Friday 27 February 2015

Betrayal Part 19


Arnav went to Payal as she had run to the terrace.

"Payal, please open the door!" Arnav said as he found Payal had locked the door.

"Payal, it's only me! Please, I need some talking to do!"

Payal wiped her tears and when she thought she was ready, she walked to the door to open . But she was again standing at the place where she was standing before.

Arnav stood beside her. His arms rested on the railing. "Nice view of the evening and the city, huh?!" Arnav said.

"You had talking to do, jiju!" Payal said. "If you are here to talk about the betrayal, I don't want to talk about it!
I can't believe how you are still leaving with a girl like, Khushi!"

"How did you know about it?"

"Do you remember the party that I said I had kept, that's in actual organized by Khushi for you."

Arnav instantly looked at her. "Was it for me?"

"Yes, Khushi wanted to lift up your mood! But I wasn't sure what exactly was troubling you. It was your personal matter, I thought. I agreed to
help Khushi. Then remember you ran to Khushi's room when you had exchanged your phones, I had no idea what was the big deal, if your phones got exchanged, I followed you. I thought there was something wrong with Khushi.

"Then there Khushi mentioned about your sister, Ananaya. Thank God, I asked massi to go from as she had seen you running to Khushi's room. If she knew about it, she would have killed herself. And later to know the full truth I followed you to RM the same night. That's how I came to know the worst truth. The truth that my own sister is carrying the babies of the man who..." Payal couldn't able to finish her sentence and broke into tears.

"Jiju, why are you keeping the truth? Why you are just tolerating her?"

"Because I love her, Payal! That's the biggest mistake I have done!"

Pain in his words wrenched Payal's heart.

"It hurts to say it was my mistake, but the truth is I still love her. Her mistake is not forgivable. It's not something that I could forget, neither it is going to be easily forgotten or ever forgotten. I thought it doesn't matter how hard it is for me to live with her, I would win her heart. Because she is worth it that's why I am not giving up on her. And yes, even knowing she is not carrying my babies I am ready to accept her. My love is not limited to her betrayal."

"You know what jiju, you don't have to bear the pain. Nobody should expect from you to stay with a person who has given you endless pain. You are free to leave her!"

"I know...Payal. But you know what, I somewhere think she is doing all this I purpose."

"You are giving yourself false hopes."

"Payal, even out of 100, my hope is 10% right it can make a huge lot of difference."

"You are hurting your own soul!"

"It is something I have chosen, Payal! I am accepting as it is come. I want her to be safe. My biggest fear is if I let her go, Aditiya will make every move to hurt her and that would hurt her babies. In all this it isn't babies

"Jiju, I might be pocking my nose in your family matters, but it hurts that Khushi is my sister. Never ever thought that this brat would cost so many lives. Massi, massa, will not be able to survive. Then you, and she herself, me, Anjali and many more."

"Payal, it is all about seeing the ray of light behind every dark cloud. I know I am in pain. It feels my soul would leave me any moment and I would die."

"You even tried to kill yourself!" Payal cried.

"Payal, even I want Khushi to feel the pain that I am going through. I want her to know how every second of my life is going. How hard is to breathe. However, I can't do that. I find out I am hurting myself in return.

"I have to provide my sister a justice and on the other hand it's Khushi who is living with a lie that Aditiya is not a rapist.

"It's hard to see Khushi in front of my eyes, but...

He was quite for a moment.

"...if she left, my world will fall apart.

"I am holding on to that branch of the tree which I know would cut off any moment and with that I myself too fall off the deep cliff. Where it would be impossible for me to survive.

"But...Payal, believe me, I am able to survive it and I have build myself more and more stronger. I know I would be okay now. I am living for my sister, once she is married off I will be free. I have nothing to worry about then. I promise I would buy myself an island and stay there for forever!"

Payal giggled.

"Jiju, I am sorry from her side!"

"It is really fine, Payal. I have learnt to live with the pain. And now I no longer feel it. It feels like as it have become my comfort zone."

Payal sighed.

"Find a nice partner, jiju. You need it!"

Arnav laughed softly and then fell silent.

"If it wasn't Khushi then nobody else, Payal!"

Nobody else!" he repeated with helplessness.

Payal stood straight facing Arnav and then she embraced Arnav in his arms.

Arnav hugged her back. "Jiju, I am with you! I am still your little sister. Hate to say that," she said and giggled. "But I wish I get a husband like you."

"You would get the best husband, Payal!" Arnav rubbed her back and then pulled away from the hug.

"Payal, do me a favour! Please don't tell anyone and don't be mad at her."

"Jiju, you are a person of great heart but I am just a normal person. Do not expect me to behave as Khushi didn't do anything. But yes, for you I would keep my mouth shut."

"Thank you, Payal!"

"Jiju, it's the least I could do...And that's little unfortunate of me...But I just want to go and slap Khushi."

"You can help me what at the end of the day it's only me alone who has to fight with my ill fate. Don't be sorry. If I want I could lash out all my anger at Khushi. I could take revenge on her. But I ask you, what my anger would do good. It would only make things complicated then they already are. It would mess up with lives.

"Sometimes, to solve the situations we just have to stop complicate things further more."

"Jiju, it's only you who understands what you are going through. It's you who is going through the real pain not any of us. It would be lot more easier for all of us to just spill out angers and put our point of views and the end of the day it's you who will be doing the real fighting. I would love to say though, Khushi, don't deserve you!"

Arnav kept his hand on her shoulder and patted it.

"It's okay. I have my finger crossed but I am doing will ripe some fruit, Payal."

"It will jiju. Khushi would realize her mistakes and she will regret big time."

"Let's go, everyone must be waiting downstairs!"

"Yes, let's go!"

The following day!

"Bhai, where is Khushi bhabi?" Anjali asked.

"I only saw her in the morning then later I went to the office," he said.

"Bhai since then she isn't here. I tried calling her cell number but it isn't reachable. She is either out of range or has her phone switched off."

"Then why didn't you let me know before, Anjali? I told you to take care of her."

"Bhai, she didn't even let anyone know. She never does that. I thought she might be with you."

"Anjali, you should be responsible. She is pregnant and we have no idea about her whereabouts," Arnav yelled.

Anjali was worried.

"And when you are telling me when it is 8:00 PM in the evening. Karan and Akaash bhai aren't here either and Lavanya is at the hospital."

Arnav dug in his pocket and took his phone out of it and tried Khushi's number. Again it was unreachable.

Arnav ran his hand in his hair.

"Did you ask her mom, dad if she has gone to GM?"

"No, I didn't!"

Arnav quickly dialled Khushi's home but nobody picked up the phone.

"Damn it, nobody is picking up the phone."

"I think we should go to the police and register the missing person report," Anjali said.

Arnav's heart chilled. He couldn't imagine anything good.

'What if, Aditiya, had kidnapped her?'
Even though it wasn't possible but his dad could go to any extent Arnav thought.

"I go to the police station. You stay here but keep on trying Khushi's cell number. If you get to..." he stopped in the middle of his sentence.

"Khushi?" he said as he saw her.

He ran to her.

"Where were you?"

"Bhabi, where did you go? You didn't even let anyone know about your whereabouts!"

"Khushi, tell where were you?"

Khushi was numb as she was deadly scared.

"Damn it, tell me!"

Before Arnav could get answer Khushi's world blacked out.

"Bhai, take her to the room. Good thing is she is home."

At 10 o'clock Arnav came in his and Khushi had already slept. He couldn't able to ask where she was as she was right lipped. And her state scared him to death.

Arnav slowly closed the door without making any sought of noise. He even tip toed, as he was about to go to his cupboard to take out his night suit he saw his suit was already out.

He assumed Khushi kept it. He simply took it and went to the washroom to freshened up.

Upon returning he saw even his medicine was out along with it a glass of water.

He took the glass of water and ate his medicine.

His body ached after the long day of work.

Before he went to sleep he pulled the white blanket on Khushi.

He squatted down on his knees and looked at Khushi. His hand were on her stomach.

He could feel the little baby bump even if it wasn't that visible and he could imagine the little lives growing in her.

A moment of a bliss at the same time a sheer pain in the heart.

'I wouldn't let anything happen to you babies. And...' he was quite for some moment. But later he chose not to let his emotions rule his mind.

He stood back on his feet and walked outside of the room and stood at the balcony.

He stared at the night sky, twinkling stars, and the bright moon. But nothing made his heart at peace.

He again had engulfed himself in the thoughts.

For a mere moment he thought he lost Khushi. But still he had no idea where she had been and what was that she stressed over as doctor Sharma had said.

He would have only answer to his questions once, when Khushi was up.

His thought of process broke when Khushi winced in pain.

Arnav in panicked state ran to her and called her name in fear. He sat down on the bed beside her. Kept his hand on hers as she held her aching stomach.

"Khushi, are you fine? Wait up, I call the doctor."

She held his hand and shook her head.

"Please don't go anywhere!" she pleaded.

"Khushi, you need a doctor."

"No need, Arn...Arnav!" she said as she felt relief from a stomach ache.

"I am okay now!" she said and gulped down the lump in her throat.

"Are you sure? We can go to the hospital!"

"No, it was just a minor cramp. It is normal. Don't worry!"

"Did you eat your medicine?"

She nodded.

She sat up on the bed and had her back against the dashboard.

"Khushi, are you sure you are fine?"

She nodded her head in assurance.

"Don't dare to hide anything from me, let me warn you. If you are in pain just let me know. I don't want anything to happen to my kids."

"Nothing would happen to them, Arnav. It was just a cramps. Sometimes it happens."

"Khushi, may I know where were you?"

Khushi was quite all of sudden.

"Arnav, please forgive me. Can't I get a one last chance?"

"One last chance so that you could get all this property of mine and give to your lover? One more chance to ruin me?" he asked.

"Arnav, Aditiya is dead!"

Arnav looked at Khushi in shock.

"What? How?" he asked as soon as he came out of the shock state.

But he felt his bones were still chilled. Land under his feet was slipping off.

"I killed him!"

"What are you talking about, Khushi?" he asked as he held her shoulder. "Khushi, don't tell me you did something that will get you in a trouble!"

Khushi got up the bed. Arnav stood up with the force.

"Tell me, why are you quite?"

"I killed him!" she only repeated.

Arnav ran his hand in his hair.

"Oh gosh, Khushi. What did you do? And how?"

"He deserved it, Arnav," Khushi screamed. "He deserved it. He raped Ananya di, I knew that."

"How did you know now? I just don't understand what the heck you are trying to say?" Arnav asked.

Khushi broke into tears. Her sobs raked her body. Arnav held her shoulders.

"Khushi, for god sake tell me what are you hiding from me?" his voice was calm now.

"Arnav, he had used me!"

"Used you?"

"Arnav, he never loved me. He...he just wanted to ruin you...(sobbed) He wanted to take revenge on you...(hiccup) Because he loved Ananya di."


"Yes, he loved Ananya di, but she never wanted to be with him. Because she knew you wouldn't allow her to get married to him as you hated each other. Aditiya was mad at that. First, he forced himself on Ananya di because he didn't want her to be with anybody else either and then he used me. Arnav, I didn't sleep with him on my own wish!"

Arnav's breath was held tight in his throat.

"Arnav, neither I loved him.

"He...he added drugs in my drink. With that I wasn't in my senses. He used me."

Arnav was so shocked that he felt his breath would halt.

"Why did you hide this from me, Khushi?"

"Because he said he would kill you, Arnav. He said if I didn't pretend as I loved him, and didn't give what he wanted, that was me, so that to hurt you, the person you loved and then your money."

"Arnav, believe me on this, I never wanted to hurt you. I always loved you, Arnav. All those hurtful words I ever said to you was fake. Arnav, I loved you. I never married to take revenge on you. Never."

Arnav stood numb. His 10% hope that he talked about was true. His Khushi was just doing everything on purpose.

"Arnav, it was all a drama. Whatever happened was just a plan of that rapist. Phone calls you heard was made in front of you, in your presence. Whenever we met was in your presence to hurt you. Arnav, he had his spies around who were providing him with the information if I was trying to pretend as I hate you. Arnav, I never wanted revenge. I never betrayed you. Every time I hurt you, I hated myself. I was hurting myself. Arnav, I only loved you!

"Arnav, I never hated you. All I did since last two months was just a lie, a fake play all set by Aditya.

"Arnav, I killed that bas***d because he hurt you. He was giving you the pain by using me. I no longer able to be his puppet. When you got sick I had almost lost you, Arnav. I wouldn't have accepted it."

Arnav had no idea what he heard was true or his mere imagination. Their was a relief that his Khushi never actually betrayed him. But Aditiya used her to hurt him.

Khushi was in traumatized state. She was out of breath. Words were said in a haste.

"Khushi...Ssshhh...I believe you. Whatever you have said, I believe it."

"He deserved that death. And I gave him. He deserved that third degree torture everyday and today a few hours of suffering before he died."

"Khushi, you wouldn't have put yourself in trouble. You should have come up to me. Aditiya wouldn't have done anything to you and to me."

"It wasn't easy, Arnav," she said and cried.

"Arnav, it was as hard for me to accept the fact I am carrying a rapist child. And I don't want them. I don't want these babies."

"Khushi, relax. First let's sit. Don't stress yourself!" Arnav said and made her sit.

However, Khushi only behaved depressed. She clenched her stomach tightly. "Arnav, I want to abort these children!"

"Shut up, Khushi. You won't do anything such! There is no mistake of these babies."

"Arnav, I feel dirty!"

"Khushi, it's not your mistake."

"It is my mistake. It is my mistake that he was my friend! It was mistake before I listened to him I would have killed myself!"

"No, Khushi. No."

"Yes, Arnav. I hurt you so much. I made your life harder."

"Khushi, you didn't hurt me."

"Arnav, please tell me you don't hate me!" Khushi cried bitterly. "Tell me you didn't do any mistake loving me!"

"No, never, Khushi, I never made a mistake. I was just pretending to be angry at you so that you should realize your mistakes. But I didn't know you were just being tortured to do so."

"Arnav, I love you. I only love you. Please don't leave me. Today, it has became important. Arnav, yesterday I had heard your conversation with Payal. Then I realized I had no right to hurt you. And that Aditiya had to be killed."

"Khushi, how did you do that?"

Khushi didn't say anything for ten minutes. As Arnav comfort her, and made her drink glass of water to calm her senses.

He had to hug her tightly to make her realize that he was with her.

When she was somehow calmed she said.

"I left home around 12:00 PM, to meet Aditiya, in the jail. His dad somehow had managed a meeting with him for an hour. I was there only for half an hour. I promised him that I would free him.

"Few days ago he had told me that he is under medication. There were medicines that he told me he was prescribed. I took the advantage and changed his medicines with poisonous tablets. Those tablets would have worked slowly on him, it would have killed him slowly. Poison worked as attacking his heart that killed him slowly in few hours. And around 5 PM his dad called me and said his son was dead due to the heart attack.

"Where were you after that and how come I don't know yet?! Why police hasn't informed me yet!"

"I was there to see his dead body. Arnav I can't tell you how much at peace I was. That bas***d was killed. He needed that death. I no longer wanted to hurt you. I wanted to beat him to death but I wouldn't have bothered. I just wanted his death.

"I don't care if they would suspect me!"

"Khushi, don't worry after what Aditiya to you and me and Ananaya di he would have gotten the worst death.

"But please, Khushi, forgive me. I...I never knew that you were just doing drama."

"Arnav, but you never gave me any punishment. You never ever tried to hurt me. Arnav, you loved me and I only hurt you," Khushi cried.

"Arnav, months of endless pain. Emotional, mental, and physical torture. I am sorry!" she sobbed.

"Khushi, it hurt. But now pain seems so little in front of yours. I just couldn't be your support."

Khushi was shaking her head and Arnav hugged her tightly.

"Arnav, evil is dead," she said with a relief in her voice.

"He is, Khushi."

"But that evil's babies are still inside me. Arnav, I don't want them."

Arnav realized she was traumatized.

"No, Khushi. Believe me. I am with you. Nobody would point finger at you. Nobody would ever get to know that these babies aren't those bas***ds."

'But, I am sorry, Arnav. I would leave no sign of him anymore! I would not keep these babies.'

"Khushi, you sleep peacefully. Now I know everything. Everything would be fine."


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