Friday 30 May 2014

On his demand part 34

"No," Arnav screamed in his mind.

"Please god keep my Khushi and my baby safe!" was the only pray that danced on his lips.
There never had been a need to pray to God. Never! Arnav had been so strong, that he had faith that every worst situation would turn into normal, but today for his life he was praying.

Love had always been the biggest strength, that one could feel secure under the huge protective shell of it, but it's also the weakest of weakness. And this is why, Arnav had always kept himself away from. He loved his parents, life snatched them away from him.

With Khushi there was an instant connection of his soul with hers. A few months ago, it was hard to believe person like Arnav could love, who was too blunt to tolerate. But he had loved. He knew that Khushi would be first and last person he will think of spending his life with.

He got her, but in a worst way.
For whom, he had once promised to himself, that he would give his life for, turned out to be the one whose life he promised he would ruin.

He had jumped into conclusion, he had kept Khushi responsible for Anjali's condition. When she was not at all wrong.

People came in her life played with her as they owned her. They used her as a puppet and hurt her as she had no emotions. And it was a shame for him that he was the one who had done that.

Today, Anjali had called her by names that she didn't deserve at all and even he himself didn't ever thought he would use for her. Even then when he misunderstood her.

However, Anjali need a reality check. She had to know that she didn't do good. She should know that in their dirty game they unnecessarily, dragged her.

He got up furiously as he marched to make his way out of the hospital.

"Chote, what happen!?" Mama ji said at his back.

"Bhai!" Akaash said as he rushed after him.

"Akaash you stay here with Khushi!" he said as Akaash tried to match his pace.

"But bhai where are you going!?" he said breathlessly.

"To make things clear!" he muttered Akaash stopped and disappeared in a distance.

"Akaash what happen!? Payal said as she too came rushing. "Where did Arnav go!?"

"I don't know Payal. I am afraid that today something will happen that we never expected!" he presumed.

Payal stood worried by his side. But even she had some talking to do to her sister who had crossed all the limits.


"Anjali bitiya, I am not saying you are wrong, but if Arnav bitwa is saying that Khushi bitiya isn't wrong than we should believe him. He loves you more than anything, you are his sister!" Nani sat beside as she tried to comfort her.

"No!" she shouted. "He doesn't care for me. He loves that girl who has ruined my life. He has proved me today that to him I don't matter at all!"

"I am afraid you are wrong!" Arnav's voice shrilled in the air. But it wasn't clear to which phrase of Anjali did Arnav answered to.

Anjali and Nani both looked at him. "What happen Arnav!? Why are you here!? Doesn't your so called wife needs you!? Or was it just her drama!?"

"I can't believe that it is you who could think of her as it, Anjali di!" he said bluntly.

"I don't really think that I need to say anything to justify my Khushi! But you have to know that you have hurt that woman who had been a game for me and you!" Arnav added.

Anjali crossed her arms; giving an impression as she didn't care or interested in listening about Khushi.

"Please, chote. What I can't believe is that how much your mind has been corrupted by that bitch!"

"Enough!" he shouted, so loudly that his voice echoed as a furious thunder. And it wasn't hard to guess Anjali indeed needed a reality check.

"ENOUGH OF YOUR ABUSE!" he said each and every word clear enough so that it could get to her ear drums. "If you don't want to know if she was wrong or right, it's perfectly fine with me. But JUST STOP SAYING WHATEVER IS COMING IN YOUR MIND!"

"Arnav bitiya, please don't say anything to her at the moment she isn't fine!" Nani pleaded. "We can settle down and talk!"

"No, Nani!" Arnav said. "Not any more!"

Meanwhile, Dhruv, NK, mami and mama ji paid their visit at the door. One by one they entered the house, sending the terrible tension in the air.

"For him, for her, for this, for that...No!" he growled. "Stop treating her as she is a bell in the temple, that anybody could come and ring. Stop treating her as a doormat," his tone grieve filled.

"Just stop it...And you want to know why I married Khushi!?"

Nani didn't say anything, or gestured but it was understood that she wanted to know what was going on. She was wondered the reason behind the sudden decision of him marrying Khushi.

"Because of her. Just like her, three months ago I had thought Khushi and that bas***d Rahul are cheating Anjali di. I was convinced that Khushi was a part of it. Her own bhua ji made me believe that Khushi knew Rahul was married. She kept me as well as her in dark."

"Oh really you just said her bhua ji knew the whole truth of his than why did she agree to marrying her niece with him!" Anjali questioned.

"Yes, "Yes, she did it for money. She needed money for her brother's treatment. She wasn't at mistake either. She didn't know Rahul's reality, she didn't he only wanted Khushi. He had convinced Khushi's bhua ji that Anjali was wrong!"

"Do you get that he said you were wrong!" Arnav said to Anjali. "He proved her that you ditched him. He also made a story that you killed your own child."

"What!?" Nani said.

"Yes, Nani! You want to know how Khushi's dad died! It was Rahul who killed him because he had come to know that he had been cheating on his daughter as well as Anjali di."

"Di, you say I love her no I am her biggest enemy. I married to make her life hell, I wanted to take revenge for what she did to you!"

Anjali's arm loosely uncrossed and let them fall on her side as she looked at him in shock.

"Di in our battles people like Khushi's brother need not to be included. But he was. Today, he had been fighting for his every breath," he said as he was devastated from inside.

Family stood frozen as they fixed their gazes at Arnav, their minds not ready to accept how cheap that Rahul could stoop. They all were aware that Rahul cheated Anjali, but they didn't know Khushi was in it, they didn't know anything what Arnav told them just few seconds ago. So, far they only believed what Arnav had been telling him that, "he loved her and got married!" But the truth was completely opposite.

"I am repeating that Khushi hasn't done anything. I punished her for the deed that she never did...I forced her into the marriage...I abused her..." he said as he finally fell down on his knees.

Anjali stood frozen in front of him. Nani was in no state of peace.

"I abused her!" he repeated.

And Anjali believed so far, that his own chote deceived her. But again here the truth was otherwise.

She fell on the sofa.

"For last more than two months, we were fooled. So much happened with Khushi bitiya and we didn't know. That girl never once complained," Nani was saying more to herself than to Arnav or Anjali.

"I said what I shouldn't have!" Anjali finally said. She wasn't sorry, but regretting as Arnav had supposed.

"You both brother and sister took worst decisions," Nani said. Weighing down what Arnav had told today.

"I didn't know my kids thought they could take decision for others!" she said.

"You both were so blind that you didn't ever thought once about your actions!" Nani added slowly.

"Anjali bitiya I didn't teach you the words that you used for her," Nani said getting little angry now saying without feeling any regret she could be wrong.

"And you chote, did your ego ended at abusing her!?" she then turned to Arnav.

"I am surprised how Khushi bitiya is still living with you!" Nani said. "I am shocked that despite of your abuse and forcing she is still living with you. For whatever reason it had been chote, you don't deserve her!" Nani concluded.

Arnav looked at her in regret filled eyes.

"And Anjali bitiya don't forget that you were cheated, and so did Khushi bitiya...I am not sure if you are really sorry after knowing the truth!"

"I am sorry," Anjali muttered between her sobs.

"Would your words said to her will be taken back!?" she asked. "You do mistakes without listening to others and say sorry that's it!?"

"You both are my kids, but you didn't do good."

"In the end you guys only thought of yourself. Your pain, your rights, your beliefs."

The truth was even the other family were cursing the person who had ruined Anjali's life, not only anyone else.
"Payal we have to call, Arnav bhai. Khushi needs him," Akaash said.

"Yes," Payal agreed and Akaash picked up the phone.
Arnav wiped his tears as he took out his ringing phone from his pocket.

Screen flashed Akaash's number. "Hello, bhai can you please come to hospital immediately."

"Akaash what happen!? Is Khushi fine!?" he asked as his heart thumped loudly.

"Bhai, doctor Sharma said she isn't doing good. Please come soon!"

Arnav immediately rose on his feet and rushed to the hospital, but didn't disconnect the phone itself, as he collected the information from Akaash about Khushi's health.

"Nani, I am so sorry. I should have thought before cursing Khushi."

"No, Anjali bitiya. Your curse can't get to Khushi bitiya and her baby. She had done nothing that god will listen to your prays," she said in bluntness. "She had gone through enough. Chote had gone through a lot as he fought for you. But put his love at stake! But not anymore!"

Not by mere chance, Anjali felt Nani said anything wrong. She agreed to each and every word she spoke.

"I want to apologize," she muttered, wishing by any mere chance she could take the words she said back. "I want to apologize for the words I said as I made hasty generalizations. I hope that Khushi and her baby is fine," she said in utter guilt, sadness.

"No, please...Arnav ji!" Khushi screamed. "Please stop them they are taking our baby!" she tried to make her point as she restlessly fidgeted in the hospital bed going through another hallucination.

The fear had set in her mind that someone will take her baby from her and her husband too.

As she could see few unfamiliar daunting faces, beating up Arnav, who tried to rescue their baby.

She tried kicking people who tried to held her, but practically she was trying to fight in her dream.

Her actions immediately created havoc in Arnav's mind that he came rushing into the ward, rest of the family tried to stay back. Letting Arnav handle her on it's own and lessening the possibility that they might startle her.

"Khushi!" Arnav fell on the bed beside her. "Khushi!" he murmured softly, capturing all his worries, fears, tears.

"Arnav ji..." she was calling out again and again but his voice her ear at no point. Arnav felt extremely helpless, seeing her in this condition. Where she hung in between the dream, that she couldn't just open her eyes and acquaint herself of the reality that no one would harm in his vicinity.

In her dream, she fought back with the men that strongly held her. She managed to take person's hand and took into her mouth as she bite it with all her force, and in reality she had Arnav's side palm as she managed to held correlating the real and dream.

Arnav didn't dare to wince or react in a way that would startled her more than already was. He clenched his teeth tightly trying to absorb the pain Khushi's biting caused.

"Khushi nothing has happened to you. Open to your eyes!" he begged his voice composed, but it didn't seem to be helpful. He pined her arms to her either side and slammed his lips with hers. If by any chance, she could recognize his familiar touch of affection.

Khushi was obviously resisted from saying as his mouth left no room for her to her mouth, her arms strongly held on her sides, unmovable.

He was afraid he would only increase her fears, but he couldn't think of anything to force her to open her eyes.

As Arnav kissed grew softer rather than getting brutal, Khushi seemed to revitalize her senses. She could feel the familiar touch of Arnav. That she was too used to be recalled, even if, her central nervous system completely shut.

"Arnav ji!" he felt her lips forming against his in no fear, but with serenity.

Arnav felt the seeping gush of relief to his taut nerves. He merely moved an inch up, muttering soothing phrases, "Yes, Khushi I am here with you!" he whispered but her eyes remained closed.

His warm breath making close proximity with her skin, giving her the sense of security of him being close to her.

Arnav further didn't move an inch, remained stilled as Khushi seemed to be relaxed, but once again he could feel tense in Khushi's body, her fears kicking back in her vulnerable mind. She couldn't have feared this much in her life than for Arnav and her baby itself.

She couldn't have imagine a day without both of them in her life, since, they both had appeared in her life.

Words that Anjali had said-"Are you happy now, by creating problems between brother and sister...To me you were a wh**e and will always."

She clenched his t-shirt tightly in her hands as she again started fighting back, she was forcing herself to open her eyes, but it felt as they were glued and then all of sudden her eyes opened wide as she tried to take a sharp breath of air, hard enough to fill her own lungs and the baby's need of oxygen inside her.

It tickled Arnav's fear to death. He felt as someone has punched his stomach. Khushi had suffered yet from other panic attack. Dr. Sharma was called in immediately and she too had concluded that it certainly was a panic attack.

"Mr. Raizada, I strongly recommend you to either take her away somewhere she could have a peaceful air to breath or remove the fear that had taken backseat in her mind."

Only one thing had came into his mind and he said, "I think I know what to do!"

Arnav had settled beside Khushi who seemed to relax in her sleep. He had strictly ordered no one enter her ward without his permission as he himself didn't bother to stay away from her even for a second.

He had let her sleep making no sound that would cause her distress. And to Arnav's relief Khushi had slept for good 8 hours.

As in the middle of night she woke up, the room was dimly lit, it wasn't completely dark, that could panic her or too bright that would disturb her, plus Arnav himself was with her.

She put her hand on top of Arnav's that rested on her tummy and pressed it. As she slowly, started recalling, whatever happened during the past few hours.

"Arnav ji," she said. Fear of her baby, if he or she was fine made, her heart thud loudly. She remembered Anjali's curse just before her head had collapsed.

"Yes, Khushi!" Arnav said, quickly getting up as he previously laid his head lying on his bicep close to her.

"How is our baby!? Please tell me how is our baby!?" she asked. This time her voice was shaky.

"Khushi you and our baby are fine!"

Arnav saw her head fell back on the pillow as worry on her face seemed to vanished coupling with the relief. She squeezed his hand.

Arnav couldn't have held one more good news...As Khushi slowly opened her eyes she could see a handsome smile on his face. She couldn't help wondering what was the reason behind it. And not denying the fact it was truly unexpected. 



  1. Thanks for the blog
    Waiting for more update
    Izabella from.IF

  2. Hey Nidhi,
    Congrats for making a new blog where you can post your work.
    and thanks for making me part of it.

    Waiting for the updates
