Friday 27 February 2015

Can you forgive me please?! Epilogue


Arnav sat in the bed with his twin babies, a baby boy and a baby girl in his arms. Fascinated by the fact that these two little babies were the symbol of their love. He wondered how these little lives fit exactly in the length of his arms. 

He was trembling as with his own eyes, he saw Khushi giving birth to the babies. 

He was going to faint first when he saw Khushi floundering, with the amount of pain during the childbirth. He wished if any way he could able to reduce her pain was to be on her side when she was going to deliver her baby. For this he mentally prepared himself. 

"Khushi, relax and push, don't stress, I am here with you!" he said to her.

Khushi was unable to focus on Arnav's words. But she never let go off his hand. Her nurse padded cold towel on her forehead.

His head spun, but he had to be her support, he reminded himself. Never he knew until now what a woman had to go through to give one child a birth.

"Khushi, look at me!" he said. As he held her arms. 

"Khushi, push!" Doctor said. "You have to keep trying, Khushi. You can do it!"

Khushi finally was able to look into Arnav's eyes, "I am here, Khushi, push!" he said softly.

She tried and then she felt relief, as she could feel her baby coming out.

Arnav was smiling ear to ear. As doctors took the baby out they told it was a baby boy.

Arnav couldn't help, but kiss Khushi. He had tears of joy in his eyes.

Then she was again crying in pain. This time it wasn't a problem as she knew, what she had to do. 

She closed her eyes, pictured Arnav, every beautiful moment that she had spent with him. Every dream that she and him had seen together.

She took a deep breath, clenched Arnav's hands and she pushed.

There was their second child. A baby girl, doctor said. 

Arnav was once again kissing her deeply.

"Congratulations, baby!" he said. 

Khushi was crying as she saw her two babies.

"Let us clean them and check if they are perfectly fine, after that they both are yours!" Doctor said smiling.

Arnav and Khushi looked at their babies, and then in each other's eyes.

"Khushi, you have been really strong!" he said. "Thank you for this bundle of joy."

"Sorry for keeping them a secret for four months!" she said, as no matter how many times she had apologized for misunderstanding him, but she couldn't just come out of the guilt. But Arnav always there to tell her it was not at all a problem.

Now they were there enjoying the little lives.

Carrying just a little borns in your hand is an art, you have to just overcome the fears of harming them.

Khushi was looking at him lovingly. She was in awe the way he was admiring them. So innocent, with a touch of a father's emotion.

He softy kissed both of their babies.

"Arun and Anaya!" he said. Khushi nodded as they had already decided the names of their babies. He placed them in the crib.

Then he walked back to Khushi. He held her hand in his and kissed it.

"Khushi, thank you for everything. Thank you for coming into my life and making it so beautiful that today I feel if it wasn't you in it, it would never have been the same."

Khushi had tears in her eyes.

"Thank you for so understanding and forgiving my every mistake!" she said.

Arnav cupped her face and placed his lips gently on hers lips. "You were allowed to make all those mistakes," he said. "They weren't mistakes that was just love for me." 

He wanted to kiss her until they both were out of breath. But they had to stop, when their baby boy, started crying.

Arnav giggled and so did Khushi. "I don't think they will ever be able to enjoy our little moments," he said.
"But I would love to give you and both of them my whole time," he said.
The end!

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