Friday 18 October 2013



"MAY GOD KEEP YOU HAVE ALWAYS! MAY YOUR FAMILY LIFE GROW," priest gave them wedding wishes.
Now they were finally married!
Arnav picked up the microphone from the side table and asked everyone to pay him their attentions.
"Ladies and gentlemen I know you all must be restless to know that why I decided to get married this early. Well to be honest, I had known Khushi for quite long. The day I laid eyes on this beautiful wife of mine, I had decided to marry her. I know you must have not known this side of me but this lady was the one without whom it was hard to live without.  (Khushi instantly turned her neck to look at his side and Arnav smiled at her again bringing her close to himself by put his arms around her but this time it was just a gentle touch. To the audience they might be lovey dovey couple but Khushi was well acquainted with his fake smile and a sarcasm in his voice but top of everything she one thing didn't know the reason to marry her. She tried to free herself from him. But Arnav didn't give her a fraction of time to let herself free from himself. Arnav's grip got tighter, unbreakable, unless he himself had let go off her). And here there she is my beautiful other half. (A loud cheering and wave of happiness spread in the hall and Arnav smiled again). Me and my wife just wanted to thank you guys for being here and be a part of our happiness."
"Congratulation Mr. and Mrs. Raizada.I must say you in fact have gotten the world's most beautiful wife," Mr. Rastogi said from the present audience.
"Mr. Rastogi don't say so Mrs. Rastogi won't let you enter  your own house tonight," Arnav joked and everyone laughed out at his joke.
"Mrs. Raizada in fact you have got the best husband too. I guarantee you that Mr. Raizada would treat you like no one else," Mrs. Shetty spoke up.

How ironic it was Khushi knew that Mrs. Shetty must have said Arnav will keep her happy but what she said perfectly that described the situation she was in. He indeed was treating her like no one else and the way she hasn't have ever excepted anybody would treat her.

"Thank you ones again," Arnav said.
Arnav Khushi moved away from there when Khushi's phone rang. This was the fifth time that her Bhuaji had called her.
"I hope you would disconnect the phone before I throw it in the garbage," Arnav mumbled in Khushi's ear and Khushi switched off the phone immediately.
"Please, Arnavji my Bhuaji will be getting worried. Please let me go!"
Khushi pleaded but like every time he ignore her pleas.
"I don't like make myself clear again and again. And don't you dare to ruin my mood." Arnav said and marched away from there leaving Khushi alone standing there.
"Hello, Mrs. Raizada," a man said as he approached Khushi. Khushi got nervous. 
"I am Shoan, I am one of the worker at AR Groups. You know you look so beautiful factually, beyond beautiful," Shoan said as he got closer to Khushi. Khushi got uneasy around him and the smell of beer that was coming from his mouth made Khushi flinch. 
"Thank you!" Khushi said to maintain her usual polite manner as she backed up a bit to maintain a private space in between them. 
"Oh please, Mrs. Raizada don't worry I am just little bit drunk but I won't hurt you believe me." 
Shoan again came closer to her and as usual Khushi stepped back. They both were standing away from the crowd where Arnav left Khushi before. 
"Excuse me, Mr. Shoan!" 
Khushi was about to leave when  Shoan held her injured wrist tightly. Khushi got startled and tried to free herself.
"Please Mr. Shoan let go off me," Khushi pleaded. 
"Oh, Mrs. Raizada don't worry. I am saying you that I won't hurt you."
"Arnav Ji where are you?"
 Khushi unknowingly thought of Arnav.
Shoan put his arms around her to hug her without letting go of her wrist. 
"Shoan!" a loud roar exploded in the air.
Shoan immediately let go off Khushi as Khushi ran towards Arnav and hugged him. Without his own consent he protectively held her in his arm. 
Khushi's sobs weren't stopping. She cried in his arms. Whereas the pain in her wrist grew. Despite knowing the fact that she was in person arms whom she hates the most of ruining her life, she felt safe.
"Sshh Khushi," Arnav said. 
He then moved Khushi away from himself and walked towards Shoan, Shoan's  expression told that he was so close to his death.
"Sir, I was just talking to your beautiful wife."
Arnav walked towards him as a predator moves towards its prey. And the prey has nowhere to escape.
Arnav held him by his collar so tightly that Shoan was literally choked.   
"How you f**king dare to touch my wife?"
"I am sorry sir, I was just, I mean it won't happen again!"
"It will happen if I will allow this to happen again!" Arnav said his voice dreadfully cold. One hard blow in Shoan's face, his ear started ringing.
"Security!" Arnav yelled. And around ten security guards came running.
"Throw this moron outside!"
"Yes, Sir," one of the security guard said and around three four of them took Shoan away. 
"Please sir listen me once I didn't do anything wrong!" 
Shoan pleaded but Arnav didn't listen.
Arnav turned to look at Khushi. Khushi had leaned against the wall. Shoan gave her the dirty look Khushi got even more scared. She felt tight congestion in her chest as her whole body shivered. Tears flowed continuously from her eyes. She saw Arnav looking at her and she didn't want to make him more angry. Her body was denying the strength she was trying to recollect as her head spun and she was about to fall when Arnav quickly ran towards her got hold of her before she could hit the hard floor.
"Khushi?" Arnav patted Khushi's cheek. But there was no response from Khushi's side. He was going to put Khushi's arm around his neck when he saw blood on Khushi's wrist. Then he realized that it was him who injured her wrist in the hospital. He felt a little pain in his heart. As he gently picked her up and took her to his room. 
"Sir, you called me!?" Mary asked.
Arnav was in his study. Sitting in the cushioned chair. 

"How is she?"
"She is still sleeping, sir. Doctor said she got fever since she got wet in the rain. And also her sugar level went really low as she hasn't eaten anything for quite long."
Arnav nodded. "Bring the dinner in the room and then everyone could leave."
"Okay sir!"
Khushi woke up with heavy head. Her eyes were stinging. Despite the fact, that heaters were on and had two blankets on herself she still felt cold. She saw around and found that she wasn't in the room where she first was. It was a huge master bed room and she was lying on the king size bed that was beautifully decorated as for their first night.
Khushi's heart picked up the race when she saw Arnav in the room dressed in his casuals, black track pants and white rugby sweater. And moment later Mary entered in with the food. Arnav gestured her to put the food trolly near Khushi. She did so and after saying good night to both of them she left."Eat your food!" Arnav said calmly out of his nature.
Khushi got up and pushed the trolly away.
"Don't act what you are not. Mr. Raizada!" Khushi shouted.
"Khushi you are not well just eat your food," Arnav still remained neutral.

"How come it matters you now too much if I haven't eaten anything. The day you have come in my life you have been treating the way I have done something that I don't deserve anything good from your side and now you are acting so differently."
Arnav held her arm and made her sit on the bed and put some food in the plate and brought in front of her. Khushi pushed it away.
"Khushi eat the food."

This time Arnav himself sat beside her and brought the rice filled spoon towards her mouth and Khushi pushed the spoon away. Again he tried, this time Khushi threw the whole plate on the carpet.
This turned on Arnav's anger.
"What do you think that you could treat the way you want? You could hurt me anytime, force me into this marriage and ask me to bear you child?What's even in your mind? I want to know the reasons!"
"Shut up!" Arnav growled as stood up and made Khushi stood up too.
"You want to know the reason why I am treating you this way. So listen I am treating you this way because you deserve it. In fact, you don't deserve any good from anyone. I haven't forgotten anything Mrs. Raizada nothing. I have promised you that I will turn your life upside down that you would regret. You would get hell of me without knowing what you have done. If you don't want to eat its fine with me. Make sure you cleanup all this mess from here."
Khushi looked in his eyes in which raw anger twinkling.
"I have made you very clear if you would do anything against my will not only you but your family would have to pay too. Its your choice if you still don't want to eat. But do think about your brother and your Bhuaji."
"I want to meet them Khushi broke down please Arnavji I will eat the food but please let me go and tell them I am okay."
Without saying a word Arnav left and Khushi silently sat there and ate her food as she wept.
"Khushi?" Bhuaji said as Khushi stood at the door of her house, looking downwards at the floor but Bhuaji.
"Khushi where were you till now. I called you thousands time but your phone was switched off. Do you know how worried I was. Did you go to any function that you are dressed?" Bhuaji asked angrily but she relieved that Khushi was there in front of her "Okay come and sit!"
Khushi looked at Bhuaji now.
"Bhuaji I have to leave."
Bhuaji now carefully interrogated Khushi.
"Where khushi and what's this?" Bhuaji said as she signed towards her forehead and then to the mangalsutra Khushi was wearing and the red wedding bangles.
"Bhuaji I am married!"
Bhuaji froze after what Khushi told her.
"You must be kidding right Khushi. How come you and Rahul Bitwa could marry without letting me know?"
"I am not married to Rahul Bhuaji!"
"What are you saying?"
"I am married to Arnavji."
"Who Arnav?"
Bhuaji stopped before words left from her mouth "You mean Arnav Singh Raizada! The person who decided to provide Aryan the treatment in the U.S.?"
"How do you know bhuaji?"Khushi asked.
"Oh, I now understood Khushi!" Bhuaji said as shock was replaced with anger and she slapped Khushi.
"You didn't even thought of once letting me know before you took such a big step. After all, you proved that you are your mother's daughter who left my brother for money."
This time land totally slipped under Khushi's feet as she recalled Arnav's words.
"Your mom ,who left and your 1 year old brother behind, in fact she ran with other man."
"Your mom left my brother for money. Do you hear that until now me and my brother tried to keep this truth away from you and Aryan."
"No, she couldn't do this." Khushi shook her head violently. She wasn't ready to believe neither Arnav had told her before nor what her Bhuaji said to her.
"Why not Mrs. Raizada? You did it! Your mom loved my brother but when she realized that he doesn't have enough money to keep her happy she left him. And you have done the same to Rahul bitwa! That boy thought you loved him, he was trying his best to help us, he sold everything he had and Khushi what you did? You kicked him like a stone!"
Khushi shook her head. "No, Bhuaji!"
"What no Khushi? What no? Get out of this house! Your dad had already died and now think that me and your brother are also dead. Just get out of here!"
"Please bhuaji I am sorry. Circumstances were like that I had to get married. Please Bhuaji!"
Bhuaji didn't listen one word of her and dragged her out of the house.

Both Bhuaji and Khushi stopped in their tracks.
"What happen Bhuaji why are you behaving like that with khushi?"
There was a complete silence for a moment. The sound of vehicles interrupted the silence and the rain never stopped ones.
"I am married!" Khushi revealed.

"Look how shameless she is," Bhuaji taunted as she released her and hit her on her shoulder.
"How come and with whom?" Rahul said as he too saw Khushi dressed as a newly woman.
Bhuaji explained everything to Rahul and no words came out of Rahul's mouth after hearing the whole story.
Again silence fell in the house.
"Khushi what I did wrong with you that you gave me such a punishment of my deeds. Didn't I promise that I would help you, I'll protect you. I promised your dad that I will keep you happy and he happily gave your hand in mine and you!(Rahul paused) You didn't even ones bother to think about me. Well, I was nothing but just a friend but what about your dad. You didn't even kept his words!"
"I am sorry!" Khushi cried.
Rahul too cried. His world was broken just like Khushi's.
"Please leave khushi more I will see more I will realize that doesn't matter what I can't get you now."
"I said LEAVE!" he shouted.
Bhuaji too didn't listen her and turned away from her.
Without her own wish Khushi started walking from there.
"Khushi!" Rahul spoke. "Don't worry about bhuaji and Aryan I will keep them safe and if you could do me a favour please return my heart back to me!"
Khushi walked out of the house the same way she entered in and with heavy heart.

1 comment:

  1. buaji is the same as in the serial never she gave importance to kushi when needed. now i remember how lavanya is related to kushi.
