Thursday 26 February 2015

On his demand 2 Chapter 5


Arnav went back to his room as his family came inside Khushi's room. Everyone looked at each other and suppressed their laughs. They loved how he was trying to pretend he was angry. And Arnav didn't at all want to raise questions in their minds why he had so much concern for a girl who was married and had a baby? 
NK had called in the doctor.

They just wished that they hadn't hurt Khushi too much. But they were happy that they were successful in their mission. The effect of chloroform wasn't going away until morning they realized, and since then no food would be going in Khushi's body, do they had any other way? They hoped they haven't messed up with Khushi's health.

On the other hand, Arnav was pissed at himself. He paced back and forth in his room. He thought he had to control whatever he had been feeling for Khushi. It wasn't healthy.

"She needs to go away," he said. "I have to find a way out!"

He had not to think much, he already had an idea of what he should do to solve the problem to solve his dilemma.

Then he was again worried about her. He didn't know if doctor had come or not for her check up. One part of him told him he should go and see her. And the other part was scolding him and forbidding him to do so. Of course, he would have gone with his evil mind. He ignored his concerns for Khushi.

He decided he would to the study and work, on his way he passed Khushi's room. The door of her room was open. And he could see her. But he simply passed by it. Then he heard Adhwaya's cries.

Without even thinking he rushed to Khushi's room.

"How stupid my family has become? They have left this baby alone knowing that Khushi is not well!"

"Mission completed!" NK said to his team members, that involved everyone in the family, when he saw Arnav went in khushi's room.

Arnav sat on the bed, close to Adhwaya and picked him up from the bed in his arms. Adhwaya had instantly stopped crying. "What happen baby? Missing mumma?"

"Da-dda!" he said cheerfully and still wiped his tears from his eyes. Arnav's heart stung. But his baby boy's smile changed his mood instantly. He looked at Khushi who was laying on the bed still unconscious.

"You are missing your dadda!" he said. Arnav thought once he found out that man he would seriously murder him, whoever had left such a beautiful family alone.

Seeing his father anger, Adhwaya giggled.

"Are what's so funny?" he asked. "You think I am funny?" He said and tickled him. Adhwaya wiggled in his arms. Arnav secured him so that he doesn't fall from his hands. "Calm down you naughty kid!"

The whole family stood outside and admired the moment that Arnav shared with his son.

"If Khushi was up, she would have loved it!" Anjali said.

"They soon will be together!" Nani said.

"I wish very soon!" Payal said.

"No bad get to them now!" Mami ji hoped.

"Hmm!" NK and Dhruv muttered.

"Payal, did Khushi feed Adhwaya today?" Anjali asked.

"I actually did twice, now I guess he must be hungry!" Mami ji said in a low whisper.

"Hmm...Let's go now...Let them enjoy!" Mama ji said.
Before leaving Dhruv took Arnav's and Adhwaya's picture with his phone camera.

"And I bring milk bottle for Adhwaya," Payal said and they all leave.

"Arnav, what are you doing here?" Payal asked when she was in the room to give the bottle of milk and pretended she had no idea what he was doing there.

"Me? Adhwaya was crying so came to see if he was okay. And then I don't know when we started playing!" he said stammering.

"Awww...that's so sweet of you!"

"Okay, Payal feed him, I leave! By the way what did doctor say? Is Khushi fine?" he asked even he warned himself not to.

"Khushi, no. Actually she is really sick. She fainted not due to hunger, but due to imbalance disorder. She often goes through it. Arnav, she needs someone by her side," Payal just made sure she hit Arnav's right emotions. So that he could feel attach to Khushi more and more.

"Recently, Khushi had been quite depressed. You know her husband left her. I am guessing she needs a life partner!" Payal said. Before she could stress Arnav, knowing he might not be able to bear it since he feel attached to Khushi and Adhwaya, also he was completely not well, family had to take things slowly. 

Arnav stared at Khushi.

"Arnav, I had love to feed Adhwaya, but you know what? Adhi and Gavy, have a school racing competition tomorrow so I have to prepare their uniforms. And by the way, Khushi will get up herself and feed him!"

Arnav couldn't believe Payal was saying this. "Payal, Khushi is sick, you just said that!"

Payal made sure she was not smiling.
"Well, she is his mother. If you are worried why don't you make him drink milk?" she said and left.

Arnav felt terribly sick with emotions. He picked Adhwaya in his arms, securely and feed him."I will see all of you!" he said.

He forgot about everything then, he spent his two hours playing with Adhwaya and then as he was tired his baby boy had slept in his arms and Arnav too dozed off right beside his son and his wife.

"Didn't I tell you, you won't be able to do anything?" the old lady said and laughed. "He will be killed. Last time he was saved but not all the time his luck will be by his side. You are stupid, your whole family is stupid. You still all are blind and fool!"

Khushi woke up all of sudden, her heart beating furiously against her chest. She had to go and see if Arnav was fine. She got up the bed but saw Arnav was in her room and had laid there on the bed beside Adhwaya. She was surprised to see him there. Then seeing Adhwaya she knew Arnav must be playing with him and had dozed off.

Her furiously beating heart beat relaxed down. She forgot about her dream and smiled seeing as even though Arnav had no idea who they were but he was doing his best to listen to his heart. Her head hurt, the effect of chloroform hadn't faded yet. She pulled blanket on top of Adhwaya and Arnav, and herself laid back on the bed. She continued to glare at her husband, her heart ached thinking he had no idea who she was. But hope was there that he soon will remember them.

Arnav woke up and found himself in Khushi's room.

"Shit, I slept here?" he fumed. He saw Khushi was already up but out of the room. He was afraid how would he tell her what he was doing in her room.

Then he saw Adhwaya, his eyes twinkled looking at him. He kissed his cheeks. And Adhwaya rewarded him by attacking his nose with his arm in his sleep. "Ouch!" he winced, but smiled.

"Arnav ji, you okay?" Khushi asked, as she saw what Adhwaya did.

Arnav wiggled his aching nose and looked at Khushi. "I am ok..." Words melted in his mouth as he saw how gorgeous Khushi looked. Her long chocolate brown hair dripping wet, she was wearing aqua blue saree with golden blouse. Simple yet she looked beautiful in it.

Khushi couldn't help but look back at him. She was melting under his heat filled gaze.

He got up and walked towards her, without any conscious. Khushi clenched her pallu seeing him coming close to her. Then he was standing just few inches away from her. His hand raised up to move the strand of her hair back that was disturbing his view of his wife. It was a dj vu effect, he thought he had done this before. He was solely doing what his heart guided him to do. His eyes were dark. Khushi had no idea how come he was close to her. Why he was attracted towards her?

She shivered when he cupped her face and was leaning in to kiss her.

"I missed you so much," he said in a sad tone. Khushi's eyes flew open in pure shock. He was still weren't aware what he said. Then she experienced the unexpected he was kissing her. His arms were around her, and he was kissing her, really! She wasn't dreaming.

Oh, how much she missed it. Her head swirled. His lips on her, his arms around her made her feel crazy. And her heart swell up in happiness.

As soon as he was out of his senses he jumped back. Leaving Khushi once again hit by the reality.

He was shocked, Khushi could tell. "I am sorry, Khushi!" he said and literally stormed out of the room.

"You really don't have to!" Khushi said, as she was unable to believe she was kissed by her man. But the way he left ached her heart.

"Did he really say he missed me?" she asked herself and touched her lips with her fingers.

"Who is your husband?" Arnav asked as he was unable to look at her. Not able to take himself out of shock that he had kissed her. Khushi had no idea why he was asking this.

Anjali and Nani, NK and Dhruv, Mami and Mama ji, Akaash and Payal, looked at each other as they were clue less. They surely had said many things but how would they say who was her husband.

"Chote, Khushi, doesn't like talking about her husband!" Anjali said.

Khushi's heart was beating furiously. "Is it because of the kiss?" he is asking she thought.

"You know what I believe she should go back to her family. I am pretty sure you cannot clap with one hand! It might be some kind off misunderstanding between them," he said.

"Arnav ji, are you trying to blame me for it?" Khushi asked.

"Yes, chote, how could you say this without knowing anything?" Nani said.

"Because I understand. She cannot spend her whole life like this. She has to go back to her husband or find a new man. Her son needs a father!"

Khushi clenched her saree pallu, as fear that had slowly started fading, once again was fresh.

"Khushi, I want to meet your husband, call him. I want to know if he wants to come back."

"Arnav ji, you shouldn't be poking your nose in my personal matters," Khushi said as she held her tears back.

"Well, Khushi. I don't usually do, but seeing your son, Adhwaya, I truly think he needs a father! You might have accepted the fact but for a child it is too hard especially when he is too little."

"But bhai you had no problem if she stayed with us."

"Dhruv, I would like you to stay in your limit. And say as much you are asked for..." 

"You Khushi, call your husband, if he is ready for the commitment it is good, if not you should find someone else who would deserve you. I personally believe is, everyone should be given one chance."

Arnav had said this against every wish of his, he had to turn his heart a stone before it was destructive. But this left Khushi heart broken.

The whole family was once again had to go to work...To turn this mess into a something good.

"We will call her husband!" Anjali said as she winked at everyone else.

"No," Khushi objected as she knew they will be bringing any guy and make him look bad in front of Arnav.

"Mr. Raizada, me and my husband are divorced. He has married to someone else!" she said.

Arnav was relieved to hear it? Oh yes, he was.

"Find someone else!" he said.

"No, I don't want anyone else. I still love my husband, doesn't matter if he has forgotten me. I have my son with me. I will give him the love of a mother and a father. You don't need to do anything for us!" She said.

There was a dead silence by the time she had finished her sentence.

"You cannot give the love of mother and a father. When clearly he needs a father!" Arnav shouted not ready to give up.

"Do not shout, Arnav ji!" she was really mad now and knew she had to do this to put this matter down before there was more drama. "You are hurting me by bringing my past in my present!"

She felt dizzy.

"Khushi bitiya!" Nani and mami said.

Before everyone could say anything or come to help her especially Arnav she stopped them all.

"I am fine!" she said.

"Khushi, bitiya why are you stressing?"

"I am okay, Nani ji. I am sorry I am no one to shout like this in front of every single of you. Please forgive me. But Arnav ji, has really crossed his limits."

"I have not said anything wrong!" Arnav retorted.

"Yes, you cannot be wrong. You are always right. You think you are a god and can take decisions for everyone. But you cannot. My son is my responsibility, you don't have to worry about it!" Khushi yelled back, and she had no idea why she was so mad.

"How dare you to shout at me?" he said as his jaws tightened.

"Khisak lo, mere bhai, sab khisak lo!" NK said.

Everyone, one by one slipped out of the dinning room.

"God bless these two!" Anjali said.
"Seriously," Nani and mami ji said.

"I have all rights to shout," Khushi revolted.

"Very good going, bhabi!" NK and Dhruv said and they were amused to see both of them fighting.

"Do you even know you are standing in my house?"

"Oh no I had no idea I was. Thank you for reminding me, Arnav ji!"

Akaash and Payal were shaking their head. "Hopefully they can fall in love like this!" Payal wished as she picked Adhwaya from the stroller and took inside her room with herself.

"Soon they will!" Mama ji said.

Adhi and Gavy giggled as they looked at their chacha, chachi fighting.

Arnav angrily held her arm. "You are crossing your every limit, do you get that? If I want I can throw you right now out of my house and I won't mind doing it!"

"Without the approval of the whole family you cannot do anything!" She challenged.

"It's my family, they will all do what I want! "Right?" he said as he looked around but no one was there.

"My family has gone crazy who has allowed you to stay in. Now I can guess why your husband left you!"

"Dare to say anything to my husband!" she said. "I will forget you are my boss!"

"What kind off stupid lady you are?Your husband left you."

"Mr. Raizada, that was a mutual decision of ours. Why you are so feeling bad?"

His hold on her arm got tighter. It hurt, but she didn't say anything.

"I haven't ever seen a stupid girl like you."

"And I haven't ever seen a khadoos, lard governor like you?" she yelled back.

"What did you say? What did you just called me?"

"Khadoos and lard governor!" she said loud and clear, despite the pain he was giving her by clenching her arm.

He saw tears in her eyes and then saw his hand holding her arm, he let go off it immediately. Her arm was red.

"I am sorry, Khushi!" he said in guilt. "I don't know what had happened to me!"

Khushi without saying anything simply walked out of there. Leaving Arnav in a more guilt state. He fisted his hand against the chair, same he had used to hurt Khushi.

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