Friday 27 February 2015

Bonded just for a favour?! Part 1

PART A (Would you marry me!?)

Khushi lazily fell on the sofa, before throwing her black leather purse.a

She took deep breath of sigh. The smell of freshly cooked pasta, hit her olfactory coming from the kitchen.

"Hi," he wished as he looked at her through the kitchen, cooking dinner.

"How was sexy!?" he then asked looking back and forth at Khushi and the pasta that he cooked.

"Same!" she replied in her tired voice.

"I will go to see her tomorrow! Anyways, I have cooked pasta for dinner. I hope it's fine!"

"It's perfect!"

"Alright so you go and get freshen up. Meanwhile, I set everything on the table!"

She nodded and got up the sofa to go to her room to freshen up.

***At the dinner table***
"How was everything at the call centre!?" he asked as he enjoyed the pasta, made by his own hands.

Khushi looked at him as she answered "It was busy as usual!"

"You look extremely exhausted, and bit gloomy. Any to worry about!?" he asked.

Khushi took a deep breath before saying, "I have to talk to you!"

"Yes, sure...go ahead!" he said as he gestured her to continue.

"You have to marry me!"

Arnav immediately stopped chewing his pasta as he looked at her in pure shock. It wasn't a question, but didn't sound as a statement either. It was a straight demand.

As he resumed his chewing, he choked on his pasta. He coughed to swallow it down the throat. "Are you okay!?" she asked.

He nodded his head as he gulped down the glass of water.

"Marry!?" he asked in shock. "You mean for real!?"

"Yes, a real marriage!" she answered as he double questioned her.

"What the!?" he mocked. "I hope you aren't joking!" he asked even though he knew she wasn't. At least not at the moment, as he studied the serious expressions on her face and with the sincerity she had demanded.

"No, I am quite serious!" she said.
"Mom wants me to get married. But I don't want too. But I can't say her that, not when she is bed ridden. Before dying she wants to see me getting settle!" she said. Her voice was grieved filled, but she wasn't crying. "Its just a contract marriage after a year we will split!" Khushi told him.

Arnav knew she was a really strong. A stronger woman that he ever met in his life.

There was a brief pause between the two of them. An awkward silence, that they both wanted to ignore, but didn't know how!?

"And also I want green card!" she said, breaking the silence, straight that was the fact Arnav knew.

And her visa was going to expire soon. She wasn't a citizen, but Arnav was.

She had come to the U.S. for her mother's treatment. Her mother had a hole in her heart. Khushi was doing her best to save her, working day and night, earning money for her treatment.

For a while, Arnav hadn't answer as he was in deep thoughts. He didn't want to say so no, but there were things that were important to tell her.

"You could really say no if you want, I won't mind!" she said as she sensed his turmoil. "I don't want to force you, but you were the only one that I could really talk to about this matter."

"Nah!" he shook his head once. "I just need little time to think...I hope you can give me that much time!"

"24 hours!?" she asked if she could get his answer in 24 hours.

"I am ready actually!" he suddenly said as he had already made up his mind.

That surprised Khushi.

"You can really think over it!" she said.

"I don't have to!" Arnav replied confidently. To take decisions, wasn't hard for Arnav, if he knew it was worth investing in it both time and his mind, he would go for it. And for Khushi he could do anything. She was his best friend.

"Okay, if your decision is final...I will tell mom about it. Anyways, she thinks there is really something between us!" she said as she got up from her chair and went to clean her food plate.

Arnav looked at her suddenly.

"You could tell me in case your mind changes!" she said as she wiped her hands with the paper towel. "No pressure!"

"Sure!" he mumbled.

"Khushi, my decision is final, but I have to tell you something!" Arnav said.

"Yes, go ahead!"

"Khushi, I was engaged!" he told her. Khushi froze at her place as her eyes glued at him.

"I know, I didn't tell you, but now I am. But we broke. Because neither the girl whom I was engaged to was ready and neither me," he told her.

"I am ready to marry you, for sexy."

Khushi was awed at his honest nature. She loved the way he was frank and didn't hide any truth from her, even though it was just a contract marriage.

"Arnav I am glad that you told me the truth. But are you sure if we will get married, there will be no objection to your family."

"Khushi, don't worry about my family!"

"Are you sure!?" she asked.

"I am. You don't worry it's just a contract marriage right! Once you get your green card and sexy will be fine, we will end this drama. How is it!?"

Khushi nodded after a brief pause.

"P.S. Pasta was delicious as usual!" she said before leaving the kitchen, to go to her room.

"Thanks!" he said with a smile. As he too cleaned his dish and later went to his room.


***At the temple***

"Pandit ji, is everything ready!?" Khushi's mom asked.

"Yes, everything is ready Uma ji...But only bride and groom are missing!" he said.

"Well groom is here!" Arnav said as he took his shoes off before entering into the temple.

Dressed in a sherwani.

"Hello handsome!" Khushi's mom said cheerfully as she rolled her wheel chair towards Arnav.

"Hi sexy!" he said back and as he leaned in and kissed her right cheek.

"Mah shah Allah, you look handsome, handsome!"

"Thank you sexy!" Arnav said.

"So, handsome you are going to daughter away from me!" Khushi's mom said.

"Well, it's all your daughters fault...She is so beautiful!" he remarked.

"That's so, but where she is!?" she asked getting little restless to get a glance of her beautiful daughter, in a bride outfit!"

Her dream of seeing Khushi getting married was going to come true. After that she could die peacefully, she thought.

The sad reality is she has only six months, doctors had predicted. But she hadn't told Khushi about it. She knew she had hold herself quite strong and she would shatter if she would know about it. But now at least, somebody would he there on her side.

"She is coming, beautiful!" Arnav answered. "There she is!" he than said as he saw Khushi's Toyota.

He froze when Khushi turned around after locking her car doors.

Dressed in a red lehnga, she looked absolutely beautiful bride. She picked her long lehanga up a bit so that it doesn't get dirty.

Arnav couldn't stop staring as she started walking up the stairs, her bangs coming in her eyes, as air blew them.

"Your bride," Khushi's mom said. A peach coloured round clutch in her hand.

"Beautiful," he murmured dreamily.

Her beautiful eyes even more glorified with the eye shadows, mascara. They looked even bigger than usual too.

Khushi's mom too couldn't stop herself looking at her beautiful daughter. She looked as an angel from heavens. Khushi's mom had almost cried, as she looked at Khushi standing right in front of her dressed in the lehanga that she had gotten from India for her.

"Hi, mom!" she said as she walked past Arnav and Arnav still staring at her. Totally mesmerized by her beauty.

"You look beautiful, Khushi!" her mom said with tears in her eyes and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you and no tears ma, you said you won't cry!" She said as she wiped her mom's tears.

"These are the tears of happiness Khushi!" she told her.

"Arnav beta let's start!" Pandit ji said to Arnav breaking spell that Khushi's beauty had casted on him.

"Yes," he said uncomfortably as he looked as someone hadn't seen staring at him.

Starting with the puja, they took the blessings of Devi Maiyan.

"Khushi, bitiya put this ring in each other's ring fingers!"

Khushi took the ring from the case and put it in Arnav's ring finger.

Arnav too did the same, he took the ring and he slid the diamond ring into her index finger.

"Yay," Khushi's mom cheered as she clapped.

"Now put the garlands in each other necks!" Pandit ji said as he gave both of them their garlands.

Arnav took one of them, but Khushi was lost in the whirlpool of her thoughts.

"Arnav you could still think!" she then muttered to him, as she thought it would do no justice to him. She felt that she was using him.

"Khushi, it's just a favour for the sake of friendship!" he told her. "I don't keep doubts. If I had any objections, I wouldn't have agreed to it at first place!" he said and put the garland around her neck without a second thought.

"What are you thinking, Khushi!?" Khushi's mom asked.

She shook her head and took the garland from the plate and put in his neck.

Khushi's mom again clapped happily as she sat in her wheel chair.

"Now, put this vermillion in her forehead!" Pandit ji instructed him.

Khushi still was in turmoil, but she just stared in his eyes as Arnav put the vermillion in her forehead.

A tear drop threatened to slide down her eyes, but she resisted. Because Khushi never cried; not after her father died. She had always been strong for her mother.

"Handsome you are only two steps away!" Khushi's mom said. "Then this crazy daughter of mine will be yours!"

"Yes, put the mangalsutra son!"

Arnav took it from the plate and put in her neck as he went close to her.

"You don't have to think harder, Khushi! I am only doing for sexy too, if that satisfy you..." he whispered as he tied the mangalsutra.

Khushi still hadn't said anything, she was looking into his eyes as she was looking for an answer.

They were just too mysterious eyes, she admitted. The only thing that was always speak volume in his eyes were tickling mischievousness, but today there was something else in them. Nothing negative, but quite ambiguous.

"This is the last and the most step to the marriage!" Khushi's mom said. Breaking the train of Khushi's thoughts. "Here you have to promise that you will stay together."

Arnav and Khushi both glanced at each other.

"Are what happened you guys looked at each other, like you guys didn't even know that!"

"No, sexy it's not like that!" Arnav said.

"It's just a contract marriage!" then Khushi whispered to herself.

"Did you say anything!?" Khushi's mom asked as she missed something.

"No, ma!"

"Okay now then promise each other!" Khushi's mom said.

First promise, first round. Khsuhi leads.

"This is by both of you! Pray to God that he showers his blessings in the form of nourishing food!"

"We pray to God that he showers his blessings at us in the form of nourishing food!" they both chorus.

"Okay, Arnav beta now this is your vow, you have to pledge to provide welfare and happiness to your wife and children."

This is the first time Khushi saw the guilt in his eyes as she turned around tolooked at him. Guilt that it was just a drama. Promises made on falsehood.

"I promise!" he said then there was no guilt, but hope that he would fulfil the promises towards Khushi at least, as long as they would together.

"Khushi bitiya you promise that you would shoulder all responsibilities for the welfare of Arnav and his family!"

"I promise!"

Second vow

Arnav: "I want you to be my strength so that I could provide security and protect the family with courage."

Khushi: "I will, I demand an internal love and undivided attention!"

Third vow

"They plead for wisdom, wealth, and prosperity in order to live a content and satisfied life."

Khushi: "I promise that by the virtue of true love and devotion I will remain a chaste wife."

Fourth vow

Arnav: "I thank you for bringing auspiciousness, happiness, and sacredness in my life."

Khushi: "I take the oath to serve and please you in every way possible."

"We both promise that take care and respect their elders in the family."

Fifth vow

"We pray to almighty to bless each other's friends and family with happiness and well-being."

Sixth vow

Arnav: "I wish that you as my wife would glut my life with joy and peace!"

Khushi: "I assure, that I would participate with you as my husband in all your noble and divine acts."

Seventh vow

"This is the last vow adding completion to the ceremony," Pandit ji said.

"We plead for the long lasting relationship, enriched with understanding and loyalty. We take an oath to nourish our relationship with love and honesty and be together with each other forever not only in this life, but also in the lives to come."

"Congratulations, now both are wedding couples!" priest said. "Please take the blessings of your mother!"

Khushi and Arnav they both went to Uma to get her blessings, and after pandit ji's.

"May God bless you with long ever lasting relationship...And he bless you with children!"

Khushi's heart wrenched. She smiled, but behind her smile was just the shattered heart. Arnav wrapped his arm around her shoulder to comfort her as he gave her assure look that everything would work out.

PART C (Welcome my bride!

"Just hold on!" Arnav said and asked Khushi to stand at the door.

She had no idea why he said that and what he was going to do.

"Arnav what!?"

"Don't come inside yet," he shouted as he impatiently looked for something in the kitchen.

"But why!?" she asked.

"Because I want you to...Hold on there for a while, I am just coming!" he yelled. "Just two more minutes! I am coming!"

"Alright!" she said as she leaned her head against the wall. She was quite exhausted, not physically, but mentally. She shut her and before she could fall asleep right there Arnav came.

"Here step in it and come inside the home!"

Khushi lazily opened her eyes, but they widened as she looked at the big plate, in which Arnav had put red liquid in it, and then at him who stood with a wide grin on his face. As he was waiting for her to get in.

"How do you know about this!?" Khushi asked in bewilderment.

"Sexy told me. She said, I don't let you come in without doing this ritual. I really don't believe in all this, but you know since sexy asked me so just to keep her words I did so!"

Unintentionally, his adorable act has brought a smile on Khushi's tired face.

"Please welcome to my house!" he said.

Khushi giggled as she slowly stood on the plate, picking her lehanga up.

Then something came into Arnav's mind. "Stop stop stop!" he shouted.

"What happen!?" Khushi said in confusion.

"I forgot one more thing. Please Khushi wait I will be back!"

"Okay!" she said and waited Arnav came back with a little plastic mug with rice in it.

"I am sorry, I seriously forgot about this!"

"No, it's okay!"

"I know we have been living in this apartment together, but today you have come here as my bride!" he had said before he could get held of his words.

Khushi looked at him in surprise at his made remarked. His expressions told her that he had just casually said it.

Khushi pushed the mug of rice inside the house.


"But wait I forgot one more thing!" Arnav huffed. "Please Khushi, two minutes please..."

"Alright!" Khushi said as she waited for him patiently.

She chuckled as he came with the plate and a candle in it.

"Sexy had told me to do the Arti!"
Khushi couldn't help, but smile.

"I hope you haven't forgotten anything else!" Khushi asked.

"Actually!" he said as he dug deep into his memory lane. After lot of thinking he concluded "actually no that's it! I am sure you know, you tell me if I am!"

"You have performed every ritual!" she concluded as she step into the plate and walked into the house. Leaving her footprints on the white marvel.

"Perfect!" Arnav said. "You must be tired. Go and change meanwhile, I prepare something for us!" Arnav said as he picked up the plate back to home again.

"No, it's okay...You don't have to, I cook something for us!" she said.

"We can help each other, at least we can fulfill some of the promises, you know!" he said. It sounded as he was feeling bad.

"Arnav, I hope you aren't regretting marrying me," she acknowledged him as a respectful wife. 


"Come," he said as he gestured her to go along with him. Khushi without asking to where, walked after him.

"Sit!" Arnav said as he first made Khushi sit in the chair with the table and then he himself sat to the next chair in the balcony of their apartment. The sun setting behind the tall buildings, the nature of the beauty personified. They both sat as a bride and the groom. 

"In my life, I had everything, except parents," Arnav said as he moved his glance from the setting sun to Khushi's questioning eyes. 

"I know, I don't talk much about my family. Because I never felt the need too. I have my parents, but just by name," he said with frequent pauses in between. 

"I have grown up seeing their fights. Not a single day had passed when they didn't fight. I always wished for my mother's love if not dad's, but she didn't either just like dad as he was always busy with fight if not that then his business. She wishes, I was never born. She calls me her biggest mistake."

Khushi looked at him in pain filled eyes. Now she could see a broken heart behind his cheerful nature. He had always been on her side all the time, whenever she needed him. But he had never shared about his life, not until today. And she didn't mind either.

She always thought he didn't like talking about his family. Even if they would mention anything, he would change the topic almost immediately. But she was glad he was finally opening to her little more.

"My dad wanted me to join his business. But I didn't want to because I always wanted to be a doctor. He too asked me to get out of his house!" he continued.

"But I think, I should have done that long before. But don't worry life goes on."

"Don't you meet them?"Khushi asked in a low tone.

"I do meet them once in a while!  But we don't have anything much to ask or say! I only go for my grandma, she loves me a lot. Probably the person I am today is only because of her. She believed in me. She was always my support."

"And when I met your mom, I thought I got my mom. I don't know why, it's weird, but I feel good with her. She has a pure heart. She loves unconditionally."

"Yes, she has a very big heart!" Khushi said with a smile. 

"Khushi, I had made so many friends, we do get in touch with each other whenever we get time. But you were the only one that I met, that I could really call a friend."

"You are just like your mom. You and your mom has filled that void in my life that I wished someone like you guys could have filled," Arnav said as he put his hand on hers, warmly. 

"And by the way don't think that I did anything for you, but for sexy." He added his own naughty touch to the conversation in conclusion. 

"Yes, she loves you. She said if she had son, she wished it was just like you."

"Of course, after all I am so adorable and loveable, except for my parents!" he said on a sad note, but he smiled as he would always would.

Khushi put her hand on his.
"They will one day understand that," Khushi assured. "When we have fights it's just that we are too intolerable to the subjects that we don't share. I am sure your parents love you, but with their own personal differences they don't show it. There is a limit to everything, but unconditional love. It's the only power that bring people together. I am sure once they would settle their differences, they will be fine."

Arnav let out soft laugh of mock as he had not agreed to what Khushi has said. 

"I know, it seems impossible at the moment, may be for all these years, but as we strive in our life we should keep hope that one everything will get fine," Khushi said. "In order to see something you need light, it's impossible to see in the darkness. But there is nothing such thing called darkness. It's just our failure to see. Personal differences could be sought out only if there is a light that is an ability to understand those differences. You know from where I am coming from."

Arnav nodded attentively. "Their relationship is going through darkness if shed some light they could see each other love."

"I hope they would some how could sort out their differences," Arnav said hopefully. 

"They will, otherwise as you said life goes on!" she concluded. 

"True!" Arnav admitted.

"But thank you for doing all that for my mother!"

"Our mother, I hope you won't if I could call her mom!"

Khushi looked at him as he asked her. "No, I won't. But she would!"

"Why!?" he asked in confusion. 

"Because she likes when you call her sexy!" 

Arnav laughed and Khushi too.
They both laughed out, as they were missing laughs in their life. 

PART E (One more ritual)
Both Arnav and Khushi were talking when they heard someone calling out them.

"Khushi, handsome!"

"Ma!?" Khushi said as she looked at Arnav in shock and immediately got up and ran inside the house. 

"Sexy here!?" he thought as he too ran inside the house.

Khushi stood in the living room and found her mother.

"Ma, what you are doing here!?" she asked worriedly. "You should be at the hospital!"

"Yes, sexy!" Arnav agreed.

"Hello, would you guys welcome me in your house like this!?" she asked in disbelief. "Okay, I go back. I think no one needs me here. Let's go nurse!?" 

"No, sexy we didn't mean that way," Arnav said as he stopped her. You should be at the hospital after all you came to the temple for the wedding, that's it you must be tired we thought!"

"Common, I am fine. I am only here for an hour..."

Khushi moved forward and welcomed her inside the house.

"Okay, ma come in then!"

"Yes, I will come and I am here to to be part of some rituals!"

"Rituals!?" they both chorused. 

"Yes, handsome I hope you welcomed my daughter really well!"

"Yes, I made her print her footprint after dipping her feet in vermillion!" Arnav said excitedly. "And did greh pravesh and she also toppled the mug of rice into the house, and I did welcome Arti too!" he said as a child would excitedly would tell about the new toys he got for his birthday. 

"Very good. Now go and get a bowl of milk!"

"Ma this is not needed!" Khushi spoke.

Khushi's mom flared at her.
"You just keep quite, I am talking to handsome! Handsome go!"

"Yes, sexy I will be back in five minutes," he said and rushed to the kitchen. 

"A full carton of milk huh!" she shouted at his back.

"Okay, sexy!" he shouted back as he took the carton of milk from the fridge.

"Ma, you should be resting!" Khushi said as she sat down on her knees near her.

Khushi's mom cupped her face. "Khushi, it was my dream to see you getting married and that is fulfilled. Now, I don't care even if I die..."

"No, ma. Please don't say so!" she said with heaviness in her voice as she was going to cry anytime soon.

"Okay, okay I won't! How could I die I have yet to see the face of my grandchildren!"

Khushi felt a pang of pain in her chest as she looked into her mother's hopeful eyes.

She sadly lowered her eyes she was afraid that she would see the pain or may be truth that he had been hiding from her. "Are what happen won't you fulfill my another dream!?" 

"Ma, I see if Arnav needs help!"
she said as she stood up to leave from there.

"There is no need of that, I am back!" Arnav said as he came with the bowl and milk in it.

"Perfect," Khushi's mom said.
"Handsome put it down and you guys sit opposite to each other!"

Khushi reluctantly sat back on the ground opposite to Arnav. 

"Here, I am putting this ring!" she then said as she put the diamond ring into the liquid. "You have to fish for it."

"If you..."

"I know how does it work!?" Arnav said. "If any of us find it first that will rule in this relationship! Am I right!?" he said.

"Wow, handsome you know lot about it!"

"I know, I am glad and surprised!" he joked. 

"Okay, so what you are thinking of then. Get ready!"

"You just see sexy, I will win!"

"Go for it handsome!" she cheerfully answered.

Arnav and Khushi both dipped their hands into the milk. As they both set to find the ring. 

Their hands touched occasionally, Khushi was too gloomy to pay much attention. And Arnav was trying his best to cheer her up.

"Sexy look Khushi is cheating!" he said as he held her hand and then suddenly released it. "She was holding my hand," he said winking at her Khushi's mom.

"What the I am not cheating!? He held my hand!"

"Khushi you were holding my hand!" he debated.

"Yes, Khushi!" Khushi's mom said as she joined in Arnav's craziness. 

"You both are cheating!" Khushi cried.

"Okay, do it again and don't lie Khushi!" Khushi's mom jocked.

"Yeah, let's see who wins now!?" Khushi said accepting the challenge. 

They again started searching for the ring. 

Arnav sneakily tried to take off Khushi's ring that he had put in her ring finger during their engagement in the hospital. 

Khushi fumed as she leaned forward and lightly hit his shoulder. 

"Don't dare to take off my ring!" she snorted. 

"Hello, who is trying to take off your ring!?" he defended himself. 

"You!" she snapped. 

"Look sexy she is lying!" he complained.

"Okay, I am cheating right. So you win and I am going!" 

Arnav immediately held her hand before she could walk out from there. 

"I am sorry!" he said as he held his ear in an apology. 

"Khushi he was just kidding. Handsome please stop irritating my daughter!" 

"Yes, this time an honest play!"

"Promise!?" Khushi asked. 

"Yes, gentleman's promise!" 

Khushi moved her head at his craziness and the innocence.

She sat back down and they started it again. 

"I won!" she said as she took the ring. 

"No, I won," he said almost at the same time as Khushi.

"You both won!" Khushi's mom interrupted.

"You put two rings," they both asked. 

"Yes, because for a mother her all children are equal!" She said as she put her hand on both of their heads. 

"My blessings are always with you!"

Khushi's mom said and they both looked each other as their head rested in her lap. "Were they doing right!?" was the question that came into their mind. 

PART E (Typical Husband Wife!?)
"Arnav aap kapde achi tarah toh rakh liya karein!" (Arnav keep your clothes properly at least!" Khushi said as she came in Arnav's room. But she didn't realize Arnav was just in towel.

She immediately turned around and she covered her eyes. 

"What the Khushi. At least, you knock on the door first and then come in," he complained.

"Arnav I should have knocked the door if it was closed. Why are you running in the room in towel without your door closed!?"

"Damn it I forgot to," he said as he immediately put on his pants. "Okay, tell why did you come!?" 

"Just look at your room, how dirty it is!?" she said as she looked around the room.

"Khushi you are living in this apartment since, last 6 months you should know that I am a neat freak!" he answered talking over his shoulder as he put his shirt hurriedly.

"Okay, now you could turn around!" he said after he was done wearing his shirt. 

"Alright, I am sorry, I know I should knocked," Khushi admitted and turned around. 

"No, it's completely fine," Arnav reassured. 

But he got confused when Khushi started laughed. "What, what's there to laugh. 

Khushi tried to resist her laughs as she looked at him. She gestured him towards his shirt.

"What about my shirt!?" he asked, but then rolled his eyes. The buttons were unevenly closed. 

He unbuttoned them and closed them again improperly in hurry without realizing.

But he found Khushi still laughing. He again looked at his shirt and let out a sigh in irritation.

"Now would you just come and button them properly!?" 

Khushi laughed again and went to him. 

"Arnav you are seriously such a kid!" she said as she started unbuttoning his shirt. The sides of her hands frequently touching his bare, toned muscular skin. His muscle clenched as his breath stopped. 

It was a simple unintentional touch, but it took his breath away. 

"Okay here you are done!" she said as she properly closed all the button of his light violet shirt. 

"Thank you!" he said as his spell was broke. 

But her laugh was still returning back. "What now!?" he asked getting little angry. 

"Arnav towel!" she giggled as she pointed finger.

"Towel!?" he again let out a sigh of frustration. He had put pants on without taking off the towel around his waist. 

"Arnav you are adorable!" she murmured and ruffled his wet hair as they were already messy. 

He smiled a shy smile before walking to the dressing table. 

He took his favourite perfume and sprayed it on his shirt.

"Aren't you going to the work today!?" he asked.

"No, actually I have taken day off!"

"What happen you okay!?" he asked.

"Yes, yes," Khushi assured as she took his clothes and put it in the laundry bag. "I have to go and do the groceries. And later have to go to the bank to deposit the cheques!"

"Oh okay!" He said as he roughly ruffled his hair in a messy looking style and applied gel to them.

"Do you need anything special or is it just the same that you usually get for yourself!?"

"Yes, pretty much it's the same!" 

"Okay, come I have prepared the breakfast!"

"Yes, give me five minutes, I will be at the table soon!"

"Okay, take your time!"

***In the kitchen***

"Hmm!" Arnav said as he sipped the coffee and at the same time reading the medical section of the newspaper.

"What time you are returning home!?" Khushi asked cleaning the kitchen.

"I am not sure as usual it depends on the appointments. What happen if anything important, I could try to come early!"

"No, nothing important, I was just wondering!"

"Are you sure!?"

"Actually, never mind. Nothing!" she said as she was hiding something. 

Arnav wrapped his newspaper and put it at the side in a proper way. 
"Khushi you can tell me! And we will clean the kitchen together once I am back from my work and but now have your breakfast!" 

"Actually, I am fasting today!" she said finally after a long pause. 

"Fasting, but why!?" 

"Yes, I know it may sound crazy and I know our marriage is not really a real one, but ma wanted to follow this ritual!"

"What kind off ritual is it!?"

"I will be with ma today. After the marriage a newly married woman goes to her parents house for the phag phere!" Khushi completed her sentence thinking that Arnav would laugh off. 

"Oh, I think I know this ritual. My grandma had told me about it when my cousin sister had gotten married. But isn't it would be cruel that you will be fasting. You should have told I should have fast too!"

"Ha ha why would you have kept the fast!?"|

"If you can stay hungry why can't I? You know just to accompany you!"

"It's really not a problem!"

"Yeah, it's fine. I will come and get you from hospital!" he said with no tone of laugh, but seriousness. 

Khushi was awed at his gentleman behaviour. 

"But seriously you take care of yourself. You are already too lean and you fasting, makes me scare! And don't worry to do the groceries. I will do it after work, you just give me the list!"

"Haha don't worry I will be fine. I will do the groceries. And don't worry if you will be little late. I will manage it!"

"No, no. Wifey thanks for letting me know otherwise, I wouldn't have known...I will try my best to come early! Bye!"

Khushi was surprised when he acknowledged her as "wifey!" As she looked at him rushing out of the house. 

but shortly he returned back again. "Oops forgot my car keys!" he said and left. 
Khushi felt little butterflies in her stomach, but she completely ignored the feeling as she busied herself with work. 

PART F (Gift!)
"Hi, mom," Khushi said.

Her mom was playing chess with the special appointed nurse for her, that took care of her all the time. 

"Hi, beta. Okay, nurse we will play later. My daughter is here!" She said.

"Sure, take care!"

"Hi, Khushi!"

"Hi, Jennifer!"
"Ma how are you!?"

"I am fantastic, better than I was ever before." 

"That's good," Khushi said as she sat on the bed.

"But well you look even more beautiful after the marriage," Khushi's mom praised.

"Thank you ma!"

"Khushi, I have to talk to you about handsome!"

"Yes, ma!" 

"Khushi, handsome is a really nice boy. You promise that you will always be on his side!"

Khushi felt the pang of guilt in her chest, she was angry at herself that she was fooling her own mother. But she had no other way out either. 

She couldn't tell her that it was just a contract marriage, for a year, and anyways, she had decided that when her mother will be strong enough to understand than she will tell her. She knew it would hurt her to the core, but she was helpless. 

Khushi's mom looked at her, sunk in deep thoughts. 

"Khushi," she said as she kept her hand on her. "What are you thinking!?" Khushi looked at her and moved her head. "Nothing ma!" 

"You could tell me if there is anything that you want to share."

"No, ma I actually have to go to do some groceries, and also have to go to the bank."

"That's awesome, do me a favour too...Today, for the phag phera, I want to gift something to handsome. Something that he loves or doesn't have!"

"No problem ma, after groceries I will go to the jewelry shop and get him a nice watch," she got up the bed and took her purse. 

"He loves watches. He has huge collection of different brands and I am sure he will go crazy if I will get another one for him!" Khushi said.

"That's awesome!"

"I should be get going, bye ma!" she said and kissed her on her cheek.

"Come early before handsome!" Khushi's mom said at her back.

"I will mom!" Khushi answered.

After doing groceries and depositing her cheques in the bank Khushi made her way to the jewellery shop. 

She had just got in when she bumped into a girl. 

"Oh, I am so very sorry!" the girl apologetically said and bend to pick her purse.

"No, it's okay. I should have been careful!" Khushi replied. 

"Oh wow!" the girl said. "Newly wed!?" she asked looking at her red bangles.

"Yes,!" Khushi answered.

"That's awesome. I am Lavanya, but you could call me La," she said as she forward her hand for the handshake. 

"Hi, I am Khushi!" 

"Nice, to see you Khushi! Beautiful name and I am glad to see you dressed in a sari. Otherwise, you see our Indian community dressed up only in traditional dresses at the Indian parties. I am proud of you!"

"Thank you," Khushi said. 

"I am sorry, I didn't see you coming!" Lavanaya said.

"Oh that's okay," Khushi reassured.

"Can you pack this please!?" La said to the cashier.

"That's $2999!"

"I am using credit!" La said and swapped her Visa card.

"But look for whom I have spent five hours looking for a nice gift, he isn't even picking up my phone."

"He must be busy!" Khushi told her as she looked for the watch at the display.

"Here you go your watch mam!" the cashier said.

"Thank you so much!" La said and took her bag.

"Okay, Khushi nice to meet you! I gotta go my friends are waiting for me outside. And yes I wish you a very happy married life."

Khushi smiled and waved her hand. As Lavanya went Khushi looked for a nice watch for Arnav. All the watches were quite expensive but she chose the one that was quite over her budget but she didn't mind. It was a nice Rolex wrist watch and she was sure Arnav would love it.

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