Thursday 26 February 2015

Main tera dushman, dushman tu mera Chapter 1-2



"Five large mango Julius pleease!"

"Four large orange Julius please!"
both Arnav and Khushi spoke in chorus as they both stood at the orange Julius shop and gave their orders.

"Excuse me I ordered first, please give me first," Arnav said to the guy behind the counter as he furiously typed on his phone.

"Hello, where did you pop up from? I gave my order first," Khushi retorted.

"What the?"

"Mr. Raizada, move forward then your what the? World has reached to the moon and you are still stuck with your what the?" Khushi teased Arnav.

Arnav's nose flared.
"Ms. Gupta you leave your so called attitude, nobody here cares about it," Arnav said and moved his gaze back to his phone screen.

Khushi snorted in an unladylike manner.

A guy behind the counters looked at both of them having heated conversation. He had no idea how to tackle both of them.

"Guys why Khushi is not back yet?" Anya said.

"I don't know!" Lavanya spoke.

"I just go and check," Payal added.

"Thank you sweetheart," Karan (Anya's boyfriend said).

Khushi had four best friends. Payal (sister as well), Anya, Lavanya, and Karan.

On the other hand, Arnav had three cousins and they are his best friends NK, and Akaash and Dhruv.

"Dude why isn't Arnav bhai back yet?" NK asked getting increasingly tired of waiting.

"I know here I am damn thirsty and this guy isn't back with the drinks yet," Dhruv said tapping at the table in front of him.

"I go and check!" Akaash said.

"Hey buddy, four large orange Julius."

"No, you just don't listen to him give me first. I ordered before him."

"Shut up, Khushi, I am in a hurry."

"Why should I care about that, Arnav?" Khushi retorted.

"Guys, guys please listen up. You both guys came first, I agree. There is no need to fight. It will take only under a minute. I promise please wait."

"I said, I came first so give me my 5 Orange Julius."

"Don't listen her she is just out of her mind," Arnav muttered to the guy.

"Me out of my mind? Dare to say if you care!" Khushi warned Arnav.

"Maniac!" Arnav said.

Khushi placed her hands on her hips.

Meanwhile, they both had fights the guy had prepared both of their orders.

"Please sir have your Julius!" he said smiling and put the four glasses on the shelf in front.

But poor him because he had no idea what he had done.

Arnav and Khushi both looked at him.

Khushi was still fuming. Her blood pressure had skyrocketed.

"You want Orange Julius right? Here, have it!"

She took the Orange Julius glass, opened the lid and what was next Arnav's hair all damped with the juice. His brand new white T-Shirt was stained.

Without any warning Arnav did the same. But he awarded her with two juice glasses, right in her face. Just like Arnav, she wasn't ready for his attack. She had her mouth opened when another glass of juice was splashed in her face. She chocked at the juice.

"Omg!" both Akaash and Payal said in unison as they saw Arnav Khushi fighting.

Arnav Khushi were literally fighting. Khushi's hands had fisted Arnav's hair, pulling them hard and Arnav was pulling Khushi's pony tail. People had created a circle around them all of them watching drama.

"Khushi!" Payal shouted.

"Arnav bhai!" Akaash shouted as he ran, shoving people in a mob to get to Arnav.

"Khushi, are you gone insane?" Payal said as she struggled pulling Khushi back from Arnav.

"Jiji, I am not gonna leave him it's either me today... Or him!" Khushi said panting.

"Khushi, don't be stupid, stop creating a scene."

"Am I creating a scene? He started it first."

"Are you just gonna stand like that?" Payal shouted at Akaash who was busy staring at her (payal) lovingly.

"Oh, I am sorry! Bhai, stop it. Everyone is watching you."

"No, Akaash, just leave me I am going to end this game today, forever! Somebody's murder is written in my hand! And I know who that somebody is!"

Again they started fighting. Pulling each others hair, Khushi even ripped Arnav's shirt. They were getting out of Payal and Akash's control.

"Bhai reporters will come here any moment and you know what will happen?" Akaash warned Arnav.

"Khushi, if dad came to know about this he will marry you off!" Payal warned Khushi.

Arnav and Khushi both stopped.

"You were lucky, Ms. Gupta otherwise, you were gone!"

"I am warning, You have to pay for all this. You don't know who I am?"

"A chuhiya (mice)" Arnav said while Akash pulled him away.

"You?" Khushi snapped.

Before they again jump on each other, Akash and Payal finally pulled both of them away. But Arnav and Khushi's face were still facing each other. Both of them out of their breaths.

"O M G!" Lavanaya immediately stood up from her seat.

"What happen to you, Khushi?" Anya sounded even more shocked.

"Don't tell me she again had fight with Arnav!"

Khushi shoot an angry look at Karan.

"Oh, I mean Arnav had fight with her!"

"Better!" Khushi said as she grabbed her seat and pointed her index finger at Karan.

"But, Khushi, did he really fought with you?" Lavanya said.

"Stop it guys...She is not less than him," Payal finally put all the concerns to stop. "No more Julius lets go now!"

@the parkade
Arnav was pulling his black BMW when both his and Khushi's eyes fell on each other. And Khushi showed him her middle finger and Arnav fumed. If Payal wasn't there she was ready to fight again.

"Khushi, get into the car!"

Khushi immediately got into the car hearing Payal's furious order.

"Khushi, grow up...I don't know why you always overreact?" Payal complained.

"I overreact?" Khushi asked "that son of..."

"Khushi mind your language. I think our parents have taught us better than that."

"Jiji, why you always get mad at me?"

"Khushi because you are also at fault. What had happened if you would have waited for 2 more minutes?"

"2 minutes? Jiji I went there first. I gave my order first."

"That's the problem, Khushi. We youngsters are cold blooded. We react without thinking of our actions will have effect on others. You know the employer of that guy was going to fire him, also when there was no mistake of his. It took me good hour to apologize from your side. You guys had smashed half of their shop," Payal snapped angrily.

"Jiji, he had to apologize and pay for all the destructions!"

"This is the problem, Khushi, that you never listen. If one acts stupid why other follow the lead?"

Khushi started crying loudly.

"What now?"

"Jiji, that stupid ruined my brand new dress that dad gifted me."

"And what about you practically ripped his T-Shirt?"

"He deserved that!"

"Of course, explain this to dad!"

"Please, jiji, don't tell this to dad, please he won't get me Ferrari on my birthday!"

"You should have thought this before creating a scene!"

Khushi looked at her angrily and crossed her arms in front of his chest in anger.

Arnav was really in a bad mood. Arnav and Khushi were the two worst enemies. If they were together only God could save them.

"Bhai, press did try to get a glance of your guys fight. And if they would have successful..."

"I would have killed that Chuhiya," Arnav snapped.

"Bhai, why don't you settle this fight?"

"Never!" Arnav growled. And Akash automatically settled back in his car seat.

"What if uncle caught you like this?" NK said his voice scared.

"Nothing will happen guys uncle has gone to London for a business meeting. Till then we could do anything we want. And bhai please forget about that girl!" Dhruv told him. "Bhai how about party tonight?"

"No, guys Anjali di has planned a family dinner today and you guys know that!" Arnav's anger had subsided a bit.

"Oh, yeah! I totally forgot about it!" NK said.

"How about tomorrow?" Akaash asked.

"No, someone has lot to pay!" Arnav said as he looked at his T-Shirt and then back at the road.


Arnav and his cousins got ready as their sister, Anjali had arranged a family dinner for them. It was just a normal family gathering but a specifically arranged for a very special occasion on behalf of the whole Raizada family as they were out.

As all 4 brothers appeared at the table, NK and Dhruv, were quarrelling over a matter, Akaash was surfing Facebook, looking at Payal's picture, as he took a spot away from his brothers, so that they do not poke their nose, or they tease him. And Arnav, was looking for a thousand ways to kill a person on his phone. Of course, whom he would like to kill, Khushi Kumari Gupta itself.

He couldn't just take his mind off the incident that had happened in the mall today. He so wished to pull her hair so badly that they came off her head as he touched his hair and they were half gone...Grr, he growled in his mind as he was fighting an urge to go right to Khushi's house to teach her a lesson.

On the other hand, similar situation was of Khushi. She had locked herself in the room. On her laptop she too was looking for a ways to kill your enemy. And pretty much Arnav Singh Raizada was going to be the victim.

Predators were both ready, to catch their preys.

"Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, you see I will teach the worst lesson so that next time you would think twice of messing around me," Khushi literally shouted as the anger in her little brain was uncontainable.

"Khushi, madam, dinner is ready and your family is waiting for you downstairs," Khushi's caretaker said.

Khushi clenched her hand into a fist. "I don't want to eat, this is the101 time I am telling you. If you didn't go from here, I will throw you out of the house!" Khushi screamed. Her yelling was going down to the dinner room.

Khushi's father got irritated. "What's her problem now?" he asked. "Are these the manners we have taught her? Where exactly did we go wrong?" he asked his wife, Mrs. Gupta, who sat close to him.

"Dad, I apologize on her behalf. I go and see what she needs!" Payal immediately covered for her siater. "I call her down for a dinner too!"

"Payal, sit down. Let her starve. I guess we have given her enough liberty."

Payal and her mom looked at each other. "Leave it, Mr. Gupta, she is just a kid."

"For god sake she is 25, and today, I have heard that again she had a fight with a guy in the mall!"

Payal chock on her food.

"Where did you get this news?" Mrs. Gupta said.

Exactly Payal wanted to know as well.

"It's not a matter of a fact where did I get to know about this, the thing what matter is that she needs to stop all these foolish acts," Mr. Gupta said angrily.

"Please, don't worry I will explain her and this will not happen again!" Mrs. Gupta said.

"Exactly, how many times I have heard this phrase, Mrs. Gupta, I can't tolerate this anymore, before this girl get out of our hands, I have decided that she will be married off! And that's my final decision. I think I also have found a guy."

"There is a good news, Chote!" Anjali said excited.

"What is it, di?" Dhruv and NK both jumped in their seats and asked. Followed by Akaash and then Arnav, who was least interested in knowing the news because of his bad mood.

"Congo, dad has decided that you will be married off, and even he has looked for a girl for you!"

"What the hell?" Arnav shouted; NK, Dhruv, and Akaash looked at him in shock.

"This can't be happening?" he shouted.

"What can't be happening?" Anjali said. 
"You are 26 and ready to get married! After you it's Akaash's turn followed by NK and Dhruv. You see they all are waiting in a line."

Akaash blushed as he thought of Payal. NK and Dhruv smiled widely, showing their 32 teeth as they looked at each other.

"Wait, wait, wait, how can even dad can take a decision for me? Let me tell you I don't want to get married!"

"Explain it to dad, and let me make it easier for you, he is coming back from London, tomorrow morning. Tell him your decision."

Arnav's brothers looked at his brother helplessness and felt really sorry for him, but secretly they were curious to know who was going to their brother's wife. For this time they indeed were waiting curiously.

"What?" Khushi shouted horror, land slipped under her feet. "How could dad decide all of sudden that I need to be married off?"

"This is his final decision, Khushi!" Payal said as she felt sorry for her sister.

"No, they can't force me," Khushi protested.

"Khushi, this is all because of you, neither you had done anything outrageous, nor dad had to take this decision for you."

Khushi stomped out of the room in anger and went straight to her dad, who was in his study. As much as Khushi was scared of her dad, more courageous she was to face him and put her point in front of him. Thanks to Arnav Singh Raizada.

"Dad, how could you think of me married off?" she said as soon as she entered in study without bothering he might be busy.

"Welcome, my daughter, I was waiting for you to come," Mr. Gupta said as he continued doing his work.

"What kind off answer is that to my question, dad?" Khushi asked in rage. "Dad, I don't want to get married."

"I wish that you had that option, my sweet little daughter. I think I have made my decision and I know it will be the best for you!" Mr. Gupta said adamantly, ignoring all the bickering of his daughter.

"I have tried every other method, but you are just too much for me to handle."


"You can't change my decision."

"Dad, I am not going to get married that is my final decision!" she said.

"Alright, think twice about this, if you are not going to get married, do not talk to me ever, and I am very seriously saying. Choice is yours."

"Dad how about if I promise I won't act stupid again!" 

"102nd you are telling me this! Also unfortunately I got this option not in my list as well!"

Khushi looked at her dad, she knew she had done anything to put his image in problem being on a page 3. And getting the title of "The most outrageous kid of a famous personality 2014." Thanks again to Arnav again, however, he always managed to free himself of any scandals.  

However, if Khushi was Mr. Gupta's weakness, she was his strength too. He wanted his daughter to be sensible woman now. At the same time Khushi's weakness was her father itself. Mr. Gupta was aware that she will say yes to marriage as the result of his conditions put in front of her.

"Dad, you know that you are my weakness! Why are you doing this?"

"Bitiya, you know I can't see tears in your eyes, so here is the tissue let me wipe your tears," he said picking up the kleenex, "
also, they are not going to change my decision!"

He walked to her to wipe her tears. But Khushi did not let him.

"Dad, I can bear anything, but you not talking to me is not something a piece of cake."

"So, I guess it's your yes!"

Yes, Khushi had no choice beside saying yes. "Dad, please don't do so!" but she still wanted to try her level best by showing her big crocodile tears.

"Thank you so much, daughter, I knew you will say yes! I tell this to your mother and call home the guy tomorrow along with his family!"

Khushi looked at him shocked. "You have already finalized a guy for me?" she said.

"It's a surprise, isn't?" he said as he made his way out of the study.

Khushi stomped her feet on the floor angrily and wailed like a child. But then sudden bell rang in her brain. "What if I can't say no? That guy can, for sure!"

Khushi had instantly found a way to get a guy to not to get married to her.

"Whoever you are just come in front of me! I am sure if you didn't regret my name is not Khushi Kumari Gupta!"

"Dad, I am not getting married to anyone!" Arnav growled.

"Ok!" Mr. Rajwansh Raizada said. "So, here are the papers!"

"What is in it, dad?"

"Nothing, it just says after I die this whole property of mine will go in the trust, if you didn't marry that is also to the girl of my choice, and of course that means no house, luxury for you and the whole family will suffer because of you!"

"What the, dad? This can't be happening!"

"Choice is yours, my son! Get married else loose this property!"

Arnav's jaws tightened. Yes, even he had no way out.

"This is blackmailing, dad!"

"Congratulations son, you just signed the biggest deal of your life!" His dad said and shook hand with him.

"Dad!" Arnav said in utter disappointment.

"Son, I have tried every other way, but I guess you are not ready to set on a straight path, being an eldest child after Anjali, you should be responsible, but no, I was so wrong. You see you are the sole reason of my this decision. Now your wife, shall come and she will teach you a manner of life! I go and give this good news to your mother and the whole family! " Arnav's dad left saying this.

"Marriage, my foot! Who is this chick who wants to ruin her life becoming my life partner?! I see how does she says yes to me, if I can't say no, she will!" he said, but realized, he had no choice as he had to get married. Did he has any other way out?

No, was a clear cut answer.

Khushi was aware if she said no to marriage she will loose ties with her father, and if Arnav denied to marry to a girl of his father's choice, he will loose all the comforts of the life.

If you think this was the shock for both of them then this would be a nucleaur bomb attack when they would know the life partners  
their fathers have chosen for them aren't anyone else but they two themselves for each other.

Beside telling off the guy whom Khushi was going to get married to, she tried to convince everyone in her house. Payal, her mother, her grandma, from whom she had hundred percent hope said no as well. 

None of them seemed to be on her side.

"They all hate me!" she cried as she sat on the rugged floor of her room. With second Kleenex box already finished and waste instead of being in the dustbin on the floor. It seemed like she was having an competition with herself. Well her record had already broken, she never had cried for more than ten minutes, today she was crying for the past three hours, non stop.

She had to find a way to get away from this marriage plan, she decided, "oh, how would I?" she said in a loud cry. "I don't want to get married yet, Payal di is suppose to get married first. Is it my mistake if that guy is the eldest among his other siblings?" she said. "Hey, god now you give me some idea. Please, free me off this."

"This is what is wrong with you," Payal said as she wasn't surprise seeing the mess on the floor that was filled with scrapped tissue papers. It was better than he she thought, today she hadn't broken anything, everything seemed to be just perfectly fine except Khushi herself.

"Di, just go out of here, at least let me cry peacefully! Oh, I hate you all!"

Payal shook her head as her sister's nonsense talks and childish behaviour. "Khushi, you cannot be serious, right?"

"I don't want to get married!" she cried as she kicked her legs on the floor.

"Khushi, could you please stop crying and get up the floor?!"

"No!" she instantly said refusing to listen.

"Khushi, this is the problem, dad never ever said no to you. Before you asked for something that thing was right in front of you. Dad never asked for anything but today he wanted you to get married, and his decision cannot ever be wrong, Khushi!" Khushi pretended she wasn't paying attention to her as she had crossed her arms in front of her chest and was looking out the window.

"But he is going against me. This is going to be the major transition in my life. How all of sudden they can think they can marry me off. I have so much to learn, I can't cook, I don't know how to look after a family, first husband, pot and pans, than kids, that's all my life will be?"

"Khushi, you can learn to swim or die if thrown in the water if you want to save your life. Marriage is a bigger transition in a woman's life, in two months you will be 26, and you are not serious about anything in your life. I am your sister, this is why I am saying. No one in the family hates you, you know this. You also know if dad's decision was wrong, dadi had never had allowed dad to say yes! She would have objected to it but she didn't because it was the right decision. You are a brat!"

"What is the guarantee that I will be on track after marriage?" she asked.

"If you care of dad's reputation, you will!"

"I would have done this without marrying! He could have sent me to abroad to find a job!"

"Really, Khushi?" Payal asked. "What did you do when dad had asked you to join his company? You couldn't spend more than an hour in the meeting room and you had dozed off, remember? You are grown up, marriage doesn't mean locked up in a jail, it is about being in your actual family. You and I will always be the daughter of this house. But we eventually don't belong here."

Khushi kept her head in Payal's lap, "I am scared, I am not prepared, di!"

"Khushi, I am very much confident that you will be okay! Now stop crying and try this dress that mom has gotten for you!"

"This is the worst day of life, seriously! I hate this effing life! The whole property will go to the trust if I didn't get married. This is the crapiest deal of my life. No marriage, no property. My foot!" Arnav growled.

"Bhai, please calm down. Everything will be okay. One day we all have to get married. You would be 27 soon in like four months? What's the big deal?" Akaash said.

"Big deal is I don't effing know whom I am going to be married. And stone my destiny, I will be stuck with some random chick for my whole life. Of whom I would have absolute no clue!" Arnav only raised his voice.

"Look at these foolish men, here I am freaking out they are playing X-Box games," Arnav said as he threw a pillow on their side.

NK caught it on time. "Nanav bhai, what shall we do? It's uncle's final decision."

"Akaash, ask these two to get out of here else I would break their bones!"

"Bhai, please calm down."

"Marriage, a cage, no freedom. First wife then stupid kids. Let me tell you I won't have kids for sure," he shouted.

Akaash had no idea how to handle his furious brother. "Bhai, please sit down. Do you want to go to club? May be pub to get some drink?"

"Do you really think I am going to be dead after this marriage?" he asked.

Akaash furrowed his eyebrows. "No, bhai, I absolutely not meant that. I just meant was just to release your tension."

"No body is going anywhere!" Anjali announced as she came with a suit in her hands.

"Hey, di, what's this?" NK and Dhruv asked.

"It's chote's clothes that he will be wearing tomorrow for the engagement."

"Wow! THIS.IS.JUST.WOW! Was this news of marriage less that a destruction has already started?" Arnav said.

Akaash and Anjali both looked at each other as they shook their head.

"Chote, we really don't feel bad for you. At least not me!"

"Di, I can't believe you are doing this to me!"

Anjali shrugged her shoulder. "Best of luck my brother, but I am very excited for your marriage! Finally I will have a sister-in-law with whom I can fight!"

" needs a daughter-in-law to get me on track, nani needs a daughter-in-law to give her a grandsons and granddaughters, mom needs a daughter-in-law so that she can gossip about her with her friends, you need a sister-in-law to fight?"

Anjali giggled as she gave him a thumbs up as she walked out of the room. "Do try your new suit, my sweet brother!" Anjali said over her shoulder.

"Why don't you three tell me why you guys need a sister-in-law?"

"To gossip about you!"

"Perfect! I need a wife to make sure no problems come in between me and my luxury."

Akaash lightly patted his shoulder sympathetically.

Khushi was ready for her destruction, she felt. Today, she was going to marry a guy whom she didn't even know.

She had sad music on in the background. "Jab dil hi toot gaya!...Shaadi ek barbaadi!...Mujhe shaadi nahin karne!" all sought of sad songs she could find.

She changed her clothes, all the while crying dramatically. " rahe...daddy, daddy na rahe...behna, behna na rahe...dadi meri dushman ho gaye!" she made her own lyrics and sobbed.

Payal was busy too getting her jewellery ready, she was shaking her head.

"Khushi, you look awesome in this lehnga!" she said.

"I am beautiful!" she said. "What do you mean by saying "I look awesome in this lehnga!"

Payal thought it was height of her craziness.

"I meant, this lehnga good on you!"

"Music to my ears!" she said.

Payal was sorry for Khushi. "Khushi, I know you don't want to marry, and you are not happy with this decision, but believe me it will be all fine!"

"I will be perfectly fine, but I will make the life of this to whom I am going to get married!" she retorted.

"Khushi, you promise me you will not do anything that will make you or out families regret!"

"Sister, why do you think I will not do something like this?" she said.

"Khushi, you are putting yourself in a problem!"

"Family members are to be blamed!" she said.

"God save this man!" she said.

"Khushi, what if you will fall in love with this man with whom you will get married to?"

Khushi laughed as she hadn't for the past few hours.

"Love? My foot! Not even my flip flop will fall in love with that moron!"

"Khushi, I think dad is doing the right thing by getting you married!"

"Soon they will be regretting because I am not getting married! I will force them to say no to this marriage!" Khushi said confidently.

"Khushi, you know that dad is really serious with this decision!"

"I am 25 and they can't force any decision on me!" she said adamantly.
"Well, tell me how do I look?" she said as she was all ready.

Payal didn't say anything.

NK and Dhruv danced as they were so excited that their brother was getting engaged.

As soon as they saw Arnav coming into the room they stood still, and says, "This is not good, I didn't really like uncle's decision!"

"I know right?! Bhai is smart and old enough to take decision for himself!" NK agreed and said.

Arnav was fuming, knowing that they both were secretly happy and showing their fake concerns for him, but despite knowing this, he felt good at least they were trying to be on his side. Not like everyone who had simply told what they wanted from him.

"Oh bhai, you are here!" Dhruv said. "You look good!"

"Don't I look good all the time?!" he said.

"Bhai, today you look awesome!" he said.

"Bhai, you ready!" Akaash said. Arnav was looking at him as it wasn't him but Akaash who was going to see a girl for himself.

"May I know why are you ready more than I should be?"

"No, bhai...I just think our clothes got exchanged!"

"Stop being sarcastic, Akaash, let me tell you I am not in a mood of joking at all!"

"Bhai, you look awesome this suit look perfect on you!"

"Yes, why not?! It will look I am going for my destruction. I should look good. Afterall, it's worth celebrating."

NK and Dhruv laughed, but they stopled when Arnav looked at them angrily. 

"Bhai, I know you are not happy with this decision, but slowly and steady you will be okay! You will be comfortable with each other and you won't even know!"

"I know three of you are faking all this, you secretly want me to get married! I can't believe I will be doomed!" he said. But suddenly thought about it. "I know I have no way out, I have to get married to this girl of dad's choice. But you see how will I make her life hell that she herself will leave me!"

Akaash truly doubted it, because he knew Khushi was the one to whom his brother was going to get married as he heard his uncle saying.

But he was on cloud nine as he knew after Arnav's marriage it was definitely his turn and he would convince his family to get him married to Payal.

Arnav and his family reached Khushi's mansion. Arnav was shocked.

"What the hell are we doing here, dad?" he growled as soon as he lifted his eyes off his phone screen. He was sitting in his dad's car so that he has no problem and his decision is not changed in any ways.

"It's my friends house," he said. "I am pretty sure you know this!"

"But we were going to see a girl, aren't we?!"

"Yes, you are right!"

"Dad, who is the girl?" he asked as his heart jumped to his stomach.

"She will be inside, son! Just remember if you tried to back out, no property, no luxury, no comforts whole your life. And you have to marry a girl of my choice. I shouldn't be put in a need to repeat myself!"

"What the F?" he growled and wished what he was thinking is not right, he wished to be just his dream.

His whole family arrived at the Gupta mansion as their three cars stopped after their car. NK and Dhruv looked at each other as their fears had come true. They in fact were going towards Khushi's house.

"Holy crap, what are we doing here?" NK said to Dhruv in a whisper.

"Don't tell me it's Payal or Khushi, whose marriage is fixed with Arnav bhai!"

"Bhai is defiantly gone!" they both said in unison.

"They have come, Mr. Gupta said as he saw cars in his mansion driveway.

Arnav was dread. Not in his whole life he was this scared. "How the F? F my life...This can't be right!"

As Gupta's opened the door and welcomed their daughter's would be in-laws, Khushi stood right in the front beside her father and Arnav beside his father, their eyes glued to each other in hell shock.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Gupta!"
"Oh, Mr. Raizada...Aha!" they both said and shook hand with each other.
"We had been long waiting for you all, I am so happy!"

"Hi, Mrs. Gupta!"
"Hi, Mrs. Raizada!" Both ladies said to each other and hugged each other.

Arnav and his siblings and on the other hand Khushi and Payal were looking at each other in shock.

"Arnav, son, meet your would be wife. I can not tell you how excited he was to meet his would be wife!" Mr. Raizada said, finally disclosed and Arnav's fear opened like a locked up treasure box.

"Khushi, my daughter, this is your would be husband!"

"Would be husband...would be wife..." Words danced in their minds. Their eyes all ready to pop out of their sockets.

"Please, Mr. Raizada, we would first have dinner, and then we will have whole night to enjoy!"

"Yes, yes, please!"

Arnav and Khushi were both silent, and in a deep trauma. As they both finally came out of their shock state, Khushi's head swirled. "This can't be happening!" she said to herself. "I can't get married to this man!" she screamed in her head. "I have to do something! I heck have to do something...before this is too late."

As they approached the dinner table. Khushi's shock was turned into an anger completely.

"You know guys, I can marry any girl in this world, but this chuhiya, not at all!" Arnav said. "I have to do something outrageous so that our parents shall be proved that we are not healthy for each other!" he said.

"Bhai, please don't do anything, you know what uncle had said!" Akaash warned.

No, but how they should have ignored the so called love that they for each other?

There intense love for each other needed to be proved to everyone, it had to be shown to everyone, in their heads they had already thought of millions ways to prevent this disastrous marriage from happening.

Both of their nostrils flared, they eyed each other as they both were wild animals.

"You!" they both finally shouted romantically breaking their moan fast. With hatred twinkling in their beautiful pair of eyes.

Stage for them was all set, they both were ready to do Tandav. That said, they both were ready. They did not see left or right, or up or down, everything around them just disappeared, they forgot the conditions that their parents had put, just they two, they walked towards one another and what was next they jumped on each other, their hands in each others hair.

"You have come here for a dinner, here eat it!" Khushi said. What was food, drink, deserts? All was on Arnav's face, on his clothes, the same situation was of Khushi.

"Chuhiya, instead of marrying you I will choose death."

"Oh, if I have to choose between you and the hell, I will choose hell.!" she said and ripped his coat.

Right there, his suit that Anjali made for him for tonight sacrificed itself for the ancient enemies. Anjali's eyes were popping out.

Arnav picked up the cake from the table and tossed it on Khushi's face. "Chocolate, is your favourite right, you moti, chuhiya! (Chubby mice) Here have it!" he said as he rubbed it on her face. "Look at you, this is how you look like in reality, ugly."

"Like you are Tom Cruise!" she said as she dipped her hand in the tomato sauce bowl and plastered it on his face.

Arnav opened her hair as he literally pulled them, that were tied in a bun. Khushi was difficulty clenching his hair as he had a hair cut.

They both were on floor, Khushi on top of him.

"Wild cat!" he pushed her away when Khushi raked her nails on his arms instead, he was bleeding and got up.

Khushi angrily ripped his shirt for pushing her away. As the whole food was gone, they drenched each other with water and drinks.

As they had nothing left they again were boxing with each other.

"Hell? I will choose death..." he snapped. "Why didn't I die before I came to know it is you moti, ugly, chuhiya whom I am going to get married too.

"How dare you to call me ugly again? And why not go and die," she shouted.

"That's what you are!" he shouted as he huffed and puffed. "And you should die, chuhiya. Why should I?"

They both just had colored each other with the extreme love they had for each other.

Raizada and Gupta family looked down at each other all the while they were fighting with each other, as they could not gather the shock of what was happening in front of their eyes...

Both of their respective fathers finally shouted (but they were aware that something like this would not be happening), their siblings jumped in to make an attempt to pull them apart. Were they going to listen to them? No! They were so in love with each other, too hard to separate.

They thought their this tactic will put the marriage decision of their parents to rest, but they were wrong, their parents were 100% sure now they will marry each other not in two months but within a week!

"Arnav!" Mr. Raizada shouted.

"Khushi!" Mr. Gupta shouted.

They both were angry, but hearing their respective parents angry roars they both stopped to see the destruction that they had made.

They both cleaned their faces.

"Mr. Gupta, we are extremely sorry for this!"
"No, Mr. Raizada, we are extremely sorry, I can't believe my daughter would show her manners like this in open!"

Khushi was sinking in shame as her father had to say sorry.

So was Arnav, he was shameful of his doings.

"Mr. Gupta, I think we should really get both of them married before they ruin our image more in the press!"

"You are defiantly right, Mr. Gupta. Today, itself we will do the engagement."

Land slipped from under their feet as their plan backfired.

"Payal, go and make her change!"

Akaash knew something was going to happen like this, so he had already brought clothes for him.

"I go and get clothes for bhai!" Akaash said.

"No," Mr. Gupta said. "They will get engaged like this only! So they both can remember that what they have done so that before doing anything like this they think twice!"

"I am really ashamed!" Mr. Raizada said.

Their rings were already ready, they had no idea that everyone had already prepared for their destruction completely.

"Make her wear the ring!" Mr. Raizada, shouted.

Arnav fumed looking at Khushi and slipped the ring in her index finger. Mrs. Gupta, had to literally keep her hand intact so that Arnav could make her wear ring.

"My worst enemy prepare for the worst!" Arnav said in his mind as his jaws tightened.

Now it was Arnav's turn. Khushi slipped ring angrily in his index finger.

"My worst enemy you should be the one who should be prepared for the worst. Let me tell you, I will make your life hell!"

"Dad, we are sorry for what we did, but I am ready to marry her!" he said.

Everyone were shocked hearing this.
"Dad, even I am!" Khushi said.

"Because I would make this marriage one heck of a disastrous marriage in a history!" she said.

"Get ready, Mr. Gupta, this Saturday we will get both of them, married."

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