Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal Part 2

~~~~~~~~PART 2~~~~~~~~~~
Arnav sat in his study in the leather chocolate sofa. His long legs crossed over his ankles. His thumb and index finger pressed against his eyes.

"Arnav bhai are you okay!?" Anjali came running to him before switching on the light. Arnav wiped his hand over his face to wipe any trace of cries.

"Anji when did you come!?" he asked.

Anjali knew her brother wasn't fine at all. She doubted he was crying. And Arnav crying, not at all possible. He only would cry if there was something wrong with her or Khushi.

As long as she herself was concerned, she was okay and he didn't look angry so it means Arnav didn't know about her. Because Khushi promised she will handle everything.

"Khushi bhabi," she immediately thought. "Bhai is Khushi bhabi all right!?"

He shook his head. "Bhai what happen to her!?"

Arnav wasn't replying anything. Anjali instead went to Khushi.

When she reached outside of their room she found the door closed.

"Khushi bhabi!" Anjali said softly knocking on the door. But there was no response from Khushi.

Anjali went back to Arnav worries consuming her peace of mind. "Bhai can you tell me what has happened!? Why Khushi bhabi is not opening the door!?"

Anjali was concerned because Khushi had never ignored her. In fact, more than a sister-in-law, they were best friends and more than real sisters. Doesn't matter how mad her mood was she would only look forward to meet Anjali, but today she had the door locked.

"Bhai why aren't you saying anything!?" Anjali asked loosing her calm.

Arnav knew the reason behind Khushi not replying to anything, but he couldn't tell her.

"Anji nothing is wrong. She is sleeping. Probably that's why she has her door closed."

Anjali was shaking her head. "Not at all Arnav bhai. Khushi bhabi doesn't lock her room. I think there is something wrong."

"Anji didn't I say that nothing is wrong!" Arnav shouted.

Anjali flinched in fear. She came close to him and kept her hand on his thigh. "Bhai is something serious!? Please tell me! Should I cancel my U.K. trip!?"

"I am sorry Anji. Please!" he pleaded. "You don't have to cancel the trip. You may go and nothing is wrong!"

"Are you sure!?" she asked.

"Yes, I am just tired!" he replied.

"Alright bhai!" Anjali said. Her doubts weren't clear at all and yes, she had to talk to Khushi.

She hoped it wasn't because of her. What if Khushi had taken everything on her. No, she thought.

If that was the case she had to clear the air of confusion.

She texted Khushi quickly.

Bhabi in trouble,
Need your help!

Khushi's phone beeped. She took it from the night table and on the screen she read Anjali's message.

She sat up the bed, wiping the tears away. She replied back.

Trouble what happen!?
Are you okay!?

Anjali was relieved to get her reply...

Bhabi wants to talk to you,
Please come to my room...

Khushi read her message and got up the bed. Her stomach churned. "Urgh," she growled. "Why in the world her stomach is churning now!?"

She ignored it. And went straight to Anjali's room.

"Khushi bhabi there you are!" Anjali said.

The moment she looked at Khushi, she wondered if she was fine!?

"Bhabi what has happened!? You look so sick and tired. And even bhai doesn't seem to be in his good mood!"

"Please don't take his name in front of me," she wanted to shout. But she only masked a smile on her face. "Nothing is wrong sweet heart," she said as she wiped her hand in the air as a gesture of assurance.

"Khushi bhabi I know you haven't told Arnav bhai yet, that I love Karan! Because he doesn't seem to be angry about that."

"No, I haven't told him about it," she answered.

Anjali took a sigh of relief.
"I wonder exactly what's the problem between you then!" she said.

"Haven't you packed your stuff yet!?" she said. "When are you going to London!?"

"I have an early flight!" she told her.

"Alright you pack your stuff. I prepare for the dinner."

"Bhabi you didn't answer to my question!" Anjali said as she held her wrist.

"Because there is nothing to answer!" she said and left from there, leaving Anjali in confusion.

On her way back, Khushi felt nauseous and she ran to the washroom to throw.

Arnav had returned from the study to his room and now he was standing by the window, looking at the distance, not some where at something specifically.

"I only hate you..." doesn't know how many times it buzzed in his ears.

His thoughts immediately came to an abrupt stop. He quickly turned around as he saw Khushi rushing to the washroom.

He rushed after her, but was stopped when Khushi slammed the door shut on his face.

He could hear Khushi's coughs, as she tried hard to throw. God knew how would Arnav have helped her. If he would talk to Anjali she will only question him.

If he will go by himself to help her, she would only deny. That was obvious. Just like she did now. In this situation he can't trouble her either.

The worst conclusion he wasn't a big help to her. Until, today he had only hurt her. He could imagine for three months she had faced the person whom she hated.

By keeping a stone on his heart, he had already taken a decision. Decision of letting her go to the person with whom she will be happy, and who will keep her happy.

For all this time, she surely had felt caged. She needed a freedom. And it would be only Arnav who would set her free, the person who had caged her.

***The next morning***

"Bhabi please talk about Karan with bhai okay!" Anjali said to Khushi.

"He only knows to break heart, Anjali," Khushi thought. "This beasts will break your heart too. I am afraid," she said looking at Arnav, who stood in the living room at a distance. "That's what he is capable of!" was a reply that her mind came with.

"I will don't worry!" Khushi reassured even she had no intentions to talk to him. But she promised for Anjali she will try.

"Love you bhabi! I promise I will introduce you to Karan very soon!" Anjali said as she left after giving a small peck on Khushi's cheek.

"Bhai!" Anjali said as she hugged him. "Please take care of yourself and bhabi!" she mumbled.

Arnav's smile had turned into a hurt.
"I will try my best," he said to her. "As long as, I could!" he muttered to himself.

He kissed her in her hair and she said good bye to both of them.

Arnav was totally worn out. He didn't know how, but he had called his advocate and asked to get the divorce papers ready.

When in the morning, Khushi and Arnav exchanged their ways. Khushi had opened her mouth only to tell him that she needed a divorce from him.

"I feel suffocated, caged!" she worded each and every word bitterly.

Arnav tore his clothes off his body and sank in the swimming pool.

He swam as he was strapping free himself from the pain, but to his dismay, it only grew. The pain that one day will grow to some extent and then he will stop breathing. By looks of the time and the situation that time seems to be coming closer.

Khushi looked at him through the balcony of the room.

He stayed in the water for long time, when she thought he was going to kill himself.

But didn't she have killed him, already!? That was no big victory. Because more had to come. When she will actually get divorce from him. When she will break his spine like a drumsticks.

Arnav came out to fill his lung with air, but only to go back in.

Then for another five minutes he hadn't come out of the water.

Khushi waited, but no concern yet hovering on her face.

She waited...Ten minutes passed...

She waited...Another ten minutes passed...

She shouted at the servant as she herself strolled out of the balcony, to the room, straight down to the first floor and finally making her way out of the house to the swimming pool porch.

"Arnav!" she shouted.
"Freaking how this man is managing himself inside the water if he is still alive," she thought. "Arnav!"

She herself jumped into the pool. Swam deep inside, there he was.

As he sprung out of the water.
"Have you gone crazy, what you merely was trying to make a point by staying under water!"

Arnav indeed was having hard time getting himself to the normal as he took sharp breaths.

"You shouldn't have come!" was his response.

It sounded whatever Arnav Singh Raizada was saying nowadays, post Khushi's outburst and truth, his words only sounded as dipped in pain.

"Don't even dare to think that if these threats of yours will make a soft corner for you!"

"I intend not to!" Arnav replied as quickly as Khushi finished with her sentence. "I am sorry for the trouble. Go and change. It's not good for you and your baby's health."

"You should least be worrying about it!" she replied. She made herself to get out of the water as she climbed up the stair, she missed the ladder and there she was back in the water, to be more precise in Arnav's arm.

She had her eyes scrunched tightly shut, as she found Arnav's grip around her waist, her eyes flew open.

"You are safe, I shall always be there for you," he said, meeting her gaze. "As long as my breath doesn't betray me!" he added to himself. Helping her out of the pool.

"Let go of me!" was her reply.

That made him smile, sadly. He only leaped back into the water. This time he let water engulf him, guide him.

She hated him. The worst reality hit him. The worst! No pity, no sympathy, no relief from the pain.

Khushi didn't bother herself to turn around. Least she will think was to be sorry if her recent endeavours didn't hurt him to every bits...

"Hello, Adi!"

"Khushi where have been!? I was so worried for you," Aditiya said, his voice filled with happiness.

"I have good news for you," Khushi said.

"What is it!?" Adi asked excitedly. "Have you told that bast**d that you don't love him!?"

"Yes, I told him," she said. "But there is another good news too!"

"I am dying to know!" Adi responded with his excitement getting no lesser.

"In another hour can we meet!?" Khushi pleaded.

"Yes, darling. Of course! I am dying to meet you!" he ended the happy note on a sad.

"I am too, Adi!"

"You aren't going anywhere!" Arnav commanded. Masking his words with no pain this time. As he came into the room, straight from the pool.

His command truly made Khushi scoff.

"May I know who the hell you were to command me on that!?" Khushi huffed.

"No one," he said, minding his business at the same time as he took his shirt to get ready.

"Get ready, you have to go with me!"

"Ahh don't even dream of that!" Khushi said as she let out a mocking laugh. Her eyebrows arched, her face turned into a dark scorn.

"Don't you want a divorce!? he asked, not looking at her.

"Even if I was dying that will be the only last thing in my mind!" Khushi said.

Arnav so quickly went to her that she didn't even know when did he stand in front of her. "Before me, nothing will happen to you!" Arnav told her as he had kept his index finger on her pink lips.

But he didn't stay longer and walked to go to the washroom.

Khushi threw her hand in the air as she was going to hit him.
She quickly cool herself off.

"Well, there is Adi, who will always take care of me!" she said.

"More than me nobody can love you or care for you!" he answered immediately back.

"Only you could manage to live in the dreamland and make fool of yourself!" she snapped.

Arnav stopped outside the washroom, as he held the metal knob, "at least you don't get hurt there!"


"even if you deserve it..." he completed her sentence. "I am only in a dreamland for one reason, because you showed me the way to it...Yes, you jerked me back to the reality too, but it will take time. You know I need time...I promise the day you will go away from my life that will be..."

"I was never in life. Mind that!" she replied crossing her arms over her chest.

"You go and eat breakfast is ready!" he didn't bother to reply to her previous statement.

"It's my and Adi's child you need not to care of it!" This she said looking deep into his eyes.

He looked at her.

Pain easily crept on his face. "Back to reality!?" she mocked.

"My and Adi's baby!" she said again as she kept her hand over her womb.

"Take care of yourself and your baby Khushi! I am sure even Aditiya will not like the fact of you being careless!" he said.

Urgh. That made Khushi feel like shouting. Nothing was more satisfying seeing Arnav's pain to Khushi, but he presented himself like it didn't effect him. Of course, it did.

Khushi was getting frustrated.
She went to him held him by his arm, her hand definitely didn't just able to grip his huge biceps, instead she used her nails, digging them deep into his muscles, "what do you think of yourself, huh!? What you want to prove, do you think by making me guilty you will get me back!?"

"Why would you be guilty!?" he asked as he searched her face. Waiting for no answer he continued, "If you haven't done a sin like me, I ask why would you be guilty!? You have been loyal to your love. You want to see me in pain..."

"No, I want you to die of pain!" she retorted and she only dug her nails in his muscles even more.

The question was did it hurt, Arnav!? Not any more! He was in such a deep shock already that his central nervous system was numb as dead and responded to no more pain.

"I swear every wish of you will be fulfilled," was his reply.

And it irritated and irritated her only.

"Damn you Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada!"

Arnav took her wrist so softly in his hand that Khushi shuddered.

The moment she herself let go of her arms her nails had done their work. On his muscles bloody marks of Khushi's nails remained and traces of blood.

"Go and wash your hands you will be infected!" he could only mutter with a sad smile and concern.

"Yes, do you agree you are a plaque, who has already plagued my life!"

"Yes!" he replied.

That was it no more energy left in her to face him anymore. She walked past him, shoving him away from her path.



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