Friday 27 February 2015

Bonded just for a favour?! Prologue


"You have to marry me!" she said looking straight into his twinkling eyes that was now shadowed with a pure shock. 

"Are you serious!?" came a remark in astonishment from his mouth. He couldn't believe that something like this could really come from a girl like Khushi. 

But he waited for her reply to assure she wasn't at all joking with him. But it was neither an April fool day nor from whose mouth the demand had come, sounded as she was joking. 

"For my mother!" she then said to make herself more clear.

"For real...I mean a real marriage!?" he asked still in quite shock. 

"Yes, for real!" she said to make him believe, whatever he had heard was not a joke, but said with seriousness. 

"Nothing, but just a favour!" 

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