Friday 27 February 2015

Can you forgive me please?! Chapter 1

After all, she had set those boundaries.

But today, she needed him...

Because she knew the truth that she had refused to listen months ago; before they broke with each other.

She wanted to apologize, but how would she? She never able to gather the courage.

Anjali might have no idea what really had happened between them, but she kind off knew that Khushi was fighting with herself like she held herself responsible.

Anjali kept looking at her seeing her vulnerable condition.

Khushi was trying her level best to hide all the emotions, that threatened to come out any moment in form of her tears.

But she had promised she won't shed any tears in front of anyone.

She promised that she would keep everything to herself. Inside her heart.

She had to battle with herself. Alone.

That's what she had chosen it for herself. To punish herself.

With no support from any one. No one.

But limit to bare the pain of that punish was weakening her day by day. Mentally!

She couldn't deny the fact that every part of her heart was screaming for Arnav. Her every breath wanted close to him.

"Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada!" the lady called once, but she had to repeat herself thrice when Khushi hasn't heard someone calling her.

Khushi seemed to lost in her world. Thinking about Arnav and the past.

"Khushi!" Anjali lightly patted her shoulder. Khushi immediately looked at her as she came out of her trance. With the look of pain on her face.

"It's your turn!" she told her.

She nodded and went inside with the lady.

Anjali was really concerned now. Khushi was getting more & more reserved. She would hardly talk to anyone. If asked anything she would just answer in simple yes or no...And sometimes she would just nod her head or shook her head or smile. Khushi had busied herself at the office. Just like Arnav. She would spend most of the hours at office than at home with the family members.

Other than that nobody had encountered Khushi whom everyone knew off.

It happened the day Khushi had come from U.K. to India back alone without Arnav. They never talked anything, but really happened between them. They didn't even know they were really angry at each other until they had started ignoring each other.

Everyone had tried their best to bring both of them together...Whether it was Akaash or NK or mama ji...or Mami ji...or Nani...or Anjali herself they all failed.

At some point, they did succeed by making them at least to talk on phone. But they would just held phone close to their ear, but don't really say anything and sometimes they would simply cut the phone.

"Khushi, I don't know what you guys are burying inside your minds and hearts, but I can't see you guys like this anymore. I think, I have to do something!" Anjali concluded. "Something that could really bring both of you together, once again."

She picked up her phone as she waited for Khushi and dialled Akaash's number and told him to be at AR hotel office along with NK, Shyam, and Lavanya.

Later, she made call to Arnav.
"Hello!" Arnav said as he picked up the phone.

"Good evening, Chote!"

"Good evening, di. How are you?"

"How are you? Still at office?"

"Yes, I was doing some paper work...Have very important meeting in the morning!" Arnav answered.


Arnav felt it wasn't his sister talking to him. Because his sister has that cheerfulness in her voice that was missing today...Sadness hardly take over her unless it's something really serious and to worry about.

Simply recognizing tone of her voice he knew there was something that was really bothering her.

"Di, everything alright!?" he asked to make sure.

"No!" she answered straight. It sounded like she would cry and she wasn't acting...

Arnav lightly put his file away as he got up his chair. His heart thumped.

"Is everything home alright? Are you alright?" he kept on asking, but Anjali stayed quite. She was waiting him to take Khushi's name, but he didn't.

She was resisting hard to not to tell him about Khushi...

Million times before, she had struggled between telling Khushi's condition. And many more times she had control herself because she knew she wasn't the right person.

However, she knew that it was enough of their childishness...They were husband wife, but acting like they didn't even know each other. Even strangers don't really react. Three months away from each other is not a joke...

"Di why aren't you saying anything?" Arnav nearly shouted in fear as negative thoughts crossed his mind.

"Chote can you please come back to India!?" she finally managed to say, after a long pause.

"But tell me what's the matter?" he asked again loosing his patience.

"Chote, I can't tell you anything on phone...Please come back in day or two!" she hurriedly said and hung up the phone.

"Hello...Hello..." he shouted, but he only the beep of the hung up phone, as an answer.

"What could be wrong!? Is Khushi alright!?" he thought.

He called his agent immediately and booked the most recent flight to India.

"How was it?" Anjali asked as Khushi came outside.

"Good!" she answered. But the bonus was, that made Anjali smile was that for the first time in months she had seen a smile on her face not a smile to convince her that she was happy, but a real smile.

"Hmm looks like it was awesome!" she cheerfully remarked and she was rewarded with another smile, but that had quickly vanished before Anjali could cherish the moment.

She was same Khushi again, who had forgot to smile and even live.

Khushi continued to walk without realizing Anjali still stood behind.

"Khushi I promise I will give you the reason to smile!" Anjali said to herself.

Then she walked at the faster pace to match Khushi's.

"Khushi, do you want to go out and eat. May be something that you are feeling like eating!"

"Shall we go to the office?"

Anjali felt the ache in her voice, but she maintained a warm smile on her face.

"Office? You should rest!"

"I am alright di...I have some important work that's pending..."

"Khushi..." Anjali had opened her mouth to protest, but she was stopped.

"Please di!"

"Okay, I can drop you at work..."

"Aren't you coming?"

"I am going to the hotel...Have to meet NK and Akaash they want me
there, have to sign some official papers."

She nodded.

"See you at home in the evening. I might come to the office too, but not sure...If you need any help just gave me call I will be there, myself. And when ever you are done with your work just call home they will send driver for you..."

"Sure!" Khushi answered and got into the car.


"Hi di, how is Khushi?" Akaash said to Anjali as she walked into the office. He himself got up as he kept the blue file on the table, that he was reading aside and approached her to give her a side hug.

"She is fine...Did Chote call?"

"No, he actually didn't and but I have explained everyone at home what to say if in case he calls home to enquire!"

"Perfect...This time I hope we can bring them together!"

"Finger crossed, angel!" NK said as he came in the room and joined them at the table."Nanav bhai just called me!"

"I hope you said what I had told you to say!"

"Yes, I said I don't know what's the problem...Anjali di is really sad!"

Anjali gave him a thumbs up.

"Where is your, jiju?"

"Here I am! Good afternoon everyone!" Shyam said as he entered the office.

"Hello, Jiju!" NK said and gave him a high five.

Shyam first put his black coat on the chair and then went to Anjali.

"Hi, baby!" he said and gave her the peck on her cheek. "How was Khushi's appointment?"

"It was good!"

"That's good! Okay, what's the matter that you called me? Everything okay?"

"I have asked chote to come!" Anjali spoke.

"Did he agree to come?" Shyam asked in disbelief.

"Yes, he has to come...We have to pretend that there is a problem between me and you!"

"Problem between!!" Shyam laughed. "You mean we have to do acting!" he further added as he was really excited. "But do you think it's easy to fool saleh sahab!? It will be an easy catch for him, since we never fight!"

"I know jiju, but will believe me we will make every thing look so real!" Akaash said.

"Okay what will be the basis of our fight!? Or the basis at what we will be mad at each other?"

"What do you think when La will be of our use?" NK said. "But wait where is she?"

"Hello, everyone I am so very sorry...Hi, Angel...Hi, jiju! Hello Nanhe...Hey Aki...What should I tell you guys I was so busy with the shooting...Asked the director to let me go early since he was in a good mood he approved."

"It's perfectly fine dear you are on time..." Anjali said.

"Okay, Aki had told me everything on phone."

"So do have any good idea in your mind?!" NK asked.

"I have a power packed story in my mind..." Lavanya said excitedly and explain them everything.

"How was it?" La asked once she is done telling her plan.

"Absolutely stupid...I am not going to anything such...If you have anything else tell us!" Anjali said furiously.

"What's wrong in it, Rani sahiba!?" Shyam asked cooly as he got up from his chair immediately.

"Di, it's just acting!" Akaash assured.

"So what was I doing?" she casual said.

"Di, you scared us!" NK said.

"It means I am a good actress, I am just worried about you guys...I fear you guys will ruin everything!" Anjali mocked.

"Hello, Rani sahiba we are also good actors and today we will prove it...Right guys!?" Shyam said.

"Yes!" NK answered.

"Yes, that's basically the story."

"But we have to be really careful because Arnav, Khushi's relationship is at a very vulnerable stage...One little mistake from our side...We can tangle already messy situation to even worst scenario. We can create even more problems. And whatever we do we have to make sure we don't really go overboard. We have to take care of Khushi too; taking care of her condition," Shyam said with sensibility.

"Yes, jiju is right!" Lavanya agreed and there was a sense of understanding from others too.

"Guys, before we all had tried separately, but now we are together. We have to bring both of them together before new year...And give them their best gift...Especially...Arnav!" Shyam said.

"Absolutely!" they promised each other and themselves.

"See you at home people...By the way who is going to pick chote from the airport?" Anjali asked...

"Me!" NK jumped.

"Absolutely not!" everyone said in a chorus and made their out of the office.

NK pouted.

"But why guys?" he asked as he ran after them. (Poor NK LOL )
After long working day, Khushi was finally home. As usual, she entered home, but didn't find anyone.

It was weird because whenever she would come from outside everybody will come running to her.

"Good evening, Khushi di!" OP said.

"Good evening, OP, where is everyone?" Khushi asked.

"Khushi di...everybody is siting in the backyard!" he said.

"Oh okay thanks," Khushi said and made her way to her room to freshen up.

She got startled as she had just passed by Anjali's room and she heard arguments.

"I don't know anything!" Anjali shouted.

It was hard to believe for Khushi since it was the first time she had heard Anjali getting angry or even raise her voice.

"Rani shahiba, whatever you are thinking is not what the truth is!" Shyam said trying to calm his angry wife.

"Oh really you think..." Anjali said, but stopped as she wiped her tears. Shyam traced the path where Anjali was looking at.

"Khushi, you home!" Shyam said sounding normal.

"I am sorry I was just passing by! Everything alright?!" Khushi said nervously.

"Oh yes, everything is fine...These little arguments happen here and there...How was your day at office?" Shyam said.

"It was good!" she replied, but for the whole time she was looking at Anjali. She looked kind off hurt, and angry.

"Come everybody are waiting for you!" Anjali said.

"Di I go and change, then I come!"

"Yes, sure why not?"

"We are waiting for you outside!" Shyam said.

She weakly smiled and left. But she doubted if really everything was fine between them.

Because Anjali looked sad and furious and Shyam was little scared.

Shyam and Anjali gave each other a victorious smile.

***At the AR office (The following morning)

"Good morning, mam...Mr. Shukla is waiting for you in your cabin..."

"Good morning, Shyna, can you please get all the files that I asked you pull out of the store room, in my cabin, after my meeting is done. Tomorrow is a Christmas Eve office will be closed. So make sure whatever needs to finished is here done before the break!"

"No worries mam...I get the files in your cabin...And I will make sure that everything is done today and no work is pending!"

"Thank-you!" Khushi murmured and left.

The work that Khushi thought will take hours; was finished in just under three hours. She looked at the clock and it was only 2:00 PM.

"Shyna, any more meetings for today or anything that need my attention!?she asked on the phone.

"No, mam everything is done."

"I think you guys may leave early...And wish everyone Merry Christmas from my side...And also don't forget to give everyone their presents and bonus...picked up yours too!"

"Merry Christmas to you mam and yes I will," Shyna cheerfully answered.

"Merry Christmas!" she mumbled and lightly put the receiver down. She got up her chair and stood near the glass window.

Arnav tiptoed into the room and hugged Khushi from behind.

Khushi got little scared, but her husband's warm familiar touch put her to the ease.

"Did I scare you?" he asked in his husky voice. His hot breath tickling her skin. His arms wrapped around her protectively.

Khushi shook her head to imply no.

"Merry Christmas!" he whispered in her ear and her pink lips curved into a beautiful smile.


Khushi felt as Arnav had just wished her Christmas. She felt someone's presence and she so thought it was Arnav. She turned around with a big smile on her face...But as usual it vanished when she saw Shyam standing behind her.

"Jiju aap!" she said sadly.

"Why were you expecting someone else?"

"No jiju...It's nothing like that...You here!?" she said in a low grief tone.

"I was just passing by the office thought of visiting you...Didn't get to meet you in the morning, I left early had very important case today and guess what?"

"You won!" Khushi finished his sentence.

"Yes...But what happen why is everyone leaving early?"

"Yes, we finished work early..."

"Awesome it means you are free too?"

"Yes, I was about to leave too..."

"Perfect...let's go then...NK and Akaash are home today they are waiting for..." Shyam was going to say something, but he immediately got hold of his tongue.

"I mean they are preparing for the Christmas party...It will be fun, come!"

Shyam said as he made Khushi put her arm in his in a gentleman manner and they both made their way out of the office to RM.

"Driver you can go home...I will take Khushi madam home!" Shyam said to Khushi's driver.

"Okay sir!"

"Khushi, what I was wondering was we can get few gifts for my Samaira, if you don't mind!"

"No, it's okay..." she said and got into his car.

"Perfect!" he said happily.

He had just sat in his seat when his phone rang.

"Hello, Rani sahiba...No, I was with Khushi...No...Rani Sahiba I came back from the court...Tell me why would I lie?...Rani Sahiba enough of you, okay?...Let's just not talk about it..." he said and furiously hung up the phone.

Khushi looked at him in shock. "What happen, Jiju?" she asked.

"Your Anjali di is...Forget about it!" Shyam gritted his teeth. "You don't worry dear everything is fine!" he added.

***At RM***

"Where were you?" Anjali asked Shyam angrily as he had just entered the house. But she calmed herself when she saw Khushi along with him.

"Rani Sahiba, let me just enter the home first!" he said coolly.

Anjali walked out of there to the living room and Shyam nervously followed her.

"I want to talk to you, Shyam!" Anjali said without looking at him.

"Yes, we can...But here!" he asked as he looked at Khushi.

"Yes, here. Not only in front of her, but everyone..." she shouted.

"Rani Sahiba, let's just not create any drama!"

"Drama?!" she asked in disbelief.

Listening angry Anjali's voice every member of the house came out of their rooms, one by one, to see what's the matter.

They all had a curious look on their faces.

"Am I doing drama?" Anjali asked.

Khushi got startled at Anjali's sudden outburst that she really never encountered.

She only looked back and forth at Shyam and Anjali as she had no idea what was really happening in front of her eyes.

"Anjali, bitiya, what's wrong?" Nani asked.

"Rani sahiba, we can settle everything, but for that just let's talk in private!"

"No, I am fed of all this...I am just too tired pretending everything is okay in between us!"

"What are you saying, Anjali bitiya?" Mami asked.

"Mami, I can't live with Shyam anymore!" she finally said.

There was a pure shock on everyone's face.

"Di, what are you saying?" Khushi finally asked.

"Yes, Khushi...I can't live up with this burden...I am not happy with him and I want divorce from him!" she said.

"Divorce!?" she mumbled in astonishment.

"What's happening in here?!" another loud voice pierced through the air and everyone looked at the source.

Khushi's eyes widened in shock, but there was a look of happiness on everybody's face as they saw Arnav. However, they immediately replaced it with a shock, dramatically.

"May I just know what's really happening here?" Arnav again asked as he paced into the living room.

It took little time for Khushi to register that it was Arnav's voice.

She immediately turned around to look at him. Numerous emotions hit in her face all at once.

Arnav who was first looking at Anjali as he was waiting for answer, his eyes fell at Khushi...

His heart felt an ache the moment he looked at her. In three months it was first time he was seeing his Khushi.
He had given up the hope that he would be able to see her again.

On the other hand, more than shocked, it was only Khushi who knew how happy she was too see him. Her heart was crying in happiness. Finally after three months he was in front of her. His all of sudden appearance was completely out of the blue situation. Until today, it was his photo whom she held close to her heart and cried and today he was right in front of her. But she didn't know whether it was for real or it was just her dream. Her heart was beating at the pace that she thought it might jump out of her body. A single tear fell down her eyes. A ball of emotions rose to her throat, that today, right at the moment, she might not able to have control over, because her weakness was standing at the distance of only ten feet away.


Quote: "I have only one weakness, and that's you!"

[MEMBERSONLY]***Sentence in italics is the conversation that Arnav Khushi had in the past, if it's not specified under flashback***

On the other hand, more than shocked, it was only Khushi who knew how happy she was too see him. But there was a guilt too in her.

Her heart was crying in happiness.

Finally after three months he was in front of him.

His all of sudden appearance was completely out of the blue situation.
But a treat for her. She had been waiting for him and she didn't know that her wish will be fulfilled this soon.

Until today, it was his photo whom she held close to her heart and cried and today he was right in front of her.

But she didn't even know whether it was for real or it was just her dream.

Her heart was beating at the pace that she thought it might jump out of her body.

A single tear fell down her eyes.

A ball of emotions rose to her throat, that today, right at the moment, she might not be able to have control over, because her weakness was standing at the distance of only ten feet away.

Everyone in the room tried their level best to hide their happiness.

Both of their minds were diverted when Anjali again spoke up and when she knew the first step of the mission was completed.

Akaash winked at her and she was ready for the next step.

"Yes, Chote. I want divorce!"

His forehead furrowed in confusion. "But what's the matter?" he asked Anjali, but she was shedding crocodile tears. So Arnav asked the same question to Shyam.

"Jiju, can you please tell me what's the matter?"

"Uh me...Yes," Shyam stuttered as he was caught off guard.

"Yes, jiju what's the matter?"

"Saleh sahab, what should I say? I don't know why, but she thinks I have extra martial relationship with some one else!" he said.

Khushi and Arnav both immediately looked at each other in shock.

"I can't believe that you are denying that you had relationship with anyone beside me," Khushi's own said words to Arnav echoed in her mind.

"I think?!" Anjali asked Shyam as she went close to him, held him by his shirt and make him face her.

"I have seen you with that girl...You guys all would say what does that prove right?"

"No, I didn't think that!" NK whispered, randomly, in Akaash's ear.
Akaash angrily looked at him and NK murmured "sorry" and moved two feet away from him in fear.

"But, Rani Sahiba, I have told you before and I am repeating that she was no one, but a student who had come for a training!"

"Training...Oh yes, dancing with her at the night club...Going out for a coffee with her...and not picking up my phone calls and your excuses that you are at office, all this comes into your lawyer training?" she said sarcastically.

"Akaash, bhai!" NK again went to him..."What if Nanav bhai asked for the proof?" he whispered.

Akaash rolled his eyes getting little agitated.
"Can you please just shut up?" he mumbled back.

NK kept finger on his lips and again moved away from him.
"Arnav ji, it must be easy for you to just forget the night that you might have spent sleeping with the other woman, but you can't hide it!" Khushi angrily blurted out.

"What are you saying, Khushi? For god sake believe me whatever you are thinking is irrelevant!" Arnav said in his defence.

But Khushi was too distraught. Her mind wasn't processing in anyways.
Khushi slowly paced towards Anjali. "Anjali di, it could all be your misunderstanding," she said, in guilt.

She wished someone was there to tell her that day, before he had asked him to not come in front of her ever, she might be wrong.

"No, Khushi!" Anjali screamed. "I am even shameful to mention that he is denying everything..."

"Di, may be he has no relationship as you think!" Khushi said. At the moment, she was saying things that she should have thought before blaming Arnav.

"Yes, Khushi I have no relationship with any woman!" Shyam pleaded the way Arnav had. "Please, Rani Sahiba,  I can't even think of anyone other than you! Do you think I would stoop this low when I have loving wife like you and three year old lovely daughter, Samaira!?"

"That's what to regret about, you have done that...You dared to stoop that low... and then you didn't even think once that you have a daughter and thinking of me was a far thing!" Anjali whimpered.

Khushi looked at both of them as they argued. She didn't know how come she hadn't seen the problems between them. Was she that unknown of the world? she thought.

"Di, please calm down!" Khushi managed to say, trying hard to digest her own sobs. "We can talk about it calmly!"

"No, Khushi I can't..." Khushi immediately flinched back and Shyam held her by her shoulders before she could trip.

Anjali mentally bit her tongue and she apologized in her mind before continuing.

"This man has been cheating me...First, I thought he would be back on track...I kept everything in my heart, but no he took it as his liberty!"

"I never had thought, Arnav ji, the person whom I loved would cheat on me...I don't even know, how did I get married to such a person who already had a 6 year old child!" Khushi cried. "I can't believe I was ever be wrong in love!"

"No, Khushi you weren't ever wrong and not even now...Please, try to understand that I have only loved you," Arnav said as he kept himself calm. He knew it was nothing, but just an misunderstanding...

"Enough of this nonsense, Rani Sahiba...I am telling you that I have no relationship with anyone except you!"

"Akaash, bhai what about jiju's relationship with us...I mean brother-in-law one!" NK asked confused.

"NK!" Akaash muttered."Let this act finish, I promise I will tell you everything...But for now could you just please keep quite?!" Akaash mumbled angrily awfully slow so that nobody else could see hear him except NK.


"Di, please at least listen him once..."
Akaash chimed in.

"Yes, Anjali bitiya!" Mama Ji said.

"Why you guys think that I am wrong?" Anjali whimpered.

"Di, we are not saying you are wrong we are just saying that just give him the chance to prove himself at least say something. Sometimes what we see and what we hear is not always right!" Akaash said.

"Okay give me one strong proof that you don't have any relationship with anyone!" Anjali said as she thought of giving him that one chance.

"I swear on you!" he said. "I don't think I could give you any other big proof then this...

"Very good, Shyam...Today, you proved that you are the biggest lier ever born and a cheater!"

"Nanav, bhai why aren't you saying anything!?" NK said...

Arnav looked at him, but didn't say anything...

"Chote, say it you believe your lier jiju!" Anjali spoke up.

What he could say? he thought...In this case, he should stand on his sister's side, but he understood his jiju's side too. Because three months ago he too stood at his place. He was blamed.

He looked at Khushi, who couldn't able to meet gaze with his. For some reason, now when he looked at her properly, he found her weak...She had lost so much of weight...Her fair skin looked paler. She looked leaned in her red saree.

"You don't believe me right! Just let me show you their messages!" Anjali said.


"Khushi, I am not lying it's the truth that your husband who says he loves you had said the same thing to me!" Shilpa cried.

"What nonsense?" Khushi said as she couldn't accept what Shilpa was saying.

"I knew, Khushi, you won't believe me! Not only you, but anyone won't because they aren't the one at my place. You aren't in my place...And why would you believe me!?..." She laughed sadly. "Arnav Singh Raizada, is just too good at manipulating people."

"What do you mean?"

"Me and Arnav were college friends. My grandma was Arnav's grandma's distanced relative. One day Arnav came to me and confessed his love for me...Arnav told his grandma about his and my relationship and she agreed to get both of us married. If you don't believe me just go and ask her...Just like any other simple girl I had dreams that I will have a loving husband, good family. But I was too into my dreams that I distanced myself away from the reality. I forgot that a man like Arnav could have only one need, se*ual need," Shilpa said sadly, but in disgust.

"So what?" Khushi said. "Who doesn't have past? What if she wasn't Arnav's first choice?" she thought.

"You are right, Khushi, who doesn't have past? Some have good and some bad. I had a bad past...Khushi, my family wasn't as rich as Arnav's...But I had self respect, but that too I lost when I came to know that I was pregnant."

Khushi felt an earth shattering shock as she stared blankly at her. Tears flowing down her eyes. Very part of her denying to not to believe her, but as a woman she could feel her pain. No woman could stoop this low and say she was pregnant with anyone man's child.

"I tried my best to meet your husband, but I couldn't. He always kept on running away. But yesterday we had met, but I didn't find the courage to say him anything. Today, I have 6 year old son, Shiv. He too has his dad's traits! He gets angry really easily. He doesn't let anyone come in his life, unless he wants that person on his side...But I will make sure that he doesn't grow up as a man to play with innocent women lives..." Shilpa said.

She wiped her tears and said "I am sorry, Khushi, I am not here to destroy your married life...But I just couldn't stop myself when you asked me about my and Arnav relationships. You know what people call my son an "illegitimate child"...It hurts Khushi to the core...And you know the worst part is it hurts when that little kid comes to me and ask who his father is?"

"That's what locks my mouth, Khushi. I can't tell who is his father..."

"Please go..." Khushi said.

"Khushi, I can't leave you alone like this!"

"I said go!" Khushi shouted.

"Okay, I go, but please Khushi me and Shiv were Arnav's past, but you are his present...He does love you..." Shilpa said in a hurry, but Khushi stopped her from saying anything else later and asked her to leave.


"It will prove all of you wrong...Give me your phone!" Anjali said.

Shyam nervously looked at people around himself as he took out his phone from his pant pocket.

"Here you go!" Shyam murmured.
Anjali immediately snatched from him angrily.

"Pass code?"

"3337!" he murmured.

Anjali opened the text message app and the message sent to him by a girl.

"Tell me these messages aren't from that girl's side!?" Anjali asked. "That you forgot to delete."

Shyam looked scared now.
"You see these messages!" Anjali said as she gave the phone to Arnav.

Shyam swallowed the hard lump that had formed in his throat.

"Read them, Chote!"

"Go!" Akaash elbowed NK.


Akaash gestured him with his index finger towards the phone.


"Show me!" NK said as he took the phone from Arnav.

"Shyam, I cannot live without you...Please tell me when you are finally telling your family about our relationship...especially to your auntie wife Anjali!"

"Auntie?" Anjali's mouth wide opened in shock as she looked at Akaash furiously.

"I didn't write it!" he said though gestures.

"I will see you!" Anjali gestured him back.

"If you love me you will come..." NK continued in astonishment. "If you didn't come, I will give my life and you will be the only one who will be held responsible for it...And don't forget I am going to be a mother of your child..."

"What the heck?" Shyam shouted in his mind. "There is a limit to the lies and me a father of a child of a woman whom I don't even know...You guys wait Akaash and NK..." Shyam fumed.

"Your sweet love Jhumri..."

Akaash didn't know how, but he controlled his laugh when he heard the name Jhumri, even though it was him and NK who had asked to type that message, to the girl who will act as Shyam's girlfriend.

"See Jhumri..." Anjali said. But she herself was almost going to broke out laughing, but then she remembered Shyam saying "one little mistake could just ruin their relationship."

She covered her face with her hands...In reality, she was laughing, but for others, especially Arnav and Khushi it seemed as she was crying bitterly.

Khushi was really devastated from inside to pacify Anjali, but even then she went to her and gave her shoulder.

"Di, please don't cry...If Samaira will encounter this it won't have a good effect on her."

"Khushi, no!" Anjali said as she pulled back from the hug.

"Samaira, should know what kind off person her father is! So that she chooses her life partner carefully!"

"Di...Jiju, didn't reply back!" Khushi said as she too saw the message.

Arnav was astonished to hear that.

When today he had looked at her she didn't seem to angry at him. There was a pain in her voice, and more than anything else there was something else that dominated that he couldn't figure, what it was...

"Yes," Shyam agreed. "I didn't!"

"Khushi, you are too innocent...He could have deleted the message too, Khushi!" Anjali stated as she again burst into crying and hugged Khushi.

Khushi felt a unbearable pain in her chest. She didn't know if it was Anjali's misunderstanding or it was the truth. But it could be wrong too just like she was.


"Who is Shilpa?" Khushi asked carefully looking at Arnav and change in his expressions.

And her heart thudded in her chest as she saw her fear getting true when she saw a pure fear in his face as the smile immediately faded away.

"Shilpa...She..." Arnav stuttered. "Why are you asking me about her?"

"I asked you who is Shilpa?"

"She was my good college friend...But why?"

Khushi lightly laughed sarcastically. "Nothing else!?" Arnav was looking everywhere else, but at her.

"Nothing," she repeated when Arnav didn't say anything.

She had gotten her answers. He was stealing his gazes. As he was scared to admit something.

"Look, Khushi..."

"What, Arnav ji? Tell me what?" Khushi said and angrily held his shirt collar tightly. "Tell me that you had relationship with her..."

"Khushi no..." he answered in disbelief.

"Please stop lying...Arnav ji,  it must be easy for you to just forget the night that you spent sleeping with the other woman, but you can't hide it!" Khushi angrily blurted out.

"What are you saying, Khushi? For god sake believe me whatever you are thinking is irrelevant!" Arnav said in his defence.

"No, Arnav ji...What I am saying is making sense to you!? You had cheated on a woman and left her pregnant!"

"What if I will be pregnant one day, Arnav ji...would you do the same with me?!" she asked.

"No, Khushi, I love you...Khushi believe me nothing had happened between me and her..."

"Look at this report...Your DNA meets with Shiv, your and your ex-girlfriend Shilpa's son..." She said bitterly. "I hope you knew that!?"

Arnav froze. He couldn't believe the result of the reports...

"Khushi, believe me please..."

"No," she shouted and moved away from as he was going to touch her.

"Arnav ji, I don't need any explanations...Results are in front of me...You have proved me wrong...not only me, but my love wrong too!"

"Arnav ji, I can't live with you. I can't live with the person who had played with a woman life!" Arnav looked at her in shock.

"I have seen that 6 year child of yours and Shilpa...I have seen tears of helplessness in her eyes...I don't know how many more woman would be out there whom you just left..." 

Khushi stopped from saying anything else. "It will be good for us if we separate...It's better that we live our lives separately...We will go home together, but I can't live with you under the same roof!"

"Khushi at least listen to me once damn it!!!" Khushi forced her to face him, but she used her full strength to free herself from him.

"Don't touch me...I feel dirty...Do you get that? I FEEL DIRTY!" Khushi said bitterly.

Arnav agreed to her demands. He knew she was angry with him and she needed some time to think calmly...So, he decided to give her that time and space.

"Khushi you will go back home and live at RM...It's your home...You want me to live away from you it's fine...I promise, I will not show you my face ever... [I] until you want," [/] he mumbled as he kept stone on his heart.

Living away from her meant, pain and he was ready to bear the pain until she wanted.


"Okay, Khushi, you don't believe me I have one more proof that will bring all the truth out..."

"Jhumri..." Anjali called.

Everyone turned their face to the door.

But it was Arnav and Khushi who stilled in their places as they saw the girl.

Anger filled in every sense of Khushi's mind as quickly as tsunami fill it's surroundings, the moment she looked at the girl.

Jhumri too looked at both Arnav Khushi, her legs stilled, her face expressions looked like as she had an encountered with a wild tiger and it was going to attack her.

"Look how good actor she is!" NK praised her.

But he wasn't aware that she wasn't acting, she was scared in real.

"Hope you recognize her?!" Anjali asked Shyam.

"No!" he said quietly laughing.

"Oh gosh she is Shilpa," Nani said as she whispered in Akaash's ear. "And Chote knows her!"

"What?" Akaash said in shock.

"Yes, her grandma had approached me for their marriage, but me and Chote had refused. I knew she wasn't a right girl for Arnav according to what I had heard about her!"

"How do we don't know about it?"

"It wasn't anything that we should have really talked about! But she is here Arnav will catch all of us off guard. I told you guys before, to be careful and do anything such that you have to regret later. Do you have any idea how badly it could effect their already messed relationship?" Nani said angrily as she could imagine the situation getting out of their hands now.

"You still have time do something before everything turn out into a complete mess!"

But by the looks she knew it was too late and the only thing she was now waiting for was to finish of their deliberately done drama to end in an awful way.

"Yes, Jumhri...Can you please tell what relationship do you have with my husband, Shyam?"

Shilpa was too dread to say anything as her lips were tightly sealed together.


"What happen now huh...tell?" Akaash said trying to get her to talk.

"Can't you speak now?"

"Akaash, bhai, you didn't tell she is mute!" NK whispered.

This time Akaash didn't bother to say anything.

"I tell you!" Khushi said and everyone looked at her.

She walked towards her, and with every step of her Shilpa's heart pounded deadly.

Sweat had formed on her forehead.

"Jiju, was her college friend..." Khushi started off her voice was calm, but Shilpa could sense an angry storm hidden behind it.

Everyone looked at each other faces in pure shock...Then Akaash remembered the first line that Shilpa was suppose to was exactly that.

"Her grandma, and jiju's grandma were distanced relatives..."

"We are caught?" Anjali mumbled in fear as she bit her nails.

"So, Khushi, knew we were doing drama?" Shyam said as he stared at Khushi.

"Looks like!" she answered back.

"Your grandma wanted you and Shyam jiju get married, right? But Shyam jiju just had only one need and I am sure you know what's that need right?" Khushi asked sarcastically. But controlling her anger that were running wild in her veins.

Khushi turned around to look at Shyam.

"Right jiju you used her?" Khushi asked.

Shyam looked at her in fear and everyone thought they were gone...

Arnav couldn't believe what he was seeing was his imagination or the truth.

"So it means, Khushi does know her truth now!" His heart filled with happiness.

"But I can't even say you have 6 year old son, Shiv...Because you are now pregnant with Shyam jiju's child."

"Right, SHILPA!?" Khushi said coldly.

And Shilpa was just too struck with fear that she felt her mind totally shut.

"I said right, Shilpa!?" Khushi asked this time so loudly that her voice echoed in the whole hall.

"Ye...Yee...Yes," hardly came out of her mind as she trembled in fear.

But the sound that echoed now, was louder than Khushi's shout and the very next thing everybody knew was Shilpa was on floor...Khushi had slapped hard enough to knock sense into her ugly brain. 


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