Friday 30 May 2014

On his demand Ch 40


 "God will make everything alright. I know for Khushi bitiya, chote will do anything and we are here," mama ji said, weighing his own said words, it was easier said than done. However, faith was there that they all could start fresh.


"Mr. Raizada you are not at all well, please listen me and rest," doctor Chopra encouraged Arnav. But Arnav wasn't listening. He had to meet Khushi.

"Dr. Chopra..." Arnav hissed. Now he was aware how badly his body ached. He couldn't ignore the pain anymore, but the pain in his urge to meet Khushi, to see her was more than his own physical pain.

However, it couldn't let himself get up. He fell back on the bed.

"Mr. Raizada, Mrs. Raizada is not yet up. But please believe me she will be fine."

Arnav was fidgeting in pain, anger, annoyance, and helplessness.

"Mr. Raizada I will keep you updated about Mrs. Raizada's health. You please take rest."

As soon as Dr. Chopra left, Arnav put his hand on his head. A single tear fell down his eyes.

Million questions hovered in his mind and he had no answers to them. The whole situation felt like a dream. He was so wishing it was a dream. But at the same time, reality hit him hard.

Their lives had come to an abrupt stop, and every single second was painstaking.

Every breath felt like a curse.


On the other hand, Khushi had woke up, but she was lifeless. Every family member tried to talk to her, but there was no response from her side. Nani went, she tried to sound as cheerful as she could, not worked. She end up crying and immediately was out of the ward.

Payal had went with food, but Khushi didn't even open her mouth. Her mind was blank, she wasn't hearing anything, and she even denied to look anywhere, but straight somewhere, not specifically anywhere. Overall, paying no attention to anything in anyway.

Too lost in the grief. Even the words Anjali had told her, Arnav's assurance that their baby will be fine, and then the same him told her that he couldn't able to save their baby, all stopped.

Paralyzed. Frozen.

Her baby meant everything to her, she had fascinated a world, in which, it was her, Arnav and their baby. She had her own fears that she would lost her baby, but she hadn't expected it to come true.

Bhua ji came inside to see her even she had swore that everything will be fine, but wasn't everyone telling the same thing before. How it turn out to be wasn't something she thought or really anybody had expected.

"Titliya, please speak something," she had said trying not to cry, however, form her voice it was evident that she will not be able to gather the strength over her niece's loss.

Still when she couldn't say anything and Khushi didn't respond her, she stayed quite.

She was surprised, Khushi hasn't even asked about Arnav; that's how deeply shocked she was.

Everyone wanted to do something for her, to bring down Arnav's grieve, who was trying to get well as soon as possible, so that he could do something.

Three days passed, Arnav was finally able to got out of his bed. Unfortunately, but his condition stayed relatively the same.

And it was certainly not the way he wanted to go in front of Khushi, who again hadn't showed any sign of approvement.

On the fifth day, he had managed to go to the Khushi's room. His heart, that he had managed to glue together, once again had shattered into pieces seeing her. She was chalk white, had grown thinner than she ever was. She was sleeping, he thanked god.

Otherwise, doctors had told him that eating was for more thing she wasn't even having good sleeps.

He slowly closed the door behind and tip toed. Khushi had shivered a bit, as even his rough breath had disturbed her sleep. But no she wasn't sleeping. She had her eyes closed.

Her eyes flew open, Arnav's heart beat stopped, his breath got struck in his throat. Her eyes was red, an aura of grey struck.

They simply looked at each other for a while. It was Arnav who first made the move.

His face showed no sign of grief, but he couldn't able to put a smile on his face either as he had no courage.

He had opened his mouth to say something, but his brain couldn't able to find any words.

He sat on the stool, his heart had further clenched when he found her gaze foreign as she didn't even knew him, or may be he was just overthinking...

He called her name, "Khushi!"
His voice broke, her name hardly came out of his mouth. He closed his eyes, gulped his chokes and tried again. "Khushi, how are you?" To his grieve he sounded worst.

Some of his tears got trapped in his eyes as he shut them, and half spilled out. Something pricked Khushi's heart. After a week, her heart had felt a pain, his pain.

She got up, unable to stop himself, a deep painful cry left Arnav's throat.

Khushi looked at him and she felt her pain growing.

"Arnav ji," she had finally said a word. She immediately got up as she was until the moment was only waiting for him.

She unveiled his hand from his face that he had covered to not show his pain.

Arnav looked at her, deeply shocked. Finally, she was showing a sign of life. He wasn't sure he had to feel happy finally she was saying something, talking to him, or grieve over the loss.

"Khushi," he said and immediately hugged her. He had decided that he will stay strong in front of Khushi, he had prepared somehow to come in front of her. But she was his weakness.

"I am sorry, Khushi!" he wailed.

"Arnav ji, he took our baby," she abruptly broke the hug and touched her tummy. "Arnav ji, our baby!"

Her behaviour made Arnav's heart to sunk down to the levels of endless fear. He was happy at least she had come out of her grief. But no, she hadn't.

"I know, they...they...they all lie. What she said cannot be true!" She said as she conveyed what Anjali had said.

"That evil," she clutched her hair tightly. She hated to use Rahul's name, his images in her mind haunted her.

"He cannot take my baby!" she yelled angrily.

"Everybody is lying to me!"

Arnav held her by her shoulder. "Khushi, calm down!"

"No, even you are lying. I don't want to talk to you, just go!" she yelled pushing his hand away. Arnav gritted his teeth in pain as his wounds made him hiss.

"Khushi listen to me!" he tried to talk to her. She wasn't listening. Arnav held her by her shoulders tightly.

"Khushi," he yelled. "Listen to me!"
Khushi froze. "You have to listen me."

"Our baby is no more!" he shouted the words as he put heavy stone on his heart.

Just before he had come to see Khushi, he had talked to Dr. Sharma.

"Mr. Raizada, Khushi is not responding to anything. We are afraid if she will stay like this she will lost her mental imbalance, or the worst, she could go to coma, just like..."

"No, nothing will happen to her," Arnav had already got up.

"Mr. Raizada where are you going?"

"To do what I should have done long time ago!" he said over his shoulder and left.

***end of flashback***

And this Arnav had to do. It was him who knew how much he hated himself for doing so, but he also knew it was best for her, for him, and for everyone.

"Do you get that, our baby is no more!?" He repeated once again, despite his own said words knifed his heart into pieces.

Khushi's unshed tears had clogged her vision.

"No, you..."

"No, it's the only truth!" he said coldly. "And you have to believe it!"

"It is so easy for you to say," she yelled. "Because I have lost my can't understand the loss!" she yelled even louder.

It was no time to grieve over what Khushi had said, because he knew it was much in an anger than what she really meant.

"Least you have admitted that..." he didn't want to repeat the words once again when he looked the sheer pain in her eyes. He loosened his grip on her shoulder. "Khushi even I have lost part of me!" he said. His words hit her hard.

He stepped back, but his eyes full of pain was still looking deep in hers. He turned around, but only to sit on the bed, beside Khushi . "Khushi..." Before he could really say anything further, Khushi hugged him from his back. "I am sorry," she said as she sobbed. Arnav cried and Khushi's tears soaked his T-Shirt.

Arnav held her arm as he put his sobs aside and pulled her away, only to turn around and hug her.

"Khushi, we have to start fresh," he said. "Khushi what we have lost, we will never forget."

"But our baby!"

"Khushi, you believe in your Devi Maiyan, right?" he said. Khushi nodded in reply. "Believe in her, Khushi, I am sure she has something good for us!" he said. "Just think that more than us she needed our baby!"

Khushi looked at him in his eyes, as she was searching for something. "Will she?" she asked.

He nodded with a smile on his face. Khushi slowly kept her head on his shoulder. Arnav welcomed it. Even her sobs had subsided. She could breath properly. Seeing her, Arnav had forgotten his own pains.

Khushi immediately pulled back. She opened the button of his T-shirt even before he got time to stop her. Arnav had forgotten that his bandages would make her suspicious of his worst physical condition.

Khushi took off his T-shirt. Her eyes were wide opened in shock. He had wrapped bandages that held his broken ribs.

"Arnav ji, how did this happen?" She looked at his blistered skin, his wounds still so fresh.

She covered her mouth as she remembered seeing him badly beaten by Rahul. Fresh tears again oozed out of her eyes. And then ran her hand in her ears.

"I was so blind!" she wailed. She realized Arnav and their whole family had almost gotten killed if se hadn't come their on time.

"No, Khushi!" Arnav said as he saw a guilt in her eyes.

"How could I be so blind that I didn't realize your state, Arnav ji!?" Her tone was full of anger, pain, guilt.

"It's okay, Khushi, it's just a normal..."

"Are you calling it just normal!?" she interrupted her.

"Arnav ji, I hate you! Why do you do so?" she complained. "Why you always hide your pain?"

"So that people that love me don't get hurt!" he answered. "I am fine, Khushi. If you are fine, I am perfect!"

Arnav cupped her face, looking in her brown eyes. "If you will be fine, I will be too! In front of your pain, this is nothing!"

She broke into tears. "Arnav ji, you must he really disappointed in me!" she cried. Arnav immediately shushed her. He lifted her face up and slowly kissed her tears.

"Come on, Khushi. Everything will be alright, as long as we are together!" he said.

"Arnav ji, I want to go home!" she demanded.

Arnav gave her, his best smiles..."As you say, Khushi!"

"The whole family is waiting for you!" he said.

"Whole family!" Khushi shivered thinking of Anjali. Arnav sensed it as it was so obvious to suppose what she was afraid of.

"Khushi it's just our family and she is not there!" Khushi understood he was talking about Anjali.

"Khushi no one else, except
people we believe in!"

But it was sure Khushi didn't want Anjali to be excluded.

"Arnav ji, she is your sister!"

"Khushi, I have lost the most precious thing of my life and I don't want to loose anything else! I love her too, and I am sure she is happy wherever she is!"

Before she could argue Arnav placed his lips on her before saying, "I love you, Khushi!"

Khushi felt his fears and by going against his decision she didn't want to hurt him then by her said words to him in hastiness. She cursed herself for not keeping hold on her tongue. But now she had to be careful of her words.

Deep in her heart, it was the first thing she wanted, her husbands happiness.

They both had pick themselves up and start to learn walk again, together!

And they promised that they will.

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