Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal Part 13

Khushi waited for Arnav, and it has been 10:00 PM, he hadn't come. Also, she had no idea if his whereabouts. She called two hours ago and they said he was busy in the meeting. But his meetings are never run this long. She was getting worried.

She knew he was trying to be hard on her, but he wasn't at all the way he was behaving. She had said harsh words against Ananaya, but in no way his love lessens for her. He still loved her. She wasn't giving herself satisfactions it was the truth, and he just couldn't forget her.

15 minutes passed, another 15 another 30 minutes. Clock struck 11:00 and then 12:00...

She sat in the sofa, waiting for him. Even Lavanya wasn't at home, since she was doing the night shift at the Fortis.

She was getting restless, the fear was growing in him with every second passed.

She knew if anything happened to Arnav she will be the reason of it and she will forgive herself.

She called Aman again and he told her that he had left office around 9:00 PM.

She was sleepy, as she rested her cheek on her fist she almost dozed off when a small jerk made her open her eyes.

She got up when sitting only made her sleepy. Walked back and forth, around 2:00 AM she heard the horn of the car.

She so wished it was Arnav. She ran to the door when the bell rang. It was Arnav and driver with him. Arnav was drunk.

"Mam, he was at the bar for the past 4 hours drinking."

"What?" Khushi was shocked.

"Yes, mam."

Khushi walked forward and held Arnav.

"Thank you, you can go."

"Arnav, what condition you have made of yours!?" Khushi scolded.

Arnav refused to take her help. He moved her back.

"I am drunk, but not out of my mind. Even if I am drunk 100 bottles at a time than also I won't even forget you."

"Arnav, you need help."

"Help!? Defiantly not yours, Khushi Kumari Gupta. Definitely now not only in my dream. Do you get that, I hate you."

Khushi's back hit the wall. Tears flushed down her eyes.

"Arnav, what are you saying?"

"What happen, Khushi?" he asked sarcastically. "I wonder why are you so shocked?"

"I wonder, why you think after what you said and did could help me?"

He was drunk, but very much in his senses.

"Just stay from my path and let me tell you, I don't need any help."

"Especially yours," he added bitterly.

He had difficulty walking and couldn't have walked without any help. But knowing the person who was actually the cause of his problems couldn't be helpful in any way.

Atul came running as he hadn't yet has gone to his home. Waiting for Arnav to come.

"Sir, you need help."

Atul was actually surprised. Before this time he was never drunk.

"Just. Stay. away. From. Me," he said every word clear.

"I am sorry sir," Atul said and backed off.

"Just go home now..."

"But sir your food."

"Do you want me to ask you leave forever?"

"I am sorry, sir," he said and left.

Arnav held onto the pillar and then walked. He was in pain. Complete pain. He climbed one step on the stairs and tripped.

"Arnav," Khushi shouted and rushed to help him. He didn't even let her to touch him and asked her to back off.

"Arnav, stop it. I know you are hurt and I admit I have hurt you but please let me help you. Please."

Arnav dropped his head back and laughed harder. "Please, just give me a break," he said bitterly. "Just please leave me alone. Do you have any idea you give me pain? A pure pain, Khushi. I can't tolerate it. I am in so much pain and these drinks are of no help. When I see you, you remind me of my sister's helplessness...Her pain..."

"You need to be sensible lady, Khushi. Even now you have time, admit that bas***d is ruining your life. He will destroy you. For god sake listen to me."

"After so much pain I have given you, why are you warning me? Why you just don't get me the punishment for what I did?"

Arnav walked to her, anger filled his eyes, his eyes were red, Khushi didn't know what was the cause, drinking or anger itself.

He held her by her shoulders and screamed, "Because I love you...And I don't want to see you in this state. I don't want you to end up doing what my sister did. You are just alone. You have this baby with you. You hurt me it's fine, but why do you want to hurt this unborn. He has no mistake. It's just a result of mistake that you did. Khushi, by sleeping that bas***d did really made you hurt me, it kills me every second, but this baby has no fault, what it would be like hearing that this baby is of a rapist."

And he let her go. "You know what!? There is no point in telling you these things; in return, I will just hear bad about my sister."

"It's true that I love you, but I will never go and blame anyone of such a cheap act. I am not such a person."

"Anyways, I hope you just have signed those divorce papers. I free you, you are an adult and you are the captain of your own ship. In the end, it will be just you who will guide yourself on the path you want to go."

"My job was to tell you, rest you know what's better for you," he said and left.

"But," he turned around. "Don't you think freeing you from this relationship means you are free to go that bas***d. You can take any decision, but let me make it clear that you are just not going to bas***d. I will not just let you do anything."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I think you did understand what I meant."

"If you want to leave I will go," Khushi said. "But I am definitely not really listening you. Also, I have signed those papers and they are in the cupboard," she said.

"Why am I not surprised, Khushi!? Why am I not surprised that you were going to do something similar?"

Khushi looked at him. "Did you really read the clause?" he asked.

"What clause?" she asked.

"Where are the papers?"

"In the cupboard!"

Arnav went to his room, even he stumbled somehow he made it, slid open the door of the cupboard and took the divorce papers. And locked those papers where Khushi had signed.

"And took the copy of it."

"The same copy, Khushi, that you signed. And the conditions which I am sure you didn't read were clear and concise. After the divorce the baby will be mine. And if you tried for an abortion you will have to do what I ask you to do, anything," he emphasized.

"I know how insensible woman you are. And I am sure I don't have to elaborate on that. Moving further, if you can cheat me what do you think I can let you go free. If you want to go ahead. But it's written very clearly that you cannot leave me until you deliver the baby that you are carrying. Which biologically or may be not biologically."

"You cannot do this to me!" she shouted.

"Why not?" he asked.

"What do you think, I am a majnu who is madly in love with and could do as you say?"

"Why do you really think, I will make it's so easy for you and for your lover?"

"Khushi, you just saw the passion by which I have loved you, but not the passion with which I make people life suffer. If I can love you, double the intensity I can hate you."

"I will surely make your lover suffer even if as you think he didn't rape my sister. It's just my time. And you, you just have whole 7 months 15 days and 22 hours. You can sit and read all those conditions in it."

"Good night, Khushi," he picked up his night suit and left from there to sleep in the other room.

And before really leaving he again turned and said, "Read those child clauses really carefully, Khushi," he smiled cruelly at her back and left.

Khushi had just signed those papers without thinking. She hadn't really thought what could really be in it. And if she really knew what was in it she wouldn't have ever signed them.

"This baby just cannot be yours," Khushi shouted.

Arnav had heard her as he had gone half way to the adjacent room. He only smiled.

Conditions read, "I, Khushi Kumari Gupta, agree that the baby/babies; the latter in case of twins, will only be Arnav Singh Raizada."

Second condition,"Until, I, Khushi Kumari Gupta do not deliver the baby/ babies she will remain under Arnav Singh Raizada's surveillance only; that is, with him."

Third condition, "I, Khushi Singh Raizada, will be held responsible if anything happened to Arnav Singh Raizada's baby/babies; other than that of the medial conditions."

"Failure of any of the set conditions can cause strict law actions that can include jail of lifetime."

"Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, you are just simply foolish. I won't give my baby. You just don't have right on she/he," she said crumpled those papers.

Arnav's head pounced violently. Being drunk for the first do take special toll.

"Damn it!"

"Here have it, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada," Lavanya said.

"La, you!"

"Yes, me. What's wrong with you? You came home drunk last night. Atul told me. And why didn't you sleep in your room?"

"Have you seen Khushi's conditions? She is constantly throwing."

"What?" he said and rushed to Khushi.

Lavanya followed him. "Arnav, how could you be so careless, you know that she is pregnant and you were high on alcohol. What gotten in you? As far as I know you don't drink," Lavanya said as she followed Arnav.

"La, I was so happy, you know!?" he said.

"This happy that you got so drunk."

"La, you just don't know how happy I was. But see I just forgot I have my baby to look after."

By baby, la thought, Khushi. "You should be careful, Arnav."

"Khushi," Arnav said and held Khushi by her shoulders. "Khushi, you fine."

Khushi was throwing constantly.

"La, is it possible to throw this much," he asked.

"It is," she said.

Arnav flushed the toilet and helped Khushi drink water that Lavanya had brought for her.

"You guys wait, I will be back," Lavanya said as she knew it was right time to leave.

Khushi made him free her. "Stop showing these concerns that you really don't want to show."

"You know I am not like you, Khushi. I just don't show concerns unless, I really mean it. It comes from my heart. And by the way, it's all for my baby. And to care for my baby, it's really important to take care of you. Drink water and come outside. And do make sure to keep this drama on going atleast, in front of my friend La. I don't want to see her in any tension. For you relationships might not matter, but to me they keep an utter importance. Just get that in your little head," he stepped to leave.

"I will do what I want," she said.

"Do so! Who is really stopping you? But make sure my close once and my baby is not hurt," he stopped to say that and left.


"Khushi bhabi, Arnav bhai where are you guys?" Anjali called.

She saw Lavnaya and literally ran to her. "La, what a pleasant surprise? When did you come? Nobody told me you are here."

"It was all meant to surprise you."

"After so long, we are meeting, Anjali."

"That's so true," she said and hugged her tightly. "Oh, la, you don't know how much me, bhai were missing you."

"And I was going to surprise you guys, but you really surprised me," Anjali said.

"But you did surprised me, Anji, and yes, I did really missed you so much."

"Where is Khushi bhabi and Arnav bhai?" Anjali had said when both Arnav and Khushi came from their room.

"Oh, Khushi bhabi," Anjali screamed as she ran to Khushi.

"Anji, careful," Arnav said. Before Anjali hop on Khushi to hug her.

"Why, what happen, bhai!?"

"Guess what!?" La said as she walked to three of them.

"What!? Bhabi is your health okay!? Are you sick!?"

"Are fool, she is pregnant."

Anjali covered her mouth with both her hands.

"Oh my god, seriously!? Oh my..." Anjali was jumping in happiness. "Oh, bhabi, bhai, just give me a hug..."

"Surprise after surprise, first la, and now this bhabi's pregnancy."

"Bhai, many many many congratulations. Bhabi, I just love you. After so long, finally happiness is returning to this home. I just can't believe it," Anjali said and as she finished her last statement she was crying.

La rubbed hand on her back and Arnav hugged her. "Finally, bhai. Happiness. Finally!"

At this point, nobody could really weigh the happiness as well as pain filled Anjali's heart. "Finally, in the form of this baby we will get what we had lost bhai."

Arnav's heart cried, but he didn't let it to show in the form of tears or through the expression on his face. Anjali broke the hug and hugged Khushi.

"Bhabi this is the best happiness you have given to this family. Thank you will just not be enough."

She pulled away from the hug. "Oh god, I will just go crazy, please tell me I am not dreaming."

Lavnaya pinched Anjali on her arm. "Anji, you aren't."

"Oh lord, touch wood. No evil get to the happiness of this house."

Her wish was of no use, because evil wouldn't have gotten to their happiness in any way else than ruining their lives.

"Bhabi, I don't know if you had told bhai about this, but bhai, I have to tell you I have another surprise for you."

"What surprise?" Arnav asked.

"Bhai, I have found a life partner. Please bhai don't get mad at me, but I truly love him. I had asked Khushi bhabi to talk to you. But I guess she had more things to worry about. But it's alright, bhai, I just didn't want to ruin this happiness. However, with great difficulty I actually able to gather the courage. Bhai, I promise, if you didn't like this guy, I will not let this relationship go any further. Bhai, I just need your, "yes."

"Who is he?"

"Bhai, his name is Karan. And if you want to meet him, I will call him tonight."

Anjali expected an angry words from Arnav, but rather he said, "You didn't need to ask anyone's favour to tell the guy you love, Anjali."

By "anyone" he meant Khushi.

"And go and call that guy whom you love. I will make sure he is just right guy for you."

The last comment he really didn't mean as a taunt. But he truly wanted to make sure he was handing his sister in right hands.

"I just love you bhai. I guess I should have told you this before. Without any rhyme and reason I was worried. Bhai, he surly is one of a kind. You will love him," Anjali said.

Arnav smiled at her sister lovingly. But the real fear was in his heart. He didn't want that guy to break his angel's heart. 


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