Thursday 26 February 2015

Main tera dushman, dushman tu mera! Chapter 5

 CHAPTER 5: It's beginning of Koochie kocchie Hota hain. 

Arnav wiggled his left foot, it seemed to be moving without pain. He got up the bed, slowly set his feet down on the floor. Not putting much pressure on his foot, but he thought it worked for him. He walked few steps and he could walk.

"Arnav, what are you doing?" Khushi asked as soon as she saw him standing on his feet. "Do you even want to walk all your life?" she asked and put the tray of breakfast on the bed.

Arnav lightly slapped her hair. "Oye!" she screeched.

"I can walk now!" he said.

"Oh thank the good god, I am glad you can walk, I am no longer your slave. Eat your breakfast!" she said.

"Get out of here, I don't need your help either!" he said.

As Khushi left her room she bumped into her mother in law. "Are, watch out, dear!"

"So sorry, mumma!" Khushi said.

"It's alright. But what happen? Why in so much a hurry?"

"I was going to call you mumma, Arnav can walk now!"

"That's perfect! Let me go and see him then!" she said and went to see Arnav.

"Sure, mumma!"

Arnav walked into the kitchen and see Khushi with a sad face.

"Hey Moti, what's up with that ugly face?"

"Shut up, Arnav, I am already so tensed!"

Arnav coughed. "Eek, what the heck that burnt thing suppose to was?" he asked, as he pointed in the pan.

"Suji (Semolina) ka halwa!" (Dessert)

Arnav couldn't help but laugh out loud so hard that his stomach hurt.  She felt like smacking his face, but she did not say anything to him bad.

"Today is my first day in the kitchen so I was suppose to make something sweet!"

"Well all I see is poison. I am sure your intentions are not to make everyone sick!" he said. "Can't believe you really don't know how to make as simple dish as halwa!"

"It's like you know very well!" she said.

"Of-course I know!" he said.

She grinned.


"Arnav, can you please help me? Please? I beg of you. This is the question of my self respect!" she said.

"Have I bitten by a mad dog that I would help you?" he asked.

"Arnav, how mean you are! I looked after you when you needed me the most."

"Oh yeah. Remember why did I was sick at first place?"

"Arnav, please!" She said as she held his arm.

"Stay away from me, Moti!" he said and was going to leave.

"Arnav, please!" she begged.

He sighed and agreed. "Alright, only going to help you so that you don't taunt me again and again for helping me!"

Khushi hugged him in excitement. "Thank you thank you so much, Arnav! You are the best enemy in the world!"

"What the hell you are doing?" he asked.

"Arnav, please help me fast, before everyone is here for a lunch!"

"Alright, go and get me a new pan!" he said.

Khushi rushed to get a new pan. "And butter as well!"

"Here!" she said, as she handed him the pan and the butter. Arnav put it on the stove and added butter in it.

"One mug of suji please!"

"One moment!"

"I have not that much time!" he said.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry!" she said.

"How come you are wearing saree?" he asked.

"Why, don't you like it?" she asked. "Anjali di helped me drape it and she gave me this saree!" she said, and gave him the mug of suji.

"Alright, here saute it till brownish. Don't overdo it!"

"Okay!" she said. Meanwhile, he went on to get a mug of water, and a sugar.

"Give me the sugar I add it," she said.

"No, not yet. You put sugar at last, otherwise, you don't get the taste!"

"Oh!" she muttered as she nodded her head.

"Here put water in it!"

She all of sudden put water, it frizzled and the hot content fell on her bare belly. She yelped in pain. Arnav quickly put the sugar box aside and rushed to her. 

"What the hell? Show me what happened?"

"I burnt myself, Arnav. It's hurting!"

"Move your hand away so that I can have a look at it," he said. When she didn't he forced her hand away. "Shoot, Khushi, when you pour water in the hot pan with ghee in it, you pour it slowly and carefully. For god sake stay away from the kitchen you will get yourself and others killed!"

"Arnav, can you please stop getting mad at me. I am in pain!"

"Hold on to that, I get ice pack!" he said and rushed to the refrigerator from the freezer.

He moved her pallu away and dabbed the ice pack on the burnt area. Khushi shivered at his touch and held her breath in her throat. "Is it hurting that much he asked?" as he moved his gaze up at her and she saw pure concern in his eyes.

She nodded.

"I haven't ever seen crazy girl like you! Hold on I call the doctor!"

"No," she suddenly said, "I will be fine!"

"Don't complain if it got worse!"

"I will be okay!"

He left the kitchen and came back with toothpaste. He put little paste on her finger. "Apply it lightly on it!"

"It will hurt, Arnav. It's already hurting a lot!"

"It will hurt if you won't apply it, do one thing sit down!" he said.

Khushi slowly applied the toothpaste. He pulled chair for her from the dinning table.

"Sit here, and I look after the halwa!"

She sat on the chair and applied toothpaste. 

"Arnav, where did you learn making halwa?" she asked, after a while.

"You should not be bothered by it! If you really want to know I have four beautiful ladies in my life. Mom, Anjali di, Nani, and Mami. I have grown up watching them cook and eat delicious made by their hands because in our house chef only help the ladies but food is only made by ladies themselves. Yes, watched them and learnt it. As I said only you dumbo doesn't know how to make a halwa. Looks like it is not your first kitchen, but mine."

Khushi looked down. "I will learn to cook!" she said.

"Well your halwa is ready! Garnish it with any nut you want but peanut. Dad is allergic to peanuts!"

"Thanks for warning!"

He looked at pain on her face. "Eat a painkiller. It will make you drowsy you will be able to take a rest!"

"I might after lunch!"

"As you wish!" he said, and looked at his mother as she walked into the kitchen.

"Chote, what are you doing in the kitchen?" she asked.

"Came to drink water..."

"Drink water or to help your wife?"

"Help and her? Not even in my wildest dreams!" he said.

"Don't mind what he says!" Arnav's mother said to Khushi. "And what is Colgate doing in the kitchen?"

"She has burnt herself!" Arnav said.

"What? Oh god how? Show me dear!"

"Mumma, it is just a small burn!"

When Khushi moved her pallu, she almost shouted. "Is this what you call a small burn?" she asked, "I shouldn't have let you alone in the kitchen dear."

"Mom, stop giving her attention!" Arnav taunted.

"Arnav! Go and call the doctor!"

"Mumma, I will take a pain killer and apply a cream on it. It will be okay. I know doctor will recommend the same!"

"Chote, do one thing take her upstairs!"

"Let's go, Mrs. Raizada!"

"Not like that, in your arms!"

"Mom, I already broke my ankle and now don't want to break my back!"

"Chote, you have started arguing a lot!"

"Sorry, mom!" he said.
Khushi had her weapons ready. Number one of course was her mother in law.

"Mumma, leave it. He is weak!" Khushi mocked.

"Hey, just..." he was going to tell her to shut up, but he knew his mother would have not mind slapping him, he had already picked her in his arms.

"Go carefully!"

"Didn't I say I will make you return the favour?" she said.

"What if I throw you down the stairs?" he asked. "If a Moti like you if fall from one step, can break all her body parts, imagine me throwing you from thirteen steps down, whole staircase will break!"

"Arnav, anything? You would say like any nonsensical thing that comes into your mind?" she asked.

"I don't know as I said you before, words of love just come out of my mouth!"

He threw her on the bed.

"Ouch...Moron!" she said.

Arnav and Khushi looked as someone knocked on the door.


"Yes, Dhruv, come on in!" Arnav said.

"Good afternoon, bhabi!"

"Good afternoon, Dhruv!" she said.

"Bhai, will you be able to make to the club party tonight at 10:00?"

"Why wouldn't I? I am married not jailed!" he said.

"Alright, bhai!" he said and left.

"Arnav, even I want to go to the party!"

"What you will do in the guys party?" he asked. "And also only special girls of mine will be joining in!" he said.

"Arnav, I haven't gone anywhere since our marriage!"

"So, what shall I do? Do I stop you from going anywhere?"

"What if mumma will ask where am I going?"

"In this house nobody will stop you from having fun. Simply ask for a permission and go!" he said.

"Perfect, I will go to meet La, Karan, and anya today!" she said.

"Khushi bitiya, halwa is awesome. You have magic in your hands!"

Khushi felt pang of guilt.

"Here is your little gift!"

"Papa, I can't keep it!" she said.

"But why not, beta? I know you are like Anjali to us. But these are little rituals and your right!"

"Papa, I didn't make this halwa!" Khushi said. Arnav looked at her in surprise. He just wished she did not take his name as it was against his cool image.

"You didn't? Who else then?"

"Papa, I tried but I burnt it, mumma sorry, I don't know how to cook," she said and looked down as she was embarrassed, Arnav hadn't expected her to tell the truth.

"Arnav made it!" she added.

Arnav coughed. "What are you saying ?" he asked.

"What?" his siblings said in unison as they all looked at him.

Mrs. Raizada stood up. "Bitiya, we know that chote helped you, and you have been honest about it that's more than enough for us. Rituals are meant to grow love in the family and you made Arnav to be enough responsible to help you as your husband and he did help you and without bragging about the fact that he made it, is a real gift for us. And this is gift from all of us to you. So keep it!" she said and kissed her forehead.

Khushi took her father in law and mother in law's blessings.

"No bitiya, daughters do not touch feet. But our blessings are always with you!" they both said. "Now come and have your lunch."

"Mrs. Raizada, next time please make sure our Khushi bitiya is not alone in the kitchen. Bitiya, you should be really careful!"

Khushi sat beside Arnav and nodded her head. She was always intimidated of her father-in-law although, he was a sweet person. But the way she and Arnav  had behaved at the engagement was enough for her to be scared of him.

"I didn't expect you to tell the truth! Why the heck did you take my name?" he whispered in her ear.

"Not everyone like you is a lier!"

"What did I lie you of?"

She stayed quite as she couldn't find anything to taunt him about.

Bonus part

"What happen aren't you going out?" he asked.
Khushi looked at him gloomily.
"Lavanya guys have gone to America for a vacation."
"Uh-oh...Well my friends and my girls are all here. And what shall I say to you? Enjoy you with your loneliness!"
Khushi pouted her lips.
"Arnav, can't I go with you? Please, I won't trouble you!" she said.
"Thank god, you admitted that you are a trouble for me!"
Khushi knew if she wanted to go out with him she had to put her ego aside.
"As I said before this party is only for special people. You are not at all a special!"
"Moron!" she said in her mind.
"I heard that!" he said.
"What? What did you hear?" she asked, and wondered how did he hear her mind talk.
"Whatever you just called me!" he said.
"I didn't call you by any name!" she said.
Arnav looked at her. She grinned.
"Please, Arnav. I am so bored sitting at home! Please. I promise I will sit in a corner and will not be a problem for you!"
"No!" he said straightaway, and left.
She fell back on the bed.
"Moti, get ready!" he said, as he returned back as something made him changed his mind, and she all of sudden sat up the bed with a huge smile on her face.
"Thank you, Arnav!" she said.
"Fine! You got only five minutes!" he said.
"I only need five minutes!" she said.
He sat and texted Akaash to call some girls in the party as it previously only meant for guys.
Khushi dug in her wardrobe to look for a loose dress so that her burnt skin doesn't get hurt.
She end up choosing white loose gown that reached her ankles height. She curled her front hair as fast as she could and make up she kept to the minimum.
"Ready!" she said.
Arnav couldn't take his eyes off her. "Can't believe you don't look ugly now!" he commented.
Khushi's nostril flared, but she kept her mouth shut. "Yes, just like that..." he said as he pointed at her angry face. "Why don't you act like girls?" he said, "always Tom boyish. Don't you have self confidence that you will look much fine as you will not act as someone that you are not?"
Khushi couldn't understand whether he was praising her or putting her down.
"Are you done?" she asked.
"You are so used to listening praise from me, aren't you?" he asked.
"Aren't you getting late now?"
"It's better to go late. Every man there will come with their beautiful girls and I with you, Tom boy."
"You know what, go alone and have fun. I don't want to go anywhere! You attend your party, and I will go to the beach to have some time alone, that I really need."
She could not believe instead of being angry, she was hurt by his words.
"Fine!" he said. "I won't argue," and he left.
"Nobody wants me," he heard her say that made him stop outside the room. She threw open her heels in the air one of them landed at one corner of the room and then the other in the other corner of the room.  "Dad, mom were so fed up with me that they got me married. I know they must be enjoying their life. My friends are enjoying their life, but me. This moron, always teases me! Why everyone wants a sensible person? Why they only want me to change for them?"
Arnav smiled to himself and he didn't know how to put what he felt to see this side of her which was very rare to see.
Her lips quivered as she tried to hold her tears, but she was unable to hold her tears. "Only mumma, papa, Anjali di, understands me, no one else!"
Even the painkiller she had started working on her, she felt her eyes heavy with sleep. She tied her hair in a pony tail and went in to change her clothes.
When she came back, she sat on the bed, and applied the cream on her burnt skin, that she had by mistake scratched while taking her clothes. She wiped her tears and breathed in and out to calm herself.
Even now Arnav didn't feel like going anywhere. He texted Akaash back and told him that he won't attend the party.
"Wipe off the blood first!" he said, as he entered the room.
Khushi looked at him. "You need not to care about me!" she said. "Why haven't you left yet?"
He went to her and took cream from her hand. And went to take first aide box.
"I will leave in few minutes, party is going to start in thirty minutes. It's a late night party. That I am going to enjoy and of course without you in front of my eyes!"
"Good for you!" she simply said.
"Sit back, Moti! Your sad mood makes me wanna say you are acting like a typical wife!"
"What you are proving by doing all this?" she asked. "And I don't need your favour I can take care of my self!" She said, and snatched cotton bud from his hand.
"I love to help helpless!" he said.
"Shut up, I am not helpless!" she hissed as she cleaned blood.
Arnav took cotton from her hand and wiped the blood carefully. Khushi again found herself holding her breath in her throat.
"I thought you never get hurt!" he said. Khushi thought he was talking about her burnt skin, when he was talking about emotional hurt.
Somewhere they found themselves thinking that they thought they hated each other and why these concerns?
It felt good to both of them, but they themselves didn't know this.
Butterfly in khushi's stomach fluttered when she noticed he was only focusing on what he was doing. And he called himself womaniser, she doubted it. When his fingers were inch away from the cotton itself. She loved that about him. That was the reason she was not awkward for letting him to help her.
He told her to apply cream herself on it. And she did it.
"You enjoy your party, and I am going to the beach!" she said, and picked up her phone and the purse, and left the room.
Arnav watched her go, as she left he closed the first aide box. "Crazy!" he muttered and smiled to himself.
"Hello, Akaash, you called me?" Khushi asked.
"I thought I called bhai, I am pretty sure I dialled bhai's phone, Khushi."
She looked at the phone, "I think our phones got exchanged."
"Oh, bhai had said he won't be attending the party so wanted to know the reason."
"What? He wasn't going to attend the party?" she asked suprised.
"Yes, like an hour ago, first he said you will be attending the party, then later he said you aren't, neither he would. I am sure there is nothing serious!"
"No, Akaash. We didn't have a fight," she said as she knew what exactly he wanted to know. In fact, I was at the beach and he said he would go to the party."
"So, I guess to contact him I have to call on your cell phone!"
"I think so!" she said.
"Anyways, good night, Khushi!"
"Akaash, do you know his password though?"
"I guess it is 5598!"
"Oh okay, let me check if that's correct."
"Sure, I will call you back in two minutes to ensure if that's correct..."
"Bhai, where are you?" Akaash asked. "Your phone got exchanged with Khushi?"
"Bhai, why you dropped the idea to come?"
"Just like that. My ankle had started hurting again!"
"Oh no! Did you see the doctor then?"
"I think it will be okay!"
"Okay bhai. Take care!"
"Bye!" he said.
"Hello miss!" Someone said from behind.
Khushi turned her neck back and saw a guy standing. Khushi knew seeing her alone a jerk had come.
"Hi, mister. What do you need?" she looked at the beach.
"You!" he said.
Khushi's teeth gritted. "Get the hell out of here!" she said. "Jerk!"
A guy advanced towards her and wrapped his hand around her waist. Khushi hissed in pain as his arm was right on her burnt area plus she was so angry.
Anger and pain? A worst combo of emotions when it came to Khushi. She unclasped his arms around her and dropped him on the sand.
"Here you didn't see a girl and you jerks show your true colours. Look, I am not going to fight back, but would only ask you one thing. Are you going to get married? And answer me straight, alright no jerky answers."
"Yes," he said.
"Imagine you having kids. And only girls. At the rate a population of guys like you is elevating, I am sure in next few years there will be lot many if we girls did not take stand, because men will be men, and what if any guy would come and try to act like a jerk with your girls, would you like it?" she asked.
He was shaking his head.
"I am sorry sister!" he said. "I had actually come down to snatch a purse from you. I need money to pay my tuition fee."
"Man, you should have asked for money. You are lucky, if I you had not been sincerly cooperating with me,  I would have killed you."
She took money out of her purse and gave every ounce she had.
"Go and enjoy and let me enjoy with my loneliness!" she said and let him stand. "And if you can do something even if it is polishing people shoes do it. If you want to have a wife and kids in the future, with snatching purses you won't be able to raise your kids and support your family."
"Thank you, sister!"
"Good night, brother!" she said. She looked at her top it had blood on it. "I should have not given him all of my money, idiot, already I was in pain and he caused me more pain!" she said, but let it go. She sat on the sand. Even though she was sleepy she didn't want to go home.
"But why Arnav didn't go to the party? If he didn't, then where is he now?" She asked herself. She unlocked the phone and called her cell phone. She could hear it nearby. She looked back and saw Arnav coming.
"You took my phone," she said.
"Excuse me, you took my phone and left home hurriedly."
"I had to come from the party!" he said and without knowing Khushi knew he did not attend any party. But she didn't say anything.
"Now take your phone and leave!"
"Why the heck do you think I will listen you?" he asked.
"Alright, don't eat my brain and go wherever you want to go," she said.
"Well, I want to sit here!" he said. She looked at him, and then looked at the bottle in his hand.
"Is that a drink in your hand?" she asked.
"Yes, why?"
She snatched it from his hands and pressed it to her lips.
"Hello, are you crazy? This drink is really strong! And have you ever drank alchol?"
"Were you thinking to drink and drive?" she asked.
"Well, I have my driver kaka with me, you need not to worry about it."
Khushi finished the whole bottle.
"Have you gone crazy?" he asked. "You took aspirin as well!"
"Yes, I am crazy!" she said. "Why do you care? We are enemies, right? If anything happened to me you wouldn't need to worry about anything. No bet no third person needed!"
Arnav was shaking his head in disbelief. "Whom I am talking to!" he said, and he sat beside her.
Her head fell on his shoulder.
"Oops sorry," She said, and made herself sit straight. She burped.
"Oops, sorry again!"
"Khushi, let's go home. You are not well!"
"Ssshh, Arnav...Sssh! You talk alot. Today, I shall be doing the talking. Be the first one to sit beside me and listen me only."
Arnav rolled his eyes. "Do you even let anyone say anything? Jungle billy (wild cat)."
"I said, sssh. Listen that."
"Listen, what?"
"Can't you hear the footsteps of a wind?"
"Dhak dhak dhak!"
"That's your heartbeat, stupid!" he said.
She laughed, as pressed her hand over her chest and then the other moment she was crying.
"Now why are you crying?" he asked. "When you make everyone cry blood!"
"See even you are taunting me right now. You don't see my tears!" She said, as she poked her head towards him, and popped her eyes wide.
"See my tears!" she said.
He didn't say anything. "Nobody see my tears. All they know is I am outrageous. Yes, I am outrageous. I am going to kick anyone who will hurt me. But..." she said and stopped. "Not my parents, your in laws...Not even my in laws. Mumma, papa, are so caring, they are so good, Anjali di is so good, Akaash, Dhruv, NK, they are so nice and sweet, but how come you are a jerk?"
Arnav fumed.
"Are you adopted? Or a nurse dropped you on your head when you were little. Like a little cute baby, nobody would have thought a little cute baby like you will become a jerk."
"Right now I feel like slapping you!" he said.
"See, you are angry again."
"As she herself is a very naive chuhiya!" he said. "Would you mind shut up and go home with me?"
"Nooo...What if mumma papa would know their daughter-in-law is drunk?" she asked, getting even more closer to him, she sat in front of him and rested her head on his knees. He flattened his knees and she fell in his lap. She giggled.
"Get off me!" he said angrily, but he did not try to push or forced her.
She shook her head and said, "No!" as a child would say.
Arnav rested his weight on his arms on his sides.
"Arnav, it feels so good in your lap!" she said and giggled.
"Arnav, thank you for helping me in the kitchen today. That was really sweet of you. I know you are not a jerk, you are even a worst jerk than that.
"Here you go again she is out of her mind as always!" he said.
"Yes, where I was, what mumma papa will think? Don't tell them, okay? They trust me. And I love them this much," she said as she widened her arms and hit him in his nose.
Khushi sat up. "Sorry, Arnav, I am so sorry!" she said as she tried to touch his nose, but due to the impairment she pocked his eye.
"Khushi, stay away! Aahh!"
"Arnav, I am sorry!" She cried. "I am sorry."
She leaned in, moved his hand away and kissed the tip of his nose.
"What the hell you are you doing?"
"Sssh...Arnav...Sssh!" she said looking deep into his eyes.
She blew air in his eyes. "Move away I am okay!" he said.
"Arnav, I am sorry!" she said and wiped the tears that came out of his eye, softly.
Arnav was looking at her. A charming innocence she had. She battled her eyelids to unclog her vision due to tears.
"My apologise, okay?" she said and put her head in his lap once again.
"Arnav, do not tell mumma papa. I do not want to leave them. I do not want to leave Anjali di. My brother-in-laws are also sweet and caring. But my own husband is..."
"If you called me jerk once again I would throw you in the water for the big whales to feast on you!"
She hugged his waist. "No, Arnav don't do that,  okay. Don't do that. In my dreams once I saw, I was swimming in the beach and whale came and ate my hand. I lost my one hand in the dream and don't want to loose another!"
Arnav laughed for the first time at her joke.
"Oh look at you, you laughed!" she said. He stopped laughing.
"Khushi, let's go home!" he said.
"No, Arnav. I want to spend my whole life like this. feel so good!"
Arnav sighed.
"You are drunk."
"Yes, I am drunk. For the first time. And Arnav I feel you and I are flying. Arnav get that star, the big one!"
"Just imagine me cutting your wings!"
"Arnav," she said in a complaining tone. "I was not going to call you jerk. You are good. You helped me in the kitchen. And then you helped me when I had burnt my tummy."
Arnav casually looked at it, it seemed to be bleeding. "Khushi, you are bleeding."
"But it doesn't hurt."
"Why would it? You are drunk! Let's go home."
"Mumma papa will be angry!" she said.
"They won't say anything," he said. He made her sit, and picked her in his arms. Khushi kissed his cheek. "Pagal, if you kissed me one more time I will surely throw you in the beach.
"I hate you, Mr. Raizada. You monster, you..."
Arnav simply ignored her and made her sit in the front seat of the car.
"Where is your car? Your driver?"
"I sent him already!"
"You are actually sweet, Arnav!" She said and dozed off, her head fell on his shoulder.
"Finally!" Arnav muttered.
He so wanted to throw her on the bed, but he did not against all his wishes. He instead laid her gently.
"Chote, what happen? Where you guys came from?"
"Di," he said as he looked at Anjali. "We went to the beach!"
"Blood on her top?"
"I think it is because of the burnt skin. She must have scratched it. Di, can you please change her top and clean the blood."
"She is your wife, you do it."
"Di, I would not have mind if she was up, I mean...Please di do it!"
Anjali giggled. "Alright!"
"Why are you not slept yet, di?"
"I was sleeping, but my sleep broke and then I saw you both!"
"Sorry di, because of us..."
"Chote, I am glad you both went out to spend time together. You are husband wife now, you should learn to get along with each other."
Arnav nodded in front of her. "Get along with this chuhiya, never!" he said, to himself. Arnav walked out so that Anjali could change Khushi's top. When she was done Anjali called him in.
"Thank you, di!"
"It is not a problem my brother, take care of my sister-in-law! Is she drunk."
"By mistake thinking the bottle in my hand was of a juice, in the dark she could not recognize it!"
"Oh, it is okay. Good night!"
Arnav held her hand, she stopped. "What happen, chote?"
"Are you happy, di?"
"Why are you asking me this, chote? I am very happy!" She said.

Arnav kissed her forhead. "I love you, di!"
"What happen? What do you want from your sister?" She asked.
Arnav laughed softly and shook his head.
"Good night, di!"
"Good night, chote!"
Arnav walked into his room and looked at Khushi, and he broke into tears. He went to her and almost fell on her laughing. She had her mouth open.
"Selfie time, my dear wife!" he said. He took a picture of him and her. Of Khushi's mouth wide open.
"These are what I call a fun times!" he said.
"Arnav," she called him. "I am in pain! Can I smash your face?" she muttered in sleep.
"Should I throw you in the beach for large blue whale to eat your other arm?" he asked.
"No, Arnav. I know you would not do anything like that! You are very sweet!" She said and after that she was silent.
"God, she is crazy!" Arnav muttered.

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