Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal Part 10

Arnav picked Khushi in his arms and laid her down on the bed gently. He was left utterly confused. Confused at Khushi's behaviour.

"Did she want to tell her that she loved me?" he thought. "Should he be happy about it?" Thought crossed his mind.

Things were getting out of control. He didn't know what he will do when she will know she was carrying a rapist child. She will die and this cannot happen at all. He can't let her go from his life.

"One day she has to know," his mind screamed.

"Let it be a dream please," he wanted to shout. "Please undo everything. Make everything good all over again, please!" He clenched his hair.

His hands covered his face as he cried. And when he looked at Khushi, her face was much more serene as she was sleeping peacefully.

He turned around towards her.

He held her hand in his. And the other hand he ran in her hair.

"Arnav," she murmured. Arnav stilled and immediately moved his hand away. Wiped his tears away.
Khushi slowly opened her eyes and saw him looking at her, to hear what she had to say.

"You okay!" he asked.
She nodded her head weakly in a reply. "Arnav, I want to talk to you!"

"Shall we talk about it later? I think you should rest!" he said and stood up.

"No," she almost shouted.

"Khushi!" he held her by her shoulders before her head hit the dashboard.

"Look, Khushi, you are in dire need of rest!" he explained her.

Khushi closed her eyes. "It's getting worst," she told him. She knew things had to be sorted out and it has gotten so important.

"Khushi things are already worst!" he told her and stood up. He even walked away from there.

"Can't it be sorted out!?" she asked as she herself got out of the bed.

"Only if you wouldn't have made things..."

"Worst..." She completed his sentence.

"Khushi, please, I don't think there is anything left to talk about."

"Do you even know what you have done?" he asked her, his voice furious. His muscle trembled. "Why didn't you kill me, Khushi?"

Khushi was shaking her head.
"Even I wanted to sort things out. Even I can't no longer able to tolerate the pain. You know what I am dying every second. You have ruined your life, as well as my life!"

"What do you mean, I have ruined my life?" she asked.

"Yes, because you are carrying a rapist child khushi. The guy who had raped my sister, Ananaya!"

"No!" she screamed so loudly that her voice echoed in the surroundings.

"Yes, you are Khushi!"

Nothing made sense and nothing else she asked.

One loud thud, Khushi was on the floor.

Arnav shouted her name. Called her again and again as he had rest her head on his thigh but she hadn't answered back.

Her breathing has halted. Arnav was shaking her body, but she was saying nothing.

"God, damn it, Khushi. Get up!"

She wouldn't have said a word, because she was dead!

"Khushi!" he screamed.

Khushi who was keeping Arnav's ironed clothes in the cupboard, got terrified at his scream and ran to his side of the bed.

"Arnav," she kept her hand on his shoulder. "Arnav what happen!?"
"Khushi," he called her name.

"Arnav get up, it's your bad dream!" Khushi said loud enough to distract him and his dream.

Arnav opened his eyes and he looked at Khushi perfectly fine in front of himself.

"Arnav you alright!?" she asked.

Arnav put his hand on his head and closed his eyes. It was his bad dream. "Arnav, you okay!?" Khushi was freaking out.

She looked at him and he was crying. He got up and hugged her.

"Please, Khushi, don't leave me! I won't be able to live without you!"

She was surprised by his confession. But more than that she was worried about him.

He broke the hug and cupped her face. "You fine, right! Are you alright?"

"Arnav, I am fine! It was just your bad dream!"

She couldn't able to see his disturbed state and quickly embraced him back in a tight hug. He cared about her so much that even her worries didn't let him sleep peacefully.

He wished his dream was never true. And he would better stay shut up.

"I am sorry!" he said and got out of the bed. "I am fine!"

Khushi followed him and held him by his arm. "Arnav can you just see your state?" she sounded angry. "And you are saying you are alright? Just look at yourself!"

She calmed herself as Arnav still was quite in shock.

"Please, Arnav, sit!"
She made him sit and passed him a glass of water. He wasn't even in a state to help himself to drink water. Khushi held the glass for him and made him drink.

"Arnav, you slept early last night and didn't even eat anything. You must be hungry, come and I get your breakfast ready!"

"Thank you, but I am not hungry!" he said and went straight to the washroom.

"I couldn't have made things worst than this," she said to herself and sat down on the floor.

"Please Devi Maiyan," she cried. "Please give all my happiness to Arnav, I beg you!"

"Please give him the reason to smile!"

"If you have given him pain, it's only you who would relieve him of it," voice in her mind said to her. "It's only because of you Khushi, it's only because of you!"

"You always have been a spoilt child. Who only thought of hersel," her subconscious mind told her.

She was sorry, extremely sorry. Whatever she had been doing since now was an act of a fool. She held her head that ached of thinking.

She wished she had ever used her brains.

Arnav needed a big distraction from her, and from his work.

She wished Lavanya was here. Although she didn't like the idea, but to make Arnav little better she had to. She scolded herself for being so selfish, and for keeping her legs in two boats.

What a shame!? She couldn't even. keep her own husband, a person she meant, happy who can do anything to bring a smile on her face.

"How can she bring happiness on his face, when she was the one to give him the pain?"

Both of their life stood at that edge of top of the mountain where a step back and forward meant life and a death.

She can never keep him happy, she thought. She can't just keep him happy. 

But she can't take this an excuse, if Arnav could accept the fact his own wife had cheated him, but still take care of her then why can't she just give him happiness.

"Arnav, even I can't afford to loose you, if you can, please forgive me, please!" she cried.

"Hello jiju!" Payal said.

"Hi!" he said. Payal noted the change in his tone. His usual smile wasn't even visible on his handsome face. He looked tired, no not tired. He was down with grieve.

"Jiju, you alright?" she asked. Is Khushi fine? She thought. But she just had called her and she sounded perfectly fine.

"Yes, I am! Just little tired!" this time he gave her smile. But it just didn't clicked to Payal's satisfaction. "Are you sure you are fine?"

"I think I have a little fever nothing more than that!"


"Yeah, last night I had kept AC on at a quite low temperature, may be that is why!" he told her.

"I am so sorry to hear about that jiju! I hope you had a medicine."

"No actually, I think I will be fine!"

"I really hope that you get well soon jiju! Because you have to come to my party that is on Friday."

"Party, for what? I mean is there anything special!?"

"Yes, actually I had a little gathering!"

"And your little gathering means calling the whole town," Arnav joked.

Payal couldn't help, but laugh. "No, this time my motive is to to invite whole Delhi!"

"That would be awesome!" Arnav said with a laugh.

"Well, don't worry I will surely come!"

"By the way, where is Khushi? Atul had told me you are here in the lounge area, so I came here. I was wishing I could invite her too!"

"She must be in the room!" he told her.

"Thanks jiju! But please take care of yourself. You have to definitely come to my party!"

"Of course, I would not like to be taunted for the rest of my life," Arnav joked. "And you can imagine how it would sound like coming from your sister side!"

"A very dangerous situation jiju! Please get well soon! See you at the party!"

Payal got up the couch and left.

"Khushi, is everything okay!?"

"Why, why do you think anything is wrong, Payal?" Khushi asked as she busied herself to clean up her side of the cupboard.

"Khushi, I have never seen jiju this sad. He claims to be sick, I believe that, but Khushi he wasn't himself today!"

Khushi was silent. She couldn't tell how messy their life was at the moment. She had no guts to tell Payal that she herself was the reason of Arnav's condition.

"And, Khushi, you should be taking care of Arnav jiju. What is he really doing alone?"

Again she had no answer to that. "Could you please say something?"

"I had to clean my cupboard, Payal. And it was Arnav who asked me to stay away from him!"

"What?" Payal's eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, because he is down with fever and he doesn't want me to catch it."

"Oh fine! I really hope jiju gets alright! By the way, I have done as you had asked me. I have invited jiju to the party!"

Khushi kept her sun dress away and went to Payal, who sat on the bed. Khushi sat beside her. "Please, Payal, make sure you don't call so many people, Arnav doesn't like crowd. And make sure there is no spicy food, he is not used to it. It makes him sick."

Payal kept a hand on her sister's hand and said," Khushi, don't worry, I will take care of every need."

"Also make sure there is no loud music, as you like it!"

"Khushi, thank- you for letting me know. If anything else that needed attention, I will take care of it," she said.

"Payal, to be honest, Arnav is feeling really low. I wish I could tell you the reason!"

"Khushi, I hope there is nothing serious!?" Payal said, worried. Her guess was right, there was something that was bothering him. Anyways, it was there personal matter and she shouldn't be pocking her nose in it, she said to herself.

She studied her sister's face. "Khushi, whatever the reason is, I hope it is solved before it gets a problem."

"That's why I am doing all this, Payal, to help Arnav!"

"I am with you my sister. For jiju, anything!"

Friday! (Three days later)

Arnav had gotten ready for the party. Dressed in a black Armani coat, with white shirt, and a red tie he looked as a Greek god.

His black hair short, crew cut, spiky look, made him a handsome God. The smell of his body wash still lingered in the room even when he had taken a shower an hour ago.

Even though he had been tired from a long day work, he managed to take time out for the party that Payal had planned.

Khushi who had been standing for god knows how long, completely hypnotized by Arnav's handsomeness, felt like her mind had totally blown. "How a man be this handsome?" she asked herself.

Even for some reason, Arnav hadn't even noticed her presence. As he turned around he saw Khushi standing. She wasn't ready yet...

"Khushi, why aren't you ready?"

She stood as a carved idol. Arnav snapped his finger and Khushi was out of her dreamland.

"Why aren't you ready, Khushi. Aren't you going!?"

"No, I mean. I won't be able to go."

"What do you mean? Why!? Your health fine?"

"Yes, Arnav, I am fine. But I don't feel like going!"

"Come on, Khushi," Lavanya said as she entered the room. Dressed in a beautiful white designer sari. She looked gorgeous as ever before.

Khushi looked at Arnav who was looking at Lavanya. "You look beautiful, la!" Just a compliment from a friend's side.

"Thank-you," she said courteously. "And look at you, I must say you look beyond handsome!" she praised him back. "I don't think anyone will be able to resist you today at the party!"

"You are very lucky to have this handsome hunk, with a beautiful heart, Khushi," Lavanya said to Khushi. Khushi gave her the smile, that surely was a forced one.

Khushi felt an enormous hit of emotions and the one that dominated was jealousy. She took a step back as Arnav and Lavanya engaged themselves in a friendly talk. A friendly behaviour between them, nothing that should have bothered anyone even Khushi, but still it did.

She knew Arnav is not such a kind who will go after ladies, doesn't matter how beautiful they are. But her evil mind gave her every hint to force her think otherwise.

He was a man and he has such emotions, shut up, Khushi screamed in her mind. She believe Arnav and he is very loyal not like you a cheater. Again her thoughts worked against her.

"Khushi, you are definitely going alright! How could you even think Arnav will let you stay alone. I know him if you aren't going, neither he will go. So decide if you want him to stay. By the way, what's the use of he going if you both aren't going."

"No," Khushi said. "I didn't mean to upset you guys. I was just...okay give me ten minutes, I will be ready."

"Relax, Khushi," Lavanya said as she looked at her face. "I was just joking, I mean by being angry. The thing is, we surely want you to go. If you aren't going neither me nor Arnav will go."

This surely Khushi can't let happen, the party was for Arnav, if he will not go, what's the use, Lavanya was right.

"Okay, you get ready, I and Lavanya wait for you outside!" Arnav told her. "If you need anything please let me know!" Khushi nodded her head with a warm smile which needed not any effort.

"Whenever I see you, I find myself smiling for no reason.
A smile that is so natural," Khushi couldn't help thinking.

But Arnav leaving didn't give her any good feeling. As they both turned to leave, Khushi called, "Arnav."

"Need something!" he asked with the most beautiful smile on his face which was already on his face when he had turned. She didn't know, if it was because of her.

She shook her head. "I will be ready in ten minutes," she told him.

"Take as much time you need, Khushi," he answered her back. "No hurries!"

"Whenever you call me by name, butterflies rise in my stomach. From your mouth, a simple name of my sounds a beautiful melody." 

Khushi dug through the cupboard to find the best of best sari she could find. Unfortunately, she found none. At first place, she didn't even decided to go. As she wanted to give a few hours of peace to Arnav. Where he could thoroughly enjoy, without her and his worries for her. A time just for him that he could spend with his friends.

But what would she wear," she thought. But she wasn't aware she was a wife of whom? Arnav Singh Raizada! She was surprised how well he was in held of his emotions. It wasn't that this side of him wasn't there. This was one of the side of Arnav Singh Raizada, but he hardly showed it to anyone. Which wasn't at all a positive but a sign he was totally broken from inside. For what she can never forgive herself.

As her eyes fell on a box, wrapped in a blue box, written on it was her name, "For Khushi!"

Writing was Arnav's. She impatiently torn the wrapper and opened the box, For her, it was. But what could be inside it, she was dying to know.

She ripped the packing and found herself a new sari. Elegant sari, red in colour with black blouse. And her favourite type, net. She was awestruck.

Did he knew she had nothing traditional to wear? Of course, he knew! What he didn't know?

Wasting no time, she immediately took a shower and wore the sari that her husband had brought for her, when she had no idea. A day or even hours ago it wasn't there. Of course, Arnav must put it there. It wasn't surprising it was designed by himself.

"Khushi, before you even think of the thing you want, it will be in front of you!" Arnav had said to her two months ago. Thought made her happy, but utterly sad. She didn't deserve it.

She tied her long hair in a low simple bun, but she looked as beautiful. In a jewellery, she simply wore her Mangalsutra; for the first time, and the gold bangles that Arnav had given to her that were from his mother's side to her daughter-in-law.

For the first time she felt the strong urge to be called by the name Mrs. Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada.

"Okay, Lavanya you can go. Me and Khushi will be right behind you, " Arnav said.

"Sure!" Lavanya said, and left.

When Arnav entered the room, Arnav couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't believe if he was seeing the Khushi that he somehow wished
to look like, however, never ever tried to change her.

At last, she was there. Just the way she wanted her to see. As Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada! He didn't know if he would be ever be able to add her name with his own name.

Khushi was busy setting her blouse that somehow looked quite disoriented. She turned around to see what was the problem with it and found out she had hooked the hooks improperly. Arnav didn't say anything, but looked away immediately when Khushi unhooked her blouse. When Khushi felt as someone was behind her she let out a scared gasp, but she felt relieved when she saw it was Arnav.


"I am sorry, I had just came to ask to..."

"It's okay!" she instantly said as she didn't even mind his presence. "I thought it was any of the worker."

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

"It's really fine, Arnav, I was all ready, but just this need to be fixed!"

Her cheeks were crimson red, she thanked god Arnav wasn't looking at her. Him seeing her struggling with her blouse, sent chills up her spine. And due to the nervousness she couldn't even find the correct place to clip the hooks.

"I am waiting downstairs," he said feeling utterly embarrassed himself. At the same time, he felt foolish for staying in the room at the wrong time.

He didn't find it appropriate to approach her to help either, in case if he ended up offending her. Even Lavanya had left, so he can't even
ask to Khushi's help.

When Khushi couldn't help herself she asked Arnav for help, without even thinking twice. "Arnav please help me!"

Arnav stood still wondering if he will be able to help her. "Please!" She said.

He looked at her. "Khushi, me!?"

"Yes, Arnav you!"

"I asked you to put zipper instead of hooks," she complained.

He had totally forgot about that. He had forgotten that his wife would never wear blouse with hooks. At least that was her excuse for not wearing such sari's.

But he was confused because today his wife had. Khushi hadn't realized what she had welcomed by asking a help from him.

As he first unclipped the hooks and his hand touched her skin, which he tried his best not to, sent goosebumps to rose on her full body. And their eyes met in the mirror.

"Sorry," he merely muttered. His eyes looked away and he hooked her blouse properly, the side of her hand touched her skin and the last thing she knew she was going to faint there. She closed her eyes and prayed that he wasn't looking at her. Her breathing wasn't even coping with her.

Arnav finished as fast as he could, his hands trembled that made hard for to hook four hooks for him.

"Done!" he said. When he looked Khushi's reflection in the mirror, his breath hitched in his throat. Her face glowed, cheeks red with a dark blush, and eyelids lowered. Her lips quivered. He couldn't believe she was the same Khushi who had kissed him. The thought of that moment had gave him an unsual happiness, but left him unhappy as he knew it wasn't the reality.

Hope you had fun reading it...

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