Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal Part 1

~~~~~~~~~~~PART 1~~~~~~~~~~

"How did you like Mr. Raizada? How was the taste of your own medicine? Bitter isn't!," Khushi said coldly to Arnav.

"Yes, I never loved you," she said it again, snapping right in his face. Her five words created a havoc in Arnav's mind, cut his heart into pieces. "Nobody can ever love the person like you! You deserve pure hatred from everyone. You are good for nothing."

"When you created problem me and love, Adi, that day I swore that I will leave you of no where."

Arnav stood like an idiot, as Khushi made him aware what he had done. Yes, Khushi had married him, to take a revenge. Because Arnav had played dirty game by separating Khushi from Adi, by claiming that he had slept with her. Khushi had done the same, but she had her revenge in a sweet way.

Looking at defeated Arnav, she couldn't help, but smile triumphantly. Finally, her soul was at rest. Relieved. Finally, the day she had dream of was had come.

"Now you got it how does it feel betrayed by the person you love. This is how Adi had felt."

"I thought making you believe that I am in love with you, will be a difficult task. But you proved me otherwise, you are a big fool Mr. Raizada. A fool that anyone ever seen in their lives. A fool who fell in love even when he knew how he had ruined the person's life."

Arnav who stood his eyes at the ground, forming the sense of her every said words, suddenly looked at her.
Ahh, Pure pain, exactly, what Khushi wanted to see! Her revenge was well taken. She hadn't had felt this strong and victorious ever before.

"Even though you tried your best, in the end still my love won, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada!" Khushi didn't dare to look somewhere, but right in his eyes.
She couldn't help enjoying the pain that she was seeing in his two eyes. She felt her inner thirst to see him totally broken, fulfilled.

"You know what Mr. Raizada!" a single tear fell from Arnav's eyes and Khushi immediately held it on the tip of her finger before it fell. "Tu tu tu," she sighed and flicked the tear in his face.

"I am sorry for you. NOT," she said coldly that Arnav felt the love he thought she said she had for him, was nothing but a pure hatred.

But very well done, Khushi. Not in three months, she ever let him know by a mere chance that her love was a pure hatred for him.

Yes, Arnav did feel that he was a fool that he couldn't see that, since, he himself was too blind in her love.

"Mr. Raizada despite of your tries to separate us, you must have realized you only worked as a catalyst and brought us together in way we never were." Arnav shuddered. "Because MY Adi still loves me."

Arnav once again shoot a glance at her and Khushi could only enjoy seeing him broken, frozen. A confused child who was still trying hard to understand what was going on around him. And she made no effort to clear the confusion.

Khushi saw him smiling, "Khushi you are kidding me right?"

Khushi laughed, "only fool like you can think that after hearing the truth."

Arnav held her by her arm, tightly. It hurt, but to Khushi it didn't matter, "Please Khushi, say you are kidding me. I apologized you for what I did. I was really sorry. Wasn't I?"

Khushi looked at him furiously, than his hand that held her, she brutally dug her nails and flung his hand away from her arm.

"Dare not to touch me, ever! I ONLY HATED YOU! PERSON LIKE YOU IS ONLY CAPABLE OF THAT. And your apologies, hadn't done any good. You played with me, KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA," she poked her chest.

"Khushi you know that I can destroy you and your so called lover."

"Try it!" she snapped, "Try it, I will give my best to destroy you than you already are!" she snapped and started walking.

Arnav sprung back to life and swung her around. "Khushi you can't do anything such!"

"I think you still aren't out of your dreamland. Mr. ARROGANT RAIZADA. And anyways I don't like repeating myself believe or not, I don't love you!"

Khushi was right, Arnav thought. She was taking her revenge, she was faking her love, to defeat him. Again, they were nothing, but a enemies.
They were never on good terms with each other, in university they were enemies and in that Arnav had crossed his limits, by stating that Khushi had slept with him to Adi, the guy she loved. But he didn't know he had to pay such a big amount and yes, he deserved the betrayal, because he had set the thorns in his own way, and it was sure that it would have pricked his own feet.
Betrayal, a word that at one shot, gives away no positive feeling, whatsoever.

Kept in dark, worst scenarios that once shone light on...

Break trusts...

Tear souls apart...

And the life, takes a massive turn...
The necessity to breath, all of sudden, stops.

The urge to live, no more remains...

Especially, when the person behind all the betrayal is the one you once loved...


All of sudden, Khushi felt a sharp pain in her stomach that she couldn't bear. Arnav got startled as he held her before she leaped on the floor.

"Khushi what happen?"

She only pushed him back, as her eyes tightly shut. "Khushi wait I call the doctor!" he claimed. Khushi sealed her lips tightly shut to keep herself from wincing. The pain lasted for more than two minutes, and it drained all her energy and she collapsed. Arnav made her stand in a headstand position as he looked at her in shock. Tear fell from her shut eyes.
"She is pregnant!" As soon as the words hit his ear, he stood almost frozen looking at his wife, Khushi, who laid on the bed as doctor had done her check-up.

A look of betrayal, defeat, shock, pain all at once, none of the emotion overlapping the other.

So crystal clear...Each and every emotion, speaking louder and louder.

Whereas, none of them were on Khushi's face. She seemed to be unaffected, all together, completely contradicting Arnav's.

Because the truth if believed and so clear at the moment that, it wasn't Arnav Singh Raizada's baby.

The truth that turned their world upside down, put the relationship to end. Arnav's legs gave out as he fell on the bed with a jerk.

"Mr. Raizada!" Doctor called him thrice, but he was too shocked to hear about Khushi's pregnancy.

"Mr. Raizada are you okay!?" Dr. Malhotra asked as he kept his hand on his shoulder.

"Yes," Arnav said as he came out of his trance. "Yes," he muttered again.

"Mr. Raizada please can you come with me outside for a while!?"

Arnav nodded his head still in muscle trembling shock. He was in denial, but knew the truth was what Khushi told him.

Arnav closed the door behind as Dr. Malhotra continued. "Mr. Raizada your wife is pregnant, but..."

"But..." he said as his heart thudded loudly, giving him uncomfortable feeling. "Is Khushi and her baby fine?"

"Mr. Raizada you have to take a lot of care of her."

"How old her pregnancy is!?" he asked.

"Mr. Raizada that you could confirm with the pregnancy detector. I can ask to drop it at RM. If you don't have it!"

"We do!" Arnav said, as he remembered seeing the pregnancy detector at his washroom. Back then he wasn't sure why did Khushi had it. But he just didn't care at that time, because he thought Khushi was expecting to consummate their marriage.

He was literally happy, and a week ago he was jumping in happiness. But today, he got the biggest shock of his life. His wife indeed was pregnant, but with not his child.

He was so overwhelmed with the anger, pain, hurt that he thought he would go crazy. The worst he had stored it inside himself. He was trying to convince himself that he was okay and he deserved it.

"That's good, you guys check it and if you still aren't sure, you are coming to the clinic tomorrow confirm the pregnancy there I could tell you the exactly how old pregnant she is!" Doctor told him. But most of his words were unheard, except..."check old pregnant..."

"Thank you doctor!" he hardly mumbled as cheerfully as he had able to at this moment.

He had lost his balance and was about to fell when he held the wall. His hands covered his mouth, to muffle the sound of his cry and fell on the floor.

Inside, Khushi's hand flew to her stomach thinking, "If she was really pregnant!"

Thank God, Arnav's younger, only, sister Anjali wasn't at home. Otherwise, he didn't know how to explain things to her.

He got up from the floor, with the help of his hands, wiping the tears. He went inside the room. For the first time, Khushi's fear kicked in. She was well aware of Arnav's anger.

Last time, when three, four guys tried to molest her, he had ripped their souls apart, and instead of sending them to the hospital he had sent them to the jail, without any treatment.

Yes, she agreed he had done those things for her, that did made her believe that he was sorry. But she didn't forget because of him, she had lost Aditiya and her self respect.

She knew Arnav was sure it's not his child...He will not leave her and Aditiya alive.

She sat up on the bed, ready for the defense; if in case, he tried to hurt her.

However, every time she looked at him, made herself remember that he was a monster and she hated him. Despite, she couldn't deny she was trembling in fear, clutching her pallu. But that wasn't actually intimidating. Then seeing Arnav. He mocked a walking dead.

She felt her smile of triumphant returning. She had pulled her guards again. Nothing else she wished, than the great, arrogant Arnav Singh Raizada defeated by a woman.

What a pity!

Arnav sat on the bed, beside her, but maintaining the safe distance. "Do you love Aditiya!?" the question asked by Arnav felt like he had brutally punched her stomach.

For the first time, she thought she had gone completely wrong.

"Yes," she still answered confidently.

"You should have told me before, that you aren't ready to forgive me!" he said. "But I must say it hurt. And you did take revenge on me!" he said and let out a sad smile.

"You were right I shouldn't have crossed my limits by humiliating you in front of people and Aditiya."

He was looking at his hands as he clasped and unclasped them.

"You are a very good actress Khushi. You proved that!"

His voice full of pain, echoed in the dark room. Room only lit by the light coming from the lights lit in the backyard of the RM.

Did it affect Khushi!? Yes, no, she herself wasn't sure.
Khushi hated it. Why in the word of God does Arnav's pain mattered to her all of sudden. No, Khushi was screaming inside her mind. No, she can't create the soft corner for the beast inside her. And you are such a great manipulator, she gritted her teeth.

"And congratulations you are pregnant too," he said. "Khushi once only, once again tell me that you don't love me!"

Khushi went to him and held him by his collar. Despite, seeing the tears in his eyes, she said, " Don't you get once that I love one and only one person that is Aditiya."

"Damn it don't you just things get in your mind once!?" she retorted.

Arnav seemed to reading something in her eyes, for a moment. And then he said something that equally murdered Khushi's soul. "Khushi, I love you, for your happiness I will do what it would take me to keep you happy. I know I did really bad with you and for that I don't think any other pain could have been worst than this!"

He paused. Little later he continued, "I set you free!" Khushi felt someone had ripped her heart of her chest, that she felt deprived of conscious mind.
I set you free, for for for..." he seemed to say a word that wasn't coming on his lips. "forever," he finally said.

Khushi's hand released his collar and she sat back on the bed.

"If your happiness resides in leaving me, the least I could do to you is set you free by divorcing you!"

"Good!" she said. "Because I only hate you!" she shouted first than her words became a mere babble as her eyes shut and Arnav held her.


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