Friday 27 February 2015

Bonded just for a favour?! Chapter 3

Part M (The reality)

Arnav waited for Khushi for more than an hour outside; but eventually he had got an idea that she needed some time. He feared what if she took any wrong step!? But why he thought she would do that!? If she would do it that would be wrong. He had to make a way for some clarification but how he would!? If Khushi wasn't listening to him and jump into conclusion. 

The way she had reacted was completely normal for any girl with self respect to react, but without understanding both sides perspective!? Wasn't fair!

He banged on the door for the one last time, but he could only hear her sobs. He was extremely anguish and that he took out in anger. Although, getting angry wasn't in his nature.

"Okay, fine don't open the door!" he snapped and angrily left from there. 

He went to the kitchen to pick his Samsung galaxy which screen was completely smashed and of no use.

He carefully picked his phone, despite of that, the sharp mirror cut through his skin. Just like he was careful in his friendship, but one misunderstanding had drifted the two friends apart. 

He collected rest of the broken pieces of his phone and threw it in the electronic recycling bin.

He stilled when he heard Khushi's footstep as she came rushing coming out of her towards the washroom.

He scampered after her and saw her puking. He knew it was nothing, but just the effect of the hangover.

He went to the kitchen and made lemonade for her. 

By the time he returned she was still puking. He waited patiently for her until, she was done throwing. 

Khushi rinsed her mouth and held her spinning head.
"Khushi have this, you will feel better meanwhile, I make coffee!" he said as he lifted his hand to rub her back to comfort her and gave her the glass of lemonade.

"Don't touch me and stay away from me. I don't want to see your face!" she snapped and furiously tossed the glass on the floor.

"Fine, do whatever you feel like..." he yelled. "If you change your mind please drink lemonade, there is more in the kitchen!" he instructed and angrily left from there.

He himself was so furious that he didn't care giving her explanations. He got ready to leave for his work, didn't care to eat and left.

***At the hospital***
"Khushi, where is handsome!?" 

"Ma, I don't know where he is, just call and ask!" Khushi snapped.

Khushi's mom was shocked to hear her angry remark. Never ever before, Khushi had talked to her in this manner. And especially, she was saying this about Arnav was something unbelievable.

"Khushi, what happen!? Did you guys fight!?"

Khushi pretended she wasn't listening and flipped the papers of the magazine furiously.

"Slow down that's my favourite, magazine. You will rip it!" her mom joked, to lighten her mood, but Khushi hadn't said a word or reacted in anyway.

"Khushi by the way what had happened to you last night!?" Khushi's mom said.

Khushi immediately looked at her. "What happened!?" she asked nervously as she stopped flipping the papers of the magazine right away.

"What had happened to me!?" she asked again if her mom knew anything.

"Did you get wet in the rain and fainted!? Handsome had called me! Hey, Devi Maiyan, he is so adorable. Khushi if you will know about what he did last night, you will love him more than you already do!"

Everything had gone top of Khushi's head, having no single ounce of idea what she was saying.

"What are you saying!?" she asked.

"He took Jennifer from here to change your wet clothes!"

Khushi was shock struck. "What do you mean ma!??" she asked to clarify what she just told her.

"Yes, he said you were unconscious and wet. That stupid called me and asked to come to your apartment and change your clothes...but then doctors didn't allow me to go with him, so instead he took her!"

"Ma you are not kidding!" she said faintly already pang of guilt started making her crazy.

"Why would I!? He was so worried about you. I asked him that you are his wife he could himself change your clothes! But he was like "he can't do anything such without your permission!" 

"How adorable!? But he was really sad he told me that he wanted to make night special by taking you to the dinner, but his friends just ruined it!" she went on.

"Let me tell you. I was so jealous, but not anymore and then in the morning he calls and says!"

The real conversation...
"Oh yeah, I just wanted to make a night very special you know!"

"I am really jealous! You have to arrange a candle light dinner for us. Only me and you alone!" Khushi's mom joked. "But don't you think my daughter will mind it if you will take her young, sexy mom along with you!"

Arnav had laughed.

"Oh common you are my girlfriend and she is my wife!" he said jokingly. [/I]

Now, Khushi understood what she heard and what he really meant!

"What the heck I did!?" she thought to herself as she covered her face with her hands.

***At Arnav's workplace***
"Hi, Arnav!" Genelia Arnav's collegue said. "Should I cancel the council meetings for today then!?"

"No, not at all. I want a busy day today, book the highest number of appointments and call at the Churchill hospital tell them instead of tomorrow, I am ready to fix the meetings today!"

"But Arnav, meetings are quite long and we have to make sure that everyone can come!"

"Do as I have said, please!" he said gently even though there was a havoc inside him.

"I am sorry, I surely call them and ask them if they could and before lunch I will inform you!" Genelia answered politely. But she knew something was really wrong with him. Otherwise, she had never seen him like this disturbed ever before!

***At the Hospital***

Khushi felt an extreme pang of guilt. 

"Khushi, don't crush him under your anger alright!? He is my innocent handsome and oops I told you about the candle light dinner. Seriously, he will be so mad at me! But anyways you aren't jealous, right!?" Khushi's mom joked, but Khushi was completely shattered to answer. As she felt an enraging anger towards herself. 

She clenched the leather of the sofa in which she was sitting. 

"Jennifer changed my clothes!?" she asked staring at the floor.

"Of course, that buddhu (foolish) took her from the hospital...I have already told you so many times, I don't know when I talk to you, where your mind goes to travel!" she complained. 

"But the only thing I know is that I have gotten the best son-in-law in this world! That is loyal..."

"Khushi do me a favour get me a nice red colour dress for me today, I am going for a candle light dinner with handsome!" she added as she was really excited.

Khushi didn't say anything and ran from there. 

"Khushi, where are you going!?"

"Oh Khushi!" she shouted, but she long was gone. "Now what has happened to this girl!?"

"What did I do!?" Khushi muttered as she pulled her car out of the parking lot. 

She tried calling Arnav in between but he wasn't picking it up. Of course, he was mad. Without thinking she had said whatever came into her mind and not even that she had even slapped him. 

She felt like crying at the same she cursed herself. Now how would she apologize!?

Arnav sat in his cabin during his lunch break, genelia came to call him for the lunch, but he had refused.

Their eyes met as they both laid on the bed, Arnav on top of Khushi. Khushi had opened her mouth to say something, but she stayed quite and leaned towards him to kiss.

Both of their bodies were set on fire, despite of the wetness of their clothes. As Arnav glared into her demanding eyes, he couldn't help, but gave in. 

And kissed her back the way she guided him. 

But all of sudden his eyes flew open. "No, this is not right!?" he immediately sat up.

Khushi let out a frustrated sigh at the lost of his touch, but giggled and shortly dozed off.

"Shoot, shoot, short. What the f**k, I think I was doing!?" he yelled at himself. 

He got up the bed to rush from there, but he couldn't leave Khushi in this condition. She was drenched and shivering.

He sat back to remove her wet clothes, but he stopped. 

"Shoot, shoot, shoot Arnav you can't do that!" he shouted. "So what shall I do!?" he asked thinking of no other option.

"Yes, I call sexy," he said as he took his phone from his pocket. 

"But she must be sleeping and the doctors will not allow her to leave, but it's only 9:30 I myself go and get her. She will be here in ten minutes and I will drop her back quickly," he decided as he wrapped blanket around Khushi and rushed to the hospital.

***At the hospital***
"I know doctor, I will get her back in 30 minutes!" Arnav told the senior Doctor.

"Arnav you are crazy!" Doctor said.

"I don't know about that, but I will definitely bring sexy within 30 minutes. I promise. Look it's an emergency!"

"What kind off emergency!?"

"Please I can't tell you!"

"Arnav I am sure you know very well that it's against the law of the hospital!"

"Please doctor for 30 minutes!"

"Okay, go and take her! But you could take the nurse too!" Doctor suggested.

"Oh gosh, that didn't come into my mind, shall I take her!?"

"Go ahead, but for only half an hour!"

"Yes, I promise she will be here within 30 minutes, my home is only 10 minutes away from here!"

"Okay, bye see you in the morning!"

"Thank you doctor!" 

Later when nurse had changed Khushi's clothes she returned back to the hospital. She was in a hurry too so she had just threw her clothes on the floor.

And later that night Arnav made sure she didn't have fever, and took a sigh of relief she was just cold, but her body temperature was normal. 

But he was sure in the morning she would suffer from a bad hang over. By the way, he had no idea why did Khushi consumed alcohol!? When he couldn't come up with a valid reason he just sat in the seat and stayed up whole night if in case she did need anything. 

***End of flashback***

He sat sadly. The morning encounter had left him completely shattered. She pointed her finger at his character, without really thinking. He was assured that Khushi never ever believed him.

He thought she was his best friend and believe him, but he was proved otherwise.

When Arnav didn't pick his cell, Khushi tried at his work number.

"Hello, Dr. Raizada's clinic!" the receptionist said. 

"Hi, this is Khushi. May I talk to Dr. Raizada please, if possible!"

"Yes, sure please hold the line for a second please," receptionist replied and put the phone on hold. 

She knocked on the Arnav's cabin door.

"Come in!" he said his voice tired.

"Dr. Raizada there is a phone for you!"

"Who is it!?"

"I guess, Khushi!"

"Tell her I am busy!" Arnav said coldly. 

"Okay sure sir!" she said and gently closed the door on her way back.

"Hi, Khushi!"

"Hi," Khushi said. 

"Hi, he is little busy at the moment," receptionist replied. "Any message you might want to leave for him!?"

"It's alright. I shall try some other time!" Khushi replied politely. But she understood he had denied to talk to her.

PART M ("I would prefer it to be just a drama!")

At 8:00 o' clock, Khushi got free from her work. Even though she wasn't feeling well. But anyhow, the day had passed, however, now she was worried how would she face Arnav!? He might have come home, she thought. 

On her way home, she bought the flowers and a sorry card! Today, she had acted outrageously and she was extremely sorry about that.

Her actions reflected what she heard during the phone conversation and what she saw in the morning. 

But now when she had heard the other perspective of the situation and she understood that she was so wrong.

She wished she had just kept quite at that moment and hadn't reacted in a way she did. But it wasn't possible at that moment to think straight!

However, that have no right to her to just blurt out anything, without realizing who the person in front of her was. She had given him the punishment of something that he hadn't ever done. She had excused that she should have known that person like Arnav couldn't do. 

She knew she had went wrong, first of all, she was jealous and was overly drunk, she thought. And then she blamed him that he used her when she herself wasn't in her senses.

She herself was the one who had kissed him for the second time.
She hadn't control over her own feelings, but blamed him. 

The harm was done and then she had to apologize, but she didn't know if Arnav would really forgive her. He must be really angry one thing was sure.

He was trying to help her in every possible way, but she didn't believe him. He had let her stay at his home. She had forgotten Arnav was the only person who was with her when she needed him the most, not only that he had married her for the sake of her mother.

But the truth was, she had doubted his intentions. 

When Khushi got home, she didn't find Arnav. Later when she called her ma, she told him he was with her an hour ago, but now he had left for home...

She had tried his number, it kept on ringing but he didn't bother picking it up.

One thing she knew Arnav would never keep his phone switched off. "And by the way why do you expect him to answer your calls, to hear more of your taunts!?" she said to herself. 

She sat in the living room and switched on the T.V. there was nothing that captured much of her attention. There were few Hindi movies on the Indian channels and then the English movies and the locale news, but she wasn't interested in any of it, her attention was at the door, so that Arnav comes and she apologizes him.

She had long written the text message, asking him, "where he was!? Why he is late!?" but she couldn't press the send button. 

She got up and paced down the hall back and forth.

Every minute was passing by great difficulty. 

And then she didn't know when it was already 12:00 AM and Arnav wasn't at home yet.

She again called him but this time it was switched off.

"Devi Maiyan what should I do now!? I don't know where is he!? And I don't even know his friends number that I could really call."

When it was 1:00 AM she herself decided to go and search for him. She picked her car keys from he kitchen counter and had just had stepped out of the apartment when she bumped into him. 

She felt a sudden rush of relief seeping down her mind.

"Arnav where were you!? You know how worried I was!?" she yelled loosing her coolness. 

"I have been waiting for you since 8:30 PM. Ma told me you were with her, but then where did you go later!?" 

"Now come inside!" she said as she opened the door for him.

By now he was well aware that she knew the truth, but she didn't wait for her to say anything and marched into the house.

Khushi quickly closed the door and called him, "Arnav, I am sorry!" 

She was trying her best to digest her tears that threatened to steam down her eyes any moment.

Arnav immediately stopped, but didn't turn around to face her.

"I am sorry, I blamed you for something that you didn't do!"

"What did you say!?" he asked in astonishment.

"I am sorry, for my violent behaviour earlier in the morning!" she repeated in guilt.

"I know, I shouldn't have behaved the way I did!"

"I am sorry, I blamed you!"

"Oh, thank god Khushi you believe me!" he said as he didn't mind at all.

"Arnav have you forgiven me!?" Khushi asked as a smile made a way on her face.

"Of course, Khushi, I am glad you believe me I am glad. You know whole day, I was so worried. I didn't know how would I make you believe that what you thought of me is not who I am! I am not a cheap man who would at least not use his friend!"

"However, I am happy that you blamed me, because whatever you said in anger was straight coming from your heart. You slapped me, I am really grateful for that too. Thank you!" There was a sense of sarcasm in his tone now.

"I indeed needed that slap, because after my parents I was proved that what you really think of me!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you for making me aware that how much you really believe me, next time I would really take precautions and stay away from you!"

"Thank you for making me aware that I could be thought of as a nasty man who would use his friend in her drunk state!"

"Thank you Khushi!"

"And last but not least thank you for waiting for me, please go inside and sleep...I am home, don't worry. But do me a favour do not wait for me in the future."

Khushi was completely embarrassed. 
"Good night, I am really sleepy! By the way sexy was getting worried about you, after you left in the afternoon all of sudden, call her in the morning!" he said. 

"Arnav won't you eat something!?" she asked as she knew, he wouldn't have eaten anything.

He forced a sad smile, but it quickly disappeared. 

"I said don't worry about anything. If you haven't eaten anything please eat. From now onwards, I would prefer we both say away from each other..." he said bluntly. 

"And also let it be just a drama in front of sexy."

PART N (Shattered believes)

Today, Arnav had to go early to his work. Khushi got up early too so that she could prepare his breakfast and lunch.

She came out of her room and at the same time Arnav came out of his room, lost in his thoughts and they both knocked into each other. Khushi let out a short scream as she lost her balance, and was about to fell when Arnav immediately held her strongly by her waist.

Khushi felt a tug of concern when she looked into Arnav's eyes. He looked really tired as he hadn't slept whole night.

"I am sorry," she said faintly as he made her stood properly on her feet.

As expected, Arnav hadn't said a word and went to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee.

And meanwhile, he sat in the chair. He pressed his aching forehead with his fingers.

Khushi looked at him, she was now sure that Arnav didn't sleep last night. Due to lack of sleep he gets extreme headache.

"Arnav should I massage your head!?" she said.

"No, I am fine!" Arnav flatly said.

"Okay, I get coffee for you!" she said reacting normally as nothing had happened between them.

Arnav didn't say anything.

"You want black coffee!?" she asked.

"I have already put it on the stove and please I will make it on my own!" he said as politely as he could.

"Arnav you don't look fine. Didn't you sleep last night!?" she ignored his anger. "Is it important for you to go to work!?"

"I am alright! If you didn't go from here than it can be worst!" he said bluntly. His words knifed Khushi's heart. But why did it hurt anyway!?

It shouldn't have because she had blamed him for the worst crime, and in front of that his remark was nothing. If he didn't want to see her face it wasn't his mistake, but her own, she thought. But she couldn't leave him in this condition either.

"Arnav I know, you should be mad at me, at least let me help you for the sake of friendship!"

He immediately got up as he looked at her in disbelief.

"Do you even know the meaning of friendship, Khushi!?" he asked. His eyes red, Khushi couldn't tell if it was due to his anger or it was his tiredness.

Then she saw sudden change in him, his expressions were slowly softening. "Look, Khushi, I am fine. Please leave me alone. I don't want your favour, not only yours but anyone's," he told her.

"As we decided, we better maintain our spaces. And by the way once your trust breaks it's hard to get it back," he added.

Khushi was sorry that she had forced him to show his this side of his too.

"And I seriously don't want to say anything that would hurt you."

Khushi came forward to talk to him, but he lifted his hand up in the air that gestured her to stop right there, where she was.

"There is no point in explaining or saying anything right now, the right time has long gone!"

He said as he walked past her, to retrieve his coffee. He felt extreme anger as he realized how rude he is being to her. But why he couldn't contain his anger or just shove it away!? Did it hurt because he never expected it from her!?

Lost in his thoughts, as he absently poured the content of the pan into his coffee mug, accidentally it fell on his hand.

He shrieked in pain, the pan fell from his hand, hot coffee burnt his skin, Khushi immediately turned in dread.

"Arnav what happen!?" she asked and saw the coffee spilled on his hand. His skin red.

Khushi immediately made him walk to the sink, even though he resisted first, but she forcefully made him put his hand under the cold running water.

"Arnav aap bhi na, dhayan nahin rakhte hain apna!" (You don't take care of yourself.) "I told you that you aren't well. I do it!" she said hurriedly and her voice trembled to see his burnt hand.

"Please keep your hand under the water for a while, I fetch ice from the freezer!" she instructed and quickly paced to the freezer to get the ice pad.

Arnav looked at her as she was literally concerned for him. "I don't know where your mind wanders!" she complained.

She turned off the tap and applied the ice pad on his hand.

He winced in pain. Khushi quivered at his pain. "Is it hurting!?" she asked and looked at him, straight in his eyes. Arnav could see pain in her eyes as it was her own hand burnt.

"I told you to sit down, but you just needed a reason to show this male ego of yours! Now please come I get pain reliever for you!"

Arnav pulled his hand away from her, "For you, I can't kill my ego, Khushi!" he said icily.

The ice pad fell on the kitchen floor and it cracked. "Just like this pad of ice my belief that you believe me with everything, even with your life has shattered! And I am sorry that I wasn't that faithful in your eyes!"

He said and hurt danced in his eyes, that implied that he was hurt beyond she could think of.

"Blaming me of "using," he emphasized. "No, not blaming, but thinking that I used you in your drunk state, is even worst than saying that I have killed someone Khushi."

"I would prefer death, if I have ever looked at you in that way," he could see tears in her eyes. It hurt him.

As she looked down at him with teary eyes, he immediately shut up.

He took the Kleenex box from the dinning table and give it to her.

PART O (Who is she to you!?")

***At night***
Arnav was going to leave to his room, when the door bell rang. He looked at Khushi, who had already made her way to open the door and he resumed his walk to his room, but stopped when he heard Lavanya's voice.

He quickly rushed to the living room.

"Hey!" she said as she walked into the house expecting Arnav, but found Khushi.

"Hi!" Khushi replied.

"Hey, Arnie!" La said as she walk passed Khushi and went to Arnav.

"I will be back!" Khushi said and left from there.

"Arnav, off lately I am seeing Khushi more with you! What she is doing with you!?" Khushi heard Lavanya asking Arnav.

Her heart fluttered. She looked at Arnav who was shocked, but more conserved. However, from his silence to la's question it was clear that he wasn't ready to give her the answer.

"Arnav I am asking you!" Lavanya said upon getting no answer from him.

"She," Arnav started to speak, but Khushi interrupted.

"Actually, I am his friend's wife," Khushi said, as she came back to the living room, that surprised Arnav and he looked at her as he wasn't expecting her to say that.

"So!?" La said.

"Actually my husband has gone to India for a while, since, I was new to the U.S. I didn't have anyone to live with, so Arnav suggested that I can live with him!" Khushi said as she quickly formed a story in her mind. And to some extent her answer convinced La, if not completely.

"Oh that's so sweet of Arnav!" she said as she pulled his cheek. "But you never told me, Arnav!"

"But I am glad we are meeting again Khushi, you see Arnav has such a big heart, after all, he is my friend. I am proud of that!" she said as she side hugged him.

Khushi smiled a sad smile.

"How did you come here, La, I mean all of sudden without informing!?" Arnav said after offering her seat in the sofa.

"Yes, thought of giving you a surprise!" she said and kept her hand in his lap.

Khushi noted each and every gesture of her, her close proximity to him.

"And by the way where did you disappear too, at the restaurant, after saying that you will be back!?"

Arnav and Khushi both shot a look at each other.

"There was an emergency!" he answered weakly.

"Oh alright! Arnav, I have a small friends party I really wish you would be able to make it!"

Arnav looked at her, but didn't say anything for a while as he was thinking of saying yes or NK to her. Khushi knew he was too sad from inside that he would say no, to her. But his answer totally surprised her.

"Yes," he answered. "For the first time I think I really need a break!" he added, looking at Khushi.

A pang of pain and hurt hit Khushi's chest as she looked at Arnav who was also looking back at her.

"Awesome! So see you tomorrow at the party!"

Lavanya left and she didn't even bother herself asking Khushi to come along. But Khushi was glad. Because she knew if she would have invited to the party, Arnav might have refused and he was the one who said he needed a break. From her!?

"Good night!" she muttered to him and almost rushed to the room.

She shut the door behind and tears came gushing down her eyes.

Arnav could here faint murmurs of her sobs that knifed his heart. His own eyes were watery.

PART P (Not a positive feeling!)

"Arnav so tell me where did you go after we chose not to get engaged!?" Lavanya asked.

Arnav seemed not to paying attention for a while, but when la kept her hand on his hand he shot a glance at her.

"As always, busy with work!" he mentioned.

"Arnav I must say you are not the same as I remembered you from childhood!"

"People change!" he said sadly, "with circumstances."

"Hmm, that's true!" Lavanya agreed.

"So, tell me what's the plan for the long weekend!? Do you want to go to the Las Angeles!?"

"For now I can't say anything!" he answered back.

He had agreed to come to the party with the hope that he could divert his mind for a little while, but only realized that he had done wrong with Khushi. He shouldn't have said whatever came into his mind to her. What he was doing afterall!? He was hurting her in return too.

Whole night he could hear her sobs...

"La, I think I should really leave!"

"Common, Arnav party has just begun!" she said.

"I would have loved too, but right now I am not in a mood!"

"Shall I call Khushi here too!?" she said the very statement caused Arnav to look at her in shock.

But he almost quickly lifted his eyebrows as he tried to look confused. "What do you mean!?"

"Nothing," she said as she shrugged her shoulder and shook her head. "She is your friend's wife and as far as she is with you, she must be your responsibility!"

"No, there is no need of that. She isn't a child that can't take care of herself," he said maintaining the serenity in his voice.

"I am just kidding!" La said completely changing the topic. "I just wanted to see if you aren't really in love with your friend's wife, who ever that friend is of your's!" she said. "That I don't know off!"

"Don't get me started on that!" he said with a note of slight irritation in his voice.

"I was just kidding. If you aren't really thinking of her than stay with us!" she said waited for his answer that would answer all her questions.

"I really don't have to prove myself!" he told her and she was convinced that there wasn't really anything between them.

But he was Arnav, who would read your thoughts even before they could come into your mind. A physicist, but psychologist by nature.

She gave him an expression that she was convinced by his answer.

"Well you could spend some time with me, only for 30 minutes," she said. "I missed you a lot over this 6 months!"

Reluctantly, Arnav perched back on his seat. But he wasn't having a positive feeling. He was continuously thinking of Khushi.

PART Q (Dead)

Just after an hour, Arnav excused himself. Lavanya made no effort to stop him this time. He checked his phone and there were 10 missed calls from Khushi.

He cursed under his breath, Lavanya had switched his phone and took from him. He couldn't fight back.

He instantly dialled her number back and was concerned and thoughts coming in his mind weren't positive. He didn't know why Khushi had called him, also 10 times, it must be serious, not just she simply wanted to talk to him about the misunderstanding.

He waited for her to pick the phone, but she wasn't answering.

He got into his car and drove straight to the home. It was an hour drive, he swore, as he was literally frustrated.

He parked his car in front of the no parking sign, at the moment he didn't care. He climbed up the staircases that seemed to be a good idea for him, than elevator.

He put his house key into the lock and clicked open the door.

"Khushi," he shouted. But there was no sign of her. He was afraid if she had left the house.

"No, she can't!" he thought. He went to her room and checked it, she wasn't there either. He checked the washrooms, before knocking on the door, but they only opened at his simple knock.

Meanwhile, he tried her number and it was not reachable.

He had called Khushi's mom phone, even she wasn't picking up the phone. It was the first time Khushi's mom wasn't picking up the phone.

In quick, 10 minutes, Arnav reached the hospital, and there was Khushi.

Sitting on the chair, her head laid back against the wall, she sat almost lifeless.

Tears dried on her face.

"Khushi!" he muttered, his heart swollen in pain. With every beat of his heart he prayed everything was fine.

Lump of worries formed in his throat. Khushi sat up in the seat, looked at him in one glance. Now Arnav could see her face was completely drenched in tears.

Her pain grew even more as she looked at him through the blurred layer of tears in her eyes, but she made no effort to openly mourn.

Her face was pale, eyes red due to the continuous hour of crying.

Arnav slowly walked to her whereas Khushi showed no movement. She seemed lifeless.

"Khushi is sexy fine!?" he asked. His heart sinking.

Still Khushi didn't say anything, her back hit the chair back, as she decided to sunk back in the chair and Arnav immediately put his hand as a cushion before she had hit the back of her head into the wall.

"Khushi why aren't you saying anything!?" he asked loosing his cool.
Her silence was killing him.

"I asked is sexy fine!?"

Khushi managed to nod her head.

"She is fine and she is just sleeping!" she managed to form her mouth.

Arnav immediately went to Khushi's mom ward, she wasn't there.

"Jennifer where is sexy!?" he asked, his heart palpitating in worry.

"I am so sorry Dr. Raizada to say, but your mother-in-law is no more!" she mumbled sadly.

"No," Arnav said as he backed up, his hand raked in his hair.

Every thing froze as world didn't exist at all. He wasn't able to believe nurse words.

"No, it must be a misunderstanding!" he said. "She can't leave us!"

He ran to the I.C.U. Where doctors were taking off the wires, oxygen mask, that attached to Khushi's mom's body and mouth. The heart monitoring machine showing one straight line.

"You are my son!" she had said the day, he organized a candle night dinner for her. "Not my son-in-law! You are the best son in the whole world!"

Words said by her formed in his mind.

"I will wish in the next birth you born to me," she had said. "I love you my son!"

Arnav couldn't able to stop himself from mumbling, "I love you, ma!"

Khushi's mom had no end to her happiness. "Can you say that once again, what you just said!?" she almost pleaded.

"I love you ma!" he said again. His words warmth her heart. She had immediately outstretched her arms and Arnav scraped his chair back and fell on his knees and hugged her heartily.
Today, Khushi had lost her mother, but looked like Arnav had lost the very part of his heart.

"Dr. Raizada!" Arnav's senior doctor called him as he came out of the I.C.U.

"I am sorry, we couldn't able to save Mrs. Uma Gupta," he muttered apologetically.

Arnav couldn't say a word as he was already devastated at the loss.

"We have to store her body!" he told him.

"Until you are ready with the funeral activities!"

Tears had automatically, made their way down his eyes.

Doctor kept his hand warmly on his shoulder, softly squeezed it and left.

Khushi heard the doctor saying and came rushing.

"No, you are are not taking her anywhere!" she shouted.

"Khushi, calm down!" he said as he got hold of her.

"Calm down, are you asking me to calm...They can't take my ma away!"

"Khushi she is no more!" he said bursting into tears, but still holding himself strong.

She slapped him. "Are you saying that!? Shame on you. You believed that she is your mother and you are the one who want her dead. Can't you just see she is sleeping!?"

"Khushi please gather yourself!"

"Shut-up Arnav you aren't in your senses. Why did you disturb her!? I was sitting there waiting for her too open her eyes and you disturbed her. You made her angry, that's why she isn't talking to you. You know that ma doesn't like when someone disturb her sleep!" Khushi muttered.

"Khushi look everything will be fine!" to his surprise he could mutter.

However, it had no effect on Khushi. She was struggling in his arms.
He held her by her shoulder tightly.

"She has left us," he said keeping a stone on his heart.

The pain in his words were brutal enough to rip her soul apart.

"You have gone crazy, Arnav!" she shrieked.

"I go ask her to open her eyes, for me she will open her eyes! You know that she has a habit of joking and that is what is what doing now! No, she won't listen me either, she loves you Arnav please I beg you, go to her and ask her to open her eyes, she will listen you," she pleaded.

"Khushi!" he shouted and grabbed her. "She is no more. She has left us," the words were harsh, but they were true and necessary to blurt out.

"She has slept forever!" he worded faintly.

Khushi looked at him in shock, she had stopped struggling. Her eyes wide opened.

"She will never be back!" he stated. "Never!"

Khushi pushed his arms to get free from his hold. She was numb. She turned to look at her mom, that laid dead.

"You are lying!" she said in an inaudible voice. "She can't leave me!" she was shaking her head violently. "She can't leave me."

"Khushi she can't, she will always be in our hearts!" Arnav said.

Blood had stopped reaching Khushi's brain, deprived of oxygen at the same time.

As the reality of her mom deaths, settled in her mind, and no other thoughts existed, she was frozen.

As the surroundings got blurred, her body slowly turned into a jelly, no energy left in her, her head collapsed on Arnav's shoulders.



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