Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal part 14


"Get up we have to go to the doctor!" Arnav said without acknowledginga Khushi. He just entered the room and said to her. Khushi just kept her eyes closed as her head rested against the headboard. Arnav stood in front of the mirror and ran his finger in his hair. And he was whistling.

"Can you just stop whistling?" she said.

He ignored her remark and kept on whistling.

"I am asking you the stop whistling, I have a headache."

He immediately stopped and looked at her angry face. He had a look of concern on her face. "Khushi, what happen?" he asked.

"I thought you only give headache to people," he said and smiled cruelly.

"Shut up, Arnav."

"Calm down, lady. Anger is not good for you and for my baby's health."

"He is not your baby you get that?" she said.

"Oh god, Khushi, calm down. Just get up and get ready, we are going to the doctor."

"I will go by myself," she said.

"You know what!? I don't believe you. A woman like you can go to any extent."

Khushi got up instantly, her head spun. Arnav took a one long step and held her by her arms. "If anything happened to this baby, I warn you, you will pay for the worst and your lover too."

"He is not your baby," she shouted. "That you care about it so much."

"As far as I know, neither the actual father of this baby consider this baby his and care for him."

"He does and you can say whatever you want to say. By saying this you are just trying to cover your sister's mistake."

That was it. Arnav gave her one hard slap. Khushi hadn't expected it. "If I want, I can right now throw you from this house away from my eyes. But I am helpless, I just can't do that."

His anger had crossed all his limits. "Once you deliver this baby, I promise, Khushi, you are facing one heck of the hell from me. First I pity you, the situation that you got yourself in. But now, I don't f*cking really care. You and your lover just rot in hell."

This was probably the worst words Arnav had ever dreamt of saying to Khushi. But he had.

"Every mistake I covered your's Khushi, every mistake. Even accepted that you slept with your lover to cheat me. But not this mistake. Before saying anything to my sister atleast, look deep in you, give yourself a reality check, what kind off woman you are. Hell with you and your lover. And by doing this you are just making my work easier. Call me whatever! No, not even me. I just hate to call you by your name. If you ever, I really mean it, ever try to talk shit about my sister, today you have gotten this slap next time I won't know what I will do." Each and every word said was full of bitterness.

"Every time you said anything or did, that just hurt my heart, but today you hit my soul and shame on you Khushi. Shame on you."

He stepped back and point at her with his hand, "Are when your parents will know about this? They will die, they will just die. I wish no parents get a daughter like you."

"Just shut up, Arnav. Just shut up," she screamed.

"Learn to keep your mouth shut," he said.

"Five minutes, driver is waiting for you go to the doctor right now. And get the baby's check up. If you dared to go to that bas***d. You don't know what will happen of him."

"You don't know his dad," she screamed.

He was shaking his head in disbelief. "Just check the news if you can, you will be surprised that our Indian government just hate to keep such people under the roof. One example right there. I have destroyed your lovers father, nothing he could do of me. Not even if he was still in the power. And that bas***d is at my mercy. And guess what he has accepted that he raped my sister."

Khushi laughed and clapped three times, "Why am I not surprised? If you give him third degree what he do to escape the torture?"

"Khushi, one thing I want to ask! Do you, I mean in real this foolish woman or you try to!?" he asked.

Khushi didn't say anything and left from there.

Arnav shut his eyes to calm himself, but it was of no help. He fist the mirror and blood oozed out of his hand and it trailed against the mirror. He never thought he will raise hand on her. This time he was angry at himself. He again and again hit his hand. The same hand with which he slapped Khushi. He thought he shouldn't have.

He was broken, but he shed no tears. He was just deprived of them. The broken pieces of glasses got into his skin, he just absorbed the pain. Expect harming himself he had no other way to let out the anger that was inside him.

He sat on the bed, and cupped his face. He didn't care about the blood. The pain. Because it was hardly anything in front of the one that he was actually experiencing.

It was definitely never he thought the situation was going to take such drastic turns. The way Khushi wasn't believing him made him believe that the baby in her womb has a short span. He hated to think so. Just like his sister, and his own, the babies fate will be similar. He prayed every second he was wrong.

From his side for the baby and yes, for Khushi too he tried to make things fine. But he failed. His mind was constantly at the war thinking of the ways he could save the kid.

Because he knows how it feels. He just knows it. When he was 6 his mother lost a 1 year old son. The bother that was just too close to him. He knows the pain. And later after two years Anjali had come in their life that had really cured their broken hearts.

He knew how it feels to lost 1 year old brother, an older sister. And then parents at the very young age. However, in every way he had learnt to fight with the loses. Every person he loved in his life, he lost.

If Khushi had known what he had gone through, she just hadn't tried to harm him. May be? But what was she doing now? She knew about his sister, but she had just no effect on her. Now, he thought. She doesn't even care about him.

"Bhai, what happened to your hand?" Anjali asked.

"Anjali, go from here."

"But bhai what happened?"

"I just go from here," he shouted. "You just go."

"Bhai, Karan had come," she said shrunk in fear.

"I am really sorry, bhai, if I hurt you."
she said in tears and was to leave when Arnav asked her to stop.

"Come here, Anjali."

She immediately went to him and sat on the floor. "Bhai, something is bothering you? Since, I have come back. I see in your eyes that you are not happy. I see hurt in your eyes. Bhai if you don't want me to marry Karan, it's alright. I will say no to him."

"Anjali, if anything happened to me, would you take care of your bhabi and her baby?"

"Bhai, what are you talking about? What has happened to you? What is wrong with you? Why are you talking about such things?" she asked crying.

"Silly, nothing has happened to me? I m just saying."

"Bhai, why did you say so? Except you and bhabi, who is mine? Why everyone do this to me?"

"First Ananaya di and then ma, babuji. And you are talking about such things!?"

"No body loves me. Just no one loves me," Anjali cried.

"And you said you do and you will never leave me, but you are talking about such things."

"Anji, I was just kidding."

"This kind off joke, bhai? I don't like you."

Arnav laughed and tried to hide the pain. "I am sorry, I was saying now my sister will get married and I will be left alone."

"Bhai, why are you thinking so? You will be alone? Bhabi is there the little baby will be in our lives. Just exact copy of you. And who said I am leaving you. I will ask Karan to stay with me here. Bhai, just like us he has no parents. And just like you he has one older sister, she is married and she is happy in her family."

"I told you, I will never leave you. I love you."

"But please, don't ever mention anything as you did before. Bhai, if anything happened to you, I will die."

"Shut up, Anjali, just never say these words ever again," he scolded her.

"Then, why did you mention the same thing to me?"

He held his ear and said," Sorry, I will never say that."

Anjali hugged him and cried loudly.

"I am sorry," he said. "But do know that this brother of you will always be there with you."

"Bhai, you are my father, you are my mother and a sister and a brother. You are my family. I love you, bhai."

Arnav moved her back and wiped her tears with his hand.

"Let's go and see who is this hunk whom my sister love more than her brother."

"Not at all," Anjali said. "I don't love him more than I love you bhai."

"You go and wash your face and I do the same then we will meet Karan," he said.

"Bhai, you didn't tell how you got that wound?"

"Oh that, your bhabi bit me," he said.

Anjali cracked up. "Bhai, you are so damn funny. That's why you the best brother in the whole world."

"Just don't think, that this buttering will get you a ticket to get Karan."

Anjali bit her tongue. "Really!?" she asked jokingly.

"Yes, Anjali Singh Raizada," he said and they both giggled.

He just had forgotten that he has a person in his life that really loved him unconditionally. That was his angel, Anjali. And he was just trying to fool around with himself and was running after a love that could have never been his.

In all this mess, he was actually ignoring his little sister and her happiness. He washed his tears with water and promised himself he will live for the ones who actually love him and not whom he loves. Enough he hurt himself and not anymore he will.

"Bhai, please don't be strict with him. Please, he really loves me. And I do too."

"You see I will make him pee in his pants," Arnav joked.

Anjali had her arm in Arnav's. They both walked down the stairs. She flattened her hand on Arnav's black Armani suit.

"Bhai, please! He is really innocent. You know if I get hurt just if it is a little scratch just like you he create havoc around him."

Karan immediately got up the sofa when he saw Arnav. Arnav's eyes were wide opened. He just couldn't believe his eyes.

"Anjali, just go in your room!" he said.

"But, bhai, what happened?"

"Are you going to marry this man? Do you even know what kind of man he is?" he asked.

"Bhai, what happened? Do you know him?"

"Know him? He is a bas***d!" he yelled.

And in quick strides went to Karan and held him by his corner.

"What are you f*cking doing with my sister?" he yelled.

Karan smirked, "Why, Arnav Singh Raizada? Can't you believe your sister loves me?"

"How did you get...?"

"Calm down Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada do you really want your beautiful sister to know everything."

"You bas***d, I do want her know that you are..."

"Bhai, what's going on? Can you tell me? Do you guys no each other?"

"I know him very well!" he said. "I will just kill him right here."

"Oh god, bhai first tell me, what's wrong?"

Both Karan and Arnav laughed and hugged each other.

"Saleh chor, you stole my sister's heart!?" Arnav said.

"Well brother-in-law I did," Karan said.

Anjali had no idea what was going on. "Can you tell me what is going on here?"

"Anji, before you ask me, I accept this relationship."

"What?" she asked.

"I just feel that half of the load has been lifted!" Arnav said.

Both Karan and Arnav were so busy that Anjali was so confused and she didn't know what was going on.

Arnav embraced Anjali in a side hug. "Anjali, you don't know him. He was my school friend. We were like best friends. We did our 10th Std together in. Seriously, if I knew you have chosen this man I wouldn't even need to consult and straight I would have agreed you to get married."

"Seriously, Anjali never told me that she is your sister, Arnav."
"Wait! didn't you tell your last name is Malik?"

"Yes, it is my friend. It's actually both. Malik was my dad's last name. And, Raizada, was my mother's. In the school documents I have last name, Malik. And my companies name is after Raizada."

"Oh, that's why."

"But may I know why you reacted as you were enemies."

"Because I was so mad at him it has been years we were hardly been in touch. And that's how we used to meet at the school days," Karan said.

"Life has totally changed, Karan," Arnav said.

"You are right, Arnav."

"Oh my god, please sit," Arnav said.

"Bhai, and Karan I get a coffee for your guys. You guys sit."

"Anjali send the coffee on the terrace," Arnav said.

"As you say, bhai," Anjali said.

"But, by the way, a big man you have become, Mr. Raizada."

"It's of no use when your fate is nothing but a dust," Arnav thought.

"Yes, I have," he later said.

"But, Arnav, look at you, you have become a man. At school, you used to a fatty."

Arnav opened the door of the terrace. "Back then there were no worries, Karan," he said sadly.

"No worries of the future, not even of the present at that time. There was a shadow of parents to guard us. Now, lessons are learnt in a hard way."

"That's true, my friend," Karan said. "After ma, babu ji, left, my sister was the one who looked after me."

"And Anjali did tell about your guys. And it was you who looked after your family. You know what, Arnav, I always knew doesn't matter how much trouble maker you were, or naughty, and aggressive of course (he laughed), somehow I knew you will be the one with the big heart. Remember one day in 6th std student beat me and after that what you condition you made of his was just to make feel my pain that bully had given."

"I was suspended from school and it was dad who appealed them to take me back, remember!?" Arnav said.

"I know," he laughed. "But that's how we became best friends at the school."

"That's true."

"And by the way, Anjali did tell that you are married. Where is your wife? And today only, she told me that soon you will become a father of a child."

Arnav smiled sadly.

"Congratulations man!"

"Thank you!" Arnav said as cheerful has he could.

"But where is bhabi? Aren't you going to introduce her to me?"

"Sure. She has gone to the hospital for her regular checkup. She will be back anytime soon."

"Okay, I am really sorry. I got late. I started looking at the sonography report of Khushi bhabi!" Anjali said.

"What bhabi is here? I so want to meet her," Karan said.

"Sure, come I show you, how beautiful my bhabi is," Anjali said.

Anjali took Karan. "Bhai, you come fast."

"Coming," he muttered. But he didn't go. Instead, he sat in the chair and stared at the sky. It was almost evening. Little cloudy, but the sun's red rays had make it look beautiful.

Thoughts were at the war in his mind. He would go insane. Just when he thought he will forget everything and will learn to live for the people whom loves him, the thought of Khushi make him just throw him back and acquainted him with pain.

The pain was just eating his insides and there was nothing he could really do. When his own mind and heart was against him.

And there was just no end to it. In his case, there was no light at the end of the tunnel...In fact, his whole life was trapped in a tunnel full of darkness. Where he couldn't even hope that the train come and smash all his worries or even. It was just an old tunnel. Where even no misquote perished. Just him alone. A living dead...

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