Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal Part 9

"Good Morning," Arnav muttered as he got up and smiled as he looked at Khushi. For a second it was a moment of a pure bliss. As he opened his eyes and he saw her face, just like old days Khushi would wait until Arnav get up and he would love to see her face first, he couldn't help but cherish the moment. Even Khushi had returned a smile and retuned his good morning wish.

As few second moment stretched, they got aware of the differences in between them.

Arnav looked away from her as Khushi still stared at him. Shortly after, even she looked away trying to convince herself to keep her feelings in check.

But she was tired of pretending, she hated Arnav. She was tired of pretending of trying her best to hurt him. The biggest scar she had already given to him, and it was enough, and she couldn't deny it knifed her heart.

She got up the bed. "Arnav," she said.

Arnav's heartbeat thumped against the wall of his chest. Did he really hear his own name from her mouth?

His head jerked towards her. "Hmm," he murmured despite of even being sure if she had called him. But she was looking at him so he assumed she did.

"Do you want to go to the washroom first?" she heard herself asking him. Such a stupid question she thought to herself. There are more than five washrooms at RM, obviously he could go and use any of it. But it didn't sound that crazy because she so wanted to call him.

Subconsciously, she missed talking to him. However, still ignoring as she didn't even care what the little voice in her mind said.

"Huh, no, you can go first. But please take care of yourself," his voice was almost pleasing.

"Are you okay? By the way, sorry forgot to ask!"

She nodded her head, "I am fine, I will be fine," she told him, her tone was uplifted as he showed concern towards her, but that quickly disappeared as she got aware of herself.

"I am fine," she sounded annoyed at herself. Arnav had no idea what happened to her. "Did he piss her off?" he thought.

As Khushi turned to the washroom, Arnav went downstairs to the kitchen to check if Khushi's breakfast was ready.

"Hey ASR, good morning!" Lavanya said as she had come from jogging.

"Hey Lavanya, very good morning," he wished back as they both gave each other side hug.

"I am sorry you had to go alone for a jogging!" Arnav said.

Lavanya swept the sweat with the towel and drank water from her bottle.

"Come on ASR, I am alright. I understand you have a wife to take care of. By the by, how is Khushi doing? Did she sleep well last night?"

"Yes, she did."

"That's awesome!"

"Okay, Arnav I will be back in just few minutes!"

"Yes, yes, sure, go ahead and we see each other at the breakfast table," Arnav said.

"Alright, Arnav!"

As Lavanya was about to leave, Arnav's eye caught the stain of blood on the side of her Lavanya's hand.


"Yes, Arnav!?" Lavanaya stopped and turned around.

"How did you get that blood on your hand?"

Lavanya looked at her hand and noticed blood due to the minor cut.

"I didn't even notice it, Arnav!" she said. "But nothing to worry about, I will apply a bandage on it!"

"No come over her," Arnav said and went to fetch a bandage from the kitchen.

"Arnav, I am fine my friend!"

"I know you are alright, but you know what if you don't keep these little cuts in check they leave scars."

Arnav applied bandage to her cut in that Khushi came and looked at both of them.

They both were sharing their funny incidents and laughed. Their laughs hit Khushi's chest as someone was hammering it. It ached of jealousy.

"Remember we used to have one friend NK at the school, who had come from Australia and he hardly knew Hindi and couldn't even take your name properly."

"What did he used to call you?" Lavanya asked.

Khushi's whole attention fell on Arnav as she looked at his smiling face that for sure made her smile. "Uhh, Nanav!" he said and his face lightened with a bright smile.

"Oh yes, Nanav," Lavanaya cracked up and they both gave each other high five.

Khushi was smiling seeing Arnav happy after so long, and it shortly faded away as Arnav, no Lavanya had held his hand in hers. Only if it was for a short time, it affected Khushi fully.

Khushi's mood took 360 degree turn, she was so annoyed she couldn't tell. In annoyance, her hand knocked down the vase and it fell on the floor. Sound of it deafened the sound of Lavanya's giggles.

Arnav's smile completely faded. Away. He got up and rushed towards Khushi.

"I am sorry, Arnav!" she got scared. "I didn't know how it happened!"

"Relax Khushi, you tell me how are you? You fine, did you feel dizzy?"
he asked in a hurry.

"No, I am fine. I didn't pay attention and it fell!"

"Heck with this vase, you are sure that you are alright, right?" his face was full of concern, his mind was racing furiously.

Khushi got even more annoyed at herself for disturbing him to this extent.

"Khushi, you alright!" Lavanya asked as she too had came running and studied her condition, she looked fine. But little scared. Even Arnav noticed it.

He first calmed himself up. "Arnav, I am really fine!" she reassured.

"Alright so come and sit Khushi," Arnav said and he helped walked her the sofa.

Meanwhile, Lavanya rushed to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.

"Here Khushi drink some water, you will feel better!"

Khushi cursed herself for creating havoc out of nothing.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to bother you guys!"

"No Khushi, you are more than welcome to bother us. But we careful, your health and your babies health matter the most," Lavanya said.

"Yes, Khushi she is right!"

"Okay, guys I will be back in just quick minutes," Lavanaya said and excused both of them, making she leaves both husband and a wife alone for a moment.

Khushi did what she felt was most needed. She kept her one hand on Arnav's hands and with other cupped his face as he had squatted in front of her.

"Arnav, please don't worry about me too much," she started off. "As long as you are with me, I will be fine!" she was unaware of her words, but it truly came out of her heart. "Please!"

Arnav leered in her eyes, her words had hypnotized him. Was he dreaming of the said words. Let it not be a dream, he thought and wished.

But what's the use, it will only give heartaches, a voice in his mind said.

"Breakfast is ready, Khushi, you must be hungry!"

Khushi didn't expect anything to hear from him as she could tell what he was thinking.

And he didn't take it in a negative way was assured as he stood up, his hand ready to accept hers to help her get up.

He took care of her as she wasn't a month pregnant, but 6 or 7 months pregnant. Also, as it was his own child.


"Khushi, I will be back in two three days, till then, please do take care of yourself," Lavanya said and cupped her face.

"If it wasn't an important seminar, I wouldn't have gone. But I know Arnav is here, whom you need the most."

Khushi nodded her head and said, "I hope you come back soon!"

"I will dear!" she said with a cheerful smile on her face.

"See ya, Arnav, do take care of your Khushi and you baby!" Lavanya said and sat in the car and shortly after the driver drove off.

"Khushi, it's quite hot outside let's go inside!"

Khushi nodded her head. "Khushi, did I tell you that I have booked your appointment with Dr. Sharma for tomorrow?" Arnav said as they both started walking inside of the mansion.

"No, I think you forgot!"

"My apologies, it escaped my mind. Tomorrow at 12:00 PM! Since, she will be back from her medical tour!"

She didn't ask anything else but, "Will you be coming?"

"Huh, yes. I will be!" he said.

"That's the first thing I care about!" her mind screamed and as usual she herself would never voice the thoughts yet, not at this point atleast.

She felt she had betrayed Arnav and now by having feelings for Arnav she would betray Aditiya. That thought left her in an emotional turmoil. It has been two three days, she didn't even talk to Aditiya. When he had tried she had cut it. And the truth was she didn't feel like talking to him.

Thinking about him wasn't on her mind either.

Pregnancy hormones? Once again she had given it recognition. And again her mind had given the same answer, no her affection wasn't due to the pregnancy hormones. She wasn't even sure if it was affection or just out of guilt.

"Khushi, it's afternoon, and your time to eat. Are you hungry? Do you want something that you feel like eating at this moment."

"Something to eat?" she thought. There was a sudden urge to eat. She was hungry, very hungry. Her mouth watered.

"What she wanted to eat?" she thought. "No, not salad," she made a face as she thought of it. She didn't want to eat salad. For sure nothing that was cooked at home.

"Pani puri and ice-cream!" she immediately blurted out excitedly.

"What a deadly combination!" Arnav

"Would you please let me eat it?"

The answer was, "no!"

"Please, Arnav. I think I will die of hunger!"

"No, means N.O." he said and went to his cupboard to get his wallet.

"Atul has made salad and your favourite dishes, the healthy ones. Eat them and later have your afternoon nap."
Khushi pouted.

Later he took out his file and sat on the couch to read it. He hadn't read one statement when he said, "Pani puri and ice-cream?..You gotta be kidding me, Khushi!"

Khushi felt like laughing at his expressions that he made when he asked her that question.

"Please Arnav, only ones! I swear I will not ask you again for it!" she literally begged him.

And it was working, Arnav's heart did melt. "But no compromise with your health Khushi!" he tell her off.

Her lips quivered as her eyes watered. She blinked her eyes to look through her tears. She took her teddy bear hugged it and laid on the bed.

"Khushi?" Arnav quickly got up from the couch, set his yellow file on the coffee table and went to her.

Khushi immediately closed her eyes.
"Khushi, what happen?"

"Nothing I am sleepy!"

Her voice quivered and Arnav felt like as she was crying. "Khushi, you know that you aren't well! And didn't you hear what Dr. Sharma had said!"

"Did I say anything to you?" she asked.

"But I know why are you angry?" he answered back.

"And Dr. Sharma hates me."


"Yes, she doesn't like me and that is why she comes up with these problems that I don't even have!"

"Khushi, what about the time you had been sick?"

"Khushi, I don't want you to get hurt. That is why I am telling you to not to have it! "Okay, if you want to eat it, I will ask Dr. Sharma."

"Khushi," he said. But there was no response from her.

He kept his hand on her shoulder. She had dozed off. A tear that she had held for long had escaped her eye.

He cursed himself but he was helpless. He called the doctor Sharma and asked her if it was fine for Khushi to eat junk food. Dr. Sharma had allowed her, "But just a little," Mr. Sharma said , "and make sure it's healthy enough for her to eat it!" she had said.

He called Mrs. Gupta and asked her to make pani puri at home.

"Don't worry son, I will make sure it's healthy enough," Mrs. Gupta said.

"And I will ask Payal to drop it!"

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Gupta!"

"Not a problem son!" she said and they both hung up the phone.

In two hours Payal was at RM with pani puri.

"Good afternoon, jiju!" Payal greeted. "How is Khushi?"

"Good afternoon, Payal!" Arnav said. "And Khushi, she is sleeping right now and little angry at me!"

"Angry, yes, massi told me!" she laughed. "But I hope she will get happy now!"

"Hope so!" he wished.

"Okay jiju, I have to leave. I have to go the mall."

"Why don't you come and enjoy this pani puri with us!"

"I would love to jiju, some other time for sure. Right now, I have to leave. May be if I will finish with shopping earlier I will come for dinner," Payal said.

"That will be great, Payal! So see ya soon!"

"Yes, jiju. Good luck up with Khushi," she chucked and gave him thumbs up.

"I hope I will not be beaten up," he joked.

"Jiju you are so funny, see ya!"


Arnav immediately fetched little bowls and plates from the kitchen as Payal left and rushed to the room.

He wished it will help Khushi's mood.

He slowly opened the door, Khushi was up, but still had laid down.

"Khushi, please get up. It's 2 o'clock. And you haven't even eaten anything!"

She didn't say anything even though she was hungry then ever before as she could smell freshly fried gol gappas.

"Khushi, okay here is your pani puri!"

"I don't want to it!" she simply said.

"Still angry," he thought.

"Hmm, are you sure?" he said as he tried to play little along, as he knew of course she wanted to eat.


"It's alright!" he shrugged his shoulder. "I mean, if you don't want to eat it. I am really hungry. So, I will sure eat it," he said.

He got up and took the bag in which Khushi's mom had packed pani puri.
He took its content out, put the chutney in a little bowl, and filled the gol gappa with boiled potatoes and black beans, dipped it in the chutney and started eating it.

"Mmm!" he moaned to tease Khushi.

"Thank god you don't feel like eating it, Khushi, because it's really tasty!"

Khushi opened her eyes, her mouth wide opened as she got up and looked at him.

"Some people are little manner less!" she taunted.

"Excuse me!" he exclaimed and his face filled with mischievousness.

"Yes, manner less!" she got up took everything in front of him, and shoving her blanket away, she set it on the bed.

"What the?"

"What, what the huh?" she asked and sat on the bed, cross-legged, and started eating.

"Excuse me, you said you didn't want to it!"

"It doesn't mean what I say is always the truth!" she said.

"I wish, Khushi," he said sadly in a low tone.

Past 15 minutes made him believe as nothing was wrong in between them. A moment that he would cherish until his last breath.

He walked backwards and fell on the couch. Khushi was enjoying her meal to the fullest.

What destiny had decided for both of them, he didn't know.

"You are sad because I didn't let you eat pani puri?" she asked.

Arnav's sad face lightened up as he smiled. "Khushi will always remain Khushi," he thought. "Crazy, and full of life!"

But somewhere he ruined everything for her.

"I am sorry, Khushi," he said.

"You should be!" she answered back, thinking, that sorry was for not letting her eat what she wanted.

She smoothed her hand on her tummy and burped. "Excuse me! I am done."

"I am sorry, Arnav," she said. She got up the bed and went to him.

"For what?" he asked shoving his grief away and plastering a smile on his face.

She kept her hand on his shoulder, "I know you are sad but you shouldn't be."

"No Khushi, I am not sad."

"Yes, you are Arnav, I know you are sad..."

"Shit, I made her feel guilty," he thought.

"Because I ate all the gol gappas!" she said so apologetically and she really meant it.

Arnav was shaking his head in disbelief, "you are crazy, Khushi!" he said and got up.

"But thank you so much, Arnav!" she said.


"Everything!" she almost murmured. And they hadn't realized they both were standing only an inch apart.

As they looked at each other's eyes there heartbeat was in a perfect sync.

Khushi's hand cupped his face. "And sorry for everything!"

"You don't..." She immediately put a finger on his lips and shook her head implying not to say anything.

"You say right that I am crazy, Arnav," her voice extremely low but loud enough for him to hear her.

She paused and couldn't say anything more. His eyes were fixed on her, searching the meaning behind her said words. But he couldn't think anymore as she did something that was so unexpected.

Her lips on his. More than a breath of air, she needed it. More than being surprised, Arnav was shocked, and he couldn't think straight.

Their first ever kiss. Before that Arnav never approached her neither had Khushi.

Khushi's hand went into his hair. A low groan left his mouth. Their heartbeats were racing wildly.

Khushi had to stand on her toes to meet the height of Arnav, even though she wasn't too short, but she did to make sure he hadn't to bend.

Passion ran wild in their veins, as oxygen into the blood.

Khushi was about to loose her balance, when Arnav wrapped his arms around her neck.

She clenched his hair in her hands. Pushing him more towards herself and kissed him deeply.

Shortly after Arnav gave in, when he couldn't stop himself.

When they both were out of breath, they broke the kiss but keeping the distance only an inch away.

"I l..." she wanted to say something, but her body didn't let her as she collapsed in his arms, overwhelmed with emotions that filled her mind, both negative and positive.

More than ever before, Arnav could feel her pain and guilt. 


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