Thursday 26 February 2015

On his demand 2 Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 TODAY...Is the day!
It had been one complete month and Arnav was in the hospital, doctors were waiting for an assurance that he was perfectly fine. And Raizada family was waiting for his arrival to RM and was the day. The most importance person of their life was coming back.

Their Arnav was coming back. Their life was coming back to the house. The cloud mine moment for them it was.

Celebrations on his arrival was on the top notch. There was a big veneration kept at home in Arnav's welcome, also their was a Karva chauth as well the next day.

Everything was fine, but Khushi was worried about one thing, that some how her Arnav ji, break her fast. Even though her family assured they will find a way so that only Arnav could break her fast.

Rest of the things had fallen or would have in it's place on it's own Arnav's room was solely his. Khushi was nostalgic that no more she will be in Arnav's room, but that was her least of the worry. If not today soon Arnav will recognize her and again they will be one again.

Today, her husband was coming back and there was nothing else in the world that she wanted.

Even Raizada family were deciding how would they make a way to keep Khushi and Adhwaya at RM itself.

"Bhabi, I am still trying to find a way!" NK said as he sat in the sofa, making garlands along side of mami ji and Nani.

"Even we are!" Mami ji said.

Khushi smiled. "Don't stress!"

"Khushi, you know what we all will find an idea the moment Chote will be here!" Anjali said.

"That's so true!" Payal said in an agreement.

"Chachi, Arnav, chachu is coming home today right?" Adi asked.

"Yes, beta!" Khushi replied.

"Yehhh! Chachi, we have made a welcome card for chachu. From Adhwu (Adhwaya), mine, and Gavy's side!"

Khushi squatted down to listen to them.

"Yes, chachi!"

"Wow! I am sure your chachu will love it! But can I see it?"

"Yes, after we finish it."

"Okay, babies, go and finish it because I am so curious to see it!"

"Okay, chachi!" Gavy said. Both of them give a kiss on her cheeks and leave.

"Khushi, have you eaten your medicine?" Anjali asked.

"No, di. Not yet. But I soon will!"

"Bitiya, please don't neglect your health. Just go and eat your medicine!"

"How would she eat? Her medicines all are finished!" Payal told Nani.

"Khushi, bitiya, this is not all good," Nani scolded. "Tomorrow again you are thinking of keeping a fast and again will not be able to eat your medicine."

"Payal, bitiya make her sit and eat first. She hasn't even eaten her breakfast," mami ji said.

"What should I do of this girl?" Payal said as she was shaking her head.

"I will eat it. You worry for no reason."

"Khushi, leave everything now and eat something! Also give me the receipt I get your medicine. I am going to the temple to get pandit ji. On my way back I will get your medicine too."

"Here is the receipt!" Dhruv said as he had already got it, without acknowledging Anjali. Although, everyone had forgiven Anjali for her bitter words said to Khushi, Dhruv hadn't. He was still mad at her.

"Thank you, Dhruv!" Anjali said with an anticipation that he will talk to her but he didn't.

Dhruv didn't bother himself to say anything and he simply left. Khushi looked at Dhruv and he too look at her, she gestured, asking him to say something to her, but he ignored his bhabi too.

"Alright, garlands are all ready!" NK said to lighten the mood around. "Oh, god in this work I forgot I had to check my girlfriends message!"

"NK, go it is so important!" Akaash said sarcastically.

"I know right!" NK said and ran from there singing, "oh my sweet girl friend here I am to check your message!"

Everyone didn't laugh but they did smile.
"Akaash bhai, we have told every news channels to not to mention that Arnav bhai was ever married or had a son. Even office has been alerted."

"Khushi, we are sorry for doing this!" Akaash said as he looked at Khushi's sad face.

"Oh no, bhaiya, don't worry. I have made myself accept with the reality. I know we all are doing for Arnav ji's good."

"Khushi, bitiya, god bless you. You see everything soon will be fine."

Khushi paced back and forth in anxiety. In just no time Arnav was going to be home.

She had so many things going on in her mind that she felt she will go crazy. Her biggest fear, what if Arnav asked what his PA was doing in his house? And what would they say to him so that she could stay at RM along with Adhwaya until Arnav didn't remember his past year.

She looked at Adhwaya and went to him. She closer her eyes to let her tears from her eyes flow.

"Shona, your dadda will be home today!"


She picked him up and hugged him closed to her chest. She could only feel was a loss. She was trying hard to keep herself strong, but his weakness was Adhwaya and Arnav himself.

Somehow she will control her feelings, but Adhwaya? He was just 11 months old who had a image of Arnav has his father stored in his mind. In presence of Arnav in no way she could ever be able to tell him not to cry for his father and in no way she could delete his memory when she herself for 6 months kept his image alive in his mind. No matter what.

"You are thinking too much, Khushi!" she reminded herself. But those were the genuine thoughts and worries she realized the other moment.

He was here. Her Arnav was here. Arnav's presence so strong and natural that without even having a need to look outside through her window if Arnav's car had arrived.

"Adhwaya, dadda is here!" she cried.

Adhwaya smiled as he understood the language of his mother now fully. But more importantly it was as if he too was waiting for it.

She ran holding him tightly in her arms out of the room to the entrance of the RM, where Arnav might be standing before Mami ji had done his aarti as a welcome home Shagun.

As she reached at the staircase, she stopped seeing him at the door. She felt someone was scrunching her heart. Literally trying to pull it out of her chest.

Adhwaya saw his father. "Dadda!" he cried.

"Sssh...Shona!" she said as she tried to calm him before Arnav could hear his cry. But it was too late. His cries were shrill and painful. The little baby just wanted to go to him and Arnav's attention was turned to Khushi and the baby in her hands.

Raizada family was looking back and forth at Arnav and Khushi, and Adhwaya.

"Dadda!" Adhwaya was trying to get out of Khushi's hold to reach to his father as his mother wasn't making any effort.

Payal ran to help Khushi.

"She is my manager, Khushi right? And who is the baby?" Arnav asked.

"Bhabi, he is not stop crying!" Khushi said.

Everybody was helpless, nothing they could say, nothing they could explain him, nothing they do to help Adhwaya.

"Khushi, take him down!" Payal said confidently.

"Bhabi, how can I?"

"Khushi, he is a child. Other than crying and babbling he can't explain his pain. He needs to see him. He wants to be in his father's arms."

"Bhabi..." Khushi said questioningly as she had no idea if that would the good idea.

"Bhabi, I can't take him in front of Arnav ji. What if Arnav ji didn't..."

"Khushi, nothing will happen, now come!" Payal said and made Khushi to come with her downstairs.

Arnav looked at Khushi and Adhwaya.

"Arnav, he is Adhwaya!" Payal said.

"Adhwaya!" he said, he was in deep thoughts. As he was trying to dug deep into his memory lane to try to know if he knew him.

His heart told him that he had a deep connection between him and this child in front of him.

"Do I know him?" he asked.

"Yes, he is your baby!" Payal said.

Every single person looked at Payal with their eyes popping out.

"I mean, you loved him as your own son, you don't remember, but he remembers you. That is why he is crying!" Payal explained.

Arnav looked at Adhwaya in awe.

"Mrs. Singh, can I carry him?" Arnav made a statement that made Khushi's heart jump in happiness. And it brought indescribable   happiness on every member of the family. Mama ji side hugged Mami. NK and Dhruv were holdings hands, Payal, and Akaash were looking at each other as they felt so relieved. Anjali had held onto Nani's hand.

Hearing Adhwaya cry his heart was shrinking and was telling him to just carry him to make him stop cry, if he could.

Khushi hid the tears of happiness at the back of her eyes and behind the happiness that was reflected on her face.

Arnav took Adhwaya from Khushi, and Adhwaya couldn't just stop crying.

Arnav was looking at him as he was silently having a conversation with him, but what? Was hard to tell. His tears triggered a pain in Arnav's heart that was so real to be felt physical.

Adhwaya had a way to get to his father, but Khushi didn't have any way to hug her husband. To tell him she was so happy to see him fit an fine in front of him. She had no way to tell him how much she cried for him. But alas! She just had to wait.

Arnav had hugged Adhwaya, his memory dug even deeper to make a connection. The solace that he got was familiar.

Adhwaya wasn't taking the name of stop crying. It was his way to tell him that he truly missed his father. His way to tell everyone he was relieved just like them.

"Does he love me this much?" he asked.

"More than you can think of!" Nani said.

"I am really surprised that I was fond of a baby as it was my own."

"He is yours!" everyone said in their mind.

"Sssh, baby!" Arnav said. He was hiccuping, and that bit made him catch his breaths off guard.
"I am sorry, beta, your uncle..."

"Uncle? He calls me right?" he asked the family.

"Yes!" Nani said.

"Your uncle, made you wait," he completed his sentence.

Arnav had no idea why he was having this conversation but it felt so right. So pure. So important.

Khushi couldn't be relieved more than this. Her soul couldn't have find any more peace than it was now. She felt fizzled as she was overwhelmed with joy.

Adhwaya was silent. He was tired, but so relaxed in Arnav's arms. He had fisted his shirt in his hand so that he doesn't leave him.

"Beta, please come inside the house!" Nani ji said after they did his welcome.

Arnav with his son Adhwaya took his first step, coincidently Khushi was beside him.

Nobody had expected that their fears would be just a waste.

"Does he live here?" Arnav asked. "Whose baby he is?" he said looking at his baby boy.

"He is Khushi's baby boy!"

Arnav looked at Khushi. "Oh!" he said.

"She is married and has a baby boy!" it was not a direct thought that he had in his mind that fuelled curiosity but it was there.

"Arnav beta, Khushi and Adhwaya beta stays with us."

"Why?" he suddenly asked.

Khushi shot a glance of shock, her heart was beating furiously.

"What now?" her mind screamed.

"Bhai, we explain you everything but please come and sit."

"Yes!" he answered.

Khushi had no idea what they had planned to say.

"Mrs. Singh, here you go your baby!" Arnav said as he tried to give Adhwaya back to Khushi, Adhwaya was dozing off. The moment he tried to pass him to Khushi, he all of sudden opened his eyes.

"No!" Arnav said as a warning, "he is sleepy I guess!"

"Arnav, beta, why don't you do one thing let him sleep then lay him in his room," Mama ji said.

"Chachu!" Adhi and Gavy came running.

"Sssh...Adhwaya, is sleeping!" their mother said.

Adhwaya shuddered a little bit, but Arnav held him protectively.

"Ooppsie, sorry!" they muttered.

"Chachu, you home!"

"Yes, my little champs I am home!" he said.
As everyone settled in the living room, Khushi stood in a corner. Arnav observed her when nobody had asked to offer her seat, he himself said, "Mrs. Singh, why are you standing?"

Khushi was once again surprised.
"Sir, I am okay!" she managed to muttered.

"Khushi, please come and sit!" Payal insisted and she deliberately made her sit beside Arnav.

Arnav felt bit out of place, but at the same time he felt a unknown relief finding himself close to her.

"Chote, Khushi bitiya and Adhwaya are staying with is for the past 9 months. Khushi's husband has forgotten her!"

Khushi's eyes shot up straight at Nani.

"She mean, bhai, it is kind off tragic!"

"Actually, Arnav sir, my husband left me for the other woman," but she couldn't have said anything either, although, she regretted every word she said and cursed herself simultaneously. "You and your family had been generous, you not only gave me work at RM as your manager of the head department, but also a place in this house."

With every word said her voice shook. Arnav felt extremely bad for her.

Everyone were playing with their emotions. Their strength was being tested, but for the sake of Arnav they had to stay quite. Life had already tangled lot of things for them but now everything was returning back.

"I am so..." Arnav opened his mouth to say but Khushi interrupted him.

"Sir, you spend your time with your family, I excuse you all!" she said with her eyes lowered to the point where Arnav couldn't tell if she was holding back her emotions or she simply meant what she said.

She was already standing to leave. "Excuse me!" she said and she turned on her heels to leave. She tried not to run, although she felt the strong urge too.

Everyone looked at each other in grief.

"I think mentioning about her past we have hurt her," Anjali mentioned.

"I go and see if she is okay!" Payal said.

"Arnav, beta, you tell us how are you feeling?"

"I am okay," he said in a low tone when his whole attention was on Khushi.

He should have hated any outsider living in the house, but to him Khushi felt no outsider. Neither do the baby who was floundering to get to him the moment he saw him.

Why I feel it is more than just what I am trying myself to understand? 

Arnav was sitting looking at Adhwaya, and he smiled. Adhwaya had still held his shirt. He rubbed his thumb on his little hand.

Payal sat beside Khushi on the floor of Khushi's new room, as she had side hugged her. Khushi had leaned against Payal's shoulder.

"Bhabi, I can't tell you how relieved I am! Adhwaya, was finally in Arnav ji's arms. I thought it was going to be worst, but not I was wrong."

"Even we were, Khushi. We are so happy. The past few minutes were so smooth and we had not expected."

"Bhabi, Arnav ji, will remember me right?" grief in Khushi's voice worried Payal.

"Khushi, whatever happened today we hadn't expected, right?"

"Hmm!" she answered.

"It will all turn out to be good," Payal said.

Khushi dried her cheeks and sat straight. "Bhabi, Adhwaya!"

A soft knock on the door diverted their attention.

"Come in!" Payal said.

"Payal, it's me!" Arnav said meekly.

Khushi and Payal both stood up and put a smile on their faces.

"Sir, please come in. You don't have to ask for a permission," Khushi said and Arnav came in with Adhwaya in his arms.

"Oh, I forgot I had some work!" Payal said and left quickly.

Arnav saw Payal leaving as she left, he spoke, "Yes, came to drop Adhwaya. He is asleep. I thought to lay him in his room away from hustle and bustle, so that his sleep is not disturbed."

"Thank you, and sorry for..."

"No, no, please. Just don't be sorry. I have no idea how much this little life loves me, but I guess I loved him equally as well as I just couldn't see tears in his eyes. I felt so good as he was hasty to come to me. Your son is really adorable, Mrs. Singh."

"Khushi," she said correcting him. "Please sir, you could call me Khushi. You used to call me by first name!"

"Oh, okay, Khushi."

The way he called her name made her feel she had her old Arnav ji. But she got hold of her expectations.

"Khushi, where I lay, Adhwaya?"

"Here, lay him on the bed!"

Arnav very carefully laid Adhwaya on the bed. "Khushi, please pull some blanket on him, it's little cold."

"Yes, sir!"

"And you too may call me Arnav!" he said. Khushi stared at him. Never ever he gave any one this right except his closed ones. He himself was surprised at the fact.

"Arnav ji?!" she said.

Arnav shrugged his shoulder, "I don't mind it!" he said.

"Arnav ji, do you want to say something?" Khushi asked.

"Huh...Yes...Actually, if you don't mind can I spend some time with Adhwaya here? I am so sorry, but you know just like that. It's okay if you say no!"

"No, Arnav ji, please. Go ahead. I go out and see if puja preparations are going okay!" Khushi said and was out of the room. She closed the door and leant against the wall.

Her breathing was quick, a big smile was on her wilted face.
"Devi Maiyan, I don't know what is this? But please just don't let it be a dream. Please, Devi Maiyan, I have never asked for anything else but my families good, this is a plea to you, after giving us enough pain please let this relief there to stay for forever!" she prayed.

She was happy, that could be an underestimation, her happiness was beyond put into words even if used the strongest words present in any language of the whole universe.

How was it my dear readers? Hope you liked it. The content of the teaser would be in the next chapter...This chapter was long and the content in it was much needed. 

Please ignore the mistakes...This chapter is not at all proofread...Hehe

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