floor.

"I am sorry, Khushi but I promise I will come back to make you mine!" he said and took off running. 

@ The Hospital

On the other, at hospital Arnav's health has all of sudden got worst. Blood circulation has dropped to the minimum, his heart beat had slowed down. His chest expanded and relaxed at the faster rate as his body struggled to keep up with the oxygen level. The line on the heart monitor was curving into a straight line and started beeping that alert the nurse and she ran to call the doctor.

"Check his B.P., pulse rate," doctor instructed the nurse.

"Doctor his B.P. is really low and pulse rate had dropped."

"Pass me the AED(Automated External Defibrillator)," Doctor said and nurse immediately passed him. Doctor used AED to apply electric shock to Arnav's heart to restore his normal rhythm. Because Arnav's heart had suddenly stop beating and due to that, blood has stopped to get to his other vital organs.

Outside the I.C.U. room mama Ji paced back and forth. 

"Dad what should we do? Should we tell the family about his condition?"

"I don't know Akaash. Let's just hear from doctor's what they say. Then we will!"

@ Raizada Mansion

"Now, you just get out of here!" Lavanya shouted.

Shoan used the door that directly led to the outside of the mansion and ran.

Lavanya took a sharp intake of breath and exhaled the air in frustration.

"I was just too close to my target, ASR just spoiled my whole plan," Lavanya snapped.

"Today it was your good luck Khushi, but your luck won't favour you all the time. Not at all!" Lavanya shouted as her blood boiled in anger.

But more than that she was surprised who could potentially be the one who aimed Arnav as his target.

"I know Shoan couldn't lie as I myself saw him pulling his trigger only ones, who could that person be?" Lavanya thought.

Rahul first went upstairs and stood in the hall of the first floor and immediately got into the study when he saw Dhruv coming towards him. 

When Dhruv had went downstairs to the basement he came out and ran straight to the second floor as he again increased his speed at the same time looked around if anyone has seen but he bumped into someone.

"What the?" Lavanya yelled. "Can't you see?" she snapped.

And was shocked to see Rahul. 
"Jiju?" she asked.

She was not only shocked to see him at RM, but at the same time terrified when she saw gun in his hand and a blood on it. 

Rahul didn't say anything and went straight to the Arshi's room, that was the ticket for him to get out of the house.

Whereas Lavanya just stood there like a rock.

@ The Control Room

"Here sir all of the cameras are working!"

Slowly one after another every camera worked and the monitor showed the activities of all the main areas.

Everything was fine but in one of the monitors they saw a person running. 

"Who is that person?" security officer asked. 

"Catch the person!" S.O.(Security Officer) shouted  and used his walkie talkie to alert other guards.

 "The person is at the back of the mansion making it ways out of the property," S.O. told the other guards and they all got into action. 

A bunch of security guards ran after the person.

Surrender yourself the security officer shouted but the person resumed his speed  to save himself.

Security officer immediately pulled the triggered of his gun and shot at the person's leg, even though the speed of the person had slowed down but he kept on running.

"Stop otherwise you will gunned down!" S.O. yelled but he wasn't going to listen. 

So, S.O. was forced to shoot another gun right at his back and the person fell on the ground and the security guards went near him. All of them had surrounded him but the man laid there dead.

S.O. turned the person's body to see his face. 

"Shoan!" Security officer said loudly.

Rahul and Shoan both ran outside the RM at the same time. It was Rahul whom S.O. saw running in the monitor at the control room but because his back was facing him S.O. hadn't seen his face.(They both were wearing the same kind off clothes too). And at the same time he saw Shoan running out of the mansion, he knew that the security guards are out there, he used the opportunity and he hid behind the big tree and security guards came and saw Shoan running. But before he could ran from there and it was Shoan who became the victim and Rahul escaped from there and survived.

@ The Basement

"Khushi bhabi?" Dhruv called as he reached the basement. The basement was only half lite and so he couldn't able to see anything.

He switched on the light and saw Khushi collapsed on the floor. Her temple was covered in blood.

In quick few strides he approached her.

"Bhabi, what happen to you?" he asked but she was unconscious. He patted her cheek. 

"Bhabi, open your eyes!" he said in panic and rubbed her hands.

When she didn't respond he called Dr. Sharma again and took her straight to her room.
@ Arshi's Room

Dr. Sharma had applied bandage to her wound.

"Khushi how did this happen?" Dr. Sharma asked.

"Yes, Khushi tell how did you get hurt?"

Khushi was terrified to say anything. Everyone in the room present were concerned about her condition.

"What happened to you Khushi bitiya, tell?" Nani ji asked as she sat up on the bed.

Khushi has no idea what to say. She didn't even know if she should tell the whole family about Rahul. But she also didn't know if they would believe her and for that she had to talk to Arnav before. 

"Arnav ji! How is he?" Khushi asked as she looked at every single person. At mami, Nani, Payal, Dr. Sharma they looked at each other face but at her.

They looked sad further increasing the heartbeat of her heart.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" she yelled.

"Khushi bitiya!" Nani ji spoke up. "Arnav bitiya is fine you just take care of yourself," Nani ji said to convince Khushi but she failed. 
She didn't say anything and got up from the bed.
"Khushi, bitiya where are you going?"
"You guys all are lying I want to see him!"
"Khushi please listen!" Payal pleaded.
"Nobody would stop me!" She said but more than that warned them.
"Why can't you understand I won't to see my husband none of you have to right to stop me seeing him?" Khushi said as she stated her point.
"Khushi you are not at all well!" Dr. Sharma stated.
"I know my body and I am completely fine," Khushi said and went from there.
Whereas everyone else just followed her.
"Khushi bitiya!" Nani ji but Khushi didn't listen her.
"Bhabi, what happen?" NK asked.
"NK please I want to go and see Arnav ji!"
"Bhabi, we can go in the morning!"
"No, I want to see him right now!"
"Bhabi please try to understand nobody is allowed to see him!"
"I don't care I just want to see him!"

NK didn't reply and looked at the family members
"If you none of you will let me I will go myself," Khushi said and leave from there.
"Okay bhabi let's go!"
NK said and drove her to the hospital.

@The Hospital.
Doctor had just come out of the I.C.U. after Arnav's treatment.
"What happened to Arnav bitwa?"
"Mr. Raizada, Mr. Raizada's heartbeat had slow down to the dangerous levels or I could say it was stopped. He suffered from SCA. It's a condition in which the heart suddenly stops beating and then blood doesn't reach to the vital organs," Doctor replied. 

Khushi stopped in her tracks when she heard doctor saying that. Her heartbeat was dangerously slow as she felt she would collapse. Her brain wasn't working at all as she numbly walked towards the doctor.
"SCA could have took his life if the treatment wasn't given to him within few minutes."
Khushi stopped, her heart felt an unbearable ache as someone had ripped out her heart out of her body.
"He is stable now but it's still important for him to open his eyes!"
"Dad!" NK said.
"NK what are you doing here and Khushi bitiya didn't I tell you to not bring her!"
"Khushi bitiya Arnav bitwa is fine now."
"I want to see him!" she simply said but there was no emotion in her voice. 
"Khushi bitiya he is fine now, but still in the I.C.U."
Khushi didn't say anything.
"Bitiya I understand but nobody is allowed to see him at this mansweredoment."
"Dad we could talk to Dr. Chopra if he lets her to see him for a while!" 
"Yeah, sure. I talk to him and see if they could let her," Mama ji .

1 comment:

  1. so the entire truth came in front of kushi. the vulnerable state of kushi and arnav is frightening.
