Friday 27 February 2015

Stalker chapter 3 Last Part

e sound of someone taking long, deep breaths fluttered in the air. "You will do it!" she muttered as she encouraged herself. 

"Yes, you will do it, now go!" La said from behind. 

"Thank you!" she wished nervously and mounted on the ladder whereas, Lavanya and Payal held it in place for her. 

She scanned through the window as looking through a magnify glass, assuring he indeed was in the washroom just like Payal had told her.

She quickly jumped into the room and signed thumbs up to both the ladies. They both wished her good luck and dashed from there. 

Khushi took a deep breath one more time, and quickly hid behind the grey curtains, when she heard the turn of the knob of the door.

He appeared out of the washroom, wiping his wet face with towel. He switched off the light and closed the door of the washroom.

Khushi immediately veiled herself behind the curtain before he could see her. 

But Arnav saw the curtain moving as someone was hiding behind it. And the smell of Khushi's perfume lingered in the air. But how come she could be here, she was at Gupta villa.

He eyed it suspiciously as he slowly moved towards it to see, if there was really someone behind it.

Khushi shrunk in fear, she didn't dare to move her muscle even an inch. She so hoped that Arnav didn't catch her. Because she wanted to surprise him. 

He was about to withdraw the curtain, and Khushi silently prayed, when H.P. came and knocked on the door. She blow out the sigh of relief.

"Arnav bhaiya, dinner is ready and everyone is waiting for you! Gupta family is also here!"

"Gupta family!? So it means Khushi is also here!" his heart danced in excitement, "But how does it matter, I don't care!" he told himself.

Taking the advantage, Khushi slowly opened the sliding door, thankfully, it didn't make any sound and went out of the room to the pool side and hid where Arnav couldn't see her.

"Yes, I am coming!" he answered. 

Before leaving the room Arnav checked behind the curtain and there was no one.

"Shoot Payal bhabi didn't tell he was going to eat dinner!" Khushi muttered as she bite her manicured nails.

She got into action and raced inside the room back and caught Arnav from behind and blindfolded him with her hands.

"What the!? Who is this!?" he asked as he touched her hands. Khushi resisted to laugh. 

His simple touch on her hand told him it was no other, but Khushi. 

He moved her hands away and asked, "what are you doing here!?" 

"What am I doing here!? I am in my husband's room. I was really missing you so came back to you!" she said as she walked in front of him. 

Arnav mentally rolled his eyes.
"Didn't I tell you that you better stay away from me!?" he snapped.

"Yes, you did. But not from your heart," she told him.

"I had said from my heart...Khushi you better leave me alone, please!" 

Khushi rolled her eyes. Such a drama king my husband is, she thought. 

"Arnav, if you can't act angry or stubborn why you act!?" she huffed.

"I don't act like you do, do you get that!?" he retorted. "I say whatever is in mind...I don't break hearts, deliberately!" he said.

***A week ago***

Khushi muffled her sobs against the pillow, but just to get last glance of Arnav she got up the hospital bed. 

She took off the cord that was attached to her hand away and rushed towards the door.

The moment she opened the door, and looked outside, she stilled.

Arnav and Lavanya both stood there looking at her, as they both were expecting her to come out.

And there she was!!! Khushi let out a sigh, as her back hit the wall.

"What happen Khushi!?" la asked sarcastically. 

Khushi was now unable to stop her cries. She fell on the chair, crying. 

"Khushi what's the point of crying now?" she asked. 

Khushi had sensed the different tone in her voice, she wasn't angry, but she wasn't calm either. 

"Why are you crying at first place!? Are you grieving that me and ASR are married and you love him!?"

Khushi looked at her dazed. 

Did it really matter if she does tell her that she loves him!? After all she was the one who had separated him from herself, she thought.

She weakly got up to go back inside the ward, when La asked her, "Khushi where are you going!? Tell us that you aren't happy to see us!?"

"Did you see just like you ruined my and ASR's dreams, we did yours too. Khushi it's called karma, you get you what you do. Khushi you were nothing, but a heart broker. First you snatched my Karan away from me...Tell me how do you feel it, Mrs. Khushi Malhotra, when I took away ASR from you!?"

Khushi clenched the blue hospital gown tightly as she tightly scrunched her eyes. 

"You deserved it...Because you broke my heart and ASRs heart and please don't snatch my ASR from me!"

"I didn't snatch Karan away from you...I didn't mean to hurt Arnav and you...I did all this because..." she said, but quickly got hold her words. 

"Because of whom...!?" Lavanya asked.

Khushi instantly thought of an excuse, when she knew she shouldn't have revealed anything, without knowing Lavanya already knew everything. 

"I did because...because I wanted revenge from you..." she uttered.

Her stupid excuse got on La's nerves.

"Shut up, Khushi!" she shouted at her and Khushi got startled.

"You and revenge!?" She asked in disbelief..."Not even in my dream, I could think of you doing that!" Lavanya told her. 

"Although until today, I was wondering why did you say you and Karan were married, but I could never think that you wanted to take revenge from me...Now stop making stupid excuses and tell me why did you do it!?"

"I am telling you that I wanted revenge...Because I was insecure of you!" she said in anger, trying to prove whatever she was saying was right.

It was getting hard for Lavanya to keep herself calm, she was irritated by her lies. But she had to know, what was going in her mind. She wanted to know the truth from her mouth.

She went to her and shook her. "Do you really wanted revenge from me!?"

Khushi jerked her hand away. "Don't you get once that I don't like you! And I don't love this person, who is your so called husband!" she angrily snapped.

"Khushi you wanted to take revenge from me...I can't believe the woman I thought is my best friend broke my trust...She was insecure of me..." she cried.

Trying once again in case Khushi would spoke her mind.

"You did to take revenge from me by snatching Karan! And I know you will take ASR too! ASR she will snatch me from you!" La said as she went to him.

"ASR she will try to kill me just like Karan did to me...They want us back..."

Khushi was astonished.

"No, Karan can't do that...I know him...I know me and Karan lied, Arnav and you because your mom wanted it. But me and him didn't want to hurt you and Arnav, because I love both of you! Karan loved you...And I know Karan..." she finally blurted out what both Arnav and la wanted to hear.

"But what's the use of that Khushi Arnav is mine now!"

Khushi fell on the floor crying, and let out a long sharp cry.

"Congrats ASR!" La murmured to Arnav.

When Khushi looked at, both, Arnav and Lavanya. Arnav had blank face, but it was La who was smiling.

Finally, that day Lavanya was successful to know the feelings of Khushi and their plan of the fake marriage was successful. Marriage did happen, but of la and Karan.

Later, that day Mr. Rajwansh Raizada had declared that Arnav and Khushi would get married. 

Arnav was too hurt that he didn't want to forgive her that easily, for what she had done to him, even though it was on purpose.

What if La didn't come to know about the truth!? They both would have gotten married. What if the truth had come in front of them after their marriage!? They wouldn't have been able to make anything normal again.

Arnav being an obedient child did listen to his dad and married Khushi.

Khushi had signed and given all her property to Mr. and Mrs. Gupta's, but now they had realized that they were wrong. 

They had burnt the papers in the scared fire the day Arnav and Khushi got married...

Mrs. Gupta did have regretted for what she did to Khushi, but Khushi forgave her.

Khushi indeed was an another Cinderella. That despite, of being a princess lived the life of a maid. But after years, happiness had knocked the door, she had gotten her family and the care and love she always craved from then how could she just let go off it, when she had what she wanted. Especially, when Gupta's really wanted to apologize.

Everything was perfect, but with flaw. The princess, prince was still angry with her. 

His anger was justified, she knew it.

And till now she was trying her level best to apologize, but her prince wasn't ready to listen...

Arnav slammed the door shut.

"You have hurt me too much, Khushi!" he said. Khushi saw the tears in his eyes and her heart wrenched as someone has scrunched it in their fist.

"You have hurt me here," he said as he brought her hand against his chest, close to his heart. 

Until, today he had never told her, how he had felt, even though his anger towards had said everything. 

"You had crushed my heart in a way that I had forgot it ever lived...It ever existed!"
His tear fell on her arm.

Khushi felt the alarming pain in her chest that she was seeing in his eyes.

"I didn't know that you would give me such a big punishment for loving you. You threw the rose in my face, and said you don't need me."

"Khushi my love for you had never lessened, even though you said you don't love me!"

"The day you had left, I waited for you, but you never ever turned back and looked back at me."

"I am sorry, Arnav! I know for La I had too!"

"Oh really! What good you think you were going to do to La!?" he asked.

"Didn't you know that she loved Karan!? I loved you, than you tell me, how come, I had loved happily with la!?"

"What Mrs. Gupta should have done, if you didn't have agreed to her terms and conditions huh!? Khushi, you have no reasons. By the way you proved me that you don't love me...Whatever you are doing is your regret!?"

"No," she violently moved her head. 

"Yes, Khushi the reality is you never loved me. If you did you would have fought with the whole world, but instead you chose the other path. You really didn't care whether I loved you or not!"

"Arnav please don't say so, tell me what shall I do to prove that!"

"Just forget about it!" he said flatly. 

"Please Arnav, I will not be able to live without you!"

"Please, Khushi, I don't want to hear these filmy lines!"

"Arnav these are not filmy lines, I will seriously give my life!"

"Khushi please!" he told her to stop with her nonsense.

Arnav hadn't taken her words seriously. He was mad at her to such an extent that her words sounded filmy.

She went to the cupboard and took the bottle of sleeping pills.
Not giving it a second thought she opened it up and was about to put in her mouth when Arnav screamed her name and threw the bottle from her hand. 

The glass bottle shattered as it stroked the marvel floor and the pills flew open in the right direction.

Anger shoot in his vein and slapped her. 

"Are you insane, what the heck you were going to do!?" and hugged her. As his life was going away to slip away from his hands. Once again.

"I am sorry Arnav, please forgive me!"

Arnav instantly broke the hug, "You promise, you won't ever try to do anything such!" he said.

"Arnav I can't live without you...I would have died the day, you and La were going to marry."

"I love you too, damn it...I love you! If anything had happened to you that day, I would have died Khushi...And if you tried doing anything such again, I promise that day would me my last day of my life too," he said as he cupped her face and immediately captured her lips with his in a demanding kiss.

Khushi tightly wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back with the same devotion. 

Their hands intimately hovered over each other's arms to the neck, in the hair to the shoulder and back. 

They moaned into each other mouths, not even stopping for a breath of air, as their whole life was depending on that kiss. 

The kiss of apology, for hurting each other.

The kiss of promise, that neither of them would ever do such a mistake, that would hurt them or their relation.

The promise, that they will be together, forever. 

Until, their death separate them.

He picked her in his arms, still not breaking the kiss. 

He gently laid her on the bed, breaking the kiss, just for a while, as they looked into each other's eyes, lovingly!

"Arnav wait!" she said. Arnav gave her space to got up. She walked to the closet and slide opened the door and took the book out from her purse.

Arnav had no idea what she was going to do or show, but he neither questioned her, just observed her. 

He saw her opening the book from the middle, still not sure of anything. Then Khushi flattened the book in her hand so that Arnav could see.

His heart stopped as it skipped a beat for a while. With teary eyes Khushi picked the rose. That she had never given him back and kept with herself.

"That day the rose that I threw in your face was my broken heart, Arnav!" she told him her voice shaky.

Arnav got up the bed, bewildered. He ran his hand in his hair. He too went to the closet and took out the rose that he put in a glass case, locked in a safe.

"I have saved your broken heart, Khushi!" he told her.

They quickly put the roses on the table and hugged each other.

"Khushi, never ever this mistake again!" he said.

"Never ever Arnav!" she assured.

He picked her in his strong arms and laid her back on the bed and settled on top of her. 

The last promise he made was that "He would make Khushi his own in every possible desirable way, that no one ever able to separate them. Not even God!"