Friday 27 February 2015

Can you forgive me please?! Chapter 4

Arnav's question terrified her. His behaviour towards her, frightened her. And this is what she was scared of.

She slowly got up the bed to talk to him, but he only got farther away from her.

"Arnav ji, I tried my best to tell, but couldn't!" she said, but found that she was running out of the valid explanations.

First, she was blinded with the truth than she ignored the consequences of not telling about anything, post misunderstanding was cleared.

She had gone extremely wrong. To an extent where she can't even seek forgiveness, justify herself in anyway.

The thought of him getting distanced away from him, daunted her. She knew she was wrong, and she had to apologize. Doesn't matter what it takes to seek it.

She kept her hand on his shoulder to bring him out of his trance, but he absentmindedly jerked it away.

He was completely disturbed. Nothing was coming in his mind except, his wife was hiding the most important news from him.

He walked to the other side of the bed, as his soul was separated from his body and sat up on the bed.

"I am pregnant, Arnav ji...Three month pregnant!" she had told him.

It was worst; worst then knowing that she knew the truth about his innocence...

More painful...

More heart wrenching...

Was it a joke? he thought.

A big joke, played with him by his life...

Didn't he really deserve to be happy!?

Especially, to hear the most important news of his life, that he was going to be a father.

"Arnav ji..." Khushi said, but a fear had stopped her.

A fear of what would be coming up next!

Too bad!!! She wasn't ready.

"Khushi, I beg you leave me, before I do anything, say something that I deeply regret later...Please, Khushi, go..."

He literally begged her. His tone was shaky. Due to the anger and the fear. The fear of knowing, he is brutal when he is angry and the person he loved has hurt him, have taken it to the level where he would only regret his actions.

He knew how badly he was controlling himself of not saying anything that he would come out due to the furiousness, other than that nothing would be behind it. And he really wanted right now was to be alone...To calm himself down.

He didn't know after getting enough pain; the worst was waiting for him...
The only thing he never had dreamt of...

Khushi knew he won't say anything to her, but hurt himself...


And if she didn't leave, she would, heighten his anger even more.

Still hoping she could make him understood, she tried once again.
"Arnav ji, I won't do such mistake again!" she whimpered.

"Go!" he snarled as he immediately got up the bed. His growl was extremely animalistic, it roared in the whole mansion, in Khushi's ears and made everyone startled. But none of them decided to come in between two of them except Anjali.

"I go and see!" Anjali told everyone taking charge of the situation.

Khushi's eyes widened in fear, as she faced his angry wolf form...The trembling started in her legs...She couldn't stand raw anger in his eyes...

"I said go from here!" he repeated and gritted every word he said...Even he was trembling in enrage.

The only one thing she knew was she deserved it...But definitely not hurting him more.

It is said that "it's never to late..." But Khushi was late in every other possible way...

Khushi without her accordance left the room and Arnav shut the door at her back.

She shuddered as the door was slammed with the force. She bitterly cried.

"Khushi, what happen!?" Anjali came almost running, looking at Khushi and the closed door.

"Di, Arnav ji, is really mad at me!?" she said and hugged her. Her sobs raked her body.

"Ssh...Khushi...Please don't cry...I talk to him...He will surely understand..." Anjali hurriedly.

"He won't listen, not at the moment!" she grieved as she cut her off.

"Okay, you relax..." Anjali immediately pulled her away from the hug. And wiped her tears.

"Khushi, believe me he is just angry...I have faced his worst side...But his anger fades away as soon as it engulfs him..." Anjali said as she tried to pacify her.

Even though she was pacifying her, he herself was worried, she very well knew this was the worst side of his that she has ever seen.

He only loved two women one of course was Anjali and other one was Khushi. That Khushi failed to understand.

He had never yelled at Anjali, never. But at Khushi he did. The reason
 was straight forward, he was hurt, more than anyone of them could even think of.

The way he had yelled, she hoped it wasn't a sign of something worst. And it doesn't drift them apart as they already was.

The worst part he had pull walls, shutting himself up from the world...

She was feeling that in this scenario she would be of no help to her, not until he had calmed himself down. She knew it's only Khushi herself who could handle his anger, she had to do whatever it takes to calm him.

But she herself hadn't been coping well with herself. And Arnav would definitely not listen her, not right now.

However, if the situation was uncontrolled, all had to pay for the serious consequences. 

"Look Mrs. Jha, Mrs. Raizada has depressed a lot...She has got anemia...It's normal during pregnancy but in Mrs. Raizada case it could lead to serious problems...So, I would suggest whatever is troubling her, is sorted out as soon as possible!" Doctor had warned her.

"Khushi, okay just come with me, you eat something then we will talk about it!" Anjali said as she tried to divert her mind.

"But, di, Arnav ji hasn't eaten anything!"

"Khushi, he will, but it's more important for you...I know you are worried about him, but you have one more responsibility, of your baby! Now come with me and eat something!"

Khushi turned around and looked at the locked door.

"Di, can you please get food for me and Arnav ji here!?" she finally said after thinking.

"Khushi you are talking about impossible, right now!" Anjali told her flatly.

"Di, I have hurt him already...How could I let him fight with himself alone when I myself is the cause of his pain!? Di, I can't run away! I have to face it...He won't punish me, but himself. Di, you know that...Please! I would do whatever it would take me to her his forgiveness," she said.

"Okay, Khushi, as you say...I get food here!" Anjali said as she agreed and she was back with it within 15 minutes.

"Khushi, if you need something else please do let me know!"

She nodded as she took the plate of food from her hand.

"Good luck, dear!" she said as she kissed her forehead. 

As Anjali left Khushi walked to the door and knocked it...

There was no response from inside...

"Arnav ji, can you please open the door?!"

Still no response...

"Arnav ji, I won't go from here, until you open the door!" she said.

But Arnav hadn't been responding.
Her heart thudded as she knocked on the door getting little worried.

"Arnav ji, I know you are listening me, but please...Why are you taking out anger at food!?"

"Please, Arnav ji, open the door!" she said as she sadly sat down the floor and kept the plate beside herself.

"Arnav ji, I won't eat either until you won't please, Arnav ji..."

"Khushi, you haven't eaten anything since afternoon!" Arnav remembered Anjali's words.

He was mad at Khushi, but not at his child. He wiped his tears and opened the door.

Khushi immediately looked at him, but he just opened the door and went inside almost immediately after.

Khushi quickly got up with plate of food in her hands, with hope in her heart and happiness that at least he had opened the door.

"Arnav ji, please eat something."

"Khushi, I have only let you to come in this because I care for my child...But thank you so much for hiding that...It did hurt me to the core..." His voice was dark and cold.

Khushi quickly put the plate on the bed and stood in front of him.

"Arnav ji, I didn't mean to hurt you...I know you care for me and I have hurt you, but I promise it won't happen again...I promise!" she swore. "The only reason, I hid this truth because I was afraid...I couldn't find the courage believe me..."

"I don't damn care about that, Khushi...I don't care about that!" he repeated making every word of his clear.

"You are pregnant with my child...You didn't even once thought of telling me about that at least? I understand that you couldn't find the courage, but you really needed courage to tell me about my child? And please don't tell me you were afraid that I won't accept this baby!"

"No, Arnav ji...I never doubted that..."

"Then tell where did I go wrong in my love that you gave me such a brutal punishment? Where did I?" he asked crying as he lightly shook her by her shoulder.

"Khushi, when you blamed me, I wasn't that hurt back then, than I am right now...But please don't worry about it...I still love you enough that you don't have to ask for my forgiveness. You eat the food, I don't want our baby to be the sufferer," he said flatly as he had his back towards her.

She couldn't accept his anger towards her.
Khushi felt extremely angry at herself. But all of sudden, her health had gotten worst.

She felt the sudden jolt of pain that made her body shook.
"Aahh...aaah," she let out a painful screech.

"Ar...nav...ji!" she shrieked as pain in her stomach got unbearable and she fell on the floor, clenching her stomach tightly.

"Khushi..." he shouted as he immediately turned around and saw her crying in pain. Her body curled into a tight ball. He fell on her side immediately and placed her head in his lap.

"Arnav ji, it's hurting!" she winced as his face got blurred in front of her eyes.

"Shit..." he cursed..."Khushi, you don't worry...You will be fine..." he assured.

"Our babies!" she barely muttered.

"Nothing will happen to our baby, Khushi!" he said between his tears. "Nothing..." he said more to himself than to her. "I won't let anything happen to both of you guys..." he was assuring himself.

He picked her up in his trembling arms. At one point the pain was unbearable that she couldn't able to tolerate it and collapsed. Wasting no more time Arnav rushed her to the hospital.

***At the City Hospital***

"Di, Khushi...!" Arnav said as he gestured towards the I.C.U.

"Don't worry Chotey nothing will happen to Khushi and your baby!" Anjali assured, but she herself was worried. She made him sit in the chair.

The whole Raizada family paced back and forth in worry, as they waited for the doctor to out of the I.C.U.

"Di, why did she hurt herself? Why?" Arnav said crying. "She had been really depressed, since two months. She not only did that, but give her child the punishment too. I never knew Khushi could be this careless. If she couldn't find the courage then you should have told me...Why didn't you tell me? We had been in touch with each other...She had been managing alone. What should I make out of all what she had done with me? Didn't she need me?"

"Chote, I understand. Things not always happens the way we want them to be...I know you love, Khushi, more than anything...Then please forgive her...I am sure she didn't mean to hurt you...We would have told you about her pregnancy, but she said "di I want Arnav ji to give this good news by myself." That's why we didn't say anything. And today, she had told you...In less than 6 months you will be a father...Forget about everything! At this stage, she needs you, your support. She has already hurt herself too much. It could only make things worst. For you, for your child, and for Khushi."

Anjali wanted to tell him that there had been few complications lately, but she felt no need. It would just sour their relationship even more. But recently, Khushi's reports were absolutely fine. She wished everything was alright with Khushi. She silently prayed for Khushi 's and her baby's well being.

"By doing so you will only succeed in helping, Shilpa," Anjali continued. "Helping what she really wanted. To separate you guys. I am sure you don't want that!"

"If you really think, why she hid everything because she was punishing herself...I have seen her crying to sleep every other day...It's not her fault completely, but ours too. We were with her, but we didn't say anything. If you want to punish, then do so, but us."

"At last, I would only suggest you to move on, Chote. I have told you what I had to...But do think of her, of your unborn baby, and your relationship! After all, she is sorry right? We can't punish her, at least not at the moment. And I know you will take the right step that will be good for all of us!"

Arnav let go off his unnecessary anger as he calmly analyzed Anjali's words. Anyways, he had already let out the anger. Whatever happened was undone. Of course, Khushi loves himmand he doesn't doubt that by a mere mistake.

She couldn't find the will power to tell him and it all would have happened to be quite hard for her, he thought.

He was looking at the bright side. And released all the grudges that he held against her.

He got up as he walked to the picture that hung on the wall.

A picture of a smiling baby.

A complete beautiful feeling engulfed his heart. He was going to be a father! He wasn't a fan of kids, but he will have one of himself and he knew he will love him or her.

His Khushi was pregnant. He had come to know about it in a worst way and that would always prick his heart.

But anyways, no hard feelings, not anymore. He was concerned now as it nearly had been an hour and doctor hadn't come out.

He hoped his Khushi and the baby was fine.

Anjali looked at him in pain. "Please, god, he had been through a lot already, please, I beg you to keep Khushi and her baby fine!" she kept on praying as she was getting restless.

"Mr. Raizada!" Doctor said as he come out of the I.C.U.
Arnav rushed to him. His heart thudded and his pulse jumped in his throat.

"Doctor, Khushi and my baby are fine right!?"

"Yes," he said. "Both are fine!"

Anjali fell down in her seat as she burst into her tears of happiness and relief. Finally she could breathe.

"First it was quite serious...But now their condition is stable...Please be careful from now on wards...If certain carelessness will be incorporated again it can be quite life taking...What I mean is keep her happy as much as possible!"

"I will!" Arnav vowed.

"In few minutes, she will be shifted to the general ward and then you could go meet her!"

***In the general ward***

"Arnav ji, I am sorry that I excused you of such a dirty act...I am sorry that I didn't believe you...I am really regretting for my poor decisions...But believe me I am really sorry!"

Arnav looked into her teary eyes as she spoke.

"Shilpa, was right if I truly loved you, I shouldn't have blamed you!" she said as she burst into tears and covered her face with her hands.

Arnav quickly moved her hands, unveiling her face that was drenched in her tears.

"Do you think you didn't or don't love me!?" he asked.

"I do love you, Arnav ji...I love you more than anything!" she answered immediately, undoubtedly.

"Yes, you loved me that's why you were hurt! You loved me so much that you couldn't digest that anyone else could be in my life...If I were in your place I would have reacted the same..." Arnav told her.

"But I hurt you by not trusting...I hurt you by not listening you! By hiding everything!"

"Yes, you did! I was hurt...But that's okay...I have forgotten everything!" he honestly replied.

"Arnav ji, I promise, I won't trust anyone blindly...I won't I promise!" she cried. "I was guilty that's why I couldn't even ask for sorry...Because I knew I didn't deserve sorry and you didn't deserve me!"

"Hey, sssh!" he immediately quietened her. "Don't even dare to say that...If I have spent three months away from you, bared the pain, to live apart from you was only because I wanted you for forever..."

"Am I forgiven?" she asked hopefully.

"I told you don't have to ask for sorry..."

"Arnav ji, I have hidden one more thing from you!" she then said.

"What now?" he asked.

"It's twins!"

"That's good then!" he said without giving a thought. Then he suddenly said "what!?"

She nodded shyly as she blushed. "We are going to have twins!"

"Khushi, you are not kidding me!" he said in disbelief as he jumped a little.

"Yes," she answered.

All the pains that they both had gone through had vanished completely with no trace of it.

If the pain was double, the happiness that Arnav got was quadrupled.

He couldn't say anything, but hug her. "Thank-you so much, Khushi!" he mumbled.

"I love you, Arnav ji!" she said as she tightly hugged him back.

Arnav pulled back from the hug as he looked into her eyes.

"I know our children will be as beautiful as you!" he said as he lightly touched his forehead with hers.

"Thank you God!" Nani said as she took sigh of relief.

"What a perfect, moment!!! No evil eyes ever get in between two pure souls!" Anjali said as she stood outside the ward.

NK pushed them away. "This moment should be captured then," NK said as he entered in the ward without warning and clicked their picture!!!

"It's never too late, but also remember sooner the better!!!"

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