Friday 27 February 2015

OS: Precious little heart

He helped her finding the best shot. Slightly bending down with her, he tucked his left hand under her left hand, and right hand on top of her right hand. 

Guiding how to create an open hand bridge and closed hand bridge. 
"Now try it yourself," Arnav said to Lavanaya.
"Yes, sure, why not?!"
"That's right, Lavanya," he said as she created the open hand bridge perfectly.
Arnav was teaching Lavanya, pool, but for the whole time his attention was at his wife Khushi.
Khushi was trying to be unaffected by all his actions, but Arnav exactly knew what was going on in her mind.
Simply looking into her eyes that reflected all her feelings. Her eyes filled with jealousy, furrowed forehead, blood must have been boiling he thought. 
"How could Arnavji could do this to me?" khushi thought..."Right in front of his wife he is flirting (not really was just try to make khushi jealous) with Lavanya" (Arnav's best friend who has come from London to Mumbai for a business deal and to meet Raiazada's. She stayed at RM for a night when Nani insisted her and then Lavanya decided to hung around for one more day and Arnav agreed to it.)
For last couple of days Khushi was so busy because payal was at hospital for her delievery. Khushi was the one who was looking after the house. And then with the puja arrangements which was kept to welcome Payal and her new born baby Alya. Arnav did understand her, but his point was if she could give all her time to the family, she should give him time too. When Arnav tried to spend some quality time with her she blurted out fiercely " Do you even have anything else then just having s** . I think you have married for that only!" without even thinking the consequences of her words will have on him...But she was extremely sorry for what she said out of her mind... However, Arnav was really mad by the fact that his wife had time for everyone else but not him and top of that what she thinks of him. It hurt him.
"Yay," lavanya jumped in an excitement when she finally able to sink the ball and hugged Arnav.
"Wow, ASR you are the best instructor, thank you so much!"
"My pleasure," he said to her, but smiling impishly at Khushi.
To tease khushi further he was about to kiss lavanya's hand when khushi threw the cue stick on the floor loud enough to distract him...
"Oops sorry!" khushi said giving him the sarcastic smile.
Arnav in return gave her fake fumed face look, but laughed inwardly.
Knowing that shot has been exactly at the right place.
"Hey, let's go guys and have something to eat. I am really hungry."
"Me too, let's go to our favourite restaurant to eat, Lavanya,"Arnav said responding.
The word "OUR" instantly grabbed Khushi's attention and that surely made her blood boil.
"You mean China House?"Lavanaya said flabbergasted.
Arnav nodded his head.
Lavanya continued "Oh God, Khushi you know whenever I come to Mumbai me and Arnav never miss to go to China House it is our favourite place and their Chinese food oh my sweet lord. It is the best," Khushi gave her a "say a cheese smile." 
Arnav chuckled, but soon bit his lip to keep from laughing.

~At the Restaurant~
Lavanya was having great time eating her favourite "chinese sausages, claypot rice, and not to forget chilli crab with fried buns. Arnav ordered dry-fried green beans, fried rice and vegetables, fried vegetarian Crab Meat for himself and khushi. Arnav knew that its Khushi's favourite.
That did not go unnoticed by khushi and her bad mood was replaced with a   smile. "Arnav ji, thank you!"
But he did not pay much attention. And got back to talk to Lavanaya. That clearly showed that he was still mad at her.
"Oh God, I just love it" Lavanya moaned eating her favourite chilli crab.
"Then why don't you have little bit more?," Arnav said putting chilli crab in her plate.
But Lavanya stopped him by holding his hand..." No no ASR I am really full now. I don't think I would be able to consume the one that is already in my plate, but I surely loved it."

Khushi shoot a glance at him then at her and her hand on his...She didn't know how much she was controlling herself. More than she loves Arnav, now she was feeling like throwing something at him for making her jealous. Even though she knew that he is just pretending, but she couldn't afford that her Arnav talking to his so called "best friend."
After having lunch they went for shopping, watched movie and at 6:30PM they were finally home.

@Raizada Mansion

~ In the living Area~
Lavanya was telling everyone about how three of them spent their day together. With an excitement and occasionally touching Arnav's arm who was sitting beside her and that pierced Khushi's heart. Everything was replaying in her mind. That how Arnav listened to every demand of Lavanaya and did the way as she said. Unable to take it anymore she decided to go from there.
"Anjali di I go and prepare for a dinner."
"Let's go khushi I help you!" Payal said.
"That is okay Jiji you take care of Alya (payash's daughter). HP ji will help me!"
"Do let me know if you need help!"
"Sure Jiji."
~In the kitchen~ 
Khushi was preparing dinner, but her mind was continuously thinking about Arnav.
She was battling with her own thoughts. Her angelic voice was telling her to go to Arnav and apologize, but her devil voice totally contradict her angelic voice. 
"I have to apologize to Arnav ji...But Why should I huh? He should be. After all he was flirting with Lavanya...But khushi you were also at fault you talked to him rudely, but I have already so many times...Okay one more time try it!"
In the end she decided that she will apologize. So she finished up everything as fast as possible.
After preparing dinner Khushi looked around in the living area everybody was sitting there, but Arnav. She goes to their room to look for him.
Arnav was in the room catching up with the work that he missed for the whole day.
Khushi walks in.
Arnav did hear the footsteps and knew that Khushi was standing right in front of him without moving his glance toward her. And kept his focus on his work.
"Hmm!" he murmured looking up from a computer screen at her for a second then again back to the computer screen.
"I want to talk to you!"
"Not now khushi...I am busy. Can't we just talk later?"
Before khushi say anything else she rushed to the washroom as she felt nauseated.
"Khu...khushi??" Arnav immediately got up from his chair and followed her. 
Khushi was throwing up in the toilet and in a hurry he went close to her...He held her hair back that were coming in her way while she puked.
"Khushi what happened to you? Are you alright?"Arnav asked rubbing her back to soothe her
coughing, her face all red, beads of sweat covered her face. Unable to stand properly she turned towards him.
Arnav was now really concerned by reviewing Khushi's troubled health. Without looking straight at him she embraced him in a tight hug.
" Arnav sorry," she said sobbing in between each and every word. "I didn't say...that to hurt you... Arnav...ji...Really! I did not...Believe me Arnav...ji"
"Sshh Khushi," Arnav said cuddling her his own eyes weld up.
"No Arnav ji...I can tolerate everything not talking to me...No Arnav ji...I just can't... I will Die," khushi wailed. 
The word die was enough to shatter his heart into million pieces. He cursed himself for forcing her to say that...
"No, khushi please don't say that...I should be sorry. I was doing everything deliberately. I was just too mad, but I should not have taken that too seriously," Arnav said in agony.
"I am sorry Arnavji!" Khushi said lifting her head up now to look right into his eyes.
"That is okay Khushi. Now you don't have to be sorry about. I think, I really overreacted!"
Her lips curved into a smile, she was relieved. "I love you Arnavji I really do." And her sobs subsided a bit.
"I love you too Khushi!"
A smile that crept on Khushi's lips slowly diminished. Her head started spinning. Before she could figure out what's happening to her she lost her balance.
"Khushi what happen? Khushi!" Arnav asked as he got hold of her before she fall.
"Akaash, Nani, Mammi, Anjali Di?" Arnav yelled.
"Aahhh Arnavji," Khushi moaned in pain and clutched her aching stomach.
"Khushi just relax I call the Doctor," Khushi heard Arnav saying but all of sudden everything blacked out in front of her eyes and she collapsed. Arnav strongly held in his arms.
"Khushi!... Hey khushi please open your eyes," he begged.
He picked her up in his arms and took out of the washroom and gently laid her on the bed...
Everyone came running into the room hearing Arnav's shouts. Seeing khushi lying on the bed unconscious and Arnav continuously begging her to open her eyes, they all got panicked.
Arnav had sprinkled water on her face, but there no response from her.
"What happen bhai?" Alarmed Akaash asked.
"Call the damn doctor now fast," Arnav commanded.
"Yes, bhai!" Akaash quickly dialled the doctors number and asked her to come ASAP.
"What has happened to khushi Bitiya?" Concerned Nani asked with tears in her eyes.
"I don't know Nani!" he answered timidly.
"Chote just relax Doctor will be here any moment," Anjali said to calm Arnav.
In a few minutes doctor walked in.
"Doctor plz just see what has happened to my khushi!"
"Mr. Raizada let me check!...Can you please all go outside?"
Everyone leaves, but Arnav insists to stay right now he just did not want to leave khushi alone.
Doctor did her check up and gave her the injection.
Arnav's already panicked form gets even worse when he looks at the doctor's serious face.
"Doctor is khushi fine?...What has happened to her? Why did she all of sudden had bad cramps and fainted."
"Mr. Raizada just relax!... She is absolutely fine now. Her blood pressure had had dropped. And in this situation its normal. I have given her injection she will be fine soon."
"In this situation?" Arnav asked.
"Yes, Mr. Raizada Khushi is 2 months pregnant. This was the reason that she had sudden cramps and fainted. "
"Huhh? What? Pregnant? Father? Me?" Arnav muttered to himself totally bewildered. He did not even know, what to say. What to do? What to say? He had no idea what he himself was mumbling.
So he just calmed and gathered himself abit and asked doctor again "Are you serious Doctor? Is it true that Khushi is pregnant?"
"Yes," doctor replied with a smile on her face.
That was it Arnav's panicked heart filled totally with happiness. He was shocked, but really happy.
"Oh God really I am going to be a father...Thank you so much Doctor... Thank you so much," he whispered looking at Khushi.
"No Problem! But Mr. Raizada, I have to point out this to you, you have to be extra careful with her. Don't let her take too much stress, she needs complete bed rest at least for a day and also bring her tomorrow to the hospital for a checkup."
"Yes Doctor!" all he could say and in one long step he settled himself close to Khushi.
Everyone come rushing. But were slightly confused looking at happy Arnav sitting very next to khushi. Her hand in his.
"Chote what has happened to khushi is she?"
"Di I am so happy...Di...I am going to be a father, Khushi is pregnant."
Everyone present in the room overjoyed, and finally everyone took a sigh of relief.
"Congratulations Chote!" that's all happy Anjali able to say just like Arnav she too was lost of words.
"Di Doctor has asked to let her take a rest."
"Yes, Chote we should let her rest now!"
Nani, Anjali, Mami, Payal, Lavanya congratulated Arnav and left the room to let khushi have some rest.
Before leaving Akaash gave Arnav a quick hug and wished him "Congratulations bhai. Now you too gonna be a father!"
Arnav got little shy but came back to ASR mode.
"Thank you Akaash!"
And then Akaash leaves too. Arnav closed the door immediately behind and quickly rushed to sit beside khushi.
He was feeling angry at himself for treating Khushi really badly and ignoring whenever she tried to talked to him, just to make her guilty and jealous. Tears had welled up in his eyes. He held her hand tightly and kissed it.
"I am sorry Khushi! I should not have done that...But I promise that I will keep you and our baby ( Arnav said placing his hand on her tummy) safe and happy.
"Please baby ask your mommy to get up plz! Ask her to get to up. I want to talk to her!" he requested.
"Ar...Arnav ji!" Khushi said alarmed.
Arnav hearing her voice quickly straightened up to face her completely.
"Khushi are you okay? How are you feeling now ?"
"I am alright Arnavji. I don't know what happened to me all of sudden!"
"Don't worry jaan you are fine. In fact, you are absolutely fine." Unable to resist himself he breaks the good news to her. "You are Pregnant Khushi."
Khushi was bewildered. Shocked hearing that. She froze for a moment. Impulsively, her hand touched her tummy to feel the little life that has taken birth inside her.
"Am I going to be a mother and you father?" she barely able to mumble.
"Yes, Khushi," Arnav nodded. "I just can't tell you how happy I am... I love you Khushi... I love you."
"I love you too Arnavji!"
"It's the perfect moment of my life Khushi and thank you for the precious little gift." And he hug her tightly!
Slowly khushi pull from the hug. Her arms still around his neck.
Their eyes locked.
Khushi was the first one to break the stare. Her eyes moved down to his lips and then back to his eyes.
Arnav ran his hand on her face...
What khushi next did was totally unexpected...With her hands around his neck she pulled Arnav's face towards her... Until there was no distance between them.
Their lips locked.
Arnav eyes flutter opened in surprise. Since, it was the very first time khushi made her first move. As he closed his eyes, khushi felt his smile against her lips...
As kiss grew more passionate and wilder, Khushi ran her hands in his soft, jet black hair...
They kissed as their life dependent on it...They didn't even pulled away from the kiss for a breath as their mouths on each other were the source of oxygen...
They themselves didn't know how long they had been kissing each other. Few minutes felt like ages but magical and full of dream.
All of sudden, there was no response from khushi...
Arnav fluttered open his eyes. His heart pounded harder than ever.
But felt a relief as he saw khushi dozed off in his hands. Her breathing was calm and a small smile had crept on her face.
He smiled seeing her beautiful, innocent angelic face. And laid her gently back on the bed. He leaned in and give a small peck on her lip. And was about to get up the bed but he was stopped as Khushi had hold his hand.
"Khushi," he said turning around but she was sleeping.
In a half sleepy voice she mumbled - "I love you Arnavji...I..."
"Love you too... Khushi,"'Arnav completed the sentence.
Releasing his hand for a bit he pulled cover on top her and laid beside her... His hand on her tummy.
"I could see your beautiful face forever khushi and never get tired of it. Thank you once again for this little gift!"
Then a minutes later he too dozed off.