Friday 30 May 2014

On his demand CH 45


"NK listen to us carefully. And you, Dhruv, too. We four that is me,
Payal, Arnav bhai and Khushi, has decided we will go to out farmhouse a day before everyone else."

"That's awesome!" NK shouted in excitement.

Dhruv give him a slap lightly on his arm.

"We are here in this dark room with this candle in the middle and the only thing we want is that nobody else know this and here you are shouting," Dhruv murmured.

Arnav was shaking his head. "I just know this idiot will ruin everything," Akaash complained.

"I am sorry," NK said and bit his tongue.

"Akaash, leave it. Don't worry nobody knows we are here in this room. Everybody is in the lounge area."

"Yes, bhai, mom and Nani is with their friends doing kitty party. They won't know it," NK said and tried to whisper.

"You are just crazy," Dhruv taunted.

"If your argument is over, shall we just proceed?" Arnav said.

"Arnav ji, you tell me are you trying to whisper here?" Khushi asked.

NK giggled.

Arnav gave him the angry look and NK lowered his eyelids and avoid looking at Arnav.

"Arnav ji, leave it," Khushi said to calm Arnav.

"Okay, NK, no interruptions. What I was saying that we four had decided..."

"Who four again?" NK asked.

Akaash gritted his teeth. "NK; me, Payal, Arnav bhai, and Khushi."

"But that makes five. But I never made plans. And I was never in your plan?"

"Payal, ask him to shut up otherwise, I will kick him."

Khushi and Payal were giggling. "Okay, you meant; you four."

"Yes. We four," Akaash repeated.

"And, NK, I swear if you tried to interrupt me this time you will be kicked out."

"I won't. I promise I won't."

"Bhaiya let me try," Khushi said.

"Please, Khushi," Akaash said.

"Nanhe, Dhruv; we are deciding that we will go to our farmhouse. One day before. So that we get time to prepare for the surprise party for nani and mami ji on the mother's day. You got it."

"That will be so great," NK said and almost shouted but he immediately lowered his voice.

"That will be so fun," he whispered slowly.

"Thank you, Khushi," Akaash said when Khushi finished explaining to NK and Dhruv.

"And you, NK, if you tried to spill the beans, be prepared for the consequences."

"I promise I won't," NK said. "Alright one by one you guys can leave. Just the way we had come without any noise," Akaash said.

First NK went then right after him Dhruv, followed by Akaash and Payal. Khushi was about to leave when Arnav held her by her hand and made her sit in his lap.

"And where are you going, my lady?"

"Arnav ji, we have to go. You know how much I am scared to darkness."

"Also, when I am with you?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Arnav ji, what everyone will think? They must be waiting for us outside."

"Who cares!? We are husband, wife."

"Arnav ji, this doesn't look good. They know we are inside."

Her sound came to an abrupt stop when Arnav made her quite by placing his lips on hers.

"Do you still care, Khushi?" he asked as he paused in between.

"Arnav ji, please."

In dark, her blushing wasn't obvious thing to see, but he could pretty much make a guess her cheeks were crimson red.

He again kissed her. This time deeply. So that when again she was asked if it mattered to her, she answers no.

His hand fisted her hair. She moaned loudly. And his other hand had snaked her waist and he caressed her bare skin.

Khushi couldn't help and had her hand in his hair. She got frustrated as his hair were too short to clench. Instead she held him by his nape.

And kissed him back. His kiss made butterflies go wild in her stomach. She just didn't want to stop. Not even for breath of her. And neither did Arnav stop. He wanted his wife to feel special. And know that her husband was only hers.

When Khushi was completely out of breath Arnav broke the kiss.

"Now tell me does it matter?" his voice was measurably husky.

Unable to say in words, Khushi shook her head.

"Let's go everyone must be waiting for us for lunch," he said.

She nodded shyly. Even in dark she was finding hard to look at Arnav.

Arnav made her stand but only she tripped and was back in his lap. Her eyes widened in fear. When Arnav let out a cry.


"Arnav ji, you alright!?" she asked and cupped his face.

"Khushi, how heavy you are? You broke my legs."

Khushi bit her lips in fear.

"Arnav ji, I am really sorry," she had tears in her eyes.

"I tripped. I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I am very very sorry."

"Calm down, sweetheart. I was kidding. Do you even know you are as light as an air. I was just kidding."

"Arnav ji, it was a very bad joke," he said as she stood angrily. "I am not talking to you."

She crossed her arms against her chest.

Arnav stood behind her. "I am sorry," he murmured. His hot breath sent chills up her spine.

"I am just not going to talk to you," she said as angrily as she could. "And your romantic ways would not work."

"Who is here romancing?" he said as he leaned and bit her earlobe. Her arms fell on either side of her. He chewed her earlobe.

"Have you forgiven me?" he asked.

Khushi's breathing was deep and harsh.

He trailed the tip of his tongue down her neck and kissed it.

"Now?" he asked.

"No," her voice was low and she has already started giving in to his torture.

He moved her long hair to one side of the shoulder and kissed the shoulder. And once in between bit it.

She exhaled air harshly. Her eyes deeply shut.

"Now?" his hand snaked her bare stomach moving the pallu away. Her muscles clenched.

"Yes!" She said and gave in.

Arnav smiled triumphal. "And who was saying my romantic ways wouldn't work?" he said smelling the sweet smell of her hair.

Khushi's leg gave in, she quickly turned and hugged him for the support.
Arnav smiled and hugged her back. "Arnav ji, I love you."

"I love you too more than anything, Khushi," he said.

"Arnav ji; me, Payal bhabi, Akaash bhai has decided to go to the shopping mall, we forgot to let you know this before," she said against his chest. "Do you want to go?"

Arnav moved her back. "Shopping for what?"

"For the surprise party!"

"Sure, we can."

"Thank-you Arnav...ji," she said.

"Khushi, call me Arnav."
She immediately stepped back.

"No, no way, Arnav ji," she said. "How it will sound in front of everyone? No, and it will be so hard for me to call you by just your first name."

"Come on, Khushi, do you think our family will object on that?"

"No, Arnav ji. They will not. It will just not come deep from my heart. And by the way, don't you just don't like when I call you, Arnav ji."

"No, in fact, I love it. I thought it will sound good. But it's alright call me in whatever you are comfortable with. However, you can call me Arnav. Just opening one possibility for you."

"Thank-you, Arnav ji."

"Let's go before mami ji or nani get suspicious of our whereabouts we should leave from here."

"Thank God, I thought you was suppose to spend whole day here."

"Well, that's just not a bad idea, you see."

"Arnav ji, let's go."

Arnav laughed and Khushi held him by his hand and took him outside the door.

When they closed the door back as they were outside Payal, Akaash, Dhruv and NK stood outside. Arnav and Khushi both got scared. Khushi was literally shocked to see them there. "Oh thank god, you are here," Payal said. "We really thought you guys will whole day inside in that room."
"What the heck you guys are doing here? We thought you were gone."

"What the!? You guys were here whole time."

"No, we just got here. When you guys didn't come behind us. We thought you guys were in trouble. You know we were genuinely concerned about you," Payal said.

"But don't worry we really didn't hear anything. Or see anything."

Khushi's face was flushed. She thought she was going to faint as she felt a crook smile on everyone's face and their eyes on her.

"There is nothing like that. We were just talking what special we need to do for Nani and mami ji."

"What?" Akaash said.

"That was what were you talking about?" he asked.

"Yes!" Arnav said. "I think you all need a psychiatrist," he said and left from there.

"Khushi, really you guys were talking about special plans for the party?" payal asked.

"Ye...yes...bhabi," she said and immediately rushed after Arnav.

They all giggled.

Khushi closed the door of her room, sat on the bed and started crying. Arnav who stood, his face facing the window and his gaze at the sky. He looked at Khushi and got scared.

"Khushi, what happened?" he asked.

"Arnav ji, they heard us. And probably saw us what we were doing in the room."

Arnav shook his head and he relaxed. "Khushi, listen," he said, and wiped her tears.

"That door was closed, the room was dark and the candle we had already blown. And we were whispering," he told her. "We were unable to see both of our faces and you say they were able to see us. There was no possibility that they were telling the truth. They are crazy and you didn't see the mock in their voices they were kidding, jaan."

"And let them think whatever they want. We are husband wife. Alright!?"

He wiped the rest of her tears and give her the hug.

"Now go and get ready we are going for the shopping."

She smiled on his demand and went to the washroom to change.

Arnav smiled at her innocence.

At the shopping mall.

"Khushi bhabi, I have decided I will marry a girl that you will choose for me."

"What about, Sophie?" she asked.

"She ran with her boyfriend. I found out she was just making her boyfriend jealous," he said.

Khushi knew she shouldn't be laughing, but she did. She just couldn't and along with her Payal and Dhruv laughed too. Akaash and Arnav were shaking their heads.

"Bhabi, I thought you will take it seriously but here you are the one who started laughing first."

"Nanhe, I am really sorry to hear that," she said, but again burst into laugh. Her head fell on Arnav laughing. Arnav laughed back seeing her laughing whole heartily. He wrapped his arm around her waist.

She controlled her laugh anyhow and said, "Nanhe, girls never take you seriously because you let them," this time seriously.

"I agree," Payal said. "That's what I was telling him the other day," she said. "You are just too innocent, Nanhe. That make girls take your advantage."

"Hello ladies, stop calling him innocent," Dhruv cut them off. "He actually doesn't take girls seriously. He treat them like friends. And if they come forward to kiss him on cheeks, he just ask them after marriage."

Payal and Khushi again giggled. "Nanhe, you are so sweet," Khushi said. "But I promise there is a girl out there just waiting for you. And yes, I will help you find her."

"Thank you, bhabi."

"Dhruv, let's go to the apple store. Let's see what's new!" NK said.

"Sure," Dhruv said. "Bhai, text us about your location when we are done here, we will meet you guys there."

Arnav gestured two of his bodyguards to go with NK and Dhruv. And the other four followed the four.

"Sure," Akaash and Arnav said.

"Guys, where you guys want to go first," Arnav asked.

"How about to the jewellery shop?" Akaash said.

"Sure," Payal said.

"I was actually thinking of getting a gold chain or a diamond necklace for ma, and Nani," Akaash said.

"I think they will love it," Payal said.

"Beside that we will get sari for them of their liking," Khushi added.

"What say Arnav ji?"


At the jewellery shop they shopped for jewellery. But none of them got what they had decided.

They all saw a lord Ganesha idol made of gold for nani. And for mami they got a mangalsutra from mama ji's side and a gold chain from their side. Knowing that she will will love it.

Later they went to the clothing shop.

On their way Arnav asked them to go ahead with their shopping and he went to get his wallet that he had left at the jewelry shop.

"Khushi, how about this?" Payal asked.

"Bhabi, I think this color will be little dark. How about that sari in light orange?"

"I think you are right even I thought it will be little too bright."

Akaash waited for Arnav. He texted him and he got a reply that he is on his way.

"Akaash, how is this sari?"

"Great!" he answered.

"Do you think we should get this for Nani?"

"It's beautiful and she loves yellow color. And come on ladies you know what her taste is so go for it."

Payal giggled to see his annoyed face. She tried to annoy him more and asked Khushi to join her by flicking of her eyes.

"Akaash, how about this?" she showed him hot pink sari.

"Oh come on, do you think Nani will wear this sari? What has happened to your taste?"

"Akaash, I thought she will like it. This color she doesn't have. Okay, I choose something else." She wiggled her lips to keep herself from laughing.

Khushi looked to her left to laugh.
Payal chose another colored sari. This time it was bright yellow. That really pricked people eyes."

"I really wonder who wear this bright color. Choose another."

Khushi picked a sari one after the other and that is also brighter then before and told Payal to show to Akaash."

"You ladies are crazy!"

As he left Payal and Khushi laughed.

"What's the use of them owning this fashion companies when they can't choose a good dresses for their mom and nani," payal added.
"Bhabi, I think we really annoyed him," Khushi said.

"I think I will handle him in my own way," Payal winked at her.

They both chose a sari one for Nani and another for mami ji. And they paid for it. Khushi was worried, Arnav hadn't yet come back.

"Bhaiya, did Arnav ji said where he is?"

"I don't know, Khushi, I texted him and he said he was on his way. I have also sent our bodyguards."

Akaash tried to contact Arnav before he could get his response. They heard there was a huge fire at the food court side due to the bursting of the gas pipe.

Their heartbeat went wild. "Akaash, Arnav was at that side only, right?"

"Devi Maiyan!" Khushi said as she ran her hand in her hair.

Before Payal and Akaash could really come out of the shock, Khushi ran to the side of the food court.

"Khushi, where are you going?" Akaash said. He ran after her.

Khushi ran as fast as she could. Prayed that Arnav was fine. Tears were gushing down her eyes, her heartbeat was hardly coping with her. In fact, her heart was in her throat.

"Arnav ji," she shouted. She saw just minutes ago the place that was perfectly fine was burning and turning into ashes right in front of her eyes.

"Arnav ji," she shouted. Fire fighters
were trying harder to put down the fire.

People were running as they shouted in fear.

Khushi got inside the food court.

One of the lady shouted, "stop," to stop Khushi. But Khushi was only looking for Arnav.

Akaash was after her.

Arnav came from behind him and stopped Akaash.

"Akaash, where is Khushi, Payal? Where are you going?"

"Bhai, you fine."

"Bhai, Payal is fine. But Khushi, she went to look for you."

"What the?"

"Bhai she has gone towards the food court."

Arnav was shocked. He didn't hear anything else and ran towards the food court and Akaash followed him.

They didn't have to go further when they saw Khushi.

"Khushi," Arnav shouted.

Khushi felt relief seep in her bones as she saw Arnav.

"Arnav ji," she shouted back. And before she could really get herself out of the mess, she found herself caught in the fire from all the side.

But there was one way, "Khushi, relax, I can get you out of there," he said.

But she left Arnav in a confused state as she didn't even hear him and ran more where the fire was.

"Khushi," he screamed when she fell and fire and caught her pallu. Khushi took off her sandles and quenched the fire.
Khushi heard the cries getting louder and louder.

Akaash call the fire fighters here.

"Yes, bhai," Akaash said.

Payal called Dhruv and NK to find where they were. They told that were asked to evacuate.

"Bhabi where is everyone else?" Dhruv asked.

"I don't know Dhruv..." She explained him everything.

AT the food court.

"Khushi, where are you going?"

Khushi couldn't hear him.

Arnav was trying to find a way as the fire was wild.

Khushi was going where she was hearing cries.

Due to the shouting of the people, she couldn't tell whom it was of. Until, she saw stroller and a baby in it. She found a way to get to the baby. The smoke was making it harder for her to see through and she was coughing harder.

Arnav finally got a blanket and he was able to get into the fire and he was close to her. But Khushi only went away from him.

"Khushi, where are you going?"

"Arnav ji, a toddler," she screamed.

"Khushi, you wait, I reach him/her."

She couldn't stop the stroller was close to set to the fire. At that point she didn't care. She walked through the fire and picked the baby. It was a baby boy and he was crying.

Khushi brought the baby closed to her chest and took a blanket that Arnav threw on her side, and wrapped the baby. Arnav jumped above the fire and reached Khushi.

"Arnav ji, this baby!"

"Khushi, we have to get from here."

Smoke was getting in her lungs and her eyes were teary. She didn't care about anything else but the baby. And Arnav cared for both of them. Arnav picked Khushi, and Khushi had the baby close to her chest. Arnav had wrapped his coat plus the blanket around khushi and the baby.

Arnav shoved the things in his way and got his lady and the baby with unknown identity out of the fire. The medias had been there. Raizada's bodyguards had come at the said place, and shoved the reporters from there. Payal took baby from khushi's hand. Arnav took Khushi to outside of the mall from the nearest exit so that she could get the fresh air. "Arnav ji, baby!" she said.

"Khushi, baby is fine," he said. Later she collapsed due to the lack of the oxygen getting to her brain.

At the Raizada Mansion...

"Arnav, we have sent the baby's picture to the news center and they have it on every news channel," Karan said.

"Thank you, Karan."

"And Arnav there was quite a destruction at the mall. And few of people are in the serious condition. And few of them couldn't able to rescue themselves. I am afraid if any of them are the baby's parents."

"I hope they are fine and when they see the picture of the baby, they come and grab him. Otherwise, they must be very worried," Akaash said.

"Karan, did you ask the people around if they saw anyone with the baby."

"Yes, we have and until now nothing is sure. By the way, don't worry, we are looking for them. Until, then he will stay at orphanage."

Not at once, Arnav liked the idea he told Karan that he will stay at the RM and he will be taken good care of him.

"Arnav, that will be great. I think there will be no one else who can take better care of this kid."

Arnav didn't why he had just said the baby will stay at the RM. May be as a father he was thinking. He had tears in his eyes, as he looked at the baby inside the room on the bed, sleeping. Doctor has said baby was perfectly fine and his Khushi was fine too. Even though he had promised he would not talk or think anything from the past, but seeing the baby, he couldn't help thinking. Arnav went inside the room and sat on the bed beside the baby making no sound.

His wounds were still fresh. There was a smile on the baby's smile as he was in deep sleep and that made Arnav smiled. If everything would have been fine, his baby would have been in his and his khushi's life in just more 6 months. Baby fidgted and Arnav got scared. Inexperienced he was, despite being the uncle of two kids he was so scared to hold or even touch a little life in his hands. He have Adi and Gavy unconditional love, but he was always so scared to touch them.

However, he patted the baby lightly on his chest, his hands hardly touched the baby and the baby was in ease. He smiled brightly looking at him.

"Chote," mami ji said, but Arnav sushed her so that the baby doesn't get scared. Mami felt the pain as sharp as the cut of the knife when she saw Arnav. "Chote, Khushi is up and she is asking for you!" she whispered.

"Mami ji, can you look after him?" he said.

"Don't worry," she hardly looked at Arnav. As he left the room without any making sound, she wailed. However, she put her sorrows away and went to look after the baby.

In the AK room!

"Khushi," Arnav rushed towards her.

"How are you, feeling?" he asked softly as he sat beside her.

"I am good, Arnav ji. Baby? How is he? Where is he?"

"He is perfectly fine, in fact; he is here."

"Here?" she asked.

"I thought, until, we find who his parents are, we can look after him."

Khushi was speechless. "Arnav ji, where had you gone? I was so terrified."

"Khushi, I was asked to leave from there from the nearest exit. I lost my phone. So, I couldn't reply you after the last message I sent to Akaash."

"I am sorry, Arnav ji," she said.

"Sorry, for what, Khushi? Do you even know what you have done? You know how proud I am of you," his said. "Whole family is so proud of you. Even the city."

Khushi was expecting an angry words, but he had said otherwise.

"You know everyone is talking about, my lady. That how strong you are. Today, you have saved a baby's life whom no one really saw. Yes, I would have been mad if you had put yourself in trouble for me but in that process you saved that little life. I think it was meant to happen."

Khushi was looking just in his eyes and was lost in his words.

May be Arnav was saying those words because he knew how it felt to loose his own part.


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