Friday 27 February 2015

Betrayal part 15

When you think it's over, the real beginning starts from there. For you guys it will be interesting to know how it proceeds. "If this story is a dark?" I don't think in any other way it could be dark than already is!

Arnav immediately got up his chair when he heard Anjali calling him as she came back to get him. He pretended he was talking on phone.

"Anjali, I will be back, you go. It's an important phone call."

"Okay, bhai. Please come soon. It's almost going to rain."

"Sure! I will be back. If I didn't come assume I have an important work."

"Okay bhai."

Arnav sat back in the chair. Phone had fallen to his side.

It has started pouring. Arnav didn't made any move to get into the house. But let himself soaked by the rain completely. In every way he wanted to be free, but it seemed like as he was going to be eaten by all the worries.

In no second he was drenched. His hand was once again covered in the blood as rain water soaked it and bandage no longer provided him the protection. He closed his eyes. As he continued to drenched, his body was cold and numb and shaking. At some point of time he wasn't even aware his body needed warmth.

Time passed away and rain only got worst.

"I wonder if bhai is still talking on phone," Anjali said.

"I don't know that's what I was thinking. It has been an hour and he isn't back."

"I go and see!" Anjali said.

"Anji, you sit, I go and see! I am sure he wants to see his baby's sonography report," Khushi said.

"Bhabi, he must be on the terrace. I am 100 % sure talking on phone to Aman about work."

"Don't worry!" she said.

They were sitting in the room and little they knew it was pouring cats and dogs.

Khushi straight went to terrace. That's when she knew it was raining. First, she couldn't see Arnav anywhere. But when she saw the chair, since it's back was on her side she wasn't sure if there was Arnav. She got outside in the rain. Now she could see him and completely soaked in the rain.

"Arnav," she screamed and went to him. Just the moment she herself came in the rain was completely wet.

"Arnav, get up. What you think you are doing by drenching yourself in the rain?" she asked.

Arnav was quite.

"Arnav, this is the last time I am going to ask you to get up and come inside," she said. Still Arnav was quite. She held his hand to shake him. Still no answer.

"Okay, fine do whatever you want!" she said and was about to leave when she stopped and saw Arnav's hand slipped and fell to his side.

She rushed back to him. "Arnav," she called him. "I know you are joking with me," she said. "Aren't you!? For what I did to you."

She placed his hand on his shoulder.
"Arnav," her voice was calm. But not her body, neither her mind, nor her heart that was beating furiously in her chest. Her legs were shaking in fear.

His body was deadly cold. "Arnav, stop it. Open your eyes and get yourself in."

"You are stubborn," she said and shook him. "Arnav! Look I am also drenching in the rain. And it's not good for my baby. So just get up."

Her chest raised and fell as he didn't show any movement.

"Arnav, I will call Anjali and Karan. And you know what will happen. There happy moods will be ruined."

Again no answer from Arnav.

"Arnav," she said and shook his body again and again Arnav's breathing was hardly there. His chest hardly rose and fell that could have given her the sign he was okay.

"Arnav, enough of your drama. Now come on, get up."

Rain fell, tears from Khushi's eyes were mixed with them.

"Arnav, please don't do this to me. Look I am sorry. I am sorry for what I did to you. Please Arnav. Open your eyes and talk to me."

She kept her hand on his forehead. His body was burning with fever.

"Karan," she finally screamed for help. "Anjali!"
"Atul! Come upstairs soon. Please!"

She rushed back and forth. Called Anjali and Karan and rushed back to Arnav.

"Bhabi, what happen?" Karan asked huffing and puffing.

"Karan, I don't know. He is unconscious and he not responding. Please ask him to get up."

"Bhabi, let me see what is wrong!" Karan said.

"Bhai!" Anjali said as she came running after Karan. "Bhabi, how did this happen?"

"Anji, I don't know. When I came I saw him siting in the chair."

"Bhabi, first we have to call the doctor. He needs immediate attention," Karan said.

" him."

"Bhai, please open your eyes," Anjali said.

"Karan, what's wrong with him?"

"Anji, nothing. He is fine. You know work load," Karan said. But he wasn't even sure if it really was that. With the help of Atul he took him downstairs to his room.

"Bhabi, until doctor come can you please change his clothes! Anji, you come with me."

Khushi nodded and moved forward to free Arnav from his wet clothes.

"But bhai," Anjali said.

"He will be alright," Karan told her and took her downstairs.

Khushi's mind was frozen. Her own body was shaking badly, more because seeing Arnav's condition than cold. She took out the blankets from the cupboard and covered him.

"Where is he?" Doctor asked and he was there in less than 15 minutes.

"He is in the room, doctor."

"What happened to him?"

"We really don't know...He was unconscious and his whole body was drenched in the rain."

"Let me do his check up. Can you please all go outside?"

Khushi was reluctant to go. "I will stay here," she said before Karan ask her to come out of the room along with him.

Karan looked at the doctor and the doctor gave him the look that it was okay if she stays in the room.

Doctor did his check and for good 30 minutes. Khushi was tensed and scared what doctor will tell her about his condition. Every breath only hitched in her throat. Arnav's body was blue. She couldn't tell if he could breath. Cold sweats was drenching her. She gulped down the lump in her throat. And tears that were flowing down her eyes she wiped them immediately.

"Mrs. Raizada, his condition is not at all well," he said.

Before she could ask what happened to him, doctor told her, "Mrs. Raizada, by the looks it seems he was in rain for quite a long time. He has a high fever that was expected. But I also believe he might suffer from pneumonia."

Khushi was shocked.

"If he didn't gain his conscious in half an hour or an hour we have to get him to the hospital immediately."

"Till then I wait. So that I could give him the attention he needs!"

"Let's hope for the best right now. Here's the prescription. Please get these medicines as soon as possible."

"Thank you," she said.

"That's my duty!"

Doctor leaves the room and Khushi close the door. And her back hit against the door. She slide down the door.

She was only afraid of this. Whatever she was doing will cause Arnav to take such a step that can possible results his life. Her body shook with sobs. She couldn't breathe. But she didn't make any sound. She immediately stood up from the floor and rushed to Arnav.

Sat beside him carefully.
"Arnav," she called. "Arnav, please get up."

Her voice was begging him. "I know I have hurt you. Arnav please give me any punishment. Don't forgive me and do whatever you want with me. Please open your eyes."

"I know I am guilty, I know what I did to you was wrong, but please don't give yourself this punishment. This baby needs you, Arnav. Karan and Anjali needs you."

Khushi was deadly scared nothing was coming in her mind. She didn't know what to say to him. The only thing she knew was she was guilty. If anything would happen to him only she would be the one who will be held responsible.

She ran her hand in her hair.

She got up and dialled a number. "It's important, give him the phone," she said.


Khushi waited for the person to whom she wanted to talk to come on phone.

"Hello," Aditiya said. "Khushi, when are you getting me out of the jail?!" he asked. "What's taking you this long? I promise you, Khushi, the condition he is making of me by giving me this third degree torture will cause him death. Just tell me what you want me to do with him you will see him dying in front of you."

"I am sorry," she said. "I just can't do this anymore. I can't help you come out of the jail."

"How much more pain you want me to give him? Now I don't feel I am taking revenge, but I feel I am brutally killing him. He is here in he bed, Adi. Doctor said he might pneumonia. Why don't you understand it's enough? You have given him enough pain."

"Don't tell me you have a soft corner for him. And what do you mean I have given him the pain? Don't forget you were also the part of my plan. It was only your plan and I did it because I loved you."

Khushi kept her hand on her forehead.

"Your silence is telling me you are going to betray me, just like you did to Arnav and your family and his family," he said. "And before you even think of doing that...Think twice, Khushi. Think twice. Doesn't matter if I am in jail, you very well know what I am capable of doing."

"He hates you so much that he might throw you out of your life, but don't forget I will kill you along with this baby in your womb."

"What the heck you are talking about?" Khushi retorted.

"Oh, who the f*ck says I need this baby!"

Khushi was shocked to hear that. "All I want is Arnav's destruction. His property."

"You cannot do this to me!" she said.

"I won't unless you are not with me. And get me his property. Look baby, I am sorry. Do you even know how much we will enjoy? He has the property of worth billions. Me, you, and our baby can enjoy without doing anything even our baby's children can live on it."

Khushi was quite and shocked that made her unable to mutter a word. "Adi, I thought you were with me. I thought you only wanted to harm him because he destroyed my image. But you are! And what do you mean you don't need this baby?"

"Oh baby, I was stressed out. I still want the same. Taking all what he have will only serve you a purpose. Didn't I promise I will destruct him?"

"Please, Adi, try to an understand. If I wouldn't have gone to him, he would have died. If he will not be there whose property we will take. I am pretty sure he won't give me the property, but to his sister and his going to be brother-in-law!"

"What? Who brother-in-law?"

"He is Arnav's best friend. He has only come today. And when I came from hospital after my checkup, he was already here."

"Look, Khushi, I am not Arnav. Whom you can try to fool and he would love to be a fool just because he loves you."

"Don't you love me?" she asked.

"I do baby. But you understand. I can't tolerate betrayal. Only that mighty, Arnav Singh Raizada can."

"And I give you a week, okay, may be two weeks. Get me out of this hell. Otherwise, you know what can I do of yours!" he said and cut the phone.

Khushi didn't know what Aditiya actually wanted. Did he really love her? Or it was just he wanted Arnav's property?

And the last thing she knew was she was completely trapped in her own set trap. After all, what she gave and she was going to get it back.

She looked back to Arnav. Now she understood what was the difference between Arnav and Aditiya. Arnav had never talked to her until he was forced to say all what he said to her. However, still he was thinking about her and the baby.

She didn't know why but she did know now that Adi was and is only pretending to be with her because all he want is Arnav's destruction and his property. She fell on the floor.

Her mind had set up a reason how Arnav was and how Aditiya. She can't even go back to Arnav, after all what she did to him. She can't expect him to be her side.

She wasn't even in the middle of her thoughts when Arnav out of sudden had troubled breathing.

She rushed to him and called the doctor who was waiting in the lounge area.

"Arnav, what happen to you?"

"Doctor, see what has happened to him."

Doctor immediately called the ambulance.

"Mrs. Raizada, he needs instant medical assistant."

"But what has happened to him?"

"It seems my fears were right we have to take him to the hospital. If we will make it little more late it can cause serious illness."

@ The Hospital

"Khushi, how all this happened?" La asked.

"I...I don't know, La, he was soaked in the rain for I don't know how long."

"Khushi, how could you be so careless? You were home; Anjali, and Karan were even there...Didn't you guys once try to interrogate where he was and how he was doing? Even for 5 minutes you go away from his site he literally goes behind you to check on you even if he knows where you are. And he was at home away from your site for an hour or more. You didn't try to inquire?" Lavanya didn't know what caused her outburst and neither did Khushi knew why she was so angry.

"La, what do you want to say?" she asked.

"All I want to say is he cares about you so much, Khushi. He knows everything about you and you know nothing. Khushi, you didn't know his sister was raped. And just like that you don't even know he is a diabetic patient."

Khushi was frozen. And no she didn't know the latter and the first it seemed she didn't even want to accept. Also, now Lavanya looked at Khushi, shocked. In anger she didn't realize she had told Khushi what Arnav had asked her to not to tell Khushi, at least not at the point.

"I am sorry," Lavanya said. Not for her anger, but the promise she broke. "But, Khushi, why I feel you don't love him."

Khush looked deep in her eyes.

"All I see is my friend's pain. He conceal his every pain. But I know when he is happy and when he is in pain. I can read it in his eyes. Don't you, Khushi. I know I am no one to judge you. But all I see is he loves you unconditionally, however, that love is no where in your eyes. Khushi, my friend is not at all complicated. He can't even conceal his pain well. I am surprised you are his wife and why don't you see what I see in his eyes. I understand because you are pregnant and not really well, he hid his sister's truth from you and also, he is a diabetic patient. But can't you see? You are his wife. He has those medicines locked in his safe. And sometimes he didn't even eat them. He loves you more than anything, Khushi. All he can't see is your pain. In every sentence where he mentions you only reflects how much he loves you, but you...You hardly take his name. Ten years I have spent with him, and for 6 years complete years we didn't meet, I still know everything about him and could tell what's going in his mind. And the day I have come all I see is pure pain, Khushi."

"What's wrong? I ask you. And today, he was drenching in the rain nobody bothered to care not even you."

Lavanya finally stopped. "Look, Khushi, I am sorry if I went overboard."

"But he would have lost his life, Khushi. He is suffering from pneumonia and being a diabetic patient these problems catches the body so easily. He is just stupid. He thinks hiding his problems will keep you away from worries."

"I understand you didn't know his condition. You didn't know he is a diabetic patient. But why today, I felt he only wants to end his life? He is not crazy that he will leave his wife alone. He is not that stupid who would be so careless. He isn't that weak man. But something is eating him up and that's the only thing I can't figure out. He won't tell me I know. He held himself strong when his one year old brother died due to jaundice. He held himself strong when his parents died and he held himself from shattering when his sister died. But now there is something big going in his life that he is shattered. Khushi, after all, he is a human. You are his wife if you know what is worrying him, please free him. Help him," Lavanya said and before she even broke into tears she left from there and acquainted Khushi with a harsh truth. And whatever Lavanya mentioned to her she knew nothing of it.

Khushi looked at the floor blankly. And her mind was echoing of Lavanya's words.

Sad but the truth, Arnav knew none of things would matter to Khushi.

Khushi fell on the floor on her knees.



"What I went through, if you would have experienced even a little bit of it. The last thing ever in your mind would have been was, death."

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