Friday 27 February 2015

Stalker Chapter 1

Stalker Chapter 1

"Yes, dad!" Arnav obeyed and immediately got into the car.

"Dad can I just text NK and ask him not to come and receive me?" Arnav asked as he looked at his dad in fear. 

"Do I have to sign a paper for that?" his dad remarked. 

"Sorry dad!" he said and took his phone out.

"Hey, bhai. Hitler found me...please don't tell him anything...I made an excuse that my car broke down...please bhai last time for me."
he texted at the speed of light and just when he pressed the sent button he realized what he did. His eyes left wide opened in shock. Instead of sending the text message it to Akaash, he sent it to his dad.

His dad put his hand in his coat pocket to take the phone out to read the message and Arnav stared at him. Arnav had to do something before his dad read the messagehe sent and kill him.

"Dad!" he screamed.

His dad immediately looked at him and asked "what?"

"Dad can you please give me your phone my phone is out of battery?"

"Yeah, whole day if you be on phone but will poor technology would do?"

"Technology ki badi chinta hain aapko, but bete ki bilkul bhi nahin!"( yeah, you don't worry for your own son but this stupid technology) Arnav fumed. 

"I am sorry dad but it's important..."

"Hold on, I think there is an important message for me!"

"No," he screamed again and took the from his hand when he about to press the home button to read whose message it was. His dad gave him one stern look. 

"Dad I am sorry," he spoke up. "Arnav think something!" he thought in his mind. 

"Oh yes, dad mine is more important NK has meeting today and because of me he had to actually postpone it. I mean to drop me home."

"Well Mr. Arnav Anatoli Singh Raizada you yourself don't have anything good to do in life, at least let others focus on their work!" Arnav's dad angrily snapped.

"Sorry dad!" Arnav immediately opened the app and deleted the message that he sent. 

"Here you go dad!" he said with a wide grin.

"Have you texted him?" he asked suspiciously.

"No, dad. It's all good. My phone has little battery left that I didn't realize before!" he made a lamest excuse. 

His dad gave him the what the look, but right now he wasn't in the mood of arguing with. He knew how crazy his son was.

"You were saved, Arnav. Today, you were almost gone!" Arnav exclaimed as he took a long sigh of relief.

***At RM***

"Good evening, dad!" Akaash wished as soon as they entered the house.

"Good evening son. All ready for the party?"

"Yes, dad everyone ready!" Akaash answered.

"You go and get ready in 5 minutes and no excuses!" Arnav's dad said to him.

"Yes, dad!" Arnav weakly answered.

"Akaash go and help him. Otherwise, he would take forever. And make him clear to dress properly. His casuals won't work!"

"Yes, dad no worries I will take care of it."

"And yes absolutely no excuses for not going to the party. Where is your mom?" 

"Yes, dad I will make him clear. And mom is in her room," Akaash answered and after asking for the permission to leave, he left from there.

***In Arnav's room***

"Oh wow!" Akaash exclaimed. "You look so awesome. I am not sure if girls will faint at this avatar of you, but dad will definitely do!"

"That's what I want!" Arnav answered irritably, noting the sarcasm in his voice.

"Chote don't act so stupid okay here your bhabi has left clothes for you go and wear them!"

"No!" he simply declined.

"As you wish! I go and tell dad that you don't want to go!"

Arnav immediately stopped him. 

"Who said I am not going?"

"Look Arnav dad is already really mad!"

"When he is not?" Arnav immediately asked.

"He doesn't want to hear any excuses especially he wants to wear formal clothes not your jeans and T-shirt. You should know Arnav, to look after this big business is not an easy task. Once you will come in this profession it would make good sense to you, believe me. By the way, tell me how come you came with him."

"First of all, who ask him to work? For him money is everything. Oh Gosh, not by a mere mistake I would join your boring business. I am least interested. And how did I come with him? You don't know but he has those hidden surveillance cameras inside his body that always capture me, so that he knows where I am, what am I doing and once found he could throw tantrum."

"Okay, don't be mad get ready we are waiting for your downstairs. Otherwise you know..."

"Yeah...yeah dad would be mad!" he finished his sentence as he cut him off. "But I don't want to go!" he finally came to the point.

"Okay, don't go!" Akaash simply said.

"Really bhai?" Arnav said as he tossed his suit on the bed and went to him.

"Yes, find another good reasons better than before, that would convince dad!"

"Put water on my expectations!" Arnav growled.

"Are what happen?" Payal asked as she came into the room.

"Your devar is fussing like a child. Just make him ready in 5 minutes!" Akaash said and left from there.

"Arnav what happen?"

"Bhabi I don't want to go!"

"But why?"

"You know I hate social parties!"

"I know to tell you the secret I don't like them either."

"Bhabi so let's make an excuse and say that we don't want to go!" Arnav immediately went to her.

"Very good Mr. Raizada, you know senior Raizada is really mad do you want that dad gets mad at me too?"

"Unka toh roz ka kaam hain, to get angry all the time!"

"I completely understand, Chote. I know at this point whatever papa says to you might hurt you.If you think according to his point of view he is right too."

"Hurt? His taunts are like those deadly bombs that he throws at me!"

Payal laughed at his childish talks.

"Okay, one think we could do. You go there for a while and come back early!"

"Is it possible?"

"Yes, I will talk to your brother and even we will get one more vote Anjali di is coming!"

"Really?" Arnav jumped in excitement.

"Okay, bhabi I go and get ready and wait here I have to share very important news!"

"Okay, I am waiting here!"

"Okay bhabi!" Arnav said happily and in quick 5 minutes he came out all ready. 

"Wow today you look a out of world handsome hunk!"

"That's what I am!" Arnav proudly remarked.

"Okay okay you aren't looking that handsome too!"

"What bhabi?"

"I am just joking...okay tell me what you wanted me to tell!"

"Bhabi, actually I...Today..."Arnav started to tell her but he didn't know how to tell her.

"You finally met a girl of your dream?" Payal immediately asked.

"Oh gosh bhabi how do you know? It could have related to my game too!"

"Hmm yes, but if it was about any championship that you have won I would have known it and my crazy little devar ji, you wouldn't be blushing like a girl if it wasn't about a girl of your dreams!"

"Now tell me whose that lucky girl?"

"Bhabi unfortunately I don't know who is she? I saw her today at mosque, but your husband, a bone came in between. ("Oh oh!" Payal exclaimed) I think she is new and what if bhabi she had come just to visit her relatives and would leave!"

"Hmm that's something to worry about. But don't worry Chote, if you love her you would definitely find her."

"I really hope so bhabi!"

"You will, now let's go before papa gets angry again...And yes you look really handsome," Payal complimented.

"Thank you bhabi!"

***At the party***

In the background, musicians played the soft music. 

"Wow!" Arnav exclaimed as he looked around his surroundings. 

Most of the men dressed in their black suits, their T-shirt colour or their ties colour matched their female partners, long dresses colour. 

Payal looked at him and was going to ask him that if he liked the party? But before her Arnav spoke up "what a crappy social party!" he exclaimed in admiration for his love for the social party. 

Yes, yes a sarcasm there.

"Tum bhi na Chote!" Payal said as she shook her head and smiled at his sarcasm. 

"Rich people, all dressed in their most expensive clothes, a fake smiles plastered on their faces, especially that old young man," he said pointing at his dad "exhibiting the rich high-class. It's just wow!"

Arnav sighed and shook his head in disbelief. "1 hour 1 min 57 seconds precious time of my life wasted already and don't know what more to be wasted," he wondered as he now stood alone.

Arnav was seriously really bored. This was his first time attending any social party. Few years back he was lucky to escape from these parties because he had been studying abroad at Harvard. Since, he has come back to India he learnt to make good excuses but it was only last month when he was caught and warned to attend the social party. And here he was at the very first social party of his life, today.

Arnav had leaned against the counter and was about to doze off when his dad looked at him and told Akaash to ask him to behave.

Akaash rolled his eyes as he looked at Arnav and went to him. 

"Arnav!" Akaash called him as he shook him. Arnav immediately woke up from his half sleep. "Hey, bhai!" 

"Come and I introduce you to the..."

"Top people present in the party?" Arnav asked. 

"Keep quite and just let's go!"
Having no other option wish he followed him when he saw his dad looking with an angry look in his face. Arnav immediately looked somewhere else as he hasn't seen his dad.   

"Hi, Mr. Gupta this is my brother!" Akaash said as he introduced Arnav with Arnav.

"Hey, Mr. Arnav Anatoli Singh Raizada!"

"Hi," Arnav wished weakly.

"Arnav this is..."

"He is the owner of the top billionaire textile company in England."

"Absolutely!" Mr. Gupta exclaimed. 

"Mr. Akaash, Mr. Arnav knows lot about the business world."

"Yes," Akaash answered in shock and looked at Arnav in disbelief.

"Mr. Arnav this is my wife Pam Gupta and my daughter..." Mr. Gupta said as he looked around. 

"Princess!" he called. 

"Yes, dad!" Mr. Gupta's daughter said.

Arnav tilted his neck over Mr. Gupta's shoulder to look at her.

"I will be right back," Mr. Gupta's daughter said to the girl.

"She has just came from England today after finishing her studies!" Mr. Gupta told him.

The moment she (Mr. Gupta's daughter) turned around, the girl whom she was talking to turned in the opposite direction to leave from there.

"Yes, dad!"

"Mr. Arnav this is my daughter Lavanya Gupta!"

Lavanya was totally mesmerized the moment she eyed him, she couldn't just stop herself to keep looking at him. 

"La? What happen princess?" Mr. Gupta asked.

"Oh...Hi, Mr. Arnav," la said as she came out of her dream world. "I have heard so much about you and today have met you it's a great to meet you!"

"Thank you Lavanya!" Arnav exclaimed. 

"La...I mean you can call me La!"

"Okay La!"

"Mr. Akaash I think we should let both of them talk!"

"Yes, sure!" Akaash agreed.

Arnav was going to protest but too bad he was late.

"So tell me Arnav...oh I hope you won't mind me calling you Arnav!"

"No it's okay you can call me Arnav!"


"So you want to go somewhere else away from the party?"

"Yes, to the washroom!" he immediately answered.

Lavanya looked at him in shock.

"I mean I want to go to the washroom. May I know where is it?"

"Yes, upstairs. To the left, then right, and one more right, there is a washroom."

"Oh thank you!" Arnav said and quickly ran from there and went to his bhabi and Anjali di.

"Hey, Anjali di, bhabi please help me get out of here!"

"Chote, it's another hour or so we all will leave," Anjali told him.

"One know it's centuries long waiting for me. Please I am going!"

"Where are you thinking of going?" 
Arnav's dad asked as he stood behind him.

"Washroom...I was telling bhabi and Di that I am going to the washroom!"

Arnav looked at his dad and he knew that he had enough pissed him off. 

"May I go?" he asked. "I think I should!" he concluded as he looked at his dad's angry face.

He literally ran from there and didn't dare to look back but in his hastiness he didn't see someone coming in his way and bumped into her. 

"Oh I am so sorry!" he immediately apologized. The girl moaned in pain as her ankle got sprained but she was saved from falling as Arnav's strong arms wrapped his arms around her slim waist.

Her long thick hair covered her face. Unknowingly, Arnav's hand moved to unveil her face. 

"You?" he asked as he looked at the angel whom he had thought he lost few hours ago was just right in front of him. He hadn't seen her full face before, but her eyes that's how he had recognized her now. But her specs were the only thing that was interrupting his view of her eyes. 

The beautiful chocolate brown eyes deeper than an ocean itself, that anyone would love to dive into. 

He took his good time to look at her beautiful face, her quivering lips, her innocent eyes, in which somehow had fear in them. 

"Go and take her inside!" Mrs. Gupta immediately said to her maid.

"Yes, mam!"

"Let's go," maid said. But how could she Arnav had still held her tight.

"Arnav let go off her!" Akaash immediately came and said in his ear. 

Lost in her eyes, he didn't hear him. Girl in his arms looked around and saw everyone's eyes at both of them. 

Tears formed in her eyes as she cringed in his arms in fear. Arnav's heart felt her pain and he looked around and let her stand on her feet. 

She winced as the pain in her ankle got unbearable. 

"Please let's go from here!" maid said and took her from there.

"Mr. Arnav you okay?" Mrs. Gupta asked as she came to Arnav. 

"What has happened to me? It's that girl who is in pain!" Arnav said little agitated.

"Oh, Mr. Arnav don't worry she is just nothing but a caretaker of this house. You know these girls just need an attention.

Arnav's hand tightened in a fist but he was worried about her angel. He had to go and see her. The girl whom he had given his heart was in pain just because of him. 

"Hey everyone everything is okay here!" Mrs. Gupta announced and everything was back to normal except Arnav. 

"This boy wouldn't left any chance to ruin our self-respect!" Arnav's dad muttered under his breath.

"It's okay," Mr. Raizada Arnav's mom assured. 

Arnav immediately went to his bhabi. 

"Bhabi it was her. Whom I saw at mosque!"


"Yes, bhabi!"

"She is beautiful, innocent and sweet!"

"Yes, bhabi may I go and see her!"

"Is that to ask?? Just go!"

"But bhabi, hitler?"

"Don't worry I will make an excuse but come back soon."

"Yes, bhabi!"

Arnav happily went upstairs where the maid had taken that girl. 

However, there were so many rooms in the house and it wasn't easy to find her. But if destiny had brought him this far he surely would find her. It was important for him to know how she was?

He wandered in all directions looking for the room where that girl would be. 

His heart continued to sunk as he looked in every room and didn't find her.

His hope was slowly fading away until he smelt the familiar smell in the air. He opened the door of his last hope. 

His smile grew 1000 times as all his fear evaporated in the air. There she was standing near the window looking in the night sky. Her hair dancing in the air. 

He slowly opened the door but he was stopped when someone called him from behind. He turned around and saw Lavanya standing. 

"Hey," he nervously murmured and quickly, but lightly closed the door and walked to her.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Oh me I was looking for the washroom. I couldn't find it to be honest!"

"Oh okay, come and I walk you there!"

Arnav unwillingly had to left from there. 

Later in the night Lavanya remained with him all the time, neither the girl whom his eyes were hungry to have a glance of, came out of her room nor he able to meet her.

But doesn't matter what he had to meet her. Because it was his restless heart that would never ever let him sit, sleep, eat and most important to breathe. 

But doesn't matter what, he had to meet her. Because it was his restless heart that would never ever let him sit, sleep, eat properly and most important breathe, if he didn't meet her.

The journey back home was quite tensed, Arnav had to listen to his dad's angry words for what he did today during the party. 

The big question was did Arnav care what his dad was saying to him?
No, he was lost in his own world. 

Her beautiful eyes kept on coming in his mind, the smell of her perfume had dissolved in his senses forever in such a way that he found himself floating in it.

He smiled as he looked at his hands, the same hands that he protectively secured her. Her soft flesh in his rough hand felt so vulnerable. Pure innocence written on the face and reflected in her eyes.

He was amazed as how eyes could speak volumes. Just looking at her eyes he knew that she had the impeccable beauty that he ever saw in his life. He had seen pretty women, but she was different. If you go by her looks she looked like a complete geek, her big glasses, her hair tied in a braid, her dress was white in color. Mrs. Gupta said she was a care taker of the house but care takers aren't suppose to wear those expensive dresses he thought. Well, that wasn't something to be cared about. Her identity didn't matter.

What high class people do anyways? They are surely there for what they have acquired, it's their hard work, but they blind themselves away from the reality. Money and poor people lives become a game for them.

The only thing mattered to him was he loved her with no terms and conditions. He didn't want to marry a woman with a high society status certificate, but a woman who would love him, care for him and the person he would love to spend a life with.

Three minutes, of encounter that he had with her were the most beautiful minutes of his life. He was thankful to his dad, his bhabi, his brother that they forced him to go the party with them and made him stay until he had found his love.

Now, he was happy to state that he actually loved social parties more than he resisted going to one of them.

Though, he had so many reasons to smile, he was sad that he couldn't able to even ask how was she doing!? 

Anyhow, the very thought of him knowing where he would find his lady love brought a smile on his face. He would go and meet her, there was a contagious love virus inside his head that won't rest until, he sees her again.

By the time, he reached home, he wished good night to everyone and quietly took Payal in his room.

Payal silently closed the door behind. "Chote did you meet her?" She asked getting little impatient.

"I was about to bhabi, but bones didn't stop destroying my meal. Bhabi I seriously need to meet her!" Arnav said restlessly as he paced in the room back and forth.

Payal was tensed to see his state. "Chote, just relax!"

"Bhabi I can't, that girl has taken peace of my mind!" he stated. 

Payal looked at him and meanwhile, tried thinking of a way he could go and see her. 

"Idea, Chote...I have an idea!" Payal said in excitement.

"What bhabi?"

She gestured him to come closer to her so that she could tell him and Arnav lend his ear to hear her plan. She murmured something in his ear and Arnav jumped in excitation. 

"Wow, bhabi I truly love you!" he told her and kissed her cheek.

"But bhabi where did you come up with this idea from?"

"From your brother he always used to do that whenever he wanted to meet me!" 

"Oh really! In front of me he acts as all serious type!"

"I know he is like that," Payal exclaimed and they both giggled. 

"You guys have to help me but bhai will never help me."

"Oh common chote for you I will convince him you just wait and watch!"

Three musketeers sat in the bushes as they looked at their dark surroundings. 

"You know what you have to do right?" one of the musketeer whispered to the second musketeer as he once again assured of their plans, and he pushed the other musketeer a little to get more space.

(Haha if you guys were wondering where did the three musketeers come from!? It was just a dramatic start :P) 

"What are you doing, Arnav. Why are you pushing me?" NK furiously asked.

"Because you have taken the whole space and you know how painful that twig is that is pocking right in my butt!" 

NK laughed.

"Sshh...guys. If anyone caught us, you know what could happen?" Akaash said to make both of them quiet.

"He is fighting!" NK complained as he hit Arnav's shoulder.

"NK!" Arnav shouted and hit him back in his shoulder.


"Sorry, bhai!" Arnav apologized. "You NK just let's go home after this, I assure you that you will regret!" Arnav mumbled angrily.

"I will tell uncle!" NK threatened.

Akaash furiously looked at both of them.

"Okay, you both first fight...If by chance, you guys get time then we will carry out for what we came here for!" 

"No, we are done," Arnav stated.

"Okay, this time seriously sorry!" NK said as he apologized holding his ear.

"Arnav please make sure you do for what you are here for and why the heck I am even here?" Akaash muttered. 

"For bhabi...I know bhabi told me that you use to go and meet her like this," Arnav answered chuckling.

"Really Akaash bhai?" NK asked surprised.

Akaash didn't answer the question and changed the topic. 
"You go now. I have to go!"

"Yes, even I have promised someone," NK said in a dreamy state. 

"Hello, you can't go unless I reach my angel's room," Arnav said to stop both of them.

"Wait where is the rose?" Arnav babbled. But NK heard "horse!"

"What horse, where is it?" NK asked as he immediately jumped. "Are you that desperate to marry her Arnav?"

Arnav immediately held his hand, made him sit and covered his mouth. 

"Not horse you crazy," Arnav angrily snapped as he took rose out of his mouth that he had tucked between his teeth, without having any idea it was right in his hand now. "I said rose." 

"What is this?" Akaash asked as he took Rose from his hand. You had it in your mouth first now in your hand!" he told him. 

"Oops, my bad! Now hold this ladder I am going up!" Arnav said and he carefully stepped on the ladder. Due to the dark, it was harder for him to see anything, and he was about to trip, but he quickly held on to the ladder to prevent himself from falling. "Arnav careful!" 

When he finally reached the top ladder, he gave NK and Akaash thumbs up and they both went from there. 

Arnav slowly brought his eye level to see where the girl would be and his heart pounded harder the moment he saw her sitting on the bed, working on the laptop and talking on phone. 

Arnav stared at her in a dreamy state as she spoke on the phone with someone. 

"No, you don't worry I have checked the jewellery designs and they all are good. I will talk to Mr. Gupta in the morning. Yes, just check with me once again in the morning," she said and there was a brief pause from her side. 

"Wow!" left from his mouth as he carefully examined her way of talking. 

"Wait where were her huge glasses? Was she wearing lenses? What the heck you are thinking Arnav?" he asked himself and gave himself a mental slap.

"Yes, absolutely it won't be a problem!" She said as she played with the pencil with one hand and typed with the other on the laptop.

"Yes...yes it would be fantastic. Of course I could meet him right at 10:00 AM in the morning. Yes, gave me my referral...yes, not a problem it was nice talking to you too...Good night!"

Arnav quickly scooped his head down as she put the laptop down on the bed that was first resting in her lap and herself got out of the bed. She winced in pain due to her sprained foot as she tried to walk.

"Khushi you slept?" Arnav heard la saying. 

"Oh so her name is Khushi? Wow, what a lovely name...Arnav Khushi...Khushi Arnav! It sounds too perfect!" 

"Hey, La!"

"Oh Gosh what's she doing in her room?" then he immediately thought.

"Hi, just came to know how is your ankle now!"

"Pain is still there but I have sprayed it and it would be fine by morning!"

"Oh okay...sorry dear for what mom said in the party!"

Khushi smiled. "Nothing to worry about la. Why are you sorry?"

"Just making sure."

"No, it didn't bother me at all. Stop worrying about such little things. Now you go and sleep!" Khushi told her.

"Good night and you too sleep!"

"Yes, I just have to look after some work then I will!"

"You and your work!" Lavanya complained and left from there. 

"Good night!" Khushi murmured and slowly walked to close the door.

"Wow, Arnav shame on you look at this girl she looks after the house and top of that work for her boss and you?" Arnav taunted himself as he climbed up the balcony.

He tiptoed and hid behind the wall to get her Khushi's proper position. When her back was towards his he immediately walked into the room, grabbed her hand from behind and covered her face before she could get time to scream. Taking care of her injured ankle he carefully made her walk backwards and pinned her to the wall. 

Her eyes were wide opened in pure shock as she looked into his deep brown eyes. 

She wriggled, but to her bad luck Arnav was strong enough to have control over her and keep fixed at one place. Meanwhile, he continued to drank intoxicated drink of her eyes. 

She tried screaming against his palm but it was only muffled.

"Innocent but frisky!" he mumbled in his rough husky voice. "I like it, pretty woman."

Arnav heard himself saying as he was totally mesmerized at the beautiful doll right in front of his eyes. Khushi tried kicking him in his foot with her other leg, but failed as her legs were tightly bounded between his huge legs.

Her legs quivered. Arnav sensed her fear and finally decided to break the silence other than her muffled screams.

"There is absolute no need to be scared about. I am just here to see you today because of me you sprained your ankle. But that's just an excuse I actually wanted to meet you."

"But why?" Khushi's asked in her mind in surprise.

"I let go off you, but only at one promise that you won't try to scream or anything. I will be okay but it would be you who would he in a problem for nothing and I don't want that to happen at promise you won't scream or do anything that would create a problem any of us.

She was just too scared even if she wanted to scream she wouldn't have and there would have been pointless. 

Moreover, there was a truth in his eyes and a magic that she couldn't say no. She shook her head to indicate him that she won't do anything such.

"Good girl!" he muttered and freed her.

The moment he let her go adrenaline rushed in her veins. She pushed him and Arnav tumbled over her shoes but he held on to the bed.

"What the heck you think you are to come in my room this late? Aren't you the one from the party? You know because of you I sprained my ankle so badly that I can't walk. Because of you I made fool of myself. Wait are you following me?" Khushi asked furiously and the time she finished she was out of breath. 

Instead of returning her anger Arnav laughed off not only because he wouldn't have, but also first of all she looked extremely beautiful and secondly, she was angry, she was letting out the frustration that she was going through or went through, however, in such a low voice even if she had screamed nobody had heard her screams.

And he smiled looking at her. "Are you crazy!? I am getting angry at you and you are just smiling," she flashed angrily.

He walked towards her, decreasing the safe distance that he had created in between her and himself.

"Look don't come near otherwise I would forget that I promised you anything."

"Does it matter to you, you promised me?"

"Yes, because Khushi don't break her promises!"

"Hmm good to know, Khushi!"

A sweet pain grew in her stomach when she heard her own normal from his mouth and it felt so unique. "Wait what the heck I am thinking?" Khushi thought and mentally slapped herself. 

"Did you know you look so gorgeous when you are angry?" he whispered as he stood only inch away from her.

Khushi immediately pushed him away. "Excuse me!" Arnav said in shock.

"You excuse me, Mr. Arnav Anatoli Singh Raizada. Aren't you shameful that you are the son of Mr. Rajwansh Raizada and here you are coming in the night time to meet a care-taker?"

"Woah, Ms. Khushi you know lot about me huh!?"

"Yes, I know everything about you. Have heard about you lot from my master!"

"Oh really Ms. Khushi..."

"Khushi kashyap," slipped from her mouth without her accordance, later she regretted for not having control over her tongue.

"Khushi Kashyap nice!"

Khushi was really mad at him right now, here she was getting angry but there was no effect on him.

"Beside what I have heard from my master I also know that you are nothing but a careless man who just likes to enjoy on his dad's money."

Arnav again smiled, but he lightly gritted his teeth he wasn't angry what she was telling him, but it wasn't the truth that he was enjoying being the son of rich Rajwansh Raizada.

He picked in his arm and made her sit on the bed and covered her mouth again with his palm, Khushi tried struggling which results both of them to fall on the bed on top of each other. 

"Ms. Khushi Kashyap you talk a lot," he murmured in an awful low-tone. "I liked your fact I loved it!"

Khushi used her both hands finding the hidden energy and bit his palm from the side. Arnav winced in pain. 

"Mr. Raizada don't you dare to come near me," she furiously snapped and she sat up on the bed adjusting her tank top.

Arnav again laid her back on the bed, this time he sealed her with the kiss.

She struggled for a while he locked her legs with his, her hands tightly in his. She pressed her lips tightly together resisting to kiss him back. Arnav took it as a challenge with his free hand he sensuously moved his hand up and down her arm, Khushi's breathing got out of control as she slowly started losing her control. "No forcing Ms. Khushi Kashyap."

She moaned the movement he rubbed the back side of his hand against her cheek and couldn't stop herself looking into his eyes.

Arnav took an advantage of the situation and placed his lips on her's. Touch was soft, and painfully electrifying. Khushi's whole body trembled with the passion he kissed her and she instantly was grossed into the heat of passion and kissed him back. 

Arnav slowly let go off her hands and shifted his legs to set her free completely and enjoyed the kiss as she kissed him back. It truly exhilarated him. Every dream of his was coming true, yet it felt like a dream at the same time.

His hand snaked around her waist. Khushi was shaking and Arnav didn't know whether it was because of her fear or the cause of the beautiful moment that they both were sharing right now.

When they both were out of breath he pulled away and fell to her side, on the bed. But his breath hitched in his throat as he looked at her.

Her eyes were closed, a single tear fell from her eyes. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked at him. She wasn't angry and was about to say something but again shut her mouth that she opened to say something. 

Arnav spoke as he looked into her eyes as the same time he looked for answers to his questions that he had in his mind.

"You wanted to know why I am here? Only because of you have taken everything from me. My sleep, my peace of mind and when for the first time when I saw you at the Mosque..."

Khushi looked at him in surprise. "Yes, I saw you today and should I tell you something I LOVE YOU!"

"I love you!" echoed in Khushi's mind and it touched her heart.

"Whether you accept it or not I leave it you. I am not going to force my love on you. You have all time that you need in this world."

"What if I don't?" she asked.

"Yes or no...I can wait for my whole life. But I am so cool that you can't really no I know," he joked. 

Khushi giggled. "You are too cute!"

Arnav immediately got up and gently made her sit.

He himself sat up on his knees and took her injured foot in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Khushi immediately asked.

"Going to fix your ankle!"
She quickly held his hand to not to touch as it was already hurting a lot. 

"Don't worry and believe me only for one second it would give you the pain and then it would relieve you from your pain forever," he told her.

She looked into his eyes and he looked her back in her eyes. But he focused on what he intended to do.

"I am a basketball player and I have done two years of medicine. I know how to fix it," he told her.

He first of all checked if there was any cracked bone and carefully setting at an angle he twisted it...

Khushi winced in pain and held his shoulder tightly. Arnav's eyes flew to look at her hand and at her the moment she held on to his shoulder and one another click Khushi hissed. 

"You okay!?" he asked worriedly. 

Khushi slowly opened her eyes and circled her foot around and the pain was gone, her ankle was fine as no pain ever existed.

" okay!?" La screamed from outside as she heard her scream. 

"Arnav you go from here!" Khushi whispered panicked. 


"Khushii!" Lavanya again called her. 

"Please Arnav..."

"Only at one promise!"


"Tomorrow at 5:00 PM at the church gate garden you will come to meet me!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes, in your love!"

"Shut up and just leave!!!" she spoke hurriedly and in fear as Lavanya continued to bang on the door. 

"Okay I will not go from here then!" he cooly answered and sat on the floor with his legs crossed. 

Khushi gave in at his silliness "Okay, I will just go from here!"

"Promise that you won't break your promise..."

"I promise I won't break my promise..."

"And you will come..."

"Yes, baba I promise I won't break my promise and I will come to meet..."

"Sounds good!" he replied finally satisfied. 

He got up and gave her the quick kiss on her cheek...Khushi's eyes widened in surprise once again. 

And he ran from there and Khushi took a sigh of relief. 

"Wait up one more thing..." he spoke as he came back into the room.

"What now?" she asked and he shyly took the floor that he had tucked in his hoodie.

"You are totally crazy!"

"Completely..." he answered her with his hand one hand rested on his chest and other in front of her as he offered her the rose.

"Do you accept the heart of this crazy Arnav Anatoli Singh Raizada!?"

Khushi giggled at his craziness and took the flower from him. 

"It's my heart Ms. Khushi Kashyap please keep it safe!" he jumped in excitement as he took it as her yes. But Khushi quickly silenced him.

"Khushi are you okay...please open the door!" La shouted.

"I am okay La..." Khushi managed to say...

" the door then..."

"Wait!!!" Khushi answered back.

"Now go from here please..." Khushi pleaded and Arnav giving her one last peck on her lip and mumbled "Now I am going but let me tell you, you are mine, you can resist me, you can run from me, hide from me but every time you will touch your lips it will remind me of you. I have given you my heart it's a humble request don't break it," mumbling the words he left from there dancing in joy.

Today, he was the happiest person, he had gotten the best thing of his life, his love, his Khushi.

"Crazy!" Khushi mumbled as she looked at him jumping, screaming, dancing in happiness.