Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal Part 3

~~~~~~~~~~~PART 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Where the heck you think you are taking me!? As far as I know the advocate office is in the south!"

Arnav frantically typed replies to his emails on his laptop.

"Yes, first we have to go to the hospital!"

Khushi clenched the seat under herself, and gritted her teeth. "You f**king told me that we will go to the advocate's office!"

"Yes, I said so! But before that your health is more important. Your family doctor is here only for today, and I have squeezed you in her schedule with the great difficulty."

Khushi drew a long breath of air. "I have to go and meet Adi, at 11:00 AM..."

"He can wait!" he said.

Khushi slammed her wrist in his laptop and shut it.

"This much anger is not good for your and your baby's health!" he muttered calmly...

"You have gone crazy, you bast**d!" she shrieked.

Arnav kept his knuckles on his mouth as he stared outside the window and Khushi on her side of the window.

***At the hospital***

The moment they walked into Dr. Sharma, Khushi's family doctors room, they were called in for their turn.

"Do you want me to go with you!?" Arnav asked courteously.

"Why do you really think so!? Baby's father is alive!" she retorted.

Now, that hit Arnav's chest as a hard blow.

"Okay," he answered and stepped back making way for her.

"Hi, Khushi," Dr. Sharma greeted. "How are you!?"

"I am very well!" Khushi replied in her cheerful voice.

"Didn't your husband come!?" Dr. Sharma asked. Her question left bitter taste in Khushi's voice.

"Well, you know he is really busy! That's why my close friend will accompany me. He will be here in ten minutes. I hope you won't mind waiting for few minutes!"

"Not at all, we can wait!" Dr. Sharma agreed.

Ten minutes passed Adi didn't come. Another 20 minutes passed he still hadn't come.

"Khushi, I am afraid I can't wait for another second, we can carry out with the examination. Why don't you just call your husband?"

"Can't we just do it alone then!?"

"Yes, if you wish so!" Dr. Sharma said.

"Khushi I have taken your blood test and the reports will be sent to you at your home, if they will be fine. Otherwise, you will be called in two or three days!" Dr. Sharma instructed.

"Yes, sure!" she answered back.

"Thank you doctor!"

"Mention not and congratulations!" Dr. Sharma wished.

Khushi smiled at her and left.

"How was the test!?" Arnav asked as Khushi came out. Khushi wasn't angry at the moment, but hurt. Because Aditiya hadn't come.

"Khushi is everything alright!?"

Khushi turned to him and hugged him. Arnav was taken up by surprise, as he felt his heart jumped.

"Khushi what happen!?" he tried to calm her. "Is baby and you alright!?" Arnav asked. But Khushi wasn't replying.

When Arnav was about to wrap his arms around her, she got self conscious and backed up. As she looked at him in shock and interrogated her own action, she felt her anger returning.

"It's only hell because of you. As long as you are in my life, my Adi will always remain away from me. Like a pillar you have been standing in between us!" she retorted. Her chest rose and fell due to the anger. She joined her hand in front of him in disgust, "for god sake just leave and go away somewhere, even where your shadow couldn't come in between me and my baby and my Adi," she said and left.
Arnav looked at her as she went from there.

He placed his arm on the wall and his head against it. He took a deep breath and went inside to ask about Khushi's health.

"Hi, Dr. Sharma!" Arnav greeted.

"Hi!" Dr. Sharma greeted back. "Mr. Raizada I am afraid you are late!"

"Yes, I am sorry, I have been really busy!"

"Please have a seat!" Dr. Sharma offered.

Arnav nodded. "May I know how Khushi is doing!?"

"Yes, she is fine. Just have to be extra careful. You know that she recently suffered from minor anemia, I am little concerned it will cause her problems during pregnancy. It's her first time getting pregnant that adds more attention and care! Please make sure she doesn't take any unnecessary tension, eat her good on time, takes her medicine!"

"I hope there is nothing else to worry about!"

"That will be confirmed after the blood tests reports. I hope she is doing okay! Only, want you to know to make sure to take of her as much as possible. She needs rest, again because it's her first time getting pregnant. It could be little intimidating...Fatigue, vomiting, morning sickness will take toll on her health. It's just her body will be getting use to new changes in her body...And doesn't know how to react at the moment."

Later Arnav listened to her and asked other concerns that he had and wished goodbye before leaving.

When Arnav sat back in the car, Khushi was talking to Adi. He immediately got out and waited until, she finished talking to him.

He could hear her sobs, and complains why didn't he come!? Khushi's taunts never hurted him than her own pain that she was going through.

"I really apologize Khushi baby!" Aditiya said. "I have had an urgent meeting!"

Then in the morning Khushi remembered Arnav talking to his manager, Aman.

"No, Aman please cancel all the meetings of today. And postpone it to tomorrow!"

"But sir, this is with Mehra's this is the most important meeting before the merger of our companies."

"I am aware of it, Aman. Ask them if they don't agree to it, tell them we can collapse the idea of the reunion," he told him flatly.

Aman was looking at him in disbelief.
But he made no other comment.
"Yes, sure sir, I will definitely make sure that they listen to us. I will try my best to convince them!"

"Even if you don't it doesn't matter!" he told him.

"Hello, Khushi baby are you there!?"

"Yes, yes, I am. It's okay Adi I hope you can meet me at the minister coffee shop at 1:00 PM."

"I will!" Aditiya agreed.

As soon as Khushi hung up the phone, Arnav sat back in the car.

"To the Miller's Advocate office," Arnav told his driver.

"What the heck I was thinking!?" Khushi thought. "Adi is far better than this beast. After knowing his crappy lie, he was the one who believed me. Adi is far far better than this sop!" Khushi muttered under her breath.

And Arnav did have listened to her babbled words.

"It must had been hard to live with me for these 3 months, isn't!?" his voice dry. His gaze outside the window.

"Hard!?" she asked in disbelief. "Not at all," she said and Arnav knew the taunt was in its way.

"It was a torture living with person like you. My heart wanted to hit you so badly whenever you touched me, I felt so dirty..."She venomed each and every word.

Arnav forced a smile on his face. "I can imagine that!"

"Do you remember the chocolates that you sent me on the valentines day!? I would have given to dog, but no didn't want him to get ill. That's how much I hated you! Rose, cards that you sent I felt like smashing your face with them, but no thank god I didn't dirty my hands. By the way they went into the garbage that's how much I hated you!" she said right looking at him. Missing on moments of the look on his face.

She wanted to abuse him so badly that he should know he played with Khushi. And she wasn't his doll. Person like him can't just go away with a mere sorry.

Driver stopped in the front of the law firm office.

"Let's go, your freedom is waiting!" he told her.

"Are the divorce papers ready!?" Arnav asked. The advocate Miller looked at him and then at Khushi.

"The person who is currently a billionaire, has great reputation, work day and night to emerge as one of the most successful industrialist in the country, is a looser in it's married life. What a shame!?" thoughts provoked in her mind.

"Is it a mutual consent divorce!?" Mrs. Miller, the advocate asked.

"Yes, on a pure basis it's a "mutual consent divorce,"" Khushi stated.

"So, Mr. Raizada do you agree!?" advocate asked.

Arnav was quite. As he wasn't at all listening to what Mr. Miller was saying.

"Mr. Raizada is it a mutual agreement!?" he repeated himself.

"Yes," he answered. For all this time Khushi was the one who was actively talking about the divorcee.

"So are you guys being living apart from each other since 1 year!?" he asked.

"No," they both answered.

"Then you have to. You guys should know that you have to live apart for a year, than case a file!"

"No, he can't let her go until, she delivers her baby, even though it's Aditiya's baby I don't believe him. Khushi won't stay away until, I am assured that Adi is actually a right guy for her!" he thought.

"We will come back after a year!" Arnav said.

"No," Khushi immediately said. "Mrs. Miller how about contested Divorce!? Or Annulment of Marriage!?"

Arnav turned around to look at Khushi in shock.

"Mrs. Raizada are you kidding!?" Mrs. Miller asked.

"Khushi have you gone crazy!? Do you even know what Annulment of Marriage is or the contested Divorce!?"

Khushi got up her seat, "Yes, Mr. Raizada. Am I not pregnant by person other than you!?"

This totally shocked Arnav. Her craze to set herself free had gone to such a heights that now she had no idea what the heck she was saying.
He was seriously going to shout at her but advocate spoke up.

"Look Mrs. Raizada, Mr. Raizada I am sorry, but I keep the right to say this that before seeking a divorce you need a conciliation on this matter. I know at this point you guys might not be ready to be with each other. But you should think. Because this is definitely going to separate you guys, within just few weeks, but let me tell you, I have seen so many couples taking such steps, by doing so they only regret and by filing the case on the terms such as "contest" or "annulment" can effect you and your personal life, at the same time people who really need it."

"But..." Khushi said.

"Please Mr. Raizada explain her!" lawyer just said that.

Khushi left the room in rage. Arnav stood there as he watched her go.

"Mr. Raizada is there anything like fraud or domestic violence or pre..."

"No," he immediately said. "Mrs. Miller you were right we just think peacefully before taking any step!"

"Very well. Mr. Raizada I hope if their is any issue you may resolve. Otherwise, you may come and we can proceed," Mrs. Miller said.

"Thank you!" Arnav said and left.

Mrs. Miller and her husband Mr. Miller had been Arnav's advocates for years. As far as, Mrs. Miller remembered Arnav was against domestic violence itself and Khushi's pregnancy made her doubt, but she believed Arnav.

For the first Arnav felt like hitting something. His one mistake and this big mess. He paced angrily out of the office and hit the wall with the bone breaking intensity.

It was right, Arnav Singh Raizada, was now a dead man.

"Drop me at Minister coffee!" Khushi ordered the driver.

Arnav looked outside the window.

After 15 minutes, driver had dropped at the coffee shop. "Sir, where do you want to go!?"

"We have to wait for her!" Arnav told.

Driver nods and parks the car at the parking lot.

After 15 minutes of waiting finally Aditiya had showed up. Khushi quickly got up and gave him a hug as she cried.

"Hey, baby what happen!?" Aditiya said as he embraced her in a tight hug.

"Adi why didn't you come when I needed you!?" she sobbed.

"I am sorry Khushi. I told you that I was busy! But look I am here. Won't you tell me what's the good news!?" he asked.

Khushi pulled away from the hug and looked at him in his eyes. Aditya waited for her to speak.

"Adi I am..."

"Yes," he said as he nodded once. "I am pregnant with your child!" she finally told him.

Aditiya stood frozen as he looked at her in shock. Khushi got scared as she didn't know if Aditiya will accept it or not.

"Adi what happen!? Aren't you happy!?" she asked nervously.

"Khushi you are not kidding right!?" he asked as a smile crept on his face.


"Oh gosh Khushi," Aditiya said and hugged her. "Khushi you don't have any idea how big happiness you have given me!"

Khushi burst into cries. "Ssh baby, we should celebrate!"

Khushi's heart filled with happiness. "Thank you Khushi baby. Now that's definitely a slap on that bast**d's face!" he said furiously.

"Please don't mention him in front of me!" Khushi said as she got angry.

"What happen baby did he say anything to you!? You just tell me, I promise I will break his neck!"

"Well, you don't even need to do that. Because for him I am enough!"

"Very good Khushi. You need to tell him what he did to you," Aditiya said.

"You don't worry about that!" Khushi said. "So when we are going to celebrate!?"

"We will celebrate baby. But the thing is I have to go to London. I have a business deal."

Khushi's face fell. "Oh baby please don't be sad," he said.

"Please Adi I can't live with that beast anymore. Please take me along with you!"

"No baby you have to. We can't let that Raizada get away just like that. We have to break him more and more and more until he has no capacity to bear it!"

"You know that right how he made fun of you!? How did he spoil your reputation in the university!? And your parents!?" he said convincing her.

She nodded in approval. "So, when you will come back!?"

"After a month, may be!"

Khushi's face fell again. "Oh baby please. You know the month will pass by just like that."

Khushi nodded and hugged him again. 



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