Friday 18 October 2013


CHAPTER 6 (Marked her his own)
"Bhuaji how could Khushi do this to me?" Rahul said as tears escaped his eyes and made its way down his cheeks.
"How could she break my heart in one go? How could she break all the relationships with me? How could she marry to a person without thinking that she was already engaged to me? How could she?"Rahul said to Bhuaji and dropped to his knees.

"I apologize from her side babua(son) please forgive her," Bhuaji said grieving.

"No, Bhuaji I won't let this happen!" Rahul said adamantly. "I will get my Khushi back. No matter what I have to do. I have lost everything for her, and now I won't let her simply walk away from me!" Rahul gets up on his feet and run from there.

"Rahul babua!" Bhuaji shouted but Rahul had long gone.

Khushi left her home with heavy heart. She had practically lost her family. Her tears mixed with the rain that was pouring harshly on her. She didn't got into the car in which she was supposed to go back to RM instead she walked, even though driver asked her but she refused.

Hey, is she Khushi? a woman said in the neighbourhood.
"Oh yeah she is. Guess what I have heard that she got married to a rich business tycoon, Arnav Singh Raizada, "the other woman replied.
Yes, I saw their wedding video in the news. She looked so happy. No regret on her face! first women said.

Khushi's already wrenched heart was squeezed even more when she heard the ladies talk.
"I can't believe the girl we thought was so naive, turned out to be a gold digger!" the third woman replied.

"True it hasn't been a month that her father passed away and here she got married," the first woman said again as she taunted Khushi despite knowing that she is hearing them.

"Even her brother is bed ridden," third woman replied.
"But wasn't she suppose to marry Rahul?" first woman said.

Khushi so wanted to shut all three of them, but what wrong they said she thought. So she continued walking.
@ Raizada Mansion
Anonymous: "Hello is Mr. Raizada at home?"

"Yes," servant replied.

Anonymous: "May I please talk to him. His phone is switched off. And it's really important for me to talk to him."

"Okay, please hold on!" servant said as he put the line on hold and went to call Arnav.
He knocked on Arnav's room door and Arnav asked him to get in.
"Sir, you have a call. She didn't tell her name but she said its really important."
Arnav looked really sad as he was thinking about something. He weakly nodded and picked up the receiver in his room.


Khushi was completely drenched. The cars on the road splashed rain water on her as they passed away at the fast speed but she was too forlorn and deep in thoughts to worry about that. Since, yesterday it was raining heavily as heaven too, was grieving with her.

" Your mom...ran with other man...after all, you proved that you are your mother's daughter...the girl we thought was so naive turned out to be a gold digger...ran with other man...for money...he did everything he could possibly do and you kicked him like a stone...She looked so happy.No regret on her face...Khushi if you can please return my heart...think that we are dead too...kicked him like a stone...ran with other deserve this...I will make your life hell...marry me for 1 year...bear my child...kicked him like a stone," these sentences echoed in her mind like thousands stereos played ones. More she wanted to stop those voices in her head, more they played making difficult for her.
At one point she screamed, as loud as she could. 
She screamed, until she was self satisfied. 
She screamed, as long as she could. 

She screamed till no voice came out of her throat.

Khushi stop!

Khushi immediately stopped hearing Rahul's voice.


Rahul ran towards Khushi and Khushi remained standing there.
He held her by her arms and shook her hard.

"How could you do this to me?" Rahul shouted as it was hard to talk over the cars passed with high speed, horns honking plus rain. It was even hard them to keep their eyes opened.

"I am sorry Rahul please forgive me...Everything just happened was out of my control please forgive me!" Khushi said as she wept.

"Not so easily Khushi you have to pay for this!" Rahul said anger filled in his voice.

He grabbed Khushi's hand and took her from there.

"Rahul where are you taking me? Its really late I have to go please let me go!"

Khushi wept as she pushed him away and grabbed the sheet with her to cover her naked body. She rushed to the washroom. She pushed the sheets away. And locked the door.

"No! This can't have had happened no!" She was not only physically but mentally hurt. She thought she would go insane. Her piece of mind was long gone. She restlessly turned on the shower and let warm water slid down her aching body. She opened the body wash bottle and dropped all of it on herself. She rubbed every part of her as she felt dirty. She took the scrubber from aside and rubbed harshly every where he bit her, kissed her.

"What if Arnavji...It can't!" the thought killed her every bit of her.
Khushi fell on her knees weeping and she covered her face with her hands.
"Mrs. Raizada!" Mary said as she knocked on the door. "Mrs. Raizada are you there?" Mary repeated hearing no reply from Khushi.

Khushi was inside but she didn't say any word. She had curled herself into a ball as she had laid on the bed. Louder the bang got, more Khushi got scared. She was panicked as if someone would come and kill her. She closed her eyes and ears as if Mary would stop banging at the door.
"Mrs. Raizada?"
"What's the matter?" Arnav asked.

"Good Morning Sir!"

Arnav nodded in reply.

"Mrs. Raizada is not opening the door!" Mary replied. "Just wondering if she is fine!"
"You don't worry I go get her. You prepare the breakfast. I will come with her in ten minutes."
"Yes, Sir!"

"Khushi open the door! Arnav said calmly. I know you are in before I break the door you better open the door!"

Arnav warned her before he was going to knock on the wooden door, the door opened itself. And Arnav opened the door and got in. Without looking at Khushi he walked to the wardrobe and took red net saree. And tossed beside Khushi.

"Get ready in five minutes we have to go!" Arnav ordered and turned on his heels to walk from there.

"I am not going anywhere," Khushi simply muttered as she looked somewhere not at anything specifically.

Arnav took a deep breath before saying anything "Think before you say no!"
"I have said I am not going anywhere!"

"As you wish. Let me tell you that your brother."

Adrenaline rushed in Khushi's veins and she marched angrily towards him. "What my brother huh? What would you do? Would you stop his treatment,  go ahead and do me a favour kill me first !"
"Arnav smiled at her. Before his signature angry look hovered over his face. It won't take me long me to do what you just mentioned Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada! "Arnav warned her.

"Your brother will be shifted today to the U.S. for his treatment," Arnav said and left. Khushi was left astonished as words left his mouth.
Khushi for the first felt bad she had no idea why? She ran after him.

"Arnavji!"  Khushi called him but he didn't stop and continued walking down the hallway and  went to the dinning room attached to the kitchen.
Arnav sat there and Khushi looked at him as he grabbed his seat. And Arnav took English newspaper and started reading. Khushi wiped her tears and went to the kitchen straightaway. 

"Mary how long it would take for breakfast to get ready?"

"1 more minute sir," Mary replied.

And after exact one minute later Mary walked in with the food. On the other hand, Khushi came dressed in a red sari, with silver shade, that Arnav asked her to wear.

Mary served him his orange juice, a butter bread toast and potato chapatti.

"Potato chapatti who made it?"Arnav asked. Mary looked at Khushi and Khushi shook her head to not to tell him that she had cooked it.

"I made it, "Mary lied "I thought Mrs. Raizada would like to eat it."
Arnav peeled the chapatti and took a morsel into his mouth. 
"It's good!" Arnav said.
A very weak smile spread on Khushi's face.
Arnav finished his breakfast and Khushi too.

She got into the car with Arnav and Arnav didn't say anything. The drive to hospital was in silence. Arnav carried on with his work on his laptop whereas Khushi looked outside the black window of her side of the car. 

"Thank you Arnavji!" Khushi said before she got out the car but Arnav didn't say anything he himself got out the car and went in. After that Khushi went to Dr. Sharma directly. Dr. Sharma told her that Aryan had his flight in another 2 hours. So without wasting another Khushi went to Aryan.

His condition had never been stable. Khushi remembered only once he talked to him after that he went into coma. Dozen of cords were attached to his body. Oxygen mask, liquid diet was the source of his living. Nobody has ever allowed to visit him except Khushi or bhuaji. 

Today, she so wanted to talk to him and was about to get into the I.C.U. to her bad luck she wasn't allowed to get in. 
"Don't dare to take one more step in!" stern voice of Bhuaji made Khushi to stop in her tracks.
"Bhuaji!" Khushi looked to her side.

"Don't call me Bhuaji!" she said frankly. "You are dead for us and we for you!"
"Please Bhuaji don't say so," Khushi said as she closed the door and paced towards Bhuaji.
"I want to see Aryan. Please let me ones," Khushi pleaded.
"Excuse me! Mrs. Madhumati Ji are you ready?" a male nurse said to Bhua ji.
"Yes!" Bhuaji replied.
"Please Bhua Ji only once I promise only for one minute!"
Bhua Ji didn't listen her ones and walked away from there. 

Khushi stood there and couldn't able to do anything. She went to Arnav's office in case he was still at the hospital.
She rushed to his room. Without bothering to knock on the door Khushi opened the door of his room.
"What the?" came the growl from Arnav's side.
"I am sorry Arnav Ji please come with me!" Khushi pleaded.
Arnav asked the lady, whom he was discussing something, to leave.
"Don't you have manners!?" Arnav growled again the moment the girl left.
"I am sorry, Arnav Ji. Please I want to meet Aryan. Bhua Ji is not letting me. Please if you would say!"
"I am sorry I can't help you in this matter. I did my part by bringing you here. It's a problem between you and your Bhua Ji!"
It has been two hours and Aryan and Bhuaji had already left to the U.S. and Khushi didn't get a chance to see Aryan or talk to Bhua Ji. She felt as she has lost the very part of her life. She felt a loss. She prayed to DM that to take care of her brother and Bhua Ji.

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