Thursday 26 February 2015

It has always been about you, Mr. Raizada 2 chapter 4-7


Vibration of the phone made Arnav quickly open his eyes. Thinking it was his phone, he looked around but he saw Khushi, she had fallen sleep in a sitting position beside him. Khushi fidgeted in her sleep before her sleep broke he himself picked her phone that was on the table. Without thinking he received it.

"Khushi, why didn't you come back with Aditiya? Why are you being stubborn?" her mother said angrily on phone without bothering herself to say hello. "And, Aditiya, said you want an abortion? I am happy, dear, at last you are taking a wise decision. I am your mother, so I know what is good for you. You have seen that drunk man, what are you waiting for now? Come back dear! Rest we can talk later."

Arnav listened to it, his free hand slowly clenched into a fist. His jaws tightened.

"Use all the powers in the world, Mrs. Gupta, she won't abort our child," he said looking at Khushi. Mrs. Gupta realized it was him who had picked up the phone not Khushi.

"You?" Mrs. Gupta asked. "Where is Khushi? But it is good that you have picked it up, I have lot to talk to you. Saying in a simple language, tell Khushi to forget you and accept Aditiya, you can't force my daughter to keep your bloody...!"

"Watch...your...words!" he said in a low but extremely dangerous tone before she could finish her sentence. He instead walked out of there to the balcony and closed the door behind to block any sound.

"All you have seen so far is a drunk, good-for-nothing man, lucky you and Mr. Gupta, if you see me sober I can be a whole lot of a problem, believe me on that!"

"How dare you to talk to me like that? And are you trying to threat me?" she asked.

"No, how would I? You are my mother-in-law. I wish I could have said like my mother. Dare to mention abortion again, I will forget who you are and I assure you the new image that you will have of mine, you would pray that I was better as a drunk man. Also, do not forget that she is my wife. If I can hurt her, just think how much love I will give to her!

"Just because I begged in front of you doesn't mean I am actually pretty naive, that was solely for my wife. If I can make people an apple of my eyes I very well know how to bring them to my feet. You are Khushi's parents, I do respect you, but next time if you dared to call her regarding your cheap thinking of an abortion, this is my promise to you that you will be seen behind the bars for forcing my wife to abort our child!" Arnav said. "And as far as leaving me is concerned let Khushi take decision..."

"She had taken her decision but then your drama of getting sick. It was pretty well planned huh! If you couldn't get Khushi the other way you tried emotional blackmail. Mr. Raizada, first learn to respect her. If you would have truly regret your actions you would not have left like a coward and you need to do this drama of falling sick and reveal it right when she was going to settle with a good man!"

He laughed.

"If I had not respected her I would have stayed back and never had dared to leave. I let my love go and it returned back to me. You see my love for your daughter is more stronger than your so called paternal love. That's why she is here, where she actually belongs. Anyways, why even I am proving myself? My family failed to understand me, you are a far thing.

"The last but not the least stop playing with your daughter's feelings, stop hurting her emotionally, I have done enough, and she is pregnant, consider this Mrs. Gupta, if anything happened to our baby she will die, and if anything happened to her and the baby, I will not leave you.

"Anyways, good to talk to you, Mrs. Gupta. It was rather fun. Now please excuse me, I have to take care of my wife and my baby!" he said and hung up the phone on her.

He took a deep breath before he walked back into the living room from the balcony and locked the door. He wondered how did he manage to sleep without checking if khushi had fallen sleep, didn't he have been always careless about it? He picked her up from the ground in his arms and took her to the room.

He couldn't take his eyes off at her. Did he really call her as his wife? He smiled. He had to admit again, he missed her. The light warm breath of her on his neck made him shiver.

The day he had signed the papers, and the hatred he saw in her eyes for him, he wasn't sure after that night he was going to see her ever again. Still it was more like a dream to him. She was there with him. Despite, he had hurt her to the core. He pulled her even close to himself before he could have laid her.

His soul felt strange peace. Her mother's words still raked his soul. But he understood, who would have believed him? After so many hurts he had given her. Which parent would let their daughter marry to a man who was married already? And drunk? He understood those aspects. He had to work long way, yes, to prove himself that he could take care of Khushi. It was true too that he didn't want anybody's sympathy. Not at all.

As soon as he had pulled her towards himself, his whole worries and anger were gone. He knew Khushi won't do anything like abortion, this baby was dear to her and yes to him too, he wouldn't let anything happen to her and the baby. That was a promise.

He finally laid her on the bed, that was when Khushi's sleep broke. But she didn't dare to move or say a word when he so gently had laid her on the bed. She thought he was going to leave but he settled on the bed and then she felt his warm hands on her womb. Her heart swell in happiness.

"Hey, don't know who you are, a little champ, or a princess? Doesn't matter. Either way, you will be Khushi's and my baby!" he muttered.

Khushi would have cried if she hadn't made an attempt to swallow her tears. Even when her elevated hormones made her hard to do so. She slowly half opened her eyes just to look at him. She was so scared to sniff. She was afraid she would ruin the perfect moment. He wasn't looking at her, she was thankful.

" aren't even in this world, yet and just because you are linked to me people are talking to get you abort!"

Khushi cringed at the thought. She thought Arnav was talking about her. She wanted to get up and tell she didn't want it.

But she just closed her eyes when Arnav leant in and kissed her belly. She could feel his lips. It was the warmest kiss a father would have given to his unborn when he cannot feel it just like a mother have had.

"Because you are my baby do not hurt your mommy, because your daddy has hurt her enough," he muttered and looked at Khushi. His lips had curled into a sad and broken smile.

He was now sitting. He leant in and kissed her forehead deeply, and then was sitting up once again. He wanted to talk to her, but what he didn't know. So he decided to leave. He got up but he stopped, he decided he will rather stay back and sleep there. He went to the other side of the bed, pulled blanket on top of Khushi and only watched her.

In the morning he woke up, at the sound of something falling hard on the floor and then shattering. He got alarmed.

He was already up the bed, Khushi was not on bed, he rushed to the kitchen in fear. "Khushi, what happened?" he suddenly asked.

Khushi got up the floor as she was clearing the mess that was created when the bowl of cereals fell.

She realized harm was already done. His sleep was broken. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to break your sleep. I knocked on the bowl of the cereal by mistake and it broke," she said in a hurry.

"Now don't pick it with your bare hands. Just move back, I pick it up!" Khushi moved aside and Arnav cleaned cereals and the broken pieces of glass bowl with the broom on to the dust pan.

He looked at the clock and it was 6:30 AM.

"And why are you up so early?" he asked. "You should be sleeping. And if you needed anything, you should have asked for it."

"I was hungry," she said slowly and in a low tone, with her eyes lowered to the floor.

Arnav felt pang of hurt. "Oh!" he muttered in guilt.

"And I didn't want to wake you up!"

"It's alright. If you need anything tell me. And what do you feel like eating?"

"There is no oregano bread, and roasted coffee, and cupcakes. So I went on for cereals. But they fell too and there aren't any more."

He resisted to smile as how she put up her sentence. Just like a kid would.

"For now it's not at home. Wait, I run down to the shops and get these things," he said as he threw the garbage in the can.

She nodded at his back. The thing was she couldn't have waited. She was craving for the items that she had asked for. If she didn't get them now she would go insane. Arnav came out dressed in his blue jeans and a brown leather jacket.

"Anything else you want beside oregano bread, cupcakes, and roasted coffee?" he said.

"I am sorry because of me..."

"Anything else you want?" he repeated.

She shook her head. He picked his car keys from the key holder at the entrance. He then looked back at her.

"Do you want to go?" he asked. She wanted to go, and he had finally asked she didn't take longer to nod her head.

"Alright come then!" he said. Khushi was already ready so she just had to wear her shoes and a jacket.

Arnav opened the door of his car for her to sit, and only closed the door when she was settled well in. Khushi smiled at him as he did so.

"Thank you!" she muttered. Arnav didn't answer, he was already settled in his seat behind the wheels. He carefully backed up the car and was finally straight out of the parking lot.

Khushi's phone rang, it was her moms again. Khushi simply cut it. Then she checked the call catalog, "Mom called last night?" she thought. She later checked it last night call went on for twenty three minutes.

"Who?" she was going to ask herself. Then she looked at Arnav. She was afraid he was the one who talked to her mother.

"Arnav ji, did mom called last night?" she asked.

"Hmm...Yes...She was wondering if you were fine!" he answered.

"Did she say anything?" Khushi of course wasn't convinced.

"Nothing, she want you back to India," he said.

She was afraid. "Then what did you say?"

"I said its your choice, I won't force you to stay or leave!" Coldness in his voice she couldn't understand why it was there. Was it because of the call or still he was hurt? She tried to convince herself with the latter.

He stopped the car in front of the huge coffee shop. "Let's go!" he said.

But Khushi was tensed. "Would he ask me to leave?" she thought. She got out of the car as Arnav waited for her.

Instead of waiting in the line Arnav went to the self served line. He poured roasted coffee.

Her appetite was gone. She had to call her mother and ask what did she say to Arnav.

Arnav picked cup cakes that she had said yes too. But she was only worried about what conversation Arnav and her mother might have had. Arnav had paid the bill and they headed to the bakery shop that was just next door. Khushi simply followed him.

To their surprise they hadn't just entered when they saw Aman with his wife and with their son. They were returning home.

"Good morning, Arnav sir," Aman sounded surprised. "Hi, Khushi...mam!" he added rather with a lack of interest.

"Good morning, Aman!" Arnav said. Khushi was too lost to answer.

"Good morning, Shaya, and how is baby boy doing?"

Khushi smiled when Arnav bent and touched baby boy's cheeks. He was fond of kids, she never would have gotten to know until yesterday night.

"How are you, Arnav bhai?!" Shaya asked. "Adhaan is doing perfectly fine. He was waiting for you, but you didn't come!"

"I am so sorry, Shaya, that I couldn't able to make up for the breakfast!"

"It's not a problem, bhai. I was just kidding."

"Shaya, she is Khushi mam!" Aman said as he introduced his wife to Khushi.

"Bhai's wife, Khushi?" Shaya asked.

"Hi, Khushi, bhabi, I hope you won't mind if I will call you bhabi!"

"Hi, Shaya. No, I won't mind!" she said with a smile on her face.
"Congratulations both of you for a baby, boy. Arnav ji told me about him last night!" she added.

"Thank you so much, bhabi."

"Bhai, why don't you come home now, we can chat and get acquainted to each other?!" Shaya suggested.
"Please, bhai, don't refuse!"

"Actually, Khushi wanted..."

Khushi kept her hand on his arm. "It's okay, Arnav ji, we can go."

"What about...?"

"It's okay, I think cupcakes and coffee will work!"

"Bhai, was there anything specifically bhabi needed?!" Shaya asked.

"Uh...yes, oregano bread!"

"Oh, don't worry then, actually we just shopped for it. What a coincidence that even I was feeling like eating it!"

"So problem solved, let's go!" Aman said.

"Sure!" Arnav said.

They both headed to Aman's home.

By the time they had reached Aman's home, Khushi straight away asked for the washroom. It was the fifth time already Khushi was heading to the washroom to pee.

"Down the hall to the left, bhabi!"
Shaya told her.

Their flat wasn't big as Arnav's but it was spacious and beautiful, and simple. Khushi liked it. It had a feeling of a home.

"Aman, please hold Adhaan, I bring breakfast for all of you!" Shaya said.

"Bhai, have you eaten your medicine?" Shaya asked before leaving.

"I have it with me, will eat it after having breakfast! It was already in my jacket."


It has been few minutes Khushi wasn't back. Arnav excused himself and went to see if she was okay. He was going to knock on the door to ask if she was fine, Khushi had already opened the door.

She was little scared to see him all of sudden. "Relax, it's me. Are you okay?" he asked as he saw her red face.

"Hmm...Yeah... Sorry, it took me little longer!"

"Come breakfast is ready!" he said. He let her walk in front of him and then he followed her.

"Bhabi, what happened? Your face is all red!" Shaya looked at her.

"Yes, I am feeling little hot for some reason!"

"I am feeling rather cold. We had lowered the heat because of Adhaan."

"No, it's okay. It's normal. I don't feel cold much often!"

"Oh, come and sit, breakfast is ready."

"Khushi, are you sure you fine?" Arnav asked.

"Yes, nothing to worry about, Arnav ji, I promise!" she said.

"Oregano bread and butter bread, with your roasted coffee!" Shaya said.

"Thank you!" Khushi muttered. "Mention not, bhabi!"

Khushi had waited lot already. Her mouth watered even when she thought she had lost an appetite. She ate whole heartedly and Arnav looked at her admiringly.

Aman and Shaya were looking at Arnav and then at each other. They couldn't help but smile. Finally seeing him composed and peaceful they both were at peace. Aman didn't like how he still cared for her, but he knew his happiness was in her, doesn't matter how much he denied it.

"You want more?" Arnav asked and he offered his own plate. She was too lost to realize that three of them were looking at her. Aman and Shaya found it little weird.

Arnav looked at Shaya, who was waiting for him to look at her. "Is she pregnant?" she whispered as she pointed at Khushi who was busy eating.

He nodded. Shaya kept her hand over her mouth and was smiling. She then whispered in Aman's ear.

"Khushi bhabi is pregnant!" Aman looked at her in bewilderment and then at Arnav. His expressions clearly asked was-that-the-truth?

Arnav was looking down, he couldn't believe he was blushing. If it wasn't the tensions between them, Aman would have hugged him. He had no idea how come she was pregnant. He wasn't sure if they shared such relationship. But it was the truth he couldn't believe.

Khushi looked at three of them, looking at each other. She felt extremely embarrassed.

"Bhabi, I get more for you!" Shaya said.

"No," she immediately said. "Did I eat too much? I mean I had enough!"

"Bhabi, it's normal, in this condition!" she said. Aman immediately asked her not to say anything. "Bhai, please eat something!" Shaya immediately changed the topic.

There was a weird silence in between them that suffocated Khushi.

"Bhai, what I was thinking if we can dine out today!" Shaya asked to cheer the mood.

"Hmm...Sure!" he simply said. After a long time he too was thinking of having a day off. Day off from everything. And live his life in a normal way. Without having a worry about anything.

Adhaan started crying. "I see him!" Khushi said.

"Sure!" Shaya said.

Khushi picked him up, but he only cried more. Khushi tried to relax him, but he wasn't settling down. Shaya was going to get up when Aman stopped her, as he saw Arnav already up on his feet.

"Adhaan," he said. Seeing him his cried ceased. Khushi looked at Arnav as he was playing with him.

"They will make a great parents!" Shaya said. Aman seemed to agree.

Arnav opened the lock of his flat and let Khushi in. She clearly looked tired, all she wanted was to crash on the bed. But then she realized she had to talk to her mother, however, she didn't know if it was the right time. And then she wanted to spend time with Arnav.

Arnav locked the main door. "Khushi, I will be..." he was about to mutter when he stopped himself.

"Arnav ji, were you saying something?" she asked.

"No, nothing!" he said, as he opened his shoes and hung the key back on the key holder.

"Khushi, you look sleepy, go and sleep in the room!"

Yes, she was sleepy, but she didn't want to. "I am fine!" she said.

He walked to the sofa and sat beside her. He saw her, she would close her eyes and the other moment would open it. He was resisting to laugh. And then she came crashing in his lap. He held her on time before she had hurt herself. She moved her legs up as she made herself comfortable and made pillow out of Arnav's lap. He smiled. As nothing else he had to do, he turned on the TV and had it on the lower volume. But then he only watched Khushi sleeping. Her cheeks were soft against his lap. She cuddled as she was cold. Luckily Arnav didn't have to go far, blanket was right before him and he pulled it on top of her. Then he was caressing her hair in her sleep that did wonders.


At 11:40 AM Khushi woke up. She turned on her back and faced Arnav. Her whole body ached due to tiredness. But finding herself sleeping in Arnav's lap made her look at him in shock.

"You up?!" he asked, as he had his eyes bored on TV screen.

"I am sorry, Arnav ji, I...I don't know when I slept!" she stammered and sat up.

"It's okay!" he said and stood
 up on his feet and stretched his jeans down. "Freshen up if you need to, I make a cup of tea for you."

"Can I get a coffee?" she asked.

"No, too much caffeine is not good for the baby and you!" he told her. "And forget about tea too. I get green salad for you to eat!"

"Arnav ji, don't worry, you sit, I prepare lunch!"

"It's only 12:00 PM! I have called in my cook, she will prepare lunch!"

"It is not needed, Arnav ji. I said I will do it!"

He didn't say anything after this and went to the kitchen. 

She followed him. "Arnav ji, what time we are going for a dinner?" she asked.

"I don't know yet, may be around six or seven. I will check with Aman," he answered.

"Arnav ji, have you eaten your medicine?!"

"Hmm..." he said as he cut lettuce. "Do you want olives, tomato?" he asked.

"You could prepare as per your wish!" she answered. 

"Anjali di, put all those ingredients that you have put..." she said in an excitement. But she stopped herself from saying further as she looked at him to read his expressions. He had a neutral look on his face, as he wasn't even affected by the mention of Anjali.

She was about to say something when he put the bowl on the table. "Here, eat, I see what's the plan for tonight!" he said as he washed his hands and wiped it with the hand towel. 

He almost made her believe he was unaffected. And yes he was. For some reason he seemed to not even least affected. While she ate her salad, she looked at him as he had walked to balcony to talk to Aman. 

She could only see his side of the face, and his lips moving as he talked, She realized it was him who needed more care at the moment. But he was showing as he was perfectly fine. 

As she was busy looking at him, and was in deep thoughts, she was still gazing where Arnav stood before even when he had come in. As he moved his gaze up at her, he saw her looking outside. 

"Khushi!" he called her. 

She was unaffected. 

"Khushi," he called. 

"Huh!" she said all of sudden.

"Be ready at 7:00 PM! I will come to pick you up. Now I have to go to the office for a while. I hope that is okay with you!"

She nodded. 

"And if you need anything give me a call."

"But your lunch?"

"Don't worry about it, I will have it from outside!"

Before she could say anything else he had left to get ready.

Khushi had nothing to do at the moment. Then she realized she had to call her mother. She picked up the phone and dialled her mother's phone. 

"Mom, did you call me yesterday? And did you talk to Arnav ji, I hope you didn't say anything wrong to him?" she straightaway asked.

"Hello, Khushi, how are you dear?" Khushi's mother said. Khushi picked up the sadness in her tone. Although, she was mad at her she was worried hearing her tone.

"Mom, what happened? You sound sad!"

"Nothing, Khushi, I was..." she said and sighed heavily.

"Mom, what's the matter?" she asked again.

"Daughter, I don't know what to say. You won't believe me..."

"Believe you not, in what?"

"Dear...yes, I talked to your husband. He..." Mrs. Gupta said. "Hasn't he told you anything?"

"About what?" she asked as fear engulfed her.
Mrs. Gupta sobbed.

"Mom, will you please relax and tell me what's the matter?"

"Is he nearby?" she asked.

"No, he has gone to office!"

"Dear...actually...leave it..."

"Mom, tell me what did you guys say to each other?!" she sounded mad now.

Mrs. Gupta stopped wailing. "He...he said he will put me behind the bars..."

"What? But why?"

"Because...He said he won't let you abort your child, because he will keep it."

"What the hell you are saying, mom?"

"I know you wouldn't have believed my words, and this is the reason I kept mum. Dear, I thought you will be happy as you are with him, and he really loves you. That was why I had called you to say; that we are happy to accept you and him. But he doesn't love you; he still loves his wife, Lavanya, he loves the
 baby. He wants to keep it always with him. He said its your choice with whom you want to live with, but his baby is only his. Dear, I wanted you to abort the child but then I realized my mistake, I realized that how much you love this kid. But now I am afraid that he will snatch your happiness from you!"

Khushi placed her hand on womb, "mom, I can't believe you can stoop this low to force me to leave Arnav ji!"

"Dear, ask him if he wants you or the baby or both? Ask him if he really wants you to stay with him. He said it is your choice, you can live with him or marry Aditiya. He doesn't care as long as he will baby on his side. He cares for you, only because you are carrying his baby, that is why he might not tell you, but dear the truth is he only loves Lavanaya! Dear, he even said if you didn't agree to give him the baby he will force you to abort it!"

Khushi's hand flew to her mouth in shock.

Mrs. Gupta was playing blindly in the dark, if her arrow hit at the right place, it would win her daughter back.

"Mom, shut up, you are lying. Arnav ji loves this kid and..." she stopped.

"See, dear, even you want to believe me. As he said he only loves your baby, of course he will care for you to protect so that your baby is not hurt, and to manipulate you. And why would I play dirty and say whatever will come into my mind?"

"No, Arnav ji..." she stopped. She remembered last night he kissed his baby and her too. He cares for her, yes, but love?

Her mind was going crazy. Her mother was lying she knew. 

"Mom, next time don't dare to call me..." she said.

"I won't dare...But don't come crying, when whatever I had said will come true!" Mrs. Gupta said and hung up the phone. Her mother's so obvious words made her want to feel whatever she had said was true.

Phone fell from her hand on to the carpet. And then she herself sank on to the floor.

She was all of sudden put into a dilemma. Of course, Arnav didn't say he loves her, but he cares for her that was much enough. Wasn't it? He does not need her? She thought her mother can't lie when she knew she can go to Arnav and get her facts right or wrong. Even when she had asked him, what did her mother said to him, earlier he had answered her it was her choice. "So he doesn't really care with whom she stays?" she thought.

Pang of emotions balled up in her chest. She wrapped her arms around her belly. 

"Was she expecting too much from Arnav?" she thought. "He will never love me, wasn't he?...No. This is all wrong. Mom is lying!" she told herself. "But what if she was right?" she asked herself.

She let out a loud, painful cry. Her stomach hurt and she rushed to the washroom. As her stomach churned. Feeling to throw up was strong, but she couldn't get herself to vomit out. Her emotions made her sick. Tears down her eyes flowed mercilessly. And then she finally vomit out. Her face was covered in sweat.

She dragged herself back to the room when she was done. Her blood warmed her cheeks. She sat on the floor. 

"Why it's all happening with me?" she asked. "Why me?" 

She dug her face in her hands.

Instead of 7:30 PM, Arnav was back at 5:30 PM. He saw Khushi sitting on the sofa as she blankly stared at the TV screen. Arnav looked at her before he went to the kitchen to grab glass of water. As he came back, and sat on the sofa, she still hadn't shown any moment. 

"Came home early so that we can go for a dinner early!" he said. "Did, Ana come to cook food?" he asked as he carefully eyed her. When she didn't answer him, he walked up to her and sat beside her. 

"Are you okay, Khushi?" he asked and placed his hand on her knee. 

She jerked herself out of her thoughts and looked at him. "Relax. It's me. Are you okay?" 

"Yes, fine...I am...When did you come?"

"Just walked in!"

"Is it already 7:30 PM? I should get ready!" she said and was going to get up.

"It's only 5:30 PM, Khushi. But we will leave in an hour!"

"I should go and get clothes ready then!" she said and left leaving Arnav in a worry. 

She looked bit off, he wondered what was the reason. 

When he came out of the bathroom, he saw his clothes were already out. And Khushi was already ready. 

He looked at her. She was behaving as if he didn't exist. He didn't know why, what he wondered something really big has happened.

"Khushi, are you feeling alright? We can cancel the plan if you don't feel like going!"

"Did I say I don't want to go?" she asked.

"Fasten your seat belt, Khushi!" he said as he buckled his own. Before he could pull out his car, his phone rang.

"Hello, yes, Aman...Yeah, we are leaving...In about twenty minutes...Yes, sure, see ya!" he said and hung up the phone. 

Again on the way to the restaurant, Khushi hadn't said anything. Even Arnav stayed quite.

"Hey, bhabi!" Shaya said. Khushi smiled and they both gave each other a hug.

"Hey, Adhaan!" she then said as she looked at him. Adhaan looked at her and smiled.

"Oh wow...he has become familiar to you!" Shaya said.

"Yes, looks like!" she said back.

"It's a beautiful place!" she said and looked around. 

"I know right, this is my favourite place. We can see the view of whole Italy here!"

Arnav wondered if she was genuinely happy or she was pretending to be. 
If she wasn't then why didn't she talk to him? he thought. 

"We can play a game till we wait for food!" Shaya suggested. "Spin a bottle game. To whomever it's nozzle pointed towards, would have to answer the question or have to do anything told to him or her, and that person has to do it. No way out!"

"Sure!" Khushi replied. 

"Alright, I spin the bottle first!" Aman said. 

Nozzle pointed towards Khushi. 

"Okay, I will ask her to do this! Bhabi, give Arnav bhai a kiss on his cheek!" 

Khushi looked at her in shock. "Come on, don't look at me like that!"

"Shaya, can't it be changed? I mean anything else?" Arnav said.

"No!" she simply retorted. "Warned you before!"

Then Khushi had leant in, Arnav looked at her. Was she going to do so? he thought. Khushi tucked her under his chin and angled his face away to kiss on his cheek. It was not just a light peck, but she actually pressed her lips hard against his cheek and kissed him. He closed his eyes as he felt her lips against his cheek.

Shaya secretly clicked their picture on her phone.

"Wow!!! Awesome!" Shaya said.

Arnav looked away to brush off the awkwardness. 

"Alright, now I will spin the bottle!" Shaya said and it was towards Arnav. 

"Okay, me again," Shaya said. "Bhai, this you have to do. Kiss bhabi now!"

"Shaya?" Arnav said.

"Do it, bhai!"

"Shaya, it's okay!" Khushi said. "If he doesn't feel like. He doesn't like it!" she said.

"Bhai, bhabi did give you peck...why not you?" she pouted. "Aman, won't you say anything?"

"What would I say?" he asked.

Shaya sighed. 

Arnav cupped Khushi's face, instead of her cheek, he kissed her forehead. Khushi hadn't expected it. She looked at him.

"Awww!" Shaya said. "This was so beautiful!" 

"Now, bhabi you spin the bottle!"

After they all finished their food, Shaya and Aman excused themselves as they had to change Adhaan's diaper. 

Arnav kept himself busy on his phone, and Khushi looked everywhere but at him. 

As her eyes fell on a baby boy playing, she smiled. He wasn't more than three year old. As he kicked the ball in the air it fell off the building. To get it he mounted up on the chair to fetch his ball. He was literally hanging on the railing. Khushi's eyes widened, her heart picked up a race against her chest. She got up and ran in fear. Arnav suddenly looked at her. Fear kicked in his veins. 

"Stop!" Khushi cried and before kid fell, Khushi had caught him in her arms and pulled him in a tight hug as he cried in fear. 

"Andrew!" someone cried. It seemed to be his parents. 

"Khushi!" Arnav called. Aman and Shaya too came running as they had returned back.

Khushi gave the baby boy to his worried mother. "Andrew!" she cried as she hugged him tightly in her arms. Khushi looked at both of them.

"Oh god...Thank you, thank you so much, mam!" Andrews father said in Italian.

"Can't you look after your child? If my wife wasn't there, god knows what could have happened?" Arnav shouted.

"We are so sorry, sir. We had been looking for him. We couldn't get to know when he sneaked out."

"Mam, we don't know how to thank you!" Andrew's mother said. 

Khushi didn't know what they both said, but she was too numb to answer them too.

"Sir, we are truly thankful! God bless you and your family. Today, your wife has really saved our life!" 

"Please next time take care of your kid!" Arnav said as he looked at their helpless state. 

"Yes...Thank you once again, mam!" 

Arnav smiled. "It was her duty!" Arnav said on her behalf. 

As they left. Shaya asked, "Bhabi, are you fine?" 

"Khushi, everything is okay," Arnav said.

She all of sudden turned to him and hugged him. She clenched her coat and cried loudly. 

"Aman, go and get water!" Shaya said. Aman nodded and left to take water.

"Khushi, everything is fine. Kid is absolutely fine!" he told her.

Her sobs seemed to be endless. But fear of loosing her own child ate her peace of mind. She winced as her stomach hurt and then her hold on his coat loosened. Arnav felt her weight on him. "Khushi!" 

"What happen, bhai?" Shaya asked. 

Arnav moved her hair back. "Khushi?!" 

Her head fell back. 

"Sir, water!"

"Bhai, let's take her to the hospital!" Shaya suggested. "I guess this incident has really affected her.

When two and half years ago Khushi had put her fears in front of Arnav telling him that he doesn't need her, but just the kid, it put the question mark on their relationship ultimately. Even when he had confessed that he wanted her and the baby.

Khushi after knowing that it was an another trick of her parents to end their relationship she had no way to ask for a forgiveness from Arnav. Especially, when Arnav had told her to leave him alone.

Today, marks the complete two and a half years since Arnav had seen the face of his family. And he is finally back to India. For his daughter, Hazel.

"Daddy!" she cried as she jumped out of Khushi's lap seeing Arnav at the door of Raizada mansion.

Whole family stood as their wait of years had ended.

Arnav saw his little angel running towards him. Finally for the third time he was seeing her. First when she was born, and the other two times had been when Khushi had gone to Italy to let Arnav see his daughter.

Circumstances lead to the broken relationships, nothing they could have done when the boundaries between them only increased, but now only for his daughter he had to come back.

He opened his arms for his little angel and she came running to him. She had missed him just like he did her, how unfortunate he had been that he couldn't come to see his own child.

The blame all goes to the long disputes of the past.

The whole family stood tears in their eyes seeing him. It seemed like he had sworn that he won't come back to them.

As soon as Hazel was in his arms he embraced her little body in his big protective arms.

"Daddy, you have come!"

No words he was able to form but then he just let long time of grieve flow in the form of tears.

"Daddy, I missed you so much. I hate everyone in this family. Mommy, Anjali bhua, Payal auntie, Nani ma, Dadi ma, everyone...they did not let me meet you and I am angry at you that you didn't come to meet me..." she said. Arnav hugged even more tightly.

Khushi cried as she saw both of them.

"Daddy, please don't ever leave me...I missed you!" she said.

"No, baby, daddy will never leave you," he said. "Please forgive your daddy."

"Daddy, I am not angry at you, you have come now!"

Even though she babbled Arnav understood her every word. He had been talking her on phone ever since she had started talking. There had been painful times especially when she had to leave him from Italy to back to India.

"Arnav ji," Khushi said as her voice shook.

Arnav put his palm up to stop her where ever she was. An anger danced in his eyes. Khushi stopped in her tracks. A clear stop to everyone else as well.

"Hazel, go and wash your face, daddy will be in the room soon!"

She refused to let go off him. "Daddy, you will leave me again!" she sobbed.

"No, this is daddy's promise that I will not leave you. You believe daddy?!"

She nodded and pulled away from the hug. Her lips quivered. "Daddy, please don't leave me."

Tears trembled in her little eyes.

"I won't leave, this is daddy's promise!" he assured her. "Okay, let's go we both go and get your face clean, because my beautiful daughter doesn't look good in tears at all!" he said and wiped her tears. The whole world would have waited at this point, his daughter was most important to him.

He picked her up and walked out of there.

The whole family stood looking at each other.

Arnav made her stand on a little stool in the washroom and washed her face with water.

"Daddy, I want you to stay with me..."

"And daddy want to stay with his daughter always," Arnav said. He realized doesn't matter how much he told her that he won't leave her now she wasn't going to believe it until she was proved.

As he carefully looked at her she was a carbon copy of him. Her eyes, her nose, even her hair colour matched his. And she was as beautiful as her mother.

His relationship with Khushi already had broken the day Khushi had believed her mother's words and accused him of killing his own child if he refused to give this baby girl of him.

And that was the extent he could have taken. After that there was no sorries, no forgiveness. Khushi knew she had lost all of it anyways, by believing her mother words and doubting him.

"Chote, thank you for coming!" Anjali said. "Finally, you have come. We all had been waiting for you. Why so much anger that you kept yourself away from us for all these two and a half years."

"Chote, please don't ever go now. We have realized our mistakes and you never even give us the chance for a forgiveness. I know we didn't deserve it, but we were your family. Please forgive us all. Enough of this. Your daughter need you, we all need you!"

"Let's just not talk about forgiveness," he said. "I have forgotten everything. I was dead for you all the day I left this house and was killed by my wife when she had excused me. I wonder what you all are asking sorry for. Repeating it again, let's not talk about it anymore. You are all strangers for me in this house. Expect my daughter because of whom I had to come back. I cannot do this one mistake again by punishing her. If you want me here so please leave me alone. And I am not back as someone's son or a brother or a husband, but a father. Spare me. I hope I wouldn't be forced to leave again and for forever."

"Daddy!" Hazel cried as fear once again grew in her little heart hearing the last sentence of his. She fell on her knees and wailed. "Daddy, you promised you said you won't leave."

Arnav all of sudden got up the sofa and rushed to her. Khushi too ran after him.

Arnav picked her up. "Hazel, no, baby. Daddy was saying he won't leave you."

"Hazel, daddy didn't say he would leave you!" Khushi said. "Arnav ji, she had been really sick since last week. Please it's only you can calm her!" she said.

"Hazel, please listen to daddy!" he immediately said.

"Daddy, I love you, please don't go!" she trembled in his arms. As she coughed and puked. She held her chest and coughed even harder.

"Hazel?" Arnav had just said when she collapsed.

"Hazel?!" Arnav shouted in horror.

"Hazel," Khushi screamed. "Hazel, open your eyes!" Arnav begged. "Daddy is not going anywhere! Please for daddy open your eyes!" Arnav said. But then when she didn't open her eyes he carried her and rushed to the hospital.

"Doctor!" Arnav shouted as soon as he entered the children hospital.

"What happened to her?" Nurse asked as she came running.

"She...collapsed after vomiting. Please go and call the doctor. Please it's an emergency."

"Please lay her on the stretcher," nurse said and informed the other nurses to call the doctor.

Doctor came running. "Doctor, please see my daughter. She collapsed."

Doctor she checked her pulse she asked nurses to hurry her to the OT.

"Can you please tell us what's wrong with her?" Arnav asked in fear and anger.

"The symptoms that you have told us about and the high fever we think she has pneumonia."

Arnav and Khushi was shocked. Khushi had almost collapsed but she gathered herself. She looked at Arnav. "Arnav ji, nothing will happen to our Hazel, please gather yourself!"

Arnav pushed her away. "Leave me alone," he almost shouted in agony.

He took his phone and called the best children doctor in Mumbai.

"Khushi ji, what did the doctor say? Chote?" Anjali asked as soon as she and the other family members came running.

"Di, they are saying Hazel has pneumonia," Khushi wailed. "Di, I am worried..."

"Chote, everything will be fine. Please don't stress out!" Mami ji said.

"Don't dare to tell me what to do, anyone of you..." he tried to keep his voice low. "I am telling you, you all stay away. I know my daughter will be perfectly fine. I don't need your assurance on this!"

"Chote, please relax yourself!" Akaash said.

Arnav completely ignored him.

"Mr. Raizada," doctor Shetty said who was a child specialist.

"Doctor Shetty, they have taken my daughter inside, please go and see if she is fine. Please make her fine as soon as possible."

"Mr. Raizada, please don't worry, let me go and see!" he said and rushed inside.

After half an hour of worry, doctor finally came out and told them that Hazel was fine and now out of danger.

"Mr. Raizada, your daughter is perfectly fine and she had infection and that led to high fever. Please make sure she gets her medicine on time. Her immune system is vulnerable, meet me in the office whenever you are ready I will tell you all the things that you need to do. And yes you can see her although she is sleeping. But please only one at a time."

Arnav took a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, doctor. I don't know how to thank you!"

"It was our duty, Mr. Raizada. Take care!" he said.

The whole family relaxed. Arnav immediately went in to see his daughter.

"In all this we never realized how much Hazel needed him," Anjali said.
"Chote, is really angry. I don't know how all will be okay!" Mami ji said.

"Mummy ji, he is back, I am sure with time everything will be okay. For two years he has been fighting alone he never let anyone to approach him," Payal said.

"How he could have when all is us had been the cause of his pain?!" Nani said.

"It is all because of me!" Khushi cried. "Neither I had believed my mother's words nor this had happened. I don't deserve him. Because of me today our daughter is going through all this. Arnav ji, had gone through so much pain."

Anjali immediately went to Khushi. "Khushi ji, please don't blame yourself. We all are the part of this.  Doesn't matter what it takes we all try our best to make everything alright. We have to make up for all the mistakes. This time being very careful," Anjali said.

"Daddy," Hazel said as soon as she opened her eyes.
"Shona, how are you? You scared daddy. You should know this if you cannot live without daddy, even daddy can't live without you. Promise me that you will not get sick again. If you will scare daddy like this, daddy will be sad. And do you want to see your daddy sad?"

She shook her head. Arnav held her little hand in his hand and kissed it and tried not to shed tears. "Shona, get well very soon, daddy is really feeling really bad seeing you in this condition!"

"Daddy, I am strong girl like you!" She said as she touched her biceps. This made Arnav to smile through his tears. "Mommy said my daddy is really strong and loves me so much!"

"Yes, shona, daddy loves you very much!" he said and kissed her forehead.

"Hazel, please baby drink this soup!" Khushi said.

"No, I don't like it!"

"My baby will not drink it from my hands too?" Arnav asked as he showed at the door with pink balloons and a teddy bear.

Hazel stood on the bed in happiness. "Balloons and a teddy bear!" she said and clapped her hands. "Are those for me?"

"Yes, baby. They all are for you!" Arnav said and put the teddy bear on her bed and handed her balloons. But Hazel put it away and jumped in her daddy's arms. She pulled his cheek softly and said, "daddy, you are the cutest teddy bear!" she said and giggled.

"For you, yes," he said and kissed her cheek.

"Shona, let's eat first then get well soon. Me, and you have to go home as well, right? and play with Ruhani."

"Yes, I want to play with her and you."

"Sure, baby. Now let's sit and finish the soup."

She scrunched her nose and smiled. "I love this soup," she said and drank it from Arnav's hands.

Khushi all could do was smile, and hide her tears. Finally, Hazel was happy. And the happiness that she and their family couldn't give Arnav and Hazel they  were giving each other.

"Daddy, there is a new play land, can we go there?"

"Sure, baby!"

"Mommy, me, daddy, you, Ruhani di will go to the play land!"

She nodded with a smile.

"Arnav ji, you have not eaten anything since you have come. Please eat something! For Hazel!"

Arnav didn't even bother to say anything. "Daddy, is Adhaan bhaiya too have come to India? Aman chachu and Shaya chachi?"

"Baby, they are coming next week."

"Wow...We will go to meet them, daddy!"

"How about they stay with us?"

"Yes, daddy. Then I will have Ruhani di, and Adhaan bhaiya to play with. We will go to play land every day then."

"Sure, then promise that you will get well soon!"

"What happen to me?" she asked.

"You naughty girl!" Arnav said and tickled her. As she jumped she pocked Khushi's eyes accidentally.. Khushi winced.

Hazel had started crying. "Mommy, sorry!"

Arnav immediately ran to her. "Khushi, you alright? Show me...Shona, don't cry. Nothing has happened."

"I accidentally hurt mommy!"

"It's okay!" he told her and blew Khushi's eyes. "Is it hurting, Khushi?" he asked. Khushi's eyes watered and it hurt too, but his concern for her made her forget all the pain.

"It's fine!" she said. "Thank you!"

"Mommy, I am sorry. You okay?" Khushi smiled. "Yes, baby. Mommy is fine!" she said as she looked at Arnav who now looked away.

"Hazel, let's get some sleep!" Arnav said.


"Arnav ji!" Khushi said as she put her hand on his shoulder to wake him up as he had slept beside Hazel, so that he could eat his dinner.

"Huh!" he said.
"Hazel has slept, Arnav ji, come and eat something!"
He moved his hand over Hazel's hair.
"Sure!" he said.
They both sat down on the sofa to eat. The silence in between them was deadly, Khushi spoke up, "Arnav ji, thank you for coming back."
He stopped her.
"I am not here to discuss all this, I have warned you before too!" he said.
"Arnav ji, it has been two years..."
"I can leave, if that is what you want!"
"No, please. I am sorry!" she said, and sniffed her sobs. But not even once she looked away from him.
"When are Aman and Shaya coming?"
"Next week!"
She was thankful as he atleast answered her.
"I am done!" he said, and got up from his seat.
"Arnav ji, I have brought your clothes, you can change them, it's in Hazel's bag!"
"I am alright!" he said, and sat on the stool beside Hazel's bed.
After finishing her food, she stood up and went to pull blanket on Arnav as he had slept, she could tell how tired he was, ever since he had come he was running here and there making sure his daughter was fine. She leant in and kissed his cheek.
"Arnav ji, I know I have hurt you like anything, but don't punish yourself!" she said. "Not only Hazel, I need you as well. I know there might not be any selfish person like me, but living without you is painful, if this is my punishment, I am bearing it, but thank you for coming back!" she said in her mind to him and wiped her tears. She then sat on the bed and looked after her daughter and Arnav whole night.

"Good morning, Hazel!"
"Good morning, mumma! Where is daddy?"
"He has gone to the washroom, baby. He will be here in under five minutes."
"Mommy, today, I will be going home!"
"Yes, baby!" she said. "How are you now?"
"I am good, mommy!"
Khushi kissed her forehead.
"Hazel, please forgive your mommy!"
"Mumma, for what? You didn't do anything!"
Khushi wiped her tears. "Mumma, why are you crying? I am not sick anymore!"
Khushi made her sit and kissed her forehead.
"Yes, baby you are perfectly fine now! Let's get ready!"
"Yay! Mommy, I will get to play now with Ruhani di!"
"Yes, shona!"
"Mumma, I am going to wear the dress that daddy brought for me!"
"Okay, dear!"

"Oh look at my, Hazel! She looks so pretty!" Arnav said.
"Daddy!" she stood on the bed and waited for him to come close to her when he had come, she jumped in his arms.
"Uh-oh..." he said as he caught her in his arms. "Is my daughter ready to go home?"
"Yes, daddy!"
"Let's go then!"
"I get the bags!" Khushi said.
"It's alright!" Arnav said as he has already picked Hazel's bag, and put it around his shoulder. Hazel giggled.
"Daddy, is wearing my pink bag. Daddy, you look sho cute!"
"Am I?" he asked. "Thank you!"
"You are welcome, daddy!" she said and kissed his cheek.
" was sho sweet!" he said.
Khushi couldn't help, but smile.

Mami ji did Hazel's aarti to remove any evil eye that has gotten her and her parents, Arnav and Khushi.
"Come in Chote, Khushi bitiya, and Hazel!"
"Dadi," Hazel said and went to Mami ji. Mami ji carried her in her arms.
"Mera bacha, is finally home. How are you angel?"
"Good, Dadi. I missed you all!"
"Aww, we missed you too angel!" Anjali said.
"Hazel!" Ruhani came running.
Mami ji put Hazel down and Hazel and Ruhani both hugged each other as they were long lost sisters. "Mommy, daddy, I am going to play with di!"
"Go shona!" Khushi said.
"Chote, Khushi bitiya, you both freshen up, breakfast is ready!"
Arnav left without saying a word.
"Didn't he say anything?" Nani asked.
Khushi shook her head.
"Khushi, bitiya, don't loose hope. Everything soon will get alright!" Mami said.
"Khushi, go and get freshen up, dear!" Payal said.
She nodded and left.

"Arnav ji!"
She gestured towards the soap that was still on his hair.
She went to him.
"You can tell me like that as well!" he said.
"Soap in your hair!" she said. He looked in the mirror and simply wiped the soap with towel.
"Arnav ji, come downstairs breakfast is ready!"
"I don't feel like having it, you can go ahead!" he said.
"Hazel, will not eat it, if you will not ...!" she stopped when he turned around to look at her.

"Khushi ji, even Aman and Shaya will be coming, what if we keep a party in their welcome, including Chote's they both have really taken care of him for all these two years, what say?" Anjali said.
"Di, he will not like the idea!"
"Well, Christmas is coming. Kids will be happy!"
"It's a perfect idea," Payal chimed in.
"Yes?" Anjali said.
"Yes!" Khushi said.


Everyone were sitting at the breakfast table when Khushi's phone rang. It was her father's, in anger she cut the phone.

Then home phone rang. "I see it!" Anjali said.

"Di, nobody will pick up the phone!" she knew it was her parents phone.

"But, Khushi ji!"
"I said, there is no need to pick up the phone!" she said in anger. Anjali somehow knew it was her parents.

Arnav looked at her, as she battled to hold her tears back. And when she couldn't she left the breakfast table.
"Khushi!" Payal said.
"Payal, I come with you!" Anjali said.

Arnav wondered what happened to her. "Daddy, what happened to mumma?"
"Nothing, Angel!" Mami ji said.

"What happened to Khushi?" Arnav asked without acknowledging Anjali.
"Chote, her mother is sick and admitted to the hospital. She wants to see her and Hazel, and even you!"
"But Khushi has denied to meet her!" Payal said.

He left from there to the room.

"Daddy, what happened to Nani? Is she sick like me? Daddy, I want to go to see her, I have never seen her!"

Arnav looked in her innocent eyes.

"Daddy, tell me we can go and see her!"
"Shona, go and play with Ruhani di!"

Hazel didn't say a word and kissed his cheek and Arnav put her down on the floor and she went to play with Ruhani. Arnav went inside the room. Khushi immediately wiped her tears.

"You should go to meet your mother!" he said.
Khushi was looking at him in surprise. "No, never!" she said. "She doesn't exist for me anymore!"
"If you don't want I won't force you. But for the sake that she is sick you should go and see her!"

Khushi was ready to meet her mother, but she didn't want Hazel to go even near her, however, Hazel wanted to meet her grandma, and because of her Arnav had to go as well.

"Nani ma!" Hazel said as she ran inside to ward.
"Hazel!" Mrs. Gupta said. "You have come!" she had tears in her eyes.
"Nani ma, are you sick?"
"No beta, now I am perfectly fine!" She was going to embrace her in her arms when Khushi picked her in her arms.
"Hazel, go out to daddy. Nani is sick!"
"Bye, Nani!" Hazel said. "Get well soon, this is the card I have made for you!" she said and give it to her grandma and left.
"Khushi, let me talk to her, has Arnav son come too?"
"Dare to take my daughter's or my husband's name from your mouth. It feels like a swear word."

"Khushi, I am sorry!"

"What your sorry will do?" she asked. "Your sorry will not make anything right, it will not bring two years of unending pain of my husband has spent without his child, his family. Mom, a mother word now irritates me. I believed in you and put everything that I had in danger. I even blamed Arnav ji, after believing in you, gave him pain and Hazel, and you should be ashamed to know that I am here only because of those two people from whom you wanted to separate me for forever. Not sorry to say that your sorry will not make anything right!" She said and joined her hands. "I beg off you to let me live a peaceful life and never ever call me, think that you had only one child, who is dead now!" she said, and was not even looking at her.
Mrs. Gupta was shaking her head.
"Please get well soon!" Khushi said her final words to her and left.
"Khushi, please listen me!"
Khushi kept stone on her heart and did not dare to stop.
"I am sorry, Khushi!" Mrs. Gupta said, as the door closed and Khushi was gone.

"Let's go, Arnav ji!" Khushi said, as he was waiting for her.
He had no idea what happened inside, but he could have guessed from her behaviour. But he had nothing to say. Some mistakes are unforgettable and unforgivable. And somewhere his heart after going through  pain had stopped feeling any pain expect his own child. Two years of period did no good, it only made him deprive of any emotion that was left inside him. Sometimes he feels he was not even living.


Khushi turned around and hugged him as she let her tears flow down freely. She didn't say a word neither he said anything. He let her cry though, least he could have done from his side so that she at least could feel light. Her helpless sobs filled the dark room. She couldn't get herself to even say sorry to him. She knew she didn't deserve it. And she understood it, when she kept herself in place of her mother. She would not be able to forgive her, and she expected him to not forgive her either. That was the only punishment she knew was for her and she will accept it as long as she will be able to tolerate it.

She pulled away and wiped her tears.

Hazel tightly hugged Arnav. "What happen, Shona?" Arnav asked. "Are you scared?"
"Daddy, holding you tightly so you don't leave!"
Arnav kissed her forehead. "Daddy, won't break his promise!" he said.
"Mommy!" she said as she turned when Khushi entered the room.
Khushi smiled. "Hazel, drink dudu!"
"No, dudu mommy!"
"Are, why not?" Arnav asked.
"It's really hard to make her drink milk" Khushi said.
"Hazel, don't you drink milk? Daddy, drinks it every day!"
Khushi looked at him as she knew he hated milk. She resisted to laugh.
"Really? Did you drink today?" she asked. "Daddy, mommy didn't give you, right?"
Arnav looked at Khushi. "Arnav ji, I get milk for you!" she said, his facevwas worth watching.
"Yes, mommy, if daddy and you will drink milk I will drink too!"
"I go and get it!"
"Please don't bring too much!" he said. "I mean I am really full!" he said.

Arnav felt he will puke, as he looked at the glass of milk. "Daddy, let's see who drink milk first!" she said and counted to three, "One..two...and three!"
Arnav and Khushi drank milk slowly and let Hazel won.
"I win!"
"No!" Arnav said.
Hazel giggled. "Daddy, mommy you both loose. Now you have to kiss me and each other!"
Arnav and Khushi now were looking into each other's eyes.
"Hazel, you have become really naughty, go to sleep!"
"No, mommy. Payal chachi and Akaash chachu kiss each other! If you won't do it, I will not talk to you both!" she said and crossed her arms in front of her chest and made an angry face.
"You will not talk to your daddy?" Arnav said.
"Not even your mommy?" Khushi asked.
They both at once tickled her. She giggled and wiggled.
"Now say who will not talk!" Arnav said.
"Daddy...Mommy!" she said as she couldn't stop laughing.
Arnav embraced her in his arms and kissed her cheeks.
"And to mommy..." she said.
"Baby, we are not your Payal chachi, and Akaash chahu," he said, "let's go to sleep, daddy is really tired!"
"No, daddy, you are my mommy and daddy, and you have to kiss each other because you love each other!"
"Hazel!" Khushi said.
"Mommy, you only tell me to listen you, but you don't listen me!"
She was going to cry but Arnav agreed.
"Only this time, okay?"
She thought and nodded.
Khushi moved the strand of her hair at the back of her ear and Arnav leant in to kiss her. He looked at her and as he pressed his lips against her cheeks, he closed his eyes. And Khushi kissed him back. They both looked away from each other after they fufilled their daughters demand.
"Now happy?"
"Hazel, it's really late, let's go to sleep!" Khushi said.
Hazel laid on Arnav's stomach, and Arnav patted her back till she was sleeping and he himself had dozed off, but Khushi was only looking at Arnav. She touched her cheeks the kiss that they both shared reminded her of their moment in Italy, three years back. She wished she had understood how much he loved her and never had let her insecurities and her parents ruin their relationship. She wished she had not broken him to this extent.

She laid back on the bed, but she felt her nose wet, she thought her nose was runny due to tears, she touched to wipe it with her hand but it was bleeding. All of sudden her forehead was covered in the beads of sweat. Her body went cold. 

"Arnav ji!" she called, and suddenly everything was dark in front of her eyes.