Thursday 26 February 2015

It has always been about you, Mr. Raizada Ch 8-9

She called Arnav but he seemed to be in a deep sleep. When she fell back with a force all of sudden his eyes flew open, first thought came into his mind was "what just happened?" When he looked at Khushi, he carefully but quickly lied Hazel on the bed and rushed to her.

"Khushi!" he called her. When he saw blood in her nose he was afraid she was sick again.

He lifted her to made her sit, so that she does not swallow her blood, she  was in her senses. "Khushi, get up!" he said, in a hurried tone.

She slowly got up the bed and he took her to the washroom. He helped her clean her nose. Luckily it wasn't that bad.

She sat on the bath tub to calm her furiously beating heart.

"Do you still take blood pressure pills?" he asked, as it was the second time he witnessed she experiencing nosebleed.

She nodded her head. "Haven't you told your doctor the side effects of them?"

"They aren't side effects but it could be due to the high blood pressure!"

"Feeling better?" he asked. "Or do you want to see the doctor?"

"No, it's okay. It is nothing to worry about!"

"Can you stand on your feet?"

She stood up, and was going to fall when Arnav hurried towards her and held her to give her a support.

"Careful, Khushi!"

They both looked into each other's eyes. "Thank you!" she muttered.

He looked away for second and then back at her.

"Come with me, did you take your BP pills?" 

He help her walked back to the bed. "No, I did not need to. Today, all of sudden it happened." 

"I come!" She said. 

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To drink water!"

He looked at her coldly. "Sit here, you can ask for it!" he said, and picked the empty milk glasses and left to get water. Khushi watched him go.

She sat on the bed and leaned her head against the headboard. 
All she was doing was cursing herself for believing her mother, and more she thought of her mother, her blood boiled. But more than being angry on her mother, she was mad at herself. She held only herself more responsible for the misery that her daughter and Arnav was still going through.

Hazel turned to her side and her hand fell in her lap. Khushi held it in her hands and caressed it. Hazel was her worry. She didn't want her child to not to get the love of her both parents. She didn't want her child to get punished more than she already had because of her. She prayed that somehow she could win Arnav back. 

Arnav walked into the room with a glass of water. He kept it on the night table instead of giving it to her.

"Thank you," she said. "Arnav ji?"
"Can we go out tomorrow?"
"What for?"
"I need to talk to you!"
"I am not sure if I am free." 
"Please, I won't take your much time!"
"I am sorry, I really don't have time. If I will be free in between I shall inform you!"
"Good night!" he said and switched off the lamp.

Khushi's heart lurched. Doesn't know why but she knew something was going to happen. Whether it was good or bad, she did not know. She didn't even want to give her gut feeling attention but it was too hard to ignore.

When she looked at Hazel and Arnav she just wished good for them. She weakly got up the bed, Arnav sensed it. He turned his head to look at her.

"Where are you going, Khushi? Do you need something?" he questioned.

She shook her head.

"You feeling alright?" he asked. Physically she was fine, but emotionally weak. She nodded.

He sat up the bed, and then they both walked out of the room to the pool area. Arnav closed the French door behind.

He asked her to sit in the chair, whereas he himself stood beside her.

"I have done enough mistakes, Arnav ji. I know they all are unforgettable!" she said. "And to many extents unforgivable. Our relationship started on a rough road, and with our more mistakes, more from my side, it only got worst. Three years ago when you wanted a chance I didn't give you. I was so blind with anger that it override the love that I had for you. Arnav ji, I don't know what made me take those decisions."

He had not said a word even though he could not tolerate those words. He kept silent for now, as he tried as hard to control his anger.

"Then second time I made a mistake by listening to my mother. I should have known their intentions but I again couldn't understand and I end up hurting you."

His fist clenched as his facial muscles trembled in anger, but he only stood stiff.

"Arnav ji, I know you don't like me talking about whatever happened in the past..."

"Come to point!"

She looked at his angry form. She wanted to ask for one more chance but she didn't know if it was the right thing or even right time to ask for.

"Arnav ji, for our Hazel, can we give this relationship a chance?"

He looked at her, and in no way anger left his face. She stood up in fear.

"For our Hazel, I am still giving this relationship a chance, Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada. If I haven't divorced you it is because of Hazel. I do not want my child to be a sufferer.

"You know why this relationship is not working, if you have realised that, it was always about me, or you, or our families, or our child, BUT about us. It was never about us, Khushi. That's why we are not happy. Our families are not happy, our child is not happy. Do you get that?"

"Now please excuse me!"

He was going to leave when Khushi held his hand, he stopped. She walked back till she was standing face to face with him.

She let go his hand and slowly cupped his face, he was going to move back when something stopped him.

"What if I ask about us?" she said. "Arnav ji, one last chance. If I failed..."

He was shaking his head. "There was not a first one chance, there was not a second chance, Khushi. The thing is we never gave each other a chance. For almost three years I am fighting with myself, and still I can't figure out where we went wrong. I am so much in hate with this so called word "chance." If you do not want to loose whatever we have in between us that is everything except having a relationship of love and understanding and trust, please let things work on its own. Stop tangling it more and more."

What he was saying, nothing made sense to her. Her heart had ached for him. "I will keep on trying, Arnav ji. I am ready to make up for my mistakes," she said.

"I won't ask for any chance, but I want to say is I love you!"

"Trust?" he said. "Khushi, you can hurt me one time, two times, even thousand times, but, the problem is you are insecure. You asked for a child in our relationship but you were insecure that I will take that child away from you. And the feelings that you have for me are called infatuation. You do not love me, you love your insecurity. Tell me if I am wrong. Tell me if you are not afraid that you are always worried, this and that will be taken from you. It's not a bad thing, we all have these insecurities, but there is one thing as I said, that is; faith.  Even now when I see you all I see is you are lost. You still have no idea what you want."

She moved forward and placed her lips on his and she was hopeful that he understood even when she hated him he was the only person she needed. 

"You are not the person I want, Arnav ji, I need you. Its neither a infatuation." 

Arnav saw hurt in her eyes. "Let's go inside, Khushi!" he said.

Khushi did walk inside with him, but her mind was only revolving around what she said, he made her lie on the bed. "Good night, Khushi!" he whispered.

"Good night, Arnav ji!"

"By the way, you can come to office tomorrow during the lunch!" he said.

Khushi smiled and looked at him as she turned her head. "Bring Hazel, since I will be going to office she will miss me!"

"Sure!" she said, and hid her face in the pillow in happiness. "Thank you!" she whispered to herself, now she knew she could have gone to sleep much more peacefully. And moreover, he had heard her was more than enough for her. She now turned around to face Arnav and Hazel. She saw he was looking at Hazel.

"What happen, Arnav ji?"

He was smiling.
"She called me here!"

"Called you? When?" she asked, surprised.

"The day before I came here."

"Hello, I want to talk to my daddy!" a crying voice said, receptionist who picked up the phone wondered who it could be.

"Hello, hi, who is this? And who is your daddy?"

"Nanav daddy!"

Receptionist wondered who it was as she couldn't get because of her babble tone.

"Dear, please stop crying, and tell me who you want to talk to?"

"My daddy, Nanav."

"Who it could be?" receptionist thought.

"Please dear hold on!"

"Megan, one child is on phone and she, I guess, want to talk to her dad. I can't hear her properly."

"Elisa, it must be Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada's daughter Hazel," Megan said.

"Is he married?" Elisa asked.

"Yes, he is married and have a daughter as well, give me the phone I talk to her!" 

"Wow!" Elisa said and gave Megan the phone. 

"Hello, Hazel!"

"I want to talk to my daddy!" Hazel cried.

"Alright, angel, hold on, I get your daddy on line!"

"Okay!" she said.

"But, Megan, he is in the very important meeting!"

"For him no meeting is important than his daughter. Next time if she calls all you have to simply go in and let him know!" she said. "I wonder why she did not call his phone?"

"Hello, Aman, Megan here, can you please let Mr. Raizada know that it's his daughter on phone."

"Hazel?" Aman said worriedly. He immediately went into the meeting room.

"Sir, Hazel is on phone and she wants to talk to you!"

"Hazel?" Arnav asked worried and excused himself.

"Gentlemen, I will be right back please excuse me!"

"Hello, Hazel, baby, what happen? Why are you crying?"

"Daddy, where are you?"

"Baby, daddy is at work!"

"In Italy?"


"Daddy, please come back to India. Hazel is missing you!" Arnav felt the worst pain as he ever felt in his heart.
"Daddy, I am sick. And nobody cares for me."

"Sick? What happen to you? And where is mummy?" 

She lied as she knew if she gave Khushi the phone she will loose the chance to convince him to come back to her.

"I don't know where they are, please daddy come back. Daddy, why are still there? You said you will soon come but like mommy you lied to me!"

"Daddy is sorry!"

"No, you cannot say sorry and be done with it. Daddy, you don't love me, nobody loves me!"

"Hazel, this is not the truth, right?! Okay, daddy is coming in a day or two!"

"Daddy, if you didn't come I will never talk to you!" she said. "Bye daddy, I am waiting for you!" She said and hung up the phone.

***End of Flashback***

Khushi was stunned to know that she actually called him and when? She didn't know.

"Now I understand why she was so certain that you will be coming, and she kept on giggling. That's why she was all of sudden perfectly fine!" Khushi said.

"I don't know where does she come up with all this! She is so smart!" he said and laughed. He kept his hand on his chest and kissed her forehead.

He simply closed his eyes to sleep.
Khushi was still smiling. "Why would not she be? After all, she has gone on you!" she said. 

"Good afternoon, daddy!" Hazel screamed as soon as she entered in her father's cabin.

Huge bright smile automatically came on Arnav's face seeing his daughter. He welcomed her in his arms and kissed her cheeks. "Good afternoon, Hazel. How is my baby girl?"

"I am good!"

"Didn't Ruhani di come?"

"Offo, daddy, you forgot that di goes to school!"

"Uh-oh, daddy again forgot. Daddy is getting old!"

"No!" she immediately said. "You are a young boy and handsome."

"Where do you learn these things from?" he asked.

"I am intelligent like you, daddy," she said. Arnav laughed at his daughter, when he looked at Khushi it changed into a smile.

"No, baba, you are even more intelligent than your daddy!" he said.

"Good afternoon, Arnav ji!"

"Hi, how are you?"

"I am good!" she said, and sat on the sofa to unpack the lunch.

"Daddy, me and mommy went to mall today!"

"Without me?" he pouted.

"Yes, sorry. But it was a secret shopping. I mean the one that girls do."

Khushi shook her head as she softly laughed, Arnav looked at her for a brief amount of time then looked at Hazel.

"Oh! So you went on a secret shopping. Hmm. That is interesting. What did you get for a daddy?"


"Daddy is sad!" 

She arched his cheek, to make him smile. "Now you are smiling!" She said.

Arnav laughed.
"We both will go together on a secret shopping!" she whispered in his ear.

"Oh okay!" he said and chuckled.

"Arnav, and Hazel come and eat food!" Khushi said, Arnav looked at her when she called him without ji. "I mean Arnav ji!" she immediately said as she only looked at him for a brief time, and looked away.

"Let's eat the lunch!" he said and they walked to the sitting area.

"Hazel, come I make you eat!" Khushi said.

"Daddy, I want to eat from your hands."

"From my hands, okay! Sure!" he said and made her eat. And Khushi felt it was a perfect family lunch.

As they finished food, Arnav's secretary told that someone had come to visit him. He told her to let her come in. Khushi packed the empty lunch box.

"Hazel, let's go. Daddy need to work!"

Hazel refused to leave.

A girl knocked at the door.

"Come in!" Arnav said.

Khushi looked at the girl around 5'11" tall. Beautiful, Indian, yet looked Catholic.

"Hello!" she said.

Arnav made Hazel sit on his table. "Yes?"

"I am sorry if I disturbed you!" she said.

"No, it's alright, please come in!"

"Hi, I am Sunaina Frenandaz!"

Khushi could tell looking at Arnav's face that he didn't know her.

"Sorry, do we know each other?"
Sunaina shrugged her shoulders. "I think we talked on phone regarding our next project in france. I am Robert Frenandaz's daughter!"

"Oh, yeah. I am so very sorry. Yes, we did talk on phone. Please meet my wife, Khushi Singh Raizada and..."

"Hazel...Hazel Singh Raizada!" she finished his sentence. "Yes, I know her. Hi, Mrs. Raizada!"

"Hi!" Khushi said.

"In fact, I have done quite a lot of research about you, Mr. Raizada. I know a lot about you!"

"That's great!"

"Hi, hazel. You are so pretty!"

"Thank you, auntie!" she said, "Mumma!" she said to Khushi as she asked her to pick her up.

"I am sorry, she is little reserved, does not interact with new people as easily!" Khushi said.

"Well, she is more cheerful than the kids I know of!" she said and laughed.

Her laugh and smile reminded Khushi of Lavanya. Her heart lurched.

"Say bye to daddy, and auntie!" Khushi said.

"Bye daddy!" Hazel said and Khushi walked to Arnav so that he could meet Hazel. Arnav kissed Hazel's hair, "See you in the evening, Hazel."

"Bye, auntie!" Hazel said.

"Bye, Hazel!" Sunaina said, and smiled.

It wasn't right to say Khushi was jealous but she didn't like Sunaina's presence. Her guts were again saying something big was coming, she was almost certain. Unfortunately, she wasn't positive.

"Excuse me!" Arnav said, to Sunaina and left his office.

"Sure!" she said, and looked at him as he went to Khushi and Hazel.

"Khushi!" he said. Khushi immediately stopped hearing him.

"Arnav ji!" she said.

Arnav walked to her and did the unexpected. He kissed her forehead. "Take care!" he said.

He saw her lips curving into a sweet smile. "What was that?" her mind screamed. But whatever it was, she was on ninth clouds. Her fears were already flown in the air somewhere.

"So, Ms. Frenandaz, you came all of sudden. Without any proper appointment!"

"I am really sorry, Mr. ASR, I had come here to India, so I thought I should meet up with you and fix an appointment personally rather than having a phone conversation."

"It's not a problem," he said. "But see I want to be very clear, the project that we are talking here is not easy to merge. Our company has certain policies and with our mergers I do think some of the treaties will be preached unless resolved."

Sunaina wasn't listening him but was watching him.

"Mr. ASR, to get you I can do anything!"

"Excuse me!" Arnav said immediately as his tone expected clarification.

"Yes, to work with you!" she corrected herself smartly. "Me and dad have waited like years to work with your company!"

"I am sure about that, that's why I would prefer that all the issues that we might have are resolved."

"Nothing will come into our work. We will listen to your every demand."

"That will be great. Nevertheless, I am very excited to work with you and your father!"

"Perfect! When can we next meet?"

"Tomorrow my manager, Aman is arriving to India. And since Christmas is also day after tomorrow we might have a small gathering at home. Why don't you join us?"

"That's absolutely perfect! Mr. Raizada, onemore trouble to you, I don't know much about here. May I know where I could stay here?"

"You do not worry about. I talk to someone. They will book you a room at one of the best hotels for as long as you want!"

"That will be great! So, now I should leave!" she said, Arnav got up when she did. She shook her hand with his.

I am sure, this meeting of ours will go long way! she thought, and smiled.

"Hello dad!"

"Hey, Sunanina!" her father said. "How did meeting with, Mr. Raizada go?"

"Dad, I want this deal to be clean. And with this deal, I want this man, Arnav Singh Raizada!"


Khushi touched her cheeks and smiled thinking of a little moment of bliss with Arnav and his little gesture of her with Arnav, it was a cloud nine moment for her. Never she thought he was going to do something like this, not at this point when there were so many differences between them. Was it a positive sign, she wondered. Now her hopes were raised, and if it was finally going to happen she wished that she didn't mess up this time. She had really waited for long to be back with him.

If it was meant to take things slowly, and carefully she was all also read to do that. She was glad that last night  she talked and he listened to her. That indeed was fruitful.

"Arnav ji, I promise that it will be about us now."
"Mommy, when is Adhaan bhaiya coming?" Hazel asked, as she played with her doll. Khushi looked through the rear view mirror at her daughter who was sitting at the back seat.
"Tomorrow!" she said. She smiled when she remembered how she had called Arnav back to India.
"Hazel, I love you, my princess!"
"I love you too, mumma. Mumma, who was that auntie in daddy's office?"

Khushi was once again forced to think about Sunaina, her heart moved to her throat.

"She works with daddy, Hazel!" she said. Hazel leaned to her side to grab her doll that fell to her side. "Hazel, sit properly dear, and is your seat belt properly fastened?"

"Yes, mommy."

It was already 10:00 PM, and Arnav hadn't come home yet. Hazel had already slept waiting for him. She caressed Hazel's hair and kissed her and then Ruhani as they both had slept together in their rooms.

"Khushi, you haven't slept yet, bitiya?" Mami ji asked, as she saw her in the hallway, "Has chote come?"

"No, Mami ji, he hasn't. But he called and told that he will be little late."

"Alright, dear. Good night!"
Khushi nodded.

Khushi went to the living room, and sat in the sofa, as she waited for Arnav. Her eyes were heavy with sleep, the moment she put her head down on the arm rest, she dozed off, however, she was up when the door bell rang. Clock struck 11:00 PM.

She quickly got up the sofa to open the door and was relieved to see Arnav.

"Arnav ji, you got late."
"Yeah, I am sorry about that. I had lot of work at the office. Why are you still up? And Hazel? Had she slept?"
"Yes, after talking to you she went to sleep."
"Is she in the room?"
"Today she slept in her room with Ruhani."
"Shall I get water for you?"
"No, thanks!" he said, and sat on the sofa tired.
"Arnav ji, you go and get freshen I get dinner table ready."

Arnav saw her from the dinning area, in a hurry she was heating up the food, he wanted her to say to slow down, but he kept his concerns to himself.

"Come sit, and eat your food."

She sat down, "I already ate!" she lied. He looked at her briefly as he doubted it.

"What are the plans for Christmas?" he asked, to initiate a talk with her just that they don't sit in an awkward silent.

"Decorations are almost done, before Aman guys will be here it will be ready."

"Hmm...Do you want anything that is needed I will buy it after coming from the office tomorrow."

"Everything is almost ready. Chocolates are left," she said.

"Hmm...Tomorrow office is only until afternoon, on my way back I will get them, just write me the list of you want."

She nodded.

He cleaned his hands with the hand towel. "Dinner was delicious, thank you!" he said, and left.

As she saw him gone, she took his plate that Arnav purposely left, as he knew she was only waiting for him to eat, and then eat from his plate. Exactly that Khushi did so.

She watched him sleeping soundly. She could see some rays of hope, but she didn't know when would be the time come when there will be not miles of distance between them.

"Adhaan, bhaiya!" Hazel screamed as soon as she saw him. "Ruhani, Di, Adhaan bhaiya is here!" she called.

Hazel hugged him. "Hazel, see I told you I will to your house!" Adhaan told her.

Aman and Shaya, Khushi and Arnav smiled seeing their kids.

Hazel then went to Aman and Shaya and greeted them, "Aman, chachu, Shaya, chachi, I was waiting for you for so long!"

"Aww, we are sorry to make you wait!" Aman said, and picked her in his arms.

Khushi and Shaya hugged each other.

Arnav picked Adhaan in his arms, "hey, champ!"

"Hi, uncle!" he said and kissed his cheeks.

"Daddy, talk to him later, me and Ruhani Di are waiting to play with him," Hazel said.

"Okay, baba, go and play!"

"Aman, I hope journey was comfortable!"

"Yes, bhai, it was all great, it feels great to be back to your country!"

Khushi and Raizada family looked at each other gloomily, but they greeted each other with happiness in their hearts.

"Aman, beta and Shaya, bitiya, please freshen up you must be tired, then we shall talk!"

"Okay, Nani ji!" Shaya said. Aman picked up the luggage.

"Beta, don't worry, HP will carry your luggage to your room!"

"Thank you, Nani ji. We will be back soon!"

"Take your time, son," Mami ji said.

"I have brought the chocolates that you asked me, they are in the car, just ask HP to go and get them," he said to Khushi and left. He didn't even bother to look at his family.

"Where the heck my tie is?" Arnav huffed, as he looked for his tie in his wardrobe.

"Arnav ji, are you looking for something?" Khushi asked.

"No, nothing. Thank you!"

"May be I can help!"

"I am looking for my navy blue tie. I have to go out for a meeting with Ms. Frenandaz!"

"Arnav ji, all of sudden?"

"Yes, it's important."

"Arnav ji, your ties are in the walk in closet!"

"Please, Khushi, don't move my stuff from the spot. I put them where I could easily find them!"

"I am sorry, Arnav ji, I go and get it!" she said.

"Please!" he said.

Aman knocked on the door.
"Bhai, are you ready?"
"Aman, are you sure you want to go now, we can go tomorrow!"
"Bhai, why you are worrying, I am not tired don't worry, and by the way tomorrow is Christmas, we will better enjoy it!"
Arnav laughed as he held tie from Khushi's hand when she came back with it.
"Aman, why are you standing outside come in?"
"Thanks, bhabi. But we are already in a hurry!" he said.
"Alright, I am all ready," Arnav said too and left the room.
Arnav forgot his wallet and handkerchief behind, Khushi went after him. She didn't call him from behind but chased him to his car.

"Arnav, Aman, are you guys going anywhere?" Akaash asked, as he saw them the half way.
"Yes, Akaash, bhai, we had a meeting!" Aman stopped to say, but Arnav.
"Bhabi!" Aman said. Arnav looked at her before sitting in the car.
"Arnav ji, forgot his wallet and handkerchief!" she said huffing. Arnav looked in his pocket. She gave Aman, Arnav's handkerchief and the purse. "Aman, come fast we are getting late!"
"Akaash, bhai, see you soon, we will be back in two or three hours."
"Sure!" Akaash said and Aman left.
"He doesn't even look at our sides!" Akaash said, dejected.
"New Year is around the corner, I hope we don't have to start an another years with tiffs. You know what, Khushi, since childhood he always used to be stubborn, but if I would say such thing should happen and in my way he would do it even though it was me on the tip of his anger. He never ignored me. And now it has been three years and he hardly said a single sentence properly to me."
Khushi heard him but she had not much to say, she had no words to comfort him when she was concerned by the same things as Akaash was.
"By the way, why he would when being his elder brother I couldn't do any good to him."
Khushi looked at disappointed look on his face.
"I am sure even he also wants to talk to us, bhaiya. All we know is that he is angry on us, but I know more than us we want to talk to him, he wants to talk to us!"
Akaash was feeling much better to know this side that Khushi acquainted him with.
"What we can do, Khushi, to apologise?"
"He needs time, he spent three years without us and never let anyone go near him. I have only seen him talking to kids properly, and Aman and Shaya."
"Even at office he only talks to the point and only about work. Khushi, I feel I have lost my brother. The trust, the faith that he had on me. Why only me? We all have lost him, he has his little family that has already proved by being with him in their hard times," he finished his sentence and after that there was a complete silence in between the two even their minds had nothing to suggest to what they should.

"Merry Christmas!" Hazel, Ruhani, and Adhaan screamed as they came out of their rooms.

"Kids, calm down!" Nani said, and hugged all three of them.
"Nani ma, where are our gifts?" Ruhani asked.
"Your gifts? Where they would be?"
"Under the tree!" Adhaan and Hazel screamed in joy and ran to the family room where Christmas tree was.

"Hazel, what your parents gave each other?" Ruhani asked, as they opened their gifts.
Khushi looked at the kids when Hazel was asked this question. Even Arnav was sitting in the lounge area with Aman when he heard Ruhani asking her.
"My daddy gave mommy a chain!" Adhaan said, "and my mommy a ring to my father."
"Adhaan, her mommy daddy don't talk to each other."
Hazel looked at them angrily.
"No, my mom dad talk to each other, they are friends," she said, loudly, as everyone looked at her.
Payal and Shaya immediately went to their children to stop them from saying anything further.
"Ruhani, keep quite," Payal said.

Khushi fought with the emotions that threatened to come out of her eyes, she tried to not walk out of there when everyone was around. But staying there would have made matter worse.

"Come on kids let's open the gifts!" Nani said, as she tried to handle the situation. As everyone agreed to normalise the situation. All the while, Arnav's eyes only traced Khushi. More than anyone Arnav knew she was the one who was affected.

Arnav walked into the dark room, he was sure he heard the sobs, and he even know it wasn't of anyone else's but Khushi's.

Khushi couldn't get to know if someone stood at the door until the dim light in the room was switched on, and she heard the footsteps and the door closed, she knew it was Arnav.

The clinking of her bangles as she wiped her tears and her sniffs made him sure that she was crying.

She immediately got up the bed. "Arnav ji, you. I just came to get something, was now just coming downstairs."

Arnav walked up to her, and stood in front of her, and made her look at himself.

Despite of her every tries tears slipped down her eyes. "I think lens got stuck, I go and remove it!" she said as she tried to walk up from there.

Arnav held her by her arm and made her stand once again in front of himself, knowing that she was just simply making up things when she herself knew why she was crying. Khushi burst into tears and hugged him, digging her face in his neck.

He moved her back, and looked in her eyes, before he leant in to kiss her left eye. Khushi clenched her veil tightly in her hands, and that hold got tighter when he moved to kiss the tears from her right eyes.

"I am sorry, Khushi!" he said, she wondered why he was sorry.

She shook her head. "I am sorry to you, Arnav ji, I am sorry for our daughter, she is facing the punishment of my mistakes," she said.

He didn't say anything and moved back, and looked away. He tugged his hands in his pockets.

"Our mistakes would not come in between our daughter's happiness. Not ever she will be forced to answers as she was today."

"Can you please forgive me?" she asked, she held his hand. "I promise I won't repeat the mistakes of our pasts, Arnav ji!"

He turned in one moment and there was nothing else but raw fierce that sit in his eyes she saw, however, she saw it changing too, to nothing but pain. He moved to the edge of the bed to sit. Khushi walked towards him, and slowly lowered to her knees.

She kept her hand in his laps. "Arnav ji, it's the end of the pain that I can take that you are going through, the one that me and our families have given to you. Arnav ji, it has been already three years and you have hardly said a word to us. Please forgive us. It will never happen again," she said. "Please forgive us, forgive me. I can't take the pain anymore. But I also know that neither you are feeling happy by not talking to us. More than us you are hurt. Don't give yourself this pain please, Arnav ji!"

Arnav made her stand on her feet. "Let's go, Khushi, everyone is waiting for us!" he said.

She didn't move an inch, neither he. He looked at her again, and moved his hand forward. Khushi looked at his hand, and then at him in awe. And then she didn't take time to give her hand in his with a pure happiness on her tired face and heart.

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