Thursday 26 February 2015

On his demand 2 Chapter 11

Chapter 11 (62)

Arnav scraped back a chair for Khushi, but giving no damn in a vague try to keep up with a public image of both of them being an enemies. Thanks to his tough attitude that worked anytime, at his call.

"Please have a seat."

His said words were rather calm than his actions.

"...give me ten minutes, I shall be back with a cup of coffees," he added in a little low tone. "Anything else you want," he enquired, keeping it still to a low murmur.

"Please come back soon," she said, he smiled briefly looking at a smile that reached her eyes and twinkled in his own two pair of eyes.

"I will not make you wait like other times," he said blinking his eyelashes once. He was already walking towards the counter to make his order.

Khushi caught herself following his path, and a ghost of smile flourished on her face, at the same time she felt little sad that he was trying too hard to make her feel all comfortable and normal.

"I am okay," she said, pretending she was telling it to him and something that she hadn't voiced loudly. "I am happy to live in every situation you are keeping me in." 

It never hurt her knowing that more than anyone he was suffering. She wanted to step into a war zone to help him out, and she was afraid he was ready to take her in. Not when it involved risk to be in an unknown territories.

She found couple of people, especially girls looking at him, surprised, surprised if it was real Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, whom they found too lavish to wander in a coffee shop, ordering his own cup of coffee, instead of his helping hand.

That was his fan following and he got a varied audience, she was skeptical if he was aware of it. For men, he was an undying inspiration, for girls he was a hot as hell. Surely their dreams came crashing in a mere second when he married her. This thought made her laugh to herself. She masked her face with her hands to suppress her laugh. She couldn't deny she felt rather sympathetic than actually being jealous being a dream of millions girls around the globe, for the fact that he was too busy in his own world to pay an attention to any of the girls around.

If she was right even at a moment in his head he would rather be thinking of several thousand ways to find out about the real culprit, this was his priority at the moment, and then about his business.

Business was something he was married to before marrying her. And that, she never thought was coming in her way in anyway. He always had his priorities set.

This was what loved Arnav loved the most in her. She gave him the space whenever he needed. Unlike other woman, she trusted him, and knew the day she has come in his life, she was the only woman he hated, and then madly loved. His hatred was his love. Love for his sister, and then for him.

He had given this relationship a definition that was beyond any misunderstanding or a hatred.

She was happy and proud of him. Because his family wasn't just limited to fifteen members of his own little world, but in his over 25 companies worldwide 20,000 employees were the part of his family. That were, because of him able to feed their own respective families. No wonder why he was idolised.

She wrapped her black shawl around her tightly feeling little cold.

She smiled, as always, she found herself thinking of only Arnav.

Her gaze travelled out the mirrored wall to the busy mall. Leaving Arnav chat away with whomever were interested to talk to him. As her eyes caught the toy store, she already was thinking what she was going to buy for Adhwaya and then for Arnav from the nearby stores, she nearly forgot that their life wasn't as simple as that.

Because she was already thinking of shopping she couldn't help thinking what she will get Arnav. Then found herself in dilemma. She always had tough time understanding what Arnav wanted. He was so busy in his work that he didn't even know about his likings were. She was doubtful if he liked anything beyond his basic needs.

She wished she was able to make him feel special. One day. Because at this point their lives were only welcoming unwanted. She had given thought of the fact that life was unpredictable and for them it was. And she was still trying to get use to the fact.

Their lives will be normal, she believed. She had everyone to put her grief in front of, including him, but till now she had never able to prepare him to tell how he felt of any scenario in his life. He was still afraid to put his feelings completely out in front of everyone.

"Your coffee, Khushi!" Arnav said, bringing her whole world of thoughts closed in a box of her brain. He placed a cup in front of her. She smiled seeing a heart shape made on the top surface of coffee.

She rested her back of her hand under the chin, and looked at him as he grabbed a chair opposite of her, appreciating his little gesture.

"Since when you decided to turn into a romantic husband?" she teased. Arnav was thankful she was asking in a low tone, but he raised his eyebrows at her thinking why she was talking nicely to him when they were suppose to act the otherwise?

"Every time I see you," he said. "It comes naturally to me."
"I am flattered!" she said. "Arnav, we are here in a mall, talking to each other. What if anyone see us together?"
She surprised him by asking this question.
"Then fight..." Words snapped out of his mouth at a speed of light as soon as she was done finishing her sentence.
"I see, you love being in your laad governor image, don't you?" she teased him again.
"Not in front of you."
"You fib a lot...You get mad at every single thing," she complained, "I don't know why but I feel you are trying to be mad for some reason."
"Because you are at mistake..."
"Haww!" her mouth dropped, but it recovered immediately.
"That's true, don't you think so...?" he questioned her.
"See, you are returning back to your laad governor image..."
"Who started first?" he counter-questioned her, crossing his arms on a wooden table in front of him.
"Really? And don't forget that I am still mad at you...You were so rude to me yesterday...and you also were asking me to bring my husband? How inhumane?"
"Why are you bringing that issue here, especially when you know why I did it?" he asked, with a little hint of anger in his tone.
"Okay forget all about this, I forgot to tell you as this totally escaped my mind, we are going tomorrow to Mumbai..."
"What?" she jumped in her seat in an excitement, realising she grabbed everyone's attention around her, she settled back in her seat, smiling nervously at people. Looking back at Arnav, she found him frowning. "What...are we seriously going back?"
"Yes!" he said, eating his anger away. "Payal called me and she told me that your son, Adhwaya is kidnapped, I promise I will find him soon," he said looking here and there but her to sound as he was having nothing but business talk.
Khushi for a moment felt as if they really didn't know each other...And realising his act, and realising she did forget that she had to pretend as they didn't know each other. She mentally slapped herself for keeping a memory of a goldfish, her heart beat went wild in fear thinking if she did something to put them both at risk.

"Also, Payal told me that they had gone for his check up when he went missing." He went on.

Khushi tried to keep quite, still looking nervous at his frowned face. She couldn't guess whether it was real or a fake?

"Let's go we are getting late! We have to go to the office and finish everything before we leave back..." he said in a hurry.

She got up too, she grabbed her purse, and the coffee cup, and followed him. "I am sorry if I did something stupid. I totally forgot we were suppose to..."

"It's okay," he said as he looked around, he intelligently got his security to follow both of them. He pressed the button on his Bluetooth to answer Karan's call.

"Yes, Arnav."
"We are leaving to the office, are you done booking our tickets?"

Khushi stared at the white marbled floors that reminded her of the RM office in Mumbai, where for the first she went to meet Arnav for a job.

"Yes, I have."
"Thanks. All good?"
"All good, Arnav, but one thing!" he said. "Arnav, Anjali was admitted to the hospital."
"What?"  he asked, and immediately stopped.

Karan was extremely sorry that he always had to call him for some bad news.

Khushi got scared hearing his scared tone, and his abrupt stop. She too came to a sudden stop. She wanted to keep a hand on his shoulder but aware of her surroundings she kept a distance.

"Arnav, please relax down. It's a minor accident. Just a minor accident!" he repeated. "She is alright."
"When this happened? Why you didn't tell me about this early on?"
"It happened yesterday. I am sorry, Arnav. It was just that Anjali asked me not to tell you this. Dhruv was with her..."
"Dhruv? is he?"
"He is okay as well, he got his arm fractured but he is okay, talking, in his senses. They both are home actually."
"Should we worry if it was planned?" he asked, gulping his lump down his throat.
"Anjali and Dhruv are both saying it was their fault instead."

Arnav got hold of his nervousness. But Khushi was still worried and tried to read his face to know if everything was alright.

"Karan, I am hanging up now. But book me a tickets to Mumbai for today."
"Okay, Arnav. I guess your private yet is ready."
"Okay, we get our bag packs ready and leave for an airport," he said and hung up on the phone.
"Khushi, let's go, we gotta go!"  he said in a rush.
"Arnav, what happened? And where we have to go?"
"Khushi, we have to go to Mumbai now. Dhruv and Anjali di met with an accident."
"What? are they?"
"Karan said they both are fine, at home, I guess."
"Thank god!"

"Di, how this happened?"

Anjali looked at Arnav and Khushi both at their sudden arrival. Whole family came rushing to see as they were finally at home. But sad at the fact that Adhwaya was missing and Anjali and Dhruv were involved in an accident.

Payal and Akaash were the first one to come, they both looked at each other in shock, "Khushi!" she said.

Khushi looked at her and went running to her. "Bhabi!" she tried to keep herself from crying.

"Khushi, come out with me," Payal said and everyone else followed her.

"Chote, Adhwaya is missing."

"Di, I have heard about him. But I have the police sent in search of him. You tell me, how are you? How did you get involved in an accident, and Dhruv? How is he?"

Anjali kept her hand on his hand. "Chote, relax. It was just a minor accident. I was making a right turn, and from the other hand this auto rickshaw was coming."

Arnav didn't know why? But he was skeptical. He highly doubted if she was telling him the truth.

"Chote, I am fine..."

"Where is Dhruv? And how is he doing?"

"He is in his room with NK."

"Di, I will be right back," he said, he rushed to see him with his own eyes, until then he wasn't going to be convinced no matter what.

Arnav placed his head in Khushi's lap. She caressed his hair. Feeling her hands massaging his head, he felt relieved was an underestimation. He thought she had a magic in her hands that had a unrealistic powers to put soul in an unbelievable peace. But he was afraid her arms must be tired.

"Khushi, since how long we have to find a way to meet like this at night?" he asked. Khushi could understand his pain, but she had no solutions, but Arnav already had.

He held her hand to stop her.
"What happened, Arnav?"
"You must be tired!"
"I never get tired when it comes to you," she whispered, and kissed his forehead. She continued.

"Khushi, I am thinking that Anjali di need to have a life partner," he said.

Khushi was surprised how he stole her thought, but she was scared to put it out in front of him.

"Arnav, before you suggest me any name, shall I suggest a person who will be best for her?" Khushi said, nervously, and being little unsure if she should say it.

"Go ahead, Khushi."

"Karan!" she suddenly said; and regretted saying it. She wish she could take her words back.

Arnav looked at her. She was unsure if he was angry or thinking on it.

"Arnav, I think Karan loves Anjali di."
"What?" he sounded angry.
"Don't be mad, it's just what I think, Arnav."

For him Karan was not more than a friend. Thinking of him as Anjali's husband was bit uncomfortable image in his head.

"Arnav, we know Karan very well. We know what kind of person he had been friends since quite long. Even Anjali di knows him."

She tried to compherend him when all the while he was thinking if it was a right thing to do.

"Khushi, I am not sure if Anjali di will agree to it," he decided to break his silence, Khushi was relieved to find a usual calm in his tone. He sat up, and laid on a bed. Khushi too laid back, and hugged him.

"We can get Mami ji or Nani to talk to her."

"Don't you think instead of ma or nani ji, it will make more sense if you will talk to her, she will listen it to you."

She was right, he thought. but he was afraid to put proposal in front of Anjali. He laid on his side and placed his hand on her belly. "Khushi, idea is not bad,"he agreed. "I am afraid the results will be not good."

"I am with you, Arnav, we can try."

He let out a deep breath, Khushi waited for him to say something. He leant in and kissed her briefly to gather his self confidence, trust, and get rid of his fear.

"I will be okay as long as you are with me, and if it went well I will bring Adhwaya back, since we are back. I promise it will be by tomorrow."

Khushi couldn't stop herself from crying. She covered her eyes. Arnav looked at her as her overwhelmed emotions bursted out.

He uncovered her eyes and wiped her tears. "Don't cry, Khushi. And won't you mind knowing, with whom Adhwaya is?"

She looked at him with teary eyes. "Who?" she asked.

"Bhua ji, and Aryan at penthouse  in Bandra."

She was shocked as in not in a world she ever had ever guessed what might be the safest place for their son and to be with.

"They are taking good care of him."

"I love you, Arnav!" she burst into tears once again and hugged him tightly. He smiled and kissed her shoulder.

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