Thursday 26 February 2015

On his demand Chapter 50

Chapter 50

"Good morning, my beautiful wife!" Arnav said as he embraced her in his arms tightly and gave her small peck on her cheek. He felt peacefully blessed and for him it was the best thing in the world being this close to Khushi. His heart was swelled in pride.

"Good morning, Arnav ji!" Khushi softly muttered and she yawned loudly.

"A very good morning...How are you feeling?"

"Out of the world in the arms of my Arnav ji and with the presence of our son, Adhwaya. By the way, how is Adhwaya? And where is he?" she asked getting startled as she got fidgety.

"Relax, Khushi, he is downstairs with the family, he was up early. So I took him outside and everyone insisted if I leave him with them."

"Oh..." she said and she relaxed, her heartbeat was back to normal, "Did you check his fever? How was he?"

"Yes, I did. His temperature is gone."
"What's the time?"

"9:00 AM!"

"9:00 AM?" Khushi shouted shocked, she sat up on the bed and tied her hair in a bun.

"Arnav ji, we were suppose to leave by 12:30 PM to a airport. And you didn't wake me up. I told you to set an alarm for 6:00 AM. And you didn't."

Arnav pulled her back and made her lay back on the bed. "Khushi, relax. We have 3 hours. And our packing is already done," he said calmly. "Even our bag packs are in the car," he ended his sentence in a low tone and aligned his lips on Khushi's lips and gave her a deep peck.

"It's okay, you needed rest. Remember you slept at 2:00 AM after packing and feeding Adhwaya? You did your job and I did mine.

"Now, just get up, take a shower, and I am waiting for you here, then we shall go downstairs, breakfast is ready."

Khushi smiled brightly and it was something Arnav always missed seeing on Khushi's face. Arnav kissed her once again, more deeply than before.

"I will be downstairs in just 10 minutes you go."

"No, you don't have to rush. Take your good time. I am waiting for you.


"Good morning, Bhabi!" NK and Dhruv sang.

Khushi giggled and wished them, "Good morning," and to the family members. She took the blessings of elders.

"What they are up to?" Arnav asked Akaash.

"A special treatment to their sister-in-law!"


"Bhabi, please have a seat," NK and Dhruv said in unison.

Khushi couldn't help, but again giggle as both NK and Dhruv pulled chair out for her.

"Yes, yes, sit down Khushi bitiya. Your brother-in-laws will be in your service, 24 hour," Nani said.

Khushi laughed.

"Thank you, brother-in-laws."

"Bhabi, please tell us what would you like to have? We would serve you!"

"Yes, bhabi!" Dhruv said.

"It's okay, I will have it..."

"No..." NK said melodramatically, "We are here for you!" and he bowed.

"Nautanki!" Arnav muttered. Akaash chuckled.

"Okay, I will, whatever you will put in my plate!"

"Sure, bhabi," Dhruv said, "here is, a butter toast."

"Here is a glass of orange juice!" NK said.

Raizada family looked at each other and were softly laughing.

"Here is a fruit salad!" Dhruv said and put a cup of bowl in front of Khushi.

"Bhabi, here is a cereal bowl for you."

"Bhabi, here is a chocolate bread, I baked for you," Dhruv said.

"Oh...Hello," NK said as he patted Dhruv's shoulder.

"Excuse me, I helped you in that too!"

"Oh really, helped me in what? Tasting it?"

Khushi giggled.

"Bhabi, he didn't help me in anything."

"Bhabi, he is a lier. I did help him."

"Whatever, bhabi! Taste it and tell me how is the bread?"

NK puffed and looked angrily at him.

"Bhabi, here is a aloo parantha, bhua ji, said you love it."

Khushi looked at the parantha and then at NK.

It was all burnt. "Bhabi, it was my first try."

"NK, are you sure, she will eat that?" Dhruv asked and he looked displeased.

"Why? What's wrong in that?"

"You would eat it, bhabi, right?"

Khushi looked at everyone and stayed tight lipped.

"Yes, I will," she later answered to make him feel better.

"No, bhabi, if you will eat it you will get sick."

"No, she would get sick after eating your this stupid brownie."

"It's a chocolate bread. See bhabi he doesn't even know what I have baked and he said he helped me."

"Whatever...Bhabi, you tell him you are going to eat this parantha!"

"Yes, I will."

"See, she would," NK said and showed him thumbs down.

"Could you please stop fighting?"

"Arnav ji," Khushi said gesturing she would handle them.

"First of all, it's too much to eat NK, and Dhruv. I cannot eat all this. But since, you have put lot of hard word getting all this ready, I will eat it."

"Bhabi, try mine first!" Dhruv said.

"No, mine first, bhabi," NK huffed.

"Try this orange juice."

"No, bhabi, fruit salad first!" Dhruv said as he took a glass of orange juice."

NK snatched it from him and handed a glass of milk to her. "Bhabi, it's more healthier for you."

"Could you both please stop?" Mama ji yelled.

"Dhruv stop right now!" Arnav said sternly.

"Bhai, why you only stop me. Ask this nuisance NK."

"Here give me the glass of juice," Khushi said.

When everyone was silent, Adhwaya giggled and everyone else at the breakfast table laughed.

"Look, he observes you really closely, NK and Dhruv. I am pretty sure you guys don't want your nephew to be stubborn."

"No, bhabi, not at all."

"Okay, both of you give me the glasses of milk and juice then."

Both of them looked at each other angrily and gave the glasses to Khushi.

"Guys, I seriously don't eat this much."

"But bhabi, bhai said you eat a lot," NK said.

"Haww!" Khushi said.

And everyone else was shocked to hear that.

"What the? No, Khushi, I didn't say that. I said was you love food.

"Didn't I say that, NK?" Arnav gritted his teeth.

"Arnav ji, don't try to scare him," Khushi said and she was about to cry.

"No, Khushi, I am not try to scare him. He is lying."

"Arnav ji, I can't believe you said I eat lot of food."

"Chote, I didn't expect this from you," Mami ji said.

"Arnav, this is what you think of my sweet little sister?"

"Oh stop this melodrama all of you."

Khushi was on verge to cry, and seeing her Adhwaya too was going to cry.

"Look, look, Khushi, please don't cry, please listen up. Look at Adhwaya, he is going to cry too.

"You duffer tell her that bhai didn't say she eats a lot."

"I am sorry, bhabi. Yes, I think he did say that. He did mean to say that you love food. But definitely not you eat a lot."

"See, I didn't mean you eat a lot. But, hey, that's a compliment for every woman, especially, for you. You don't put on a weight."

"Even if I eat a lot?"

"No!" Arnav said. "Please, Khushi, smile. Look Adhwaya is sad."

"I am not crying."

"Yes, please, bhabi!" NK said.

"Bhai, bhabi, you see what am I gonna do with him now," Dhruv said.

"You just wait up!" Dhruv said and ran after NK.

"These kids!" Mami ji said.

Khushi giggled as Dhruv held NK from behind and dropped him on the floor.

"Look how your chachus are fighting!" Mami said.

Adhwaya laughed seeing both of them.

"Promise you would think first before saying anything!" Dhruv said. He was sitting on top of NK and had fisted collars of his jacket in his hands.

"I would bro, please forgive me! Bhabi please tell him to stop beating him."

"Adhwaya, what should be do? Shall we ask Dhruv chachu to stop beating NK chachu?"

Adhwaya laughed.

"Looks like he is enjoying there fight," mama ji said.

"Dhruv, don't leave him," Payal said.

"Kids, you just eat and let them fight," Nani said.

"Khushi, bitiya, it's your choice what you want to eat! A burnt paranthas or chocolate bread," Nani said and everyone laughed.

"I think now I have to eat all now!" Khushi said and chuckled.

"Awesome," mama ji said.

"Stop, Dhruv, look they are eating food and here you are beating me up."

"In fact they are done!" NK added. They both stood up.

"Hello, what's this, where are you all going?" NK said.

"What? We all are done with our breakfast and it's almost 11:00 AM. We guys shall leave for airport!" Akaash said, "Right, bhai?"

"Exactly!" Arnav said.

"What the? We aren't even done with our breakfast."

"It's okay, you can catch another flight," Payal said.

"Yes!" Khushi said.

"Khushi, bhabi, you too?"

"What? Guys, I have to go and see if I need to pack anything else for Adhwaya!" Khushi said and left. Along with her Arnav.

"Yes, ma, dad, we see if Gavy and Adi are ready!" Akaash and Payal said and they left too.

"See, how mean they are?" NK and Dhruv said.

"Nani, did you see?"


"What do you mean, what? We were fighting and you guys were eating breakfast."

"Oh, didn't we tell you to stop fighting?" Mama ji said.

"We are really sorry!" Nani said.

"Let's go, Adhwaya, we are gonna get you ready for the trip," mami said.

And they all three were gone too.

"I was telling you to not to fight," NK said.

"Now you stop fighting, finish your breakfast, we don't have kids to look after so by the time they will be in their cars we will be done and already be at the airport before them," Dhruv said and gave high five to NK.

"Arnav ji, do you remember if I have kept your shaving tools?"

Arnav looked at Khushi as she was freaking out if she had kept everything that they would need.

"Khushi, RELAX. You kept towels, night suits, my shaving kit, your make up kit...everything. Even if you didn't, we have everything at our farmhouse. And yes, we have packed everything for Adhwaya too. His warm clothes, his wipes, his bib, his diapers, his shoes, his hats, caps, his blankets, and his medicines everything.

"And if that doesn't help, how about this?" Arnav said and hugged her tightly. Khushi hugged him back and closed her eyes.

"Thank you, Arnav ji, I needed it a lot."

"I know!"

"Okay, let's go we are getting late!" and they went downstairs.

"Arnav ji, we have to get milk for Adhwaya too!"

"Don't you worry, bitiya, here is a water, and milk bottle for Adhwaya," Nani said.

"And here is Adhwaya!" Mami ji said and handed Adhwaya to Khushi. She felt unknown happiness holding Adhwaya in her arms. And kissed him.

"Awww, he looks so cute in this velvet tunic," Khushi said. "Grandma got you ready, my baby!" Khushi said and held him in her arms securely.

"He is still to light!" she added sadly.

"Khushi, bitiya, he would be fine. Babies are usually light. It's okay, you don't know Akaash was even lighter than him," mama ji assured.

"Now you guys go carefree. We shall be at farmhouse in a day or two."

"You guys will be missed, Nani!" Arnav said.

"It will be hard for us to spend these two days without you guys. But we shall try to come as soon as possible."

"Please do call us and we shall come to receive you from the airport," Arnav said.

"Don't worry!" Mama ji reassured.

"Bhai, see you at the airport," Akaash said.

"Sure, Akaash, make sure kids seat belts are fastened!"

"Yes, bhai. And you guys have Adhwaya's seat right?"

"Yes, we do. And by the way, where is notorious guys?" Arnav asked. "I can't even see him," he just had said and his phone rang.

"Dhruv's phone?" Arnav wondered. "Hello!"

"Hello bhai, where you guys are?"

"That's what I want to know where you guys are? We are waiting for you at the airport."

"At the airport? You guys have already reached there."

"Of course!" Dhruv said.

"Alright, see you guys at the airport then," Arnav said and hung up the phone.

"Are they already at the airport?"

Arnav was shaking his head in disbelief. "Yes, they are."

"I am sure they would have been trying to revenge on us," Payal said as she got out of the RM.

"Here you are, Payal. Let's go bhai!"


Arnav and Akaash sat in their cars with their wives and kids. Their drivers took them to the airport.


***Finally! Phew! LOL!***

"Arnav ji, are we in a dreamland?"

"It's a dreamland, but it's nothing in front of what you are going to see, Khushi.

"And yes, it's a place where we have spent our most of our childhood. Surely, you have heard the stories."

"Yes, I have!" Khushi said giggling.

"I have never been to this place, in fact, never gotten a chance to."

"Because of your fear of planes!"

"Yes!" Khushi admitted. "But just didn't get a chance."

"And Khushi, how is that?"

"Oh my...It's beautiful."

"But not more than you!" Arnav commented.

"Not more than you either."

"I take that compliment."

Khushi giggled and rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Oh my god, it's truly a heaven, Arnav ji, we waited for this trip for so long and I must say it was worth waiting."


"Can I click picture of it?"

"Go ahead!"

Driver stopped car on Arnav's request and Khushi clicked the picture from her camera.

"Arnav ji, thank you for this!"

"You deserve it, Khushi."

On their way Khushi took few other pictures along with her and Arnav's Adhwaya.

"Weather here changes so quickly!"

"Yup! You see as we would approach our farmhouse on our way we would see clear weather as this as well as rain. Weather is quite unpredictable. It snows here once in a while."

"Arnav ji, shall we visit that lake?"

"We have good 2 weeks to visit all the places you want to visit and the places that I want you to see with me."

"And Arnav ji, it snows here as well?"

"Yes, but mostly during the winter time."


"But we can go to Shimla if you want to see a snow."

"Can we please?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you!"

As they approached to their farmhouse Khushi clicked various pictures and enjoyed the beautiful weather of Darjeeling and it's scenery.

"Bhai, where are you guys? We have reached the farmhouse."

"Yes, we are here too," Arnav said.

***Their Farmhouse!***

                            ...To be continued!!!

Hello guys,

Sorry for keeping you on waiting for this story, but I was quite busy during the summer plus second semester is up too, so no life for me for the next 4 another months again. So, please excuse me...However, I try my 100% to take some time. I so wanted to finish my all stories but time didn't allow me...Please don't stop reading the stories it's just that I am hell busy.

Thank you for reading the chapter. I shall be updating the next part pretty soon. Mother's Day is coming next that's the little insight to the next chapter...And also, I shall be changing the name of this story...It will be a continuation and a sequel as well. (Not a new story, but a continuation.) 

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