Thursday 26 February 2015

On his demand Chapter 49


Arnav sat beside Khushi. He didn't know the situation would be this out of hand that it will attack Khushi physically, but no, not just physically. It had affected her mentally and as well as emotionally.

He dabbed cold towel on her forehead. Usually, it would help to bring the temperature of the body down, however, to Khushi, it did no good. Her body was trembling with fever as well as fear. Even in her sleep her mind was only thinking of Adwaya.

Same bad dreams she had where Adwaya is hurt but like her first dream she couldn't help him. He was neither hurt nor saved by her.
She was trying to struggle mentally in her dreams, however, in real she couldn't do anything.

Payal softly knocked on their room door.

"Arnav, Karan want to see you," she whispered.

"Yes," he said.

He looked at Khushi with concern. He didn't want to leave her alone, but a talk with Karan was really important. Payal looked at him and said, "Don't you worry. I look after her."

"Thank you, Payal. And I might have to go out, just take care of Khushi. If it wasn't important I wouldn't have left her alone in this condition."

"Arnav, relax. I totally understand. She is my responsibility too. And whole family is there to take care of her so without any regret you go."

"Thank you so much, Payal."

"You are welcome and do not worry about her."

Arnav nodded and looked at Khushi for a brief amount of time before leaving.

"Karan, is everything ready?"

"Yes, Arnav, as we had decided."

"I don't want to waste single amount of time," he said.

"I know. I have heard Khushi is really sick," Karan consoled.

"She is and this is all because of this delay. Karan, I was telling you her instincts can't be wrong. Even before she told me mine and our baby's life was in dangerous. That time we all were late, but this time I don't want anything wrong happen to Adwaya."

"Don't worry, Arnav. Akaash, Dhruv, and NK are already there. I told them they didn't have to be there, but they insisted and I had to let them. But don't worry they will be safe."

"Is the security with them?"

"Yes, they are there and even you won't be able to recognize them. They are in the different getup."


Arnav and Karan sat in Karan's police car and drove to the place where Adwaya and other children were kept.

"Yes, Arnav. That's where the risk is involved. But there are no criminal is alone in the house as for now. Our police officers are in there dressed in their dress code."

"It has to be fool proof plan, Karan."

"It is a fool proof plan, Arnav. If everything went well, you can even adopt Adwaya. In fact he will have his own parents."

Arnav felt the pain but at the same time a fresh happiness in his heart that he couldn't describe in words.

"That's you and Khushi, Arnav," Karan completed his sentence.


"Arnav, but that worst part is there are some kids in their who had their parents. But they were killed just so that these criminals could get their babies and their parents don't complain about them and some of the kids are stolen from the hospitals or even from their homes. And some are orphans like Adhwaya since, childhood."

"I think Adhwaya is lucky for all of them, at least because of him those criminals will be caught."

"Yes, you are right, Arnav."

"How did you really come to know that they aren't his parents."

"Arnav, I got a call from a man. He told me his name was Krishna. He didn't tell me his last name. But he told me that the baby that was just taken from the RM weren't taken by his real parents. I wondered how did he knew. He told me that he work at the orphanage. And Adwaya was at that orphanage since his mother died right giving birth to him and his father died in an accident. I was shocked. I wanted to tell you at that moment but I wanted to be 100% sure. I made the photo copy of the documents that fake parents of Adwaya gave me as a proof that they were his parents. And to double check I went to the hospital that Adwaya's fake parents told me, there I found that there wasn't any kid named, Vishal Roy, and if there was any they were born in the year 2012. Later, I went to the hospital, Fortis. That guy told me and even he told me that Adwaya's real name is Adhaan Singh. And in actual he is 6 month old. He was born on 1st December 2013. And hospital had him in the records. They told me what that guy, Krishna told me.

"And after all the conformations today I called you and asked you to come so we shall have a talk. While, investigators and the police was set to complete the mission safe and sound.

"I also came back home to tell Khushi that we will get Adwaya. But she was so sick to know that. However, if I will tell her now she will be so happy. And also, just in the morning I told her that he can't he ours, but the truth was something else."

"Yes," Karan said.

"All ready?" Karan said to his police officers.

"Yes sire."

"So what to wait for?"

"Sir, we are just waiting for those goons. They will leave from there in the next 20 minutes for their dinner and leaving alone our security team. And in only 10 minutes they will be back so, we have only those 10 minutes to act. Commandos in the house are making every move safe for us and for the children. We have to make sure they don't get hurt," Inspector said as they hid behind the trees so that aren't seen.

"Sir, it's all clear," one of the commando who was already in the house said. "You may all come. Our half of the commandos are in the dinner room with other guards. There they all will surrender."

"Are you sure it's all our commandos there at the moment?"

"Yes sir. I am 100% sure. And other half of our commandos are with the kids. Sir 12 minutes to the max all we got."

Karan and his team waited for nothing else. Arnav insisted he would go inside but Karan asked him to stay outside. "Arnav, I promise not a single baby will get hurt."

"Please do get all of them out safe."

"Don't you worry, Arnav."

In the next 3 seconds Karan and his whole team had completely left. All of them climbed up the huge walls and shortly joined other commandos. And they proceeded into the home.

Where other half of the police officers were on guard of the kids in the dress code of the goons. They all unmasked their faces when Karan and his team joined in to show them they were on their side. From the back door of the house they took all the kids out. There weren't more than 4 toddlers however there were kids of ages between 7-10. They all had the hope that they all will be safe for now.

It didn't take more than 10 minutes. And by the time the goons were ready to come of the dinner room the commandos that were present there took out their arms and all the goons had to surrender.

Police vans took all the kids mostly there were boys to the hospital and along with the toddlers. Except one, Adwaya.

Because Karan had taken him so that he could directly take him to Arnav.

Arnav's eyes twinkled with happiness, his heartbeat picked up the race against his body in an anticipation if it really was Adwaya.
Karan had protectively held him in his arms.

"Arnav, your Adwaya," Karan said.

Arnav couldn't describe what it really meant to him when Karan said "your Adwaya." And his prayers really came promising, those ten minutes were without any problem.

Karan carefully handed Adwaya in Arnav's arms. Arnav still was really scared to have him in his arms, but he was surprised in quick seconds he had made himself strong enough so that he could carry him.

He imagined how Khushi held him. He put his one hand under his neck and the other under his back. Tears glistened that had made their way down his eyes. But more than anything his eyes twinkled. Adwaya was sleeping. Adhaan.

"Arnav, every kid is sent to the hospital and they all are going under the examination just to check they haven't gone to any ill treatment. But Arnav there were more boys that were between the age 7-10. And hardly 4 toddlers."

"Are they all safe?" he asked, his voice was broken.

"Yes, Arnav they all are. Now you should go home."

"Where is Akaash, NK, and Dhruv?"

"They all were here but they all went to the hospital to look after every other kids. And you don't worry they will be fine. Now let's go."

"Let's go to the hospital before we take him home I really want to see if he is completely fine. And Karan please make sure all those goons and their owners get the worst punishment."

"Worst punishment, Arnav. They all will get it. Just let's go now. This place is really not safe."

When Arnav took Adwaya to his car and under the light from the dark place, he saw Adwaya was way too weak. He looked way to sick. In happiness he hadn't realized change in his weight either. He was lighter than first he had him in his arms. A day had lot of affect on him. And to top everything he was sick.

He immediately took him to the children hospital.

There doctor did his check up for complete three hours.

When he came out of the ward Arnav immediately rushed to him and asked, "Doctor, how is Adwaya?" He told Arnav that "he hadn't been fed anything for the past 24 due to that he is sick."

"But he will be fine, right?"

"He will be fine, Mr. Raizada."

"Shall I take home. My wife will take care of him. I know after seeing her he will be fine."

Doctor looked at Karan. "Yes, doctor. Adwaya will completely be fine. Mrs. Raizada can even feed him."

"If it is possible, I will suggest you to take him home immediately. Only a motherly love can keep him safe."

"Doctor, what about other kids?"

"Fortunately, they all are fine, Mr. Raizada. No harm is really done. Expect few of them are under malnutritioned."

"Don't you worry about that I have called the hotels they will be here with the healthy food any moment," Arnav said.

"That will be great. Good luck with Adwaya," Doctor said.

"Thank you."

"Arnav, your security is here take Adwaya home. I will send one of the nurse to look after Adwaya in case he needs it. But I don't think it will be really needed. Khushi and you is all he really needed to be perfectly fine."

"Thank you so much, Karan. I really don't know how to thank you."

"Arnav, thanks to that man, Krishna who gave me information on time. And they say, "Jako Rakhe Saiyan, Maar Sake Na Koi." (If God wants to save somebody, then nobody can kill him.)

"One more thing, Karan, I do believe there are kids that are already been smuggled. Can you please do more research and free all of them? And the kids who don't have parents will stay at our orphanage homes. And I will make sure they get the best education, shelter and food."

"Arnav, I have no doubt on that. Don't worry. Once we catch the owner of this illegal trading and child abuse we will find other children too. And yes, they all will stay at your orphanage. Akaash, NK, and Dhruv are home now. You go too. Khushi needs you and Adwaya."

Arnav immediately hugged him. Karan smiled and hugged him back.

"Everything is fine, Arnav."

Arnav broke the hug and he had big smile on his face.

"Also, save the thank you," Karan said. "Because tomorrow before you leave to your farmhouse I have another surprise for you."

"Alright, I will wait for it."

Karan smiled.

Whole family rejoiced when they saw Adwaya. They literally rushed to him. Adwaya was now awake, but he still looked sick.

"Go and take Adwaya immediately to Khushi, chote. Since, she has been up she is only asking about you. I am sure when she will see you and Adwaya, her fever will just go away."

Arnav quickly took Adwaya to Khushi, and making her wait not for any more second.

He was so happy that he thought it will jump out of his throat in excitement. He could imagine Khushi and her tears of happiness. Despite of her sickness.

Arnav so slowly went into the room that Khushi couldn't tell if he had come into the room. She had her eyes closed but she wasn't sleeping. 

Khushi was hiccuping as she just had another crying session. 

Arnav put Adwaya to her right. 

But all of sudden when Arnav's cologne's smell hit her nose, her eyes flew opened and whom she finds beside herself, Adwaya.

Her heart skipped a beat, in utter confused state she didn't know what to do. But before that she wanted to know if Adwaya, was beside her it wasn't just her dream. 

She looked at Arnav he was grimacing. But he eyed her, captured all her emotions. Pain, shock, confusion, happiness that came right from the heart.

"Am I dreaming?" She asked, so scared to look to her right. Scared of the fact if she will look again for Adwaya, she no longer find him there. 

Her breath was hitched in her throat. And at the same time a tight ball of congestion formed in her chest. 

"You aren't dreaming, Khushi," Arnav said softly. 

She took a sharp intake of breath. And looked to her right and Adwaya was still there. 

He was looking at his mother. Waiting for her to pick him up in his arms. When Khushi herself was too numb to accept in fact it wasn't a dream. He was confused why she wasn't picking him up. His lips pouted and quivered and he started crying. That's when she knew it wasn't a dream it was the reality. 

"He? Is his parents have come too?" she asked.

Arnav felt the sheer disappointment in her tone.

However, she didn't wait for him to even answer her. She embraced him in his arms and cried. Even more than she had since he had left. Her cries cut Arnav's heart into pieces. It was sinking his heart in the sea of pain. But he knew she needed to take it out. And more than cries it was a satisfaction to her that Adwaya was completely fine and in front of her eyes. 

He himself was at peace because at least one promise of bringing Adwaya safe and sound in front of her was fulfilled. 

Due to the continuous failures after a long time he was successful in bringing the happiness on the face of his Khushi. 

Khushi had hugged Adwaya tightly in her arms. She once again was kissing him. It was her heart that was dancing in joy. Arnav was sure if he would tell that he is now their son for forever, there would be no place in her heart to contain that happiness. 

"I missed you, mera bacha, Khushi auntie missed you," she cried. 

"Mummy, Khushi!" Arnav corrected. She instantly looked at him in disbelief and bewilderment.

"Khushi, Adwaya is yours and mine for forever now. He will be staying with us for forever. As our son."

She placed Adwaya back on the bed when his cries were stopped and herself immediately got out of the bed and held Arnav's collar. "You are lying, Arnav ji. Aren't you? You are saying this because I am sick. To make you feel better you are saying...Please just don't give me false hopes, please!"

"No, Khushi, I am not giving you a false hopes, Adwaya is here to stay for forever."

Before he had a chance to tell her the whole story she collapsed. For the first time not because of the tension or stress or even due to sickness but due to shock of elation.

Also, for the first time Arnav wasn't afraid either thinking what might be the reason of her illness. Or if she was fine. 

He thought he had just overwhelmed her and more than she could even take.

He laid her back on the bed. As Adwaya looked at her and him. 

"She is fine, my son," he said. "Your mother is fine as you are here." 

Ask a man who got an unknown happiness to be called a child, a son. In this world the things that are precious are never earned easily. So neither did Arnav and Khushi. They had lost their own baby but got one in the form of Adwaya. Arnav wouldn't have been more thankful. 

In actual he never complaint as he knew whatever happened in the past few months was all written in their fates and it was ought to happened. 

Howbeit, still they were afraid. Afraid because yet they weren't too used to happiness. Their life was and had always been unpredictable. 

He at once paused the thought of negativity in his mind. 

In few minutes, Khushi regained her consciousness. For a brief amount of time, she feared it was her dream nonetheless, she found Adwaya still beside her, peacefully sleeping.


"Khushi, no I wasn't lying to you when I said Adwaya is ours now."


"Khushi, people who came to get Adwaya weren't his really parents. 

Sudden angst seeped in Khushi's heart. She was all of sudden bustling. As she looked at Adwaya and then at Arnav, "Is he hurt?" Arnav cupped her face. "Nothing to worry about, Khushi. Nothing to worry about."

"I tell you everything. Today, in the morning when I left home, Karan called me and told me that Adwaya wasn't safe as he was taken up by not his real parents.

"Khushi, they were the criminals. They smuggled children to other countries for illegal purposes, mostly small kids that were underage."

Khushi's heart thumped harder against her chest. 

"And Adwaya was one of them. The day before you rescued him from the mall, he was abducted from the orphanage home."

Arnav could feel she was afraid if Adwaya was hurt in any way. 

"There is a child care home in the remorse area of east side of the Mumbai where those children are kept and later on sold to the people. And there is a large group of gang who is currently running this illegal work. So yesterday, Karan came to know about as he got a call from a person, Krishna and told him that Adwaya was taken up by the fake parents. And then Karan took a step forward and with the help of the team of commandos and the police force they freed around 50-60 children. Now they are going through the medical check ups and later they will be staying at our orphanage home. I will make sure they get proper education and shelter and food. 

"Khushi, to end your worries, Adwaya is perfectly fine. But he wasn't fed since he left from here."

Khushi looked at Adwaya as once again raw pain shattered her peace of mind. 

"Doctor has done his proper check up and concluded that he would be fine soon."

"Arnav ji, how are you? Please tell me you aren't hurt."

"No, Khushi, I am not hurt. I hardly had to be involved in it. Karan and the police force did everything."

"And those criminals won't hurt you or Adwaya right?"

"No, Khushi. They won't. Karan had made sure none of us actually became part of it. It would solely be police matter. And our son and our family wouldn't be hurt."

"Our son?!"

"Yes, Khushi. I will be asking my lawyer to prepare adoption papers as soon as possible."

"So it means he doesn't have parents?"

"No, Khushi. He doesn't. And his actually name is Adhaan Singh."

"Adhaan Singh!" she repeated.

"Yes! And we will call him Adwaya as well as Adhaan."

As Khushi was updated with every information, now she was completely relieved and her heart was at rest. She was a mother. 

"Congratulations Khushi. I would really say you are in actual his mom. Even though he wasn't in your womb for nine months, but mother is the one who give a birth to life. And so did you. You, rescued him and gave him the life."

Khushi smiled through tears. But still she didn't know why but felt like crying. As she laid she hugged her husband. Arnav tightly wrapped his arms around her. And tears that he was trying not to shed escapade his eyes, he let his tears stream freely. Without bothering that it would hurt his Khushi. Because those tears were of happiness.

As soon as Adwaya opened his eyes, after sleeping for three hours, Khushi fed him. She was reliving the motherhood and from now on wards she wanted to capture every little moment she would spend with him. Afterall, he was her, correction their first child. Arnav was sitting just beside Khushi and Khushi's head rested on her shoulder, he had wrapped his arms around her and watched his baby as he was hungrily drinking milk. 

Once again toys that were set aside were on the bed for their son to play with.

"Arnav ji, so whole day you were with Karan?"

"Yes, I was Khushi. He actually called me around 12:30 PM. Then I told at the office that to cancel all the meetings and tell that I was out of town. I had told you about Adwaya, but you weren't in the condition.

"Tell me were you mad at me for my morning behaviour? I am sorry, I didn't mean to say all that. But that point if I knew I was wrong about Adwaya I wouldn't have said that."

"Arnav ji, you don't have to justify your actions. I wasn't actually mad at you, but at myself. I mix all my emotions up and hurt you. I should be sorry for hurting you."

"It's alright, Khushi. Let's just forget everything. Our Adwaya is with us and nothing else we want."

She nodded her head. "He looks really tired and weak," she murmured.

"Don't you worry, since he is with us we will make sure he is healthy again."

She once again nodded her head as she caressed Adwaya's head.

"Arnav ji, can you take care of him. I don't want him to catch the cold from me."

"Sure, and I don't think he will be up now. He needs lots of sleep. Tomorrow before we leave we have to do little bit of more shopping. We have to get his baby seat and few of the clothes."

"I will go too."

"Sure you may! But please be better as soon as possible."

"I am perfectly fine, Arnav ji. My bacha and my husband is with me. I am perfectly fine."

"I can tell," Arnav said and grimaced.

Adwaya was in his little baby bed that was at one side of the corner of the bed. And Arnav and Khushi both were laying at the one corner. Arnav was just staring at Khushi as she peacefully slept in his arms and her hand rested on Adwaya's chest. 

His lips curled into a big smile when he looked at Khushi and Adwaya. They both were sleeping but had a little smile on their faces. Was it a coincidence or the natural bond they shared?!

His eyes twinkled and he was so relaxed as he had worries of nothing today.

He was the bird and he was flying high in the sky from one place to another.

Never ever he felt such a feeling. He touched the wood and prayed that their happiness was always there to stay. Enough bad they had gone through and not more they would tolerate.

In a way, he could actually tell Adwaya was their lucky charm.

"Krishna!" Name popped in his mind. He so wanted to meet that person. If it wasn't him, Arnav and his Khushi wouldn't have been enjoying the moments of parenthood once again.

He decided he would talk to Karan and as soon as possible, he would get the adoption papers ready.

"Come bhabi!" NK said and pulled chair for Khushi at the breakfast table.

They all looked at Arnav as he was still in his PJ and even he didn't go for a jogging and to the gym. 

All they could do was smile. Arnav looked at them. "Good morning everyone."

"Good morning," everyone wished him back.

"And good morning from my side too!" Karan said. 

A sudden fear was pumped in Khushi's heart. She didn't know why Karan had come. Even Arnav had no idea even though he knew Karan was talking about a surprise, so neither did the family.

"Karan beta you here? Is everything alright?"

"Good morning Nani ji!" Karan went and touched her feet to get blessings. 

"Long live son!"

Then he went and he touched mami ji's and mama ji's feet.

"I actually had a surprise for you guys!"

"A surprise, yes! I was waiting for it, Karan!" Arnav said.

"Mr. Kashyap!" Karan said and Mr. Kashyap came into the house.

"Arnav, before you guys leave today Adwaya will be yours, I have already prepared the papers. Just sign them and he is all yours."

Khushi finally took a sigh of relief. "That's wow!" NK and Dhruv said in unison.

"Yes, it is. I thought I could get all this done in no time, so here you go parents, sign these papers."

Arnav side hugged Khushi and kissed her hair as she had come to him. And they looked at Adwaya that Arnav was carrying.

Wasting no more time they just sat in the chairs in the study and signed the adoption papers in front of the whole family. It was a double celebration time for them. 

Tomorrow would be a mothers day and a celebrations of Arnav and Khushi's becoming a parents. Family had already thought of giving Arnav and Khushi a surprise.

"The other thing is the other three toddlers and five to seven kids are given to their parents," Karan said. "Also, the kids parents have sent a thank you to you, Arnav and blessings to you and your family."

"It was everyone's effort, Karan," Arnav said. 

"My brothers were there and most importantly Khushi and you and your police force."

"Yes, that's true! But do accept those parents blessings and thanks."

"It's all by god grace and children fate," Mami ji said.

"Yes, that's true, auntie ji," Karan said.

"Anyways, thank you for your time, and now you could leave to your farmhouse without any worries."

"Thank you so much, Karan, it was for sure a big surprise and you seriously ended our worries!"

"You are very welcome. And your security that will escort you to your farm house is here."

"Karan son, why don't you just stay here for a breakfast," Mama ji said.

"Sure," Karan said.

"And Karan, can you find Krishna? I really want to thanks him!"

"Yes sure. I will see if I can find him out."

"That would be great!"


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